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Detailed stratigraphic and sedimentological studies of the Tertiary Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Formation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, and the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation and Star Point Sandstone in the Wasatch Plateau, Utah, indicate that the depositional environments of coal played a major role in controlling coal thickness, lateral continuity, potential minability, and type of floor and roof rocks.The potentially minable, thick coal beds of the Tongue River Member were primarily formed in long-lived floodbasin backswamps of upper alluvial plain environment. Avulsion of meandering fluvial channels contributed to the erratic lateral extent of coals in this environment. Laterally extensive coals formed in floodbasin backswamps of a lower alluvial plain environment; however, interruption by overbank and crevasse-splay sedimentation produced highly split and merging coal beds. Lacustrine sedimentation common to the lower alluvial plain, similar to the lake-covered lower alluvial valley of the Atchafalaya River Basin, is related to a high-constructive delta. In contrast to these alluvial coals are the deltaic coal deposits of the Blackhawk Formation. The formation consists of three coal populations: upper delta plain, lower delta plain, and ‘back-barrier’. Coals of the lower delta plain are thick and laterally extensive, in contrast to those of the upper delta plain and ‘back-barrier’, which contain abundant, very thin and laterally discontinuous carbonaceous shale partings. The reworking of the delta-front sediments of the Star Point Sandstone suggests that the Blackhawk-Star Point delta was a high-destructive system.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing sediments and coal seams of the Karoo Basin, Southern Africa are described and discussed. The Karoo Basin is bounded on its southern margin by the Cape Fold Belt, onlaps onto the Kaapvaal Craton in the north and is classified as a foreland basin. Coal seams are present within the Early Permian Vryheid Formation and the Triassic Molteno Formation.The peats of the Vryheid Formation accumulated within swamps in a cool temperate climatic regime. Lower and upper delta plain, back-barrier and fluvial environments were associated with peat formation. Thick, laterally extensive coal seams have preferentially accumulated in fluvial environments. The coals are in general inertinite-rich and high in ash. However, increasing vitrinite and decreasing ash contents within seams occur from west to east across the coalfields. The Triassic Molteno coal seams accumulated with aerially restricted swamps in fluvial environments. These Molteno coals are thin, laterally impersistent, vitrinite-rich and shaly, and formed under a warm temperate climatic regime.Palaeoclimate, depositional systems, differential subsidence and basin tectonics influence to varying degrees, the maceral content, thickness and lateral extent of coal seams. However, the geographic position of peat-forming swamps within a foreland basin, coupled with basin tectonics and differential subsidence are envisaged as the primary controls on coal parameters. The Permian coals are situated in proximal positions on the passive margin of the foreland basin. Here, subsidence was limited which enhanced oxidation of organic matter and hence the formation of inertinitic coals. The coals in this tectonic setting are thick and laterally extensive. The Triassci coals are situated within the tectonically active foreland basin margin. Rapid subsidence and sedimentation rates occurred during peat formation which resulted in the preservation of thin, laterally impersistent, high ash, vitrinite-rich, shaly coals.  相似文献   

