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The uranium and thorium decay series nuclides in Mt. St. Helens effusives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of the radionuclides238U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,210Po,232Th,228Ra and228Th and the abundances of major elements were determined in samples from all major eruptions of Mt. St. Helens from May 18, 1980 through June 21, 1981. During this time the effusives changed from plagioclase-phyric dacite to a more andesitic composition but the concentrations of U and Th series nuclides were measurably invariant. The average232Th/238U weight ratio in the rocks is 2.4 and the230Th/232Th activity ratio equals the238U/232Th activity ratio indicating no fractionation of U from Th during magma genesis.226Ra activity is in excess (~40% on average) of its parent230Th whereas228Ra is in radioactive equilibrium with its parent232Th, constraining the time of magma formation between 30 and 104 years prior to eruption. The210Pb/226Ra activity ratios in the samples average 1.0, with a 20% scatter on either side, but allowing for volatile210Pb loss at time of eruption excess210Pb over226Ra is inferred, indicating that the time of magma formation was within the last 150 years.210Po was virtually absent in the samples immediately after eruption, indicating its total loss by volatilization during eruption. The quantity of210Po volatilized during the May 18, 1980 event is estimated to be in the range of 300 Ci from the effusives and as much as 5000 Ci total including losses from heated slide material. The222Rn activity volatilized should have been comparable to the210Po activity released.  相似文献   

The concentration profiles of 9Be, 10Be, 230Th, 232Th, 231Pa (via 227Th) and 238U have been measured in three manganese nodules, one each from the North Pacific (A47-16(4)), the South Pacific (TF-5) and the Indian Ocean (R/V Vitiaz). In addition the 10Be concentration in deep water from the GEOSECS reoccupation station 500 of the North Pacific, and in ? cores raised from the manganese nodule field in the North Pacific have been measured. The 10Be concentration in nodule and seawater samples was measured by the accelerator masss spectrometric technique employing the Yale Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator.The concentrations of 10Be, 230Thexc and 231Paexc and ratios of 10Be/9Be and 230Thexc/232Th all decrease with depth in the nodules. This decrease, interpreted in terms of nodule growth, yields “average” growth rates of a few millimeters per million years for the nodules. The growth rates of the nodules exhibit temporal variations, both on short time (~ 50,000 years) and long time (several million years) scales. Of the three nodules studied, only in TF-5 is the short-term average growth rate based on 230Thexc in the top 0–0.5 mm the same as the long-term average rate based on Be isotope data for the 0.5–17 mm interval. For the other two nodules, the recent average growth rates based on230Thexc data differ significantly from the long-term average growth rates based on Be isotopes. In A47-16(4) the 10Be based rate is less than the 230Thexc rate and in R/V Vitiaz the 10Be based rate is greater than the 230Thexc rate. This observation, coupled with measurable changes in growth rates even during the past few hundred thousand years, suggests, but does not prove, that the discordant growth rates deduced from 230Thexc and 10Be profiles document changes in nodule growth rate with time rather than mixing effects on 230Thexc profiles.The 10Be concentration in the GEOSECS North Pacific deep water is 6100±1200 atoms/g. This value coupled with the average surface 10Be/9Be ratio of North Pacific nodules predicts a 9Be concentration within the limits of measured values. The inventory of 10Be and 230Thexc in the nodules is only ~ 10% of the total, the remaining being in sediments. The 10Be concentrations in the upper portions of two adjacent cores studied are nearly the same, but the deposition fluxes of both 10Be and 230Th based on 230Th dating vary by a factor of two. This difference is attributable to local redistribution of sediment at the time of deposition prior to accumulation.  相似文献   

