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The diffusion of the dynamo-generated magnetic field into the electrically conducting inner core of the Earth may provide an explanation for several problematic aspects of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. We present a simple model which illustrates how an induced magnetization in the inner core which changes on diffusive timescales can provide a biasing field which could produce the observed anomalies in the time-averaged field and polarity reversals. The Earth's inner core exhibits an anisotropy in seismic velocities which can be explained by a preferred orientation of a polycrystalline aggregate of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) iron, an elastically anisotropic phase. Room temperature analogs of hcp iron also exhibit a strong anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, ranging from 15 to 40% anisotropy. At inner core conditions the magnetic susceptibility of hcp iron is estimated to be between 10−4 and 10−3 SI. We speculate here that the anisotropy in magnetic susceptibility in the inner core could produce the observed anomalies in the time-averaged paleomagnetic field, polarity asymmetry, and recurring transitional virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) positions.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper provides untilted paleomagnetic data obtained from the early Miocene strata around the Kanazawa‐Iozen area, in the eastern part of south‐west Japan. A thick pile of volcaniclastics and marine transgressive sediments underlie the area; they were deposited in the early stage of the Japan Sea opening event. Progressive thermal demagnetization tests isolated stable primary magnetic vectors from eight sites in the upper part of the Iozen Formation. Overall, the tilt‐corrected mean direction of this unit is D = 36.4°, I = 51.6° and α95 = 12.1. Together with a published paleomagnetic and chronological database, the present results suggest that clockwise rotation of south‐west Japan, linked to the back‐arc opening, commenced in the early Miocene and accelerated at the same time as rapid subsidence along the Japan Sea coast. Post‐opening, differential rotation within the eastern part of south‐west Japan is assumed, based on selected paleomagnetic data from the latest Early Miocene.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet Earth radiance data from the backscatter ultraviolet experiment on Nimbus 4 have been inverted to infer ozone profiles using a single Rayleigh scattering model. Two methods of solution give essentially the same results. Comparison of these profiles with simultaneous rocket sounding data shows satisfactory agreement at low and middle latitudes.Vertical cross-sections of ozone mixing ratio along the orbital tracks indicate that while the gross characteristics of the ozone field above 10 mb are under photochemical control, the influence of atmospheric motions can be found up to the 4 mb level.  相似文献   

基于SAR影像偏移量获取汶川地震二维形变场   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文以ALOS卫星PALSAR影像为数据源,采用强度图像偏移量方法获得的整个汶川地震地表二维形变场显示,整个映秀-北川地表破裂带全长约240 km,从西南端的虹口往北东方向一直延伸到青川县附近,在虹口及北川县城所在地为两个形变量最大区域,偏移量可达4~6 m,局部更是达到了6~8 m.在高川乡附近出现一斜列拉分阶区,宽约8~10 km.在映秀-北川断层的地表破裂迹线南侧约12 km处还有一条汉旺-白鹿次级破裂带,从漩口镇一直延伸到秀水镇,长度大约100 km,在白鹿附近形变量较大,可达3~4 m.另外在小鱼洞附近可见一个NW 走向、长宽约10×5 km、形变幅度达3~4 m的连接以上两条破裂带的地表破裂带,性质为逆冲兼具左旋走滑.研究表明,利用SAR影像偏移量法能够获取近场几米量级的大形变量及客观揭示断层破裂迹线的真实形态和分段特征,可以成为野外观测、InSAR等手段的有益补充,综合以上几种观测手段,优势互补,我们可以构建更为真实的断层模型,进而对汶川地震的复杂破裂过程有更深入的了解.  相似文献   

Teleseismic P-wave travel time residuals (delay times) have been determined for 38 African seismograph stations using a total of 104 presumed Russian underground nuclear explosions. The delay times (T) for seismograph stations situated on Precambrian crust within the interior of Africa, where surface erosion is minimal, appear to be linearly related to both the station elevation (E) and Bouguer anomaly (B) such that: T=(1.12±0.32)E?(1.81±0.44)(1) T=?(0.013±0.005)B?(1.81±0.60)(2) where T is in seconds,E in kilometres and B in milligals. Equation 2 has been used to predict delay times more generally using the smoothed Bouguer anomaly map of Africa. The delay time map is tentatively used to derive a map of lithosphere thickness which takes into account lateral variations of velocity within both the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The lithospheric thickness model indicates a major zone of thin lithosphere (or thick asthenosphere) is associated with the East African Rift system and its continuation into southern Africa. Concomitant seismicity and volcanism further suggest that incipient separation of the continental plate is taking place along the axis of this zone.  相似文献   