The Rocky Mountain basins of western North America contain vast deposits of coal of Cretaceous through early Tertiary age. Coalbed methane is produced in Rocky Mountain basins at depths ranging from 45 m (150 ft) to 1,981 m (6,500 ft) from coal of lignite to low-volatile bituminous rank. Although some production has been established in almost all Rocky Mountain basins, commercial production occurs in only a few. Despite more than two decades of exploration for coalbed methane in the Rocky Mountain region, it is still difficult to predict production characteristics of coalbed methane wells prior to drilling. Commonly cited problems include low permeabilities, high water production, and coals that are significantly undersaturated with respect to methane. Sources of coalbed gases can be early biogenic, formed during the early stages of coalification, thermogenic, formed during the main stages of coalification, or late stage biogenic, formed as a result of the reintroduction of methane-generating bacteria by groundwater after uplift and erosion. Examples of all three types of coalbed gases, and combinations of more than one type, can be found in the Rocky Mountain region. Coals in the Rocky Mountain region achieved their present ranks largely as a result of burial beneath sediments that accumulated during the Laramide orogeny (Late Cretaceous through the end of the Eocene) or shortly after. Thermal events since the end of the orogeny have also locally elevated coal ranks. Coal beds in the upper part of high-volatile A bituminous rank or greater commonly occur within much more extensive basin-centered gas deposits which cover large areas of the deeper parts of most Rocky Mountain basins. Within these basin-centered deposits all lithologies, including coals, sandstones, and shales, are gas saturated, and very little water is produced. The interbedded coals and carbonaceous shales are probably the source of much of this gas. Basin-centered gas deposits become overpressured from hydrocarbon generation as they form, and this overpressuring is probably responsible for driving out most of the water. Sandstone permeabilities are low, in part because of diagenesis caused by highly reactive water given off during the early stages of coalification. Coals within these basin-centered deposits commonly have high gas contents and produce little water, but they generally occur at depths greater than 5,000 ft and have low permeabilities. Significant uplift and removal of overburden has occurred throughout the Rocky Mountain region since the end of the Eocene, and much of this erosion occurred after regional uplift began about 10 Ma. The removal of overburden generally causes methane saturation levels in coals to decrease, and thus a significant drop in pressure is required to initiate methane production. The most successful coalbed methane production in the Rocky Mountain region occurs in areas where gas contents were increased by post-Eocene thermal events and/or the generation of late-stage biogenic gas. Methane-generating bacteria were apparently reintroduced into the coals in some areas after uplift and erosion, and subsequent changes in pressure and temperature, allowed surface waters to rewater the coals. Groundwater may also help open up cleat systems making coals more permeable to methane. If water production is excessive, however, the economics of producing methane are impacted by the cost of water disposal.  相似文献   

Statigraphic exposures, fluvial archives and borehole data have been allowed to reconstruct the alluvial history of Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene and climate changes in the monsoonal wet–dry region of lower Damodar Basin (West Bengal, India). The facies architectures and climate proxies suggest that five to six climate changes occurred in between ~14 and 6 kiloannum (ka). Supporting evidence from the floodplain of Damodar River demonstrates that the successive phases of aggradation and incision were linked to the south-west monsoonal variability of Late Quaternary period. The onset of semi-arid climate was associated with caliches, pond and backswamp deposits of waning low-energy floods. The relatively warm-humid climate was associated with sandy bedforms, valley fills, slack water deposits and ferruginous nodules. This paper presents a synthesis of the available palaeoclimatic records from the lower Ganga Basin and the rivers of western and central India for the palaeoenvironmental significance of Late Quaternary deposits and discusses the influence of palaeoclimatic controls on the fluvial architectures and archives that developed below the floodplain of Damodar River. We have taken some representative studies from the region to reveal the spatial variability in fluvial successions in response to climate changes during this period.  相似文献   

云南西部(怒江以西)地区分布着数十个新生代盆地,多为小型山间盆地。盆地基底为花岗岩和中高级变质岩,铀源条件良好。各盆地面积不大,沉积厚度不等。沉积物组成为山区河流冲洪积相、湖沼相的灰色含煤建造,岩石物质成分与基底岩石具明显继承性。地层结构具砂、泥岩互层特点,砂岩岩性松散,渗透性好,赋存承压水,具有形成后生水成铀矿床的有利条件。  相似文献   

