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The hypothesis that seawater was the source of the hydrothermal fluid which formed the Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic cupriferous pyrite ore desposits of the Troodos Massif (Cyprus) has been tested by analysing the strontium isotopic composition of thirteen mineralized samples from four mines. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7052 ± 0.0001 to 0.7075 ± 0.0002, the latter value being indistinguishable from that of Upper Cretaceous seawater at 0.7076 ± 0.0006 (2σ). Hence, the mineralized metabasalt samples have been contaminated with87Sr, relative to initial magmatic strontium isotope ratios of the Troodos ophiolitic complex (0.70338 ± 0.00010 to 0.70365 ± 0.00005).Since seawater was the only source of strontium available during formation of the Troodos Complex which was isotopically relatively enriched in87Sr, the data confirm that seawater was the source of the hydrothermal oreforming fluid.  相似文献   

Among the Sinian to Triassic strata in South China, the stratiform, quasi-stratiform and lenticular metallic deposits in association with hydrothermal sedimentation mainly occur in the four periods: (1) the Sinian Datangpo interglacial period, (2) the early period of Early Cambrian, (3) the late period of Middle Devonian to early period of Late Devonian,and (4) the late period of Early Permian. The four mineralization periods all happened around the maximum flooding period in the third-order seal-level cycle during the ascending stage in the first-order sea-level cycle. The deep seawater layer, starved and non-compensatory basin, low sedimentary rate, and low energy and anoxic environment during the maximum flooding period are very suitable for the formation and preservation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits. The maximum flooding period also coincided with the intensified regional tectonism, extensive deep magmatism and hydrothermal sedimentation, which provide, for the formation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits through the rapid accumulation of hydrothermal sediments, the needed dynamics, ore-forming materials and favorable passway for hydrothermal fluids to enter the basin.  相似文献   

Among the Sinian to Triassic strata in South China, the stratiform, quasi-stratiform and lenticular metallic deposits in association with hydrothermal sedimentation mainly occur in the four periods: (1) the Sinian Datangpo interglacial period, (2) the early period of Early Cambrian, (3) the late period of Middle Devonian to early period of Late Devonian, and (4) the late period of Early Permian. The four mineralization periods all happened around the maximum flooding period in the third-order seal-level cycle during the ascending stage in the first-order sea-level cycle. The deep seawater layer, starved and non-compensatory basin, low sedimentary rate, and low energy and anoxic environment during the maximum flooding period are very suitable for the formation and preservation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits. The maximum flooding period also coincided with the intensified regional tectonism, extensive deep magmatism and hydrothermal sedimentation, which provide, for the formation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits through the rapid accumulation of hydrothermal sediments, the needed dynamics, ore-forming materials and favorable passway for hydrothermal fluids to enter the basin.  相似文献   

The cupriferous pyrite deposits of Cyprus were precipitated from hydrothermal solutions derived by interaction of contemporaneous seawater with hot mafic rock at the ancient Troodos spreading centre. Here we identify the zones in which this interaction took place. The zones occur in the lower part of the sheeted dyke complex, and within them 30–50% of the rock is made up of epidosite, an epidote-quartz rock, replacing the dykes as sheets and pipes. The epidosites contain abundant fluid inclusions, which give trapping temperatures of 350–400°C or even higher, and contain water normally near seawater in salinity. Zones of epidosite are elongate parallel to the strike of the sheeted dykes, and are up to 1 km wide. The rocks throughout these zones are strongly depleted in Cu and Zn, and the metals removed are sufficient to supply the ore deposits. In fact several large ore deposits lie along strike from zones of epidosite. All of these features support the identification of the epidosites as the hydrothermal reaction zones.The location of the epidosite zones immediately above the gabbros of the plutonic complex supports the hypothesis that the heat to drive the ore-forming systems came from the underlying magma, as is also likely for modern black smoker springs.  相似文献   