In situ cosmogenic nuclides are an important tool for quantifying landscape evolution and dating fossil-bearing deposits in the Cradle of Humankind (CoH), South Africa. This technique mainly employs cosmogenic 10-Beryllium (10Be) in river sediments to estimate denudation rates and the ratio of 26-Aluminium (26Al) to 10Be (26Al/10Be), to constrain ages of sediment burial. Here, we use 10Be and 26Al concentrations in bedrock and soil above the Rising Star Cave (the discovery site of Homo naledi) to constrain the denudation rate and the exposure history of soil on the surface. Apparent 10Be-derived denudation rates obtained from pebble- to cobble-sized clasts and coarse-sand in soil (on average 3.59 ± 0.27 m/Ma and 3.05 ± 0.25 m/Ma, respectively) are 2-3 times lower than the bedrock denudation rates (on average 9.46 ± 0.68 m/Ma). In addition, soil samples yield an average 26Al/10Be ratio (5.12 ± 0.27) that is significantly lower than the surface production ratio of 6.75, which suggests complex exposure histories. These results are consistent with prolonged surface residence of up to 1.5 Ma in vertically mixed soils that are up to 3 m thick. We conclude that the 10Be concentrations accumulated in soils during the long near-surface residence times can potentially cause underestimation of single-nuclide (10Be) catchment-wide denudation rates in the CoH. Further, burial ages of cave sediment samples that consist of an amalgamation of sand-size quartz grains could be overestimated if a pre-burial 26Al/10Be ratio calculated from the surface production is assumed. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two expeditions (October 1989 and May 1992) were carried out to two points of the main Amazon River channel and four tributaries. The Solimões and Madeira rivers, taking their origin in the Andes, are whitewater rivers. The Negro River is a typical acid, blackwater river. The Trombetas River flows through bauxite‐rich areas, and is characterized by low concentrations of dissolved humic substances. The 238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th activities were recorded from dissolved, suspended particulate phases and river bank sediments. The latter were analysed for their 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb contents, and also subjected to leaching with 0·2 M hydroxylamine–hydrochloride solution to determine the concentrations of radionuclides bound to amorphous Fe hydroxides and Mn oxides and hydroxides. The dissolved U average concentration in the Amazon system is ten times lower than the mean world river concentration. The uranium concentration observed at Óbidos in the lower Amazon (0·095 µg L?1), where the U content in the river bank sediments and suspended matter is lowest, suggests U release from the solid phase during river transport. About 485 t of U are transported annually to the Amazon delta area in dissolved form, and 1943 t bound to suspended particulate matter. Total U and Th concentrations in the river bank sediments ranged from 1·59 to 7·14 µg g?1 and from 6·74 to 32 µg g?1, respectively. The highest concentrations were observed in the Trombetas River. The proportion extracted by means of the hydroxylamine solution (HL) was relatively high for U in the Trombetas river bank sediment (31%) and for Th in the Solimões sediment (30%). According to the alpha recoil effects, the 234U/238U activity ratios of the Andean river waters and downstream Amazon water (Óbidos) were >1, but were <1 in the Negro River (at Manaus). The activity ratios of dissolved U correlate with pH and also with the U activity ratios in the river bank sediment hydroxylamine extracts. As expected, the 234U/238U activity ratios in river bank sediments were <1 in the Andean rivers and in the downstream Amazon, but they were >1 in the Trombetas and Negro rivers. Such ratios probably result from the binding of dissolved uranium to solid sediment. The 228Th/232Th ratios of river bank sediments were close to unity (except for the Negro River, where it is lower), suggesting no significant Th exchanges between the river water and the sediment. The 226Ra/232Th activity ratios were <1, and the 226Ra/228Ra activity ratios generally were significantly higher than the activity ratios of their respective parents. This perhaps is the result of easier leaching of the 226Ra parent, 230Th, from solid material (owing to the alpha recoil effect) than of the 228Ra parent. Uranium and thorium isotopes were used as tools to evaluate the chemical weathering rate of rocks in the Amazon system, which was estimated to be 2·7 cm 1000 year?1 s?1. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscapes in areas of active uplift and erosion can only remain soil‐mantled if the local production of soil equals or exceeds the local erosion rate. The soil production rate varies with soil depth, hence local variation in soil depth may provide clues about spatial variation in erosion rates. If uplift and the consequent erosion rates are sufficiently uniform in space and time, then there will be tendency toward equilibrium landforms shaped by the erosional processes. Soil mantle thickness would adjust such that soil production matched the erosion. Previous work in the Oregon Coast Range suggested that there may be a tendency locally toward equilibrium between hillslope erosion and sediment yield. Here results from a new methodology based on cosmogenic radionuclide accumulation in bedrock minerals at the base of the soil column are reported. We quantify how soil production varies with soil thickness in the southern Oregon Coast Range and explore further the issue of landscape equilibrium. Apparent soil production is determined to be an inverse exponential function of soil depth, with a maximum inferred production rate of 268 m Ma?1 occurring under zero soil depth. This rate depends, however, on the degree of weathering of the underlying bedrock. The stochastic and large‐scale nature of soil production by biogenic processes leads to large temporal and spatial variations in soil depth; the spatial variation of soil depth neither supports nor rejects equilibrium morphology. Our observed catchment‐averaged erosion rate of 117 m Ma?1 is, however, similar to that estimated for the region by others, and to soil production rates under thin and intermediate soils typical for the steep ridges. We suggest that portions of the Oregon Coast Range may be eroding at roughly the same rate, but that local competition between drainage networks and episodic erosional events leads to landforms that are out of equilibrium locally and have a spatially varying soil mantle. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studies on hydrology, biogeochemistry, or mineral weathering often rely on assumptions about flow paths, water storage dynamics, and transit times. Testing these assumptions requires detailed hydrometric data that are usually unavailable at the catchment scale. Hillslope studies provide an alternative for obtaining a better understanding, but even on such well‐defined and delimited scales, it is rare to have a comprehensive set of hydrometric observations from the water divide down to the stream that can constrain efforts to quantify water storage, movement, and turnover time. Here, we quantified water storage with daily resolution in a hillslope during the course of almost an entire year using hydrological measurements at the study site and an extended version of the vertical equilibrium model. We used an exponential function to simulate the relationship between hillslope discharge and water table; this was used to derive transmissivity profiles along the hillslope and map mean pore water velocities in the saturated zone. Based on the transmissivity profiles, the soil layer transmitting 99% of lateral flow to the stream had a depth that ranged from 8.9 m at the water divide to under 1 m closer to the stream. During the study period, the total storage of this layer varied from 1189 to 1485 mm, resulting in a turnover time of 2172 days. From the pore water velocities, we mapped the time it would take a water particle situated at any point of the saturated zone anywhere along the hillslope to exit as runoff. Our calculations point to the strengths as well as limitations of simple hydrometric data for inferring hydrological properties and water travel times in the subsurface.  相似文献   

