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Peter J Hemming 《Area》2008,40(2):152-162
Human geographers are increasingly employing mixed-method approaches in their research, including in children's geographies, where 'child-centred' methods are often used alongside participant observation and semi-structured interviews to investigate children's perceptions and experiences. Mixing qualitative methods in this way raises a number of ethical and methodological issues, particularly regarding the changing power relationships between researchers and participants. This article considers the challenges and potential benefits of combining methods from participatory and interpretive approaches through triangulation or 'crystallisation'. The issues are illustrated through an empirical case study on children, health and exercise in the everyday spaces of the primary school.  相似文献   

Mike Kesby 《Area》2000,32(4):423-435
Summary In the context of a pilot study on the role that gender relations play in the transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe, this paper explores participatory diagramming, an exciting qualitative research technique largely under-utilized by geographers. It argues for a deployment of the technique within an action research epistemology in order that it might facilitate the reflection and action of participants in praxis, not simply the production of nuanced multiple truths in text Such an approach offers geographers embedded in an audit-oriented academy one means to political engagement while at the same time generating rigorous, 'publishable outputs'.  相似文献   

黄震方  黄睿 《地理研究》2018,37(2):233-249
快速城镇化和旅游发展背景下的乡村文化衰落现象,已经成为制约国家新型城镇化战略和乡村旅游发展的重大紧迫问题。以乡村文化保护为主线,通过综述乡村文化的研究进展,围绕城镇化和旅游发展对乡村文化是“繁荣”还是“衰落”、是“原真”保护还是“创新”利用、是景观“美化”还是文化“重构”等学术争论的焦点问题,提出了乡村文化保护利用和恢复重构的研究思路、研究方向及主要科学问题。强调应运用区域性、综合性的地理思维和人地关系的视角,综合集成多学科理论和多种研究方法与现代技术,聚焦引领性科学问题,关注城镇化对乡村文化胁迫效应测度及其影响过程与机制分析,重视乡村文化的科学保护、旅游活化利用、旅游村镇化与村镇旅游化、特色田园乡村建设和乡村多元价值提升,运用社区恢复力理论构建乡村文化恢复模型,依据文化基因、乡愁记忆等理论和建构主义方法确定乡村文化重构内涵,构建符合中国乡村特点的文化重构模式,从而为乡村振兴、乡村文化保护和乡村旅游持续发展提供理论支撑和实践依据,为国内学者进行乡村文化和乡村旅游研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

1AnalysisoftheCurrentSituationForady-ancingdieprogressofNotrileastChina'sparticipationintileNortheastAsianeconomiccooperation,itisquitenecessarytoanalyzecorrectlythecharacterishcsofthepresentsitUahon.theproblemsofthedistrictandtheobjechvecondihonswhichwillspeeduptiledevelopmentandimprovementoftheeconomicandtradecooperahonswiththeNortheastAsiancountries.l.lObjectiveconditionsAccordingtothellleoryofopeneconomy,internahonaleconomicrelahonslhporeconomiccooperatiollcanbeshowndy'ntalcallyasdieec…  相似文献   

Soil salinization research in China: Advances and prospects   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
With the environmental deterioration caused by the advance of climate change, soil salinization is a serious and growing global problem. Currently about 7% of the world's land surface is threatened by salinization. China is a country whose soils are severely affected by this problem, which, due to its extensive area, and wide distribution poses a serious threat to regional agricultural development. In this review, we summarize the framework for soil salinization research in China over the past 70 years, assess the weaknesses of existing research in both a domestic and international context, highlight the trends and key findings of global research about saline soils over the past 30 years, and propose six major fields and directions for future research on saline soil.  相似文献   

