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The present paper reports significant evidence of insect-plant interactions in the Upper Gondwana sequence (Early Cretaceous) from various localities of the Rajmahal Formation in the Rajmahal Basin of Jharkhand State, India. This evidence is among the first Early Cretaceous evidence of phytophagy and is recognised by various types of feeding traces namely continuous marginal, discontinuous marginal and non-marginal. These traces may indicate herbivory of pinnate leaves ofPtilophyllurn (Bennettitales) and these herbivores may have assisted the plants in pollination. Additional evidence for a plant-insect relationship is on the lamina o f Phyllopteroides pinnae (Osmundaceae) which was used for ovipostional sites containing oval egg impressions that occur along the veins in the leaf lamina. Further, the evidence of insect galls recognised on a Nipaniophyllurn (Pentoxylales) leaf surface indicates that the lamina was used as a shelter habitat for insect larvae. These galls show some similarity with extinct leaf galls reported on Glossopteris (Glossopteridales) leaves recorded from the Permian of Kashmir Himalaya, India as well as on galls on Sophora (Fabaceae) and Eomangferophyllum (Anacardiaceae) leaves from the Neogene flora of India. Similar spherical leaf galls are induced by Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) and Hymenoptera (Pteromalidae) on leaves of modern Anadenanthera peregrina from Brazil. The present findings from the Upper Gondwana Sequence of India reveals that these types of insect-plant relationships existed during the Gondwana time and continued up to the recent, perhaps having a role in the co-evolution of present flora and fauna.  相似文献   

An angiosperm fruit of uncertain affinity and a questionable flower are reported from the Rajmahal Formation (Early Cretaceous) at the locality of Sonajori, Rajmahal Basin. The remains of ferns, Pentoxylales and conifers have been described previously from this locality. The significant addition of angiosperm megafossil remains confirms that flowering plants were evolving during the Early Cretaceous Epoch in India. The Sonajori assemblage seems to be the youngest fossil assemblage recovered so far from the Rajmahal Basin. It is tentatively dated as Barremian–Aptian.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Zhidan Group in the northern Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia, yielded a large number of tetrapods, including turtles, choristoderes, crocodyliforms, psittacosaurs, stegosaurs, theropods and birds. Well-preserved sauropod teeth have been found in the Luohandong Formation, a middle-upper unit of the Zhidan Group. The large V-shaped wear facet, low slenderness index value, labial grooves, lingual ridge and concavity on the tooth crown suggest that these teeth are from titanosauriforms. Moreover, the presence of the prominent bosses on the lingual side of the tooth crown indicates these teeth should be identified as Euhelopus teeth further. The existence of Euhelopus in Ordos Basin (Inner Mongolia), Shandong Province and western Liaoning Province shows some connections about vertebrate faunas during Early Cretaceous in these areas. Other tetrapod groups such as turtles (Sinemys, Ordosemys), choristoderes (Ikechosaurus), psittacosaurs (Psittacosaurus) and birds (Cathayornis) provide more evidences for this viewpoint.  相似文献   

刘帅  郭巍  李文强 《世界地质》2018,37(4):1309-1316
勃利盆地东部坳陷下白垩统穆棱组暗色泥岩发育,通过对勃利盆地Zk2钻井岩芯观察及对暗色泥岩样品进行稀土、微量元素含量变化的分析,恢复了穆棱组沉积时期的古环境。结果显示:研究区穆棱组沉积相以三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和半深湖沉积亚相为主,穆棱组沉积初期气候特征以温暖湿润为主,中期气候变为半湿半干,盐度增加但仍是淡水沉积环境,穆棱组中晚期气候由干旱炎热气候逐步变为温暖湿润气候。穆棱组沉积时期气候总体呈温暖湿润-半湿半干-温暖湿润变化的规律。  相似文献   

