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During the last year I had ample opportunity for geologicalexcursions in the surroundings of Nanking,both with the students of theDepartment of Geology of National Central University,and in connectionwith fieldwork for the Geological Research Institute of the AcademiaSinica.From casual observations on these trips,I came to some  相似文献   

汶川地震断裂作用研究新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年汶川地震后,人们不得不思考问题是:大地震是如何发生的?下一次大地震什么时候发生?也就是涉及地质学家和地球物理学家一直未解决的科学问题:断层是如何破裂的?震后断裂是如何愈合的?我们试图通过对汶川地震断裂带结构、断裂摩擦行为和断裂愈合过程的研究来回答这些问题。本文将介绍通过对地表露头和汶川地震断裂科学钻探一号孔(WFSD)岩心中汶川地震主滑移带的详细研究,以及钻孔中长期温度监测来分析有关汶川地震断裂动态弱化和摩擦行为,并结合钻孔中长期水文监测计算所得断裂带渗透率变化,分析震后断裂愈合过程,进而探讨和认识汶川地震断裂作用所涉及的上述问题。经过详细研究,确定了汶川地震断裂带(映秀—北川断裂带)宽105~240 m、具有五个不同断裂岩组合的内部结构,是一条经常发生大地震、具多种弱化机制的断裂带;发现了汶川地震不仅具有同震石墨化作用,而且测量到目前世界上最低的动态摩擦系数(≤0.02),同时首次记录到大地震后断裂快速愈合信息。这些研究结果不仅直接回答了一直困扰在地震地质和地震物理学领域几十年的关键问题,而且对完善地震断裂理论和认识汶川地震机制具有极其重要的意义,为防震减灾提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

西昆仑—西南天山地区断裂活动性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
李建华  张家声等 《地质学报》2002,76(3):347-353,T001,T002
利用多时相、多波段卫星图像,对西昆仑-西南天山地区大约500000km^2范围的断裂活动性进行分析判读。根据卫星图像上显示的地貌、微地貌特征,构造组合形态,将所判读的断裂分为全新世活动、晚更新世活动以及活动不明显的3类,结合地震活动性,对该地区强震危险性进行了分析,提出西昆仑布伦口组合构造带活动,可能是形成20世纪南天山前缘乌恰、阿图什、伽师一系列强烈地震的原因。  相似文献   

Quaternary Geology and Faulting in the Damxung-Yangbajain Basin   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
The detailed geological mapping, conducted in the Damxung-Yangbajain basin, shows that there are many types of deposits formed since the Pliocene. The oldest sediments are formed during the Pliocene. The most prominent sediments are three sets of moraines and fluvioglacial deposits. The ESR, U-series and OSL dates indicate they are formed about 700-500 ka B.P., 250-125 ka B.P. and 75-12 ka B.P. respectively and indicate that there are three glacial periods since the mid-Pleistocene in the Nyainqentanglha Range. Along the southeast side of the Nyainqentanglha Range, the main southeast dipping fault zone which bounds the Damxung-Yangbajain Graben on its western edge was mapped. The fault zone consists of three secondary fault zones and their initiation ages that the fault zones became active gradually decrease southeastward. Prominent faulting occurred in about 700-500 ka B.P., 350-220 ka B.P., -140 ka B.P. and 70-50 ka B.P. since the mid-Pleistocene. The height of fault scarps which offset the sediments f  相似文献   

Studies of sustained activity in the Koyna — Warna Seismic Zone have yielded several models of faults in the basement of the Deccan Traps inferred from geophysical and seismic signatures. There is however, a dearth of unambiguous surface manifestations of such faults, apart from the surface ruptures from the epicentral zone of the December, 1967 earthquake. We report for the first time, an exposed NW-SE trending reverse fault in the Deccan Trap basalts from this region.  相似文献   

Isolation and chemical elucidation of dissolved and particulate polysaccharides in seawater were conducted. The water samples were collected in Mikawa Bay, Japan during a red tide bloom of the dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum minimum.Dissolved polysaccharides were concentrated from 5–101 of seawater with dialysis followed by separation by gel flitration, and isolation by ethanol precipitation. A heteropolysaccharide consisting of glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, arabinose, fucose and rhamnose and a glucan were isolated from the polysaccharide component having a molecular weight more than 4,000 Dalton and were characterized by several chemical analyses. The heteropolysaccharide is a mucilaginous polysaccharide having a highly branched structure and a molecular weight of 104?5 × 106 Daltons and probably contains a sulfate half ester: the glucan is a polysaccharide with β-1,3- and 1,6-linkages (chrysolaminaran type). Concentrations of these were respectively ca. 20 and 67 μg l?1 at 1 m, and 2 and 26 μg l?1 at 6 m.A similar heteropolysaccharide was found in the boiling water extract of the particulate matter, while β-glucan was isolated in a much less purified form than the seawater β-glucan. In addition, a large amount of β-1,4 glucan was found in the strong alkali extract of the particulate matter, indicating that this glucan must be a cell wall polysaccharide derived from phytoplankton. These results strongly suggest that the heteropolysaccharide and chrysolaminaran type polysaccharide dissolved in seawater were derived from water soluble carbohydrates of phytoplankton through extracellular release or cell lysis.  相似文献   

