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太行山东缘石家庄南部地壳结构及断裂活动性探测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用深、浅地震反射和钻孔地质剖面相结合的方法,对太行山东缘石家庄南部的地壳结构和隐伏断裂的活动性进行了研究.深地震反射探测结果表明,该区地壳厚度33~38 km,莫霍面从华北平原向太行山下倾伏.石家庄-晋县凹陷是受拆离断层控制的盆岭构造,太行山山前断裂为凹陷的西边界断裂,表现为上陡下缓的铲形断裂.石家庄-晋县凹陷中还发育北席断裂和栾城断裂,它们与太行山山前断裂一样受拆离断层的控制,未错断早更新世晚期以来沉积的地层不属于活动断裂.深地震反射剖面的中部还揭示了一个近垂直的穹窿状反射异常体,它可能起源于莫霍面,向上,穿过上、下地壳分界面,并延伸至上地壳.穹窿状反射异常体内部反射波视频率随深度增加而降低,在莫霍面附近的壳幔过渡带也出现明显的频率降低、界面扭曲和变形现象,推断它可能是上地幔岩浆上涌到地壳内部的侵入体.结合电磁测深结果可以发现,上地幔热物质的上涌和东、西向拉张可能是形成石家庄-晋县凹陷的动力学机制.探测结果为深入理解石家庄地区的深部地球动力学过程、华北克拉通破坏机制、深浅构造关系和地震构造提供了依据.  相似文献   

Dissolved copper concentrations at five stations in the eastern Atlantic between 20 and 24°N are presented. The metal is depleted in surface waters with concentrations ranging from 1.1 to 1.7 nmol/l. Marked increases in concentration were found in near-bottom waters with levels up to 10.9 nmol/l; these are attributed to the release of dissolved copper from the surface sediment.  相似文献   


在华北克拉通南缘至华夏地块之间完成了两条大地电磁长剖面,通过二维非线性共轭梯度反演,获得了沿剖面100 km深的电性结构模型.结合研究区地质和地球物理资料,详细分析了研究区地壳及上地幔顶部电性结构特征与地质含义.研究发现:(1)江山—绍兴断裂带深部低阻异常成因可能是受南华纪裂解事件影响以及晚中生代岩石圈伸展作用、深部热物质上涌造成的;(2)华北克拉通南缘大部分地区中下地壳及上地幔顶部表现为低阻异常,可能存在大范围的软弱层或发生局部熔融.长江中下游成矿带壳内高导体可能是由含水流体引起;(3)华夏地块电阻性地壳与晚中生代构造-岩浆活动有着紧密的关系,其上地幔顶部的高阻异常可能与玄武岩浆活动有关.古太平洋板块的西向俯冲是华夏地块晚中生代构造活动的动力学背景.


The radiocarbon age profile of a sediment core from the eastern equatorial Atlantic shows a marked decrease in both clay and carbonate accumulation rates at the end of the last glacial period, with overall rates of 3.2 and 8.1 cm/kyr for the Holocene and late glacial respectively. The transition from glacial to postglacial conditions recorded in the sediments at 39 cm is above the visual Fe(II)/Fe(III) redox boundary at 48 cm which has been used in the past to identify the glacial section, and even further above the increase in preserved organic carbon content at 55 cm. It is concluded from the present organic carbon profile, and recent observations in this area and elsewhere, that organic diagenesis in these sediments is not steady state. Instead it is suggested that the uppermost glacial sediments lost carbon through oxic remineralisation at the change to postglacial conditions, and that this process is now continued with nitrate as the electron acceptor. These observations suggest that the double MnOx solid phase peak which occurs in these and similar sediments is a direct consequence of an adjustment of the oxic layer depth following the decrease in carbon flux at the onset of the Holocene.  相似文献   

The Cape Verde Islands are located on a mid-plate topographic swell and are thought to have formed above a deep mantle plume. Wide-angle seismic data have been used to determine the crustal and uppermost mantle structure along a ~ 440 km long transect of the archipelago. Modelling shows that ‘normal’ oceanic crust, ~ 7 km in thickness, exists between the islands and is gently flexed due to volcano loading. There is no direct evidence for high density bodies in the lower crust or for an anomalously low density upper mantle. The observed flexure and free-air gravity anomaly can be explained by volcano loading of a plate with an effective elastic thickness of 30 km and a load and infill density of 2600 kg m− 3. The origin of the Cape Verde swell is poorly understood. An elastic thickness of 30 km is expected for the ~ 125 Ma old oceanic lithosphere beneath the islands, suggesting that the observed height of the swell and the elevated heat flow cannot be attributed to thermal reheating of the lithosphere. The lack of evidence for high densities and velocities in the lower crust and low densities and velocities in the upper mantle, suggests that neither a crustal underplate or a depleted swell root are the cause of the shallower than expected bathymetry and that, instead, the swell is supported by dynamic uplift associated with the underlying plume.  相似文献   

