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There were three hailstorms in Shandong Province,caused by a same northeast cold eddy situation on 1 June 2002.Cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes occurring in the weather event were observed by Shandong Lightning Detection Network (SLDN),which consists of 10 sensors covering all over Shandong Province.The temporal and spatial distributions of CG lightning are investigated for the three hailstorms by using the data from SLDN,Doppler radar and satellite.The results show that different thunderstorms present different lightning features even if under the same synoptic situation.The percentage of positive CG lightning is very high during the period of hail falling.CG flashes mainly occurred in the region with a cloud top brightness temperature lower than -50°C.Negative CG flashes usually clustered in the lower temperature region and tended to occur in the region with maximum temperature gradient,while the positive ones usually spread discretely.Negative CG flashes usually occurred in intense echo regions with reflectivity greater than 50 dBz,while the positive CG flashes often occurred in weak and stable echo regions (10-30 dBz) or cloud anvils,although they can be observed in strong convective regions sometimes.Almost all hail falling took place in the stage with active positive flashes,and the peak positive flash rate is a little prior to the hail events.The thunderstorm could lead to disastrous weather when positive CG lightning activities occur in cluster.Severe thunderstorms sometimes present a low flash rate at its vigorous stage,which is probably caused by the"mechanism of chargeregion lift"through investigating the reflectivity evolution.Combined with the total lightning (intracloud and CG) data obtained by LIS onboard TRMM,the phenomenon of high ratio of intracloud flash to CG flash in severe hailstorm has been discussed.The competition of the same charge sources between different lightning types can also be helpful for explaining the cause of low CG lightning activities in severe storms.  相似文献   

利用2013—2020年3—9月江西省多普勒天气雷达和地闪观测资料,对地闪分布特征及其与雷达主要特征量之间的关系进行统计分析。结果表明:江西省地闪频数从东北到西南逐渐减小,其北部鄱阳湖平原为地闪频数高值区;地闪频数具有明显的季节变化和日变化特征,总地闪频数在16:00达到一天的峰值;地闪频数与低层(3km)雷达回波强度的关系可用对数拟合方程来描述,地闪频数与低层雷达回波面积的变化趋势正相关,回波越强相关性越强,但二者存在位相差,地闪增加先于回波面积增加的情况约占57%~60%,大多数情况下可在18min内发现两者均有增加;箱线图特征显示,随着回波强度增大,地闪发生时的回波伸展高度相应减小,而回波厚度略增大,从而得出不同强度回波的地闪发生格点周围10km半径范围的雷达回波特征。  相似文献   

河南省强雷暴地闪活动与雷达回波的关系探析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用ADTD雷电定位显示监测系统资料和郑州714CD多普勒雷达回波资料,对河南省2004--2006年8次雷雨大风伴局地冰雹和强暴雨两类强雷暴天气的地闪和雷达回波的特征及关系进行了分析,从观测事实出发,分析了河南8次强雷暴地闪活动与雷达回波的关系。结果表明:大风冰雹类回波强度为50~60 dBz,暴雨回波强度一般为40~55 dBz。暴雨地闪频数明显多于大风冰雹类;大风冰雹类天气以正闪为主,正闪比例在50%以上,暴雨正闪比例在6%以下;最大正、负闪强度可以出现在强雷暴过程的开始、持续、结束时段。块状单体回波出现或出现前,地闪已经出现,移动过程中的强回波带,少量地闪出现在强回波移动方向的前方20~30 km内,此地闪能很好地预示强回波未来移动方向;对于暴雨类天气,地闪不能很好预示降水的开始,地闪频数的增加预示强暴雨进入持续阶段,地闪减弱比暴雨回波减弱有明显的提前量。雷雨大风冰雹和暴雨持续阶段其正闪密集区和负闪密集区都同40 dBz的强回波区有很好的对应关系。雷雨大风持续阶段地闪数频数突增,整个时段地闪频次具有单峰特征;暴雨整个时段地闪频次具有双峰或多峰值特点以及高频数地闪持续性特点;1小时地闪频数强暴雨远大于雷雨大风冰雹类。暴雨类0℃、-10℃、-20℃层高度及云顶高度一般高于大风冰雹类,△H_(-10~0℃),△H_(-20~0℃),△H_((?)~0℃)三层高度差也大于大风冰雹类。  相似文献   

