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在被动型氢原子钟数字伺服电路中,使用FPGA对误差信号进行数字信号处理。设计了一种简单的低通滤波器,与传统的FIR滤波器相比,节省了FPGA的使用资源,并且性能优于传统滤波器,能够很好地应用于被动型氢钟。  相似文献   

星载氢原子钟具有频率稳定度高、频率漂移率低的优点,在卫星导航定位和频率计量中得到了广泛应用。星载氢原子钟的腔泡系统用于实现氢原子的量子跃迁及其信号采集,原子跃迁信号幅度直接决定了系统的信噪比,进而影响整机性能指标,所以腔泡系统是星载氢原子钟的核心组件。目前,星载氢原子钟腔泡系统主要采用直螺线管来产生原子跃迁所需的C场。由于星载氢原子钟物理部分的结构限制,直螺线管的磁场均匀度有进一步提高的空间。探讨使用多段线圈代替直螺线管用于产生C场的可行性。首先对多段线圈产生的磁场进行理论分析计算,同时使用ANSYS电磁场仿真软件对多段线圈的各项参数进行仿真和优化,包括各段长度、段数、间距以及匝数、内径和总长度等。然后优选磁场均匀度较好的线圈配置参数,可将C场的非均匀度由直螺线管约10%降低到多段线圈约1%。根据仿真优化结果建立了试验九段线圈,对比测试了原子跃迁信号增益,同时结合电路部分进行闭环测试,对频率稳定度指标进行了对比。实验结果表明,原子跃迁信号可有效提升,阿伦方差在中短稳(1~1 000 s)表现更好。此项工作为星载氢原子钟整机性能指标的进一步提升打下了基础。  相似文献   

被动型氢原子钟原子跃迁谱线特性直接决定了整机的性能指标。本文理论分析了影响原子跃迁谱线特性的各项因素,并对3个主要影响因素进行了实验研究。  相似文献   

简单介绍了被动型氢钟的量子系统,阐述了波谱信号观测装置的设计。该装置采用标准10MHz晶振产生被动型氢钟的微波激射信号(1.420406GHz),然后将该信号输入氢钟的脉泽振荡器中。脉泽振荡器输出的信号经过低噪声放大、两次混频及滤波后所得的谱线包含了量子系统的信息,通过分析最终的谱线即可得知量子系统的优劣。该装置已用于对两台被动型氢钟的测试,并根据测试结果对量子系统进行了改进。  相似文献   

数字调频和数字伺服在被动型氢原子钟上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简单介绍了被动型氢原子钟的组成及原理,阐述了基于数字调频和数字伺服的电子电路在被动型氢原子钟上的应用(目的是改善钟性能),并给出了设计的最终测试结果及其分析,数据表明该系统的稳定度比原有系统有很大提高。为了进一步改善钟性能,又对伺服系统提出了以数字信号处理器(DSP)和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)为主体的新的方案。  相似文献   

小型化是目前氢钟的发展方向之一,氢钟的小型化主要是谐振腔的改进,它的结构尺寸决定了氢钟的最小尺寸和重量,目前要用的小型腔主要有电极负载腔,磁控管腔,介质负载腔和TE111腔,新型的谐振腔虽然减小了体积减轻的重量,但量由于它本身已经很难满中立起振条件,所以在伺服电路上也不同于主动型氢钟,根据电路原理的不同,将小型化的氢钟分为反馈振荡型和被动型,反馈振荡型氢钟使激射器工作在反馈振荡状态,通过正反馈维持激射器振荡,被动型氢钟的激射器工作在振荡阈值之下,其作用与揩振放大器相似。  相似文献   

SOHM-4型氢原子钟的设计改进与初步性能   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
氢原子钟是一种最稳定的 (除极短测量时间间隔之外 )频率标准 ,但是环境温度变化及微波谐振腔老化会引起原子钟输出频率的变化 ,从而导致氢原子钟长期性能变差。为了减小这些影响 ,可借助一种自动调谐器来确保谐振腔的频率始终工作在所需的频率上 ,并采用新的温度控制系统来改善氢原子钟的长期性能。针对这些年来许多氢钟出现的有关问题 ,上海天文台在借鉴国外氢钟实验室经验的基础之上 ,对原有氢钟进行了技术改造 ,并为国家授时中心研制了SOHM - 4型氢原子钟。对该型氢原子钟技术改造特点作了介绍 ,并给出了期望的性能指标及初步的测试结果  相似文献   

磁屏蔽系统是被动型氢原子钟的重要组成部分,它的好坏直接影响到物理系统输出信号的具体数值,表现为氢钟抵御外界磁场干扰的能力。通过仿真较为直观地展示并分析了特定磁屏蔽系统在特定外界磁场环境中的工作情况,并且通过原理分析,仿真了在使用特定退磁工艺时磁场在磁屏蔽上的分布情况。根据仿真结果建立了模型,探索了适应于被动型氢原子钟的退磁方法,及相应的结构设计。该方法贴合被动型氢钟磁屏蔽材料的特性,使得退磁工艺的设计有针对性。  相似文献   

氢原子钟具有较高的短期稳定度,将其作为主钟可在短期内产生高精度的本地时间信号.但氢钟存在频率漂移现象,导致其长期稳定度较差,从而影响本地时间的准确性.毫秒脉冲星自转高度稳定,借助于其长期稳定度高的特性,可定期实现对氢原子钟的频率驾驭,并对实时信号加以控制.首先分析了国际脉冲星计时阵(International Pulsar Timing Array,IPTA)第二批发布数据中四颗毫秒脉冲星的稳定度随时间的变化,同时采用哈达玛方差分析了中国科学院国家授时中心(National Time Service Center,NTSC)一台氢钟的频率稳定性能,最终给出了利用脉冲星驾驭氢原子钟频率的方法.  相似文献   

