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In coral islands, groundwater is a crucial freshwater resource for terrestrial life, including human water supply. Response of the freshwater lens to expected climate changes and subsequent vegetation alterations is quantified for Grande Glorieuse, a low-lying coral island in the Western Indian Ocean. Distributed models of recharge, evapotranspiration and saltwater phytotoxicity are integrated into a variable-density groundwater model to simulate the evolution of groundwater salinity. Model results are assessed against field observations including groundwater and geophysical measurements. Simulations show the major control currently exerted by the vegetation with regards to the lens morphology and the high sensitivity of the lens to climate alterations, impacting both quantity and salinity. Long-term changes in mean sea level and climatic conditions (rainfall and evapotranspiration) are predicted to be responsible for an average increase in salinity approaching 140 % (+8 kg m?3) when combined. In low-lying areas with high vegetation density, these changes top +300 % (+10 kg m?3). However, due to salinity increase and its phytotoxicity, it is shown that a corollary drop in vegetation activity can buffer the alteration of fresh groundwater. This illustrates the importance of accounting for vegetation dynamics to study groundwater in coral islands.  相似文献   

华北滹滏平原地下水位下降与灌溉农业关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对华北粮蔬主产区滹滏平原浅层地下水位不断下降成因问题,基于大量实测资料和相关分析方法与MapGIS技术,通过对近50年来区内地下水位、粮蔬播种强度、有效灌溉面积变化特征和降水量、气温变化下地下水位下降对粮蔬播种强度响应机制研究,结果表明:1980年前粮蔬播种强度每增加0.01或夏粮和蔬菜播种面积每增加1万hm2,研究区地下水位下降幅度为0.36 m或0.43 m;1980年以来随粮蔬播种强度增大,地下水位下降幅度明显增大,粮蔬播种强度每增加0.01或夏粮和蔬菜播种面积每增加1万hm2,地下水位降幅分别达0.69 m和1.15 m。不仅与因播种强度增大导致农业开采量增加有关,而且还与1980年以来降水量不断减少密切相关。降水量减少100 mm,区内农业开采量增加35.7 mm。  相似文献   

北京平原地下水可持续开采方案分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地下水过量开采已经引起北京平原地下水位持续下降,降落漏斗逐年扩大以及一系列环境问题。控制地下水开采,增加地下水补给以达到地下水可持续开采应当成为北京市水资源管理的重要任务。本文根据北京市中长期供水规划、水资源特点和地下水开采现状设计了4种地下水开发利用开采方案:即维持现状开采、增加补给量、减少开采量以及联合方案。运用已建北京平原地下水数值模拟模型对4个方案进行了模拟,分析了地下水系统水均衡量变化,地下水流场变化以及地下水动态变化,以此确定可能的可持续开发方案。结果表明,维持现状开采必将使含水层地下水疏干;增补和减开单独实施虽能改善现状,但难以实现。只有应用增补和减开的联合方案,才有可能实现地下水可持续开发。其为北京平原地下水资源的合理开发提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

北京平原区域地下水流模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为深入研究北京平原地下水资源的现状及未来的变化趋势,探讨地下水资源可持续开发方案,文章建立了北京平原三维地下水流非稳定流模型。在充分分析北京平原区水文地质条件的基础上,建立了三维数字水文地质概念模型。从区域上将北京平原含水层系统划分为5个含水层和4个弱透水层互层的多层系统。在此基础上利用GMS模型软件建立了三维地下水稳定流模拟模型和非稳定流模拟模型。首先利用1995年丰水年的地下水均衡量建立和校正了稳定流模型。之后在稳定流模型的基础上建立和校正了非稳定流模型,非稳定流模型的模拟期为1995~2005年。最后用模型分析了北京平原区地下水流场的变化趋势。与20世纪60年代天然流场相比,北京市平原区区域地下水流场发生了巨大变化。除了区域地下水位整体下降外,在不同深度的含水层形成了规模不等的地下水位降落漏斗。自1999年以来的连续干旱,导致河流基本干枯,地下水补给量减少,加之应急水源地的投入运行,使地下水贮存量被持续地大量消耗,地下水位快速下降。长期以往,必将造成含水层地下水疏干。控制和减少地下水开采势在必行。  相似文献   