The characteristics of cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning activity with severe thunderstorm wind(STW) in South and North China are analyzed using CG lightning data, radar data, and serious weather reports. The percentage of positive CG(PCG) flashes with STW in North China is larger than that in South China. STW takes place during the period when the total CG and PCG density is increasing fastest. STW also occurs close to the high-value center of CG and PCG density. In North China, the CG and PCG density in the grid of STW maximizes approximately 20 minutes after the STW occurs; while in South China, the PCG density and percentage of PCG in the grid of STW maximizes about 10 minutes before the occurrence of STW. The high-value centers of CG density and PCG density in North China move slightly faster than those in South China, which is opposite to the rate of increasing CG activity.  相似文献   

山东地区冰雹云的闪电活动特征   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
利用山东电力部门提供的雷电定位资料,对10次冰雹过程的地闪活动特征进行了分析。通过分析发现,雹暴中正地闪占总地闪的比例平均为57.39%,远高于当地正地闪比例的气候特征值13.48%。地面降雹区基本出现在正地闪密集(活跃)区或邻近区域。在雹云快速发展阶段,地闪频数存在明显的“跃增”;在减弱消散阶段,地闪频数显著减少,但正地闪比例有所提高。负地闪频数峰值的出现通常提前于降雹0~20 min,正地闪频数峰值的出现一般滞后于降雹发生时间。整个降雹阶段对应于正地闪的活跃阶段。另外,结合对卫星观测的总闪电资料分析,发现冰雹云的云闪与地闪的比值远高于一般的雷雨过程,其云闪密度也远高于雷雨过程。以上这些特征对于冰雹的识别和对冰雹的超短时预报具有指示意义。  相似文献   

基于S波段多普勒天气雷达基数据、北京闪电定位网全闪定位数据和北京地区降雹的人工观测结果,对比分析Gatlin和σ两种闪电跃增算法在不同配置下对北京地区2015—2018年共177次冰雹天气过程的预警效果。结果表明:不同倍数的σ算法预警结果差别很大,2σ(要求当前闪电频数变化率超过之前平均闪电频数变化率两倍标准差)在σ算法中的预警效果最佳;不同N(总闪频数变化率的数量)配置下的Gatlin算法的预警结果差别不大,其中当N=6时的预警效果最佳。2σ算法的命中率、虚警率和临界成功指数分别为80.2%,41.6%和51.1%,N=6的Gatlin算法的相应结果分别为82.5%,62.0%和35.2%。另外,详细分析了一次多单体雷暴过程和一次飑线过程中两种算法的应用情况,结果也表明Gatlin算法比2σ算法的命中率略高,但虚警率偏高很多,临界成功指数偏低。综合Gatlin算法和σ算法对冰雹预报结果评估情况,发现2σ闪电跃增算法更适于对北京冰雹天气的预警,对提升闪电数据在北京地区冰雹预报业务的可用度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Using 2 high-speed cameras, we have recorded 14 negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes, half of which are natural and the others are artificially triggered. The two-dimensional (2D) propagation speed of different type leaders and the luminosity of lightning channel are analyzed in detail. Bidirectional leader processes are observed during the initial processes of two altitude triggered negative lightning (ATNL)flashes. The analysis shows: the propagation speed of the upward positive leader (UPL) before the initiation of the downward negative leader (DNL) is at the order of 104-105 m s-1; the UPL can be intensified by the initiation and development of the DNL in the way that the luminosity is enhanced and the speed is sped up; after initiation, the DNL in one ATNL flash propagates downward three times intermittently with interval of about 1 ms, while that in the other ATNL flash propagates downward continuously with a speed at the order of 105 m s-1. In the five classical triggered negative lightning (CTNL) flashes, the propagation speeds of the UPLs vary between 0.35×105 and 7.71×105 m s-1, and the variations of their luminosities and speeds are quite complex during the development processes. Among the four observed natural negative lightning flashes occurred on the land, three have only one return stoke (RS) each and all of their DNLs have many branches with an average speed at the order of 105 m s-1; while the another one has 13 RSs.In the CG flash with 13 RSs, the DNL before the first RS has no obvious branch below 1.4 km above the ground, and its speed ranges from 2.2×105 to 2.3×105 m s-1 between the heights of 0.7 and 1.4 km and exceeds 3.9×106 m s-1 below 0.7 km; preceding the 4th RS, an attempted leader is observed with a speed ranging from 1.1×105 to 1.1×106 m s-1 between 0.8 and 1.5 km. As for the three observed natural negative lightning flashes occurred on the sea, each has only one RS, and each DNL preceding the RS has a few branches, two of which have an average propagation speed at the order of 105 m s-1, and the other of 106m s-1, respectively. All the DNLs contained in the observed natural negative lightning flashes, except the attempted leader, propagate with gradually increasing luminosity and increasing speed in whole.  相似文献   