层序地层学是岩性-地层油气藏勘探研究的核心技术之一。为深入开展二连盆地白音查干凹陷岩性-地层油气藏勘探,在前人研究成果基础上,通过研究区200多口井的精细地层对比和33口井759.42 m岩心的详细观察及区域构造-沉积演化分析,综合运用构造、古生物、岩性、测井以及地震反射等5个方面的特征,对白音查干凹陷(主要是西部次凹)油气勘探的主要目的层下白垩统阿尔善组—都红木组的层序发育特征进行再认识,对层序界面的性质进行重新厘定。将白音查干凹陷下白垩统阿尔善组—都红木组划分为2个超长期层序(分别对应于阿尔善组—腾格尔组和都红木组)和5个长期层序(分别对应于阿尔善组一段、阿尔善组二段、腾格尔组、都红木组一段和都红木组二段~三段);提出白音查干凹陷下白垩统腾格尔组长期层序的底界面为一连续沉积的整合面,不能构成油气运移的良好通道,即在腾格尔组底部即使圈闭条件良好(如锡40井—锡43井区),但也会因缺乏良好的油气运移通道致使圈闭中供油不足而不能成藏。  相似文献   

辽宁北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积相   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统地论述了北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积时期的演化,将盆地演化划分为继承性初始坳陷、火山洼地、湖盆沉降与扩展三个阶段,其后由于火山作用而使盆地封闭。与盆地演化相对应,建立了盆内义县组的沉积相序,自下而上依次为冲积扇与河流相、火山沉积相、河流相、湖相(滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相,半深湖亚相,浅湖亚相,滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相)、火山溢流相,并指出火山喷发间歇期湖盆的湖水进退规律、水体性质以及沉积环境特征。  相似文献   

Vijaya 《Cretaceous Research》1997,18(6):833-847
Palynofloras have been examined from infra- and intertrappean sediments of the Panchet and Rajmahal Formations in the Domra Sub-basin of the Damodar Basin, West Bengal, India. Three distinct palynological assemblages are identified and referred to the following palynozones: (i)Lundbladispora–Verrucosisporites(506.60–505.00 m, late Early Triassic, (ii)Murospora florida(501.65–422.20 m. Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), and (iii)Cicatricosisporites australiensis(342.00–229.6 m. Early Cretaceous, Tithonian–Berriasian). The first occurrences ofCallialasporites turbatusandC. dampieriare at 501.65 m.Callialasporitesis a dominant element of the succeeding assemblages from the Panchet Formation and indicates a Jurassic age. The FAD ofCicatricosisporites australiensisandC. augustusat 342.00 m, and inconsistent occurrences ofAequitriradites spinulosus,Crybelosporites stylosusin the overlying sediments indicate Jurassic–Cretaceous transition.  相似文献   

松江盆地为一中生代山间沉积盆地,盆地内大砬子组上段普遍发育浊流沉积。通过对浊积岩体的沉积环境特征、岩性特征、沉积构造特征、粒度结构特征及层序特征等进行的研究表明:发育于盆地扩张时期的大砬子组上段浊积岩具有稳定型浊积岩的沉积特征,并将其划分为中心微相及边缘微相。应用沉积岩碎屑物质成分对浊积岩进行统计并结合前人的研究成果表明,大砬子上段沉积时期,源区构造背景为稳定陆块区,构造环境较为稳定。大量浊积岩所形成的岩性圈闭可构成良好的储集体。  相似文献   

刘孟骐  郭巍  于松  张海东  张丛 《世界地质》2017,36(1):209-216
采用有机地球化学分析测试、X衍射荧光分析、高压压汞、扫描电镜、低温氮气吸附等方法,对三江盆地下白垩统穆棱组暗色泥页岩页岩气成藏地质条件开展系统研究,研究结果表明穆棱组暗色泥页岩分布面积较广泛、累积厚度大、TOC含量中等,有机质主要处于成熟-过熟阶段,以Ⅱ2型干酪根为主,说明有机质已进入大量产气阶段;泥页岩中石英、长石及碳酸盐等脆性矿物含量较高;存在一定量的中孔、大孔和微裂缝,为低孔隙度、低渗透率的孔隙结构类型。据现有钻探资料,充分显示了下白垩穆棱组统暗色泥页岩较好的含气性,与美国主要页岩油气产区和中国发现的陆相页岩气层段相对比,三江盆地穆棱组各项参数达标,具有较好的页岩气勘探潜力。  相似文献   