川滇交界东段昭通、莲峰断裂带的地震危险背景   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
川滇交界东段NE向昭通、莲峰断裂带的研究程度较低.为了了解该断裂带是否存在发生强震/大地震的危险背景,我们基于区域活动构造与动力学、重新定位的小震分布和震源机制解、历史地震破裂区、GPS形变场、现代地震活动及其参数图像等多学科的信息进行综合研究.结果表明:昭通、莲峰断裂带是川滇-华南活动块体/地块边界带的一部分,也是活动及变形的大凉山次级块体与相对稳定的华南地块之间的边界带;结构上表现为2个平行展布、朝南东推覆的断裂带,现今运动为带有显著逆冲分量的右旋走滑性质.沿昭通断裂带无大地震的时间至少为1700 余年,目前存在地震空区.GPS变形图像反映昭通、莲峰断裂带已不同程度闭锁.另外,昭通断裂带的鲁甸附近以及莲峰断裂带的南段分别存在异常低b值区或高应力区.已由低b值区和小震空白区识别出昭通断裂带上的鲁甸—彝良之间存在高应力闭锁段,并估计出其潜在地震的最大矩震级为MW7.4.本研究因此认为昭通断裂带存在发生强震/大地震的中-长期危险背景, 而莲峰断裂带的危险性还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震位于川滇菱形块体向东突出的过渡变形区大凉山次级块体南东缘的昭通、莲峰断裂带内部,属于青藏高原东南缘南北地震带的中南段,近十多年来,该断裂带及其周边中强地震的发生频次明显增多,昭通、莲峰断裂带是否具备孕育和发生强震的深部构造背景成为一个亟待研究的问题.为了研究昭通、莲峰断裂带的深部结构特征及孕震背景,探求2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震的成因的深部动力机制,本文充分收集了四川、云南等区域数字地震台网和"中国地震科学台阵探测-南北地震带南段"("喜马拉雅"项目Ⅰ期)流动地震台阵的观测数据,应用区域震和远震联合反演的方法得到川滇地区三维速度结构图像,在此基础上重点剖析和研究了昭通、莲峰断裂带P波速度结构;再对昭通、莲峰断裂带及周边区域的重力、航磁数据进行三维视密度和视磁化强度反演,得到了壳内不同深度层视密度的横向变化特征和反映壳内磁性物质的分布范围以及结晶基底的视磁化强度异常分布情况,综合分析研究昭通、莲峰断裂带的深部结构特征及孕震动力环境.研究结果表明:川滇交界东部昭通、莲峰断裂带及其周边地区上地壳物质存在显著的横向介质差异,中下地壳深度范围大凉山次级块体西南缘存在低速异常分布,并呈现出近SN向的展布特征,2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震位于该高低速异常的分界线附近略偏向高速体一侧.P波速度结构还揭示了鲁甸M_S6.5主震震源体下方中下地壳存在大范围低速异常分布,P波速度异常扰动与重磁异常的展布特征、梯度变化在深度和分区特征上均具有较好的联系和可比性,结合昭通、莲峰断裂带中下地壳范围内存在大范围的低密度弱磁性异常分布,综合表明了该区中下地壳物质相对较为软弱,这种特有的深部物性结构特征有利于应力在脆性的上地壳内积累和集中.研究结果还揭示了共轭断裂的深部构造形态,高低航磁异常边界与NW向的苞谷脑—小河断裂的深部展布形态相一致,苞谷脑—小河断裂处于航磁异常突变带附近,昭通断裂北段(昭通—鲁甸段)位于上地壳强磁性、高波速异常区内且具有深大断裂的深部地球物理场响应特征,因此该断裂段(昭通—鲁甸段)具备发生7级及以上强震的深部构造背景.当大凉山次级块体内部的中下地壳低速管流层自NW向SE方向运动到昭通、莲峰断裂带附近时,受到华南块体的强烈阻挡,应力在昭通、莲峰断裂附近基底性质存在差异处集中,脆性上地壳中低强度区域在横向挤压的构造应力场作用下易于破裂从而引发强震,这也正是昭通、莲峰断裂带内部鲁甸M_S6.5地震孕育和发生的深部构造环境.  相似文献   