Data from the Beijing SAFIR 3000 lightning detection system and Doppler radar provided some insights into the three-dimensional lightning structure and evolution of a leading-line and trailing-stratiform (LLTS) mesoscale convective system (MCS) over Beijing on 31 July 2007. Most of the lightning in the LLTS-MCS was intracloud (IC) lightning, while the mean ratio of positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning to -CG lightning was 1:4, which was higher than the average value from previous studies. The majority of CG lightning occurred in the convective region of the radar echo, particularly at the leading edge of the front. Little IC lightning and little +CG lightning occurred in the stratiform region. The distribution of the CG lightning indicated that the storm had a tilted dipole structure given the wind shear or the tripole charge structure. During the storm’s development, most of the IC lightning occurred at an altitude of ~9.5 km; the lightning rate reached its maximum at 10.5 km, the altitude of IC lightning in the mature stage of the storm. When the thunderstorm began to dissipate, the altitude of the IC lightning decreased gradually. The spatial distribution of lightning was well correlated with the rainfall on the ground, although the peak value of rainfall appeared 75 min later than the peak lightning rate.  相似文献   

利用2016—2020年粤港澳闪电定位数据和广东86个国家地面观测站逐小时降水资料,分析了广东地闪频次和地闪强度的时空分布特征,以及地闪与降水量、强降水频次之间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)广东逐月地闪频次与降水变化均呈双峰型分布,峰值在6和8月,两者相关系数达到0.95。日变化中,地闪频次高值集中在12:00—20:00,占比为61.4%;地闪频次与逐时雨量均为单峰型,峰值出现在15:00,两者相关系数0.90。(2)地闪密度大值区以广州为中心向四周递减,中心值达到33次/(km2·年)以上;地闪强度分布与地闪密度相反,地闪密度大的地区,其平均地闪强度小。(3)全省大部分地区地闪密度与降水量、强降水频次相关性强,而在粤东及粤北地区相关性较差。相较于降水量,地闪密度大值区与强降水频次的相关性更好;而地闪强度与降水量的相关性,比其与强降水频次相关性要更好。  相似文献   

Lightning-generated nitrogen oxides(LNOx) have a major influence on the atmosphere and global climate change.Therefore, it is of great importance to obtain a more accurate estimation of LNOx. The aim of this study is to provide a reference for the accurate estimation of the total LNOx in the mainland of China based on cloud-to-ground lightning(CG)location data from 2014 to 2018. The energy of each CG flash was based on the number of return strokes per CG flash, t...  相似文献   

利用江苏省闪电监测定位系统探测2007—2013年地闪观测资料和2013年云闪观测资料,研究了苏南地区高速公路沿线地闪和云闪的时空分布特征。研究表明:1)苏南地区高速公路的年、月地闪频次具有西部多于东部的分布特征,其中扬溧高速最多;6—8月是地闪出现的高峰期,且西部地区出现峰值时间(7月)早于东部地区(8月);但日地闪频次的峰值出现时间东部(13~16 h)要略早于西部地区(14~18 h)。2)地闪强度(峰值电流)主要集中在20~50 kA,总体趋势是东部大于西部;高速公路地闪强度高值区主要集中在宁镇丘陵以及太湖、长江沿线附近,其中南京绕城高速、扬溧高速镇江段、宁杭高速南京段、沿江高速无锡段、沪宁高速等都是地闪密度较高路段。3)云闪集中发生在5—9月,西部地区云闪频次波动明显,总体呈双峰型月变化分布特征;东部地区云闪频次相对集中,呈单峰型月变化分布特征;西部地区出现云闪日高频次的时间(13~18 h)要早于东部地区(17~18 h)。  相似文献   