黑龙江省三江盆地鹤岗凹陷下白垩统猴石沟组沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者等通过对鹤岗凹陷北部露头和钻孔资料的综合利用,结合少量的样品分析及薄片鉴定工作,对研究区下白垩统猴石沟组主要岩石学特征、沉积相类型及展布特征进行了综合研究,在此基础上,以砂岩型铀矿成矿理论为指导,对猴石沟组有利成矿砂体的沉积相类型进行了初步讨论。认为①猴石沟组砂体以长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂岩为主,主要为陆相淡水沉积环境,具较高的还原容量;②研究区内猴石沟组主要为扇三角洲沉积环境,并划分为辫状河道、漫滩沼泽、水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂和分流间湾等6种微相;③猴石沟组沉辫状河道砂体可作为寻找潜水氧化带型砂岩型铀矿的重点类型,而水下分流河道砂体是作为寻找层间氧化带型砂岩型铀矿的主攻类型。  相似文献   

Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Hunan Province are historically significant as the basis for three ichnotaxa: Xiangxipus chenxiensis, Xiangxipus youngi, and Hunanpus jiuquwanensis all representing theropodan tracks, described from a single site in 1982. Although the type locality has since been destroyed, the type specimen and replicas remained available for restudy in 2006, when paratype Hunanpus tracks and sauropod footprints were described from a second, nearby locality. Material from both localities is here re-described in detail. It is proposed that while Xiangxipus chenxiensis can be regarded as a distinct ichnospecies, probably representing an ornithomimid trackmaker, Xiangxipus youngi cannot be accommodated in the same ichnogenus. We consider it similar to the ichnogenus Wupus from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province, and therefore of possible avian affinity. We also find no justification for regarding Hunanpus jiuquwanensis as generically distinct from the widespread ichnogenus Grallator, and therefore rename it Grallator jiuquwanensis comb. nov. The Hunan track record is generally consistent with the sparse record of theropod skeletal remains in the province, but adds evidence of sauropods that was previously lacking.  相似文献   

侯彦冬  姬书安 《地质通报》2017,36(7):1097-1103
鄂尔多斯盆地下白垩统志丹群产出丰富的四足类动物化石:龟类、离龙类、鳄形类、鹦鹉嘴龙类、剑龙类、甲龙类、兽脚类、鸟类和早期哺乳类。采自内蒙古杭锦旗老龙豁子志丹群罗汉洞组剑龙类关联的荐椎与肠骨化石新标本,其形态特征显示该标本可被归为鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)。该标本解剖学研究表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙腰带还具有以下特征:上髋臼面前缘向后凹而后缘内侧更加内凹。鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)和新疆准噶尔盆地的平坦乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus homheni)在腰带上存在明显区别:(1)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙肠骨前突延伸较短,肠骨前突背缘向后逐渐向背侧拱曲、高度逐渐加大,而平坦乌尔禾龙肠骨前突后端背腹缘大致平行;(2)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙上髋臼面较小;(3)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙左右肠骨前突延伸方向与中轴线之间的夹角略小于平坦乌尔禾龙。这些区别进一步表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙和平坦乌尔禾龙是不同的种。  相似文献   

银额盆地额济纳地区中生代地层分布广泛,近些年的研究表明,盆地内发现的油气多来源于中生代地层的烃源岩,因此研究银额盆地中生代地层具有十分重要的意义。通过对银额盆地额济纳地区微体化石进行分析研究,发现鉴定了孢粉3属3种,介形类3属6种,其共存时限为早白垩世。据此将前人原划上侏罗统重新厘定为下白垩统巴音戈壁组,并根据岩石组合特征将其划分为3个岩性段。结合化石古生态、沉积构造和区域地质背景,认为巴音戈壁组3个岩性段分别代表了近岸水下扇、滨—浅湖、扇三角洲平原的淡水—微咸水内陆河湖相沉积环境,揭示其沉积经历了湖盆从产生、发展到萎缩的演化过程。巴音戈壁组岩石组合、沉积环境和化石组合特征的研究结果,有助于区域地层研究对比,为研究油气基础地质和区域演化提供基础资料。  相似文献   