大气 CO2浓度在控制全球气候变化方面具有至关重要的作用,研究碳循环、CO2收支平衡和精确评估是制定区域CO2减排策略和寻找新的碳汇途径最重要的组成部分。碳酸盐风化碳汇是全球碳循环研究的一个重要方向。为此,本研究以天津平原区浅层地下水为研究对象,通过对地下水调查及水样的采集与分析,运用水化学分析方法分析了地下水水化学特征,并估算了地下水总储存量、DIC储量和碳酸盐风化碳汇量。研究结果表明:浅层地下水化学场自北部山前平原向南部冲积平原和滨海平原,呈现出自北而南和由北西向南东的水平水化学分带规律,地下水由低浓度的淡水、微咸水变为高浓度咸水,沿此方向水化学类型由HCO3-Ca·Na·Mg→Cl·SO4-Na→Cl·HCO3-Na→Cl-Na型转变;淡水区、微咸水区和咸水区面积分别为733、3 034和6 564 km2。地下水水化学组分中Ca2+、Mg2+ HCO 3 -主要来源于碳酸盐的溶解作用。研究区浅层地下水总储存量为2 241 640万m3,总DIC储量为8.13×106 t,总碳汇量为4.11×106 t。研究区浅层地下水淡水区、微咸水区和咸水区地下水储存量分别为157 799万、6 245 936万和1 459 247万 m3,DIC浓度分别为19200、19200和19342 mg/L,DIC储量分别为0.67×106、1.65×106和0.58×106 t,碳汇量分别为0.22×106、0.90×106和2.98×106 t。沿地下水流向,DIC、储量和碳汇量的空间分布均呈现出由低到高的趋势。  相似文献   

本文通过实地调查,按照一定的间距在内蒙古河套平原西部采集和分析了400组地下水水质样品,通过分析研究这些水质测试数据,初步掌握了地下水的水化学特征和其主要元素及离子的分布规律。水化学分析结果表明:研究区的地下水水质总体较差,砷、氯化物、硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、总硬度、氟化物和铁等多项指标超标;区内地下水化学类型以Cl·HCO3-Na、Cl-Na、HCO3·Cl-Na型为主;主要组分分布图表明,砷、磷、铁、氯化物、氟化物、硫酸盐等含量较高的点主要分布在研究区西北部地势较低的山前冲、洪积扇扇裙前缘和地势相对低洼的冲积平原以及临河区北部的狼山镇一带。通过对14种水质测试指标值进行多元线性回归分析结果表明,研究区地下水中砷与磷、铁含量具有密切的相关关系。  相似文献   

To discover the characteristics, distribution and potential of shallow geothermal energy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain area. This paper, based on a large amount of data collection and field investigations, evaluateed the shallow-layer geothermal energy in the study area through the analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive index method. Based on suitability zoning results superimposed with 1:100 000 land use data, the study area is divided into encouraged, controlled, restricted and prospective mining areas regarding the development of shallow geothermal energy, and the economic availability of shallow geothermal energy in the encouraged and controlled areas are evaluated. The results show that the shallow geothermal energy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain can meet the heating and cooling demand of 6×108 m~2 of buildings, equivalent to 1.15×10~7 t of standard coal, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2.73×10~7 t and reducing sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.95×10~5 t. According to the development and utilization mode, the energy demand level and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development plan, the development and utilization of geothermal resources in the plain area has two types: Urban concentrated mining areas and rural scattered mining areas. The scale and level of intensive utilization of regional geothermal resources are of great significance.  相似文献   

