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利用遥感指数时间序列轨迹监测森林扰动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为陆地生态系统的主体,森林的碳循环与碳蓄积对研究陆地生态系统起着重要作用,但目前森林扰动资料的缺乏在很大程度上影响着森林碳通量的估算精度。利用1986年-2011年共14期的Landsat TM/ ETM+影像,以江西武宁县为例,使用遥感指数时间序列轨迹分析方法,研究了适用于中国南方森林的扰动监测技术,该技术不仅可以识别森林的扰动变化,同时还可以监测植被的恢复信息。精度分析表明该方法得出的扰动产品的Kappa系数达到0.80,总体精度达到89.7%,表明该方法对武宁县森林扰动具有较好的监测能力。森林扰动特征分析表明武宁县森林在20世纪90年代受扰动最为剧烈,并且扰动主要发生在低海拔地区。  相似文献   

对IERS提供的极移数据进行了余弦趋势模型及ARMA模型拟合和预测。对实验结果进行分析,发现余弦趋势模型适合对极移成分进行分析;同时,ARMA模型适合对极移时间序列进行拟合及预测,其拟合精度相对于余弦趋势模型有较大提高,预测精度接近国际最好水平。  相似文献   

基于Landsat长时间序列数据估算树高和生物量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Landsat长时间序列数据为研究对象,旨在以光谱序列信息反演森林参数为视角,应用Landtrendr算法从时间序列数据中提取森林扰动变量,使用随机森林计算方法建立扰动变量、反射率和GLAS激光点森林参数之间的关系模型,获取树高和生物量的空间分布信息。为多源遥感数据反演森林参数提供参考,研究证明基于Landsat长时间序列数据获得的森林扰动变量能够增强反射率和森林参数之间的相关性,可提高预测精度。  相似文献   

随着遥感数据的不断积累,植被遥感产品逐渐形成了完善的时间序列数据,这些数据对阐明生态系统动态变化及分析有关的驱动因素具有重要价值.然而,云遮挡、仪器误差等因素严重制约着植被遥感产品的观测质量,往往造成连续观测数据的缺失.对存在数据缺失的序列进行时空重建是准确提取序列变化特征的重要前提,时空重建就是充分利用遥感数据的时空...  相似文献   

冯胜涛  刘雪龙  王友 《测绘科学》2015,(10):157-160
针对GNSS位置时间序列包含的线性趋势及其变化可能干扰后续分析并掩盖动力学因素信息的问题,该文使用最小二乘方法分析时间序列的线性趋势并减弱时间序列中阶跃的影响。分析了最小二乘方法用于GNSS位置时间序列分析的可行性及利用该方法分别获取趋势变化点前后的线性趋势,据此估计时间序列趋势变化的大小进而可以对时间序列进行修复。该方法用于GNSS位置时间序列的初步分析,可以方便有效地去除线性趋势变化对后续时间序列分析的影响,同时拟合结果本身也能反应出时间序列的变化特征。  相似文献   

遥感时间序列数据滤波重建算法发展综述   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
李儒  张霞  刘波  张兵 《遥感学报》2009,13(2):335-341
遥感时间序列数据(MODIS,NOAA/AVHRR,SPOT/VEGETATION等)在植被生长监测、物候信息提取、土地利用类型监测等诸多领域得到了广泛应用,是生产研究的重要数据源之一.由于传感器、云层大气等影响,遥感时间序列数据存在着严重的噪声,应用前必须进行序列滤波重建工作.综述现有各类滤波重建方法,对研究中广为采用的3类主要方法(基于最小二乘的非对称高斯函数拟合、SavitZky-Golay滤波、基于离散傅里叶的系列分析方法)集中阐述其理论基础、应用步骤和优缺点.总结当前遥感时间序列滤波重建方法需要进一步改进之处.  相似文献   