The uranium content of glass from chilled margins of oceanic tholeiitic basalt flows is generally ≤0.1ppm, even for old samples with highly altered crystalline interiors. Such low values represent the original whole rock concentrations, although subsequent to eruption low-temperature weathering has added uranium, and other elements, to the crystalline portions of these basalts. Consideration of the K/U ratios of altered samples suggests that basalt weathering may provide the major oceanic sink for these two elements.  相似文献   

A cineritic level, which appears very interesting from a chronostratigraphic point of view because it is found throughout the eastern Mediterranean Sea, has been related to the « Cetara — Serrara Fontana » tuff formation (Ischia Island, Italy) by previous authors who estimated the age of this cineritic level to be about 25,000 years. A direct dating of the « Cetara — Serrara Fontana » tuff has been attempted by means of isotopic analyses of uranium and thorium in sphene, glass, clinopyroxenes and magnetite from four tuff samples. The calculated age is 41,500±3,000 years only if glass and sphene are assumed to be coeval. On the other hand, assuming as true the age of 25,000 years for the Cetara tuff, we must conclude that the sphene crystallized before the eruption. The age of the clinopyroxenes and magnetite is older than 300,000 years: therefore, they are possibly pre-existing minerals reworked by the Cetara explosion.  相似文献   

Marine hypoxic episodes are affecting both marine and freshwater bodies all over the world. Yet, limited data exists with regard to the effects of decreasing oxygen on protist metabolism. Three ciliate species were therefore isolated from Hong Kong coastal waters. Controlled hypoxic conditions were simulated in the lab environment, during which time growth, respiration and grazing rates were measured. Euplotes sp. and a Oxytrichidae-like ciliate showed decreased growth and respiration below 2.5 mg O2 L−1, however Uronema marinum kept steady growth and respiration until below 1.5 mg O2 L−1. Euplotes sp. and the Oxytrichidae-like ciliate had the highest ingestion rate, which dropped significantly below 3.0 mg O2 L−1. U.marinum grazing rates were affected at and below 1.5 mg O2 L−1, correlating with their drop in growth and respiration at this lower concentration. This study illustrates the slowing metabolism of key grazing protists, as well as species-specific tolerance in response to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Windy pits are open fissures within the Corallian strata of the North York Moors. Here we present nine thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U–Th dates on speleothem from the windy pits, the first radiometric dates on calcite for these features and for this region. The dates cluster within three time periods: the interglacial peaks of marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 (~208 to ~190 ka), MIS 5 (~127 ka to ~109 ka) and the Holocene, correlating with the marine isotope record and with the broad pattern of interglacial calcite deposition observed for northern England. However, of the two high‐resolution studies available for comparison, the windy‐pit dates match only the Lancaster Hole dates. The location of the windy pits outside of the Devensian ice limits, within the ice‐free but periglaciated region, suggests that the region has remained ice‐free since some time before MIS 7. The prevalence of widespread and prolonged permafrost conditions suggests a plausible mechanism for these open rift caves in slope‐side periglacial mass movement. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To study the amount of heat generated by radioactive decay in the continental crust, the usual practice in the literature is to fit to the heat flow and radioactivity data a relationship of the form: Q = Qr + D · A where Q and A are the observed heat flow and radiogenic heat production. Qr is the “reduced” heat flow and D is a depth scale. This procedure implicitly assumes that uranium, thorium and potassium have identical distributions in the crust. We suggest that significant information may be lost as the three radioelements may in fact be affected by processes operating over different depths.Data published for four heat flow provinces throughout the world are used to estimate the distributions of uranium, thorium and potassium in the continental crust. These distributions are characterized by a depth scales defined as follows: Di =∫0h Ci(z)Ci(0)dz where h is the thickness of the layer containing the bulk of radioactivity and