中更新世以来气候转型与陆地植被生态系统演变是近年来全球变化研究领域关注的热点问题。基于华北平原东部G3孔上部的孢粉分析结果、磁性地层年代,对中更新世以来华北平原植被演化及其气候响应过程进行研究。结果显示华北平原地区近1.6Ma以来植被演化可分为4个阶段:1.6~1.2Ma为密度较高的暖温带针阔叶混交林,1.2~0.7Ma为开阔的暖温带落叶阔叶林,0.7~0.3Ma为阔叶疏林草原,0.3Ma以来为暖温带落叶阔叶林。华北平原地区中更新世植被转型期对应O同位素36阶段,显示转型开始发生于1.2Ma,与全球中更新世转型期对应良好。其主要特征表现为林地减少,针叶林比例下降,藜科、蒿属、禾本科等草地面积显著增加。0.7Ma前后华北平原林地进一步退化,区域植被由原来的落叶阔叶林向疏林草原转变,0.3Ma后区域乔木比例可能有所回升。周期性气候变化对植被的影响在花粉谱中也有一定显示,1.2Ma之前主要表现为植被林地类型的交替发展,而1.2Ma则主要表现为草原与森林交替发展。  相似文献   

Groundwater-level fluctuations at a large scale have a significant effect on the preservation and restoration of vegetation. This study determined suitable groundwater depth within which natural vegetation grows well, and analysed the effect of groundwater regulation on vegetation restoration in Tianjin City, northern China. Normal and lognormal distributions were used to fit the curve of the relation between vegetation and groundwater depth. The groundwater depth range corresponding to the higher frequency of vegetation distribution was regarded as the ‘suitable water depth’ range for vegetation growth. The suitable groundwater depth for shrub growth was 3–5 m and for grass growth 1–3 m. A groundwater flow model predicted the future changes of groundwater depths in the vegetation distribution area under the condition that the current levels of groundwater extraction are maintained. The results showed that there is potential for the extraction of groundwater in shrubland areas, but for grassland areas the water-table elevation showed a downward trend, meaning that water shortages in some areas may be more severe in the future. Finally, based on the current groundwater extraction regime, two regulation schemes were developed: (1) for shrubland, groundwater extraction was reduced by 10% in the ecological water deficit areas, and extraction was increased by 10% in the ecological water surplus and suitable areas, and (2) for grassland, groundwater recharge was increased by the restoration of the wetland areas. In conclusion, the groundwater depths in most of the area would be more suitable for vegetation growth under the regulation schemes.  相似文献   

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain (BTHP) is the political, economic and cultural center of China, where groundwater is the main source of water supply to support social and economic development. Continuous overdraft of the resources has caused a persistent decline of groundwater level and formed a huge cone of depression at a regional scale. This paper addresses current groundwater situation over the BTHP area. The paper also delineates the groundwater flow field, using groundwater level data, in order to provide an effective method for the restoration of groundwater level and associated water resources management. Based on the analysis of multiple factors, such as groundwater level, soil salinization, ground subsidence, groundwater recharge and storage, urban underground space security, formation of fractures, and seawater intrusion, the threshold for groundwater level restoration is defined, and some measures for groundwater over-exploitation management are accordingly proposed. The study shows that: (i) Since the 1980s to 2020, shallow groundwater level in the western part of the BTHP area has dropped by 25 m to 60 m, while the cumulative decline of deep groundwater in the central and eastern regions is in the range of 40–80 m; (ii) The water table of the shallow groundwater within the depression zone over the Western Piedmont Plain should be controlled in the range of 15–30 m below ground level (mbgl), while the depth of groundwater level in large and medium-sized urban areas should be controlled within 20–30 mbgl. The groundwater level in the resource preservation area should be controlled within 10–15 mbgl, and the groundwater level in the area with identified soil salinization in the central and eastern plain should be controlled within 3–10 mbgl. However, for the deep groundwater in the central and eastern plainwater, the main focus of the resources management is to control the land subsidence. The water level in the severe land subsidence area should be controlled within 45–60 mbgl, and in the general subsidence area should be controlled within 30–45 mbgl; (iii) Based on the water level recovery threshold and proposed groundwater overdraft management program, if the balance of abstraction and recharge is reached in 2025, the shallow groundwater abstraction needs to be gradually reduced by about 2×108 m3. Meanwhile, the ecological water replenishment of rivers through the South-to-North Water Transfer Project should be increased to 28.58×108 m3/a, and the deep groundwater abstraction needs to be gradually reduced by 2.24×108 m3. To reach the target of shallow groundwater level in 2040, surface water replacement is recommended with a rate of 25.77×108 m3/a and the ecological water replenishment of rivers in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project should reach 33.51×108 m3/a. For deep groundwater recovery, it is recommended to replace the deep freshwater extraction with the utilization of shallow salt water by 2.82×108 m3 , in addition to the amount of 7.86×108 m3 by water diversion. The results are of great significance to the remediation of groundwater over-exploitation, the regulation of water resources development and utilization, and ecological protection in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei plain.  相似文献   

