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The method for correcting observed sunspot intensities for scattered light has been tested using the transit of Mercury. It is found that the correction method of Zwaan (1965), Staveland (1970) has an uncertainty (rms value) of 0.05 times the photospheric intensity. During good observing conditions the uncertainty is 0.02 (rms value) with the scanning speed used in this study. A simpler and quicker correction method is suggested.Observations during Mercury's occultation of a sunspot as well as measurements close to the solar limb are briefly described.  相似文献   

Gnevyshev  M. N.  Mikhailutsa  V. P. 《Solar physics》1984,90(1):177-184
A comparison of the measurements of the intensity of the coronal line 5303 Å at the observations at Norikura, Kislovodsk and Lomnický tít is used to determine the stability of photometric systems and cancel the effect of its variations. The intensity variations of the solar corona during the 21st solar cycle are plotted. It is confirmed that the 11-year solar cycle consists of two maxima of activity; the first one is characterized by a simultaneous enhancement of activity at all latitudes and the second one shows up only in the equatorial zone.  相似文献   

A simple image forming system using a multielement interferometer for obtaining rapid pictures of solar radio bursts is described. A dispersive transmission line is used to feed the elements in series through directional couplers. Truly instantaneous pictures of solar activity can be obtained by placing a number of narrow frequency filters at the end of the I. F. amplifier in the main receiver, located at one end of the array.The two dimensional extension of this principle is examined in some detail. Multibeaming in the two arrays of a crossed grating interferometer can be combined with fast phase-scanning in one of the arrays to produce rapid pencil beam pictures. If log-periodic antennas are used, observations can even be made at widely different frequencies simultaneously. For illustration, some important parameters for simultaneous observations at 60, 90 and 120 MHz are estimated for an interferometer assumed to be located at a latitude of 30° N. The main advantage of the proposed system is that high-resolution rapid pictures of radio bursts can be obtained simultaneously at a number of frequencies with modest effort.  相似文献   

About a dozen physical mechanisms and models aspire to explain the negative polarization of light scattered by atmosphereless celestial bodies. This is too large a number for the reliable interpretation of observational data. Through a comparative analysis of the models, our main goal is to answer the question: Does any one model have an advantage over the others? Our analysis is based on new laboratory polarimetric and photometric data as well as on theoretical results. We show that the widely used models due to Hopfield and Wolff cannot realistically explain the phase-angle dependence of the degree of polarization observed at small phase angles. The so-called interference or coherent backscattering mechanism is the most promising model. Models based on that mechanism use well-defined physical parameters to explain both negative polarization and the opposition effect. They are supported by laboratory experiments, particularly those showing enhancement of negative polarization with decreasing particle size down to the wavelength of light. According to the interference mechanism, pronounced negative branches of polarization, like those of C-class asteroids, may indicate a high degree of optical inhomogeneity of light-scattering surfaces at small scales. The mechanism also seems appropriate for treating the negative polarization and opposition effects of cometary dust comae, planetary rings, and the zodiacal light.  相似文献   

The solar convective zone, or SCZ, is nearly adiabatic and marginally convectively unstable. But, the SCZ is also in a state of differential rotation, and its dynamical stability properties are those of a weakly magnetized gas. This renders it far more prone to rapidly growing rotational baroclinic instabilities than a hydrodynamical system would be. These instabilities should be treated on the same footing as convective instabilities. If isentropic and isorotational surfaces coincide in the SCZ, the gas is marginally (un)stable to both convective and rotational disturbances. This is a plausible resolution for the instabilities associated with these more general rotating convective systems. This motivates an analysis of the thermal wind equation in which isentropes and isorotational surfaces are identical. The characteristics of this partial differential equation correspond to isorotation contours, and their form may be deduced even without precise knowledge of how the entropy and rotation are functionally related. Although the exact solution of the global SCZ problem in principle requires this knowledge, even the simplest models produce striking results in broad agreement with helioseismology data. This includes horizontal (i.e. quasi-spherical) isorotational contours at the poles, axial contours at the equator and approximately radial contours at mid-latitudes. The theory does not apply directly to the tachocline, where a simple thermal wind balance is not expected to be valid. The work presented here is subject to tests of self-consistency, among them the prediction that there should be a good agreement between isentropes and isorotational contours in sufficiently well-resolved large-scale numerical magnetohydrodynamics simulations.  相似文献   

