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南秧田矿床是滇东南地区最大的以钨为主的金属矿床。文章以含电气石花岗片麻岩、无矿电气石石英脉和白钨矿矿化电气石石英脉样品为研究对象,结合地质特征、电气石元素地球化学及B同位素,对电气石成因开展研究。研究显示三类电气石均属于碱性电气石中的镁电气石,以富Mg及Y位中无Al或低Al为特征,具有相对高的FeO/(FeO+MgO)比值(平均0.53);其稀土元素(REE)配分曲线与晚白垩世花岗岩稀土元素配分曲线相似;δ~(11)B值集中在-14‰,与地壳平均值非常接近,这些特征表明其与岩浆期后热液成因的电气石特征一致。电气石石英脉中广泛的钨矿化表明晚白垩世岩浆期后热液对矿区主矿体的叠加富集作用明显,据此提出距晚白垩世花岗岩体数百米至一千米的中源距离为有利矿化区,为矿区外围及深部勘查评价指明了找矿方向。  相似文献   

Wang  Xinfu  Li  Bo  Xiang  Zuopeng  Yue  Yan  Tang  Guo 《中国地球化学学报》2020,39(6):947-972
Acta Geochimica - The Yangla Cu deposit is the largest ore deposit in the Jinshajiang polymetallic metallogenic belt, northwest Yunnan, China. There is no consensus on the genesis of the ore...  相似文献   

Orogenic, lode gold mineralisation in the South Eastern Desert of Egypt is related to quartz veins spatially and temporally associated with conjugate NW- and NE-trending brittle–ductile shear zones. These structures are assumed to be linked to a regional transpression deformation which occurred late in the tectonic evolution of the area. In the Betam deposit, gold is confined to quartz(±carbonate) veins cutting through tectonised metagabbro and metasedimentary rocks in the vicinity of small granite intrusions. The ore bodies contain ubiquitous pyrite and arsenopyrite, in addition to minor disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, tetrahedrite and rare gold/electrum. New ore microscopy and electron microprobe studies indicate that most free-milling Au is intimately associated with the late-paragenetic galena–tetrahedrite–chalcopyrite assemblage. An early Fe–As sulphide assemblage, however, shows minor traces of refractory gold. New mineralogical and geochemical data are used to better constrain on possible element dispersions for exploration uses. This study indicates that parameters that most consistently define primary dispersion of gold in the mine area include pervasive silicification, sericite and carbonate alteration. The trace element data of gold lodes reflect a systematic dispersion of gold and certain base metals. Low-cost, extensive exploration programs may use elevated concentrations of Ag, Sb, Cu and Pb as tracers for Au ore zones in the Betam mine area and surroundings.  相似文献   

The Ernest Henry Fe oxide Cu–Au (IOCG) deposit (>ca. 1.51 Ga) is hosted by breccia produced during the waning stages of an evolving hydrothermal system that formed a number of tens of metres to a kilometre scale, pre- and syn-ore alteration halos, although no demonstrable patterns have been attributed to fluids expelled through the outflow zones. However, the recognition of a population of hypersaline fluid inclusions representing the ‘spent’ fluids after Cu–Au deposition at Ernest Henry provides the basis to model the geochemical characteristics of the deposit's outflow zones. Geochemical modeling at 300 °C was undertaken at both high and low fluid/rock ratios via FLUSH models involving three host rock types: (1) granite, (2) calc–silicate rock, and (3) graphitic schist. In models run at high fluid/rock ratios, all rock types are essentially fluid-buffered, and produce an albite–quartz–hematite–barite-rich assemblage, although in low fluid–rock environments, the pH, redox, and geochemical character of the host rock exerts a greater influence on the mineralogy of the alteration assemblages (e.g., andradite, Fe–chlorite, and magnetite). Significant sulphide mineralization was predicted in graphitic schist where sphalerite occurred in both low- and high-porosity models, which indicates the possibility of an association between high-temperature IOCG mineralization and lower temperature base metal mineralization.Cooling experiments (from 300 to 100 °C) using the ‘spent fluids’ predict early high-T (300–200 °C) Na-, Ca-, Fe-, and Mn-rich, magnetite-bearing hydrothermal associations, whereas with cooling to below 200 °C, and with progressive fluid–rock interaction, the system produces rhodochrosite-bearing, hematite–quartz–muscovite–barite-rich assemblages. These results show that the radical geochemical and mineralogical changes associated with cooling and progressive fluid influx are likely to be accompanied by major transformations in the geophysical expression (e.g., spectral and magnetic character) of the alteration in the outflow zone, and highlight the potential link between magnetite- and hematite-bearing IOCG hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   


