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同号文 《地层学杂志》1996,20(1):23-28,T002
衡阳市郊五马归槽始新世鱼化石保存在黑色湖相纹层中。根据纹层序列的对比,发现该地的鱼化石均为同一层位;根据鱼化石在纹层序列中的具体位置及鱼化石的保存状况,笔者推测鱼群的死亡并非由于季节更替,而是由气候干旱引起的湖水盐度升高所控制;黑白纹层的变化是由大气降雨所致。  相似文献   

We examined the hydroclimatic signal in a record of annual lamina (varve) thickness from High Arctic Lake A, Ellesmere Island (83°00.00′N, 75°30.00′W). In this unglacierized catchment, nival melt is the dominant source for meltwater and transport of sediment to the lake, and autumn snowfall is highly influential on varve thickness through the amount of snow available for melt in the following year. For the period during which climatic data are available, varve thickness in Lake A was significantly correlated (r = 0.50, p < 0.01) with the cumulative snowfall from August to October (ASO) during the previous year and, to a lesser extent, ASO mean daily temperature (r = 0.39, p < 0.01) at Alert, Nunavut (175 km east). The varve thickness record, interpreted as a proxy record of ASO snowfall and, by extension, ASO temperature, indicated above-mean conditions during five periods of the past millennium, including most of the 20th century. These results corresponded well to other available high-resolution proxy climate records from the region, with some discrepancies prior to AD 1500 and during the period AD 1700-1900.  相似文献   

We analyze both new and previously published paleomagnetic records of secular variation (PSV) from Lake Superior sediment cores and compare these records to correlated rhythmite (varve) thickness records to determine post-glacial sedimentation rates and to reassess the termination of glaciolacustrine varves in the basin. The results suggest that offshore sedimentation rates have exhibited considerable spatial variation over the past 8000 years, particularly during the mid-Holocene. We attribute offshore, mid-Holocene sedimentation changes to alterations in whole basin circulation, perhaps precipitated by a greater dominance of the Gulf of Mexico air mass during the summer season. Nearshore bays are characterized by high sedimentation rates for at least 1000 years after varve cessation and during a period between around 4500 and 2000 cal. BP. After 2000 cal. BP, sedimentation rates subsided to earlier rates. The increases between 4500 and 2000 cal. BP are probably due to lake level fall after the Nipissing II highstand.The older glaciolacustrine varve thickness records suggest that the influx of glacially derived sediment ended abruptly everywhere in the lake, except near the Lake Nipigon inlets. Multiple sediment cores reveal 36 anomalously thick varves, previously ascribed to the formation of the Nakina moraine, which were deposited just prior to varve cessation in the open lake. The PSV records support the observation that the cessation of these thick varves is a temporally correlative event, occurring at 9035±170 cal. BP (calibrated years before 1950, ca 7950–8250 14C BP). This date would correlate to the eastern diversion of Lake Agassiz and glacial meltwater into Lake Ojibway.  相似文献   