Many cities around the world are developed at alluvial fans. With economic and industrial development and increase in population, quality and quantity of groundwater are often damaged by over-exploitation in these areas. In order to realistically assess these groundwater resources and their sustainability, it is vital to understand the recharge sources and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in alluvial fans. In March 2006, groundwater and surface water were sampled for major element analysis and stable isotope (oxygen-18 and deuterium) compositions in Xinxiang, which is located at a complex alluvial fan system composed of a mountainous area, Taihang Mt. alluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial fan. In the Taihang mountainous area, the groundwater was recharged by precipitation and was characterized by Ca–HCO3 type water with depleted δ18O and δD (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O). Along the flow path from the mountainous area to Taihang Mt. alluvial fan, the groundwater became geochemically complex (Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type), and heavier δ18O and δD were observed (around −8‰ δ18O). Before the surface water with mean δ18O of −8.7‰ recharged to groundwater, it underwent isotopic enrichment in Taihang Mt. alluvial fan. Chemical mixture and ion exchange are expected to be responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in Yellow River alluvial fan. Transferred water from the Yellow River is the main source of the groundwater in the Yellow River alluvial fan in the south of the study area, and stable isotopic compositions of the groundwater (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O) were similar to those of transferred water (−8.9‰), increasing from the southern boundary of the study area to the distal end of the fan. The groundwater underwent chemical evolution from Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, to Na–SO4. A conceptual model, integrating stiff diagrams, is used to describe the spatial variation of recharge sources, chemical evolution, and groundwater flow paths in the complex alluvial fan aquifer system.  相似文献   

以安徽淮北平原浅层地下水中的水质状况为研究对象,有针对性地采集了浅层地下水水样151个,应用多种方法测试了26种水样指标。综合分析结果表明:安徽淮北平原浅层地下水色度、浊度超标率小于10%;pH均值为7.6,为中性偏碱性水;HCO3—Na.Ca、HCO3—Na、SO4—Na、HCO3.SO4—Na.Mg等4种水化学类型占62.9%;硬度和TDS均值分别为481mg/L,641mg/L;Fe、Mn超标率分别为50.8%,46.9%;F-均值为1.4mg/L,低洼地势含氟矿物的溶解是导致F-局部偏高的主要原因,最高可达4.1mg/L;CODMn变化范围为1.0~3.5mg/L,有机污染程度低;三氮浓度随深度的增加而减少,农药化肥的过量使用是导致NO3--N和NH4+-N超标的主要原因,NO2--N超标19.1%,且与Fe2+浓度呈正相关关系(相关系数为0.933)。主成分分析发现,地下水的交换吸附作用、溶滤作用,原始沉积环境以及农业生产活动是影响其水质的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于氢氧同位素的华北平原降水入渗过程   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原地下水浅埋区水循环主要以垂直方向上的入渗、蒸发和蒸腾的方式存在,同位素可以作为一种有效示踪剂揭示降水入渗补给地下水的过程。选择华北平原中、东部地下水浅埋区的衡水和沧州为典型实验点,研究不同降水特征、土壤质地和植被条件下入渗过程的差异性。结果表明,土壤非均质条件下(沧州),降水入渗补给过程中伴随着蒸发、植被蒸腾作用以及与土壤前期水分的强烈混合作用,活塞流入渗的同时土壤100 cm深度可能还存在大孔隙优先流;土壤均质条件下(衡水),降水向下均匀入渗,入渗速度较快,土壤水运动以新水基本代替老水的活塞流为主要形式,并经过强烈的蒸发浓缩作用补给地下水。  相似文献   

