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Flotation of early-formed plagioclase in the layered gabbroic Kalka Intrusion of central Australia was accompanied by gravitational settling of co-crystallizing pyroxenes. Remelting of the rising plagioclase upset the normal gravitational crystal-extractive processes which control classic basaltic fractionation trends. Together with high pressures of crystallization which cause orthopyroxene rather than olivine to be the first phase to precipitate, this may help to explain the eventual production of at least 800 m of plagioclase cumulates (anorthosites) as late-stage products of fractionation in Kalka. Addition or removal of melts at various stages of fractionation are further processes affecting the differentiation trends of layered intrusions. Variations in the occurrence of such processes may explain many of the differences between anorthosite suites throughout the world.  相似文献   

A correlary of sea floor spreading is that the production rate of ocean ridge basalts exceeds that of all other volcanic rocks on the earth combined. Basalts of the ocean ridges bring with them a continuous record in space and time of the chemical characteristics of the underlying mantle. The chemical record is once removed, due to chemical fractionation during partial melting. Chemical fractionations can be evaluated by assuming that peridotite melting has proceeded to an olivine-orthopyroxene stage, in which case the ratios of a number of magmaphile elements in the extracted melt closely match the ratios in the mantle. Comparison of ocean ridge basalts and chondritic meteorites reveals systematic patterns of element fractionation, and what is probably a double depletion in some elements. The first depletion is in volatile elements and is due to high accretion temperatures of a large percentage of the earth from the solar nebula. The second depletion is in the largest, most highly charged lithophile elements (“incompatible elements”), probably because the mantle source of the basalts was melted previously, and the melt, enriched in these elements, was removed. Migration of melt relative to solid under ocean ridges and oceanic plates, element fractionation at subduction zones, and fractional melting of amphibolite in the Precambrian are possible mechanisms for depleting the mantle in incompatible elements. Ratios of transition metals in the mantle source of ocean ridge basalts are close to chondritic, and contrast to the extreme depletion of refractory siderophile elements, the reason for which remains uncertain. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry along the length of the ridge has been correlated with ridge elevation. Thus chemically anomalous ridge segments up to 1000 km long appear to broadly coincide with regions of high magma production (plumes, hot spots). Basalt heterogeneity at a single location indicates mantle heterogeneity on a smaller scale. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with time has not been established, in fact, criteria for recognizing old oceanic crust in ophiolite terrains are currently under debate. The similarity of rare earth element patterns in basalt from ocean ridges, back-arc basins, some young island arcs, and some continental flood basalts illustrates the dangers of tectonic labeling by rare earth element pattern.  相似文献   

A wide range of trace elements contained in solution and suspension in surface waters in Amur River basin, which are subject to different anthropogenic load, has been considered. They have been found to vary widely because of their natural conditions, the impact of anthropogenic factors near cities (Khabarovsk, Komsomol’sk-on-Amur), and transboundary transport from the territory of China. Dissolved Mo, Br, and I are proposed as tracers of such transport.  相似文献   

Eight of eleven Apollo 16 rake-sample anorthosites are very similar to each other, to hand-specimen Apollo 16 anorthosites, and to Apollo 15 anorthosites. They have feldspar An96.6, both high- and low-Ca pyroxene with a restricted range of (low-magnesium) composition, minor olivine (~ Fo60), traces of ilmenite and chromite, and originally coarse-grained, but now cataclastic texture. Such ferroan anorthosite is evidently a coherent, distinctive and widespread lunar rock type of cumulate origin which may not necessarily be very closely related genetically to other highland rock types.  相似文献   

Sediments are very important as trace element traps, particularly in estuaries and high levels of heavy metals have previously been reported in sediments in the Severn estuary and parts of the Bristol Channel. In this paper the concentration and distribution of thirteen elements are reported. The concentrations of tin, zinc and lead, in particular, may have ecological consequences and should be viewed with some concern.  相似文献   

In the present study, we sought to determine the concentration of several trace elements (total and organic mercury, selenium, cadmium, lead, arsenic, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium and zinc) in muscle tissue of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), an edible finfish species that is widely cultured in the Mediterranean area. The phenomenon of bioaccumulation and bioamplification (especially of mercury) was investigated by comparing farmed fish with wild specimens of the same species. Farmed specimens showed mercury and arsenic concentrations significantly lower than wild specimens, and no relationship was found between mercury concentration and body size. The lower level of methylmercury in farmed fish has important implications for consumer health.  相似文献   

Alkali basalts of Dariganga contain inclusions of dunite, harzburgite, peridotite, and eclogite-like rock. The dunites and peridotites contain few trace elements, but these are somewhat more abundant in the eclogite-like rock, and the alkali basalts are rather rich in them. The trace elements show a more or less continuous change in abundance that can be related by recognized crystal-chemical laws to the major elements of the minerals that are present in the various rock types. Hypotheses for the origin of basaltic magma are discussed in relation to the trace-element distribution in the Dariganga rocks, but it is concluded that the available evidence does not permit any definite decision as to which is correct.  相似文献   