We revise the conceptual model of calcite varves and present, for the first time, a dual lake monitoring study in two alkaline lakes providing new insights into the seasonal sedimentation processes forming these varves. The study lakes, Tiefer See in NE Germany and Czechowskie in N Poland, have distinct morphology and bathymetry, and therefore, they are ideal to decipher local effects on seasonal deposition. The monitoring setup in both lakes is largely identical and includes instrumental observation of (i) meteorological parameters, (ii) chemical profiling of the lake water column including water sampling, and (iii) sediment trapping at both bi-weekly and monthly intervals. We then compare our monitoring data with varve micro-facies in the sediment record. One main finding is that calcite varves form complex laminae triplets rather than simple couplets as commonly thought. Sedimentation of varve sub-layers in both lakes is largely dependent on the lake mixing dynamics and results from the same seasonality, commencing with diatom blooms in spring turning into a pulse of calcite precipitation in summer and terminating with a re-suspension layer in autumn and winter, composed of calcite patches, plant fragments and benthic diatoms. Despite the common seasonal cycle, the share of each of these depositional phases in the total annual sediment yield is different between the lakes. In Lake Tiefer See calcite sedimentation has the highest yields, whereas in Lake Czechowskie, the so far underestimated re-suspension sub-layer dominates the sediment accumulation. Even in undisturbed varved sediments, re-suspended material becomes integrated in the sediment fabric and makes up an important share of calcite varves. Thus, while the biogeochemical lake cycle defines the varves’ autochthonous components and micro-facies, the physical setting plays an important role in determining the varve sub-layers’ proportion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new interpretation of the sequence of events in Glen Roy and vicinity during the Loch Lomond Stadial that can be inferred from a detailed varve record constructed by Palmer et al. (2010). 300 years of Younger Dryas glacier advance in the Scottish Highlands are recorded by very thin varves formed in an ice-dammed lake up to 35 km long. At a varve site now occupied by Loch Laggan the lake stood permanently at 260 m, but in Glen Roy varves were also laid down in a lake at 325 m and, later, 350 m caused by glacier advance. Initial ice retreat recorded by a gradual increase in varve thickness was soon followed by much thicker varves. The varve sequences are interrupted by a sand bed caused by sudden drainage of the 350 m lake. The major varves of the Glen Roy sequence show that storminess was still increasing in intensity at least 160 years after glacier retreat had begun. At the Loch Laggan site 15 cm of deformed sediments register an earthquake that produced 3 m faulted uplift of all three Glen Roy shorelines, a response to the abrupt removal of 5 km3 of water when the 260 m lake was catastrophically drained by jökulhlaup. The deformed sediments are immediately followed by varves deposited in a local lake, ice-dammed lake sedimentation now having ceased, having lasted more than 460 years.  相似文献   

Glaciomarine varves, in contrast to glaciolacustrine varves, are primarily dependent upon sedimentation from meltwater overflow. They are usually developed in proximal positions and are a more reliable reflection of deglaciation character within a specific area than 'classical' glaciolacustrine varves, which are generally more distal and greater influenced by bottom topography. The close relationship with ice-front processes in the glaciomarine environment is discussed and utilized to suggest correlations between the varve stratigraphy, ice-front positions and climate shifts during the deglaciation of the Savean valley, where two varve localities have been documented. A varve sequence outside this valley shows similar general trends in varve-thickness variation, and comparison between localities may help in extending the lines connecting positions of concurrent ice-marginal deposition. The study of glaciomarine varves provides a more continuous record of changes in the ice-front character than can be obtained from intermittent moraine positions.  相似文献   

The Fehmarn Belt is a key area for the Late Pleistocene and Holocene development of the Baltic Sea as it was a passage for marine and fresh water during its different stages. The pre‐Holocene geological development of this area is presented based on the analysis of seismic profiles and sedimentary gravity cores. Late Pleistocene varve sediments of the initial Baltic Ice Lake were identified. An exceptionally thick varve layer, overlain by a section of thinner varves with convolute bedding in turn covered by undisturbed varves with decreasing thicknesses is found in the Fehmarn Belt. This succession, along with a change in varve geochemistry, represents a rapid ice‐sheet withdrawal and increasingly distal sedimentation in front of the ice margin. Two erosional unconformities are observed in the eastern Mecklenburg Bight, one marking the top of the initial Baltic Ice Lake deposits and the second one indicating the end of the final Baltic Ice Lake. These unconformities join in Fehmarn Belt, where deposits of the final Baltic Ice Lake are missing due to an erosional hiatus related to a lake‐level drop during its final drainage. After this lake‐level drop, a lowstand environment represented by river deposits developed. These deposits are covered by lake marls of Yoldia age. Tilting of the early glacial lake sediments indicates a period of vertical movements prior to the onset of the Holocene. Deposits of the earliest stages of the Baltic Sea have been exposed by ongoing erosion in the Fehmarn Belt at the transition to the Mecklenburg Bight.  相似文献   