A detailed macro- and micro-petrological investigation of 8 coal seam profiles of Eocene age from the sub-Himalayan zone of Jammu was undertaken in order to characterize them petrographically and to focus on their evolution. The quantitative data suggest that these coals are vitrinite rich, with low concentrations of inertinite and rare occurrences of liptinite. According to microlithotype concentration these coals may be characterized as vitrinite rich, with minor amounts of clarite, vitrinertite and trimacerite. The dominant minerals are clays, siderite and pyrite (occurring mostly as disseminations, cavity filling and in framboidal state). These coals are vitric in type, low volatile bituminous in rank and ashy in grade.The petrographic character and the presence of teleutospores suggest that, similar to other Tertiary coal deposits in the world, the angiosperm flora contributed chiefly to the development of coal facies in the area. The maceral and microlithotype composition shows that these coals originated from the low forest and undisturbed (in situ) peat in foreland basins under limno-telmatic depositional conditions. The water was brackish with regular influxes of fresh water.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and sedimentological analyses of the Quaternary tufa and associated deposits in the Piedra and Mesa river valleys allowed a number of stages of their sedimentary evolution to be characterized, and a depositional sedimentary model for this north‐central sector of the Iberian Range (Spain) to be established. The proposed sedimentary facies model may explain tufa arrangements in other medium to high gradient, stepped, fluvial tufa systems with narrow transverse profiles occurring in temperate, semi‐arid areas, in both recent and past scenarios. There are several tufa deposits within the Piedra and Mesa river valleys that, over a maximum thickness of about 90 m, record one or more stages of tufa deposition produced following the fluvial incision of the bedrock or previous tufa deposits. Each depositional stage begins with coarse detrital sedimentation. Six fundamental, vertical sequences of tufa facies with small amounts of detrital material reveal the sedimentary processes that occurred in different fluvial environments: channel areas with: (i) free‐flowing water; (ii) barrages and/or cascades; and (iii) dammed water and palustrine floodplains. The proposed sedimentary model involves narrow, stepped, fluvial valleys in which tufa cascades were common. Alternating intervals of bryophyte and stromatolite facies commonly formed at some cascades. Many of these represented barrage‐cascade structures that consisted of phytoclast rudstones, thick phytoherms of mosses and associated stromatolites, and curtain‐shaped phytoherms of stems. Upstream of these structures, dammed areas with bioclastic sands and silts developed and palustrine vegetation grew. The channel stretches between barrages and/or cascades were loci for extensive stromatolite growth in fast flowing water. The palustrine floodplain was home to pools and drainage channels. The model also explains the growth of some barrages in the River Piedra that surpassed the height of the divide, with the diffluence of the main channel into a secondary course forming other tufa deposits in the area. The distribution and abundance of certain types of tufa facies in fluvial basins may be an indicator of differences in their gradients. The facies studied in this work suggest that the gradient of the ancient River Piedra was steeper than that of the ancient River Mesa. Assuming similar scenarios for climate and hydrology, the depositional settings mentioned above and their dimensions would have been determined mainly by the gradient and width of the associated river valleys. This sedimentary model may also be useful for inferring variations in other river basin slopes, as well as accounting for the presence of tufas in areas that normally have no permanent water input.  相似文献   

The coal deposits of Meghalaya occur in the Lakadong Sandstone (25–250 m thick) of Eocene age. The coal-bearing formations are understood to have been deposited over platform areas in estuarine and lagoonal environments and subjected to recurrent marine transgressions and regressions during the Eocene period. There are three major groups of coalfields in Meghalaya, viz. Garo Hills (West Daranggiri and Siju Coalfields), Khasi Hills (Langrin and Mawlong–Shella Coalfields) and minor coalfields (Laitryngew, Cherrapunji and Bapung Coalfields). Pillar coal samples have been collected from 10 seams at 15 locations and have been subjected to a detailed petrographic examination for their characterization. An effort has been made to trace the path of their evolution based on coal petrography-based models. The quantitative petrographic analysis shows that these coals are vitrinite rich (45.0–92.9%, mean 73.4% mmf basis) with low concentration of inertinite (0.0–13.8%, mean 3.0% mmf basis), whereas the liptinite occurs in appreciable concentration (5.5–53.1%, mean 22.5% mmf basis). Further, these coals are rich in vitrite (51.6–100%, mean 78.3% mmf basis). The volatile matter (from 38.5% to 70.0%, d.a.f.) and vitrinite reflectance (Rom from 0.37% to 0.68%) characterize these coals, as per German (DIN) and North American classification, approximately as sub-bituminous ‘C' to high volatile ‘C' bituminous. The occurrence of teleutospore (single, double and triple celled) suggests that these coals have originated from a characteristic Tertiary flora. The maceral and microlithotype composition in the coal petrography-based depositional models suggest that the coals of Garo Hills were formed in reed to open water swamps in telmatic to limnic conditions. The coals of Khasi Hills were dominated by forest swamps and telmatic to limno-telmatic conditions. In addition, the occurrence of large-size resins suggests prolific growth of conifers in the swamps.  相似文献   