磷灰石广泛分布于各类岩石和矿床中, 根据其F、OH以及Cl阴离子种类可分为氟磷灰石、氯磷灰石和羟基磷灰石。磷灰石对其自身结构的变形以及化学取代有良好的耐受性, 一系列元素可以替代磷灰石中的Ca、P、F、Cl和OH, 因此其化学组成复杂。磷灰石中Ca位存在两种不同的阳离子位置, 影响不同元素在这两种位置取代的因素包括离子半径、价态以及磷灰石的种类等。岩浆过程中, 稀土(REE)、Y、Sr是磷灰石中的相容元素, 而F、Cl、OH的相容性随物理化学条件不同而变化。相较于元素在磷灰石与熔体相间的分配研究, 目前对于元素在磷灰石与流体相间的分配研究较少。磷灰石化学组成可以判别母岩类型: 如F、Cl、As、V含量可以区分Ⅰ型与S型花岗岩; REE、Sr、Y、Mn、As、Th的含量、轻稀土(LREE)的富集程度和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式可以用于判别碳酸岩、二辉橄榄岩、镁铁质岩石等岩石类型。利用磷灰石的F、Cl和CO3等挥发分的含量, 并结合Sr-Nd同位素组成, 可以识别地幔源区及其流体交代作用。磷灰石Sr/Th与La/Sm的变化可用于指示岩浆来自脱水板块或熔融沉积物。磷灰石的主微量元素(Mn、Eu)含量或元素比值(F/Cl)能够反映岩浆的分异程度, 而且Ce/Pb和Th/U比值可以反映岩浆形成过程中流体参与程度。磷灰石中的变价元素如Eu、Ce、Ga和S含量及δEu和δCe可用于推断岩浆的氧化还原状态。由于磷灰石对热液交代作用非常敏感, 所以磷灰石的结构和化学组成已广泛用于成矿过程研究。在与花岗岩有关的关键金属矿床中, 磷灰石的主、微量元素含量和Sr-Nd同位素比值常常用于区分不同花岗质岩浆的源区特征, δCe、δEu也可以用于指示花岗质侵入体的氧化还原状态; 斑岩有关的多金属矿床F、Cl、S、Mn含量以及F/Cl比值能够指示成矿岩浆-热液的来源及演化, δCe、δEu可以用于指示岩浆热液的氧逸度; 铁氧化物-铜-金和铁氧化物-磷灰石矿床中磷灰石结构、共生稀土矿物结合Na、F、Cl以及REE含量能够反映与成矿有关的岩浆-流体作用以及流体性质。磷灰石中Mn、Fe、REE、Y、F、Cl、SO3的含量或比值的差异可用于判别矿化与未矿化的岩石或者蚀变类型, 并用于区分不同矿床类型等, 对矿产勘查具有一定指示意义。磷灰石化学组成结合机器学习方法, 可以更好地识别磷灰石的来源。综上所述, 磷灰石作为一种新兴的指示矿物, 除了在成岩和成矿过程示踪方面体现出独特优势, 在矿产勘查应用方面也具有重要的应用前景。


