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The Qinling Orogen in Central China records the history of a complex geological evolution and tectonic transition from compression to extension during the Late Mesozoic,with concomitant voluminous granitoids formation.In this study,we present results from petrological,geochemical,zircon U-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopic studies on the Lengshui felsic dykes from Luanchuan region in the East Qinling Orogen.We also compile published geochronological,geochemical,and Hf isotopic data from Luanchuan region and present zircon Hf isotopic contour maps.The newly obtained age data yield two group of ages at~145 Ma and 140 Ma for two granite porphyries from the Lengshui felsic dykes,with the ~145 Ma interpreted as response to the peak of magmatism in the region,and the ~140 Ma as the timing of formation of the felsic dykes.The corresponding Hf isotopic data of the granite porphyries display negativeeHit)values of-16.67 to-4.61,and Hf crustal model ages(T_(DM~C_)of 2255-1490 Ma,indicating magma sourced from the melting of Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic crustal materials.The compiled age data display two major magmatic pulses at 160-130 Ma and 111-108 Ma with magmatic quiescence in between,and the zircon Hf isotopic data display/ε_(Hf)(t)values ranging from-41.9 to 2.1 and T_(DM)~c values of3387-1033 Ma,suggesting mixed crustal and mantle-derived components in the magma source,and correspond to multiple tectonic events during the Late Mesozoic.The Luanchuan granitoids are identified as 1-type granites and most of these are highly fractionated granites,involving magma mixing and mingling and crystal fractionation.The tectonic setting in the region transformed from the Late Jurassic syn-collision setting to Early Cretaceous within-plate setting,with E-W extension in the Early Cretaceous.This extension is correlated with the N-S trending post-collisional extension between the North China Craton and Yangtze Craton as well as the E-W trending back-arc extension triggered by the westward Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction,eventually leading to lithospheric thinning,asthenospheric upwelling,mafic magma underplating,and crustal melting in the East Qinling Orogen.  相似文献   

西秦岭地区是中国最重要的金矿矿集区之一,除产出少数夕卡岩型金矿床外,几乎所有的其他金矿床都可归并为造山型、卡林型和类卡林型3种类型。研究表明,西秦岭地区中生代花岗岩主要形成于中晚三叠世,而金矿成矿主要集中在晚三叠世,它们都是华北板块与华南板块碰撞导致的秦岭造山作用的产物。西秦岭地区造山型金矿床主要赋存在泥盆系和石炭系一套复杂的构造变形和区域变质的绿片岩相岩中,主要受北西西向脆韧性剪切带控制,成矿元素组合主要为Au-Ag。矿石中含有大量显微自然金、银金矿,明金可见。成矿流体主要为变质流体。由造山作用引起的强烈构造运动为成矿流体提供了运移通道,为矿质沉淀提供了有利的场所。虽然一些造山型金矿床与中酸性岩体相邻,但矿化与岩浆活动不具直接的成因关系。西秦岭地区卡林型金矿床主要产于轻微变质的寒武系至三叠系沉积岩中,明显受地层、岩性和构造控制。金矿床中的金以超显微金和存在于含砷黄铁矿与毒砂晶格中的固溶体金为主。成矿元素组合为Au-As-Hg-Sb-Ba。成矿流体由早期形成的地层水被后期大气降水补给活化形成,也有部分岩浆水或变质水的加入。在伸展背景下大气降水通过循环演化形成了较浅层次的流体系统,导致Au等成矿元素发生沉淀而形成浸染状矿石。西秦岭地区类卡林型金矿床主要产于浅变质沉积岩建造中,受脆韧性剪切带的控制,并形成于花岗岩岩体附近。与造山型、卡林型金矿床最大的不同之处在于,类卡林型金矿床的形成与同时期的岩浆活动有密切的成因关系。矿石中存在显微自然金,载金矿物主要为黄铁矿、含砷黄铁矿和碲化物。成矿热液主要是岩浆水与变质水、建造水的混合流体。与造山型金矿床类似,流体不混溶导致类卡林型金矿床的形成。  相似文献   