A number of basins in northwestern Thailand contain thick sequences of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Oil shales and coals are prominent lithologies within these sequences and occur together in some basins. Most of the sequences are, however, dominated by either oil shales or coals. The major oil shale deposit is in the Mae Sot Basin but oil shales also occur in the Ban Huay Dua, Mae Moh, Ban Pa Ka Li, Mae Teep, Ban Na Hong and Jae Hom Basins.Drilling and detailed mapping, in the Mae Sot Basin indicate thick sequences of oil shales and organic petrological studies show that they contain abundant lamalginite. Trace amounts of telalginite, liptodetrinite, bitumen/resinite and huminite/inertinite are also present in some of the rocks. The parts of the sequences rich in authigenic minerals are, in general, petrographically similar to Green River Formation lamosites. Where clay/silt-sized epiclastics are more abundant, similarities exist to Australian Tertiary lamosites. Vitrinite reflectance date from the oil shales and associated coals indicate a low level of maturity.Oil shales from the other basins are, petrographically similar to the Mae Sot lamosites, however some differences do exist. The Mae Sot and other lamosites were deposited in lacustrine environments that probably had highly variable water depths.  相似文献   

Canada's coal resources occur in 16 sedimentary basins or groups of basins and range in age from Devonian to Tertiary. The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which contains the vast majority (about 90%) of the nation's coal resources of immediate interest, underlies a large area in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, extending northward to about the 62nd Parallel in Yukon and Northwest Territories. Coal deposits in the WCSB range in age from Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) to Paleocene. Rank ranges from lignite to semianthracite. About 36% of the total estimated 71,000 megatonnes of resources of immediate interest in the WCSB is bituminous coal, including a high proportion in the medium to low volatile range. Their low sulphur contents and acceptable ash levels make these medium and low volatile bituminous coals attractive 3s coking feedstocks and large quantities are mined for that purpose. The lower rank western Canadian coals are used mainly for electricity generation.Significant resources of bituminous coal occur in the coalfields of Atlantic Canada where they have been mined since 1720. Most of these coals are classed as high volatile A bituminous and most are used for power generation. Large resources of coal (lignite to anthracite) also occur in more remote regions of Canada, such as the Bowser Basin in northwestern British Columbia, and Sverdrup Basin/ Franklinian Geosyncline in the Arctic Islands. Information on distribution and compositional attributes of these frontier region coals is commonly scarce.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of facies of sedimentary sequences that occur as discontinuous bodies in the Jundiaí region, west of the main Tertiary continental basins of the southeastern Brazil continental rift. Nine identified sedimentary facies, grouped into four associations, suggest the existence of an ancient alluvial fan system whose source area was the Japi mountain range (Serra do Japi). The deposits are considered Tertiary in age and chronocorrelated with those identified in the Atibaia region and at other sites up to 100 km east and northeast of Jundiaí. The depositional model adopted to explain the filling of the basin proposes that the alluvial fans, which directly derive from the source area, terminated in a braided channel longitudinal to the basin axis that flowed to northwest, in a similar configuration to that of the present day. This basin may have extended to the Atibaia region or formed a set of small basins laterally contiguous to the faults associated with the rift. Such occurrences show that the formation of rift basins was broader than the area presently occupied by the main deposits.  相似文献   

The No. 1 and No. 2 coal seams from the Permian Vryheid Formation in the east Witbank Coalfield, South Africa are described with respect to their distribution, thickness and quality. These two coal seams accumulated in a postglacial climatic environment and peat accumulation was closely associated with and influenced by deposition in a braided river system. The fluvial channels that were syndepositional with peat accumulation have resulted in thinning of coal below and above channel axes and pinch-out of coal adjacent to channel margins. Low-ash coal originated from peat which accumulated in areas away from the influence of clastic sedimentation. In contrast, higher-ash coals are situated adjacent and parallel to channel margins where interbedded channel sand and silt contaminated the peat.The lower No. 1 seam peat originated under near-optimum conditions in a lacustrine swamp which blanketed an underlying platform of glaciofluvial braided river sediment. This peat swamp was not subjected to syndepositional clastic contamination and as a result is of superior quality (lower ash/higher calorific value and volatile matter) than the overlying No. 2 coal seam. The No. 2 seam is split by a clastic parting produced by a braided fluvial channel which transected the swamp midway through peat accumulation. This fluvial clastic parting deleteriously affected coal thickness and quality.A comparison of the Gondwanan Permian peat-forming conditions with those from Carboniferous northern hemisphere counterparts suggests that the differences in coal characteristics between these two regions are probably related to different palaeoclimatic conditions and basin tectonics. Cool-temperate climatic conditions which prevailed over the Permian peat swamps resulted in less species diversification of vegetation at these high-latitude settings than the diverse floral assemblages of the Carboniferous swamps. A stable intracronic basin platform caused lateral dispersion of sedimentary facies rather than the stacking of vertical facies which occurred in rapidly subsiding depositories. Partial exposure of the Permian peat swamps during peat accumulation may account for the relatively higher inertinite content of the coals.  相似文献   

