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太阳系人造天体VLBI观测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简介介绍了VLBI技术用于太阳系人造天体观测的进展状况,并对这一研究方向的天文研究课题作了展望。  相似文献   

上海VLBI系统于1988年建成,该系统具有观测设计、观测、相关处理(MK2系统)以及后处理的完备功能,从而在国际VLBI天体物理学研究方面有可能成为为数不多的研究中心之一。本文简要地介绍这个系统,以VLBI天体物理学观测实例来阐述整个系统的工作情况,给出由该系统获得的天体物理结果。  相似文献   

张捍卫  郑勇  杜兰 《天文学报》2003,44(1):28-36
以太阳系质心参考系为基础,根据太阳系的质心参考系和非旋转地球质心参考系的坐标转换关系,推导了太阳系天体地面VLBI观测的相对论时间延迟模型,给出了一个通用的解析表达式.根据这一公式可以得到平劲松博士所采用的公式,以及当地心与源的距离无限大时,可得河外射电源VLBI观测的Zhu—Groten模型、Shapiro模型和IERS(92,96)推荐模型.所推导的公式严格解析且无误差,在实际应用中建议采用这一公式.同时详细地讨论了所推导公式的实用范围和各种舍掉项的量级估计,并详细给出了时间延迟理论模型的计算步骤.  相似文献   

用多重分离的旋转膨胀环模型,分析了旋涡星系M33的HII区复合体IC133中的14个H2O脉泽源斑的VLB相对位置图,发现这14个H2O脉泽源斑在HII区复合体盘上成形状,分布在二个不同的旋转膨胀盘环上,同时,也得到这14个H2O脉泽源 运动学特性。  相似文献   

本文给出了上海、Kashima和Tidbinbilla三个台站组成的VLBI同多进行天体测量观测的南天射电源工作表,共有167颗,赤纬范围为0°>δ>-42°17′,相关流量密度大于0.25Jy,观测高度大于10°。还计算了三条基线或三个台站同时观测每颗射电源的时间图,利用它们可以编制观测纲要。  相似文献   

本文给出了39个不同类型的恒星脉泽源的近红外测光结果。以所获得的J、H、K波段流量密度,结合IRAS分光测量数据及低分辨光谱指数等资料,得出了各类源在不同波段的双色图上的分布特点。计算了光谱斜率和红外光度,同时从红外及射电幅射得出了中心星质量损失率及质量损失历经时间。并对不同源的各类参数进行了比较分析。结果表明随着在AGB上的演化,中心星质量损失率不断增加,脉泽源的红外特性和包层结构呈系统变化,进一步说明了从SiO和H2O脉泽,经Ⅰ型OH/IR脉泽,到Ⅱ型OH/IR脉泽,是相互关联的有序演化系列。  相似文献   

The VSOP Space VLBI mission uses the HALCA spacecraft, launched from Japan in February 1997, in conjunction with ground radio observatories around the world to create a high resolution radio-wavelength imaging facility. We are using this unique facility to observe a sub-sample of Pearson-Readhead Survey sources at 4.8 GHz to determine core brightness temperatures and pc-scale jet properties. We will highlight one of the sources that has been observed using a combination of the HALCA spacecraft and the EVN, 1642+690, and describe the preliminary brightness temperature distribution for the sub-sample, based on all data analyzed to date.  相似文献   

空间VLBI研究的现状和未来   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
万同山 《天文学进展》1999,17(2):136-147
空间VLBI卫星VSOP/HALCA是日本宇航科学研究所(ISAS)的飞行任务,已经在1997年2月升空。它拥有8m直径的射电望远镜,远地点达22000km。和地面的射电望远镜联合观测(干涉观测),其最高分辨率比地面VLBI提高了3倍。该项空间VLBI观测由NSAS的地面跟踪站支持。第一批VLBI图像已经在因特网上发表。RadioAstron项目由俄罗斯科学院列别捷夫物理研究所天文空间中心(ASC  相似文献   