A large number of gases are releasing from the medium-high temperature geothermal fields distributed along the large-scale strike-slip fault zones in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.In this study,11 hot spring water and the associated bubbling gas samples were collected along the Xianshuihe-Anninghe fault zones(XSH-ANHFZ)and analyzed for chemical and isotopic compositions.The δ18H_(2O) and δDH_(2O) values indicate that hot spring waters are predominantly meteoric origin recharged from different altitudes.Most water samples are significantly enriched in Na+ and HCO3 due to the dissolution of regional evaporites,carbonates and Na-silicates.3He/4He ratios of the gas samples are 0.025-2.73 times the atmospheric value.The 3He/4He ratios are high in the Kangding region where the dense faults are distributed,and gradually decrease with increasing distance from Kangding towards both sides along the Xianshuihe fault zones(XSHFZ).Hydrothermal fluids have dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)concentrations from 2 to 42 mmol L-113CDIC from -6.9‰ to 1.3‰,δ13CCO_(2) from -7.2‰ to -3.6‰ and Δ14C from -997‰ to -909‰.Combining regional geochemical and geological information,the CO2sources can be attributed to deep-sourced CO2from mantle and metamorphism of marine carbonate,and shallow-sourced CO2from the dissolution of marine carbonate and biogenic CO2.The mass balance model shows that 11±6% of the DIC is sourced from the dissolution of shallow carbonate minerals,9±8% formed by pyrolysis of sedimentary organic matter,80±9% derived from deep metamorphic origin and mantle-derived CO2.Among them,the deep-sourced CO2in Anninghe fault zones(ANHFZ)is merely metamorphic carbon,whereas ca.12% and ca.88% of the deep-sourced CO2in the XSHFZ are derived from the mantle and metamorphic carbon,respectively.The average deep-sourced CO2flux in the Kangding geothermal field is estimated to be 160 ta-1.If all the hot springs in various fault zones in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau are taken into account,the regional deep-sourced CO2flux would reach ca.105 ta-1.These results show that the deep-sourced CO2released from nonvolcanic areas might account for a considerable proportion of the total amount of global deep-sourced carbon degassing,which should be paid more attention to.  相似文献   

东南亚巽他弧形汇聚板块俯冲构造体系是全球最为活跃的板块汇聚边界地带之一, 早期研究认为巽他弧俯冲体系主要发育俯冲增生型板块边缘, 以典型的增生棱柱体弧前隆起地貌为主要特征; 最新研究发现东印度洋沃顿海盆圣诞岛海底火山群省最东段Roo海隆已经随板块运动到达爪哇海沟区域, 与巽他弧其他区域正常洋壳俯冲过程相比, Roo海隆凸起构造在巽他弧体系中触发了不同的俯冲地质过程.本文结合前人研究成果, 全面梳理认识Roo海隆区域属性特征, 包括海隆岩性与年代学特征、起源争议、"隆-沟"区域俯冲深部结构特征; 进一步增强对弧前早期俯冲侵蚀过程的理解, 包括局部增生棱柱体前缘碰撞侵蚀凹陷、弧前隆起差异性抬升、弧前盆地挤压破碎变窄; 并首次利用二维多道地震资料解释, 探讨弧后盆地对"隆-沟-弧-盆"新俯冲构造格局的响应特征.目前弧后肯登-马都拉海峡盆地内正在发生新一期挤压构造运动, 我们认为其发育的浅层挤压背斜构造特征是Roo海隆凸起构造形成的垂直正交快速高角度新俯冲构造格局下弧后盆地内的直接构造变形响应.  相似文献   

Deposition samples were taken at a height of 2367 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) on the Island of Tenerife from May 1999 until July 2000 and analysed for 19 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH) and DDTs. This site is located above the inversion layer, so samples represent background concentrations of the free troposphere. The average deposition fluxes of HCB, total HCH, DDTs and PCBs were 86, 400, 110 and 780 ng m(-2) yr(-1), respectively, being lower than those reported at sea level in continental or marine areas. All compounds are generally found in higher abundance in the wet precipitation samples. However, these samples only represent a fraction, e.g. 33%, of the total deposition load. Annual mass balance calculations show that wet precipitation is essentially responsible for the deposition of the low molecular weight OC whereas dry deposition accounts for more than 50% of the higher molecular weight PCBs.  相似文献   

