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作图法求解库岸地下水的壅高值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用河流水位和对应的库岸钻孔水位,做出关系曲线,可以推算出钻孔地下水位的壅高值。本文以三峡库区洛碛镇为例,利用作图法求解了地下水的壅高值。  相似文献   

上方来水对坡面降雨入渗及土壤水分再分布的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
在防止土壤侵蚀和雨后抑制蒸发的条件下,利用室内模拟降雨试验,研究了上方来水对坡面降雨入渗、湿润锋运移以及土壤水分再分布的影响。结果表明:对于初始含水量很低的土壤,与上方无来水相比,上方来水时降雨入渗过程中入渗率有一个上升的阶段,但平均入渗率反而降低;在降雨入渗初期,由于上方来水的沿程入渗,上方来水对坡面湿润锋运移的影响较大,但随后几乎没有影响,湿润锋的运移主要与基质势梯度有关;土壤水分沿坡面呈"波浪形"分布是坡面径流的波动性、上方来水(径流)的沿程入渗以及侧向沿坡向下流等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

In the densely populated semi-arid territory around Delhi, the water demand is rising continuously, while the surface- and groundwater resources are threatened by contamination and overexploitation. This is a typical scenario in many newly industrialising and developing countries, where new approaches for a responsible resources management have to be found. Bank filtration holds a great potential, thus being a low tech method and benefiting from the storage and contaminant attenuation capacity of the natural soil/rock. For this study, three field sites have been constructed to investigate bank filtration in different environments in and around the megacity with a main focus on inorganic contaminants. Hydraulic heads, temperature gradients and hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater were analysed in three different seasons. Depending on site-specific conditions, distinct hydrogeological conditions were observed and both positive and negative effects on water quality were identified. Most concerning issues are the impact of anthropogenic ammonia, the mixing with ambient saline groundwater and the mobilisation of arsenic during the reductive dissolution of manganese- and iron-(hydr)oxides. Positive aspects are the dilution of contaminants during the mixing of waters from different sources, the sorption of arsenic, denitrification, and the precipitation of fluoride under favourable conditions.  相似文献   

This paper highlights an analytical method based on mass measurement that can be used to directly quantify 129I in groundwater samples at concentrations below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) without the need for sample pre-concentration or extraction. Samples were analyzed on a Perkin Elmer ELAN DRC II ICP-MS after minimal dilution using O2 as the reaction gas. Analysis of continuing calibration verification standards indicated that the dynamic reaction cell (DRC) mode could be used for quantitative analysis of 129I in samples below the MCL (0.0057 ng/mL or 1 pCi/L). The low analytical detection limit of 129I analysis in the DRC mode coupled with minimal sample dilution (1.02x) resulted in a final estimated quantification limit of 0.0051 ng/mL. Subsequent analysis of three groundwater samples containing 129I resulted in fully quantitative results in the DRC mode, and spike recovery analyses performed on all three samples confirmed that the groundwater matrix did not adversely impact the analysis of 129I in the DRC mode. This analytical approach has been proven to be a cost-effective, high-throughput technique for the direct, quantitative analysis of 129I in groundwater samples at environmentally relevant concentrations that reach below the current MCL.  相似文献   

Recharge and discharge, such as rainfall infiltration and evapotranspiration in vertical direction, are major processes of water cycle in the shallow groundwater area of the North China Plain. During these processes, soil water movement in the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the transformation from rainfall infiltration to groundwater. The soil water movement models were developed by using HYDRUS-1D software at two typical experimental sites in Cangzhou (CZ) and Hengshui (HS) with different soil, vegetation and similar climate conditions. As shown in the results, the comparison in precipitation infiltration features between the two sites is distinct. The soil water experiences strong evaporation after precipitation infiltration, which accounts for 63% of the total infiltration at the HS site where the soil is homogenous. It is this strong evaporation effect that leads to slight increase of soil water storage. At the CZ site, where the soil is heterogeneous, the evaporation effect exists from July to October of the simulation period. The total evaporation accounts for 33% of the total infiltration, and the evaporation rate is slow. At the end of the simulation period, the soil water storage increases and the water table decreases, indicating a strong storage capacity at this site.  相似文献   

