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All chondrites accreted ∼3.5 wt.% C in their matrices, the bulk of which was in a macromolecular solvent and acid insoluble organic material (IOM). Similar material to IOM is found in interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and comets. The IOM accounts for almost all of the C and N in chondrites, and a significant fraction of the H. Chondrites and, to a lesser extent, comets were probably the major sources of volatiles for the Earth and the other terrestrial planets. Hence, IOM was both the major source of Earth’s volatiles and a potential source of complex prebiotic molecules.Large enrichments in D and 15N, relative to the bulk solar isotopic compositions, suggest that IOM or its precursors formed in very cold, radiation-rich environments. Whether these environments were in the interstellar medium (ISM) or the outer Solar System is unresolved. Nevertheless, the elemental and isotopic compositions and functional group chemistry of IOM provide important clues to the origin(s) of organic matter in protoplanetary disks. IOM is modified relatively easily by thermal and aqueous processes, so that it can also be used to constrain the conditions in the solar nebula prior to chondrite accretion and the conditions in the chondrite parent bodies after accretion.Here we review what is known about the abundances, compositions and physical nature of IOM in the most primitive chondrites. We also discuss how the IOM has been modified by thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration in the chondrite parent bodies, and how these changes may be used both as petrologic indicators of the intensity of parent body processing and as tools for classification. Finally, we critically assess the various proposed mechanisms for the formation of IOM in the ISM or Solar System.  相似文献   

Awan  Rizwan Sarwar  Liu  Chenglin  Yang  Shangfeng  Wu  Yuping  Zang  Qibiao  Khan  Ashar  Li  Guoxiong 《中国地球化学学报》2021,40(6):973-997
Acta Geochimica - Vanadium in the black rocks has economic and environmental impacts. In sediments, it is broadly disseminated as a multivalent metal element mainly sensitive to redox settings....  相似文献   

The current location of the border between Lebanon and Palestine, today's Israel, is a product of various competing forces. The Zionist Organization aspired to include the entire Galilee region up to the lower reaches of the Litani River (also known as the Kassimiyah River) within Palestine. The river itself was the desired northern border of the country. The Zionists supported their position by employing instrumental arguments that were largely related to the availability of water resources. On the other hand, residents of the upper Galilee, today's southern Lebanon, demanded that they be included with Lebanon. They used their trade links with Beirut, and cultural and familial ties with other parts of Lebanon to support their position. These instrumental and expressive arguments appear to have assisted in the demarcation of the border between Lebanon and Palestine. Currently, access to the water resources, not necessarily control over them, is likely to influence negotiations between Israel and Lebanon over the future of the Israeli-occupied security zone in southern Lebanon.  相似文献   

This study was designed to survey the reservoir sediment properties, assess the phosphorus (P) sorption isotherm, and analyze the relationship between sediment properties and sorption parameters. Physicochemical analysis indicated that sediment from the FUSHI reservoir in Zhejiang Province, China, has similar physical and chemical properties and has been contaminated by P. Sorption isotherm experiments showed that the sorption process could be described by Langmuir and Freundlich models. The parameters of Q max (Phosphorus sorption maximum) and K (Freundlich adsorption isotherm constant) ranged from 618.98 to 825.70?mg?kg?1 and 114.18 to 170.74?l?kg?1, respectively. EPC0 (zero P equilibrium concentration) ranged from 0.14 to 0.24?mg?l?1, more than the total P concentration in the water of the reservoir. Thus, the reservoir sediment releases P into the water and acts as a ??P resource??. The clay, Feo, Alt, and Fet?+?Alt content were the main active components in P sorption. Q max had a highly significant positive relationship with some properties and could be estimated by a combination of these.  相似文献   

