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Manipur State, with a population of 2.29 million, is one of the seven North-Eastern Hill states in India, and is severely affected by groundwater arsenic contamination. Manipur has nine districts out of which four are in Manipur Valley where 59% of the people live on 10% of the land. These four districts are all arsenic contaminated. We analysed water samples from 628 tubewells for arsenic out of an expected total 2,014 tubewells in the Manipur Valley. Analyzed samples, 63.3%, contained >10 μg/l of arsenic, 23.2% between 10 and 50 μg/l, and 40% >50 μg/l. The percentages of contaminated wells above 10 and 50 μg/l are higher than in other arsenic affected states and countries of the Ganga–Meghna–Brahmaputra (GMB) Plain. Unlike on the GMB plains, in Manipur there is no systematic relation between arsenic concentration and the depth of tubewells. The source of arsenic in GMB Plain is sediments derived from the Himalaya and surrounding mountains. North-Eastern Hill states were formed at late phase of Himalaya orogeny, and so it will be found in the future that groundwater arsenic contamination in the valleys of other North-Eastern Hill states. Arsenic contaminated aquifers in Manipur Valley are mainly located within the Newer Alluvium. In Manipur, the high rainfall and abundant surface water resources can be exploited to avoid repeating the mass arsenic poisoning that has occurred on the GMB plains.  相似文献   

An integrated study has been carried out to elucidate the distribution and occurrence of arsenic in selected groundwater samples in the area of Sherajdikhan, Bangladesh. Arsenic and other parameters (T, pH, EC, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, NO3 , SO4 2−, HCO3 , PO4 3−, Fe, Mn and DOC) have been measured in groundwater samples collected from shallow/deep tube wells at different depths. Hydrogeochemical data suggest that the groundwaters are generally Ca–Mg–HCO3 and Mg–Ca–HCO3 types with bicarbonate (HCO3 ) as the dominant anion, though the other type of water has also been observed. Dissolved arsenic in groundwater ranged from 0.006 to 0.461 mg/l, with 69% groundwater samples exceeded the Bangladesh limit for safe drinking water (0.05 mg/l). Correlation and principal component analysis have been performed to find out possible relationships among the examined parameters in groundwater. Low concentrations of NO3 and SO4 2−, and high concentrations of DOC, HCO3 and PO4 3− indicate the reducing condition of subsurface aquifer where sediments are deposited with abundant organic matter. Distinct relationship of As with Fe and Mn, and strong correlation with DOC suggests that the biodegradation of organic matter along with reductive dissolution of Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides has being considered the dominant process to release As in the aquifers studied herein.  相似文献   

Problems on groundwater contamination in Japan are briefly summarized in this paper. Although normal physical conditions in Japan restrict the possibilities of groundwater contamination, human activities are threatening groundwater resources. A survey by the Environment Agency of Japan showed nationwide spreading of organic substances, such as trichloroethylene as well as nitrogen compounds. Synthetic detergents have also been detected even in rural areas and in deep confined aquifers, although their concentrations are not as high. Public awareness of agrichemical or pesticides abuse, especially from golf courses, is apparent. Other problems such as nitrate-nitrogen, leachate from landfills, and the leaking of underground storage tanks are also discussed.  相似文献   