The use of isotope tracers as a tool for assessing aquifer responses to intensive exploitation is demonstrated and used to attain a better understanding of the sustainability of intensively exploited aquifers in the North China Plain. Eleven well sites were selected that have long-term (years 1985–2014) analysis data of isotopic tracers. The stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H and hydrochemistry were used to understand the hydrodynamic responses of the aquifer system, including unconfined and confined aquifers, to groundwater abstraction. The time series data of 14C activity were also used to assess groundwater age, thereby contributing to an understanding of groundwater sustainability and aquifer depletion. Enrichment of the heavy oxygen isotope (18O) and elevated concentrations of chloride, sulfate, and nitrate were found in groundwater abstracted from the unconfined aquifer, which suggests that intensive exploitation might induce the potential for aquifer contamination. The time series data of 14C activity showed an increase of groundwater age with exploitation of the confined parts of the aquifer system, which indicates that a larger fraction of old water has been exploited over time, and that the groundwater from the deep aquifer has been mined. The current water demand exceeds the sustainable production capabilities of the aquifer system in the North China Plain. Some measures must be taken to ensure major cuts in groundwater withdrawals from the aquifers after a long period of depletion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method combining single-indicator comprehensive evaluation and influence factor identification to measure groundwater quality. This method not only reflects groundwater quality classification with clear physical significance, but also divides the possibilities of man-made pollution in regional groundwater. The paper selects 6 063 representative groundwater wells in the North China Plain to evaluate 49 groundwater inorganic and organic index and comes to a conclusion: Controlled by geological environment and hydrogeological conditions, the groundwater quality in the North China Plain deteriorates from the bottom of maintain to coastal area, with Class I to III groundwater decreasing from 49% to 3.9% while Class V groundwater increasing from 21% to 86.9%; the quality of deep groundwater is better than that of shallow groundwater; the contribution rate of manganese, total hardness, total dissolved solids and iodide in shallow groundwater to over-III type water exceeds 50%; the contribution rate of nitrite in pollution index reaches 20%; while heavy metal and organic indexes have limited impact on regional groundwater quality. The North China Plain is an important economic area in China. Over decades, it has witnessed intense human activities, and water resource quantity demanded has been far greater than quantity supplied. Due to scarce surface water resource, groundwater becomes the pillar supporting regional economic development. This has led to increasing groundwater exploitation and development. According to statistics, the exploitation degree of shallow groundwater reaches 105% in the North China Plain and 118% in the Hebei Plain; the exploitation degree of deep groundwater reaches 143% in the North China Plain and 163% in the Hebei Plain. The serious over-exploitation of groundwater brings various geological environmental problems, with the worsening of groundwater quality being a typical one. Besides impact brought by human activities, the poor quality of natural water in the North China Plain is also an important factor. Therefore, to understand the current regional groundwater quality situation and to master influence factors and influence degree can provide reliable scientific protection for regional economic development.  相似文献   