中国山地灾害研究进展与未来应关注的科学问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
崔鹏 《地理科学进展》2014,33(2):145-152
本文首先简要回顾了山地灾害研究与防治方面的新进展:认识了山地灾害的空间分布规律,建立了山洪、泥石流、滑坡危险性评价方法;发展了滑坡稳定性分析的原理和计算方法,建立了泥石流流体应力本构关系、泥石流流速流量和冲击力计算公式、粘性泥石流起动模型,提出了山洪和泥石流规模放大效应;基于降雨和地面成灾环境要素耦合分析,发展了山地灾害气象预报方法;基于对灾害物理特性的认识,研发了一系列灾害监测预警仪器、数字流域平台与智能手机网络相结合的山洪预警系统;发展了灾害治理工程技术,形成了适合欠发达地区特点的灾害治理技术体系。在此基础上,分析了在灾害形成、运动、预测预报、防治技术和风险管理等方面还需要进一步深化研究的问题,提出山地灾害学科今后面临的任务。最后,针对国家减灾需求和学科发展目标,提出灾害对生态的响应机制、气候变化对山地灾害的影响与巨灾预测、水—土耦合的细观结构力学、灾害风险的理论与方法、基于灾害形成理论的机理预报模式、灾害防治技术规程的健全等未来应该关注的科学技术问题。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the practices, problems, and prospects of GISbased urban modelling. The author argues that current stand-alone and various loose/tight coupling approaches for GIS-based urban modelling are essentially technology-driven without adequate justification and verification for the urban models being implemented. The absolute view of space and time embodied in the current generation of GIS also imposes constraints on the type of new urban models that can be developed. By reframing the future research agenda from a geographical information science (GISci) perspective, the author contends that the integration of urban modelling with GIS must proceed with the development of new models for the informational cities, the incorporation of multi-dimensional concepts of space and time in GIS, and the further extension of the feature-based model to implement these new urban models and spatial-temporal concepts according to the emerging interoperable paradigm. GISci-based urban modelling will not only espouse new computational models and implementation strategies that are computing platform independent but also liberate us from the constraints of existing urban models and the rigid spatial-temporal framework embedded in the current generation of GIS, and enable us to think above and beyond the technical issues that have occupied us during the past ten years.  相似文献   

近年来,基于性的“浪漫”与“亲密关系”受到国际学术界的广泛关注,并业已成为旅游学术研究中的热点话题。文章围绕国际旅游学术研究中的相关话题,从性旅游相关概念、旅游者特征、性旅游中的性工作者、旅游影响及公共管理等方面对国外相关研究文献进行了归纳和评析。研究表明,国外性旅游研究较为成熟,并开始形成较为完善的知识体系。通过本研究试图唤起中国学术界对性旅游的关注,并借鉴吸取国外经验,以期尽快提升中国性旅游研究水平和旅游公共管理的能力。  相似文献   

树轮稳定同位素比率是研究气候变化与环境演变的有效代用资料,耦合分析树轮稳定同位素记录的信息可揭示森林生态系统碳—水—氮时空变化特征及相互作用,反映环境变化对植物特定化合物的生理影响.树轮稳定氮同位素比率(δ15N)与树木生长的环境条件密切相关,其变化可以反映长时间尺度森林生态系统氮循环的动态特征,弥补监测资料的不足.本...  相似文献   

Matt Bradshaw 《Area》2001,33(2):202-211
Contracts with, and member checks by, research participants are increasingly recommended in qualitative research in human geography. However, differences in qualitatively researching 'the powerful', as opposed to researching 'down' mean that contracts and member checks may need to be approached with caution regarding the former. The possibility of the censorship of critique by powerful research participants is exemplified in this article, and a number of more general dilemmas in qualitatively researching 'up' are also discussed. Finally, some choices which might help address possible difficulties in qualitatively researching the powerful are outlined.  相似文献   

中国生态旅游研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1992年生态旅游概念引入中国以来,经历了理论介绍到本土化探索的过程,并不断推动中国生态旅游的实践发展。本文以1992-2015年间公开发表的中国生态旅游研究成果为基础,采用系统综述方法,对筛选的1493篇中文核心期刊文献进行梳理与总结,从生态旅游基础理论、生态旅游资源、生态旅游市场、生态旅游开发、生态旅游作用与影响、生态旅游管理与政策等6个方面对国内生态旅游研究展开述评,最后展望了今后中国生态旅游研究需关注的8个方面研究议题。  相似文献   

中国农村居民点用地微观尺度研究进展及展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中国快速工业化和城镇化进程助推农村发展经历了深刻转型,农村居民点用地类型及功能逐渐多样化和非农化,由此对农村居民点内部地类辨析、演变规律及驱动力探讨等提出了迫切需求。本文围绕农村居民点用地类型、结构及功能,农村居民点用地空心化以及用地景观等方面进行了较全面地总结,指出农村居民点用地演变与经济发展及农户生计变化息息相关。都市郊区及经济发达地区农户就地非农就业促使农村居民点用地类型多样化以及功能和景观的非农化,传统农区劳动力大量转移导致农村居民点用地闲置废弃和景观的空心化。当前,无论从技术手段还是研究内容看,农村居民点用地微观尺度研究仍以现象描述和解释为主,未来应逐渐向实践应用拓展和深化,并加强微观研究方法与技术手段的创新。在微观尺度的农村居民点用地转型、演变模式提炼基础上,深入剖析农村居民点用地的演变规律及驱动机理,提出面向国家战略需求的农村居民点空间重构方向,将凸显乡村聚落地理研究的政策出口与实践价值。  相似文献   