污灌对地下水的污染及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
科学利用污水灌溉可以在一定程度上缓解水资源紧缺问题,但如果不进行科学管理,污水灌溉就可能会引起地下水污染。文章回顾了污水灌溉引发的地下水污染方面的研究成果,讨论了污水中可能污染地下水的组分,重点讨论了硝酸盐、硬度、重金属、病原微生物、有机污染物在水土系统中的迁移和衰减机理以及影响这些组分迁移至地下水的因素,最后提出了防治污水灌溉引发地下水污染的建议和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and agricultural contamination   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
Agriculture has had direct and indirect effects on the rates and compositions of groundwater recharge and aquifer biogeochemistry. Direct effects include dissolution and transport of excess quantities of fertilizers and associated materials and hydrologic alterations related to irrigation and drainage. Some indirect effects include changes in water–rock reactions in soils and aquifers caused by increased concentrations of dissolved oxidants, protons, and major ions. Agricultural activities have directly or indirectly affected the concentrations of a large number of inorganic chemicals in groundwater, for example NO3 , N2, Cl, SO4 2–, H+, P, C, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, and As, as well as a wide variety of pesticides and other organic compounds. For reactive contaminants like NO3 , a combination of chemical, isotopic, and environmental-tracer analytical approaches might be required to resolve changing inputs from subsequent alterations as causes of concentration gradients in groundwater. Groundwater records derived from multi-component hydrostratigraphic data can be used to quantify recharge rates and residence times of water and dissolved contaminants, document past variations in recharging contaminant loads, and identify natural contaminant-remediation processes. These data indicate that many of the world's surficial aquifers contain transient records of changing agricultural contamination from the last half of the 20th century. The transient agricultural groundwater signal has important implications for long-term trends and spatial heterogeneity in discharge. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The work investigates the major solute chemistry of groundwater and fluoride enrichment(F~-) in the shallow phreatic aquifer of Odisha.The study also interprets the hydrogeochemical processes of solute acquisition and the genetic behavior of groundwater F~-contamination.A total of 1105 groundwater samples collected from across the state from different hydro-geomorphic settings have been analyzed for the major solutes and F~-content.Groundwater is alkaline in nature(range of pH: 6.6–8.7; ave.: 7.9) predominated by moderately hard to very hard types.Average cation and anion chemistry stand in the orders of Ca~(2+) Na~+ Mg~(2+) K~+and HCO_3~- Cl~- SO_4~(2-) CO_3~(2-)respectively.The average mineralization is low(319 mg/L).The primary water types are Ca-Mg-HCO_3 and Ca-Mg-Cl~-HCO_3, followed by Na-Cl, Ca-Mg-Cl, and Na-Ca-Mg-HCO_3~-Cl.Silicate-halite dissolution and reverse ion exchange are the significant processes of solute acquisition.Both the geogenic as well as the anthropogenic sources contribute to the groundwater fluoride contamination,etc.The ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+) 1.0 comprises Na-HCO_3(Cl) water types with F~- 1.0 mg/L(range 1.0–3.5 mg/L)where the F~-bears geogenic source.Positive relations exist between F~-and pH, Na~+, TDS, and HCO_3~-.It also reflects a perfect Na-TDS correlation(0.85).The ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+) 1.0 segregates the sample population(F~- range: 1.0–4.0 mg/L) with the F derived from anthropogenic sources.Such water types include Ca-Mg-HCO_3(Cl) varieties which are recently recharged meteoritic water types.The F~-levels exhibit poor and negative correlations with the solutes in groundwater.The Na-TDS relation remains poor(0.12).In contrast, the TDS levels show strong correlations with Ca~(2+)(0.91), Mg~(2+)(0.80) and even Cl~-(0.91).The majority of the monitoring points with the anthropogenic sources of groundwater F~-are clustered in the Hirakud Canal Command area in the western parts of the state, indicating the role of irrigation return flow in the F~-contamination.  相似文献   

A reconnaissance survey was conducted to examine the physicochemical properties of the potable water of Northern parts of the State of Mizoram, India, as well as the adjoining southern parts of the State of Assam, India. Groundwater samples were taken from those sources of water which were used as potable water source in the area. All the samples were analyzed for ionic concentrations of potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chlorine (Cl?), sulfate (SO 4 2? ), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and arsenic (As). Parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and total hardness were also measured in situ using digital instruments. The aim of the present work is to study the various physicochemical parameters following the recommendations of World Health Organization in order to test whether these sources are safe enough to be used as potable water resources. Furthermore, present work will throw light on the probable causes of presence of arsenic in Silchar City of southern Assam and total absence of it in neighboring state of Mizoram.  相似文献   


通常井内的地下水流速是由单井示踪试验或Aqua Vision流速流向仪测定得来,用以计算含水层中的地下水流速。由于表皮结构的影响,导致井筒附近的地下水流场发生变化,引起井筒内的流速与含水层中的流速存在偏差。为了探究表皮效应对井筒内地下水流速的影响,利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件,建立考虑表皮效应的地下水流数值模型,系统分析表皮厚度以及渗透系数对井筒中地下水流速的影响机制,根据模拟结果进一步评估利用井筒内地下水流速换算含水层地下水达西流速已有经验公式的可靠性。结果表明:(1)井筒附近表皮区域渗透系数越大,井筒内的地下水流速越大,且利用经验公式计算的地下水达西流速相对误差均小于0.23%,具有较高可靠性;(2)表皮区域渗透系数小于含水层渗透系数时,随着表皮厚度增大,井筒内地下水流速越小,经验公式计算结果的相对误差呈现增大趋势;(3)表皮区域渗透系数大于含水层渗透系数时,随着表皮厚度增大,井筒内地下水流速增大,计算结果相对误差总体上呈现减小的趋势,但其误差波动性较大,表明在该条件下经验公式计算的稳定性较差。结果显示表皮结构对井筒内地下水流速影响较大,在实际应用中要关注表皮结构的影响。