In the Vistula valley near Góra, at the northern foreland of the Carpathians Mountains, there are young alluvia deposited in the historical period. These alluvia are difficult to date precisely because of the lack of organic interbedded material. In the Vistula drainage basin upstream of Góra since the second half of 18th century small centres of metal, textile, motor, and petrochemical industries have been developed. Concentrations of trace elements such as: Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and of some macroelements were used as indicators of the age of different alluvial fills. The main part of the Vistula valley floor was built up by sediment accumulation before the development of industry but after the medieval phase of rural colonization of the Carpathians. Deposits filling the abandoned channels dissecting the valley floor have an increased content of some trace elements and deposits date from the second half of the 18th century, when the first foundries and blacksmith's shops were developed. A drastic increase of concentration of the most abundant trace elements in the youngest alluvial fill indicates that the fill dates from the last decade of rapid industrial development.  相似文献   

The average concentrations of 19 siderophile and volatile elements in shergottite meteorites differ from those in terrestrial basalts by less than a factor of ten. This observation undermines claims that the abundances of siderophile and volatile elements in the Earth's upper mantle are uniquely terrestrial. Claims that similarities in the Moon's siderophile element pattern imply a terrestrial origin for the Moon are also weakened. The implication that basalt source regions on the asteroidal parent body of the shergottites resembled the terrestrial upper mantle constrains models of planetary formation and evolution. Heterogeneous accretion models may explain many of the similarities between these planets. Alternatively, separation of sulfide from basaltic magmas or their source regions on the Earth and the shergottite parent body may explain some of these similarities.  相似文献   

A single crystal of untwinned orthopyroxene from lunar anorthosite sample 15415, with composition (Mg1.14Fe0.80Mn0.02Ca0.04)(Si1.97Al0.03)O6, has a unit cell in space groupPbca witha = 18.310(15)Å,b = 8.904(10)Å,c = 5.214(7)Å, containing 2 formula units. A set of 742 counter-measured intensity data made with MoKα radiation has been used to refine the crystal structure in isotropic thermal mode toR = 0.116. Anisotropic refinement led toR = 0.092, but thermal parameters are distorted by non-random errors resulting from poor crystal texture. The resulting structure is in close agreement with that obtained by Ghose [9] for a hypersthene from Greenland. A parameterq, which gives (MgqFe1?q) for cation siteM(1) and (Mg1.14?qFeq?0.18Ca0.04) for siteM(2), was included in the least-squares analysis, yieldingq = 0.90(1).This orthopyroxene has the high degree of cation order expected of pyroxenes subjected to Apollonian metamorphism at lower than 500–600°C. No evidence exists for a subsequent thermal event of sufficient intensity to disorder the pyroxene. On the basis of previous laboratory studies of argon-release patterns of lunar plagioclase and order-disorder kinetics of terrestrial pyroxenes, we attribute the reported isotopic age (3.9–4.1 AE) to cessation of metamorphism, perhaps caused by impact excavation.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2844-2848
Trace element levels in fish are of particular interest, owing the potential risk to human health. In accordance, juveniles of Dicentrarchus labrax and of Liza aurata were sampled and arsenic, cadmium, chromium, selenium and zinc were determined in the muscle. The levels of trace elements in muscle demonstrated to be similar for both species and sites, with the exception of selenium levels at reference, which seemed to be higher in D. labrax. Moreover, apart from arsenic levels in muscle, all elements were in conformity with the existent regulatory guidelines for fish consumption. The dietary intake of each element was also calculated, with arsenic and selenium showing intakes above the recommended dietary allowances. Nevertheless, no arsenic speciation was carried out and thus no accurate risk evaluation could be established. Additionally, selenium levels never exceeded the dietary allowances more than five times, which are considered safe.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the concentrations of Hg, Cd, Se, Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn and Fe in organs of 6 non-common specimens of cetaceans that were stranded along the Israeli Mediterranean coast (IMC), during 2002–2010: two fin whales, one minke whale, one Cuvier’s beaked whale, one rough-toothed dolphin, and one Risso’s dolphin. Most of the specimens were calves stranded by accident. Concentrations of Hg and Cd were low in tissues of the baleen whales and higher in the toothed whales, with maximum concentrations of 1067 mg kg−1 Hg in the liver of the Risso’s dolphin and 29 mg kg−1 Cd in the kidney of the Cuvier’s beaked whale. As far as we are aware, this is the first report of trace elements in baleen whales in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the first report of trace elements in minke whale and rough-toothed dolphin in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Twelve trace elements (antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, managenese, mercury, scandium, selenium and zinc) were determined by neutron activation analysis in a planktonic copepod (Acartia clausi) from Elefsis Bay of the Upper Saronikos Gulf, Greece. During the first cruise (January 1974) higher levels of most of these trace elements were found in this copepod collected from a polluted area of the bay. This trend however was not observed during the second cruise (February 1974) possibly due to the termination of the active vertical convection. Lower levels of cobalt, similar levels of iron and slightly increased levels of chromium were found in Elefsis Bay Acartia clausi from those reportedin Acartia clausi from the Bay of Roquebrune. Slightly increased concentrations of antimony and zinc as well as lower concentrations of arsenic and cadmium were found in Acartia clausi than those reported in other Copepoda. No significant differences were found for copper, manganese and mercury. More data are needed to confirm if higher levels of antimony, chromium and zinc found in Acartia clausi are due to the pollution of the bay.  相似文献   

