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It has been suggested that Porcupine Ridge, west of Ireland, represents a continental fragment displaced westwards relative to Europe at an early stage in the opening of the North Atlantic. This hypothesis presents difficulties, particularly in relation to the magnetic evidence for the onset of seafloor spreading at these latitudes. However, the structure of the Irish continental margin, so far as it is known, appears consistent with a westward rotation of Porcupine Ridge by some 23°; and there are still grounds for supposing that the adjacent Rockall Trough may represent a locus of Mesozoic seafloor spreading with which the rotation could have been associated.  相似文献   

Rosemary Bank is a non-uniformly magnetised seamount in the northern Rockall Trough. The reversely magnetised major component of the anomaly field was simulated by a numerical method and modelled using the Talwani three-dimensional magnetics program. The results suggest a higher Koenigsberger ratio than earlier reported for Rosemary Bank and a remanent magnetisation vector compatible with post-Jurassic formation and probably of a Late Cretaceous to Tertiary age. The limited depth to the base of the model implies that Rosemary Bank post-dates the underlying basement in agreement with a volcanic origin. The residual of the observed anomaly field is interpreted as being caused by normally magnetised bodies within and on top of the bank. This suggests subsequent volcanic activity during an interval of normal polarity.  相似文献   

The Rockall Trough separates the Rockall Plateau microcontinent from the shelf and slope west of the British Isles. The structure and age of the trough has been the source of considerable discussion. Although widely considered to be of oceanic origin, postulated ages for the spreading range from Permian to Cretaceous. New seismic profiles linked to the IPOD sites in the Bay of Biscay and to oceanic anomalies of known age are used to present a new assessment of the age and structure of the southern Rockall Trough. It is concluded that about 120 km of ocean crust is present in the trough and that spreading took place in the Albian-Maastrichtian interval.  相似文献   

Geological data from islands and deep sea drill sites of the Central Atlantic have been examined in the light of problems such as the pre-drift relative position of North America and Africa, and the time of commencement of seafloor spreading. Observations of particular concern, and which are difficult to accomodate in the present spreading model, are 1. the wide distribution of the Lower Cretaceous “black shales”, 2. the mid-Cretaceous tectonomagmatic event, and 3. the pronounced Upper Cretaceous sedimentary hiatus. Based on these data a new evolutionary model, including a major pre-drift basin (of the order of 2000 km across) and onset of sea-floor spreading around late Cenomanian time, is proposed. A possible relationship between sea-floor spreading and the major intracontinental sedimentation in Africa and North America in Middle-Upper Cretaceous is suggested, giving a reasonable explanation of the well-known “Cenomanian” transgression.  相似文献   

The ages of reversals of the Earth's magnetic field have been dated accurately back to 3.4 m.y. ago. Between this time and the age of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, dates for reversals have been calculated assuming a constant rate of sea-floor spreading in the South Atlantic Ocean. The presence of thick piles of lava flows in Iceland allows us to produce independent evidence for the ages of reversals back to 13.0 m.y. B.P. Because of the extreme regularity of extrusion of these lava flows, the measurement of their magnetic polarity allows us to correlate the lava flows which were extruded during the polarity intervals associated with sea-floor spreading anomalies. The measurement of many K-Ar ages on these lava flows also allows us to compare the ages of reversals assumed by the linear interpolation between the ages of 3.4 m.y. and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at 66.5 m.y., with those suggested by the radiometric dates. We find that in general the assumption of constant spreading has been a good one, but suggest a small change in the ages of reversals, amounting to an increase of about 0.27 m.y. in ages of reversals between 8.5 and 13.0 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