The Changba Pb-Zn SEDEX deposit occurs in the Middle Devonian sequence of the Anjiaca Formation of the Western Qinling Hercynian Orogen in the Gansu Province, China. The Changba-II orebody is hosted in biotite quartz schist and is the largest of 143 stratiform orebodies that are hosted either in biotite quartz schist or marble. The Changba-II comprises two types of mineralization: a bedded facies and an underlying breccia lens. The bedded section exhibits three sulfide sub-facies zoned from bottom to top: 1) banded sphalerite intercalated with quartz albitite; 2) interbedded massive pyrite and sphalerite ore; and 3) banded sphalerite ore intercalated with banded baritite. Major metallic minerals are sphalerite, pyrite, galena, with minor arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, boulangerite, and rare chalcopyrite. The bedded sulfides are underlain by a lens of brecciated and albitized biotite-quartz schists cemented by sulfides and tourmaline.Massive and bedded sulfide 34S values range from 8.1 to 29.3, whereas barite 34S values range from 20.8 to 31.5. Disseminated pyrite in footwall schists has 34S values ranging from 8.1 to 10.6, and increase to values ranging from 11.1 to 14.7 in the hangingwall. The lower 34S values for massive and bedded sulfides are interpreted to be derived from progressive bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) of Devonian seawater in a sulfate-restricted sub-basin. The higher 34S values for massive and bedded sulfides could be a product of quantitative BSR but this is incompatible with barite being more abundant above the bedded sulfides. Instead, it is more likely that thermochemical sulfate reduction of seawater sulfate or of evaporite was the source of heavy hydrothermal sulfur. Heavy hydrothermal sulfur was injected into a sulfate-restricted sub-basin where it mixed with low 34S BSR sulfide to form the massive and bedded sulfides. The REE patterns of sulfide layers and associated quartz albitite and baritite are similar to those of the host biotite quartz schists, suggesting that the hydrothermal fluids leached REE from the underlying rocks. Pb isotope ratios in galena form an array between the Upper Crust and the Mantle reservoir curves, which indicates that the lead is derived from upper crustal rocks comprising mafic igneous units. The Sr87/Sr86 ratio of 0.7101 for carbonate within the sulfide layers also suggests that Sr is derived from the mixing of Sr leached from upper crustal rocks with Middle Devonian seawater Sr. A Rb-Sr isochron age of 389.4 ± 6.4 Ma for sulfide layers and the interbedded hydrothermal sediments is consistent with the age of host Mid-Devonian strata. Ar39/Ar40 plateau age at 352.8 ± 3.5 Ma and Ar39-Ar40 isochron age of 346.6 ± 6.4 Ma for albite in the quartz albitite intercalated with sulfide layers indicate either albite formation after the sulfides or thermal resetting of the Rb-Sr system at about 350 Ma, the age of collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   

We select four caves and their nearby cities in the monsoonal region of China for studying the relationships among precipitation, temperature, summer monsoon intensity and stalagmite δ18O. The instrumental, historic and stalagmite δ18O records from these areas show strong spatial disparities on annual to decadal scales, so that climatic conditions in a single location cannot represent these of the entire eastern China. On time scales <500 years, stronger summer monsoon may lead to higher rainfall in some locations but not over eastern China. Correlation between the summer monsoon strength and precipitation is not only location-dependent but also changes with time. One may not use the paleoclimatic pattern of cold–dry and warm–wet on glacial/interglacial ages throughout all time scales for climatic conditions in the monsoonal region. On centennial to millennial scales, stalagmite δ18O variation trend from eastern China resemble solar irradiance with lighter δ18O corresponding to increased solar irradiance, and vice versa. The similar trends may reflect climatic feedbacks link to solar forcing to cause changes in the summer monsoon intensity and/or in monsoonal circulation. Changes in monsoonal circulation and intensity affect (1) summer rainfall intensity, (2) summer/winter precipitation ratio, or (3) ratio of moisture from Indian/Pacific oceans, or a combination of the three. Thus, a speleothem δ18O record may not be proper to be used as a proxy of paleo-precipitation amount, especially on short time scales. Based on the four stalagmite δ18O records during the last 2000 years, EASM strength decreased from AD 200 to AD 500, and from AD 1300 to AD 1600 (the 1st half of the Little Ice Age), whereas EASM strength increased from AD 1600 to AD 1900 (the 2nd half of the Little Ice Age). The EASM strength has weakened since early 1900’s.  相似文献   

