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束鹿地区地下水咸化机理分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地下水咸化是束鹿地区地下水环境的主要问题,本文从物质来源和水动力条件的变化分析了地下水咸化形成条件,指出淡水咸化主要是由于开采导致上部咸水下移的结果;并利用质量平衡模拟理论进一步分析了咸淡水混合过程中的水岩作用过程。 相似文献
文章通过分析沧州市浅层地下水的长序列水位和水质历史资料,研究了河北平原地下咸水(非海相盐分起因)的形成原因。结果表明:区内地下水的咸化和淡化过程主要取决于当地的地质环境,咸化过程是研究基础,淡化则是已咸化地下水的稀释或混合过程。 相似文献
地下水氘过量参数的演化 总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18
本文详细地介绍了提出水体氘过量参数 (d值 )的依据、源于大气降水的地下水氘过量参数 (d值 )的演化特点、影响因素、误差来源 ,并分析和讨论了应用中的一些问题。 相似文献
河北平原地下水氘过量参数特征 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
氘过量参数是由Dansg aar d提出的一个新概念,它被定义为:d= δD-8δ18O。河北平原地下水氘过量参数有三个特征: ( 1)地下热水的氢和氧同位素组成显示出热交换的态势,d 值随地下水年龄增大而减少。( 2)在同一地区,d 值随着地下水埋深加大而增大。( 3)在同一含水层内,沿着地下水的路径,从补给区到承压区, d 值随着地下水年龄增大而增大。我们认为, d 值虽然是地下水年龄的函数,但最好和3 H、3H- 3He、14 C、36 Cl和4 He测年结果结合使用。 相似文献
地下水是海原盆地唯一的供水水源,近年来部分地区地下水溶解性总固体(TDS)增高,引起了有关部门和水文地质工作者的高度关注。通过分析69组地下水样品的水化学和氢氧稳定同位素数据,对地下水补给来源和咸化的水文地球化学过程进行了研究。结果表明:地下水TDS值198.2~6 436.4 mg/L,沿着地下水流向,咸化程度增加,水化学类型从基岩区的HCO3—Ca·Mg型演化至滞留—排泄区的SO4·Cl—Na·Mg型。地下水补给来源主要为大气降雨和基岩裂隙水侧向径流,补给源—对地下水咸化贡献较小。溶滤作用具空间差异,基岩区和补给区以碳酸盐、硅酸盐风化为主,径流区和滞留—排泄区则为蒸发岩风化,硫酸盐是地下水中阳离子的主要来源。补给水、溶滤和蒸发对第四系地下水TDS的贡献比率分别为4.8%~81.2%、11.9% ~85.9%、1.7%~29.5%,溶滤作用是控制海原盆地地下水咸化的首要因素。当地有关部门应加大对基岩泉水的综合利用,同时注意控制海原县和西安镇等地区地下水开采量,防止地下水进一步咸化。另外,在微咸水分布区可引进地下水去除硫酸盐技术,提高微咸水利用程度。 相似文献
黑河流域地下水氘过量参数特征 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
利用δ(18O)和δ(D)资料对黑河流域的冰雪融水、地表水、地下水的氘过量参数(d值)特征的研究结果表明:①黑河流域源区祁连山区冰雪融水的d值特别偏正,为16.0‰~24.8‰;②张掖盆地细土平原浅层地下水的d值(9.0‰~12.0‰)与深层地下水的d值(16.6‰~21.8‰)表现出明显的差异性,指示着不同的补给来源,浅层地下水主要由大气补给,深层地下水反映出冰雪融水补给的特点;酒泉盆地浅层和深层地下水的d值接近(介于15.8‰~19.6‰间),主要以山区冰雪融水和基岩裂隙水补给为主;③额济纳盆地大部分浅层地下水的d值介于2.6‰~8.8‰间,受到了一定程度的蒸发作用,这是干旱地区地下水的特殊特征;④古日乃地区地下水的d值特别偏负,达-30‰左右,这种现象在全球极为罕见;⑤东居延海地区附近的深层承压水的d值(-2.4‰~-1.0‰)也表现出了一定的特殊性,表明该区地下水是在较寒冷的气候条件下形成的;⑥东居延海地表水和天鹅湖湖水的δ(18O)和δ(D)均为正,远大于了海水的氧氘值,而且d值异常偏负,达-55.2‰~ -35.8‰,这可能是极度干旱的环境下地表水过度蒸发的结果.研究揭示了流域水循环转化过程中和大气降水、冰雪融水、地表水、地下水之间的相互关系及其作用,为流域水资源管理和生态环境保护提供了有意义的信息. 相似文献
为了查明曹妃甸浅层地下水水化学及咸化成因,采集研究区河水、地下淡水、微咸水、咸水、卤水、雨水和海水等不同类型水样,对其水化学组成、离子比、Piper三线图、吉布斯图、氢氧同位素组成及14C测年结果进行了分析。结果表明:(1)曹妃甸浅层地下水包括全新世沉积层潜水和晚更新世沉积层微承压水,且非原始封存在地层中而是形成于全新世中晚期。(2)地下潜水向海方向分布有淡水、微咸水、咸水水质类型,微承压水以咸水和卤水为主要水质类型;近冲洪积扇前缘水化学特征主要受岩石风化作用控制,围填海区及河口处水化学特征受海水混合作用控制,滨海平原区水化学特征主要受蒸发/结晶作用控制。(3)曹妃甸浅层地下水咸化过程主要是晚更新世以来海侵海退时期形成海洋蒸发盐经大气降水和河水多期溶滤所致,其盐分来源于海水蒸发盐,河口及围填海区地下潜水盐分主要来源于现代海水入侵。 相似文献
黄河三角洲地下水咸化已成为区域最突出的生态环境问题之一。识别地下水补给及盐分来源是有效控制和改善地下水咸化问题的关键。本研究采集了研究区浅层地下水、地表水和海水等不同类型水样,利用离子比、Piper三线图、吉布斯图等方法对八大离子浓度、δD和δ18O 组成、Br和Sr 浓度等进行地下水补给研究与盐分来源辨析。结果表明:(1)黄河三角洲浅层地下水以总溶解性固体(TDS)为338 g/L的咸水为主,地下水水化学类型较为单一,主要为Cl-Na型。(2)三角洲区域地下水以大气降水补给为主,并且在补给过程中经历了不同程度的蒸发作用的影响,黄河现行流路区域地下水主要来源于河水侧渗补给,但浅层地下水含水层水平渗透性较差限制了黄河侧渗补给范围。(3)海洋是黄河三角洲浅层地下水盐分的主要来源,黄河现行流路区域及近岸地下水盐分来源于海水混合,三角洲北部刁口河等古河道区域地下水盐分主要来源于海相蒸发盐淋滤溶解。 相似文献