根据对营尔凹陷下沟组岩心、测井和地震资料的分析,运用现代沉积学、层序地层学理论,将营尔凹陷下白垩统下沟组划分为4个三级层序。营尔凹陷下沟组主要发育辫状河三角洲、扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、远岸水下扇、滑溻浊积体、湖泊共6种沉积相类型,形成不同类型砂体。三角洲前缘亚相及远岸水下扇沉积相砂岩发育,砂岩物性较好,具备储集空间且储盖组合条件好,有利于油气成藏。三角洲平原亚相及近岸水下扇以粗碎屑沉积为主,砂泥分异差,储集物性差,难以形成油气藏。有利沉积相带空间展布与构造的配置关系决定了油气富集高产区的空间分布。  相似文献   

The paper systematically analyzes the hydrocarbon migration characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous in the Erlian Basin, based on the geochemical data of mudstone and sandstone in the main hydrocarbon-generating sags. (1) The source rocks in K1ba and K1bt1 are estimated to be the mature ones, their hydrocarbon expulsion ratio can reach 32%-72%. The Type-I sags in oil windows possess good hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conditions, where commercial reservoirs can be formed. (2) According to the curves of the mudstone compaction and evolution of clay minerals, the rapid compaction stage of mudstones is the right time of hydrocarbon expulsion, i.e., primary migration. (3) The timing between hydrocarbon generation and expulsion is mainly related to the accordance of the oil window and the rapid compaction stage of mudstones in the hydrocarbon generation sags of Type-I. That forms the most matching relation between hydrocarbon generation and migration. (4) The faults and unconformities are the important paths for the secondary hydrocarbon migration. Especially, the unconformity between K1ba and K1bt1 has a favorable condition for oil accumulation, where the traps of all types are the main exploration targets. (5) Hydrocarbon migration effect, in the Uliastai sag, is most significant; that in the Saihan Tal and Anan sags comes next, and that in the Bayandanan and Jargalangt sags is worst.  相似文献   

The spinicaudatan Neodiestheria Chen is an important component of the diverse Early Cretaceous Yanjiestheria fauna in eastern Asia. Examination under a scanning electron microscope of newly collected and well-preserved specimens of Neodiestheria dalaziensis Chen from the Albian Dalazi Formation of Zhixin, Jilin Province, north-eastern China, has revealed morphological features of the carapace not recognized previously, namely that puncta are not only evenly distributed on growth bands near the umbo and gradually merge into a punctate fine reticulation and dense radial lirae on each growth band in the upper-middle part of the carapace, but also occur on growth lines and within the lumina of a fine reticulum, and between radial lirae on growth bands in the middle and lower parts of the carapace. Growth bands in anteroventral, ventral and posteroventral parts of the carapace are also ornamented with transversely elongate large pits (depressions) surrounded by swellings, appearing as a large reticulum superimposed over fine reticulation and radial lirae. These ontogenetically developing morphological patterns on the growth bands of the juvenile stage of the carapace indicate that Neodiestheria is closely related phylogenetically to Triglypta Wang.  相似文献   

