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Evaluation of groundwater resources in dry areas without enough data is a challenging task in many parts of the world, including Tehran–Karaj plain in Iran, which includes Tehran, the capital city of Iran and Karaj, one of Iran’s biggest cities. Water demand due to increasing agricultural and industrial activities caused many problems in the field of water resources management. In this study, the potential of groundwater resources was evaluated using remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the first time. Digital Elevation Model from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission was used to generate a slope map and drainage density map. Three Landsat-8 satellite images were utilized to provide lineament density and land cover/land use maps. Geological and soil type maps were provided from the Geological Survey and Mineral Explorations of Iran (GSI). Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data were used to prepare average annual precipitation map. Discharge values from 102 pumping wells in the time period of 2002–2014 were used to evaluate the results. Seven data layers were prepared, and the geodatabase was made in GIS. The layers and their classes were assigned weights using AHP method. Finally, the layers were overlaid based on their weights, and the potential map of groundwater resources was generated. The area was classified into five zones with very high, high, moderate, low, and very low potentials. The zones covered 5.95, 32.90, 22.70, 10.20, and 28.25% of the study area, respectively. The results showed good agreement with the field data obtained from discharge wells.  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林省东部十里坪—小西南岔一带ETM遥感影像线性、环形构造遥感地质解译及其与区域上金、铜等多金属矿化关系的研究,总结了区域成矿特点和成矿规律,进而提出了该区的找矿方向。  相似文献   

The Paris–Abu Bayan area located along the Darb El Arbaein road is involved in the New Valley Project in the Egyptian Western Desert (EWD) as part of ongoing efforts since the 1960s. In this dryland area, groundwater stored in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) serves as the only water resource for a number of different uses. A major concern is the significant groundwater withdrawals from 74 pumped wells since the beginning of agricultural activities in 2000. The recent rapid expansion of agricultural activity and the lack of sufficient groundwater recharge as a result of unplanned groundwater development have led to severe stress on the aquifer. Field measurements have shown a rapid decline in groundwater levels, creating a crisis situation for this sole source of water in the area. In this study, mathematical modeling of the groundwater system (single aquifer layer) of the Paris–Abu Bayan reclaimed area was implemented using MODFLOW to devise a new strategy for the sustainable use of groundwater, by applying a number of scenarios in a finite-difference program. The conceptual model and calibration were developed by generating and studying the hydrogeological records, NSA parameters, production wells, and water level measurements for 2005 and 2012. Three management scenarios were applied on the calibrated model to display the present and future stresses on this aquifer over a 30-year period (2012–2042). The results clearly show a high decline in the heads of the NSA, by about 13.8 m, due to the continuous withdrawal of water (first scenario: present conditions, 102,473 m3/day). In the second scenario, the water level is expected to decrease significantly, by about 16 m, in most of the reclamation area by increasing the pumping rates by about 25% (over-pumping) to meet the continuous need for more cultivation land in the area. To reduce the large decline in water levels, the third plan tests the aquifer after reducing the water withdrawal by approximately 25%, applying modern irrigation systems, and suggesting two new reclaimed areas in the northeastern and northwestern parts (areas 1 and 2), with 20 new wells, at 500 m3/day/well. The results in this case show that groundwater levels are slightly decreased, by about 9.5 m, while many wells (especially the new wells in the northern part) show a slight decrease in groundwater levels (0.8 m). The results comparison shows that the groundwater level in the modeled area is lowered by 0.3 m/year with an increase in the number of wells to 94 and increased cultivation area by about 18% (third scenario), versus 0.45 m/year and 0.60 m/year recorded for the first and second scenarios, respectively. Therefore, based on the results, the third scenario is recommended as a new strategy for improving groundwater resource sustainability in the region.