A revised model of seafloor spreading between India and Australia from the inception of spreading 125 m.y. to the change to a new system at 90 m.y. stems from the wider recognition of the M-series of magnetic anomalies off the southwestern margin of Australia, from a revised pole of opening between Australia and Antarctica, and by the extension in the central Wharton Basin of the Late Cretaceous set of magnetic anomalies back to 34. The phase of spreading represented by the later anomalies has been extended back to 90 m.y. in order to give a resolved pole that describes the rotation of India from Australia consistent with the M-series anomalies, DSDP site ages, and fracture zone trends. An abandoned spreading ridge in the Cuvier Abyssal Plain indicates a ridge jump within the first ten million years of spreading. Elsewhere, two kinds of ridge jump (one to the continental margin of Australia or India, the other by propagation of the spreading ridge into adjacent compartments thereby causing them to fuse), are postulated to account for other observations.  相似文献   

The ages of polarity chrons in previous M-sequence magnetic polarity time scales were interpolated using basal sediment ages in suitably drilled DSDP holes. This method is subject to several sources of error, including often large paleontological age ranges. Magnetostratigraphic results have now tied the Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic paleontological stage boundaries to the M-sequence of magnetic polarity. The numeric ages of most of these boundaries are inadequately known and some have been determined largely by intuition. An examination of relevant data suggests that 114 Ma, 136 Ma and 146 Ma are optimum estimates for the ages of the Aptian/Barremian, Cretaceous/Jurassic and Kimmeridgian/Oxfordian stage boundaries, respectively. Each of these boundaries has a good correlation to the M-sequence of magnetic reversals. The magnetostratigraphic tie-level ages are linearly related to the spreading distance and have been used to calculate a new magnetic polarity time scale for the Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic. All stage boundaries in this time interval were correlated by magnetic stratigraphy to the proposed new time scale which was then used to estimate their numeric ages. These are, with the approximate relative errors of placement within the M-sequence:The absolute errors of these interpolated stage boundary ages depend on the accuracy of the tie-level ages.  相似文献   

The ocean-continent boundary in the Newfoundland Basin is defined as the seaward limit of a continental margin magnetic smooth zone. East of the Grand Banks this boundary is marked by a prominent NNE-trending magnetic anomaly that is correlated with the J-Anomaly (115 m.y.). South of Flemish Cap the smooth zone boundary strikes approximately 060° and is approximately 15 m.y. younger. Magnetic anomaly trends suggest two directions of motion during separation of Iberia and North America. The first phase of motion, commencing at J-Anomaly time with a spreading center strike of 015°, produced a rifted margin along the Grand Banks south of the Newfoundland Seamounts. No spreading occurred north of the seamounts during this phase, implying a counter-clockwise rotation of Iberia and no Grand Banks-Galicia Bank separation. The second phase began at about 102 m.y. with a shift of the pole of rotation to a location near Paris, producing a ridge orientation of approximately 060°. This spreading center extended north and east into the northern Newfoundland Basin and Bay of Biscay, producing a rifted margin south of Flemish Cap and opening of Biscay. This ridge geometry produced a component of extension across the Newfoundland Fracture Zone and the southeastward migration of the resultant “leaky” transform fault between 102 m.y. and the next pole shift produced the volcanic edifice of the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge. Fracture zone trends during this phase also exerted strong control on volcanism within the Newfoundland Seamount province; this activity ceased at about 97 m.y. The date at which the second phase ended is not well defined by presently available data. A RRR triple-junction existed in the northeastern Newfoundland Basin-western Biscay region for a short time prior to anomaly33/34 (80 m.y.) which marks the inception of a continuous Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreading center between the Newfoundland and Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zones.  相似文献   

Marine magnetic anomalies 33 and 34, corresponding to the first two reversals following the long normal polarity interval in the Cretaceous, are anomalously skewed by 30° to 40° throughout the North and South Atlantic. This phenomenon is most likely related to some aspect of the dipole paleomagnetic field. Specifically the magnetic field at the time of anomalies 33 and 34 appears to be characterized by the following: the dipole field gradually decreases in average intensity between reversals and/or there is an increase in the frequency or duration of undetected short polarity events toward the end of long periods (>106 years) of predominantly one polarity. Such long-period trends in the field are in conflict with the popular model for the generation of the earth's magnetic field that treats reversals as a Poisson process and assumes that the core has no memory greater than about 104 years.  相似文献   