科技革命带来的数字化浪潮正在剧烈地改变城市经济、社会与空间系统,日常生活中也涌现出来越来越多的数字化行为。尽管以行为地理学和时间地理学为基础的时空间行为研究对这些新现象已经有较深入的研究,但仍然有较大潜力发展出新的框架与方法。论文在时空间行为研究制约的基础上,引入环境可供性以及动态交互等理论,从信息、主体及发生场景等维度分析了数字社会下时空间行为逻辑的重构过程,归纳了动态供给下的决策信息增强、他方为我背景下的主体增强以及行为发生的时空增强等机制。面向数字社会下人类时空间的变化,研究认为需要降低行为研究颗粒度,分析时空行为情境的动态性,探索支持时空间行为实现的场景设计,关注社会资源的时空间可获得性,提高数字社会下时空间行为的响应性。  相似文献   

权力空间的研究进展:理论视角与研究主题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着政治体制改革对我国的权力运行体系进行全面深入的重新部署,权力空间治理问题已经成为我国社会发展改革道路的重要组成部分。在西方人文地理学领域,"权力"及"权力空间"的相关研究已积累了丰富的理论和实践成果。了解和总结西方有关权力和权力空间的研究对我国目前社会转型期间的相关工作具有重要的借鉴意义。本文在对权力的内涵及其特性进行详细阐述的基础上,梳理了西方社会对权力空间的理论研究视角,总结了权力空间的核心主题:(1)权力空间的物质想象;(2)权力空间的建构与重构;(3)权力空间与话语、身份及政治的关系;(4)特殊群体的权力空间。最后比较了中西方在权力空间研究中的差异,期望为国内提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

Participatory mapping in social research is characterized by methodological pluralism, with two common methods being qualitative mapping using stakeholder interviews and quantitative methods that engage larger public samples through digital, internet mapping. To date, there has been no systematic evaluation of the extent to which mixed methods in participatory mapping yield valid results when applied to the same research setting and research questions. A mixed methods research design (combined exploratory sequential and convergent parallel) was implemented in a large research project to identify marine and coastal values in the Kimberley region of Australia. Qualitative interviews (n = 167) were completed with stakeholders to identify place-based values using polygon mapping methods and internet-based public participation GIS (PPGIS) methods (n = 578). We defined and operationalized the concepts of concurrent, commensurate, and convergent validity to assess mixed methods research outcomes. We found that qualitative and quantitative methods resulted in moderate to high concurrent validity when assessing the importance of place values in the study area. Convergent validity (spatial) was highly variable by place value, with stronger convergent validity found with mapped aesthetic, recreational fishing, tourism, biodiversity, and Aboriginal culture values, and weakest with existence, therapeutic, and commercial fishing values. Convergent validity was influenced by weak commensurate validity through the use of different geometric features (polygons versus points) for mapping values across a large study area. The utility of mixed methods for planning decision support in a convergent parallel design depends on demonstrating convergence in construct meaning, spatial location, and consistency in values in the sampling populations.  相似文献   