Abstract Bahía Concepción is located in the eastern coast of the Baja California peninsula and it is shaped by northwestern–southeastern normal faults. These are associated with a 12–6 Ma rifting episode, although some have been reactivated since the Pliocene. The most abundant rocks correspond to the arc related Comondú Group, Oligocene to Miocene, which forms a mainly calc‐alkaline volcanic and volcaniclastic sequence. There are less extensive outcrops of sedimentary rocks, lava flows, domes and pyroclastic rocks of Pliocene to Quaternary ages. The Neogene volcanism in the area indicates a shift from a subduction regime to an intraplate volcanism related to continental extension and the opening of an oceanic basin. The Bahía Concepción area contains numerous Mn ore deposits, being the biggest at El Gavilán and Guadalupe. The Mn deposits occur as veins, breccias and stockworks, and are composed by Mn oxides (pyrolusite, coronadite, romanechite), dolomite, quartz and barite. The deposits are hosted in volcanic rocks of the Comondú Group and, locally, in Pliocene sedimentary rocks. Thus, the Mn deposits formed between the Middle Miocene and the Pliocene. The mineralized structures are associated with Miocene northwestern–southeastern fault systems, which are analogous to those associated with the Cu‐Co‐Zn‐Mn deposits of El Boleo. The Bahía Concepción area also bears subaerial and submarine hot springs, which are associated with the same fault systems and host rocks. The submarine and subaerial geothermal manifestations south of the bay are possibly related with recent volcanism. The geothermal manifestations within the bay are intertidal hot springs and shallow submarine diffuse venting areas. Around the submarine vents (5–15 m deep, 87°C), Fe‐oxyhydroxide crusts with pyrite and cinnabar precipitate. In the intertidal vents (62°C), aggregates of opal, calcite, barite and Ba‐rich Mn oxides occur covered by silica‐carbonate stromatolitic sinters. Some 10–30 cm thick crustiform veins formed by chalcedony, calcite and barite are also found close to the vents. The hydrothermal fluids exhibit mixed isotopic compositions between δ18O‐enriched meteoric and local marine water. The precipitation of Ba‐rich Mn oxides around the vent sites could be an active analog for the processes that produced Miocene to Pliocene hydrothermal Mn‐deposits.  相似文献   

The formation of many metallic and non-metallic ore deposits is a result of coupling of mineralization, related to anoxic environment and regional, or global background. Inter act~on, concordance and continual development of the mineralization and environmental background control the large to superlarge scale of ore deposits. Three kinds of ore-forming models related to anoxic environment and three important background patterns are suggested. The turning period of geological history is favorable to the formation of large to superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   

A new conceptual model of mantle convection is constructed for consideration of the origin of hotspot plumes, using recent evidence from seismology, high-pressure experiments, geodynamic modeling, geoid inversion studies, and post-glacial rebound analyses. This conceptual model delivers several key points. Firstly, some of the small-scale mantle upwellings observed as hotspots on the Earth's surface originate at the base of the mantle transition zone (MTZ), in which the Archean granitic continental material crust (TTG; tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) with abundant radiogenic elements is accumulated. Secondly, the TTG crust and the subducted oceanic crust that have accumulated at the base of MTZ could act as thermal or mechanical insulators, leading to the formation of a hot and less viscous layer just beneath the MTZ; which may enhance the instability of plume generation at the base of the MTZ. Thirdly, the origin of some hotspot plumes is isolated from the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) under Africa and the South Pacific. I consider that the conceptual model explains why almost all the hotspots around Africa are located above the margins of the African LLSVP. Because a planetary-scale trench system surrounding a “Pangean cell” has been spatially stable throughout the Phanerozoic, a large amount of the oceanic crustal layer is likely to be trapped in the MTZ under the Pangean cell. Therefore, under Africa, almost all of the hotspot plumes originate from the base of the MTZ, where a large amount of TTG and/or oceanic crusts has accumulated. This conceptual model may explain the fact that almost all the hotspots around Africa are located on margins above the African LLSVP. It is also considered that some of the hotspot plumes under the South Pacific thread through the TTG/oceanic crusts accumulated around the bottom of the MTZ, and some have their roots in the South Pacific LLSVP while others originate from the MTZ. The numerical simulations of mantle convection also speculate that the Earth's mantle convection is not thermally double-layered at the ringwoodite to perovskite + magnesiowüstite (Rw  Pv + Mw) phase boundary, because of its gentle negative Clapeyron slope. This is in contrast with some traditional images of mantle convection that have independent convection cells between the upper and lower mantle. These numerical studies speculate that the generation of stagnant slab at the base of the MTZ (as seismically observed globally) may not be due to the negative Clapeyron slope, and may instead be related to a viscosity increase (i.e., a viscosity jump) at the Rw  Pv + Mw phase boundary, or to a chemically stratified boundary between the upper and the lower mantle, as suggested by a recent high-pressure experiment.  相似文献   