地下水污染脆弱性评价方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
地下水污染脆弱性是指污染物自顶部含水层以上某一位置到达地下水系统中某一特定位置的趋势和可能性,进一步分为固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性.地下水污染脆弱性受地下水流系统和地球化学系统的影响和控制.其主要评价方法有主观分级评价法、统计或基于过程的评价法和综合评价法三大类.中国地下水污染脆弱性评价已有很好的工作基础,评价工作中应以地下水系统为单元,以饮用水井、集中供水水源地、区域含水层系统的补给区为重点保护目标,评价方法应综合区域地下水流系统的过程分析和指数评价方法,并利用已有的区域水质资料进行检验,增强评价结论的科学性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic distribution in South-western Uruguay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first specific information regarding arsenic distribution of groundwater in SW Uruguay. Twenty-eight wells were sampled on the aquifers of Mercedes, Raigón and Chuy in five localities. The pH, specific conductivity and temperature were determined in the field. The hydrochemical characterization (major and trace elements) was carried out by both inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The occurring arsenic concentrations exceed the recommended threshold for drinking water of the World Health Organization (10 μg/l of As) in 22 samples, with more than 50 μg/l of As in two cases. The median, minimum and maximum concentrations were 0.1, 16.9 and 58.0 μg/l of As, respectively. The studied aquifers present a horizontal and a vertical variation of the concentrations as a whole as well as individually. The highest values were observed in the Mercedes Aquifer in the areas near the Uruguay River.  相似文献   

Singh  Sushant K.  Vedwan  Neeraj 《Natural Hazards》2015,75(2):1883-1908
Natural Hazards - Groundwater arsenic (As) contamination affects millions of people in South Asia. In this paper, we propose a composite vulnerability framework to identify, for mitigation, the...  相似文献   

石家庄市地下水中氮污染分析   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
通过对石家庄市地下水中“三氮”污染状况的分析,发现硝酸盐是地下水中的主要氮污染物,利用氮同位素方法分析了地下水中硝酸盐氮的来源,讨论了人类开采地下水和施放环境物质对地下水中氮聚集的影响,在人类活动影响强度小的地区,地下水中的硝酸盐污染强度大大低于市区。NO3-浓度与硬度变化趋势表明:氮污染与硬度等指标值升高有一定的联系,但在不同的水文地球化学环境中,在迁移和转化等方面又有着自己的特性。  相似文献   

