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Krogh, Lars: The Major Soils of a Village in Northern Burkina Faso. Geografisk Tidsskrift 93:90–100. Copenhagen 1993.

In the Oudalan Province of Sahelian Northern Burkina Faso soil investigations have been carried out in order to evaluate the sustainability of millet production with emphasis on the dynamics of soil fertility. Some results of pedological investigations carried out in 1990 are included. Three commonly occurring soil types in a village territory are examined and their genesis and fertility discussed. Analyses show that the soils are inherently low in organic matter. The level of macro-nutrients is low, soil structure is weak or unfavourable: all probably due to a combination of natural and human factors. Crop yields are generally low and cannot be raised without more intensive cultivation.  相似文献   

In rural Burkina Faso, intensification has been an uneven process that has resulted in social costs, particularly in the form of uneven distribution of assets and disparate environmental trade-offs. This study examines the effects of wealth status on agricultural practice and soil fertility, arguing that differences in the practices of wealthier and poorer farmers lead to differential social and environmental outcomes. Two concerns are highlighted. First is the role of poverty in environmental degradation. Much of the debate about the role of wealth and poverty in environmental outcomes in developing countries has pinpointed poverty as the main causal explanation. Using studies of agricultural practices and soil fertility from several villages in southwestern Burkina Faso, this paper will counter this dominant view by showing that wealthier farmers farm much larger areas, have fewer trees in their fields, and use higher levels of animal traction which, in turn, has led to lower levels of soil fertility. A second concern is that while poorer farmers may have agricultural practices that minimize environmental degradation, their exclusion from key institutions that provide access to resources has serious livelihood consequences and potentials for increasing socioeconomic differentiation. The agricultural practices of wealthier farmers, while not optimal environmentally, result in higher levels of household wealth. A paradox emerges that while poorer farmers are conserving environmental resources, they are doing so at the expense of economic development and well-being.  相似文献   

There are conflicting results from research on the impacts of temperature and rainfall on malaria prevalence. As a result predicting malaria prevalence still remains a challenge. Generating relevant information on the role of temperature, rainfall, and humidity on malaria prevalence at different geographic scales is critical to efforts to combat the burden of prevalence. For better understanding of climate variability and the impacts on malaria prevalence, this study examined the varying spatial and seasonal distribution in malaria prevalence over time in Ghana. We used trajectory and time series analyses for temporal distribution and conducted GIS-based analyses of the spatial distribution of yearly malaria incidence and climate variables. We observed that the national annual malaria incidence has increased. Considerable inter-annual variations were also detected in the intensity of incidence across regions characterized with varying rainfall and temperature regimes. The results indicated that temperature and humidity have some association with malaria prevalence in Ghana. Although annual rainfall in the model was found to be less significant, there is evidence of rainfall as a predictor of malaria in Ghana. These findings show that public health resource allocations should focus on the areas with the highest malaria risk in Ghana.  相似文献   

潘明溪  张丽娟  曲成军  潘涛  张帆 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1111-1124
春季土壤湿度是影响东北粮食产量和品质的重要因素.在气候变暖的背景下,东北春季土壤湿度如何变化,鲜有研究.本文基于1983-2019年黑龙江省22个农业气象站的土壤湿度和气象观测资料,采用方差分析、突变分析及空间分析等方法,分析20世纪80年代以来黑龙江省春季土壤湿度的时空变化特征及其影响因素.结果 表明:1983-20...  相似文献   

苏南典型区土壤基本性质的时空变化--以昆山市为例   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以昆山市为例对苏南典型区土壤基本性质的时空变化进行了研究。结果表明:(1)与第二次土壤普查相比,该区土壤酸化严重,土壤上层pH值的平均值由7.20下降到6.42,土壤上层pH值小于6.0的样点多达36.51%;土壤有机质含量呈下降趋势,土壤上层有机质含量平均值由31.4 g/kg下降到28.3 g/kg,小于20 g/kg的土壤样品由0.56%上升到11.11%;速效磷含量总体上呈现明显的升高趋势,平均值由6.4mg/kg上升到89.1 mg/kg;阳离子交换量(CEC)由19.3 cmol/kg下降为17.8 cmol/kg。(2)不同功能区、不同地貌区及不同剖面层次的土壤基本性质存在较为明显的空间变化。  相似文献   