Tectono-metallogenic systems are geological systems that link geodynamic and tectonic processes with ore-forming processes. Fundamental geodynamic processes, including buoyancy-related processes, crustal/lithospheric thinning and crustal/lithospheric thickening, have occurred throughout Earth's history, but tectonic systems, which are driven by these processes, have evolved as Earth's interior has cooled. Tectonic systems are thought to have evolved from magma oceans in the Hadean through an unstable “stagnant-lid” regime in the earlier Archean into a proto-plate tectonic regime from the late Archean onwards. Modern-style plate tectonics is thought to have become dominant by the start of the Paleozoic. Mineral systems with general similarities to modern or geologically recent systems have been present episodically (or semi-continuously) through much of Earth's history, but most of Earth's present endowment of mineral wealth was formed during and after the Neoarchean, when proto- or modern-style plate tectonic systems became increasingly dominant and following major changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Changes in the characteristics of some mineral systems, such as the volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) system, reflect changes in tectonic style during the evolution towards the modern plate tectonic regime, but may also involve secular changes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere.Whereas tectono-metallogenic systems have evolved in general over Earth's history, specific tectono-metallogenic systems evolve over much shorter time frames. Most mineral deposits form in three general tectono-metallogenic systems: divergent systems, convergent systems, and intraplate systems. Although fundamental geodynamic processes have driven the evolution of these systems, their relative importance may change as the systems evolved. For example, buoyancy-driven (mantle convection/plumes) and crustal thinning are the dominant processes driving the early rift stage of divergent tectono-metallogenic systems, whereas buoyancy-driven processes (slab sinking) and crustal thickening are the most important processes during the subduction stage of convergent systems. Crustal thinning can also be an important process in the hinterland of subduction zones, producing back-arc basins that can host a number of mineral systems. As fundamental geodynamic processes act as drivers at some stage in virtually all tectonic systems, on their own these cannot be used to identify tectonic systems. Moreover, as mineral systems are ultimately the products of these same geodynamic drivers, individual mineral deposit types cannot be used to determine tectonic systems, although mineral deposit associations can, in some cases, be indicative of the tectono-metallogenic system.Ore deposits are the products of geological (mineral) systems that operate over a long time frame (hundreds of millions of years) and at scales up to the craton-scale. In essence, mineral systems increase the concentrations of commodities through geochemical and geophysical processes from bulk Earth levels to levels amenable to economic mining. Mineral system components include the geological (tectonic and architectural) setting, the driver(s) of mineralising processes, metal and fluid sources, fluid pathways, depositional trap, and post-depositional modifications. All of these components link back to geodynamic processes and the tectonic system. For example, crustal architecture, which controls the spatial distribution of, and fluid flow, within mineral systems, is largely determined by geodynamic processes and tectonic systems, and the timing of mineralisation, which generally is relatively short (commonly < 1 Myr), correlates with local and/or far-field tectonic events.The geochemical characteristics of many mineral systems are a consequence of their geodynamic and tectonic settings. Settings that are characterised by low heat flow and lack active magmatism produce low temperature fluids that are oxidised, with ore formation caused largely by redox gradients or the provision of external H2S. The characteristics of these fluids are largely governed by the rocks with which they interact, rocks that have extensively interacted with the hydrosphere and atmosphere, both environments that have been strongly oxidised since the great oxidation event in the Paleoproterozoic. In settings characterised by high heat flow and active magmatism, ore fluids tend to be higher temperature and reduced, with deposition caused by cooling, pH neutralisation, depressurisation and fluid mixing. Again, the characteristics of these fluids are governed by rocks with which they interact, in this case more reduced magmatic rocks derived from the mantle or lower crust.  相似文献   