The new plants documented here, including a representative of the trimerophytesPsilophyton primitiuum sp. nov., a questionable rhyniophyte or trimerophyteHedeia sinica sp. nov., a prelycopodBragwanathia sp. and two species of zosterophyllophytes,Zosterophyllum australianum Lang and Cookson 1930 and2. sp. 1, from the Posongchong Formation of southeastern Yunnan, China, add to the known floral diversity of the Early Devonian of this region. Two sections of the Posongchong Formation, Changputang section of Wenshan district and Gegu section of Mengzi district also are introduced. After comparing the plants with those of the coeval flora of Australia and considering the data of recent paleocontinental reconstructions, the authors suggest that there is a northeastern Gondwana phytogeographic unit during the early Devonian comprising Australia, South China Block and perhaps Shan-Thai Block. The similarity of the floral component between Australia and South China is discussed. Because both Australia and South China also have dominant or endemic taxa, each might be recognized as a subunit, separately characterized byHedeia for Australia andEophyllophyton for South China. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49372075 and 49742004)  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions from the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits have nearly the same ho-mogenization temperature. Correlation between temperature and salinity shows that both Sn-and Cu-bearing fluids Sn and Cu were present in the Dajing deposit but only one kind of fluids continuously evolved in the Caijiaying deposit. Study on rare earth elements (REE) in ancient fluid from the inclusions indicates that the fluid of Sn mineralizing stage in Dajing was derived from remelting magma of the continental crust, and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizing stage in the Dajing deposit and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization in the Caijiaying deposit were derived from the mantle. It is concluded that the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizations in the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits resulted from the identical tectono-thermal event of magma-fluids induced by Mesozoic tectonic transition and extension in the eastern part of North China Craton.  相似文献   


The unique nature of four non-conventional superlarge deposits: the Bayan Obo deposit, the Shizhuyuan deposit, the Dachang deposit and the Franklin Furnace deposit is discussed. It is postulated that the unique nature of these deposits is related to the rare geological processes and their coupling.


Role of water in the origin of podiform chromitite deposits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report experiments in basalt oversaturated with water to duplicate the nodular ore textures of podiform chromitite ores. In immiscible basalt-water systems saturated with olivine and chromite, olivine will reside in the melt while chromite will collect in the fluid phase. Fractionation is physical and is driven by differential wetting properties of melt and fluid against silicate and oxide surfaces. There is no need to suppress olivine from the liquidus of a primitive basaltic melt as suggested by Irvine [Irvine, T.N., Geology 5 (1977) 273-277], to achieve chromite accumulations as observed in natural podiform ore deposits. The results imply that podiform chromitite ores will form where a primitive olivine-chromite-saturated mantle melt is sufficiently water-rich to exsolve a fluid phase during passage through the uppermost mantle. The most likely geodynamic environment for podiform chromite mineralization to take place is a supra-subduction zone setting.  相似文献   

Summary The theoretical part of the paper deals with the stability characteristics of the observed mean zonal current over India and neighbourhood in winter. The analysis shows that the mean zonal current is unstable with respect to a small perturbation superimposed on it.The synoptic part deals with a case study of a western disturbance which developed into a depression. The development of the western disturbance is similar to the development of a baroclinically unstable disturbance. Power spectral analysis of the meridional component of wind shows a periodicity of 810 days for western disturbances. The estimated wavelength of the western disturbance is in good agreement with the theoretically determined most unstable wavelength.  相似文献   

