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In the temperate and semiarid environment the salinity of both surface and subsurface (meteoric) waters is dominated by the weathering products of soil and aquifer minerals, since even surface waters have a history of subsurface flow. In the desert environment, in contrast, surface flows are more superficial and their chemistry dominated by the aeolian salinity. This has both a marine input and a contribution from recycled salinity from surface accumulation of evaporitic minerals. Both these sources have chloride (and to a lesser extent sulphate) as the dominant anion.  相似文献   

Résumé On introduit dans un calcul anciennement publié la notion de libre parcours moyen des petits ions dans l'air, et on en déduit les valeurs de leurs coefficients de fixation sur des aérosols ultrafins, électriquement chargés ou non. Ces résultats théoriques sont discutés et comparés aux résultats expérimentaux actuellement acquis.
Summary The idea of the mean free path of small ions is introduced in a theory previously published, and a value of the combination coefficients of these small ions on very small aerosols particles are evaluated. Theoretical results are discussed in comparison with experimental values.

The knowledge of the distribution functions of the order statistics for the Pearson III law and its derived forms is used for determining the confidence intervals associated with this law.This method is used to establish the tables and graphs for the confidence intervals of this law and its derived forms.  相似文献   


Groundwaters, which have lost their original oxygen content as a consequence of reducing, i.e. oxygen-consuming microbial processes, are a common phenomenon in nature. But man, too, can change oxygen-containing waters in a variety of ways into oxygen-free groundwaters. The different ways of ‘groundwater reduction’ by man's activities are illustrated by way of selected examples.  相似文献   

The concentrations of PCBs and DDT at the surface of sediments of rivers in the Canton of Geneva were examined. Concentration variations observed along the rivers are discussed. In the case of the Rhône River, recent pollution at the surface of sediments is compared with that of aged underlying layers.  相似文献   

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The N'Tarla bore-hole groundwaters show an 18O16O isotopic composition different from the mean weighted value of precipitations in this region. On the basis of 14C bicarbonate activity and tritium content, a mixing process of recent and ancient waters is assessed.  相似文献   

The toxic influence of phenol, aniline, pyridine and chrome, substances often found in municipal wastewaters, on the bacteriaEscherichia coli andPseudomonas fluorescens was examined. The non-toxic, growth limiting, toxic and lethal doses were determined on the basis of observations made ofE. coli andP. fluorescens reproduction and respiration patterns. Comparative test series were set up with the various doses in different nutrient cultures to ascertain whether the bacterias’ multiplication process or carbohydrate decomposition was more sensitive to the chemicals.  相似文献   

Summary The hydrologic study, by the mean of tritium of Taurus karst (Turkey), has shown two kinds of underground circulations: aconstant circulation whose waters have a mean residence time of one year andstill waters, several years older, found in a deeper karst. Moreover the averge time of renewal of Lake Beysehir has been put in evidence. The results have very important consequences on the future development of this area and the harnessing of its potentials.   相似文献   

Summary The examination of the figures with regard to the qualitative point of view (Coliforms) as well as to the quantative one (total numbers of germs) for the period of 1957 to 1965 [1] reveals an aggravation of the bacterial situation in the last years and, especially, in 1963 and 1964.
Zusammenfassung Bei der Prüfung der Zahlen sowohl in qualitativer (Kolibakterien) als auch in quantitativer Hinsicht (Total der vorhandenen Keime) wird für die Zeit von 1957 bis 1965 [1] eine merkliche Verschlechterung der bakteriologischen Verh?ltnisse festgestellt. Dies gilt besonders für die letzten Jahre, vor allem aber für die Jahre 1963 und 1964.


Studies of groundwater discharge to seas and oceans are important to hydrology and geology. Some concepts and notions of groundwater outflow to the world's oceans are presented. A method for evaluating submarine groundwater discharge is discussed. Discharge estimates for the Pacific Ocean along all its coastline and major islands are given. The general characteristics of groundwater discharge and the factors governing discharge values are described. The groundwater outflow to the Pacific Ocean is shown to follow latitudinal physiographic zonality.  相似文献   

A study of the thermal regime of the Lower Ardeche River was carried out from July 1982 to December 1984 using a chemical method (sucrose inversion) and a continuous temperature recorder. Yearly, monthly and daily temperature fluctuations were analyzed. The main factors that influence thermal variations are air temperature and geomorphology of the canyon. The hydrological regime is responsible of the water temperature fluctuations between years Despite the low winter temperatures, the Lower Ardeche can be classified among Mediterranean rivers, which typically have a very high maximum in summer.   相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont recherché, au moyen d'investigations dans le ≪Petit-Lac≫, le nombre de micro-organismes d'origine aérienne qui tombent sur le Léman en un an. Ce nombre s'élève, en moyenne, à 482×1015 germes; cela représente un poids de près de 2 tonnes. Ils mentionnent également les principales conditions climatiques et météorologiques qui conditionnent l'augmentation ou la diminution du nombre des microorganismes dans l'atmosphère.
Zusammenfassung Die Autoren haben, aufgrund von Untersuchungen im sogennanten ≪Petit-Lac≫, die Zahl der Mikroorganismen, die w?hrend eines Jahres aus der Luft ins Wasser des Genfersees gelangen, gesch?tzt. Diese Zahl betr?gt im Mittel 482×1015 Keime, was einem Totalgewicht von nahezu zwei Tonnen entspricht. Die Autoren erw?hnen zudem die haupts?chlichen klimatischen und meteorologischen Bedingungen, welche die zahlenm?ssige Zunahme oder Abnahme dieser Mikroorganismen in der Atmosph?re beeinflussen.


The changes in groundwater quality that result from man's activities are reviewed. This paper considers the various geochemical reactions, the biochemical processes and the physical processes that take place as well as the sources of pollution. Suggestions are made for future research and practical guidance given for avoidance of pollution of groundwater or minimizing its effects.  相似文献   

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