Combining paleomagnetic data for 17 new sites from the northwest portion of the (Oligocene) San Juan volcanic field of southern Colorado with data for 29 sites previously published yields a paleomagnetic pole at 85°N, 114°E (with a 95% confidence circle of 7.5° radius). A further combination of the San Juan data with the results of other studies on rocks of Oligocene age from tectonically stable parts of North America gives a mid-Tertiary reference pole located at 81°N, 132.5°E, with a confidence circle of approximately 4°. Mid-Tertiary paleomagnetic poles for the western edge of the continent diverge markedly from this reference pole.  相似文献   

Réunion is a volcanic edifice whose origin is related to a hot spot in the Indian Ocean. Only 3% of its volume is emergent. Many geological and geophysical studies were carried out on Réunion Island during the 1980's but few of them allow study of the internal structure of the edifice. Several gravity surveys have been carried out on the island since 1976 and we have compiled the available data set. The lack of data on the western side of the island led us to conduct a regional survey in 1993 to obtain a more homogeneous distribution of the stations. Computation of Bouguer anomalies for different correction densities accounts for the variable density of the rocks constituting the edifice and provides a distribution of gravity anomalies interpreted as dense bodies of intrusive rocks inside the edifice. Two very large intrusive complexes can be unambiguously recognised: one beneath Piton des Neiges and one beneath the Grand Brûlé area. Both have been penetrated by geothermal exploration drill holes and the first is also known from outcrop observations. 2.5D simple models were constructed to reveal the geometry and extent of the buried intrusives. They are deeply rooted, extending several kilometres below sea level, and extensive (20–25 km long and 10–13 km wide for the Piton des Neiges complex, 12–15 km long and some kilometres wide for the Grand Brûlé complex). The development of such complexes implies that the activity of the two volcanic centres was long lasting and remained stable while the volcanoes were growing. The Grand Brûlé complex has been interpreted as relics of an old volcano named Alizés Volcano. The interpretation of the gravity maps suggests the presence of a ridge of dense rocks to the North of the axis joining the centres of Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes. By analogy with the other structures, 2.5D models show that this structure would culminate between 0 and 1 km below sea level and be 15 km wide. This complex induces a maximum anomaly in Takamaka Valley and we thus propose to name it Takamaka Volcano. No geological evidence of the nature of these dense rocks is available but the ridge coincides with structures revealed by magnetic and seismic data. Interpretation of the Bouguer anomaly maps suggests that the inner gravity structure of Piton de la Fournaise is not characterised by the presence of a voluminous dense body but probably by more restricted concentrations of dense rocks. Some structures can be recognised: along the present NE and SE rift zones and in the previous central part of Piton de la Fournaise to the West of the present summit. The recent eastward migration of the centre of activity of Piton de la Fournaise accounts for the lack of a large positive anomaly beneath the active craters.  相似文献   

The lower part of the Roxolany section (Ukraine) is studied, and paleomagnetic and petromagnetic characteristics of rock samples are obtained for the time interval 300-75 ka. Detailed curves of variations in angular parameters of the geomagnetic field are constructed in the entire time interval, and curves of variations in the relative paleointensity are obtained for the interval 300-180 ka. Using the values of the angular parameters and the deviations of the virtual geomagnetic pole from the position of the stationary field, anomalous directions compatible with the Jamaica excursion are identified in the intervals 250-249 and 221-220 ka. The geomagnetic field evolution is studied by methods of wavelet analysis, and the field generation process is shown to vary in the interval 300-180 ka.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 1993, fumarole temperatures at the Fossa crater of Vulcano (Italy) were characterized by the highest values since the 1920’s, increasing from about 300°C in 1987 to 690°C in May 1993, before decreasing to 400°C by 1996–1997. During 1990, Vulcano’s Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) network was expanded to provide more detailed coverage of the northern sector of the Fossa crater and, in particular, to monitor the movement of the northern flank the Fossa cone. Measurements, carried out between 1990 and 1994, showed shortening by about 6 to 7 cm along baselines measured to a small section of the northern rim. Over the following four years these baselines showed a slow extension by about 3 cm, to gradually recover part of the previous deformation. We believe that the shortening and lengthening of the EDM baselines was respectively due to the increasing and decreasing temperature of the rock body lying close to the deforming area. This caused thermal expansion, followed by contraction. The positive movement of the rim was not completely matched by a negative recovery, suggesting that a non-recoverable sliding movement was also responsible for some of the shortening of the baselines. We verified our hypothesis by calculating the expected dilatation of a rock body, as a function of the volume of rock heated and its thermal expansion coefficient, and compared the expected deformation to that observed. The geodetic investigation showed that the unstable portion affects a small length of the rim (about 100 m long) and involves a volume of about 0.8 × 106 m3. However, this zone lies directly above a particularly unstable portion of the flank, as well as the main village and port on the island.  相似文献   