时间序列遥感影像常用于地表覆盖监测及其变化监测。然而,利用时序遥感数据—尤其是中分辨率遥感数据监测地表覆盖变化,其方法基本是先对多期影像分别进行监督分类然后对比分类结果。由于这种方法需要对每期遥感影像单独选择分类训练样本,而对于历史影像,常常难以获得可靠的样本数据。本文基于遥感数据定量化处理,尝试利用光谱特征扩展方法对时间序列Landsat数据进行分类:首先,结合一种新的大气校正方法和相对辐射归一化方法,对时间序列Landsat数据进行定量化处理,以消除各期影像之间的辐射差异,获得地表反射率数据。然后,论文选择一期易于获得分类训练样本的反射率数据作为"参考影像",并结合样本数据提取不同地表覆盖类型的光谱特征。最后,将"参考影像"中提取的地物光谱特征,扩展到所有时间序列反射率数据进行分类。论文利用青藏高原玛多地区的5景Landsat数据对本文的方法进行了验证,结果显示:基于光谱特征扩展的分类方法,可有效对定量化处理后的Landsat数据进行分类,分类总体精度为88.35%—94.25%,分类结果和传统的单景监督分类结果具有较好的一致性。此外,研究也发现,"参考影像"和待分类图像获取时间的季相差异会影响其分类的精度。  相似文献   

长时间序列多源遥感数据的森林干扰监测算法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沈文娟  李明诗  黄成全 《遥感学报》2018,22(6):1005-1022
时空意义明确的森林干扰和恢复信息是评价森林生态系统碳动态的关键因素之一。然而由于诸多的现实困难,多尺度的森林干扰定量化时空信息相对缺乏。Landsat数据具备光谱、时间和空间分辨率上的优势,以及可以免费获取的特点,使其成为主要的长时间序列动态监测的遥感数据源之一,为长时间周期内提供具有合适的空间细节和时间频率的森林干扰信息成为可能。特别是基于Landsat时间序列堆栈(LTSS)的森林干扰自动分析算法的出现,更为森林生态系统的近实时监测提供强有力的工具。本文全面评述了长时间序列遥感数据准备和预处理技术以及国内外基于遥感数据源的多时相森林干扰监测方法,重点分析了基于Landsat的多种指数监测和自动化方法的优缺点,并总结了其与多源数据结合的扩展应用,最后就现有方法与国内外新的数据、技术手段的关联进行了展望,以期为推广中国本土卫星影像应用于森林干扰监测提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

从光谱到时谱——遥感时间序列变化检测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地物的光谱信息是遥感数据的重要特征,对遥感光谱信息的利用经历了从黑白全色影像到多光谱、高光谱再到时间序列的发展历程.近年来,随着卫星遥感技术的发展和历史数据的积累,大量的重复观测数据被获取.长时序的遥感数据包含光谱维、时间维和空间维4个维度的信息,这在一定程度上能够避免同谱异物、同物异谱的现象.目前还没有统一的概念对长...  相似文献   

针对利用实时浮动车数据估计路段行程时间时存在的数据稀疏性问题,提出了构建三层神经网络模型,以目标路段与邻接路段间的特征关系为输入、目标路段与邻接路段行程时间比值为输出,利用浮动车历史大数据获取路段之间的交通时空关联关系,继而用于路段行程时间的推断。采用武汉市2014年3~7月的浮动车GPS历史数据进行验证,得到的路段行程时间估计值的平均绝对百分比误差小于25%,证明了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