We propose that magnetic anomalies south of Australia and along the conjugate margin of Antarctica that were originally identified as anomalies 19 to 22 may be anomalies 20 to 34. The original anomaly identification has two troublesome aspects: (1) it does not account for an “extra” anomaly between anomalies 20 and 21, and (2) it provides no explanation for the rough topography comprising the Diamantina Zone. With our revised identification there is no “extra” anomaly and the Diamantina Zone is attributed to a period of very slow spreading (~4.5mm/yr half rate) between 90 and 43 m.y. The ages bounding the interval of slow spreading (90 and 43 m.y.) correspond to times of global plate reorganizations. Our revised identification opens up the possibility that part of the magnetic quiet zone south of Australia formed during the Cretaceous long normal polarity interval. Breakup of Australia and Antarctica probably occurred sometime between 110 and 90 m.y. B.P. The “breakup unconformity” identified by Falvey in the Otway Basin may correspond to a eustastic sea level change.  相似文献   

An identification of anomalies 31–34 is presented for the North Atlantic. North of the Azores-Gibraltar Ridge this implies a revision of the identification of the magnetic anomalies older than anomaly 26. DSDP site 10 in the western North Atlantic appears to be located on the old end of anomaly 33. The relative spacings of anomalies 29–34 in the North and South Atlantic, North and South Pacific and Indian Oceans are compared and the estimated relative widths of the magnetic polarity intervals in the Late Cretaceous are revised.  相似文献   

Tethyan ophiolites and Pangea break-up   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract The break‐up of Pangea began during the Triassic and was preceded by a generalized Permo‐Triassic formation of continental rifts along the future margins between Africa and Europe, between Africa and North America, and between North and South America. During the Middle–Late Triassic, an ocean basin cutting the eastern equatorial portion of the Pangea opened as a prograding branch of the Paleotethys or as a new ocean (the Eastern Tethys); westwards, continental rift basins developed. The Western Tethys and Central Atlantic began to open only during the Middle Jurassic. The timing of the break‐up can be hypothesized from data from the oceanic remnants of the peri‐Mediterranean and peri‐Caribbean regions (the Mesozoic ophiolites) and from the Atlantic ocean crust. In the Eastern Tethys, Middle–Late Triassic mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) ophiolites, Middle–Upper Jurassic MORB, island arc tholeiite (IAT) supra‐subduction ophiolites and Middle–Upper Jurassic metamorphic soles occur, suggesting that the ocean drifting was active from the Triassic to the Middle Jurassic. The compressive phases, as early as during the Middle Jurassic, were when the drifting was still active and caused the ocean closure at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary and, successively, the formation of the orogenic belts. The present scattering of the ophiolites is a consequence of the orogenesis: once the tectonic disturbances are removed, the Eastern Tethys ophiolites constitute a single alignment. In the Western Tethys only Middle–Upper Jurassic MORB ophiolites are present – this was the drifting time. The closure began during the Late Cretaceous and was completed during the Eocene. Along the area linking the Western Tethys to the Central Atlantic, the break‐up was realized through left lateral wrench movements. In the Central Atlantic – the link between the Western Tethys and the Caribbean Tethys – the drifting began at the same time and is still continuing. The Caribbean Tethys opened probably during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. The general picture rising from the previous data suggest a Pangea break‐up rejuvenating from east to west, from the Middle–Late Triassic to the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A detailed aeromagnetic anomaly map of the Mesozoic seafloor-spreading lineations southwest of Bermuda reveals the dominant magnetic grain of the oceanic crust and the character of the accreting boundary at the time of crustal formation. The magnetic anomaly pattern is that of a series of elongate lobes perpendicular to the fracture zone (flowline) trends. The linear sets of magnetic anomaly peaks and troughs have narrow regions of reduced amplitude anomalies associated with the fracture zones. During the period of Mesozoic geomagnetic polarity reversals (when 1200 km of central North Atlantic seafloor formed), the Atlantic accreting boundary consisted of stationary, elongate, spreading center cells that maintained their independence even though sometimes only minor spatial offsets existed between cells. Normal oceanic crustal structure was formed in the spreading center cells, but structural anomalies and discontinuities characteristic of fracture zones were formed at their boundaries, which parallel flowlines of Mesozoic relative plate motion in the central North Atlantic. We suggest that the memory for a stationary pattern of independent spreading center cells resides in the young brittle lithosphere at the accreting boundary where the lithosphere is weakest; here, each spreading center cell independently goes through its cylce of stress buildup, stress release, and crustal accretion, after which its memory is refreshed. The temporal offset between the peaks of the accretionary activity that takes place within each cell may provide the mechanism for maintaining the independence of adjacent spreading center cells through times when no spatial offset between the cells exists.  相似文献   