AP-wave velocity model for the upper mantle beneath eastern and southern Africa is proposed. The top 250 km of the model is characterized by relatively low velocities similar to those deduced for the upper mantle beneath the western United States of America. At greater depths, the velocities gradually change to normal mantle values.  相似文献   

Within the post-Cenomanian Chalk sequence of central eastern England about 20 thin persistent marl horizons occur. These marls contain from 30 to 65% non-carbonate material the bulk of which is composed of a well crystallised Mg-rich smectite with a notable paucity of illite and quartz. The Chalk matrix above and below the marls contains up to 2.0% of non-carbonate matter which again is dominated by the presence of an Mg-rich smectite but which contains a larger proportion of illite and quartz than occurs in the marls. For both sets of non-carbonate materials the excellent crystallinity and Mg-rich nature of the smectite strongly suggest that it was formed by the in situ alteration of an aeolian transported volcanic ash, i.e. it is a true bentonite. Quartz and illite in the Chalk matrix are probably detrital components.Relative to a standard shale, non-carbonate materials from the Chalk marl horizons exhibit a highly anomalous trace element pattern with accentuated levels of Zr, Nb and Th but depleted levels of Ba, Rb and K. This trace element chemistry corroborates a volcanogenic origin for the smectite insofar as it is not explicable in terms of any realistic sedimentary process. The chemistry is best interpreted in terms of the magnetic processes responsible for the formation of the original ash precursor of the marls. It appears that this precursor had a pantelleritic composition and therefore originated from a source overlying an area where incipient continental rifting was taking place.Micromorphological examinations prove that residues from the Chalk marls contain small amounts of pyroclastic debris, including pumice and fragments of sideromelane glass. The morphology of the fragments suggests that the volcanic eruptions responsible for the ejection of the original ash into the air were of the shallow-water phreatomagmatic (Surtseyan) type.The distribution of marls in the Chalk of eastern England suggests that the ashfalls responsible for their origin were of the tropospheric type and were drawn by westerly winds from a centre to the west or northwest of mainland Britain. Of the numerous volcanic centres that lie in offshore areas to the west, the Anton Dohrn Seamount in the Rockall Trough appears to a likely centre of origin for the ashfalls. However, ashfalls responsible for the formation of the traces of smectite in the Chalk matrix were probably of the general background (stratospheric) type and may have been drawn from more distant centres.Volcanism at the Anton Dohrn Seamount was related to tensional effects in the continental crust that immediately preceded the formation of the Rockall Trough and the separation of Greenland from northwestern Europe during Tertiary times. Activity at the centre, and Cretaceous bentonites derived therefrom, therefore represent the earliest stages in the development of the Thulean igneous province.  相似文献   

Investigations aimed at revealing traces of recent tectonic activity in geological fault zones were carried out in 2006 in the territory of southern Yakutia and the Amur region in connection with works on detailed seismic zoning of the route of the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline. In addition to geological-geomorphological and geophysical studies, the complex investigations included paleoseismogeological studies and were accompanied by the driving of mine workings through topographic forms that could be associated with zones of active tectonic disturbances. This approach made it possible to substantially refine the available information on seismotectonics and the potential seismic hazard of the region.  相似文献   

The two commonly used statistical measures of the air-sea heat flux, the sampling and classical means, have been compared using hourly reports over a 7-year-period from a weather ship stationed in the NE Atlantic. The sampling mean is the average over all flux estimates in a given period, where individual flux estimates are determined from ship reports of meteorological variables using the well-known bulk formulae. The classical mean is the flux derived by substituting period-averaged values for each of the meteorological variables into the bulk formula (where the averaging period employed is the same as that over which the fluxes are to be determined). Monthly sampling and classical means are calculated for the latent and sensible heat fluxes. The monthly classical mean latent heat flux is found to overestimate the sampling mean by an amount which increases from 1–2 W m−2 in summer to 7 W m−2 in winter, on average, over the 7-year-period. In a given winter month, the excess may be as great as 15 W m−2, which represents about 10% of the latent heat flux. For the sensible heat flux, any seasonal variation between the two means is of the order of 1 W m−2 and is not significant compared to the interannual variation. The discrepancy between the two means for the latent heat flux is shown to arise primarily from a negative correlation between the wind speed and sea-air humidity difference, the effects of which are implicitly included in the sampling method but not in the classical. The influence of the dominant weather conditions on the sign and magnitude of this correlation are explored, and the large negative values that it takes in winter are found to depend on the typical track of the mid-latitude depressions with respect to the position sampled. In conclusion, it is suggested that sampling means should be employed where possible in future climatological studies.  相似文献   