The production of fresh drinking water from brackish groundwater by reverse osmosis (BWRO) is becoming more attractive, even in temperate climates. For successful application of BWRO, the following approach is advocated: (1) select brackish source groundwater with a large volume and a composition that will yield a concentrate (waste water) with low mineral saturation; (2) maintain the feed water salinity at a constant level by pumping several wells with different salinities; (3) keep the permeate-to-concentrate ratio low, to avoid supersaturation in the concentrate; (4) keep the system anoxic (to avoid oxidation reactions) and pressurized (to prevent formation of gas bubbles); and (5) select a confined aquifer for deep well injection where groundwater quality is inferior to the membrane concentrate. This approach is being tested at two BWRO pilot plants in the Netherlands. Research issues are the pumping of a stable brackish source water, the reverse osmosis system performance, membrane fouling, quality changes in the target aquifer as a result of concentrate disposal, and clogging of the injection well. First evaluations of the membrane concentrate indicate that it is crucial to understand the kinetics of mineral precipitation on the membranes, in the injection wells, and in the target aquifer.  相似文献   

以指南村崩岸段岸坡为研究对象,通过实地调查开展地质钻探工作,获取岸坡土体的物理力学参数,并基于饱和-非饱和土渗流理论、非饱和土抗剪强度理论及极限平衡法,研究江水水位变动过程中二元结构岸坡稳定性的变化.结果 表明:①岸坡土体为二元结构,上层为粉质黏土,下层为粉砂,粉砂层厚度较大且透水性较好,为地下水流动提供良好环境.②水位变动引起的饱和-非饱和土渗流对于岸坡稳定性有明显影响,岸坡稳定性在涨水期随水位上升而增大,在退水期随水位下降而减小.退水期安全系数明显低于相同条件下涨水期和洪水期,即水位降落导致岸坡稳定性降低,极易发生岸坡崩塌.③水位上升速度越快,岸坡安全系数最大值越大,即岸坡在水位骤涨时更加稳定;水位下降速度越快,岸坡安全系数的最小值越小,即岸坡在水位骤降时更容易发生失稳崩塌.  相似文献   

Sediment and groundwater profiles were compared in two villages of Bangladesh to understand the geochemical and hydrogeological factors that regulate dissolved As concentrations in groundwater. In both villages, fine-grained sediment layers separate shallow aquifers (< 28 m) high in As from deeper aquifers (40-90 m) containing < 10 μg/L As. In one village (Dari), radiocarbon dating indicates deposition of the deeper aquifer sediments > 50 ka ago and a groundwater age of thousands of years. In the other village (Bay), the sediment is < 20 ka old down to 90 m and the deeper aquifer groundwater is younger, on the order of hundreds of years. The shallow aquifers in both villages that are high in As contain bomb-3H and bomb-14C, indicating recent recharge. The major and minor ion compositions of the shallow and deeper aquifers also differ significantly. Deeper aquifer water is of the Na+-HCO3- type, with relatively little dissolved NH4+ (76 ± 192 μmol/L), Fe (27 ± 43 μmol/L) and Mn (3 ± 2 μmol/L). In contrast, shallow aquifer water is of the Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3- type, with elevated concentrations of dissolved NH4+ (306 ± 355 μmol/L), Fe (191 ± 73 μmol/L), and Mn (27 ± 43 μmol/L). In both villages, the quantity of As extractable from deeper aquifer sands with a 1 mol/L phosphate solution (0.2 ± 0.3 mg/kg, n = 12; 0.1 ± 0.1 mg/kg, n = 5) is 1 order of magnitude lower than P-extractable As from shallow deposits (1.7 ± 1.2 mg/kg, n = 9; 1.4 ± 2.0 mg/kg, n = 11). The differences suggest that the concentration of P-extractable As in the sediment is a factor controlling the concentration of As in groundwater. Low P-extractable As levels are observed in both deeper aquifers that are low in As, even though there is a large difference in the time of deposition of these aquifers in the two villages. The geochemical data and hydrographs presented in this study suggest that both Holocene and Pleistocene deeper aquifers that are low in As should be a viable source of drinking water as long as withdrawals do not exceed recharge rates of ∼1 cm/yr.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring stations play critical roles for analyzing the information of water quality conditions in a watershed. The understanding of water quality conditions of a river system is very important for water resource management. This study applied the VIKOR method, a commonly used method in multiple criteria analysis, to evaluate the design of the water quality monitoring network in the Taipei Water Resource Domain (TWRD). Five criteria were selected for multiple criteria analysis: non-point source pollution, green cover ratio, landslide area ratio, over-utilization area ratio of hillsides, and density of water quality monitoring stations. This study recommended several areas where there is a need for sufficient monitoring records of water quality. The result shows that more monitoring stations are needed in the Bei-Shih Creek Basin. Although the Nan-Shih Creek Basin covers larger area than the Bei-Shih Creek Basin and the Sin-Dian Creek Basin, it can accept less density of water quality monitoring stations.  相似文献   

The Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion belongs to the Proterozoic anorthositic province in the Rogaland area of southern Norway. The northwestern part of the intrusion comprises a ca. 6 km-thick Layered Series made up of megacyclic units (MCU) arranged in a syncline; each megacyclic unit reflects the influx of fresh magma into the chamber. The boundary between megacyclic units III and IV has been studied in detail at Storeknuten on the southern flank of the syncline. The megacyclic units can be subdivided into a series of cumulate stratigraphic zones; the interval from the top of zone IIIe to the base of zone IVd is exposed in the Storeknuten area. Modally layered plagioclase-hypersthene-ilmenite-magnetite-augite-apatite cumulates belonging to zone IIIe are overlain by 30 m of massive plagioclase-rich rocks (commonly containing ilmenite and/or hypersthene) constituting zone IVa. The entry of cumulus olivine defines the base of zone IVb (dominantly plagioclase-olivine-ilmenite cumulates) which is about 100 m thick. Many of the olivines are partly or completely replaced by Ca-poor pyroxene/Fe---Ti oxide symplectites. This massive leucotroctolitic zone is overlain by modally layered, laminated plagioclase-hypersthene-ilmenite cumulates of zone IVc. The successive entry of magnetite, apatite (accompanied by Ca-rich pyroxene) and inverted pigeonite defines zones IVd, e and f respectively. The entry of K-feldspar (accompanied by Fe-rich olivine) defines the base of a jotunitic transition zone which passes upwards into mangerites and quartz mangerites.

There is a compositional regression through zone IVa. The upper part of zone IIIe has Ca-poor pyroxene with about En68, plagioclase with An44–48 and a Sr-isotope ratio of about 0.7062, while the base of zone IVb has olivine with Fo75 together with En78, An53 and 0.7050 respectively. Similar reversals are shown by the minor element compositions of plagioclase and Fe---Ti oxides. Sr-isotope ratios increase systematically up through zone IVb (reaching 0.7058 in zone IVd) while An% and Sr in plagioclase and Ni and Cr in Fe---Ti oxides decrease. Olivine compositions vary unsystematically and are believed to have changed their Fe:Mg ratios as a result of trapped liquid shift.

The magma residing in the chamber when the influx at the base of megacyclic unit IV took place was compositionally zoned, and assimilation of gneissic country rock at the roof had resulted in the Sr-isotope ratio increasing up through the magma column. The new magma had a Sr-isotope ratio of about 0.7050 while the resident magma had a ratio of 0.7062 at the floor, increasing upwards. The new magma mixed with the basal layer(s) of the compositionally zoned resident magma and crystallization of this hybrid magma during influx and mixing produced the compositional regression in zone IVa. When magma influx ceased, olivine-bearing rocks began to crystallize at the base of zone IVb. The leucotroctolites at the base of this zone are the most primitive rocks in the entire intrusion. The systematic increase in Sr-isotope ratios up through zone IVb resulted from progressive mixing between new and resident magma. This mixing either took place during magma influx or by the progressive mixing of overlying resident magma layers during crystallization.

Calculations based on geochemical modelling, the thickness of cumulate stratigraphy repeated and Sr-isotope ratios indicate that the new magma influx had a thickness of 350–500 m in the Storeknuten section and that the leucotroctolites of zone IVb represent about 20–30% crystallization of this influx.  相似文献   

准确圈定煤矿工作面底板突水预警重点监测区域,实现监测位置和潜在突水点位置在空间上的匹配,是突水灾害预警急需解决的问题之一。为研究煤矿工作面底板突水灾害预警重点监测区域评价技术,采用水文地质分析、GIS空间分析及ANN预测等技术手段,建立了底板突水灾害预警重点监测区域评价指标体系,提出了将不连续指标转化为连续指标的方法,建立了评价模型,研发了重点监测区域评价GIS系统,实现了煤矿底板突水灾害预警重点监测区域GIS与ANN耦合评价技术,最后以赵庄煤矿5303回采工作面底板突水监测预警为例,利用研发的系统圈定了该工作面重点监测区域。研究表明,确定预警重点监测区域的影响因素主要有含水层水压、含水层富水性、含水层防(隔)水煤岩柱厚度、老空区危险性指数、断层危险性指数、陷落柱危险性指数和封闭不良钻孔危险性指数,利用分段函数可以有效将不连续指标转化为连续指标,研发的评价系统可以实现煤矿突水灾害预警监测位置自动评价,评价结果与现场揭露及水害预警系统监测结果一致。  相似文献   

