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The kinetics of metamorphism of the Staroe Boriskino C2 chondrite heated at 450°C in an inert atmosphere of helium flow was investigated. After being heated at 450°C during 160 minutes one specimen was moreover heated for 10 minutes at 500°C. The phase distribution was determined by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and electron probe microanalysis.The material changes rapidly (1–2 minutes). As a result of dehydration, the iron of the phyllosilicate is oxidized, the charge compensation being realized through the removal of iron and magnesium cations with the formation of magnetite and forsterite. Upon 10 minutes additional heating at 500°C iron appears in the olivine structure, the degree of iron oxidation declines, and magnetite disappears. Possible trends of change of C2 chondrite material are:

Highlights? Four distinct groundwater classes resulted from the fuzzy c-means clustering method. ? Both geogenic and anthropogenic processes affect the groundwater quality in the area. ? Salinization in the area is due to seawater intrusion and dissolution of evaporites. ? Near the coastal zone, the groundwater level is lowered 2–5 m below the sea level. ? Ancient subsurface hydrological features act as conduits for groundwater flow.  相似文献   

High-pressure phase relations in ZnSiO3 and Zn2SiO4 were investigated at about 1000°C and in the pressure range of 100–500 kbar, using a double-staged split-sphere type of high-pressure apparatus.Clinopyroxene-type ZnSiO3 transforms directly into a polymorph with the ilmenite structure at 120 kbar. The hexagonal unit cell dimensions of the ZnSiO3 ilmenite are determined to be a = 4.746 ± 0.001 A?and c = 13.755 ± 0.002 A? under ambient conditions.The following reactions are also recognized at about 1000°C:
The stabilities of silicate ilmenites, especially the absence of ilmenite of transition metal silicate composition, is discussed. It is pointed out that data on phase relations in zinc silicates may be informative for the consideration on those in magnesium silicates under very high pressures. It is suggested that the silicate ilmenite may be a major constituent in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

The phase assemblages of monticellite (CaMgSiO4) were investigated in the pressure range 80–300 kbar at about 1000°C in a diamond-anvil cell with laser heating. Incorporating earlier work, the following phase transformations are found:
where the percentages give the decreases in zero-pressure volume for the new assemblage. If merwinite is a stable mantle mineral phase, even in very small quantities (~1 mole percent), the results imply that olivine might decrease substantially in amount in the lower part of the Earth's upper mantle. This study also suggests that the observed seismic discontinuities in the mantle should not be entirely attributed to high-pressure polymorphism or decompositions of individual mineral species, and that some discontinuities may result from chemical reactions between the individual phases.  相似文献   

Grain-growth kinetics in wadsleyite was investigated using a multianvil high-pressure apparatus. Fine-grained wadsleyite aggregates were synthesized by isostatic hot-pressing and were subsequently annealed under high pressure and temperature in a controlled chemical environment. Wadsleyite samples show normal grain-growth characterized by a log-normal grain-size distribution following the relation, where n is a constant, L the grain-size at time t, L0 the grain-size at time t = 0 and k is a rate constant that depends on temperature T and chemical environments (fO2: oxygen fugacity in Pa, COH: water content in H/106Si) as:

Scattering by a slightly-rough core-mantle boundary (CMB) with small-scale radial variations of up to a few hundred metres, has been an attractive (though non-unique) interpretation of at least part of the precursors to PKIKP. Here it is shown that a slightly-rough CMB has an observable effect on PKKP as well, if the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high. The effect may be observed as precursive arrivals and is due to back-scattering
at CMB. This work was prompted by observations by Chang and Cleary at LASA of “PKKP” and precursors from the Novaya Zemlya explosions. NORSAR data from several source regions are presented here; small-scale radial variations of 100–200 metres are inferred from these data, although in some regions the CMB appears to be much smoother. On the other hand, the LASA data are anomalous and suggest much larger topography in the sampled region of the CMB. Both large- and small-scale topography must be dynamically produced, if current estimates of the viscosity of the lower mantle (~1022 Poise) are correct.  相似文献   

The concept of a time-depth correlation between tectonic earthquakes at depth beneath some volcanoes, and their eruptions, developed by the author since 1962, has been confirmed by new observations and successful prediction of renewed volcanic activity in New Zealand.Regular earthquake migrations are observed along the Benioff zone, and volcanic eruptions are found to be related to these seismic migrations beneath the volcanoes, as follows:
Therefore, in island arcs and continental margins, volcanic activity is the result of two processes occurring beneath the volcanoes: (1) a “tectonic process”, a migration of strain release along the downgoing lithosphere, of which the earthquakes are the manifestation; (2) a “magmatic process”, a relatively fast vertical ascent of magmatic material from the deep root of the volcano, where the observed shocks may be the starting signal from this level.The rate of migration of tectonic earthquakes increases with depth in the upper mantle.An empirical time relationship between the earthquakes occurring at depth beneath a volcano and its eruptions, has been successfully tested for renewed activity at White Island in New Zealand, over the period 1977–1978.  相似文献   