蒋大凯  才奎志  曲荣强 《气象》2010,36(6):73-78
利用闪电定位系统、多普勒雷达和加密自动站资料对辽宁一次冷涡天气中暴雨、冰雹过程的地闪变化特征进行分析。结果表明,暴雨和冰雹过程均出现了地闪密集区,冰雹过程中正地闪占总地闪比例高于暴雨过程;暴雨过程以负地闪为主,主要分布在45 dBz以上的强回波区内,和暴雨持续时间相当,负地闪最密集区位于风暴的核心部位。负地闪频数比强回波面积提前30至70分钟到达峰值,对于短时暴雨预报预警具有一定意义。冰雹过程中,负地闪集中在雹云前部,正地闪位于雹云核心部位,与降雹区一致,正、负地闪发生区域分离。正地闪提前降雹30分钟左右发生,总地闪、正地闪频数在降雹前明显增加;降雹出现在总地闪、正地闪频数和强回波面积达到峰值及从峰值迅速下降时间段内;雹云减弱消散阶段总地闪次数减少但正闪增加。  相似文献   

大兴安岭林区地闪放电特征的观测与分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用2009年夏季在大兴安岭林区开展的雷暴及闪电的多站GPS同步观测资料,详细分析了该地区的地闪放电特征.通过对464次地闪资料的分析,发现具有单次回击的地闪所占的比例高达69,且正地闪比例较高,达到了22%.对连续电流的统计表明,约有27%的地闪伴随有连续电流过程且长连续电流过程主要出现在具有单次回击的负地闪中,其平...  相似文献   

选取代表华北地区经常出现的三类飑线系统--拖曳层状型(TS)、先导层状型(LS)、平行层状型(PS)的3次强雷暴过程为研究对象,利用天津塘沽多普勒雷达资料、京津冀ADTD型地闪监测网资料和北京探空资料,在对资料进行全面质量控制的基础上,运用粗网格化分析方法,分别以飑线系统整体和飑线系统上局部的强回波块为研究对象,探讨6分钟内地闪频数与雷达回波顶高的关系,找寻雷电预警指标.结果表明:3次过程中,出现在云顶达到8~12km 对流云塔中的地闪频数分别为85.8%、78.9%和80.5%;无论是在飑线系统整体,还是飑线系统上强回波块中,6分钟内地闪频数与对流云回波顶高高于11km或12km的回波面积有正相关关系;而且在飑线系统内的地闪活跃区,回波顶高高于11km的回波面积对地闪活动激烈程度具有预警意义.  相似文献   

A new lightning locating technology, called Lightning Mapping Array (LMA), has been developed. The system takes advantage of GPS technology to measure the times of arrival (TOA) of lightning impulsive very high frequency (VHF) radiation events at each remote location. The spatiotemporal development processes of lightning are described in three-dimension by measurement of the system with high time resolution (50 ns) and space precision (50-100 m). The charge structures in thunderstorm and their relationship with lightning discharge processes are revealed. The temporal and spatial characteristics of preliminary breakdown process involved in negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges are analyzed based on the data of lightning VHF radiation events. The effect of positive charge region in lower part of thunderstorm on the occurrence of negative CG lightning discharge is discussed. The results indicate that the preliminary breakdown process with longer duration in negative CG lightning discharges is an intracloud discharge process. It occurs between negative and positive charge regions located in middle and lower parts of thunderstorm respectively. It initiates from the negative charge region and propagates downward. After propagating into the positive charge region, the lightning channel develops horizontally. The characteristics of the preliminary breakdown process are consistent with that of intracloud lightning discharges. The stepped leaders are initiated by the K type breakdown which occurs in the last stage of the preliminary breakdown process and develops downward through the positive charge region. The existence of positive charge region in lower part of thunderstorm results in the occurrence of preliminary breakdown process with longer duration before the return stroke of negative CG lightning discharges.  相似文献   

北京地区负地闪回击转移的电荷量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
负地闪是闪电危害的主要来源,其对地转移电荷源特征和电荷量不仅对闪电放电机理的研究有重要意义,而且对雷电防护也具有重要的实际应用价值。为了研究具有典型城市下垫面环境的北京地区的闪电活动特征和放电强度,利用北京地区2011年两次雷暴过程的多站GPS(Global Position System)同步闪电地面电场变化定量观测资料,在考虑消除场地和环境因素对电场变化观测资料影响的基础上,基于蒙特卡洛数据处理方法和非线性最小二乘法拟合反演算法,定量研究了负地闪回击中和的电荷源位置和电荷量,并对回击特征与回击转移电荷源之间的关系进行了讨论,得到如下结果:(1)单次回击中和的电荷量为1.1~27.6 C,平均为8.6±5.2 C,不同序数回击转移电荷量的最小值基本不随回击序数的上升而变化,最大值和均值随回击序数的上升而减小;一次负地闪中和的总电荷量随着回击数的增加而增加。(2)负地闪回击数和回击时间间隔都呈对数正态分布,其中负地闪总数70.4%的多回击负地闪其回击间隔平均为99±95 ms,不同序数回击的时间间隔最小值随回击序数的上升基本不变,时间间隔最大值和均值随回击序数的上升而减小。(3)回击转移电荷量的均值随回击间隔的增加呈波动形式的逐渐上升;相邻回击转移电荷源的空间距离均值随回击间隔的增加而增大。  相似文献   