The Anzishan ophiolite, a typical ophiolitic block of early Carboniferous age in the Mian-Lue suture zone of the Qinling Mountains, central China, consists of amphibolites/metabasalts, gabbros and gabbroic cumulates. All of these rocks, as well as those in the Hunshuiguan-Zhuangke (HZ) block, have compositions similar to normal MORB and back-arc basin basalts (BABB) with high εNd(t) values, indicating that they were derived from a depleted mantle source. The Mian-Lue suture zone also contains blocks of other lithologies, e.g., rift volcanic rocks in the Heigouxia block and arc volcanic rocks in the Sanchazi block. Although they are in fault contact with each other, the presence of these different blocks in the Mian-Lue suture zone may represent a complete Wilson cycle, from initial rifting to open ocean basin to final subduction and continent-continent collision, during the late Paleozoic-early Triassic. In this region, the North and South China Cratons were separated by Paleo-Tethys at least until the early Carboniferous, and final amalgamation of both cratons along the Qinling orogenic belt took place in the Triassic.  相似文献   

黄玉华  武文英  冯卫  张建龙 《地质通报》2015,34(11):2116-2122
秦岭山区地质构造复杂、岩体结构破碎、斜坡类型特殊,是中国地质灾害高发区之一。为了查明秦岭山区崩滑地质灾害发育的主控因子,以南秦河小流域为例,通过野外实地调查和室内综合研究,查明区内滑坡、崩塌地质灾害的发育特征,分析灾害发育的孕灾环境。最后得出,长期构造变形作用下的地层奠定了灾害发育的物质基础,多种结构面对崩滑灾害的形成起着控制作用,斜坡结构类型控制着崩滑灾害的成灾模式,构造断裂控制着崩滑灾害的空间分布,人类工程活动加剧了崩塌和滑坡的发育程度,而极端降雨是崩滑地质灾害发生的主要诱因。  相似文献   

秦岭晚中生代花岗岩时空分布、成因演变及构造意义   总被引:20,自引:14,他引:20  
王晓霞  王涛  齐秋菊  李舢 《岩石学报》2011,27(6):1573-1593
秦岭晚中生代花岗岩主要发育于秦岭北部的华北地块南缘和北秦岭,南秦岭仅有零星出露。本文报道了3个晚中生代大岩体的年代学和其中2个岩体的地球化学和同位素数据,并系统收集了发表的相关资料,对秦岭晚中生代花岗岩进行了初步总结。华北地块南缘蓝田花岗岩的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为133±1Ma, εNd(t)=-11.8~-18.3, 锆石εHf(t)=-37.7~-5.7。 北秦岭构造带中牧护关花岗岩的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为 150±1Ma, εNd(t)=-7.6~-11.4, 锆石εHf(t)=-7.3~-17.4;蟒岭花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为149±2 Ma。 依据收集到的26个锆石U-Pb和3个黑云母Ar-Ar年代学资料, 秦岭晚中生代花岗岩浆的演化可分为2个阶段:第一阶段为160~130Ma(晚侏罗世-早白垩世), 以I-型花岗岩为主, 主要发育于华北地块南缘和北秦岭,在南秦岭仅零星分布;第二阶段为120~100Ma(早白垩世中晚期), 以I-A过渡型和A-型花岗岩为主,主要分布在华北地块南缘的东部和北秦岭,出露面积比第一阶段小。第一阶段(160~130Ma)花岗岩主要形成于古老地壳物质的部分熔融,并有年轻幔源组分的参与,形成于挤压向伸展转换的构造环境。第二阶段(120~100Ma)花岗岩的形成除了古老地壳物质的部分熔融外,有更多的年轻幔源组分加入,发育于陆内伸展环境。花岗岩的同位素特征显示,从华北地块南缘到南秦岭,底基物质中年轻组分有增加的趋势,花岗岩的物源受深部地壳物质组成特征的控制。  相似文献   