Viscosity of anhydrous albite melt, determined by the falling-sphere method in the solid-media, piston-cylinder apparatus, decreases with increasing pressure from 1.13 × 105 P at 1 atm to 1.8 × 104 P at 20 kbar at 1400°C. The rate of decrease in viscosity is larger between 12 and 15 kbar than in other pressure ranges examined. The density of the quenched albite melt increases with increasing pressure of quenching from 2.38 g/cm3 at 1 atm to 2.53 g/cm3 at 20 kbar. The rate of increase in density is largest at pressures between 15 and 20 kbar. The melting curve of albite shows an inflexion at about 16 kbar. These observations strongly suggest that structural changes of albite melt would take place effectively at pressures near 15 kbar. Melt of jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) composition shows very similar changes in viscosity and density and a melting curve inflexion at pressures near 10 kbar. Difference in pressure for the suggested effective structural changes of albite and jadeite melts is 5–6 kbar, which is nearly the same as that between the subsolidus reaction curves nepheline + albite= 2jadeite and albite=jadeite + quartz. The structural changes of the melts are, however, continuous and begin to take place at pressures lower than those of the crystalline phases.  相似文献   

Surface currents measured by HF Radar (OSCR) are analysed to determine near-shore circulation in connection with planning optimum locations for sewage discharges. Dual radar units, each measuring a radial velocity component, were deployed at a total of five sites for three separate periods each of one week's duration (one site being common to two deployments). Observed data from 20 radial ‘bins’ each 1.2 km long were obtained for six beams each 6° wide at all five sites. These data were analysed separately to determine 1. the tidal constituents, 2. the wind driven component and 3. the steady residual component. In deriving the wind-driven response a relationship
was assumed where R(t) is the non-tidal velocity, WE and WN east and west components of wind speed, Δt a time lag and α and β empirical coefficients determined by least squares fitting techniques. At positions where beams from any two sites crossed, their separate current components were combined, producing the following spatial distributions of surface current vectors: 1. tidal ellipses, 2. separate responses to unit wind forcing from a. west and b. south and 3. steady residual drifts. The validity of these current distributions is examined by 1. comparison with other observational data, 2. by consideration of their self coherence and 3. in terms of simple theory.  相似文献   

We estimated the source parameters of 53 local earthquakes (2.0<ML<5.7) of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northeastern Italy) area, recorded by the short-period local seismic network of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), in the period 1995-2003. Data were selected on the basis of high quality locations and focal mechanisms. Standard H/V spectral ratios (HVRS) of the three-component stations of the network were performed in order to assess local amplifications, and only stations showing HVRS not exceeding two were considered for the source parameters estimation. Both velocity and acceleration data were used to compute the SH-wave spectra. Observed spectra were corrected for attenuation effects using an independent regional estimate of the quality factor Q and a station dependent estimate of the spectral decay parameter k. Only earthquakes with ML>3.0 recorded with a sampling rate of 125 cps were used to compute k, thus allowing to visualize a linear trend of the high frequency acceleration spectrum up to 40-50 Hz. SH-wave spectra, corrected for attenuation, showed an ω−2 shape allowing a good fit with the Brune model. Seismic moments and Brune radii ranged between 1.5×1012 and 1.1×1017  N m and between 0.1 and 2.7 km respectively. We obtained Mo=1.1×1017  N m for the seismic moment of the Kobarid (SLO) main shock, in good agreement with the Harvard CMT solution (Mo=3.5×1017  N m). Brune stress drops were confined to the range from 0.07 to 5.31 MPa, with an average value of 0.73 MPa and seem to be approximately constant over five orders of magnitude of seismic moment. Radiated seismic energy computed from two nearby stations scales with seismic moment according to , and apparent stress values are between 0.02 and 4.26 MPa. The observed scatter of Brune stress drop data allowed to hypothesize a scaling relation between seismic moment and corner frequency in order to accommodate both Brune stress drop and apparent stress scalings. No systematic differences are evidenced between stress parameters of earthquakes with different focal mechanisms. As a consequence, a relation of the seismic stress release with the strength of rocks can be hypothesized. A high correlation (r>0.9) of Brune stress drop is found with both apparent stress and RMS stress drop, according to and respectively.  相似文献   

This baseline reports daily variations of physico-chemical parameters, nutrients and metals in water of two sites [eutrophic conditions (BB) versus reference (LL)] in Óbidos coastal lagoon (Portugal). Dissolved oxygen in BB varied between 40% saturation levels (night) and 190% (daylight). , and ratios to Al of Mn, Fe and Pb in suspended particulate matter increased during the period of lower oxygenation, indicating exportation of nutrients and metals from the sediment to water at night. At LL, O2 values oscillated always around 100%. and Mn/Al ratio at LL were always lower than at BB and no increases were found during the night. The input of and Mn provided from the sediment at BB during the night could surpass the contribution of freshwater discharges. PCA confirmed the separation of most samples from BB and LL. These results pointed to the importance of assessing chemical conditions over day-night cycles.  相似文献   

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