In order to find out whether Aha Lake was polluted by the acid mining waste water or not, the concentration and distribution of different mercuryspecies in the water columns and sediment profile collected from Aha Lake were investigated. It was found that discernible seasonal variation of different mercury species in water body were obtained in the Aha Reservoir. With regards to the whole sampling periods, the concentrations of HgP in the Aha Reservoir water body were evidently correlated to the concentrations of total mercury, showing that total mercury was mostly associated with particle mercury. The concentrations of methylmercury in water body were also evidently correlated to the concentrations of dissolved mercury. The dissolved mercury evidently affects the distribution and transportation of methylmercury. However, there is no correlation between methylmercury and total mercury. The dissolved mercury, reactive mercury, dissolved methylmercury levels in the water body of high flow period were much higher than those in low flow period. The distribution, speciation and levels of mercury within the Aha Reservoir water body were governed by several factors, such as the output of river, the release of sediment . Discernible seasonal variation of total mercury and methylmercury in porewater was described during the sampling periods, with the concentrations in high flow period generally higher than those in low flow period. The methylmercury in pore water column was evidently correlated to that of the sediment. The results indicated that highly elevated MeHgD concentrations in the porewater were produced at the depths from 2 to 5 cm in the sediment profile, and decreased sharply with depth. A positive correlation has been found between MeHgD formation and sulfate reducing bacterial activity. These highly elevated concentrations of MeHgD at the intersurface between waters and sediments suggest a favorable methylation condition. Moreover,  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Structural inheritance of preexisting crustal discontinuities is widely accepted to have played a crucial role during the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of...  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of the trace metal concentrations in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment trap material from a permanently anoxic fjord, Framvaren, South Norway in 1989 and 1993 indicate that extremely high concentrations of zinc (max = 183920 mg/kg), copper (max = 4130 mg/kg), lead (max = 2752 mg/kg), and cadmium (max= 8.1 mg/kg) sometimes (1993) occur in the SPM collected in the anoxic water layer. The highest concentrations of Zn occur just below the redoxcline at 22 m water depth (in 1993), and copper, lead and cadmium have maximum concentrations between 30 and 80 m depth, where the amount of total SPM is at a minimum (about 0.3 mg/L). On a mass per volume (g/L) basis, the maximum concentrations of Cd, Cu and Fe occur at the interface (21m) and those of Zn occur just below the redoxcline (22 m depth). The SPM and sediment trap data suggest that the metals are precipitated as sulfide minerals in the anoxic water. The presence of particulate sulfides was confirmed by SEM studies that show the occurrence of discrete metal (Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn) sulfide particles in size from 10–20 m as well as framboidal pyrites (1–5 m in size). Higher levels of metal sulfides at intermediate depths rather than in the deep water of Framvaren (> 100 m), may be due to input of trace metals by water exchange over the sill in the upper part of the water column. In the deep water, less metal sulfide precipitation takes place due to depletion of trace metals, and the dilution of particulate metal concentrations by organic matter and by the chemogenic formation of calcite.  相似文献   

The uptake and release of trace metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Co) in estuaries are studied using river and sea end-member waters and suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from the Changjiang Estuary, China. The kinetics of adsorption and desorption were studied in terms of environmental factors (pH, SPM loading, and salinity) and metal concentrations. The uptake of the metals studied onto SPM occurred mostly within 10 h and reached an asymptotic value within 40 h in the Changjiang Estuary. As low pH river water flows into the high pH seawater and the water become more alkaline as it approaches to the seaside of estuary, metals adsorb more on SPM in higher pH water, thus, particulate phase transport of metal become increasingly important in the seaward side of the estuary. The percentage of adsorption recovery and the distribution coefficients for trace metals remained to be relatively invariable and a significant reduction only occurred in very high concentrations of metals (>0.1 mg L−1). The general effect of salinity on metal behavior was to decrease the degree of adsorption of Cu, Zn, Cd, Co, and Ni onto SPM but to increase their adsorption equilibrium pH. The adsorption–desorption kinetics of trace metals were further investigated using Kurbatov adsorption model. The model appears to be most useful for the metals showing the conservative behavior during mixing of river and seawater in the estuary. Our work demonstrates that dissolved concentration of trace metals in estuary can be modeled based on the metal concentration in SPM, pH and salinity using a Kurbatov adsorption model assuming the natural SPM as a simple surfaced molecule.  相似文献   

The relationship among H2S, total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur (TS) and total nitrogen contents of surface sediments (0–1 cm) was examined to quantify the relationship between H2S concentrations and TOC content at the sediment water interface in a coastal brackish lake, Nakaumi, southwest Japan. In this lake, bottom water becomes anoxic during summer due to a strong halocline. Lake water has ample dissolved SO4 2? and the surface sediments are rich in planktic organic matter (C/N 7–9), which is highly reactive in terms of sulfate reduction. In this setting the amount of TOC should be a critical factor regulating the activity of sulfate reduction and H2S production. In portions of the lake where sediment TOC content is less than 3.5 %, H2S was very low or absent in both bottom and pore waters. However, in areas with TOC >3.5 %, H2S was correlated with TOC content (pore water H2S (ppm) = 13.9 × TOC (%) ? 52.1, correlation coefficient: 0.72). H2S was also present in areas with sediment TS above 1.2 % (present as iron sulfide), which suggests that iron sulfide formation is tied to the amount of TOC. Based on this relationship, H2S production has progressively increased after the initiation of land reclamation projects in Lake Nakaumi, as the area of sapropel sediments has significantly increased. This TOC–H2S relationship at sediment–water interface might be used to infer H2S production in brackish–lagoonal systems similar to Lake Nakaumi, with readily available SO4 2? and reactive organic matter.  相似文献   