A 10-cm long section from varved sequence of Lake Nautajärvi, Finland, has been analysed using both X-ray densitometry and image analysis of Backscattered Scanning Electron microscope Images (BSEI) of thin sections. Lake Nautajärvi's clastic-organi c varves appear in X-ray images as a succession of dark and pale stripes, pale ones being the spring detrital minerogenic layers and dark ones organic matter laid down during the time of summer, autumn and winter ice cover. Owing to the sharp contrast of the minerogenic spring layer, a semiautomatic tree-ring width and density measurement DendroScan system was applied to obtain seasonal/annual data of relative X-ray density. Mean density of BSEI was also acquired. Then BSEI were processed to produce black and white images, where white pixels represent the clay-rich sedimentary matrix and black pixels the particles in the matrix: silt- or sand-sized, terrigenous grains, authigenic particles and diatoms. Measurements of the size of the detrital particles forming the varves were obtained. For each varve, mean grey-level values in BSEI correlated well with the mean grey-level values of X-ray images, but grain size obtained on BSEI did not correlate with any parameters computed from X-ray radiography.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):678-689
A high-resolution study was performed on varved sediments from Lake Lehmilampi in eastern Finland. Varve data was collected by digital image analysis using standard 1.8 mm thick samples impregnated in epoxy and X-rayed. Climatic variability is imprinted on varve properties (varve thickness and accumulation of mineral and organic matter) during the last 2000 years. The cumulative counting error of the varve record is estimated as 2.3%. Qualitative comparison of varve parameters and residual Δ14C constructed from tree-rings revealed close correspondence between the two records, suggesting solar forcing on lake sedimentation. Classical climatic periods of the last millennia, Medieval Climate Anomaly (1060–1280 in the varve record) and Little Ice Age (cooler phases culminating in 1340, 1465, 1545, 1680, 1850 and also in 1930 in the varve record) are clearly evident in the varve record. At present the physical link between solar activity levels and lake sedimentation has not been established.  相似文献   

Several new varve measurements have been made at Skövde and Tibro in the middle Swedish end moraine belt to the east of Mount Billingen, Västergötland. Some varve sequences are very long, containing 400–700 varves, but correlations are still difficult to make. This is probably due to stagnation and advances of the inland ice margin, indicated by disturbed varves and by sand or till on the clay. SE of Skövde a series of more than 560 varves is covered by a glaciofluvial delta. This delta must have been formed not far from the ice margin. After a slow ice recession at Tibro - 17 km in 400–600 years - advances are indicated by the stratigraphy in the northern parts of the area.  相似文献   

The laminated sediment of Lake Holzmaar (Germany) has provided a continuous varve chronology for the last 3500 varve years (vy) and beyond that a floating varve chronology back to more than 22500 vy BP. This chronology in calendar years, in combination with palynology, enables us to determine the timing and the magnitude of Lateglacial and Early Holocene environmental changes on land (from 13838 to 10930 vy BP). The palynological diagram has a mean time resolution of 27 vy between samples. This paper establishes for the first time the biozonation for Lake Holzmaar below the Laacher See Tephra. Fifteen pollen subzones grouped in four biozones are defined by cluster analysis. After a period disturbed by microturbidites, only a part of the Bølling is present. Three cold periods have been evidenced by pollen analyses: the Older Dryas (96-vy-long), the Younger Dryas (654-vy-long) and the Rammelbeek phase (237-vy-long). The Allerød (883-vy-long) is bipartite with a first Betula -dominated period followed by a Pinus -dominated one. The Younger Dryas is also bipartite, with first a decrease of winter temperatures along with a change to a more continental climate. It is followed by a drier phase with a second decrease in temperatures, probably this time also affecting summer temperatures. The Preboreal is 702-yr-long. The duration of most phases corresponds to published records, except for that of the Younger Dryas. Cluster and rate-of-change analyses indicate a sharp change in the terrestrial vegetation assemblages that may be caused by a sedimentary hiatus of erosive origin during this cold and dry period. As a result, the chronology of Holzmaar has to be revised most likely below the middle of the Younger Dryas. Comparison with the varve record of Meerfelder Maar, a neighbour maar lake, suggests adding 320 vy below 12025 vy.  相似文献   