在吐哈盆地中、下侏罗统含煤岩系层序地层分析的基础上,对聚煤期古地理特征及其与聚煤作用的关系进行了研究。结果表明,吐哈盆地中、下侏罗统含煤岩系形成于河流-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系,其中共发育4个三级层序,分别对应于八道湾组、三工河组、西山窑组一、二段和三、四段。吐哈盆地从层序Ⅰ到层序Ⅳ,先后经历了沼泽(层序Ⅰ)-湖泊(层序Ⅱ)-沼泽(层序Ⅲ)-湖泊(层序Ⅳ)过程。在对应于最大湖泛面的湖侵体系域末期和高位体系域早期,较快的可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率相平衡,从而有利于厚煤层的堆积。煤层厚度、碳质泥岩厚度与砂砾岩含量呈负相关关系,即砂砾岩含量越少,煤和碳质泥岩厚度越大;地层厚度300~500 m(层序Ⅰ)和400~550m之间(层序Ⅲ)时,煤层厚度最大,说明有利于煤和碳质泥岩聚集的环境是沉降速率中等、陆源碎屑供给相对较少的三角洲间湾、湖湾以及下三角洲平原环境,层序Ⅰ和层序Ⅲ的聚煤中心如艾维尔沟、柯尔碱、桃树园、七泉湖、柯柯亚、鄯善、艾丁湖、沙尔湖、大南湖和三道岭等均属于这类环境。  相似文献   

王瑞  姜宝玉 《古地理学报》2021,23(3):581-599
晚白垩世河道和冲积平原等河流相沉积广泛分布于中国大部分地区,保存了大量以鸭嘴龙超科为主的恐龙骨骼化石和遗迹化石。这些河流是否存在水系上的联系以及其对陆地生态系统分布的影响程度,目前研究较少。笔者收集了中国9个晚白垩世陆相盆地共2357个碎屑锆石的U-Pb年龄资料,通过对已收集的碎屑锆石的物源分析,探讨了中国晚白垩世的水系展布模式和物源方向。研究结果表明:晚白垩世中国南方地区可能存在北东—南西向的大型水系,其与现代水系展布模式相反,整体流向可能起源于晚中生代东部高原,向西和西南方向流经中国南方大部分地区,并形成了彼此相互交错、宽阔的河岸和冲积平原带;而北方地区的盆地则显示出被古隆起分隔的山间盆地特征,除共享来自晚中生代东部高原的少量物源外,各个盆地的物源主要来自于周围的古隆起,并形成了较为独立的复杂水系。以鸭嘴龙超科为代表的恐龙主要繁盛于北方地区相对独立的水系所形成的流域,演化出独特的东亚鸭嘴龙超科动物群。南方大型水系所形成的流域虽然保存了大量恐龙蛋和足迹化石,但仅发现少量骨骼化石,推测这可能是因为以鸭嘴龙为主的恐龙不适宜在南方炎热干旱的气候条件下常年生活,而只是在适宜的季节沿南方大型水系迁徙或繁殖。  相似文献   

论长江流域河湖体系演化与洪灾防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江上游剥蚀沉积物通量是影响长江流域河湖体系平衡的最重要因素。近几十年来,不适人为的地质作用已严重影响并打破了原有的长江流域河湖体系的沉积-搬运平衡系统,主要表现在:①上游自然环境的破坏,使河湖沉积体系沉积物通量大量增加;②中下游围湖造田和不适当的人为河湖治理工程(如裁弯取直、送沙出湖等),改变了长江流域洪沙的自然分配平衡。研究表明,洞庭湖及鄱阳湖为现代构造沉降型补偿平衡盆地,沉降速率等于或略大于目前盆地范围内的沉积物平均淤积速率,具备为长江分洪滞淤的潜在沉积可容空间。长江流域河湖体系沉积平衡的恢复治理,应包括以下几个方面的措施:①整治上游,减少水土流失,减少或抑制整个河湖体系沉积物通量,减缓河湖淤积压力;②顺应长江流域河湖自然分洪分沙规律,开辟荆江南北二岸分洪分沙河道,同时开垸扩湖或湖垸置换;③疏通河道与加固垸堤并举;④上游(主、支流)建坝分洪分沙。  相似文献   