The O’okiep Copper District is the oldest formal mining area in South Africa. Between 1852 and 2002, the 2,500 km2 area yielded two million tons of copper from 32 mines ranging in ore tonnages from 140,000 to 37 million tons. This paper summarizes the calendar of events from the formation of the first primitive crust 1,700–2,000?Ma ago to early Cambrian times ~500?Ma ago, with particular emphasis on the Namaquan (Grenville) Orogeny, notably: the O’okiepian Episode (1,180–1,210?Ma ago) of alpine-type folding, regional granite plutonism, and granulite facies metamorphism and the Klondikean Episode (1,020–1,040?Ma ago) of open and tight folding and the intrusion of the Rietberg Granite and the Koperberg Suite. Almost all of the copper in the O’okiep District occurs in the Koperberg Suite, of which there are 1,700 small bodies that constitute 0.7% of the outcrop area. The suite comprises jotunite, anorthosite, biotite diorite, and hypersthenic rocks ranging from leuconorite to hypersthenite, and it is one of only two world examples of economic copper mineralization in rocks of the anorthosite–charnockite kindred; the second example is Caraiba, Brazil. High I Sr and low ε Nd (for a 1,030 Ma intrusion age), and high μ 2 of 10.1, for Koperberg rock-types indicate a crustal progenitor for the suite, and the presence of jotunite suggests a (subducted) crustal source at ca. 40–50 km depth. The magmatic sulphide paragenesis in the Koperberg Suite is chalcopyrite?+?pyrrhotite (Narrap-type ore) that, in a number of ore-bodies, has been inverted under upper amphibolite facies conditions to bornite?+?Ti-free magnetite (Carolusberg-type ore). Meteoric fluids resulted in supergene Cu enrichment in Koperberg bodies to ~500?m below the pre-Nama peneplane, and lower greenschist facies metamorphism 500–570?Ma ago is reflected by inter alia Hoits-type ore bearing second-generation bornite?+?chalcopyrite(±?covellite?±?chalcocite).  相似文献   

Background: With development of intensive agriculture in the agricultural regions of the Northern provinces (Caspian Sea coasts), which involves frequent pesticide use in highly mechanized cash-crop cultures. To investigate and provide information on pest…  相似文献   