云南富乐铅锌矿床地质、地球化学及成因   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
富乐铅锌矿床位于扬子陆块西南缘的川滇黔铅锌成矿域东南部,受弥勒-师宗-水城区域性深大断裂构造控制,矿体呈似层状隐伏于中二叠统阳新组层间构造带内,赋矿围岩为白云岩。矿石矿物主要为闪锌矿,方铅矿和黄铁矿次之,含少量黄铜矿和黝铜矿等,脉石矿物主要为方解石和白云石。矿石构造主要有致密块状、浸染状和网脉状,金属矿物主要呈自形、半自形或他形粒状结构,其次为交代残余结构。已累计探明Pb+Zn金属资源量超过50万吨,平均品位大于10%Pb+Zn,最高达60%Pb+Zn,并伴随大量Cu和分散元素(如Cd、Ga、Ge等),显示其成矿环境极为特殊。本次工作通过详细的矿床地质和C-O、S及Pb同位素地球化学研究,旨在揭示该矿床的成矿物质来源及矿床成因。方解石的δ~(13)C值介于1.25‰~2.01‰之间,均值为1.64‰,与海相碳酸盐岩相似,而高于地幔和沉积有机质;δ~(18)O值为17.21‰~17.74‰,均值为17.49‰,介于海相碳酸盐岩(沉积有机质)和地幔之间。这表明方解石的C很可能来自碳酸盐岩围岩,而O同位素很可能受到流体与围岩间的水/岩相互作用影响。硫化物的δ~(34)S值介于10.04‰~16.43‰之间,均值为14.12‰,显示富集重S同位素的特征,表明成矿流体中S主要来源于沉积地层中的膏岩层,是海水硫酸盐岩热化学还原作用的产物。单颗粒方铅矿的~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=18.5295~18.6100(均值为18.5640),~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb=15.6938~15.7024(均值为15.6974),~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb=38.5690~38.6568(均值为38.6008),其变化范围很窄,且与区域沉积岩和基底变质岩范围重叠,表明成矿金属Pb主要由沉积地层和基底岩石共同提供。综合矿床地质以及C-O、S和Pb同位素资料,本文认为富乐是一个形成于三叠纪拉张向挤压再向伸展的构造体制转换背景下、以碳酸盐岩为容矿围岩、受背斜和层间构造控制的层控、后生、富分散元素和高品位铅锌矿床,其成矿特征很可能是峨眉山岩浆作用和印支造山运动共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The Shanggong Au deposit in the Xiong’er Terrane, East Qinling, China, has resources of about 30 ton Au, making it one of the largest orogenic-mesothermal Au deposits hosted in volcanic rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Xiong’er Group. Three stages of hydrothermal activity are recognized (early, middle and late), of which two (early and middle) were ore producing and characterized by quartz–pyrite and polymetallic sulfides, respectively. The third and late stage is represented by a carbonate–quartz assemblage. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope systematics of the Shanggong deposit from a previous work suggest that the early stage fluids were derived from magmatic and/or metamorphic devolatilization of sedimentary rocks at depth. This is supported by new C, S and published Sr and Pb isotopic data, presented in this paper. These new data, δ13C values ranging from 1.5 ‰ for early stage ankerite to −2.2 ‰ for late stage ankerite, negative δ34S values for sulfides from the middle stage (–19.2 to –6.3 ‰), suggest a contribution from organic matter and that the ore fluid evolved from deeply sourced to shallowly sourced, with those of the middle stage representing a mixture of these two fluid systems. The comparison of the hydrogen–oxygen–carbon–sulfur–lead–strontium isotope systematics between the Shanggong deposit and the main lithologies in the Xiong’er Terrane, shows that neither these nor the underlying lower crust and mantle, or combinations thereof, could be considered as the source of ore fluids for the Shanggong Au deposit. A likely source was a carbonaceous carbonate, sandstone, shale, chert sequence in the underthrusted Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups, exposed south of the Xiong’er Terrane.Ar–Ar and Rb–Sr isochron ages for mineral phases of the early, middle and late stages, together with geological field data, constrain the timing of the hydrothermal activity and Au metallogenesis at 242 ± 10, 167 ± 7 and 112 ± 7 Ma, respectively. This metallogenesis and associated granitic magmatism, can be related to the continental collision between the Yangtze and North China Cratons that resulted in the formation of the Qinling Orogen, led to the different hydrothermal systems that were responsible for the three stages that formed the Shanggong Au deposit, over a period of about 130 Myrs.  相似文献   