雷暴天气过程中降水结构与闪电活动特征个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入分析四川雷暴天气过程中降水和闪电活动特征,运用统计与对比方法,对四川东南部一次雷暴过程中闪电活动及降水结构之间的特征进行研究。结果表明,强降水易发生在低层辐合,高层辐散的流场中,局部地区最大降水强度发生在2~5km高度。降水开始1h后,地闪频数达到最高,地闪主要以负地闪为主,正地闪不活跃。对闪电活动与亮温分布关系知,闪电活动主要发生在低于220K降水云内,闪电活动发生的区域与降水落区一致。对总闪与地闪的分布知,负地闪主要分布在总闪的外围。通过对四川雷暴过程的研究,对雷暴预报有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Cloud-to-ground(CG)lightning data and the ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset are analyzed to gain insight into the spatiotemporal distribution and synoptic background of winter-season CG flashes between December 2010 and February 2020 in China.We identify three Winter Lightning Frequent Areas(WLAs):the southwest side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(WLA1),the east side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(WLA2),and the Poyang Lake Plain(WLA3).The CG lightning flashes most frequently occur at local midnight and have a monthly peak in February.The CG lightning in WLA1 is mostly generated in non-frontal weather;however,the lightning in WLA2 and WLA3 mostly occurs in frontal systems.The frontal circulation situation is divided into four typical types:transversal trough after high pressure,low vortex,confrontational convergence,and asymptotic convergence.In all typical weather patterns,the lightning occurs downstream of a 500 hPa trough and is accompanied by a southwesterly low-level jet.The convective parameters of winter thunderstorms differ greatly from those of summer thunderstorms.The maximum convective available potential energy(MCAPE)and K-index(KI)are more useful metrics than convective available potential energy(CAPE)and Showalter index(SI)during winter.This study further deepens the understanding of the distribution characteristics of winter CG lightning in China,which motivates further research to improve the ability of winter thunderstorm prediction.  相似文献   

利用LS8000闪电定位系统2009—2011年的地闪观测资料对上海及周边地区(120~122.5°E,30~32°N)的地闪活动特征进行了研究。结果表明:分析区域内正地闪的比例约占8.5%,大电流地闪(电流绝对值大于50kA)的比例约为5.6%。地闪活动主要集中在6—9月,峰值出现在8月;日变化上,12:00—19:00闪电活动最为活跃,峰值出现在14:00,凌晨闪电活动最弱。从日变化上来说,正地闪和大电流地闪比例在地闪活动较强时段低于地闪活动较弱时段;在月分布上,在地闪活动最强的夏季,正地闪比例普遍在10%以下,在地闪活动较弱的春、秋、冬季,正地闪比例普遍在10%以上。以北纬31°为界,分析区域北部地闪密度基本在6~12次·km-2·a-1以上,南部基本在2.4~4.8次·km-2·a-1。同时陆地上的地闪密度要显著高于湖泊和海洋上的地闪密度,而海洋上的正地闪比例和大电流地闪比例要显著高于陆地。闪电空间分布的时间变化说明,下午地闪活动主要出现在陆地,而凌晨地闪主要出现在水体附近,其它时段则表现出过渡特征,这与下垫面的加热作用紧密相关。  相似文献   

北京地区雷暴的雷达回波特征与闪电活动的相关关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石玉恒  张义军  郑栋  孟青  姚雯  刘恒毅 《气象》2012,38(1):66-71
基于雷达资料以及SFAIR 3000闪电定位资料分析了北京地区14次雷暴过程,研究了闪电活动与雷暴的雷达回波反射率体积的相关性。结果表明:反射率体积与总闪频次有着较好的相关性,其中-15℃层以上超过30 dBz的反射率体积与总闪频次的相关系数为0.89,其指数拟合优度为0.83。北京地区雷暴的单个闪电表征回波体积(VPF)在闪电活动开始时期有较高的水平,但在闪电活动结束时期较小。VPF还可作为闪电活动消亡的指示因子。  相似文献   

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