Ci(z) the concentration of element i at depth z. Three depth scales are computed from a least-squares fit to the following relationship: Q = Qr + DU · AU + DT · AT + DK · AT where Q is the observed heat flow and Qr some constant (a reduced heat flow). Ai is the heat generation rate due to the radioactive decay of element i, and Di is the corresponding depth scale.The analysis suggests that the three distributions are different and that they have the same basic features in the four provinces considered. The depth scale for potassium is large in granitic areas, that for thorium is small and that for uranium lies between the other two.We propose a simple model according to which each radioelement essentially provides a record for one process. Potassium gives a depth scale for the primary differentiation of the crust. Thorium gives the depth scale of magmatic or metamorphic fluid circulation. Finally, the uranium distribution reflects the late effects of alteration due to meteoric water. We show that the heat flow and radioactivity data are compatible with this model.Our analysis and numerical results are supported by data from deep boreholes and by geochemical evidence, such as detailed investigations of plutonic series and studies of U-Th-Pb systematics.  相似文献   

Weathering rates were calculated using the height differences between lead lettering on marble gravestones from inland urban, inland rural, coastal urban and coastal rural sites within southern Britain. All sites exhibit similar amounts and variations in rainfall over the study period for which gravestone measurements are available. Comparison of mean weathering rates suggested that the coastal urban site of Clacton had a similar weathering rate to the nearby coastal rural site. The other urban sites of Oxford, Lodge Hill and Portsmouth had similar weathering rates, despite their diverse locations and histories. The inland rural site had a significantly lower mean weathering rate than any other site. Analysis of covariance confirms that there are similarities between some sites. Linear and curvilinear regression of depth of loss against age suggests that a linear regression adequately describes the relationship over the period for which data are available, although there are problems with this simple interpretation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over 180 springs emerge in the Panamint Range near Death Valley National Park, CA, yet, these springs have received very little hydrogeological attention despite their cultural, historical, and ecological importance. Here, we address the following questions: (1) which rock units support groundwater flow to springs in the Panamint Range, (2) what are the geochemical kinetics of these aquifers, and (3) and what are the residence times of these springs? All springs are at least partly supported by recharge in and flow through dolomitic units, namely, the Noonday Dolomite, Kingston Peak Formation, and Johnnie Formation. Thus, the geochemical composition of springs can largely be explained by dedolomitization: the dissolution of dolomite and gypsum with concurrent precipitation of calcite. However, interactions with hydrothermal deposits have likely influenced the geochemical composition of Thorndike Spring, Uppermost Spring, Hanaupah Canyon springs, and Trail Canyon springs. Faults are important controls on spring emergence. Seventeen of twenty-one sampled springs emerge at faults (13 emerge at low-angle detachment faults). On the eastern side of the Panamint Range, springs emerge where low-angle faults intersect nearly vertical Late Proterozoic, Cambrian, and Ordovician sedimentary units. These geologic units are not present on the western side of the Panamint Range. Instead, springs on the west side emerge where low-angle faults intersect Cenozoic breccias and fanglomerates. Mean residence times of springs range from 33 (±30) to 1,829 (±613) years. A total of 11 springs have relatively short mean residence times less than 500 years, whereas seven springs have mean residence times greater than 1,000 years. We infer that the Panamint Range springs are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to their dependence on local recharge, disconnection from regional groundwater flow (Death Valley Regional Flow System - DVRFS), and relatively short mean residence times as compared with springs that are supported by the DVRFS (e.g., springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge). In fact, four springs were not flowing during this campaign, yet they were flowing in the 1990s and 2000s.  相似文献   