对于氢原子钟,由于微波谐振腔的腔牵引效应以及外部环境温度的变化,影响谐振腔的振荡频率,导致氢原子钟长期频率稳定度降低。为了修正这种情况,使用腔自动调谐方式实现谐振腔的频率稳定在工作频率上。目前国内外主要采用的腔自动调谐技术包括3种:外部探测信号调谐方式、微波腔频率开关调谐方式和Qa调制方式。对外部探测信号调谐方式和微波腔频率开关调谐方式进行分析,并在上海天文台SOHM-4型外部探测信号调谐方式的基础上进一步探索微波腔频率开关调谐方式。基于数字信号处理器进行电路设计与程序开发,最终在SOHM-4型氢原子钟上实现腔自动调谐。  相似文献   

We have calculated the intensities of the subordinate hydrogen lines formed during the recombination epoch at redshifts 800?z?1600. We show that an allowance for the angular momentum splitting of hydrogen atomic energy levels and the dipole transition selection rules can reveal absorption features in the cosmic microwave background recombination spectrum in the submillimeter wavelength range.  相似文献   

分析了相干布居囚禁现象的基本原理,介绍了基于相干布居囚禁现象实现的两种原子钟实验装置的原理和结构,分析了各自的特点,并介绍了它们的研究进展以及应用前景。  相似文献   

Some problems of the two-photon decay of highly excited atomic hydrogen and helium levels are considered. The necessary accuracy of calculating the transition probabilities is shown to require abandoning the purely dipole approximation in the theory of atomic hydrogen radiation. The range of applicability of the perturbation theory to this process is discussed. We suggest a new mechanism of the Lyman photon redistribution due to very close locations of the 20P and 19P levels in the hydrogen and deuterium atoms, respectively (hydrogen-deuterium resonance).  相似文献   

Data on the fluctuations in cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, whose accuracy is expected to increase in the immediate future, allow the cosmological recombination of atomic hydrogen and its interaction with the CMB radiation to be studied. Nonresonant effects play an important role in these recombination processes. We consider the quantum-mechanical foundations of the nonresonant processes and present our calculations for the differential two-photon decay rates of the 3s and 3d levels in the hydrogen atom. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

In recent years it has become evident that large differences can exist between model results of grain-surface chemistry obtained from a rate equation approach and from a Monte Carlo technique. This dichotomy has led to the development of a modified rate equation method, in which a key element is the artificial slowing down of the diffusion rate of surface hydrogen atoms. Recent laboratory research into the surface diffusion rate of atomic hydrogen suggests that atomic hydrogen moves more slowly on grains than heretofore assumed. This research appears to lessen the need for modifications to the rate equation method. Based on the new laboratory work, we have developed appropriate models of gas-phase and grain-surface chemistry in quiescent dense cloud cores to examine the chemical effects of slowing down the rate at which atomic H can scan over dust surfaces. Furthermore, we have investigated the effect of slowing down the rate at which all species can move over grain surfaces.  相似文献   

Active hydrogen maser is the main frequency standard for establishing and maintaining the time scale. It has the characteristics of high short-term stability and low phase noise. At present, it plays an increasingly important role in the international atomic time (TAI) and various local time scales. Firstly, in combination with the internal state parameters of an active hydrogen maser, the correlation between the internal state parameters and the comparison data of a hydrogen maser is analyzed, and a method for the performance monitoring of a hydrogen maser is proposed. Secondly, according to the characteristics of hydrogen maser performance, a method for evaluating the performance of a hydrogen maser is given. The hydrogen maser performance includes mainly two aspects, namely the frequency stability and predictability. The performances of two types of active hydrogen masers (CH1-75 and MHM-2010) are evaluated by this method. The correlation analysis of the atomic clock state parameters and comparison data shows that the state parameter monitoring can effectively predict the variation of the hydrogen maser performance. The evaluation results of atomic clock frequency stability and predictability show that the atomic clock with a higher medium-and-long term frequency stability has a better predictability. There are two methods for the predictability evaluation, one is based on the data published by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Measures), and another one is based on the quadratic model. Both methods are consistent with the weights published by BIPM. Therefore, the two methods can be used as a quantitative method to evaluate the predictability of a hydrogen maser.  相似文献   

It is conjectured that coherent re-emission of cyclotron resonance absorption could result in pulsar giant pulses.This conjecture seems reasonable as it can naturally explain the distribution of pulsars with giant pulses on the P-P diagram.  相似文献   

We consider the thermal properties of cold, dense clouds of molecular hydrogen and atomic helium. For cloud masses below 10-1.7 M middle dot in circle, the internal pressure is sufficient to permit the existence of particles of solid or liquid hydrogen at temperatures above the cosmic microwave background temperature. Optically thin thermal continuum emission by these particles can balance cosmic-ray heating of the cloud, leading to equilibria that are thermally stable even though the heating rate is independent of cloud temperature. For the Galaxy, the known heating rate in the disk sets a minimum mass of order 10-6 M middle dot in circle necessary for survival. Clouds of this type may in principle comprise most of the dark matter in the Galactic halo. However, we caution that the equilibria do not exist at redshifts z greater, similar1 when the temperature of the microwave background was substantially larger than its current value; therefore, the formation and the survival of such clouds to the present epoch remain open questions.  相似文献   

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