The Qinling Mountains in Central China mark a gigantic composite orogenic belt with a complex tectonic evolution involving multiple phases of rifting and convergence. This belt separates the North China and South China Blocks and consists of the South and North Qinling terranes separated by the Shangdan suture. The suture is marked by the Grenvillian Songshugou ophiolite along the southern margin of the North Qinling terrane, which is key to understanding the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the belt. The ophiolite consists of highly metamorphosed ultramafic and mafic rocks. Three groups of meta-basalts are present: group 1 rocks are LREE depleted and have a MORB compositional affinity. Their low Ta/Yb ratios (<0.1) are consistent with high degrees of partial melting of a depleted asthenospheric mantle. Rocks of group 2 have higher TiO2 (1.63–2.08 wt%) and Ta/Yb ratios (>0.12), and display slight enrichment of LREE, suggesting that the original magmas were derived from a depleted mantle source mixed with some enriched material. Samples from group 3 are enriched in LREE and other incompatible elements (Ti, Zr, Ta, Nb), suggesting derivation from an enriched mantle source, possibly a plume. All the basalts have high εNd(t) (+4.2 to +6.9), variable εSr(t) and high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios for given 206Pb/204Pb ratios. These characteristics are compatible with formation at a mid-ocean ridge system above an anomalous Dupal mantle region. The mafic rocks have a Sm–Nd whole-rock isochron age of 1030 ± 46 Ma.The Songshugou ophiolite was emplaced onto the southern margin of the North Qinling terrane, an active continental margin from the Meso-Proterozoic to Neo-Proterozoic.  相似文献   