The advent of high-resolution digital seismic recording and advances in computer technology enable the combination of traditional regional seismic network observations with direct seismogram modeling to improve estimates of small earthquake faulting geometry, depth, and size. We illustrate a combined modeling approach using observations from three earthquakes that occurred within the environs of the New Madrid Seismic Zone: two Missouri earthquakes from September 26, 1990 and May 4, 1991; and the southern Illinois earthquake of February 5, 1994. We also re-examine the faulting geometry for two events from the 1960s that are inconsistent with the current estimate of the regional stress field. Based on direct modeling of the long-period seismograms associated with these events, we revise earlier estimates of the earthquake parameters for the March 3, 1963 and July 21, 1967 Missouri earthquakes. Comparing the new and revised results with existing earthquake mechanisms in the region, we find that tension-axes are generally aligned in a N-S to NW-SE direction, while the compression-axes trend in a NE to E direction. An interesting exception to this pattern are the March 3, 1963 and two nearby earthquakes that lie within a well-defined 30-km long left step in seismicity near New Madrid.  相似文献   

遥感解译和地表调查结果发现,西藏桑日县的沃卡盆地构成了藏南近南北向裂谷带中最东端的错那-沃卡裂谷的北段,它是在该区近东西向的逆冲构造带停止活动之后,上地壳沿N108±1°E方向发生区域性的伸展变形所形成的第四纪活动明显的地堑式断陷盆地。晚第四纪期间,控制该盆地发育的主边界断裂带为整体呈北北东走向、倾向西侧、长50~60km的盆地东缘正断层。该断裂带也是1915年桑日M7.0级地震的控震断裂。断裂活动速率的估算结果表明,该断裂带MIS6以来的垂直活动速率介于0.4~0.9mm/a之间,末次冰期盛冰期以来断裂平均活动速率最合理的估计值为1.2±0.3mm/a。Q3晚期以来活动速率的明显增加可能标志着该断裂带全新世进入了地震丛集期。  相似文献   

Surface deformations on the western flank of Mt Etna volcano, spanning 1980–2004, have been analysed as they pertain to stress interactions between magma intrusions within the shallow crust along the S–SE Rift and faulting sensitivity. During this period, an accurate analysis of strain parameters, computed by inversion of SW electro‐optical distance data, suggested that the observed strong displacements on this flank of the edifice can also be related to dextral shear movements along a roughly NE–SW buried fault crossing the area covered by this network, as supported by seismic observations of the 20–24 April 2001 swarm. Moreover, Coulomb stress change model analysis confirms that the displacement along this fault, heralding the July–August 2001 eruption 2 months earlier can be related to major stresses applied by a dike intrusion at depth along the S–SE Rift, as testified by the microseismicity occurring between November 2000 and 19 April 2001.  相似文献   

太白山分布有更新世冰川地形,其冰川槽谷在平面上呈“十”字型排列;横剖面EW向的呈宽谷形,NS向是呈U型:纵剖面EW向比较平坦,SN向呈阶梯状,其中有许多断裂陡坎。冰斗均位于断裂交汇点,面积不大而深度却相当大。这些地形的形态特征可以用构造加以解释,断裂破碎带是最有利于冰川刨蚀的地段。  相似文献   

广东莲花山断裂带是广东省内已知的最重要的锡、铜多金属成矿带。其南西段是莲花山国家级锡铜多金属整装勘查区,区内共分布有北山嶂—九龙嶂、棉洋—双华、五指嶂—锅子嶂、梅陇—鲘门—观音山4个动力变质带,动力变质带是本区内重要含矿及控矿构造。本文在野外地质调查、构造专项地质填图的基础上,通过对新发现的具有大型找矿前景的金坑铜锡多金属矿床的解剖,从矿区宏观地质特征、矿床的成矿温度、压力、成矿物质来源及成矿年龄等方面进行分析,认为矿床的成矿物质来源于侏罗纪火山岩;矿床的成矿作用主要与动力变质作用密切相关,为动力变质热液改造矿床;由此推测广泛分布于4个动力变质带中的诸多中、小型锡铜多金属矿床、地表矿化带(点)和化探异常的深部具有重要找矿潜力,具有大型矿床找矿前景。通过对本区的进一步工作,广东莲花山断裂带有望成为华南地区乃至全国重要的锡铜多金属成矿带。  相似文献   