地下水污染脆弱性是指污染物自顶部含水层以上某一位置到达地下水系统中某一特定位置的趋势和可能性,进一步分为固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性。地下水污染脆弱性受地下水流系统和地球化学系统的影响和控制。其主要评价方法有主观分级评价法、统计或基于过程的评价法和综合评价法三大类。中国地下水污染脆弱性评价已有很好的工作基础,评价工作中应以地下水系统为单元,以饮用水井、集中供水水源地、区域含水层系统的补给区为重点保护目标,评价方法应综合区域地下水流系统的过程分析和指数评价方法,并利用已有的区域水质资料进行检验,增强评价结论的科学性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The present work is an effort to develop an appraisal of the hydrogeochemical regime for the aquifers of Dhekiajuli, Sonitpur district, Assam, which is imperative considering: (i) excessive use of groundwater for irrigation; (ii) reported high arsenic (As) contamination; (iii) application of fertilizer is an inevitable process undergoing in this region to achieve higher yield owing to deteriorating water quality; and (iv) study area being the location of many tea estates of Assam, that export tea in many foreign countries. The highest As concentration of 44.39 µg/L was detected in this study (Bachasimalu and Sitalmari region), implying high As-contaminated aquifers being used for drinking and irrigation purposes in the area. The relative abundance pattern of major cations and anions was in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and HCO3 ? > Cl? > SO4 2?, respectively. Majority of the samples belong to Na+–K+–Cl?–HCO3 ? and mixed water type. Closer inspection of Piper plot reveals that a higher As value (>40 µg/L) was prevalent in HCO3 ? water type. Results of hydrogeochemical plots suggest silicate and carbonate weathering, ion exchange and anthropogenic activities to be the dominant processes governing groundwater contamination, including As which is further supported from PCA loadings. The Singri area to the east of the affected areas and adjacent to the Brahmaputra River has oxic aquifers owing to the absence of mass deposition of younger sediments, while reducing conditions prevails in the Bachasimalu and Sitalmari region. High positive correlation between As and Fe (r = 0.83**) and a negative correlation between ORP and Fe (r = ?0.68**) further add that Fe (hydr)oxides are the direct source of As release in the affected region, the mechanism being reductive hydrolysis of such (hydr)oxides. The study implies that although groundwater is suitable for irrigation use, there is a high probability of As getting into the food chain through tea and other edible plants irrigated with As-contaminated water; thus, the area has a maximum probability of facing health hazards caused by As-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with major and trace elements geochemistry of the groundwater from Nalgonda district, Telangana. The study area is very important in terms of anthropogenic activity like rapid industrial, urban development, pesticides, pharmaceutical, granite polishing and agro based industries. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) was employed to determine the concentration of trace elements in collected groundwater samples (bore well). These probe elements were further categorized as toxic elements (Pb, As, Cd, and V), alkaline earths (Sr and Ba), alkali metals (Li, Rb), transition metals (Cr, Mo and Ni), metallic elements (Cu, Fe, Zn, Al, Co), and other non-metallic elements (Se and Si). The groundwater quality was examined in perspective of Indian as well as World Health Organization drinking water standards. Based on the analytical results, groundwater in the study area is found to be slightly alkaline in nature and very hard, the average abundance of the major cations and anions is in the order of Ca+<Na+<Mg+<K+ and Cl-<HCO3 ?<CO3 ?<SO4 ?<NO3 ?<F respectively. The dominant hydro chemical facies of groundwater is Na+ - HCO 3 – Cl and Na+ - Cl – HCO 3 types.The results of trace elements shows that concentration of Pb, As, Cd, V in collected samples exceeding the desirable limits, and in the case of alkaline, alkali, transition, non-metallic elements, seventy per cent of the samples crossed the desirable limits, but all metallic elements viz. Cu, Fe, Zn, Al, Co is within the limits as per Indian as well as World Health Organizations drinking water standards. Factor analysis results shows that seven factors emerged as a significant contributor to the groundwater contamination is about 65.32 per cent. The spatial variation maps decipher trace elemental concentrations both geogenic and anthropogenic origin, by three zones i.e. ‘low’, ‘moderate’ and ‘high’ of the study area based on environment using Arc-GIS. High concentrations of trace elements are indicative of phenomenal rise in chemical composition and likely to have its origin from silicate weathering reactions and dissolution/precipitation processes supported by rainfall and anthropogenic activities, indiscriminate use of fertilizers/pesticides, and disposal of waste and sewage, release of reactive pollutants into the atmosphere by industries. Hence, this work is of immense societal benefit in terms of prevailing human health hazards in the study area with a direct relevance to such industrially populated regions elsewhere.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this research work to evaluate the concentration of nitrate in groundwater and its management in Apple town and its environs. Groundwater pollution has been reported in many aquifers because of high concentration of nitrate in ground water, which is the result of excessive use of fertilizers to cropland. Systematic sampling was done, with a view to understand the source of nitrate concentration in the study area. Fifteen sample sites were selected and the samples were taken for a baseline study to understand the geochemistry of the study area and to assess its physicochemical characteristics. The water quality parameters were investigated for summer (May, 2007) and winter (December, 2007) seasons and were compared with the standard values given by ICMR / WHO. The hydrochemical data of 15 samples indicates that the concentration of almost all parameters fall within the permissible limits except nitrate. Linear Trend Analysis on seasonal and annual basis clearly depicted that nitrate pollution in the study area is increasing significantly. About 85% of samples during summer season and 67% of the samples during winter season were showing a high concentration of nitrate, exceeding permissible limit of WHO (50 mg/l), which is due to the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the study area. Appropriate methods for improving the water quality and its management in the affected areas have been suggested.  相似文献   

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