Ten cores consisting of varved clay from the northern part of Lake Peipsi in eastern Estonia have been correlated using varve thickness variations and specific marker varves into a 375-year floating varve chronology. Continuous sedimentation during gradual ice recession is concluded from a clear transition from proximal to distal varves. Cyclic variations in varve thickness are caused mainly by thickness changes of clayey winter layers. This is interpreted to indicate increased influx of finer material due to faster melting of the glacier. The cyclic pattern of thickness change is explained by alternating periods of increased and decreased melting of the ice. Simultaneous accumulation of varved clay in glacial Lake Peipsi and in the Luga and Neva basins of Russia is concluded from the good visual correlation between the mean varve thickness diagrams for the three chronologies. Because the varve chronologies from northwestern Russia have been tentatively correlated to the Swedish varve chronology, the timing of the clay accumulation in glacial Lake Peipsi is placed between c . 13 500 and 13 100 varve years BP.  相似文献   

With accelerated melting of alpine glaciers, understanding the future state of the cryosphere is critical. Because the observational record of glacier response to climate change is short, palaeo‐records of glacier change are needed. Using proglacial lake sediments, which contain continuous and datable records of past glacier activity, we investigate Holocene glacier fluctuations on northeastern Baffin Island. Basal radiocarbon ages from three lakes constrain Laurentide Ice Sheet retreat by ca. 10.5 ka. High sedimentation rates (0.03 cm a?1) and continuous minerogenic sedimentation throughout the Holocene in proglacial lakes, in contrast to organic‐rich sediments and low sedimentation rates (0.005 cm a?1) in neighbouring non‐glacial lakes, suggest that glaciers may have persisted in proglacial lake catchments since regional deglaciation. The presence of varves and relatively high magnetic susceptibility from 10 to 6 ka and since 2 ka in one proglacial lake suggest minimum Holocene glacier extent ca. 6–2 ka. Moraine evidence and proglacial and threshold lake sediments indicate that the maximum Holocene glacier extent occurred during the Little Ice Age. The finding that glaciers likely persisted through the Holocene is surprising, given that regional proxy records reveal summer temperatures several degrees warmer than today, and may be due to shorter ablation seasons and greater accumulation‐season precipitation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Surface sediments, cores and seismic reflection profiling delineate sedimentary environments and processes of sedimentation in Lake Tekapo. Sedimentation is dominated by the Godley River which forms an extensive delta in the northern third of the lake. Delta growth accounts for 55% of annual sediment deposition. In winter sandy muds are deposited at the top of the delta slope, where they may move under gravity as a surficial slide. Oversteepening of the upper slope also generates deep seated failures. The entire 20 km2 of delta slope is subjected to rotational slumping which episodically reworks large volumes of sediment. Down the delta slope sedimentation rates decrease, surface sediments get finer and varves become better developed.
In the lake basin sediments are parallel bedded varves, which contain typical winter-summer annual cycles as well as minor, non-annual flood varves. Annual varve thickness and semi-annual varve frequency are determined by variations in the discharge of the Godley River. Sedimentation in the basin accounts for 40% of the budget and sedimentation rates decrease with distance from the delta, except at the distal end of the basin, where turbid underflows are stopped by the rising lake floor. Beyond the basin, sedimentation rates decrease abruptly. Coriolis deflection of inflowing river water increases sedimentation rates down the eastern shore. The remaining 5% of the sediment is deposited on the lateral slopes and shoulders where sediments form a thin muddy veneer over basement, which occasionally slumps to the basin floor.  相似文献   