Space VLBI's highly dynamic geometry, ability to access the space radio telescope (SRT) only via distant communication links, very expensive mission cost, and scientific goals define the basic strategy and scenario for mission control and radio source observations. These are very different from those for ground-based VLBI. Space VLBI strategy must be based on the limitation of SRT repointings, periodic orbit determination before astronomical observations, preliminary preparation and checking of space and ground facilities, and recommended observing sequences and modes. A control and observation scenario is considered for an in-orbit-checkout period, and also for short (1-orbit – 1 week) and long (1 week and more) observation sessions. Examples and illustrations are given for the Radioastron space VLBI Project.  相似文献   

We discuss the technique of Wide-field imaging as it applies to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). In the past VLBI data sets were usually averaged so severely that the field-of-view was typically restricted to regions extending a few hundred milliarcseconds from the phase centre of the field. Recent advances in data analysis techniques, together with increasing data storage capabilities, and enhanced computer processing power, now permit VLBI images to be made whose angular size represents a significant fraction of an individual antenna's primary beam. This technique has recently been successfully applied to several large separation gravitational lens systems, compact Supernova Remnants in the starburst galaxy M82, and two faint radio sources located within the same VLA FIRST field. It seems likely that other VLBI observing programmes might benefit from this wide-field approach to VLBI data analysis. With the raw sensitivity of global VLBI set to improve by a factor 4–5 over the coming few years, the number of sources that can be detected in a given field will rise considerably. In addition, a continued progression in VLBI's ability to image relatively faint and extended low brightness temperature features (such as hot-spots in large-scale astrophysical jets) is also to be expected. As VLBI sensitivity approaches the μJy level, a wide-field approach to data analysis becomes inevitable.  相似文献   

China plans to establish a lunar orbital VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer) station around 2025, which will carry a space passive hydrogen maser as the time and frequency reference. Since it is the first time to use a space passive hydrogen maser for VLBI observation, its feasibility needs to be studied and verified. Therefore, we carried out VLBI observations using the space passive hydrogen maser as the frequency reference. In the experiment, the active hydrogen atomic clock and space passive hydrogen maser were used as the frequency standard, and the alternate VLBI observations of China’s Mars probe TW1 (Tianwen 1) were carried out using the 25 m radio telescope at Sheshan, Shanghai, and other VLBI stations. The results of data processing and analysis show that the standard deviation of VLBI residual group delay based on both active hydrogen atomic clock and space passive hydrogen maser are within 0.5 ns, which indicates that the space passive hydrogen maser can meet the accuracy requirements of VLBI measurement for deep space exploration, and verify its feasibility as the frequency standard of lunar orbital VLBI stations.  相似文献   

中国计划于2025年左右建立月球轨道VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer)测站,将会搭载被动型星载氢钟作为时间频率标准.由于是首次在VLBI观测中使用星载氢钟,需要研究和验证其可行性.因此,利用星载氢钟作为频率基准开展了VLBI观测.实验时,分别使用主动型地面氢钟和被动型星载氢钟作为频率基准,利用上海天文台佘山25 m射电望远镜和其他测站对我国火星探测器天问一号进行了交替VLBI观测.数据处理分析结果表明,基于地面氢钟与星载氢钟的VLBI残余群时延标准差均在0.5 ns以内,表明星载氢钟可满足深空探测VLBI测定轨的精度要求,验证了其作为月球VLBI测站频率基准的可行性.  相似文献   

用中科院射电联合实验室上海天文台25米望远镜,对19个已知水脉泽源和20个HII区候选源进行了水脉泽观测和搜寻,共测到水脉泽辐射21个,包括2个首次测到S/N≥3σ的源.结合已知脉泽资料求出了脉泽时变,发现峰值流量的变化比较普遍,包括同一峰强度变化及不同成分置换引起的变化两种情况,峰值速度变化多数由不同成分置换所造成.证认了对应的IRAS源并探讨了脉泽辐射与红外参量的关系,表明红外辐射的强度对脉泽产生率的影响比颜色分布的影响大.  相似文献   

EGRET空间望远镜已检测到66颗高置信度的γ射线活动星系核,这些活动星系核都是射电强的,具有很高的光度,迅速的光学变化,有相当的比例是视超光速源,对γ射线 活动星系核的研究是目前世界上最活跃的前沿课题之一,为了完备EGRET活动是系统核的射电观测图像样本,以便进行更可信的统计研究,对一些缺少射电图像观测的EGRET活动量的核进行了多历元的VLBI和VLA的观测研究,得到了它们的射电结构图像。  相似文献   

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