融合多源时序遥感数据大尺度不透水面覆盖率估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不透水面信息是监测城市扩张及区域生态环境变化研究的重要指标,基于遥感技术对地表不透水面信息进行快速提取具有重要意义。传统大范围不透水面覆盖率估算模型主要基于单一遥感信息与不透水面比例之间的相关性,通过单因子回归模型实现不透水面覆盖率的估算。受限于单一遥感信息的信息量及普适性等影响,这类方法在大尺度不透水面提取中具有较大局限性,估算结果的区域适应性存在较大差异。针对该问题,本文提出基于多特征遥感信息进行不透水面估算的方法,以弥补单一特征在大范围不透水面提取中的不确定性。该方法首先以多时相MOD13Q1、MOD09A1产品、夜间灯光数据(NPP-VIIRS)和Landsat 8 OLI为遥感数据源,从不同角度构建突出不透水面信息的多个指数特征;在此基础上利用多元回归模型建立多因子不透水面覆盖率估算模型,进而实现大尺度不透水面覆盖率的遥感估算。本研究选择分布于全国范围内13个典型城市作为主要研究区对提出的模型进行了验证,结果表明:该方法能够适应不同区域不透水面覆盖率的估算,在复杂城市区域表现出较传统方法更好的效果,明显改善了城市内部不透水面覆盖率的估算精度。  相似文献   

Land cover classification of finer resolution remote sensing data is always difficult to acquire high-frequency time series data which contains temporal features for improving classification accuracy. This paper proposed a method of land cover classification with finer resolution remote sensing data integrating temporal features extracted from time series coarser resolution data. The coarser resolution vegetation index data is first fused with finer resolution data to obtain time series finer resolution data. Temporal features are extracted from the fused data and added to improve classification accuracy. The result indicates that temporal features extracted from coarser resolution data have significant effect on improving classification accuracy of finer resolution data, especially for vegetation types. The overall classification accuracy is significantly improved approximately 4% from 90.4% to 94.6% and 89.0% to 93.7% for using Landsat 8 and Landsat 5 data, respectively. The user and producer accuracies for all land cover types have been improved.  相似文献   

Landsat长时间序列数据格式统一与反射率转换方法实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种长时间序列遥感影像预处理程序,即陆地卫星生态系统干扰自适应处理系统(landsat ecosystem disturbance adaptive processing system,LEDAPS)。该程序通过使用MODTRAN太阳能输出模型,校正太阳方位、日地距离、TM或ETM+带通以及太阳辐照度,将定标影像转换为表观(top-of-atmosphere,TOA)反射率影像,并将通过浓密植被(dark dense vegetation,DDV)算法插值生成的气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical thickness,AOT)以及通过相关资料获得的臭氧(O3)浓度、大气压及水汽值等用于6S辐射传输模型,生成地表反射率产品。以LEDAPS可处理的标准数据Landsat7 ETM+和统一格式后的非标准数据Landsat5 TM影像为例,介绍了长时间(1987—2011年)序列数据的选择、格式统一以及算法的实现过程,同时给出了校正后影像效果评价的方法。结果表明,标准数据和非标准数据经过LEDAPS处理后生成的地表反射率产品能有效降低大气中O3、水汽及气溶胶等对影像真实反射率的影响,为土地覆盖变化和干扰因素等的长时间序列监测和生物物理参数的遥感反演提供科学产品,有助于在国内形成处理长时间序列影像数据的准则。  相似文献   

为了高效组织管理日益增加的智能感知和关联关系数据,满足多层次任务对多模态场景数据多维特征计算和关联挖掘的需求,针对现有树结构外存索引方法存在的磁盘I/O密集、处理效率低、对关联关系支持弱的瓶颈问题,提出了一种时空关系稀疏图索引方法。设计了一种基于内存图模型的时空索引结构,将多模态场景数据抽象为图的节点和边,支持时间、空间以及关联关系的高效组织,并基于稀疏矩阵进行时空关系图索引的内存表达和存储;以多维树索引为例进行了索引构建以及多模式查询试验。试验结果表明,本文方法在索引生成、时空查询和复杂时空关系查询效率等方面均优于对比方法,支持动态关联的多模态场景数据实时高性能处理和低延迟访问。  相似文献   