A Stokes polarimeter has been built at the High Altitude Observatory to obtain line profiles in both linear and circular polarization in solar spectral lines. These measurements are interpreted using the theory of radiative transfer in the presence of a magnetic field to obtain vector magnetic fields on the solar disk and using the theory of resonance scattering and the Hanle effect to obtain vector magnetic fields in prominences. The polarimeter operates on the Sacramento Peak Observatory 40 cm coronagraph. It is an extensively modified and improved version of an earlier instrument.Polarization modulation is achieved by two KD*P Pockels cells at the coronagraph prime focus and demodulation is by a microprocessor. The instrument control and data handling is done by a minicomputer. Silicon photodiode 128 element line array detectors have replaced the two photomultipliers used on the earlier instrument. This gives a speed increase of a factor of 50.A polarization scrambler provides a chop to a reference beam of unpolarized light by time scrambling the polarization of the solar beam. This device improves sensitivity to polarizations less than 0.01%. The polarization measurements are photon noise limited in most cases. This noise is 0.1% for a typical three second observation which is about one gauss on the longitudinal field and 10 gauss on the transverse field.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by The National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The intensity of Saturn’s infrared aurora is investigated using Cassini VIMS images acquired during October 2006–February 2009. Polar and main oval auroral regions were defined in both hemispheres, which extend between 0–10° and 10–25° co-latitude, respectively. Average intensities were computed for these regions and compared. While the northern and southern main oval regions covered a similar range of intensities, the southern main oval was on average more intense by a factor of ∼1.3. The emission from the southern polar region was usually less intense than the main oval emissions, while this was only the case for approximately half of the northern hemisphere images. The northern hemisphere polar region displayed intensities more than twice as high as those in the south and the difference between the two hemispheres was most pronounced on the dayside. In general, more intense polar emissions were accompanied by more intense main oval emissions. Possible explanations for the hemispheric and latitudinal differences are discussed in terms of particle energies and fluxes, ionospheric conductivity, temperature and magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Forbush  S. E.  Pomerantz  M. A.  Duggal  S. P.  Tsao  C. H. 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):113-122
Solar Physics - Although the method of superposed epochs (Chree analysis) has been utilized for seven decades, a procedure to determine the statistical significance of the results has not been...  相似文献   

A balloon-born multidirectional detector is used to measure the intensity variation of galactic and solar cosmic rays with the azimuthal angle, the zenith angle being maintained at 60°. In polar regions, the intensity towards the north is found to be 20% larger than that towards the south. It is shown that this anisotropy does not originate in interplanetary space and is not produced by a magnetospheric source. It is suggested that the effect is due to propagation effects within the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Rolf Brahde 《Solar physics》1972,26(2):318-334
A numerical method for correction of stray light in solar observations has been developed. In particular a regular sunspot, where the circular contours of penumbra and umbra are projected as ellipses, has been studied. When a specified set of values for the stray light parameters is given, and also tentative values for the relative intensities of penumbra and umbra, the integration of stray light can be performed in any point. The result will be the observable intensity if the conditions were as given by these initial values.By means of limb observations the stray light parameters may be improved, and finally a variation of the penumbra- and umbra intensities in the computation, enables a determination of these quantities by comparison with observations.The method is tested on observations of the transit of Mercury, May 9, 1970. Calculation of isophotes with Mercury close to the limb shows the black drop phenomenon; which thus may be explained as an effect of stray light only.It is also shown that the Wilson effect on a sunspot cannot be produced by stray light alone.  相似文献   

R. Boyer  D. Heristchi 《Solar physics》2004,223(1-2):27-38
We propose a process for calculating water vapor absorption in solar radiation transmission through the atmosphere, in order to rebuild a true solar line profile, blended with telluric lines, with very good accuracy. First, we calculated a transmission profile using a spectroscopic data base. We then deduced the corrected line parameters by comparing the computed and observed profiles. An iterative method was applied to a solar spectral region around 1083 nm recorded at Kitt Peak. We showed that a relatively good fit may be obtained using an approximate atmospheric model and a simplifying assumption whereby all atmospheric, instrumental, and spectroscopic uncertainties are artificially assigned to the line parameters.  相似文献   