To reveal the microbial community composition of regional shallow porous brackish groundwater and its response characteristics to groundwater environment, the first and second aquifers in Taocheng District,Hengshui City were selected, and 10 groundwater source samples were collected for hydrochemical analysis and microbial 16S RNA gene V4–V5 regional sequencing. The results showed that the shallow brackish groundwater in the study area is weakly alkaline and has high ion content. The hydrochemic...  相似文献   

在进行地下水资源评价时,地下水的补给排泄均衡项有许多不确定因素,这大大降低了评价的精度。如何提高地下水资源评价的精度,成了水文地质工作者的一大难题。本文从地下水形成的补给源方面,用三种方法进行了提高地下水资源评价的精度的探索。①地下水同位素含量的变化与组合能反映地下水资源量的变化,因此,本文利用同位素技术确定地下水补给源,进行均衡区划分;②利用放射性同位素131I流速测井法计算河流补给量;③利用地下水同位素18O值,计算黄河水入渗补给地下水的比例。这三种方法可间接地提高地下水资源评价的精度。另外,在充分考虑了地下水的可恢复性,利用同位素T(3H)估算了浅层地下水更新速率,从另一个角度进行了地下水资源评价,这在制订地下水资源可持续利用规划中是至关重要的,本文也进行了这方面的尝试性的估算。  相似文献   

Rising saline shallow groundwater and associated soil salinization problems are widespread especially in arid and semiarid areas. There have been numerous studies on groundwater-associated salinity, but more information is required on the effects of groundwater frequent and high fluctuations on soil salinization. In the present study, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations using HYDRUS-1D model were carried out for this purpose. The experimental and modeling results showed that groundwater fluctuation caused not only the accumulation of more salt in the soil profile compared to stable groundwater, but also an enhancement of the mechanism. Water table fluctuation induced a much greater spreading of the bromide (Br) tracer within the column than the constant water table. The Br content was on average five orders of magnitude greater under a fluctuating water table than under a constant one. Further, the numerical simulations showed that an increase in the groundwater fluctuation frequency brought about an increase in soil surface salinization under the same evaporation boundary conditions. Additional simulations with HYDRUS-1D were used to study the effects of various management strategies on soil salinization induced by shallow groundwater. Hence, by reducing the evaporation rate through the application of surface mulching, a significant reduction of salt concentration at the soil surface was observed. Moreover, frequent irrigations with small quantities were effective to reduce soil surface salt accumulation induced by saline shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

MODFLOW is a groundwater modeling program. It can be compiled and remedied according to the practical applications. Because of its structure and fixed data format, MODFLOW can be integrated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology for water resource management. The North China Plain (NCP), which is the politic, economic and cultural center of China, is facing with water resources shortage and water pollution. Groundwater is the main water resource for industrial, agricultural and domestic usage. It is necessary to evaluate the groundwater resources of the NCP as an entire aquifer system. With the development of computer and internet information technology it is also necessary to integrate the groundwater model with the GIS technology. Because the geological and hydrogeological data in the NCP was mainly in MAPGIS format, the powerful function of GIS of disposing of and analyzing spatial data and computer languages such as Visual C and Visual Basic were used to define the relationship between the original data and model data. After analyzing the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the NCP, the groundwater flow numerical simulation modeling was constructed with MODFLOW. On the basis of GIS, a dynamic evaluation system for groundwater resources under the internet circumstance was completed. During the process of constructing the groundwater model, a water budget was analyzed, which showed a negative budget in the NCP. The simulation period was from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003. During this period, the total recharge of the groundwater system was 49,374 × 10m3 and the total discharge was 56,530 × 10m3 the budget deficit was −7,156 × 10m3. In this integrated system, the original data including graphs and attribution data could be stored in the database. When the process of evaluating and predicting groundwater flow was started, these data were transformed into files that the core program of MODFLOW could read. The calculated water level and drawdown could be displayed and reviewed online.  相似文献   

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