More than a dozen molybdenum prospects, distributed within a zone about 200 km long and 20 km wide, have been discovered in the Eastern Qinling orogenic belt, central China. These deposits are mainly hosted within small, dominantly granoporphyritic and quartz monzonitic intrusions of Cretaceous age. They can be classified into five groups based on spatial relationships between the ores and intrusions: porphyry-type, transitional-type (between porphyry and skarn), skarn-type, vent breccia-type, and hydrothermal vein-type Mo deposits. Regional geologic relations and deep-seated structures define the presence of the Luanchuan syncline, an EW-striking west-dipping depression located beneath the Mo-bearing metallogenic zone. Because the axis of the syncline is west-dipping in the study area and the crust overlying it is thickened, the stress is inhomogeneous, resulting in a S–N compressive stress in the deep crust and development of a set of NE-oriented extension-shear faults. These faults are superimposed on the W–E-striking deep-seated faults parallel to the ancient continental margin. The two groups form a chequerboard-like assemblage of deep-seated faults, providing channels for ascending ore fluids derived from crust–mantle interaction and space for subsequent ore precipitation. These faults controlled the emplacement of a series of intermediate-acid granite magmas and also contributed significantly to the distribution of the various Eastern Qinling ore deposits.  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) granulites provide telling records of mineral reactions at upper mantle to lower crustal levels and key information on the fate of material in subduction systems. The latter especially applies when they abut eclogite and mantle dunite because such rock associations are crucial for understanding the incompletely known processes at the interface of converging plates. A continental arc, active c. 520–395 Ma ago, formed an enigmatic example of such a rock association in the Songshugou area, Qinling Orogen. To unravel the juxtaposition of the distinct rocks, this study combines petrography, phase equilibria modelling, conventional thermobarometry, and zircon U–Th–Pb–Ti–REE analysis. Two mafic HP granulites, which contain the mineral assemblages garnet–clinopyroxene–plagioclase–rutile–mesoperthite–quartz and garnet–clinopyroxene–plagioclase–rutile, experienced peak metamorphic conditions of ≤1.4 GPa, 860°C and ~1.3 GPa, ≥910°C, respectively. During decompression and cooling, at 489 ± 4 Ma, amphibole lamellae unmixed from a clinopyroxene solid solution and orthopyroxene in part replaced garnet. A felsic HP granulite shows equilibration of garnet, perthite, antiperthite, kyanite, quartz, and rutile at 810–860°C, ~1.2 GPa, sillimanite growth during decompression, and upper amphibolite facies cooling at 510 ± 4 Ma. Though the thermobarometric data are just within the methodological errors, the U/Pb zircon ages imply the HP granulites did not evolve coherently. The HP granulites either represent foundered lower arc crust or originated from subduction erosion because their geochemistry is indistinguishable from that of the hanging-wall plate. Published and new pressure–temperature–time–deformation paths converge at ~710°C, ~0.9 GPa, and ≲470 Ma, implying exhumation tectonics juxtaposed the HP granulites with a mélange of eclogite and mantle dunite at lower crustal levels. This study highlights that lower arc crust can comprise material of diverse evolution.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to understand a dramatic avulsion event on the Tisza River. During the Late Pleistocene the river course switched by about 80 km from the east to west of the Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) through the Záhony bend to its present meander belt. The aim of this study is to date this Záhony avulsion: based upon radiocarbon and pollen samples from six cores in the Polgár study area, situated in the west of the GHP at the middle course of the Tisza River. In addition, a grain size composition and heavy mineral analysis has been performed. The results of these analyses reveal a sequence of paleochannels and have been plotted on a high-resolution digital elevation model, illustrating the paleochannel form and age relationships.