The Bosworgey granite cusp forms an apical portion of the concealed northern extension of the Tregonning-Godolphin granite ridge. It is characterised by unusually high values of B, P, Mn, Fe, As, Cu, Nb, Ta, Bi, Sn, W, U and S which are present largely as tourmaline, apatite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, bismuth, columbite, cassiterite, wolframite and uraninite; and low levels of Zr, Hf, Ti and REE present in zircon, ilmenite and monazite. The granite is classified as Sn and W specialised (Tischendorf, 1974) and it belongs to the ilmenite series of Japanese workers. The classification of Chappell and White (1974) (S and I type granites) is shown to be inapplicable to Cornubian rocks although the Bosworgey samples show characteristics of S type granites. The accessory mineral assemblages are typical of high temperature lodes (cassiterite, wolframite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite) and the assamblage is concluded to be the cusp analogue of hypothermal lodes produced by extreme differentiation and concentration of volatiles. It is speculated that such granites could provide the parent material for the mesothermal crosscourse mineralisation (pitchblende, bismuth, pyrite, galena, sphalerite).  相似文献   

为确定云南某硫化铜矿矿石性质,制定合适的选矿方案.采用化学多元素分析、X射线衍射分析仪(XRD)、物相分析、矿物解离分析(MLA)和扫描电镜等分析测试技术,研究了矿石的矿物组成、连生体矿物共生特性及铜、硫的嵌布状态等.结果 表明,原矿含铜0.141%、硫9.80%,铜主要以硫化铜形式存在,硫的赋存形式以硫化物(黄铁矿)为主.黄铜矿多呈它形粒状,主要与黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、褐铁矿、菱铁矿、石英、绿泥石共生;黄铁矿多呈它形粒状,主要与磁黄铁矿、菱铁矿、石英、钙铁榴石共生.脉石矿物主要为石英和钙铁榴石.针对矿石性质,采用"混合浮选—铜硫分离"的选铜工艺流程,根据最佳条件参数进行铜硫分离闭路试验,得到了铜品位、回收率分别为15.34%、58.75%的铜精矿;硫品位、回收率分别为30.44%、55.04%,含铁39.13%的硫精矿.相较现场生产指标,铜精矿品位提高了5%,回收率提高了近20%.铜硫分离效果显著,为低品位硫化铜矿铜的回收提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

This article presents the data of studies of ion-salt, microcomponent, gas, and isotopic compositions of water and the equilibrium calculation results for the water-rock system. The Tersinskie carbonic-acid waters are shown to be genetically close to soda waters of the Kuznetsk Basin (Kuzbass) in the zone with slowed water exchange. Taking these data into account, the concept of formation of carbonic-acid mineral waters not connected with magmatic or volcanic activities in the region was developed. According to this hypothesis, carbonic-acid waters are soda waters of regional occurrence, their composition being considerably changed due to CO2 introduction from the deeper zones of the Earth’s crust along the zones of tectonic ruptures.  相似文献   