Freshwater–saline water interactions were evaluated in a coastal region influenced by external forces including tidal fluctuations and seasonal rainfall variations. Five different coastal zones were considered on Jeju Island, South Korea, and electrical conductivity (EC) profiles from the monitoring wells were examined to identify the configuration of the freshwater–saline water interface. There appeared to be discrepancies among EC profiles measured at different points in time. To analyze the dynamic behavior of freshwater–saline water interactions, groundwater level measurements and multi-depth EC and temperature probes were used to obtain time-series data; the data showed that water level, EC and temperature were influenced by both tidal fluctuations and heavy rainfall. The effects of oceanic tide on EC and temperature differed with depth due to hydraulic properties of geologic formations. A spectral filter was used to eliminate the effects of tidal forces and provide information on the influence of heavy rainfall on water level, EC and temperature. Heavy rainfall events caused different patterns and degrees of variation in EC and temperature with depth. The time-series data of EC and temperature in the subsurface at various depths enable greater understanding of the interaction processes between fresh and saline water.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model of the behavior of heavy metals in bottom sediments during their eutrophication is developed. The results show that liberation of heavy metals from the reduced ferrous sorbent is accompanied by sorption on clay and organic sorbents. The process is complicated by competitive correlations between heavy metals and calcium ions, while the formation of carbonate cement in the sediments yields additional sorption. As a result, the predicted concentrations of the majority of microelements, namely heavy metals, in the interstitial water of the reduced bottom sediments do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC).  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption are critical processes controlling the fate and transport of organic contaminants in natural environment. Numerous studies have shown that only a fraction of contaminants in soil or sediment can readily be desorbed to the aqueous phase, while desorption of the remaining fraction is very difficult and does not follow the conventional desorption models-a phenomenon typically referred to as "resistant desorption" or "sequestration" and is argued by many as the cause of reduced availability of contaminants in soil and sediment. While this reduced availability often reduces the effectiveness of soil and sediment remediation, the same effect can also greatly reduce risk of contaminated soil and sediment. The authors have conducted extensive lab and field studies to characterize the unique properties of sequestration of organic contaminants and to understand the mechanism(s) controlling sequestration. Thus far, over 50 different contaminant-soil/sediment combinations have been evaluated, using contaminants of varied physical-chemical properties (e.g., chlorinated benzenes, PAHs, PCBs, DDT, atrazine, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, etc.). Several unique characteristics of sequestration have been observed, and the most striking one is that despite the significant differences in chemical and soil properties, desorption of sequestered contaminants for all the contaminant-soil/sediment combinations exhibited very similar KOC (organic-carbon normalized partition coefficient) and very similar desorption kinetics.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - The present work deals with some Pan-African serpentinites of Neoproterozoic age from five localities in the Eastern Desert of Egypt namely, Abu Fannani, Fawakhir,...  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the assessment and quantification of the water balance and the hydrogeological processes related to lake–groundwater interaction in the Pampa Plain by using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and flow numerical modeling techniques. La Salada is a permanent shallow lake, with an area of 5.8 km2, located on the SE of Buenos Aires Province. A total of 29 lake water samples and 15 groundwater samples were collected for both hydrochemical analysis and environmental stable isotope determination. Water table depths were measured in wells closed to the lake. Groundwater samples appear grouped on the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting a well-mixed system and that rainfall is the main recharge source to the aquifer. Water evaporation process within La Salada is also corroborated by its isotopic composition. The model that best adjusts to La Salada Lake hydrochemical processes includes evaporation from groundwater, calcite precipitation with CO2 release and cationic exchange. The annual water balance terms for the lake basin indicates for each hydrological component the following values: 1.16 E08 m3 rainfall, 8.15 E07 m3 evapotranspiration, 1.90 E06 m3 runoff, 1.55 E07 m3 groundwater recharge, 6.01 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the lake, 9.54 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the river, 5.00 E05 m3 urban extraction and 4.90 E06 m3 lake evaporation. Integrated analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic information helped to calibrate the groundwater flow model, to validate the conceptual model and to quantitatively assess the basin water balance.  相似文献   

Current assessments of the role of atmospheric deposition in the declining health of aquatic ecosystems indicate that the atmosphere could account for as much as 30% to 40% of total external nitrogen loading to some coastal waters. All such assessments are uncertain and need to be refined. To focus attention on the problem as it affect eastern North American coastal waters, a series of interdisciplinary workshops has been conducted, bringing together scientists and regulators. The series started with a meeting at Mt. Washington, Maryland in 1994, with subsequent meetings at Warrenton, Virginia in 1995, and Raleigh, North Carolina in 1997. Although the workshops considered all nitrogen species, toxic chemicals, trace metals, precipitation chemistry, airborne aerosols, and supporting meteorological investigation, most of the discussion centered around the issue of nitrogen-species deposition. It was concluded that work is urgently needed to establish integrated monitoring stations to provide high quality deposition and watershed retention data within the catchment area to take spatial and temporal variability into account in atmospheric deposition models, to improve biogeochemical watershed models, especially from the perspective of biological utilization and cycling of deposited materials, to refine emissions inventories and projections on which scenario investigations are based, to enhance all ongoing data collection efforts, especially those related to specific process studies, and to improve spatial resolution by increasing the number of deposition measurement sites. An overall conclusion was that there must be a strong effort to include considerations of air pollution and atmospheric deposition in the water quality regulatory process. It was repeatedly emphasized that any new efforts should build on existing programs rather than risk new starts that compete with ongoing and already productive work.  相似文献   

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