The study suggests that the age of this major avulsion event is significantly older than it was previously supposed. Instead of 10 to 11 ka it is, according to our new data, 16–18 ka, and definitely predates the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The river cut into the previous, contiguous surface and formed at least one climatic terrace, then drifted gradually westward as a response to a tilt or the differential subsidence of tectonic origin.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1755-1771
The tectonic setting of the West Qinling orogenic belt (QOB) during the Middle–Late Triassic remains a subject of debate. Petrogenesis of adakitic granodiorite plays a critical role in determining the nature of the lower continental crust and mantle dynamics during orogenic processes in the region. The Tadong adakitic granodiorite pluton in the western part of the West QOB is an important element of this system. Its petrogenesis can place severe constraints on the nature of the lower continental crust and mantle dynamics during the formation of the orogenic belt. U–Pb dates obtained through zircon laser-ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry indicate that the Tadong pluton was emplaced at 220.2 ± 2.5 Ma, coeval with abundant magmatic rocks in the region. This indicates a prominent magmatic event in the western part of West Qinling during the Late Triassic. Geochemically the granodiorites are metaluminous to peraluminous high-K calc-alkalic and characterized by relatively high SiO2 (63.84–67.91 wt.%), Al2O3 (15.39–16.54 wt.%), and Sr (435.08–521.64 ppm), and low MgO (1.16–1.88 wt.%; Mg# = 38–46), Y (5.49–8.84 ppm) and Yb (0.34–0.91 ppm) contents, variable Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.87–1.1), and high Sr/Y (51.72–84.45) ratios. These are compositional features of adakites that are commonly assumed to have been produced through partial melting of subducted oceanic basalt. In addition, the adakitic rocks are relatively enriched in light rare earth elements, large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, Sr, Th, and K), and depleted in high field strength elements. However, petrological, geochronological, and geochemical characteristics indicate that the adakitic rocks were most likely formed by partial melting of a thickened mafic lower crust. Therefore, we suggest that the Tadong adakitic granodiorites were produced in a syn-collisional regime and associated with asthenospheric upwelling triggered by slab break-off or gravitational instability. This mechanism was responsible for generating the Late Triassic magmatism of West Qinling.  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川遗迹的类型和特征,哈纳斯河流域第四纪时期至少发生过5次明显的冰川事件,即倒数第三冰期,倒数第二冰期,倒数第一冰期(末次冰期),新冰期和小冰期。其中,更新世的3次冰川作用规模巨大,倒数第三冰期的冰川呈半覆盖式,倒数第二冰期和倒数第一冰期时发育了长达96km以上的大型山谷冰川。古冰川属于冰温高、活动性大和侵蚀能力强的温冰川。从新到老,每次冰期的雪线下降幅度一次比一次大。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘龙门山北东段山前涪江冲积扇在武都盆地内的覆盖面积约为25 km2,区域构造上为江油断层、香水-让水断层等组成的江油断裂带右旋走滑构造域。通过宇宙核素成因埋藏年龄测试技术精确地测定发源于龙门山北东段主要河流-涪江自第四纪以来发育的三期冲积扇形成年代,即早更新世冲积扇(1.84 Ma)、中更新世冲积扇(0.54 Ma)和全新世冲积扇。由于龙门山北东段-江油断裂的右旋走滑兼逆冲运动,导致涪江早更新世冲积扇扇头右旋错动约3.2 km,之后形成新的冲积扇(中更新世积扇)。随着江油断裂继续的继续活动,中更新世冲积扇扇头又被右旋错动了约0.8 km,之后形成全新世的冲积扇。涪江形成以来总共右旋错动距离约为4 km。同时,早、中更新世冲积扇褶皱隆升了约50 m,早更新世冲积扇总共褶皱隆升了约100 m。这在一定程度上反映了龙门山构造带北东段第四纪以来沉积对构造演化的响应过程。  相似文献   

西秦岭天水地区关子镇蛇绿岩锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb定年   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
秦岭造山带商丹缝合带的西延部分在天水地区以出露的关子镇蛇绿岩为标志,该蛇绿岩的形成时代是探讨秦岭造山带构造格局与演化的关键.在室内外综合研究的基础上,从该蛇绿岩的辉长岩中精选锆石,通过锆石的CL显微图像进行锆石形态学研究,结合U、Th含量特征,证明本次用于定年的锆石为岩浆成因.辉长岩中的锆石LA-ICP-MS定年给出U-Pb年龄为471 Ma±1.4Ma(MSWD=1.03,2σ),代表了辉长岩的结晶时代,也限定了关子镇蛇绿岩的形成时代.结合已有的地质、地球化学研究成果,认为秦岭商丹古洋盆存在的时限至少可延续至470Ma.该年龄的确定为深入研究和认识秦岭造山带古生代的构造格局及其演化提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)(cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。  相似文献   

