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 Hindustan Polymers Limited was established in the Venkatapuram area in the northwestern part of Visakhapatnam urban agglomeration. Untreated industrial effluent from the plant is discharged with total dissolved solids concentrations reaching up to 6500 mg/l. The groundwater pollution was identified as early as 1981 and a hydrogeologic and water-quality database is available from 1981. The groundwater quality in the plant environs is found to be in the range of 3500–4500 mg/l. Major chemical constituents of industrial-waste waters consist of Na, Cl, and SO4. Some characteristic parameters of the aquifer were estimated. The available hydrogeologic and hydrologic data was analyzed to conceptualize the groundwater regime. A mathematical groundwater flow model was constructed to compute the hydraulic head at the center of finite-difference grid. The computed head distribution and effective porosity of the formations were used to calculate the groundwater flow velocity. The computed velocity field was ultimately used to prognose the pollutant migration in groundwater accounting for the advection and dispersion processes in the mass transport model and for determining the time-dependent pathlines of pollutant. Areal migration of pollutants from the source was predicted up to year 2002. Received: 23 December 1996 · Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

Mathura oil refinery was commissioned during 1977 and effluent storage ponds were constructed at the same time. These storage ponds receive wastewater from the refinery at a rate of 10000 m3/day. After treatment, waste water is discharged through a 3-km pipeline to a stream leading to the Yamuna river. The groundwater-monitoring as well as water-quality monitoring was carried at 24 observation wells in the refinery site during 1997. The water quality measurements indicated total dissolved chloride and sulphate concentration of native groundwater as 400 mg/l, whereas elevated levels up to 600 mg/l were found at the wells close to polishing ponds. Thus combined transport of chloride and sulphate was simulated in the mass transport model. A three-dimensional flow, pathlines and mass transport model of the aquifer system were constructed to analyze the impact of seepage from polishing ponds contaminating the groundwater regime. The permeability of aquifer varies between 1.5–2.5 m/day. The porosity of formation was assumed as 0.2. The constant head and constant concentration boundaries were assigned to the nodes representing effluent storage ponds. Longitudinal dispersivity of 100 m, horizontal transverse dispersivity of 10 m and vertical transverse dispersivity of 0.01 m were assumed. The mass transport model was calibrated for 20 years by comparing total dissolved chloride and sulphate concentrations from 1997. The model predictions indicate further migration of contaminants on the east of effluent ponds in future. Received: 4 January 1999 · Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

A model based on numerical solutions, which allows for solving the dispersion equation under variable recharge and velocity conditions, is developed to simulate solute transport in conduit flow aquifers during flow recession periods. As an example, the evolution of a tracer in the little known karst conduit that links the sinking stream of Oma valley to the Olalde spring is investigated in the karstic region of Santa Eufemia-Ereñozar (Basque Country, Spain). The model, with different hypothetical structures, allows for obtaining series of tracer breakthrough curves, which are fitted to experimental data using an optimization algorithm. These results, although they can be used to simulate the tracer evolution between the two points considered, do not allow for determining the internal structure and spatial disposition of contributions in the aquifer.  相似文献   

 A field study from October 1989 through July 1992, conducted on a 4.1-km2 area in south-central Wisconsin, USA, examined the distributions of atrazine and its chlorinated metabolites in groundwater and related those distributions to the groundwater flow system. MODFLOW and PATH3D were used to assess bedrock-aquifer susceptibility to contamination. Estimated travel time from water table to bedrock surface ranges from <0.25 to >512 yr. Spatial distribution of the estimates demonstrates that increased travel time to bedrock can result from the presence of shallow surface-water bodies, greater depths to bedrock, and smaller hydraulic conductivities. Estimated travel times to local domestic wells are inversely related to atrazine and desethylated atrazine concentrations observed in water from those wells. The potential impact of long-term atrazine use on aquifer water quality was investigated using MT3D in two best-case scenarios. Uncertainties associated with predicted atrazine concentrations at various depths and times were estimated. For shallow groundwater, widespread violations of Wisconsin's current preventive action limit were predicted, but with large uncertainty stemming from uncertain estimates of input parameter values. The simulations indicate, however, that moderate inputs at the water table are very unlikely to produce violations of Wisconsin's standards deeper in the aquifer. Received, October 1997 Revised, July 1998 Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

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