对辽河盆地东部凹陷中段的主要断裂进行差异性升降活动分析,认为该区可分为前新生代和新生代两个大的构造演化阶段。后者又可进一步分为拱张阶段、裂陷阶段和坳陷阶段。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper analyzes various earthquake fault types, mechanism solutions, stress field as well as other geophysical data to study the crust movement in the Tibetan plateau and its tectonic implications. The results show that a lot of normal faulting type earthquakes concentrate in the central Tibetan plateau. Many of them are nearly perfect normal fault events. The strikes of the fault planes of the normal faulting earthquakes are almost in the N-S direction based on the analyses of the equal area projection diagrams of fault plane solutions. It implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the normal faulting type events have quite great components in the E-W direction. The extension is probably an eastward extensional motion, mainly a tectonic active regime in the altitudes of the plateau. The tensional stress in the E-W or WNW-ESE direction predominates the earthquake occurrence in the normal event region of the central plateau. A number of thrust fault and strike-slip fault type earthquakes with strong compressive stress nearly in the NNE-SSW direction occurred on the edges of the plateau. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau is attributable to the eastward movement of materials in the upper mantle based on seismo-tomographic results. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau may be related to the eastward extrusion of hotter mantle materials beneath the east boundary of the plateau. The northward motion of the Tibetan plateau shortened in the N-S direction probably encounters strong obstructions at the western and northern margins. Extensional motions from the relaxation of the topography and/or gravitational collapse in the altitudes of the plateau occur hardly in the N-S direction. The obstruction for the plateau to move eastward is rather weak.  相似文献   

Mr. J. Sargent 《GeoJournal》1980,4(3):205-214
This paper outlines the main changes in industrial location in Japan since the end of World War II. After a brief introduction, the paper discusses the growth of industrial regions between 1955 and 1965, and gives particular attention to the establishment of heavy industrial complexes in coastal locations and to the growth of assembly-line industries in inland locations. Some reference is also made to the role of local government inducement policies. The paper then turns to an examination of trends since 1965, and considers the significance of external diseconomies, changes in local government policy, labour shortage, improvements in transport and communications, and regional development policy. The paper argues that these factors have been responsible for a limited dispersal of manufacturing away from the main industrial regions. In conclusion, the paper briefly considers the implications of current economic trends for industrial location.  相似文献   

Extraction of a large volume of ore during block caving can lead to the formation of significant surface subsidence. Current knowledge of the mechanisms that control subsidence development is limited as are our subsidence prediction capabilities. Mining experience suggests that, among other contributing factors, geological structures play a particularly important role in subsidence development. A conceptual modeling study has been undertaken to evaluate the significance of geological structure on surface subsidence. A hybrid finite/discrete element technique incorporating a coupled elasto-plastic fracture mechanics constitutive criterion is adopted; this allows physically realistic modeling of block caving through simulation of the transition from a continuum to a discontinuum. Numerical experiments presented emphasize the importance of joint orientation and fault location on mechanisms of subsidence development and the governing role of geological structure in defining the degree of surface subsidence asymmetry.  相似文献   

正Objective The uplift process and uplift mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau has been a research focus among geologists in recent years.This work put emphasis on the Cenozoic exhumation histories of the blocks bounded by the major faults at the central segment of the Longmenshan thrust belt,and the vertical faulting history,including the starting  相似文献   

太白山古冰川地貌与地质构造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏正楷 《冰川冻土》1990,12(2):155-160

渤海湾盆地惠民凹陷临商断层特征及其活动机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临商断层为济阳坳陷惠民凹陷内部NE向展布的控洼断层之一,详细地分析这些断层的活动性对于深入了解古近系沙河街组沙三段开始沉积以来惠民凹陷的差异分化具有重要的意义。本文通过详细解剖临商断层的几何学特征,不同时期、位置的断层活动性,并结合新生代以来渤海湾盆地的构造演化,得出以下认识:①临商断层的雏形为一右旋走滑正断层。②断层的主枝由西往东活动速率逐渐增强,而分枝断层则表现为中间强、两侧弱。③时间上的差异性表现为古近系沙河街组沙三段沉积期—古近系沙河街组沙二段沉积期断层的活动性较强,在古近系沙河街组沙二段沉积期达到最高值,而后逐渐减弱,古近系东营组沉积期出现小规模的增强,新近系馆陶组沉积期断层活动性达到最低值,新近系明化镇组沉积期断层活动性开始增强。④空间上断层活动的差异主要是由于该断层走滑过程中形成的同向走滑断层的位置造成的,而时间上的差异性与渤海湾盆地新生代的构造演化具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

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