Evidence from terrestrial sections, ice cores, and marine cores are reviewed and used to develop a scenario for environmental change in the area of the extreme northwest North Atlantic during marine isotope stages 5 and 4. The critical physical link between the landbased glacial chronology and marine events in Baffin Bay is the presence of carbonate rich drift along the Baffin Bay coast of Bylot Island and a detrital carbonate facies (Facies B) in Baffin Bay sediments. Cores from Baffin Bay/Labrador Sea can be dated by means of oxygen isotope variations and by peaks in the abundance of volcanic glass shards. One occurrence of Facies B is dated between late stage 5 and stage 4 and we correlate this event with the Eclipse Glaciation of Bylot Island and the Ayr Lake stade of the Foxe Glaciation of Baffin Island (= Kogalu aminozone). In contrast on West Greenland, amino acid racemization evidence suggests that the Greenland Ice Sheet developed throughout stage 4 and reached a maximum in stage 3 (Svartenhuk advance >40 ka). The oxygen isotope record in the Devon Island Ice Cap (northwest Baffin Bay) indicates that Baffin Bay was largely open during marine isotope stage 5. Analyses of shallow water molluscan and foraminiferal assemblages, deep-water foraminifera, pollen from Iand sections and deep-sea cores, and dinoflagellates from marine cores indicate that interglacial conditions prevailed during much of the stage glaciation.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1725-1735
The palaeolake record from Piànico (Southern Alps) comprises a sequence of 15,500 continuous calcite varves formed during peak interglacial conditions around 400 ka ago. The varved nature of these deposits allows precise sub-sampling of five varve year intervals for stable isotope analyses. All samples consist of calcite precipitated in the epilimnion of the lake, with contents of detrital carbonate below 4%. Four significant negative δ18O oscillations occurred during the upper half of the interglacial. The most prominent of these oscillations has an amplitude of −1.1‰ and lasted 780 varve years. The three other oscillations are shorter (125–195 varve years) and of lower amplitude (0.4–0.9‰). An additional major drop in δ18O occurs 315 varve years before the end of continuous calcite precipitation in the lake. This shift marks the end of long interglacial conditions and the beginning of harsher climate conditions and glacier advances in the Southern Alps. In contrast, the four δ18O oscillations within the period of continuous formation of calcite varves reflect natural intra–interglacial climate dynamics.  相似文献   

The deglaciation pattern at Mt. Billingen, within the Middle Swedish end moraine zone, and its relationship with dramatic water level changes in the Baltic Ice Lake is a classic topic of Swedish Quaternary Geology. Based on data west of Mt. Billingen, the authors (in two earlier papers) presented a stratigraphic model associated with this subject. This study is an attempt to test the model east of Mt. Billingen, i.e. inside the Baltic Ice Lake itself. Lake Mullsjon is situated 30 km southeast of the drainage area of the Baltic Ice Lake and within the final drainage zone. About 8 m of Late Weichselian sediments (mostly varved clay) were recovered from the lake and analysed from different stratigraphic viewpoints, including lithology, grainsize, varve chronology, and pollen. These analyses show that the site was deglaciated in the later part of the Allerød Chronozone. Shortly thereafter the first drainage of the Baltice Ice Lake took place but without isolating Lake Mullsjon. After a short period of disturbed sedimentation varved clay continued to form as the glacier receded for another 120 varve years until the onset of the Younger Dryas cooling, as registered both in the pollen and in the varve stratigraphies. After c. another 120 varve years our analyses suggest that the Baltic Ice Lake was dammed once again. About 230 varve years of further ice readvance followed west of Mt. Billingen, while the ice margin in the east was more or less stationary. Rapid melting set in, at first producing coarse varves, but soon the clay was thin-varved and fine. This continued for 140 varve years until suddenly the lake became isolated. At this isolation thick beds of silty-sandy deposits were deposited on the lake floor. The isolation is dated to 10,400–10,500 14C years B.P., which corresponds to the assumed age of the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. It was also isolated at the same time as lakes (on the same isobase) situated 20 m lower, but west of Mt. Billingen, were raised above sea level. This strongly suggests that Lake Mullsjön was isolated as an effect of the drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. Significant differences between the clay-varve and the 14C chronologies are also presented.  相似文献   