Archaeological sites dating to the Ertebolle period of the Mesolithic have been recorded below a thin layer of marine sands in a reclaimed bay on northern Falster Island in Denmark. The finds seemed randomly distributed throughout the bay; there was no obvious pattern related to the modern landscape. However, by coring through the veneer of marine sands and mapping the pattern of the underlying Late Quaternary deposits, the authors were able to reconstruct the Mesolithic landscape and thereby explain the distribution of archaeological sites. This approach allows archaeologists to focus subsurface exploration in geomorphic settings, such as former fjords and coastlines that have a high potential for yielding prehistoric sites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Slope failure is a widely observed phenomenon in the mountainous areas in Taiwan due to rainy climatic and fragile geological conditions. Landslides easily occur after intense rainfall, especially from typhoons, and, accordingly, cause a great loss of human life and property. At the northern end of the Western Foothill belt in northern Taiwan, Huafan University is founded on a dip-slope about 20° toward the southwest composed of early Miocene alternations of sandstone and shale. Data from continuous monitoring using inclinometers and groundwater gauges reveal that 6–10 mm/month of slope creeping occurs, and a potential sliding surface is then detected about 10–40 m beneath the slope surface. To understand the potential runout process of the dip-slope failure at the campus, particle flow code 3D models based on a discrete element method are applied in this study. Results of the simulation reveal a critical value of the friction coefficient to be 0.13 and that more than 90% of the campus buildings will slide down in 100 s when the friction coefficient is reduced to half the critical value. The weakening of the shear zone due to the rise of groundwater during rainstorms is assumed to be the main factor. Some suggestions for preventing landslide disasters are to construct catchpits to drain runoff and lower the groundwater table and to install a sufficient number of ground anchors and retaining walls to stabilize the slope.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Lindås Nappe, part of the Caledonidesof western Norway, was affected by penetrative Sveconorwegiangranulite-facies metamorphism, followed by a fluid-driven eclogite-and amphibolite-facies Caledonian overprint, spatially restrictedalong fractures and shear zones. In mafic granulites and amphibolites,a luminescent anhedral zircon overgrowth, which gives an averageage of 924 ± 58 Ma (Th/U = 0·52; secondary ionmass spectrometry data), surrounds a magmatic zoned core withan age of 952 ± 32 Ma (Th/U = 1·27). In the granulites,a continuous rim of zircon or a discontinuous corona of  相似文献   

Molybdenum mining in the Knabena—Kvina drainage basin (1918–1973) left more than eight million tons of tailings in two small lakes in the headwater area of the Knabena river. The piles, that reach above the water surface, were freely eroded until a dam was built to reduce the dispersion in 1976. Sampling of tailings and fluvial sediments took place almost 20 years later. Sampling media were natural sediment sources, 1-cm-thick slices of overbank sediments of various depths, material from the tailings pond, sandbars, stream sediments, fjord sediments, and integrated samples of floodplain surfaces (0–25 cm). In total 734 samples were collected. Chemical analysis (ICP-AES after aqua regia or HNO3 extraction) showed that overbank sediments at a certain depth represent the pre-industrial trace metal concentrations within the drainage basin. The tailings and recent fluvial sediments were enriched in approximately the same element suite. The highest enrichment factors were obtained for Cu (8–53) and Mo (22–57). Fluvial processes in the tailings pond have probably selectively eroded fine-grained, low-density particles. Thus, coarse chalcopyrite may have been left behind, while molybdate associated with fine-grained particles may have been selectively entrained causing dilution of Cu and enrichment of Mo in the downstream fluvial sediments. In the sandbars, the highest Cu and Mo concentrations were found in fine-grained sediments downstream of a low-gradient reach that act as a bedload trap. On the floodplains, it is seen that the first areas to be inundated in a flood situation (proximal to the river and in depressions) have the highest metal concentrations. For regional geochemical mapping it is suggested that overbank sediment profiles along river reaches with a laterally stable or slowly migrating channel, should be sampled. In such floodplains, pre-industrial overbank sediments are usually preserved at depth. In case of laterally unstable reaches upstream of the sampling point, polluted and unpolluted sediments may be interlayered or mixed. Therefore, samples should be collected from various depths or sedimentary units in such profiles. A similar sampling strategy should probably be adopted to detect vertical migration of elements especially in areas with acid rain and low bedrock buffer capacity. To obtain high contrasts between polluted and unpolluted drainage basins, the overbank sediment profiles should be within the proximal part of the floodplain.  相似文献   