Rainfall interception is of great significance to the fully utilization of rainfall in water limited areas.Until now,studies on rainfall partitioning process of typical ecosystems in Heihe River Basin,one of the most important inland river basins in China,is still insufficient.In this study,six typical ecosystems were selected,namely alpine meadow,coniferous forest,mountain steppe,desert,cultivated crop,and riparian forest,in Heihe River Basin for investigation of the rainfall interception characteristics and their influencing factors,including rainfall amount,duration,and intensity,based on the gross rainfall and high temporal resolution soil moisture data obtained from 12 automatic observation sites.The results show that the average interception amount and average interception rate of the six ecosystems are significantly different: alpine meadow 6.2 mm and 45.9%,coniferous forest 7.4 mm and 69.1%,mountain steppe 3.5 mm and 37.3%,desert 3.5 mm and 57.2%,cultivated crop 4.5 mm and 69.1%,and riparian forest 2.6 mm and 66.7%,respectively.The rainfall amount,duration,and intensity all had impact on the process of rainfall interception.Among these three factors,the impact of rainfall amount was most significant.The responses of these ecosystems to the rainfall characteristics were also different.Analyzing rainfall interception with high temporal resolution soil moisture data is proved to be a feasible method and need further development in the future.  相似文献   

Yang  Chongyao  Huang  Yongmei  Li  Engui  Li  Zeqing 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(9):1527-1547
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Rainfall interception is of great significance to the fully utilization of rainfall in water limited areas. Until now, studies on rainfall partitioning process of...  相似文献   

Pattern analysis techniques currently common within geography tend to focus either on characterizing patterns of spatial and/or temporal recurrence of a single event type (e.g., incidence of flu cases) or on comparing sequences of a limited number of event types where relationships between events are already represented in the data (e.g., movement patterns). The availability of large amounts of multivariate spatiotemporal data, however, requires new methods for pattern analysis. Here, we present a technique for finding associations among many different event types where the associations among these varying event types are not explicitly represented in the data or known in advance. This pattern discovery method, known as T-pattern analysis, was first developed within the field of psychology for the purpose of finding patterns in personal interactions. We have adapted and extended the T-pattern method to take the unique characteristics of geographic data into account and implemented it within a geovisualization toolkit for an integrated computational-geovisual environment we call STempo. To demonstrate how T-pattern analysis can be employed in geographic research for discovering patterns in complex spatiotemporal data, we describe a case study featuring events from news reports about Yemen during the Arab Spring of 2011–2012. Using supplementary data from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone, we briefly summarize and reference a separate validation study, then evaluate the scalability of the T-pattern approach. We conclude with ideas for further extensions of the T-pattern technique to increase its utility for spatiotemporal analysis.  相似文献   

气候区域分异规律及其时空演变研究是气候变化研究的核心内容之一。以1951-2014年中国气象数据和基于HadCM3模式的1950-2059年气象模拟数据为数据源来分析中国主要气候区划界线的时空变化趋势。结果表明:我国寒温带界线北移,且速度呈加快趋势;中温带和暖温带的北部界线向北移动,且东段界线的移动趋势较明显;亚热带北部界线已越过秦岭-淮河一线,且其东段北移趋势较明显;热带范围逐渐向北扩张。东北地区由湿润转干燥,达到干湿并存的状态;河西走廊、青藏高原和新疆地区总体上呈转湿趋势,虽北方半干旱区有部分区域转换为干旱区,但未出现明显的移动;华北平原等地区的湿润-半湿润界线和干湿区分界线均向西北方向移动;南方湿润区的干湿状况未发生显著变化。  相似文献   

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