The Troodos ophiolite formed during the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) in a spreading setting above a northerly-dipping subduction zone. Palaeomagnetic data establish that the ophiolite experienced a 90° anticlockwise palaeorotation that occurred during the Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene interval During this period, the ophiolite was stranded adjacent to a generally south-facing continental margin, the remnants of which are preserved in south-west Cyprus (Mamonia Complex), southern Cyprus (Moni melange) and in northern Cyprus (Kyrenia Range). A review of field evidence from these Mesozoic basin margin units shows that strike-slip played a critical role in their Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deformation while magnetic and gravity surveys support the existence of major lineaments preserved at depth beneath these areas. Thus, in agreement with available palaeomagnetic data from mainland Turkey and Africa, the rotated crustal unit is believed to be relatively small with its boundaries probably located in the vicinity of Cyprus. In the favoured palaeorotation model, a small supra-subduction zone oceanic crustal unit was rotated about a pole located close to the exposed ophiolite complex. Fragments of the northern continental margin became attached to the rotating microplate along strike-slip lineaments and were then carried southward to their present position. In the light of the regional tectonic setting, it was probably the oblique consumption of crust beneath the ophiolite and/or a collision outside the present area of Cyprus that provided the necessary driving force for the palaeorotation.  相似文献   

Data gathered by recent “Islas Orcadas” cruises reveal the seafloor spreading pattern for a region south of the Agulhas/Falkland fracture zone system. The presence of a magnetic anomaly bight about the Agulhas Plateau indicates that the Agulhas Plateau may have developed at the site of a tectonic plate triple junction during the Late Cretaceous. A westward jump in the seafloor spreading center during the Late Maestrichtian (anomaly 34?31) reduced the offset across the Falkland/Agulhas fracture zone system and resulted in the formation of two conjugate aseismic ridges here described as the Meteor and Islas Orcadas Rises. The magnetic lineation pattern in the Agulhas Basin suggests that a tectonic plate (Malvinas Plate) existed during Campanian to Maestrichtian times. Relative rates of motion are calculated for Antarctica, South America, and Africa for the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Eastern North American and Western European paleomagnetic data indicate that, during most of the Upper Paleozoic, these regions and their adjacent continental shelves were parts of a single block situated near the paleoequator. With respect to a stationary paleopole, a north-north-west movement of the block during the Carboniferous can be detected. Comparison with polar displacement relative to other continents indicates that continental drift and possibly a pole displacement of about 15° occurred at that time. The Mesozoic results indicate that the rupture of the block and the opening of the North Atlantic did not follow each other closely in time. A latitudinal displacement of Eastern North America with respect to Western Europe places the time of rupture during Lower or Middle Triassic. A slight separation of the blocks may have occurred at that time. It is suggested that the rupture of the initial block occurred by strike slip with Eastern North America and Western Europe slipping one against the other in a north-south direction (by about 20° in latitude) but without pulling apart by any considerable distance. While this event took place before the Upper Triassic, it is probable that a substantial opening of the North Atlantic did not occur until after the Triassic. It appears that, in Cretaceous time, the longitudinal separation was considerable and that the North Atlantic Ocean was then partially open. Some of the relevant geological features and ocean floor spreading studies are discussed. A rupture by strike-slip in latitude mainly can be supported geologically and a post-Triassic time of opening of the North Atlantic is in agreement with the opening time obtained from certain interpretations of magnetic anomaly lineations.  相似文献   