On the basis of observation of thin sections and 137Cs data, laminations in sediment are interpreted to be varves in Bolterskardet Lake (78°06' N, 16°01' E), Svalbard, the Arctic. Varves appear under a petrologic microscope as couplets of dark-silt and light-clay layers. The mechanism of varve formation is surmized as follows: each silt layer is the production of sediment inflow interpreted as mainly derived from snowmelt during summer; each clay layer was deposited in a stillwater environment during an ice-cover period. A light -clay layer provides an important index bed to identify the annual interface. The high accumulation rates, long period of ice cover, and topographically closed basin are probably all critical factors in forming and preserving varves. Varve thickness is known to be controlled mainly by summer temperature. The variation of varve thickness in Lake Bolterskardet can then be used to reconstruct summer temperature. The varve series show that there has been distinct decade-scale variability of summer temperature over the past 150 years. Warm periods occurred in the 1860s, around 1900, the 1930s, 1950s, and 1970s, and in the last 20 years. The varved sediments of Lake Bolterskarde preserve an ideal record for high-resolution paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research in this data-sparse area.  相似文献   

In sections and cores from an area of the Baltic Ice Lake in Blekinge complete varve series of fine-grained glacial sediments have been found. It is possible to divide the series, from bottom to top, into four varve types. A core from Karlshamn in Blekinge shows most varves of the investigated localities, in all 355 varves. Antevs' (1915) local chronology has been used, as the most recent revision of the Swedish time scale has not yet been completed. The chronology in this investigation ranges from - 325 to + 315, or 640 years. The varve chronology and the velocity of the ice recession, c. 90 m/year in northeastern Skåne, shows good agreement with the work of Antevs, whose unpublished diagrams have been re-worked and used in this investigation.  相似文献   

The thickness of varves in the sediments of Skilak Lake, Alaska, are correlated with the mean annual temperature (r = 0.574), inversely correlated with the mean annual cumulative snowfall (r = −0.794), and not correlated with the mean annual precipitation (r = 0.202) of the southern Alaska climatological division for the years 1907–1934 A.D. Varve thickness in Skilak Lake is sensitive to annual temperature and snowfall because Skilak Glacier, the dominant source of sediment for Skilak Lake, is sensitive to these climatic parameters. Trends of varve thickness are well correlated with trends of mean annual cumulative snowfall ( ) of the southern Alaska climatological division and with trends of mean annual temperature of the southern ( ) and northern ( ) Alaska climatological divisions. Trends of varve thickness also correlate with trends of annual temperature in Seattle and North Head, Washington ( , respectively). Comparisons of trends of varve thickness with trends of annual temperature in California, Oregon, and Washington suggest no widespread regional correlation. Trends of annual snowfall in the southern Alaska climatological division and trends of annual temperature in the southern and northern Alaska climatological divisions are reconstructed for the years 1700–1906 A.D. Climatic reconstructions on the basis of varve thickness in Skilak Lake utilize equations derived from the regression of series of smoothed climatological data on series of smoothed varve thickness. Reconstruction of trends of mean annual cunulative snowfall in the southern Alaska climatological division suggests that snowfall during the 1700s and 1800s was much greater than that during the early and mid-1900s. The periods 1770–1790 and 1890–1906 show marked decreases in the mean annual snowfall. Reconstructed trends of the annual temperature of the northern and southern Alaska climatological divisions suggest that annual temperatures during the 1700s and 1800s were lower than those of the early and mid-1900s. Two periods of relatively high annual temperatures coincide with the periods of low annual snowfall thus determined.  相似文献   

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