Structural control of the deposition of endogenic ores, among which the ores of volcanic affinity play an important role, has been studied by the author in several regions of four continents. Correlation of the results has revealed that generally there is a repetition of four sets of ore-controlling basement fracture zones. All the four sets of basement fracture zones are not always well developed in the sub-surface level and in the morphology of a region, and some of them usually play a dominant role depending on the geological development of the territory (Table 1). The strike of the ore-controlling basement fractures and their distribution have shown similarities with the pattern of fractures distribution in the floor of the adjoining oceans in three of the studied areas. The most important feature is the joint development of east-west trending fracture zones in both the oceanic areas and the basement of continental areas. One of these zones, defined as the «Fourty-north Fracture Zone » has been traced for a considerable distance on a global scale, the Mendocino fracture zone being considered as its prolongation. The results do not exclude the possibility of a continental drift in some areas, but require the presence of a rigid layer with a rather uniform global fracture pattern existing in the period before rifting and drifting apart of the plates.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration at Mount Rainier waxed and waned over the 500,000-year episodic growth of the edifice. Hydrothermal minerals and their stable-isotope compositions in samples collected from outcrop and as clasts from Holocene debris-flow deposits identify three distinct hypogene argillic/advanced argillic hydrothermal environments: magmatic-hydrothermal, steam-heated, and magmatic steam (fumarolic), with minor superimposed supergene alteration. The 3.8 km3 Osceola Mudflow (5600 y BP) and coeval phreatomagmatic F tephra contain the highest temperature and most deeply formed hydrothermal minerals. Relatively deeply formed magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals and associations in clasts include quartz (residual silica), quartz–alunite, quartz–topaz, quartz–pyrophyllite, quartz–dickite/kaolinite, and quartz–illite (all with pyrite). Clasts of smectite–pyrite and steam-heated opal–alunite–kaolinite are also common in the Osceola Mudflow. In contrast, the Paradise lahar, formed by collapse of the summit or near-summit of the edifice at about the same time, contains only smectite–pyrite and near-surface steam-heated and fumarolic alteration minerals. Younger debris-flow deposits on the west side of the volcano (Round Pass and distal Electron Mudflows) contain only low-temperature smectite–pyrite assemblages, whereas the proximal Electron Mudflow and a < 100 y BP rock avalanche on Tahoma Glacier also contain magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals that are exposed in the avalanche headwall of Sunset Amphitheater, reflecting progressive incision into deeper near-conduit alteration products that formed at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

A map showing the three-dimensional velocity anomaly on the southwestern edge of Yangtze craton is first compiled. Based on the map, it is suggested that there is a low-velocity plume on the edge of Yangtze craton. The low-velocity plume is the effect of mantle plume, plays an important role in controlling the upwelling of asthenosphere, mantle rise and the formation of intracrustal low-velocity lens, and is also the carrier and provider of vast amount of fluids, mineralizers, minerogenetic materials and energy. Therefore, it is concluded that the low-velocity plume is closely related to Mesozoic and Cenozoic superlarge ore deposits in time and space and genesis.  相似文献   


中低温对流型地热资源在华北地区广泛分布,是一种清洁的替代能源.与活动断裂带相关的水热型地热资源是中低温地热系统的重要组成部分.本文基于高精度重力测量、微动测深及钻孔温度测量等数据,从热源、通道、储层和盖层四个方面探讨了南口—孙河断裂带水热系统特征.低重力异常揭示的燕山期花岗二长岩、闪长岩岩体范围为23.8 km2和14.3 km2,放射性测井数据计算得到其生热率均值为3.14 μW·m-3,侏罗系火山岩生热率均值为1.65 μW·m-3,隐伏岩体和火山岩均难以构成地热系统的附加热源.重力异常显示南口—孙河断裂带宽度约500~800 m,断裂带切割蓟县系雾迷山组白云岩热储层.钻井温度曲线显示断裂带内水热活动强烈,说明该断裂带是导水、导热的重要通道.断裂带南西侧马池口一带第四系松散层与侏罗系火山岩形成了热储盖层,微动测深显示火山岩最大厚度约1500 m.综上源、通、储、盖四个要素分析,该地热系统为热传导—对流复合型,来自京西北山区的大气降水经远距离径流深循环吸收地层热量后沿南口—孙河断裂上移到达裂隙发育的白云岩地层中形成热水.总之,沿南口—孙河断裂带具备了良好的地热地质条件,可达到规模开采的条件.