Understanding the water salinisation mechanism is the basis for regional salt management. Mineral dissolution, evaporation and transpiration are the main factors controlling natural water salinity in arid inland basins; however, the two are difficult to differentiate. Because deuterium excess decreases during evaporation and is unrelated to the isotopic composition of the initial water, it is a potential tool for determining the contribution of the evapoconcentration of a given water body using the relationship between deuterium excess and salinity rather than between δ18O (or δ2H) and salinity. In this paper, the relationship between the residual water fraction and deuterium excess was derived from the Rayleigh distillation equation. The contribution of evapoconcentration and mineral dissolution and/or transpiration for a given water body can be determined by comparing the residual water fraction and salinity between the initial water and the evapoconcentrated water. The extremely arid Tarim River Basin in NW China is taken as an example to demonstrate deuterium excess and salinity evolution from the source stream to river water, lake/reservoir water and groundwater. The results show that mineral dissolution contributes most of the salinity (67–77%) for Boston Lake and the Kongque and Tarim rivers relative to the source stream. Mineral dissolution and/or transpiration contribute greater salinity (73–99.6%) to the groundwater recharged by the river water in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River. The study provides a method for determining the salinisation mechanism and is important for salt movement and management. 相似文献
Contribution of shallow groundwater rapid fluctuation to soil salinization under arid and semiarid climate 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Mohamed Khaled Ibrahimi Tsuyoshi Miyazaki Taku Nishimura Hiromi Imoto 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2014,7(9):3901-3911
Rising saline shallow groundwater and associated soil salinization problems are widespread especially in arid and semiarid areas. There have been numerous studies on groundwater-associated salinity, but more information is required on the effects of groundwater frequent and high fluctuations on soil salinization. In the present study, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations using HYDRUS-1D model were carried out for this purpose. The experimental and modeling results showed that groundwater fluctuation caused not only the accumulation of more salt in the soil profile compared to stable groundwater, but also an enhancement of the mechanism. Water table fluctuation induced a much greater spreading of the bromide (Br) tracer within the column than the constant water table. The Br content was on average five orders of magnitude greater under a fluctuating water table than under a constant one. Further, the numerical simulations showed that an increase in the groundwater fluctuation frequency brought about an increase in soil surface salinization under the same evaporation boundary