The Prince Lyell copper-gold-silver deposit occurs in the late Cambrian Mt Read Volcanics, at Queenstown, Tasmania. Steeply plunging, broadly conformable lenses of disseminated and stringer pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralisation occur in quartz-sericite-chlorite rocks derived from intense alteration of predominantly felsic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks. Middle Devonian deformation has substantially modified primary sulphide textures.Although extensively fractured, pyrite grains in the ore have retained their original pre-deformation internal structure and chemistry which are revealed by etching and electron microprobe analysis. Earliest sulphide mineralisation produced oscillatory zoned, cobalt-rich pyrite (Pyrite I), coeval with chalcopyrite mineralisation. Cobalt-rich pyrite is commonly associated with Cambrian volcanic rocks in western Tasmania and suggests a volcanogenic origin for the ore fluids at Prince Lyell. Pyrite I was corroded by later hydrothermal fluids and reprecipitated as unzoned, trace element-poor pyrite (Pyrite II), commonly as overgrowths on Pyrite I cores. Minor amounts of a second cobalt-rich pyrite (Pyrite III) occurs with Pyrite II in composite pyrite overgrowths. Sulphur isotope ratios from all pyrite generations fall within a small range (3 to 11‰). In situ isotopic analyses showed no consistent δ34S variation between the various pyrite generations, suggesting recycling of sulphur derived from a single Cambrian volcanogenic source.Hematite alteration, derived from oxidised fluids possibly from the adjacent hematitic Owen Conglomerate, occurs in the structural footwall volcanics and the Great Lyell fault zone. Hematite inclusions in Pyrite II and III indicate that these pyrite generations occurred after or during deposition of the conglomerate. It is postulated that Pyrite II and III were deposited during waning volcanism, contemporaneous with Owen Conglomerate sedimentation in the late Cambrian or early Ordovician. The Great Lyell fault would have acted as a growth fault margin between a terrestrial basin, filling rapidly from the east, and the volcanic terrane to the west. The scenario raises the possibility that the concentration of mineral deposits and hematitic alteration along the Great Lyell fault resulted from the subsurface interaction of reduced volcanogenic fluids and oxidised basin waters along the growth fault contact.  相似文献   

Talc mineralisation occurs as hematite–talc schist between soft hematite ore and dolomitic itabirite at Gongo Soco, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hematite–talc schist and soft hematite have a prominent tectonic foliation of tabular hematite. Tabular hematite without preferential orientation is superimposed on the tectonic foliation. The talcose schist is enriched in F and has a constant Fe/S ratio. Electron-microprobe analyses indicate trace amounts of S in different generations of hematite. The whole-rock Fe/S ratio possibly represents sulfate S from hematite-hosted fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions in foliation-overprinting hematite and chlorite geothermometry from talcose rocks suggest, respectively, temperatures from <200°C to ~300°C. Tourmaline, a rarely observed mineral in the hematite–talc schist, belongs to the alkali group and falls in the dravite compositional field. Boron-isotope determinations of tourmaline crystals, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, vary from −20‰ to −12‰ δ11B. This compositional isotopic range and the tourmaline chemical composition suggest a meta-evaporitic origin. A non-marine evaporitic setting is the most likely source of acidic, highly oxidising fluids, which resulted in the abundant F-bearing talc and the presence of otherwise immobile Ti in hematite. Oxidising brines were channelled along shear zones and converted dolomitic itabirite into the Gongo Soco soft hematite and the talc mineralisation. The latter is envisaged as the hydrothermal wall-rock alteration of dolomitic itabirite, which gave rise to the soft hematite ore.  相似文献   

浙江建德铜矿成矿流体、成矿物质来源与矿床成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

浙江建德铜矿位于钦杭结合带北东段,是浙江省最大的铜矿之一,该矿床的成因一直存在争议。本文在详细的野外调查基础上,对建德铜矿成矿期流体包裹体及氢、氧、硫同位素进行了系统测定。流体包裹体研究表明,建德铜矿主要发育三类包裹体:Ⅰ类富液相气液两相包裹体,Ⅱ类富气相气液两相包裹体,以及Ⅲ类含子晶包裹体。显微测温结果显示:Ⅰ类富液相包裹体加热后均一到液相,均一温度分布范围主要集中在280~340℃,流体包裹体盐度0.63%~8.00% NaCleqv;Ⅱ类富气相包裹体加热均一到气相,均一温度296~334℃,盐度1.22%~2.00% NaCleqv,属低盐度范围;Ⅲ类含子晶包裹体加热均一到液相,均一温度范围与Ⅱ类包裹体基本相同,分布范围为290~326℃,盐度很高,分布范围为31.87%~38.16% NaCleqv。Ⅱ类与视域内共存的Ⅲ型流体包裹体的均一温度相似,盐度相差很大,表明发生强烈的流体沸腾作用。流体的强烈沸腾作用是造成建德铜矿成矿物质沉淀富集的原因。氢氧同位素测试结果(δ18OH2O值在8.1‰~10.6‰,δDH2O变化范围从-78‰~-61‰)显示成矿流体主要为岩浆流体。硫化物硫同位素研究显示,δ34S值的总体变化范围是0.78‰~4.77‰,并且总体分布在零值附近呈塔式分布,这也暗示着建德铜矿硫化物的硫主要来自于岩浆。流体包裹体及氢、氧、硫同位素研究,并结合地质特征,表明建德铜矿是与晚侏罗世燕山期花岗闪长斑岩有关的,受石炭系灰岩、白云岩和泥盆系砂岩之间“硅钙面”控制的岩浆热液矿床。