在我国当前地震安全性评价中,普遍使用考虑地震活动时空不均匀性的概率地震危险性分析方法(CP-SHA),它规定以地震带为统计区域计算地震活动性参数b值和v4值。正在编制的中国地震动区划图(五代图)提出了针对潜在震源区进行三级划分原则:划分地震带、地震带上划分地震构造区、地震构造区内再划分潜在震源区。本文提出以地震构造区为统计区域回归统计方法计算b值和v4值,然后进行概率危险性分析计算,这样得到的结果可能更为合理。  相似文献   

利用双差地震定位方法对鄂尔多斯东缘地区(34°N—41°N,110°E—115°E)2008年1月—2012年12月的中小地震进行了重新定位.重定位后,定位精度得到改善,震中分布更加集中.鄂尔多斯东缘拉张盆地内部震源深度较浅,大多小于13 km,向盆地两端震源深度有加深的趋势,特别是太原盆地北端,临汾盆地北端,以及运城与临汾盆地之间的峨眉台地,震源深度可达20~25 km左右.我们认为盆地内部地壳减薄,上地幔上隆,热作用导致地壳内部脆性层减薄,致使最大震源深度变浅;盆地之间的横向隆起区受区域应力场挤压剪切作用以及盆地内部上地幔上拱产生的水平向挤压力作用等,在横向隆起区与盆地接触带易产生应力集中,导致地震的发生,由于受脆性层厚度变化等的影响,在盆地向横向隆起区过渡部位出现震源深度加深的现象.鄂尔多斯东北缘地区地震分布弥散、震源深度相对较浅,可能与源自地幔的大范围深部热作用以及地壳脆性层厚度减薄有关.根据地震的空间分布特征,对部分盆地内部的断层特征进行了讨论.  相似文献   

AVHRR satellite imagery of the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight during May 1993 revealed a large area of cold water over the shelf break and slope that appeared to spin up into a series of southward propagating anticyclonic eddies. The eddies had diameters of 35–45 km at the surface and moved southward at about 20 cm/sec. A radial TOYO CTD (to 50m) and ADCP velocity (to 400m) transect was conducted across the southern-most of these eddies. The upper 50 meters had minimum temperatures of less than 7°C and salinities of about 33 pss, characteristics similar to cold pool waters usually found over the continental shelf. ADCP velocity data from one of the eddies revealed anticyclonic flow extending to a depth of about 250m. The transport of cold pool water by the eddies was estimated to be 0.1 to 0.2 Sv which is of the same order as the annual mean alongshore transport of shelf water in this region. The origin of the deeper water within the eddy is unlikely to be the continental shelf because the shelf break is less than 100 m. The depth and velocity profiles along the TOYO transect were consistent with the constant potential vorticity eddy model of Flierl (1979) although the source of the eddy kinetic energy is uncertain. The cause for the exodus of cold pool water from the shelf, which extended northward to at least 38°N, is unclear but must involve the establishment of an alongshore baroclinic pressure gradient against the usual southwestward shelf flow. It is possible that the intrusion of Gulf Stream waters onto the shelf near Cape Hatteras was a precursor of this off shelf transport. The southern-most eddy was marked by high biological productivity and very high oxygen supersaturation. The phytoplankton bloom detected within the exported cold pool water, located over the continental slope, suggests a mechanism whereby production fueled by nutrients derived from the shelf can be locally exported into deep water.  相似文献   

During subduction processes, slabs continuously have heat exchange with the ambient mantle, including both conduction and advection effects. The evolution of slab thermal structure is one of the dominant factors in controlling physical and chemical property changes in subduction zones. It also affects our understanding of many key geological processes, such as mineral dehydration, rock partial melting, arc volcanism, and seismic activities in subduction zones. There are mainly two ways for studying thermal structure of subduction zones with geodynamic models: analytical model and numerical model. Analytical model provides insights into the most dominant controlling physical parameters on the thermal structure, such as slab age, velocity and dip angle, shear stress and thermal conductivity, etc. Numerical model can further deal with more complicated environments, such as viscosity change in the mantle wedge, coupling process between slabs and the ambient mantle, and incorporation of petrology and mineralogy. When applying geodynamic modeling results to specific subduction zones on the Earth, there are many factors which may complicate the process, therefore it is difficult to precisely constrain the thermal structure of subduction zones. With the development of new quantitative methods in geophysics and geochemistry, we may obtain more observational constraints for thermal structure of subduction zones, thus providing more reasonable explanations for geological processes related to subduction zones.  相似文献   

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