We propose a process for calculating water vapor absorption in solar radiation transmission through the atmosphere, in order to rebuild a true solar line profile, blended with telluric lines, with very good accuracy. First, we calculated a transmission profile using a spectroscopic data base. We then deduced the corrected line parameters by comparing the computed and observed profiles. An iterative method was applied to a solar spectral region around 1083 nm recorded at Kitt Peak. We showed that a relatively good fit may be obtained using an approximate atmospheric model and a simplifying assumption whereby all atmospheric, instrumental, and spectroscopic uncertainties are artificially assigned to the line parameters.  相似文献   

The cosmic ray modulation in the period 1965–70 is investigated by the comparison of the intensity data of groundbased stations with different response to primaries. The socalled step-like modulation, already observed by other authors, is found to be produced by the overlapping between the quasi-stationary solar cycle modulation and the Forbush decrease events. Moreover a good correlation between the cosmic-ray variance (Forbush decrease index) and the 5303 coronal intensity at middle heliolatitudes (17.5°–42.5°) is found, while the quasi-stationary solar cycle modulation is well correlated with the 5303 intensity near the solar equator (0°–17.5°). The different time behaviour of the solar activity at different heliolatitudes causes the step-like modulation.  相似文献   

We describe a numerical algorithm based on Godunov methods for integrating the equations of compressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in multidimensions. It combines a simple, dimensionally-unsplit integration method with the constrained transport (CT) discretization of the induction equation to enforce the divergence-free constraint. We present the results of a series of fully three-dimensional tests which indicate the method is second-order accurate for smooth solutions in all MHD wave families, and captures shocks, contact and rotational discontinuities well. However, it is also more diffusive than other more complex unsplit integrators combined with CT. Thus, the primary advantage of the method is its simplicity. It does not require a characteristic tracing step to construct interface values for the Riemann solver, it is straightforward to extend with additional physics, and it is suitable for use with nested and adaptive meshes. The method is implemented as one of two dimensionally unsplit MHD integrators in the Athena code, which is freely available for download from the web.  相似文献   

The method for mapping the pixel-scale and larger ruggednesses of the Martian ridged plains within Solis Planum is described by assuming the Lommel-Seeliger's reflection law. This method allows surface tilt angles towards and away from the Sun to be estimated and topographic elevations to be displayed by the aid of monoscopic digital image data. The restrictions of this method are also discussed.  相似文献   

SOHO/MDI magnetograms have been used to analyze the longitude distribution of the squared solar magnetic field 〈B 2〉 in the activity cycle no. 23. The energy of the magnetic field (〈B 2〉) is shown to change with longitude. However, these variations hardly fit the concept of active longitudes. In the epochs of high solar activity, one can readily see a relationship between longitude variations of the medium-strong ((|B| > 50 G or |B| > 100 G) and relatively weak (|B| ≤ 50 G or |B| ≤ 100 G) fields at all latitudes. In other periods, this relationship is revealed mainly at the latitudes not higher than 30°. The background fields (|B| ≤ 25 G) also display longitude variations, which are, however, not related to those of the strong fields. This makes us think that the fields of solar activity are rather inclusions to the general field than the source of the latter.  相似文献   

In this paper a new method for the determination of the position of microwave burst sources on the Sun, its implementation and first observational results, are presented. The 13.7 m antenna at Itapetinga with a five-channel receiver operating at 48 GHz and with a time resolution of 1 ms is used. Five horn antennas clustered around the focus of the Cassegrain reflector provide 5 beams diverging by about 2. This configuration allows the observation of different parts of an active region and the determination of the center of the burst position with an accuracy of 5 to 20 depending on the angular distance relative to the antenna axis. The field of view is 2 by 4. The time resolution of 1 ms is suitable to search for fast structures at 48 GHz. A total bandwidth of 400 MHz is used in order to achieve a sensitivity of 0.04 s.f.u. sufficient for the detection of weak bursts. First observational results of the flare on May 11, 1991 show a well-located source position during all stages.Paper presented at the 4th CESRA workshop in Ouranopolis (Greece) 1991.  相似文献   

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