Minor elements and ore genesis of the Fankou lead-zinc deposit,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fankou Pb-Zn deposit occurs in the Middle-Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous carbonate and argillaceous carbonate formations. In principle, the deposit can be classified as a carbonate-hosted strate-bound deposit. Representative sphalerite, galena, and pyrite separates from Fankou have been analysed. For the purpose of comparison a literature survey on minor elements of other districts have been carried out. The comparison of determined data with the quoted data shows that the Fankou sphalerites are rich in Ga, Ge and Ag, but poor in Se and Te; the Fankou galenas are rich in Ag, Hg, Sb and As, but poor in Se, Te, Tl and Bi; the Fankou pyrites are rich in As, Cd and In, but poor in Se, Te, Co and Ni. Zn/Cd and Se/S×10–4 ratios for sphalerites, Sb/Ag, Sb/Bi and Se/S×10–4 ratios for galenas and Co/Ni ratios for pyrites from Fankou and other districts have been calculated. Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios in sphalerites, Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in galenas and Co-Ni relations in pyrites have been plotted. The average value (311) of Zn/Cd ratios for sphalerites from Fankou is similar to values of sphalerites from Gaobanhe, Heqing, Accesa and Broken Hill. The average Sb/Ag ratio (0.74) and the Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in Fankou galenas are similar to those in the syngenetic galena from the British Island. The Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios for Fankou sphalerites are similar to those for the syngenetic sphalerites and Gorno sphalerites. The average Co/Ni ratio (1.1) for micro to fine-grained pyrites from Fankou laminated-bedded pyrite ore is similar to that (0.8) for the sedimentary pyrites from other districts. As to the fine to medium-grained pyrites from Fankou massive pyritic ores, their higher Co/Ni ratios (1.6–1.8) may relate to the fact that more Ni is lost than Co, during the reformation or recrystallization. Sphalerite, galena and pyrite from Fankou all are rather poor in Se and have very low values of Se/S×10–4, so they may bear no genetic relation to volcanism. To sum up, the following conclusions can be reached: (1) The Fankou deposit possesses some syngenetic features. (2) Evidently it differs from skarn type, hydrothermal type, and volcanogenic type deposits. (3) Surely it is a reformed sedimentary Pb-Zn deposit.  相似文献   