Recent research progress and prospects in tourism geography of China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on a large number of domestic literature reviews with related research abroad, academic standards and issues awareness have been intensified in domestic tourism geography, disciplinary consciousness and innovation enhancement. Hence, some valuable achievements have been made in the areas of tourism resources, tourism regional system, the spatial structure of tourism, tourism flow, ecotourism, tourism industry, tourism planning and tourism impacts, which strengthened the traditional advantages of research, expanded new areas of research and made research trends diverse. Meanwhile, with innovation of research methods, tourism geography in China is getting more and more internationally-oriented and reflecting Chinese characteristics. Research trends of China’s tourism geography are prospected: 1) Catering to national strategic needs, persisting problem-oriented, strengthening the metatheoretical research, and building Chinese “localization” of theory of tourism geography and method system. 2) Introducing and assimilating foreign theories and research methods, while focusing on explaining new tourism phenomena and problems in the domestic socio-economic background. 3) Concerning about the new regional spatial processes of demographic process, social process, and spatial process in new tourism trend. 4) Exploring interactive process and mechanism of man-land relationship and new models to develop territorial space under the tourism impacts. 5) Exploring important research issues of tourism geography in global, national, regional and local scales, from the point of view of spatial differentiation, scale transformation, interaction of man and nature, creating tourism geography interpretation system based on “process-structure-mechanism” of China. 6) Building theoretical system actively, while strengthening application-oriented research, and focusing on tourism poverty alleviation, tourism and heritage protection, national parks’ construction and other hot issues. Faced with econometrics research boom, we should return to rational thinking, using big data scientifically, while paying attention to the important role of qualitative evaluation in future research.  相似文献   

随着5G网络、物联网、云计算、大数据分析、地理信息系统等新技术的兴起,探索更具包容性和创新潜力的参与式治理,引导高效的技术研发与运用,实现城市“以地方现实为基础、以社会需求为导向”的智慧化转型,已成为国内外城市地理学的重要与前沿议题。人本主义视角下的智慧城市研究,为地理学者介入这一领域提供了理论工具。不同于技术中心主义将智慧城市视作由数字技术构成的物理空间集合,人本主义强调特定情境下的技术、社会(人文治理)与空间的互动。该视角呼吁对多方行动者参与技术研发、基础设施建设与治理决策的合作互动开展微观研究,以揭示智慧城市的共建过程与地方性驱动机制。论文梳理了国内外人本主义研究的最新进展,认为该视角下的研究仍然沿袭“技术中心”或采用与之对立的“知识中心”立场,而缺少技术—社会互动的视角来理解城市智慧化转型。论文提出未来值得深入探讨的议题,即技术与社会(治理)的共生性、围绕技术研发的社会关系互动复杂性、技术研发与关系互动的语境化分析。探讨以上议题有助于理解智慧城市如何作为一个复杂地域系统,在人与技术的持续互动中发生转型,也可为未来中国相关研究提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

"The authors analyze the factors, results, problems, and prospects of the development of a system of settlement in the Lithuanian SSR, a laboratory of sorts for settlement policy in the Soviet Union. Particular attention is devoted to the formation of an inter-rayon settlement system integrating urban and rural settlements. Several methodological and conceptual approaches to the study of settlement systems are examined in this context."  相似文献   

马恩朴  蔡建明  郭华  林静  廖柳文  韩燕 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2343-2359
受城市化、地域功能分化、生产要素优化配置和交通网络快速扩展等因素影响,区域之间资源要素的流动已成为区域可持续发展的内在需求。在这种背景下,人类与地理环境互动模式的网络化就要求地理学研究采取全程耦合范式,即将区域内部、区域与周边区域、以及非邻接区域之间的人地互动同时纳入考虑。食物系统作为衔接乡村与城市、以及产地与全球消费市场的产业链和价值链,是开展人地系统近远程耦合研究的重要切入点。基于这种认识,本文在论证理论研究内在依据及外在条件的基础上,将食物系统的构成要素与远程耦合框架相结合,建立“城市化驱动下食物系统近远程耦合的理论框架”并论述该理论框架的具体内涵。以拓展理论框架中的前沿领域为基本导向并结合国家重大战略需求,本文进一步明确了食物系统耦合研究的基本问题和4个亟待突破的优先研究方向。其中,基本问题是食物域的格局特征、时空演化及其动力机制。4个优先方向则包括:耦合社会经济文化变迁与生物地球化学循环的供应链网络人地互动研究;食物系统近远程耦合效应及其调控策略研究;基于食物系统的城乡融合与长效脱贫机制研究;以及面向公共卫生安全的食物系统跨区域、多层次治理研究。本文最后设计了食物系统耦合研究的一般技术路径,研究结果可为进一步的案例实证提供理论支撑和研究思路参考。  相似文献   

Summary This paper responds to recent calls for detailed evaluative criteria for qualitative research in human geography. It argues that the dualism between 'science' and 'creativity' is unfounded, and that while systematic methods of evaluation are required, standardization is inappropriate. Furthermore, it seeks to demonstrate that grounded theory provides an alternative framework that demonstrates how these ideas might be put into practice.  相似文献   

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