We examine the physics of growth of water bubbles in highly viscous melts. During the initial stages, diffusive mass transfer of water into the bubble keeps the internal pressure in the bubbles close to the initial pressure at nucleation. Growth is controlled by melt viscosity and supersaturation pressure and radial growth under constant pressure is approximately exponential. At later stages, internal pressure falls, radial growth decelerates and follows the square-root of time. At this stage it is controlled by diffusion. The time of transition between the two stages is controlled by the decompression, melt viscosity and the Peclet number of the system. The model closely fit experimental data of bubble growth in viscous melts with low water content. Close fit is also obtained for new experiments at high supersaturation, high Peclet numbers, and high, variable viscosity. Near surface, degassed, silicic melts are viscous enough, so that viscosity-controlled growth may last for very long times. Using the model, we demonstrate that bubbles which nucleate shortly before fragmentation cannot grow fast enough to be important during fragmentation. We suggest that tiny bubbles observed in melt pockets between large bubbles in pumice represent a second nucleation event shortly before or after fragmentation. The presence of such bubbles is an indicator of the conditions at fragmentation. The water content of lavas extruded at lava domes is a key factor in their evolution. Melts of low water content (<0.2 wt%) are too viscid and bubbles nucleated in them will not grow to an appreciable size. Bubbles may grow in melts with 0.4 wt% water. The internal pressure in such bubbles may be preserved for days and the energy stored in the bubbles may be important during the disintegration of dome rocks and the formation of pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

Biofilm growth changes many physical properties of porous media such as porosity, permeability and mass transport parameters. The growth depends on various environmental conditions, and in particular, on flow rates. Modeling the evolution of such properties is difficult both at the porescale where the phase morphology can be distinguished, as well as during upscaling to the corescale effective properties. Experimental data on biofilm growth is also limited because its collection can interfere with the growth, while imaging itself presents challenges.In this paper we combine insight from imaging, experiments, and numerical simulations and visualization. The experimental dataset is based on glass beads domain inoculated by biomass which is subjected to various flow conditions promoting the growth of biomass and the appearance of a biofilm phase. The domain is imaged and the imaging data is used directly by a computational model for flow and transport. The results of the computational flow model are upscaled to produce conductivities which compare well with the experimentally obtained hydraulic properties of the medium. The flow model is also coupled to a newly developed biomass–nutrient growth model, and the model reproduces morphologies qualitatively similar to those observed in the experiment.  相似文献   

A method for estimation of mean baseflow residence time in watersheds from hydrograph runoff recession characteristics was developed. Runoff recession characteristics were computed for the period 1993–96 in the 2 km2 Winnisook watershed, Catskill Mountains, southeastern New York, and were used to derive mean values of subsurface hydraulic conductivity and the storage coefficient. These values were then used to estimate the mean baseflow residence time from an expression of the soil contact time, based on watershed soil and topographic characteristics. For comparison, mean baseflow residence times were calculated for the same period of time through the traditional convolution integral approach, which relates rainfall δ18O to δ18O values in streamflow. Our computed mean baseflow residence time was 9 months by both methods. These results indicate that baseflow residence time can be calculated accurately using recession analysis, and the method is less expensive than using environmental and/or artificial tracers. Published in 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The input of organic substances(e.g.,rice straw)in rice field soils usually stimulates the production and emission of the greenhouse gas methane(CH4).However,the amount of CH4 derived from the applied rice straw,as well as the response of bacterial and archaeal communities during the methanogenic phase,are poorly understood for different rice field soils.In this study,samples of five different rice soils were amended with 13^C-labeled rice straw(RS)under methanogenic conditions.Immediately after RS addition,the RS-derived CH4 production rates were higher in soils(Uruguay,Fuyang)that possessed a stronger inherent CH4 production potential compared with other soils with lower inherent potentials(Changsha,the Philippines,Vercelli).However,soils with higher inherent potential did not necessarily produce higher amounts of CH4 from the RS applied,or vice versa.Quantitative PCR showed copy numbers of both bacteria and methanogens increased in straw-amended soils.High-throughput sequencing of 16 S rRNA genes showed distinct bacterial communities among the unamended soil samples,which also changed differently in response to RS addition.Nevertheless,RS addition generally resulted in all the rice field soils in a relative increase of primary fermenters belonging to Anaerolineaceae and Ruminococcaceae.Meanwhile,RS addition also generally resulted in a relative increase of Methanosarcinaceae and/or Methanocellaceae.Our results suggest that after RS addition the total amounts of RSderived CH4 are distinct in different rice field soils under methanogenic conditions.Meanwhile,there are potential core bacterial populations that are often involved in primary fermentation of RS under methanogenic conditions.  相似文献   

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