The origin of microgranitoid enclaves in granitic plutons has long been debated (hybrid magma blobs vs. refractory restites or cognate fragments). This article presents detailed petrography, SHRIMP zircon U–Pb chronology, bulk-rock major and trace element analyses, and Sr–Nd isotope and in situ zircon Hf isotopic geochemistry for microgranitoid enclaves within two Late Triassic granitic plutons in the Qinling orogen. Zircon U–Pb dating shows that the enclaves formed during the Carnian (222.5 ± 2.1 to 220.7 ± 1.9 Ma) coeval with their host granitoids (220.0 ± 2.0 to 218.7 ± 2.4 Ma). Field and petrological observations (e.g. double enclaves, xenocrysts, acicular apatite, and poikilitic K-feldspar or quartz) suggest that the enclaves are globules of a mantle-derived more mafic magma that was injected into and mingled with the host magma. The enclaves are mainly ultrapotassic, distinct from the host granitoids that have high-K calc-alkaline bulk-rock compositions. Although the enclaves have closely similar bulk-rock Sr–Nd isotope [initial 87Sr/86Sr?=?0.7046–0.7056, ?Nd (T)?=?–0.3 to –5.0] and in situ zircon Hf isotope [?Hf (T)?=?–1.5 to?+2.9] ratios as the granitoids [initial 87Sr/86Sr?=?0.7042–0.7059, ?Nd (T)?=?–0.6 to –6.3, ?Hf (T)?=?–2.2 to?+1.6], chemical relationships including very different bulk-rock compositions at a given SiO2 content lead us to interpret the isotopic similarities as reflecting similar but separate isotopic source rocks. Detailed elemental and isotopic data suggest that the enclaves and the host granitoids were emplaced in a continental arc environment coupled with northward subduction of the Palaeo-Tethyan oceanic crust. Partial melting of subducted sediments triggered by dehydration of the underlying igneous oceanic crust, with melts interacting with the overlying mantle wedge, formed high-K calc-alkaline granitic magmas, whereas partial melting of diapiric phlogopite-pyroxenites, solidified products of the same subducting sediment-derived melts, generated ultrapotassic magmas of the microgranitoid enclaves. Our new data further confirm that in the Late Triassic time the Qinling terrane was an active continental margin rather than a post-collisional regime, giving new insights into the tectonic evolution of this orogen.  相似文献   

高联达  王涛  姜春发  马振慧  何胜飞 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1668-1676
西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。  相似文献   

Reliable and precise ages of Quaternary pedogenic carbonate can be obtained with 230Th/U dating by thermal ionization mass spectrometry applied to carefully selected milligram-size samples. Datable carbonate can form within a few thousand years of surface stabilization allowing ages of Quaternary deposits and surfaces to be closely estimated. Pedogenic carbonate clast-rinds from gravels of glacio-fluvial terraces in the Wind River Basin have median concentrations of 14 ppm U and 0.07 ppm 232Th, with median (230Th/232Th) = 270, making them well suited for 230Th/U dating. Horizons as thin as 0.5 mm were sampled from polished slabs to reduce averaging of long (≥105 yr), and sometimes visibly discontinuous, depositional histories. Dense, translucent samples with finite 230Th/U ages preserve within-rind stratigraphic order in all cases. Ages for terraces WR4 (167,000 ± 6,400 yr) and WR2 (55,000 ± 8600 yr) indicate a mean incision rate of 0.26 ± 0.05 m per thousand years for the Wind River over the past glacial cycle, slower than inferred from cosmogenic-nuclide dating. Terrace WR3, which formed penecontemporaneously with the final maximum glacial advance of the penultimate Rocky Mountain (Bull Lake) glaciation, has an age of 150,000 ± 8300 yr indicating that it is broadly synchronous with the penultimate global ice volume maximum.  相似文献   

广东三水盆地第四纪网状河沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
珠江三角洲西北部的三水盆地范围内发育典型的网状河体系。它们具有重复分叉合并、坡降低以及河道深且窄的特点,并且发育天然堤、河间湖泊和洼地等地貌单元。钻井资料显示,网状河的沉积记录以泛滥平原地区沉积的悬浮负载的细粒沉积物为主,由砂砾和砂组成的河道沉积物分布比较局限,呈较窄的带状,被包裹在细粒的泛滥平原积物之中。主干河道表现出较高侧向稳定性垂向继承性,形成了较厚的砂体。较小的分叉河道则容易发生决口改道,沉积了较薄的砂体。河间湖泊沉积主要为含植物碎片的灰黑色粉砂质淤泥,沼泽中植物遗体的堆积形成了泥炭层。晚更新世以来的构造沉降、全球海平面上升以及河流搬运物质的快速加积是珠江三角洲平原地区形成网状河体系的主要原因.  相似文献   

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