The Houxianyu borate deposit in northeastern China is one of the largest boron sources of China, hosted mainly in the Paleoproterozoic meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks (known as the Liaohe Group) that are characterized by high boron concentrations. The borate ore-body has intimate spatial relationship with the Mg-rich carbonates/silicates of the Group, with fine-grained gneisses (meta-felsic volcanic rocks) as main country rocks. The presence of abundant tourmalinites and tourmaline-rich quartz veins in the borate orebody provides an opportunity to study the origin of boron, the nature of ore-forming fluids, and possible mineralization mechanism. We report the chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmalines from the tourmaline-rich rocks in the borate deposit and from the tourmaline-bearing fine-grained gneisses.Tourmalines from the fine-grained gneisses are chemically homogeneous, showing relatively high Fe and Na and low Mg, with δ11B values in a narrow range from +1.22‰ to +2.63‰. Tourmalines from the tourmaline-rich rocks, however, commonly show compositional zoning, with an irregular detrital core and a euhedral overgrowth, and have significantly higher Mg, REE (and more pronounced positive Eu anomalies), V (229–1852 ppm) and Sr (208–1191 ppm) than those from the fine-grained gneisses. They show varied B isotope values ranging from +4.51‰ to +12.43‰, which plot intermediate between those of the terrigenous sediments and arc rocks with low boron isotope values (as represented by the δ11B = +1.22‰ to +2.63‰ of the fine-grained gneisses of this study) and those of marine carbonates and evaporates with high boron isotope values. In addition, the rim of the zoned tourmaline shows notably higher Mg, Ti, V, Sn, and Pb, and REE (particularly LREEs), but lower Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, Mn, and lower δ11B values than the core. These data suggest that (1) the sources of boron of the borate ore-body are mainly the Paleoproterozoic meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and (2) the ore-forming fluids should be the high temperature metamorphic fluids related to the amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the Paleoproterozoic foldbelt, which leach boron from the boron-rich meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Liaohe Group, and the boron-rich metamorphic fluids subsequently interacted with the marine Mg-rich carbonates and evaporates, forming borate deposit, the tourmaline overgrowth in the rim and the tourmaline-rich rocks.  相似文献   

The Beiya deposit, located in the Sanjiang Tethyan tectonic domain (SW China), is the third largest Au deposit in China (323 t Au @ 2.47 g/t). As a porphyry-skarn deposit, Beiya is related to Cenozoic (Himalayan) alkaline porphyries. Abundant Bi-minerals have been recognized from both the porphyry- and skarn- ores, comprising bismuthinite, Bi–Cu sulfosalts (emplectite, wittichenite), Bi–Pb sulfosalts (galenobismutite, cosalite), Bi–Ag sulfosalt (matildite), Bi–Cu–Pb sulfosalts (bismuthinite derivatives), Bi–Pb–Ag sulfosalts (lillianite homologs, galena-matildite series), and Bi chalcogenides (tsumoite, the unnamed Bi2Te, the unnamed Ag4Bi3Te3, tetradymite, and the unnamed (Bi, Pb)3(Te, S)4). Native bismuth and maldonite are also found in the skarn ores. The arsenopyrite geothermometer reveals that the porphyry Au mineralization took place at temperatures in the range of 350–450 °C and at log fS2 in the range of − 8.0 to − 5.5, respectively. In contrast, the Beiya Bi-mineral assemblages indicate that the skarn ore-forming fluids had minimum temperatures of 230–175 °C (prevailing temperatures exceeding 271 °C) and fluctuating fS2fTe2 conditions. We also model a prolonged skarn Au mineralization history at Beiya, including at least two episodes of Bi melts scavenging Au. We thus suggest that this process was among the most effective Au-enrichment mechanisms at Beiya.  相似文献   