This paper characterizes certain unique geological structures on the earth, viz., giant gas-rich hydrothermal systems with major vapor-dominated geothermal fields that are generated beneath them during the present phase of evolution. A review of the relevant literature and materials of our own research are used to show that such systems are formed in zones of deep-seated faults at junctions of oceanic and continental plates, in structures of volcanic island arcs, and in areas of crustal tectono-magmatic activity. The systems extend throughout the crustal thickness and possess enormous geothermal and ore potentials. It was found that in these systems the ascending high-temperature gas-water fluid, as well as all types of mixed waters, and new mineral compounds in the hypergenesis zone of geothermal anomalies, all take part in the transport, accumulation, and rearrangement of complex compounds of many metals (Fe, Al, Ti, Au, Ag, Hg, As, Sb, and others). It was inferred that gas-rich hydrothermal systems and the vapor-dominated geothermal fields that are formed beneath them reflect the conditions for the generation of mesothermal and epithermal gold and complex ores and of Au-Ag-Cu-Mo porphyric deposits.  相似文献   

庐枞盆地浅表地壳速度成像与隐伏矿靶区预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用反射地震初至波可以精确反演地壳速度结构和构造信息.对庐枞盆地采集的高分辨地震数据,运用初至波层析成像方法,反演得到了该区1200 m以上的浅表地壳速度结构信息.找矿信息总是同地球化学异常联系紧密,对采集于炮孔深处的岩屑、泥砂样品进行了地球化学分析,发现了多处显著的金属元素异常.对五条测线的速度成像结果及其映射的地下岩性结构和炮孔地球化学分析结果进行了相关性对比分析.结果显示,庐枞盆地的沉积岩、火山岩和侵入岩具有不同的速度范围,侵入岩具有高波速特征,地球化学信息高异常往往出现在高速侵入岩体的上方;精细的速度信息蕴含着丰富的浅表地壳结构变化特征,与庐枞矿集区已知的地质、岩体、构造和矿体分布存在着良好的对应关系.速度成像结果可以准确刻画地下隐伏侵入岩体的空间分布形态,结合地球化学分析异常和重磁探测等信息,预测隐伏矿床,提供深部找矿靶区.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Northern Apennines, the Internal Liguride units are characterized by an ophiolite sequence that represents the stratigraphic base of a late Jurassic–early Paleocene sedimentary cover. The Bocco Shale represents the youngest deposit recognized in the sedimentary cover of the ophiolite and can be subdivided into two different groups of deep sea sediments. The first group is represented by slide, debris flow and high density turbidity current-derived deposits, whereas the second group consists of thin-bedded turbidites. Facies analysis and provenance studies indicate, for the former group, small and scarcely evoluted flows that rework an oceanic lithosphere and its sedimentary cover. We interpret the Bocco Shale as an ancient example of a deposit related to the frontal tectonic erosion of the accretionary wedge slope. The frontal tectonic erosion resulted in a large removal of materials, from the accretionary wedge front, that was reworked as debris flows and slide deposits sedimented on the lower plate above the trench deposits. The frontal tectonic erosion was probably connected with subduction of oceanic crust characterized by positive topographic relief. This interpretation can be also applied for the origin of analogous deposits of Western Alps and Corsica.  相似文献   

Ti-V plots and the petrogenesis of modern and ophiolitic lavas   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Radioactive and stable cosmogenic nuclides have been determined in the various fragments of the Kirin chondrite (H5). Experimental results obtained from our samples are described and compared with similar data obtained in other laboratories. Cosmogenic54Mn,22Na,60Co,26Al,53Mn,40K (in the metal phase), and light noble gases were measured. Based on these data, the irradiation history of this meteorite can be explained in terms of (1) a multi-stage exposure which involves a first-stage irradiation for 107 years and a second stage for about 4×105 years, and (2) depth effects in the productions of the nuclides in 4π(second stage) and 2π(first stage) geometries. These conclusions are consistent with those of our previous work which was based on a limited number of samples.  相似文献   

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