conditions. Additional simulations with HYDRUS-1D were used to study the effects of various management strategies on soil salinization induced by shallow groundwater. Hence, by reducing the evaporation rate through the application of surface mulching, a significant reduction of salt concentration at the soil surface was observed. Moreover, frequent irrigations with small quantities were effective to reduce soil surface salt accumulation induced by saline shallow groundwater. 相似文献
从同位素分馏的气-液相界面特征的视角出发,分析自然条件下水面蒸发和降水冷凝的同位素分馏过程存在的差异,分析表明降水氘剩余值产生的直接原因为水面蒸发过程与降水冷凝过程分别遵循动力学分馏与平衡分馏原理,而界面效应是决定蒸发-冷凝过程会否受到动力学过程影响的内因。水面蒸发过程的比界面面积较小,界面效应较大,水分子扩散作用显著,因此,自然条件下水面蒸发过程需要考虑水分子扩散的动力学过程,属于非平衡分馏;相反,降水冷凝过程的比界面面积巨大,界面效应影响很小,分馏基本不受分子扩散分馏影响,降水冷凝过程符合平衡分馏原理。用以上结论作为假设条件,模拟10~40℃从海水蒸发到降水冷凝的水循环过程,模拟结果与全球降水线相吻合,佐证了造成降水氘剩余产生的内在原因为水面蒸发过程与降水冷凝过程的界面效应不同的结论。 相似文献
Distribution of groundwater salinity and formation mechanism of fresh groundwater in an arid desert transition zone 下载免费PDF全文
This study reviews the distribution of groundwater salinity in an arid desert transition zone. By combining field experiments and computer simulation models we make a comprehensive analysis of the formation mechanism of fresh groundwater in relation to the paleogeographic conditions of lithofacies, the geochemical characteristics of the aquifer media, salt deliverability in the vadose zone and prevailing hydrodynamic conditions. The results demonstrate that (1) the lacustrine facies deposition stratum of the Huanhe formation in the Cretaceous system provides a brackish-salt groundwater environment; (2) the average salinity of parent rocks are approximately 440 mg/kg and 4 371 mg/kg in the Quaternary eolian sand and the Cretaceous Huanhe formation respectively, suggesting that parent rocks are the principal controlling factor in the distribution of groundwater quality given that mineral and chemical composition of the eolian sand is simpler than that of the Huanhe formation; (3) average groundwater flow rates are approximately 0.25 m/d and 0.1 m/d in eolian sand and Huanhe formation aquifers respectively, indicating that hydrodynamic conditions play an important role in driving in the formation and evolution of fresh groundwater; (4) The salinity deliverability in the vadose zone overlying the aeolian sand and Huanhe formation aquifers are approximately 15.97 mg/L and 220.42 mg/L respectively, signifying that the combination of lithology and salt content of vadose zone, rainfall infiltration, evapotranspiration and concentration heavily influence the formation, distribution and evolution of groundwater quality. This study can provide a scientific basis for the sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources in arid areas. 相似文献
Anthropogenic activities create various contaminated leachate, which can migrate downward from the vadose zone to groundwater,
transferring contaminants, including some hazardous ones.