尕林格矽卡岩型铁多金属矿床位于青海东昆仑祁漫塔格造山带与柴达木盆地结合带中部。电气石作为矿区内普遍出现的矿物,部分呈半自形-自形粒状出现在正接触带矽卡岩化蚀变火山岩中(Tour-Ⅰ),也有呈他形粒状形式出现在外接触带变质砂岩中(Tour-Ⅱ)。因其生长化学行为与寄主岩石和流体的化学属性强烈相关,所以电气石的主、微量元素成分为研究热液体系背景下的流体演化及成矿物质来源提供了渠道。尕林格电气石的化学成分包括富Na-Mg的镁电气石和富Ca-Mg的钙镁电气石。Tour-Ⅰ中的环带电气石存在早期核部(Gen-1)被晚期边部(Gen-2)交代的不连续反应边特征。Gen-1为钙镁电气石,而Gen-2为镁电气石。由于镁铁质火山岩的缓冲作用,Gen-1更多地显示出原地寄主岩石的化学成分。随着流体的持续补充,Gen-2则更多地与流体成分保持平衡,显示出较窄的变化范围,与成矿密切相关。Gen-1比Gen-2更加富Fe,意味着流体中Fe浓度降低;而Na含量逐渐上升则暗示流体p H值的升高。尕林格绝大部分矽卡岩电气石都是在早期成核阶段结晶生长的,因为电气石在酸性和中酸性溶液中更加稳定。除此之外,部分Tour-I中还存在沿早期电气石颗粒边缘生长的增生边结构(Gen-3)。Gen-3比Gen-1更加富Ca,推测Gen-3是在相对封闭环境下颗粒间隙溶液作用下的产物。Tour-Ⅱ则既包括钙镁电气石,又含有镁电气石。在Tour-Ⅰ中,Fe和Mg的含量变化范围较大,这与实际观测的Tour-Ⅰ围岩为镁铁质中-基性火山岩密不可分。Tour-Ⅱ比Tour-Ⅰ更加富集B、Ti、Sc、V、Cr、Ga、LREE等元素,这与B的溶解度随流体p H值的升高而升高有关。随着岩浆演化流体p H值的升高,B在相对碱性溶液中大量富集,而大部分微量元素和LREE易与挥发分结合成络合物的形式迁移,因此,B含量高的溶液中部分微量元素和稀土元素含量也会升高。  相似文献   

陈莉  刘函  贺娟 《地质通报》2020,39(6):929-942
滇西北休瓦促矿区东、西部出露不同岩性的酸性侵入岩体,通过对2期岩浆作用成岩时代、地球化学特征的分析,结合前人研究成果探讨休瓦促矿床的成因。矿区东部黑云母花岗岩锆石U-Pb定年结果为214.9±1.3 Ma,西部花岗斑岩和二长花岗岩年龄分别为87.47±0.51 Ma和83.29±0.60 Ma;矿区获得的辉钼矿Re-Os年龄为82~86 Ma,与燕山晚期成岩年龄一致。地球化学特征分析显示,2期岩体表现出较一致的偏铝质-弱过铝质钾玄质系列特征,具有稀土元素右倾型配分模式,亏损高场强元素Nb、Sr、Zr、Hf,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U。Y-Nb和Yb-Ta图解表明,2期酸性侵入岩显示出了不同的构造背景,晚三叠世岩体落入同碰撞花岗岩范围,晚白垩世岩体落入板内花岗岩范围。结合矿区地质特征及前人流体包裹体,S、Pb、锆石Hf同位素研究结果,认为休瓦促钨钼矿床成矿物质主要来源于晚白垩世加厚下地壳的部分熔融,矿区断裂-裂隙系统为含矿岩浆-热液向上运移提供了通道,含矿热液温度的降低和大气降水的混合作用,使成矿物质在构造薄弱地带沉淀形成矿体。  相似文献   

朱艺婷  李晓峰  余勇  李祖福  吴永 《岩石学报》2021,36(7):2179-2188
松山锡矿位于滇西临沧花岗岩基的西北侧。矿体主要赋存于临沧黑云母二长花岗岩与松山组绢云石英片岩接触带矽卡岩以及花岗岩和围岩的裂隙中。由于缺乏精确的成矿年代学数据,在一定程度上限制了对矿床成因的认识,并制约了进一步的找矿勘查工作。本文首次利用LA-SF-ICP-MS微区原位U-Pb同位素测年技术对松山锡矿床矽卡岩型和电气石石英脉型矿石中的锡石矿物开展了 U-Pb年代学研究获得2件锡石样品的~(207) Pb/~(206)Pb-~(238) U/~(206) Pb谐和年龄分别为76.6±1.5Ma和79.6±3.6Ma,说明松山锡矿锡的成矿作用主要发生在晚白垩世,与临沧花岗岩主体侵位时间(三叠纪)明显不同。结合地质特征和前人年代学研究成果本文认为该地区存在明显的晚白垩世锡的成矿事件,研究区下一步的找矿工作应围绕岩体与围岩接触带,以及岩体和围岩中的断裂展开。  相似文献   

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