In perennial and natural vegetation systems, monitoring changes in vegetation over time is of fundamental interest for identifying and quantifying impacts of management and natural processes. Subtle changes in vegetation cover can be identified by calculating the trends of a vegetation density index over time. In this paper, we apply such an index-trends approach, which has been developed and applied to time series Landsat imagery in rangeland and woodland environments, to continental-scale monitoring of disturbances within forested regions of Australia. This paper describes the operational methods used for the generation of National Forest Trend (NFT) information, which is a time-series summary providing visual indication of within-forest vegetation changes (disturbance and recovery) over time at 25 m resolution. This result is based on a national archive of calibrated Landsat TM/ETM+ data from 1989 to 2006 produced for Australia's National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS). The NCAS was designed in 1999 initially to provide consistent fine-scale classifications for monitoring forest cover extent and changes (i.e. land use change) over the Australian continent using time series Landsat imagery. NFT information identifies more subtle changes within forested areas and provides a capacity to identify processes affecting forests which are of primary interest to ecologists and land managers. The NFT product relies on the identification of an appropriate Landsat-based vegetation cover index (defined as a linear combination of spectral image bands) that is sensitive to changes in forest density. The time series of index values at a location, derived from calibrated imagery, represents a consistent surrogate to track density changes. To produce the trends summary information, statistical summaries of the index response over time (such as slope and quadratic curvature) are calculated. These calculated index responses of woody vegetation cover are then displayed as maps where the different colours indicate the approximate timing, direction (decline or increase), magnitude and spatial extent of the changes in vegetation cover. These trend images provide a self-contained and easily interpretable summary of vegetation change at scales that are relevant for natural resource management (NRM) and environmental reporting.  相似文献   


Forest dynamics is highly relevant to a broad range of earth science studies, many of which have geographic coverage ranging from regional to global scales. While the temporally dense Landsat acquisitions available in many regions provide a unique opportunity for understanding forest disturbance history dating back to 1972, large quantities of Landsat images will need to be analysed for studies at regional to global scales. This will not only require effective change detection algorithms, but also highly automated, high level preprocessing capabilities to produce images with subpixel geolocation accuracies and best achievable radiometric consistency, a status called imagery-ready-to-use (IRU). This paper describes a streamlined approach for producing IRU quality Landsat time series stacks (LTSS). This approach consists of an image selection protocol, high level preprocessing algorithms and IRU quality verification procedures. The high level preprocessing algorithms include updated radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction for calculating surface reflectance and precision registration and orthorectification routines for improving geolocation accuracy. These automated routines have been implemented in the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive System (LEDAPS) designed for processing large quantities of Landsat images. Some characteristics of the LTSS developed using this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Remote sensing is a useful tool for monitoring changes in land cover over time. The accuracy of such time-series analyses has hitherto only been assessed using confusion matrices. The matrix allows global measures of user, producer and overall accuracies to be generated, but lacks consideration of any spatial aspects of accuracy. It is well known that land cover errors are typically spatially auto-correlated and can have a distinct spatial distribution. As yet little work has considered the temporal dimension and investigated the persistence or errors in both geographic and temporal dimensions. Spatio-temporal errors can have a profound impact on both change detection and on environmental monitoring and modelling activities using land cover data. This study investigated methods for describing the spatio-temporal characteristics of classification accuracy. Annual thematic maps were created using a random forest classification of MODIS data over the Jakarta metropolitan areas for the period of 2001–2013. A logistic geographically weighted model was used to estimate annual spatial measures of user, producer and overall accuracies. A principal component analysis was then used to extract summaries of the multi-temporal accuracy. The results showed how the spatial distribution of user and producer accuracy varied over space and time, and overall spatial variance was confirmed by the principal component analysis. The results indicated that areas of homogeneous land cover were mapped with relatively high accuracy and low variability, and areas of mixed land cover with the opposite characteristics. A multi-temporal spatial approach to accuracy is shown to provide more informative measures of accuracy, allowing map producers and users to evaluate time series thematic maps more comprehensively than a standard confusion matrix approach. The need to identify suitable properties for a temporal kernel are discussed.  相似文献   

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