Three-quarters of the Summerville Formation and a small portion of the Curtis Formation of central Utah have been sampled at close stratigraphic spacing. The two formations constitute an intertonguing marine-marginal marine, tidal flat sequence representing middle Callovian time. The magnetic polarity sequence observed is dominantly reversed with a few relatively short normal intervals. The age of these formations corresponds to some portion of time within the Jurassic oceanic quiet zone. The fact that normal polarity was not prominent in these formations casts some doubt upon the hypothesis that a long period of normal polarity was the cause of the quiet zone. Furthermore, a literature compilation indicates that normal polarity did not dominate the Jurassic as had been thought. The pole position determined from the Middle Jurassic Summerville Formation slightly revises earlier results and suggests a tiny amount of apparent polar motion relative to North American between Late Triassic and Middle Jurassic time.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic results from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) suggest that the oldest subaerial lava succession (Series I) originated at around the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, implying that the basal, post-Albian, complex of submarine volcanics, sheeted dikes and plutonics was emplaced sometime in the late Cretaceous. This time-range for early Fuerteventura magmatism and related tectonic movements is contemporaneous with the major sedimentary hiatus encountered in IPOD drill sites along the continental margins of northwest Africa and southwest Europe. This extensive late Cretaceous unconformity is probably directly related to tectonic uplift which locally formed the island of Fuerteventura. The close timing of these tectonomagmatic processes with the suggested final break-up between Africa and South America may indicate that both the North and South Atlantic Oceans had an intimately connected initial spreading history.  相似文献   

An extensive compilation of recently acquired geophysical reconnaissance data has allowed the Mesozoic magnetic lineations (The Eastern Keathley sequence) to be identified and mapped in detail for the area off northwest Africa lying between Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands. These anomalies were generated as one limb of a symmetric spreading center (Paleo Mid-Atlantic Ridge) from about 107 to 153 m.y.B.P. Offsets in the lineation pattern serve to identify fracture zone traces whose trends are approximately east-west. The seaward boundary of the marginal quiet zone does not precisely define an isochron due to the presence of a variable width transition zone of intermediate amplitude magnetic anomalies. Crust underlying the marginal quiet zone was generated, at least in part, during the Jurassic, Graham normal polarity epoch. The quiet zone boundary is not offset significantly on opposite sides of the Canaries lineament as previously suggested. A possible counterpart of the U.S. east coast magnetic anomaly is observed in some areas near the shelf/slope break of Spanish Sahara and Mauritania. The presence of relatively high-amplitude (but not-correlatable) magnetic anomalies seaward of the Mesozoic sequence and presumably generated during the Cretaceous, Mercanton normal polarity epoch remains a paradox.  相似文献   

Some very pronounced crustal inhomogeneities have been found in the North Sea and in Greenland, in regions which were adjacent to each other before the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean by sea-floor spreading. Some of these regions of inhomogeneities are zones of relatively high seismicity, while others are aseismic. In the North Sea, the Viking Graben has earthquakes, while its southern continuation, the Central Graben, is almost aseismic. In eastern Greenland, there are only few earthquakes near the Mesozoic graben, while there is a prominent earthquake zone at the coast line in north-eastern Greenland. It is concluded that, superposed on the apparent similarities in the two regions, some differences in stress conditions or crustal weakness patterns must exist.  相似文献   

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