下白垩统AG组2段(后简称AG2段)是苏丹Muglad盆地Sufyan凹陷的主力烃源岩和最重要的含油层系。本文基于岩石学、测井相、地震相和地震属性研究,对Sufyan凹陷下白垩统AG2段沉积体系进行精细研究,结合其沉积期构造特征、古地貌特征、古气候环境及内物源和外物源发育特征,建立了其断陷期沉积模式。Sufyan凹陷AG组断陷初期为双断模式,南北两侧高陡断层发育规模相当,随着盆地的演化和湖平面的变化,到AG2段进入高水位期,凹陷北部逐渐演变为缓坡沉积环境,南部仍然为陡坡沉积环境。凹陷北部为Babanusa凸起和中非走滑带,为Muglad盆地的盆外物源,凹陷南部以Tomat凸起与Nugara凹陷分割,发育内物源。从钻井和岩心资料来看,凹陷北部以分选较好、细粒沉积为主,在断层下降盘发现中粗粒重力流沉积,反映了北部物源长距离搬运和长期供应的特点,据此建立了断陷后期AG2段北部曲流河三角洲沉积模式,北部物源为主力物源区;南部临近凹陷断裂带钻井揭示其发育较高砂地比的细粒沉积,显示物源供给的周期性和近源性,研究认为发育辨状河三角洲,沉积模式类似于扇三角洲,总体物源供给能力较弱,具有近源水下搬运特征。南部物源和西部物源一起,构成凹陷的次物源。本文综合编制了Sufyan凹陷AG2段沉积期的两期沉积相图,建立了立体沉积模式,认为盆地优质储层应以凹陷中部近烃源岩的区带为目标进行寻找。  相似文献   

胶莱盆地为中生代残留盆地,受郯庐断裂带、牟—即断裂带活动的影响,盆地南部、东北部地震活动强烈,发育一系列与地震作用有关的地震事件沉积构造.利用大量的岩心、野外露头资料,在胶莱盆地东北部下白垩统莱阳组砂泥质沉积物中可识别出两大类地震事件沉积构造:软沉积物变形构造(液化变形构造、拉伸变形构造、挤压变形构造)和硬岩层脆性变形...  相似文献   

应用普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、黏土矿物X射线衍射等多种测试手段,对海拉尔-塔木察格盆地南贝尔凹陷下白垩统铜钵庙组和南屯组火山碎屑岩储集层成岩演化特征进行了系统研究,并探讨了成岩演化的控制因素。研究认为,储集层成岩作用类型主要有熔结作用、压实作用、脱玻化作用、蚀变作用、胶结作用和溶蚀溶解作用,所处成岩作用阶段主要为中成岩阶段A期。储集层经历了同生成岩阶段-中成岩阶段A期的演化过程,局部储集层还经历了表生成岩阶段的演化过程。各成岩演化阶段特点均有所不同,其中,同生成岩阶段以熔结作用和弱胶结作用为特点,早成岩阶段A期以较强压实、弱胶结为特点,早成岩阶段B期的特点为较强压实、弱胶结、弱溶蚀,中成岩阶段A期为中等压实、较强胶结、较强溶蚀,表生成岩作用阶段以大气水淋滤作用为特点。成岩演化过程主要受成岩环境以及构造作用和火山活动的控制。储集层成岩环境大致经历了弱碱性-弱酸性-酸性-碱性的演化过程,酸性成岩环境以溶蚀溶解作用为主,碱性成岩环境胶结作用明显。构造作用和火山活动通过控制火山碎屑物质的来源、裂缝的产生、热流体活动以及表生成岩阶段的进行等来影响储集层的成岩演化。  相似文献   

二连盆地巴彦宝力格煤田蕴藏着丰富的煤炭和煤层气资源。利用钻孔和测井资料对赛汉塔拉组层序格架下的古地理演化特征和聚煤作用进行研究,识别出3种层序界面类型: 区域不整合面、河道下切谷冲刷面和对应整合面,将赛汉塔拉组划分为2个三级层序,厚煤层主要发育于层序Ⅰ湖侵体系域早期和晚期。采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法,恢复了层序格架下的古地理格局,古地理单元为冲积扇、扇三角洲平原和滨浅湖。有利聚煤环境为扇三角洲平原与滨浅湖过渡带、滨浅湖,具有合适的基底沉降速率并且受到较小的陆源碎屑影响。从层序Ⅰ到层序Ⅱ,煤层厚度减小,聚煤作用减弱;多层厚煤层的形成受基底沉降震荡性、周期性的影响,受可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率比值不断变化的控制。层序Ⅰ发育时期,研究区中部为下一步煤炭资源和煤层气勘探的有利区。  相似文献   

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