Public awareness of environmental health issues has increased significantly in recent years, creating the need for detailed scientific studies that can identify potential environmental problems. This paper reports the results of hydrogeochemical surveys carried out in Sardinia, an Italian region with a long mining history. When mining operations in Sardinia ceased, actions for limiting the potential adverse effects of mine closure on the water system were not undertaken. Drainages from flooded mines and seeps from mining residues left on the ground are the main mining-related sources of contamination in Sardinia. Due to the proximity of mining sites to water resources and land that is within reach of animals and humans, the major risks to human health are associated with the direct discharge of contaminated waters into the streams and soils located down-gradient of the abandoned mines. Results of hydrogeochemical surveys carried out under different seasonal conditions showed that the dispersion of toxic and harmful elements (As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn) increases during the rainy season, especially under high runoff conditions. These results should help regional and national authorities to address present environmental regulations, particularly those regarding the quality of water resources. Furthermore, the results might be useful elsewhere for planning remediation actions at abandoned mining sites. Lessons learned by past mining in Sardinia indicate that correct disposal and management of mining residues should be mandatory from the beginning of exploitation and processing at each active mine. This would allow reduction of the environmental risks as well as the cost of remediation.  相似文献   

马永生  梅冥相  周润轩  杨文 《岩石学报》2017,33(4):1021-1036
华北地台寒武系第三统,大致包括毛庄组、徐庄组、张夏组和崮山组,在其中上部大面积发育鲕粒滩相灰岩,从而不符合标准的威尔逊碳酸盐相带中"台地边缘颗粒滩相"的概念。在北京西郊下苇甸剖面,基于沉积相序列的层序地层划分表明,这些鲕粒滩相地层,常常构成层序的晚期高水位体系域或强迫型海退体系域,表现出层序地层框架下特别的鲕粒滩形成样式,成为相对快速沉降背景下的相对海平面缓慢下降的沉积响应,从而不符合标准的层序地层学模式,因为在标准的层序地层学模式中沉积作用主要发生在相对海平面上升和停滞阶段,而且在海平面下降期将形成一个连续的侵蚀作用不整合面。再者,与海侵作用期的陆棚相钙质泥岩和深缓坡相条带状泥晶灰岩、及其所代表的泥质碳酸盐沉积物主导的浅海陆架型台地相对应,强迫型海退过程之中发育的大面积分布的鲕粒滩,代表着寒武纪类型多样的碳酸盐台地类型中的一种新的碳酸盐台地类型,即鲕粒砂所主导的浅海碳酸盐陆架为特征的一种特别的碳酸盐台地,即浅海陆架被颗粒质的鲕粒沉积物大面积覆盖,向海一侧为缓坡、向陆一侧为潮坪。所以说,北京西郊下苇甸剖面的寒武系第三统,鲕粒滩的层序地层位置所代表的特别的形成样式,以及所蕴含的寒武纪碳酸盐台地的类型,将为更大区域的追索和对比、以及华北地台第三世的古地理重建提供重要的线索和思考途径。  相似文献   

中国东北地氟病防病改水示范:以肇源县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了中国东北地氟病分布规律,以肇源县示范区为例,结合病区水文地质条件,明确了地氟病致病含水层,提出了防病改水供水目的层及钻探成井工艺,为中国东北地区地氟病防病改水提供了示范经验。  相似文献   

Beljanica Mountain in eastern Serbia is a part of the Carpathian Balkan arch (northern Alpine branch). It covers an area of about 300 km2 and consists mostly of Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones. Numerous surface karst features, long caves and several large karstic springs located in Beljanica’s piedmont along the contact of karstic and non-karstic rocks are all indicators of an intense karstification. Currently, the large karstic water reserves of Beljanica Mountain are not properly utilized because of their distance from main consumers, the objection by national water managers that the springs lack a stable and sufficient discharge particularly during recession periods. Due to its unpolluted and high quality water, the area is a great prospect for future water supply, and provides an opportunity for artificial regulation and for the design and implementation of specific tapping structures. This paper includes an analysis of the created 3D ArcGIS model of karst interior and its correlation with historical and newly collected data of spring discharges and groundwater physico-chemical characteristics. The results of karst aquifer monitoring (both quantitative and qualitative) are linked with the results of extensive field geological and speleological survey of the upper non-saturated part of the karst (such as sinkholes, pits and caves) and with the investigation of the permanently saturated deeper part of the aquifer (including the diving methods). The model of karst interior is based on the data from the 69 caves, 15 sinks and 1,682 dolines (sinkholes) surveyed. The total length of the karst channels network, calculated using the GIS model and presented in a 3D environment, is 647 km. The catchment areas of five major springs that drain the areas are estimated to range from only 7 km2 (Malo Vrelo Spring) to 124 km2 (Vrelo Mlave Spring). The groundwater exploitable reserves of Beljanica karst aquifer are estimated to be over 4 m3/s. The waters are low mineralized, unpolluted and have a great potential for water supply.  相似文献   

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