When these various sources of contamination influence the groundwater aquifer simultaneously, the effects of contamination
are enhanced.
The major concern of this study has been to determine whether the shape of a groundwater chlorograph might be the result of
such deterministic effects as accumulation of one or more particular processes of groundwater contamination, and how this
might relate to specific hydrological situations.
This study proposes a classification of groundwater contamination on the basis of properties of the main components of groundwater
quality graphs and the corresponding hydrogeological/environmental situation.
The study further suggests that contamination of groundwater in any hydrogeological situation (e.g. sea water) may be graphically
A variety of chlorographs and nitrographs, representative of various groundwater aquifers sampled from a number of wells throughout
Israel attest to this.
The study thus indicates that groundwater quality graphs may be considered as a complementary tool for groundwater quality
control and better understanding aquifer situations. 相似文献
干旱、半干旱地区高砷地下水形成机理研究:以中国内蒙古河套平原为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
干旱、半干旱地区高砷地下水形成机理,是一较为复杂的地球化学和环境水文地球化学过程。通过多年来的实地调查、资料分析和试验测试等方法手段,详细研究了中国西部地区,特别是中国内蒙古河套平原,高砷地下水的分布特征及地质环境背景。研究并阐述了地下水中砷的来源,地层中砷的来源、聚集、溶出的地球物理、地球化学过程,提出了河套平原地层中砷聚集的3种模式,即断裂运移聚集模式,河、湖水胶体作用聚积模式和蒸发浓缩再聚集模式。研究表明:河套平原地下水中的砷,主要来源于地层,而地层中的砷主要来源于3个方面:周边的山区特别是存在高矿化带的西部山区、黄河上游和构造运移深部地下水;地层中砷的溶出主要与3个因素有关:地下封闭的还原环境、脱硫酸作用和大量灌溉水的入渗。 相似文献
Adel Kharroubi Faten Tlahigue Belga?em Agoubi Chafai Azri Salem Bouri 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2012,67(7):2089-2100
Coastal aquifers are considered as major sources for freshwater supply worldwide, especially in arid zones. The weak rainfall as well as the intensive extraction of groundwater from coastal aquifers reduce freshwater budget and create local water aquifer depression, causing both seawater intrusion and a threat to groundwater. This phenomenon was observed in the Jerba Island which is located in southeast Tunisia. Jerba??s unconfined aquifer shows high values of groundwater salinity reaching, locally, 17?g/l and a strong contrast between some zones of the aquifer. High pumping rates and weak recharge disturb the natural equilibrium between fresh and saline water causing water salinization in most areas of the island. This study aims at establishing the salinity map of the aquifer and identifying the origin of groundwater salinization. The salinity map shows that zones characterized by low groundwater salinity are located in the center of the study area. High groundwater salinities are observed near the coast and in some parts having low topographic and piezometric levels. Groundwater geochemical characterization, and Br/Cl and Na/Cl ratios suggest that the origin of abnormal salinity is seawater intrusion. Considering groundwater salinity values and Br concentrations, a seawater intrusion map is established. It shows that many areas of the unconfined aquifer are contaminated by mixed groundwater and seawater. The statistical analysis demonstrates that high mineralization of the groundwater is due to gypsum and carbonate dissolution coupled with the mixed groundwater and seawater in many areas. 相似文献