Introduction The measurements of the compressional wave velocity and electrical conductivity of minerals and rocks are of fundamental importance to look into the earths interior, including composition, geotherm, generation and distribution of fluids and melts. Hydrous minerals formed by metamatu-siom are abundant within the earth. Previous studies have been carried out on the dehydration effect on the electrical conductivity and wave velocity of rocks such as serpentine, amphibole, most of whi…  相似文献   

A 2-mm fragment of an anorthosite was investigated in transmitted light and by high-voltage electron microscopy. A modal composition of 76% plagioclase (anorthite), 23% pyroxene (pigeonite) and about 1% spinel (pleonaste) was deduced. The results indicate a slight olivine-normative chemical composition. The rock is hypidiomorphic to idiomorphic fine-grained with a well-defined parallel-oriented fabric.Under the petrographic microscope, and even in the submicroscopic range, the plagioclase crystals show twinning only along (010) composition planes (predominantly Carlsbad twins). The dislocation density is low and the dominating defect structures are small-angle grain boundaries. The subtexture of the plagioclases is characterized by aI1-P1 phase transformation and by the existence of large antiphase domains.Features indicative of shock were not observed. From the present results it is concluded that the rock fragment is in its original state. Most likely, crystallisation occurred under plutonic conditions in a deep crustal region with the dominant assemblage: plagioclase + pyroxene + spinel.  相似文献   

Calcic anorthosite with plagioclase of 95 to 100% anorthite content has been discovered by the authors in the Nuggehalli schist belt of Karnataka State, India. It occurs near Jambur as a massive body, boulder in nature, admist talc-chlorite-actinolite-serpentine schist. Zoning exhibited by the plagioclase and the C-Twins are characteristic of their formation in a magmatic environment. Albite rims surrounding Anrich plagioclase indicate depositional zoning, and not the normal zoning as commonly visualised. The early formed plagioclase contained much less soda and, hence, there was a continuous storing up of the soda molecule in the residual liquid which later got precipitated as veins sweeping along grain boundaries and as rims around An-rich plagioclase to form depositional zoning. Sections of calcic anorthosite with plagioclase of all An percentage were encountered. They present evidences of differentiation within highly localised zones, as narrow as the size of a thin section. It is suggested here that the calcic anorthosite originated as a result of differentiation, that is, by the segregation of anorthite plagioclase from a gabbroic magma and that it came up along the central part of the rift as a post-tectonic intrusive body.  相似文献   

Major and trace element compositions of amphibolites and quartzose rocks in the 230-m-thick metamorphic sole underlying the mantle section of the Oman ophiolite in Wadi Tayin area were determined to investigate the chemical characteristics of the hydrous fluid released from subducted amphiboltie-facies slab. The fluid-immobile element compositions indicate that protoliths of these rocks are mid-ocean ridge basalt-like tholeiite and deep-sea chert, which is consistent with the idea that these rocks represent Tethyan oceanic crust overridden during the early, intraoceanic thrusting stage of the Oman ophiolite emplacement. The rare-earth element (REE) and high field-strength element concentrations of the amphibolites show limited variations, within a factor of two except for a few evolved samples, throughout transect of the sole. On the other hand, concentrations of fluid-mobile elements, especially B, Rb, K and Ba, in amphibolites are highly elevated in upper 30 m of the sole (> 600 °C in peak metamorphic temperature), suggesting the equilibration with evolved, B-Rb-K-Ba-rich fluids during prograde metamorphism. The comparison with amphibolites in the lower 150 m (500 to 550 °C) demonstrates that the trace element spectra of the fluids equilibrated with the high-level amphibolites may vary as a function of metamorphic temperature. The fluids are characterized by striking enrichments of B, Rb, K and Ba and moderate to minor enrichments of Sr, Li, Be and Pb. At higher temperature (up to 700 °C), the fluids become considerably enriched in light REE and Nb in addition to the above elements. The estimated trace element spectra of the fluids do not coincide with the compositions of basalts from matured intra-oceanic arcs, but satisfactorily explain the characteristics of the low-Pb andesites and boninites found in the Oman ophiolite. Compositional similarity between the boninites of Oman and other localities suggests that the fluids estimated here well represent the amphibolite-derived fluids involved in the magmatism of immatured, hot, shallow subduction zones.  相似文献   

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