使用小震震源机制解研究山东地区背景应力场   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
基于山东地区1970—2012年5月387次中小地震震源机制解数据,使用Gephart和Forsyth的 FMSI方法计算了该区的平均构造应力方向; 使用区域应力张量阻尼反演方法,结合共轭梯度法求解了应力张量的阻尼最小二乘最优化问题,并根据Lund和Townend推导给出的由构造应力张量计算最大水平主应力方向的公式,反演计算了山东地区构造应力场的空间分布特征,并讨论了该区构造应力场的变化及其与郯庐断裂带的关系.  相似文献   

We have obtained additional evidence for the Early Carboniferous paleomagnetic field for cratonic North America from study of the Barnett Formation of central Texas. A characteristic magnetization of this unit was isolated after thermal demagnetization at four sites (36 samples) out of eight sites (65 samples) collected. The mean direction of declination = 156.3°, inclination = 5.8° (N = 4 ,k = 905 , α95 = 3.0°), corresponds to a paleomagnetic pole position at lat. = 49.1°N,long. = 119.3°E (dp = 1.5° , dm = 3.0°). Field evidence suggests that characteristic magnetization was acquired very early in the history of the rock unit whereas the rejected sites are comprised of weakly magnetized limestones dominated by secondary components near the present-day field direction. Comparison of the Barnett pole with other Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) paleopoles from North America shows that it lies close to the apparent polar wander path for stable North America and that the divergence of paleopoles from the Northern Appalachians noted previously for the Devonian persisted into the Early Carboniferous. We interpret this difference in paleopoles as further evidence for the Northern Appalachian displaced terrain which we refer to here as Acadia, and the apparent coherence of Late Carboniferous paleopoles as indicating a large (~1500 km) motion of Acadia with respect to stable North America over a rather short time interval in the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Both the magnitude and direction of the paleomagnetic field have been determined during a polarity transition. The results indicate that the geomagnetic field was both strong and stable when the magnetic pole was close to the equator.  相似文献   

The existence of anomalous ionospheric reflections was shown on the basis of vertical soundings at the Moskow station. They are observed at heights of 100–200 km. These anomalous reflections are not related to the main Ne(h) ionospheric profile. Morphological characteristics of such reflections are presented: the daily, seasonal, and cyclic dependences of their appearance.  相似文献   

Summary Induction response has been investigated at 57 field stations covering the Bohemian Massif (BM) and the Bruno-Vistulicum (BV), and at 93 temporary observing sites across the West Carpathians (WCP). Induction response data at 958 localities covering mainly the Central European area were also collected and analysed. Components of transfer functions (TF), moduli and arguments of corresponding induction vectors are analyzed for individual profiles. Pseudo-sections of induction parameters at profiles are used to visualize the period dependence of induction response and computer generated contour maps of TF components define zones of anomalous induction and their relation to large scale anomalies. Depths of anomalous field source are estimated by separating variations into internal and external parts. Correlations among induction response characteristics and the results of other geophysical investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the ground survey of total-field magnetic data at 53 sites, which recorded a time-series over the interval 2003–2005, the core field + long wavelength lithospheric field over the middle-northern Croatia region was calculated. The area of the survey was 18900 km2, an average distance between the neighbouring sites being 12 km. The results were reduced to 2004.5 epoch. This “normal” total-field was estimated using the firstorder Taylor polynomial as a function of geographic coordinates, and the polynomial coefficients were calculated with three methods of adjustment: simple and weighted least squares fits and adjustment according to the most frequent value. The stability of the normal field was tested using the Monte Carlo-type test, by decreasing the input data set in each adjustment (up to 90%). All obtained field residuals (measured-“normal”) were mutually compared, as well as fit coefficients of the Taylor polynomials. The residual values indicate the presence of shorter-wavelength anomalies, specifically three major residual anomalies were found (−106 nT, 74 nT and 57 nT). The geostatistical analysis of the ground survey data and the normal field residuals (respectively), using the median absolute deviation method, was further conducted in order to evaluate the calculated anomalies. The geological situation around the anomalies derived by the median absolute deviation method, and around the normal field residual anomalies, is given. The correlation was found between higher value anomalies of the normal field residuals, and shallow volcanic rocks and oil field, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the intensity of the initial paleomagnetic field can be determined by the empirical distribution of the vector of the sediment rock magnetization.  相似文献   

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