三角洲在坳陷盆地沉积中所占比例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对全球现代三角洲体系统计分析的基础上,将坳陷盆地沉积体系简化为河流-三角洲-湖泊,建立沉积体系模型。后期沉积体系叠置在前期沉积体系之上,同时也对前期沉积体系进行改造。每期沉积体系体系均发育有河流-三角洲-湖泊,将其作为整体进行研究。假设盆地规模不变,沉积基准面下降-进积过程表现为河流沉积在盆地中所占比例增大,沉积基准面上升-退积过程表现为湖泊沉积在盆地中所占比例增大。变化过程中,三角洲在盆地中所占的比例变化较小;相对于沉积盆地,三角洲体系不占主体地位,而是处于一定的比例范围(三角洲总面积/盆地面积在0~10%之间)。因此三角洲的规模,取决于沉积盆地的规模,开展沉积相研究必须考虑宏观盆地尺度背景。  相似文献   

The coal deposits of southern Africa (Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) are reviewed. The coal seams formed during two periods, the Early Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) and the Late Permian (Ufimian–Kazanian). The coals are associated with non-marine terrestrial clastic sedimentary sequences, most commonly mudrock and sandstones, assigned to the Karoo Supergroup. The Early Permian coals are most commonly sandstone-hosted while the younger coals typically occur interbedded with mudstones. The sediments were deposited in varying tectono-sedimentary basins such as foreland, intracratonic rifts and intercratonic grabens and half-grabens. The depositional environments that produced the coal-bearing successions were primarily deltaic and fluvial, with some minor shoreline and lacustrine settings. Coals vary in rank from high-volatile bituminous to anthracite and characteristically have a relatively high inertinite component, and medium- to high-ash content. In countries where coal is mined, it is used for power generation, coking coal, synfuel generation, gasification and for (local) domestic household consumption.  相似文献   

Tectonics and climate are the major extrinsic upstream controls on both the external and internal architectures of fluvial channels. While the role of tectonics has been well‐documented, the role of climate has received less attention. Because both tectonics and climate can produce similar stratigraphic architectures, the ability to recognize and differentiate these has major ramifications for the interpretation of fluvial stratigraphy. The Pennsylvanian to Permian succession of the Maritimes Basin complex on Cape Breton Island is ca 5 km thick, and is composed of predominantly non‐marine strata deposited within a series of depocentres characterized by different subsidence regimes. Basins in the west are transtensional depocentres characterized by episodic fault movement. In contrast, basins in the east were formed during prolonged periods of passive thermal subsidence. The stratigraphy is composed of four second‐order sequences (A to D), each 5 to 10 Myr in duration. These sequences are composed of amalgamated fluvial channel deposits that fine upwards into extensive mud‐dominated floodplain deposits with isolated fluvial channel bodies. A spectrum of fluvial styles is recorded within the study area including perennial, perennial/intermittent and ephemeral. Four stratigraphic intervals (E1 to E4) are recognized in which the deposits of strongly seasonal perennial/intermittent fluvial deposits are predominant. These intervals, 2 to 6 Myr in duration, are correlated across the study area between basins with differing tectonic regimes and do not correlate with a particular position in second‐order sequences. This suggests that climate exerted the dominant influence on the formation of these intervals and can be differentiated from tectonic imprints. While the tectonic regime of a particular basin exerted a fundamental control on the external architecture, a coherent record of climate change is recognized in the internal architecture of fluvial units. This study demonstrates that tectonic and climatic controls can be recognized and differentiated in vertical successions by evaluating the changes in fluvial architecture.  相似文献   

中新世以来,受青藏高原造山隆起产生的侧向推挤,滇西及邻区发生向南东的哪构造逸脱,红河断裂发生右行走滑运动,在漠沙、逸萨等断裂弯曲地段由于应力松弛发生下陷,形成小型走滑松弛盆地,其特征有别于拉分盆地.本文以漠沙盆地为例,通过砂岩薄片粒度分析及砂岩碎屑组分定量分析,综合野外及室内地质研究,对此类盆地的岩石学特征、沉积环境、物源和构造特征等进行了详细的研究,并对其形成机制进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

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