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The history of organization and performance of the largest international scientific projects—the first International Polar Year (1882–1883), the second International Polar Year (1932–1933), and the International Geophysical Year (1957–1958)—and the significance of these projects for the development of geophysical studies in our country are briefly considered.  相似文献   

中国地球物理学会第15届学术年会于1999年10月20日至24日在安徽省合肥市隆重召开,来自中国科学院、国土资源部、高等院校、地震、石油、煤炭、水利、铁道、有色金属、核工业、气象、文物、电力等部门的393名代表参加了会议.代表中有院士5人、高级职称者291人,35岁以下者占27%.大会收到报告419篇,会上共宣读论文238篇. 10月 20日上午,大会开幕式在中国科技大学水上厅举行,由学会副理事长陈 院士主持.理事长刘光鼎院士致开幕词,他感谢安徽省人民政府、省科协、省地矿局、省地球物理学会及其他有…  相似文献   

在新世纪第一年的 1 0月 ,第 1 7届中国地球物理学术年会在祖国春城昆明市召开 .会议正式注册代表 40 3名 ,非注册代表 5 1名 .陈院士主持了 1 0月 1 4日上午的开幕式 ,云南省科协主席涂济民、云南省地球物理学会理事长谢应齐、云南大学校长吴松出席了会议 .中国地球物理学会理事长刘光鼎院士致开幕词 .总结过去 ,展望未来 ,他提出了 4个方面的工作 :1 .在“三个代表”的思想指引下 ,加强精神文明建设 ,办好“会员之家” ,迎接新全球化的挑战 ;2 .抓住我国将进入WTO的机遇 ,学会成立了“中国方圆标志委员会勘探勘察认证工作站” ,将于 …  相似文献   

The Carlo's V Castle, located in Crotone Town, on the Ionian coast of the Calabria Region (Italy), date back to the 13th century d.C. (Fig. 1). During its long life, the building changed several owners and sustained the damages and the consequent reconstructions due to the innumerable naval battles. Moreover, the castle suffered the action of the earthquakes which always afflict the region.With the principal aim of detecting the location, depth and geometry of the rests of destroyed structures, a systematic Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was carried out in the area inside the boundary walls. The results are sixty-two one-meter-spaced, filtered and migrated radargrams arranged in four 3D data-sets. From each data-set, the most significant time-slice was extracted.To reduce the ambiguity in the GPR data interpretation, additional geophysical techniques, such as Magnetic (M), and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), were carried out with a partial superimposition with the GPR data. A comparison and a joint interpretation amongst different geophysical data pointed out some very remarkable features associated to buried remains and possible buried cannonballs.With the secondary aim to check the presence of an old military walkway linking two bastions a GPR profile was carried out on the sea side boundary wall. The GPR results are in agreement with an ERT survey carried out on the same profile and consistent with the presence of an underground passage.  相似文献   

We present the geophysical evidences on the role of fluids for generation of the lower crustal Jabalpur earthquake (21 May 1997, mb 6.0, Mw 5.8), in the mid-continental fracture zone of the Indian Peninsular Shield. With a focal depth of 35 km, it indicates a high angled (< 62 enclosed with maximum principal stress direction) reverse fault with small component of left-lateral strike slip in the lower crust. The Son-Narmada-Tapti (SONATA) magalineament, during the past two centuries, has experienced about 25 moderate to strong earthquakes; two of which namely the Son Valley (1927, M 6.5) and Jabalpur (21 May 1997) were disastrous. Historical earthquakes and recent earthquake swarms indicate a moderate to high seismicity in SONATA belt that is due to high strain accumulation, flexuring of the crust and neotectonic movements of the faults in the rift zones. By analyzing geophysical parameters such as Zero-Free air-based (ZFb) gravity anomalies (∼ −10 to –30 mGals), heat flow values (45–47 mWm−2), magneto-telluric values (1- Ohm m), strain rate (1.5 × 10−8) and failure stress conditions, we identify plausible causative factors for the occurrence of lower crustal earthquake in this region Fluids, due to dehydration of serpentinite in the lower crust, are suggested to be present in the earthquake source zone. The estimated pore-fluid factor for the Jabalpur earthquake (λ v ) is 0.95. The diffusion of pore-pressure relaxation, represented as pressure perturbation generated by coseismic stress change was seen in the form of swarm activity two years prior to the Jabalpur earthquake. We suggest the existence of a deep pre-fractured zone with low shear stress (τ = 15–18 MPa) that indicates the presence of fluid filled fractured mafic material in the felsic crust, in critical state of unstable failure condition, and also fluid driven migration of swarm activity before the Jabalpur earthquake.  相似文献   

The study area is located at S. Agata (Gera Lario), a small center at the northern end of Como Lake, near the junction of Valchiavenna and Valtellina Valleys. This site played a strategic role since ancient times, providing the control on the communications routes to both the Como Lake and the Spluga and Septimer alpine passes. Since the end of the last century archaeological findings are reported in literature, also supported, from the early XI century, by archival documents confirming the existence of the `Olonium' settlement, an administrative and fiscal center of primary importance, as well as a parish amongst the most influential in the Como Lake area. Within an area of 45,000 m2 an electrical survey has been carried out in conjunction with magnetic and GPR investigations. These studies have indicated the presence of a number of sub-areas characterized by significant anomalies defined by the overlapping of the results obtained from two or more geophysical methods. In two of such sub-areas, excavation tests have been conducted, which have brought to light a number of archaeological findings of interest. In one of the two sub-areas, which is characterized by the superimposition of electrical and radar anomalies, a deposit of large pebbles has been found. The origin of this deposit has not been ascertained, whether it is of fluvial origin, related to the deviation of the Adda river in the Pian di Spagna region in Roman times, or it is part of reclamation works, still of Roman times, of paleolacustrine marshes. The overlapping stratigraphy, however, suggests the development of fluvial channels between Roman and Low-Medieval times. In the other sub-area, excavations were carried out on sites defined by electrical and radar anomalies, and confirmed by the results from magnetic survey. The excavations brought to light, below the fluvial deposits, a large medieval edifice, which could be identified as the S. Stefano church abandoned in 1444. The church is built on earlier structures, amongst which an apse with a single aisle has been interpreted as a paleochristian sacellum.  相似文献   

The use of geophysical methods in metrology is a significant tool within the wide research topic of landscape archaeology context. Since 2011, the Ancient Appia Landscapes Project aims to recognize dynamics, shapes and layout of the ancient settlement located along the Appia road east of Benevento, and cyclical elements and human activities that influenced the choice of landscapes. The integration of geophysical data with an archaeological infra-site analysis allowed us to investigate the area of Masseria Grasso, about 6 km from Benevento (Campania region, Italy). In this framework, an archaeogeophysical approach (Geomagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar) was adopted for detecting anomalies potentially correlated with buried archaeological evidences. The geomagnetic results have given a wide knowledge of buried features in a large survey highlighting significant anomalies associated with the presence of buildings, roads and open spaces. These geophysical results permitted us to define the first archaeological excavations and, successively, a detailed Ground Penetrating Radar approach has been provided highlighting the rooms and paved spaces. The overlap between archaeological dataset and geophysical surveys has also allowed recognizing the path of the ancient Appia road near the city of Benevento and hypothesize the settlement organization of the investigated area, which has been identified with the ancient Nuceriola.  相似文献   

海洋天然气水合物的地球物理研究(Ⅲ):似海底反射   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
对天然气水合物研究中与似海底反射有关的一些观点进行讨论,以推动天然气水合物地震研究的认识.30年的似海底反射研究表明,似海底反射仍然是指示天然气水合物沉积存在的最好手段之一.有似海底反射,是可以认为存在天然气水合物的.虽然存在“游离气带速度模型”与“水合物楔速度模型”,但似海底反射主要由天然气水合物稳定带底界下方的游离气引起.BSR上方的天然气水合物、下方的游离气与天然气再循环和含甲烷的流体流有关.由于天然气水合物稳定带计算控制因素难以准确确定等因素,似海底反射与天然气水合物稳定带底界只是近似的对应关系.需从动态的观点考虑天然气水合物.天然气体系及其与似海底反射的关系.  相似文献   

海洋天然气水合物的地球物理研究(III):似海底反射   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对天然气水合物研究中与似海底反射有关的一些观点进行讨论 ,以推动天然气水合物地震研究的认识 .30年的似海底反射研究表明 ,似海底反射仍然是指示天然气水合物沉积存在的最好手段之一 .有似海底反射 ,是可以认为存在天然气水合物的 .虽然存在“游离气带速度模型”与“水合物楔速度模型” ,但似海底反射主要由天然气水合物稳定带底界下方的游离气引起 .BSR上方的天然气水合物、下方的游离气与天然气再循环和含甲烷的流体流有关 .由于天然气水合物稳定带计算控制因素难以准确确定等因素 ,似海底反射与天然气水合物稳定带底界只是近似的对应关系 .需从动态的观点考虑天然气水合物 天然气体系及其与似海底反射的关系 .  相似文献   

Kamarina, located in southern Sicily (Italy), was an important Greek colony since its foundation in the sixth century BC. Archaeological excavations, carried out since the twentieth century, uncovered only limited portions of the site so far. Despite the importance of the Greek colony, the presence of remarkable buildings that archaeologists expected to bring to light has not found fully correspondence in the archaeological excavations. Consequently, the integrated geophysical prospection carried out in the study area is aimed to support and address the future archaeological investigations. After the photographic and thermographic survey obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle, we performed a systematic survey through ground magnetic and GPR methods over an area of 6200 m2. The acquisition procedures have been optimized in order to get the best results combining high resolution and elevated speed of acquisition. The results derived from the three geophysical techniques have been conveniently combined by means of a cluster analysis, allowing us to clearly identify a series of buried archaeological features. Because of their geometrical characteristics, often in good agreement with the spatial arrangement of the archaeological remains at the surface, these buried archaeological features can be interpreted as roads, walls, or buildings foundations in which the various construction phases of the city can be clearly recognized. The integrated approach has proven to be essential for a robust interpretation of the archaeogeophysical investigation.  相似文献   

海洋天然气水合物的地球物理研究(Ⅳ):双似海底反射   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
由于双似海底反射可望指示一个动态演化的天然气水合物-游离气体系特征,这一重要问题的研究非常有意义。目前在世界上有两个双似海底反射分布区最为典型,一是挪威西部大陆边缘,另一个为东南海海槽大陆边缘,对双BSR的解释,主要有两种,一种是残留BSR,对应古温压条件下天然气水合物稳定带底界的反射,另一种是混合气体水合物沉积的底界反射。阐明双似海底反射层空间分布特征与其成因,建立动态演化的天然气水合物-天然气体系模型,可为深入了解天然气水合物形成机制、分布规律及其地质历史中的演变提供重要的科学基础。  相似文献   

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