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and structural setting of the Cimini Mountains and Viterbo area of Italy has been reconstructed. The architecture of the tectonic edifice, below the Pleistocene Cimino and Vicano volcanic districts cover, is characterized by the Mesozoic–Cenozoic Tuscan Nappe and the similar Umbria-Marche Succession; both are capped by the overthrusted Ligurian Late Cretaceous–Eocene Tolfa Flysch. A shallow unconfined volcanic aquifer is separated, by a thick aquiclude, from the deep confined carbonate aquifer consisting of the Tuscan Nappe and the Umbria-Marche Succession. The volcanic aquifer hosts cold waters, whilst the carbonate aquifer hosts hot sulphate–alkaline earth waters that emerge in the thermal area of Viterbo with a temperature of 30–60°C. The recharge area of cold waters is located in the Cimini Mountains. Thermal waters of the Viterbo hot springs are derived from a circuit of waters that emerge along the River Nera near Narni (about 34 km ENE of Viterbo), with a high salinity, a temperature of 16–18°C, a sulphate–alkaline earth composition, and a discharge of 13 m3/sec, whose recharge area is located in the central pre-Apennines reliefs.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the assessment and quantification of the water balance and the hydrogeological processes related to lake–groundwater interaction in the Pampa Plain by using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and flow numerical modeling techniques. La Salada is a permanent shallow lake, with an area of 5.8 km2, located on the SE of Buenos Aires Province. A total of 29 lake water samples and 15 groundwater samples were collected for both hydrochemical analysis and environmental stable isotope determination. Water table depths were measured in wells closed to the lake. Groundwater samples appear grouped on the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting a well-mixed system and that rainfall is the main recharge source to the aquifer. Water evaporation process within La Salada is also corroborated by its isotopic composition. The model that best adjusts to La Salada Lake hydrochemical processes includes evaporation from groundwater, calcite precipitation with CO2 release and cationic exchange. The annual water balance terms for the lake basin indicates for each hydrological component the following values: 1.16 E08 m3 rainfall, 8.15 E07 m3 evapotranspiration, 1.90 E06 m3 runoff, 1.55 E07 m3 groundwater recharge, 6.01 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the lake, 9.54 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the river, 5.00 E05 m3 urban extraction and 4.90 E06 m3 lake evaporation. Integrated analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic information helped to calibrate the groundwater flow model, to validate the conceptual model and to quantitatively assess the basin water balance.  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution of groundwater has become a serious health problem in several regions of the world. Wuyuan County located in the central part of the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia, is one of the most severely arsenic polluted areas. Peoples of the county have used groundwater of shallow (12-25 m) tube-well as drinking water. The groundwater is Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl type on the piper plots and aligns with steady Ca : Mg ratio on cation diagram. The arsenic content in the water is more than 0.2 mg/L and the highest value reaches up to 0.52 mg/L. Drilling data show that Holocene sediments are divided into three zones on the basis of their color appearances; brown, grey and dark gray zones. The strata from 2m to 9-14m under the surface are mainly composed of clay and silt which are impermeable layers. The grey and dark grey zones composed of sand underlie the impermeable bed and the condition of their zones is reductive. At the depth of 30 m near the bottom of drilling, ORP of the groundwater is -300- -400 mV. The dark grey sand changes to yellow in color under the atmosphere. Under reducing environment, the color returns to its original dark grey. The characteristic color is due to amorphous or low-crystalline Fe sulfide coating sand grains. The sediments are of fluvial origin by the Yellow River. The arsenic content in the sediments is rich in fine-grained part and its values are more than 20 mg/kg in clay layer. The highest is 38 mg/kg. X-ray diffraction and macroscopic observation show that the clay layer is made of minerals such as chlorite and illite and contains high quantities of organic matter.  相似文献   

The soil conservation service curve number (SCS-CN) method is one of the most commonly used methods to compute the direct runoff from a rainfall event. Since the method was established, numerous researches were undertaken to improve the method through accurate estimation of its parameter and especially the curve number (CN). However, the essence of the SCS method, as an event-based Hortonian mechanism method, remained unchanged. The main assumption of the method related to the rainfall input is that the rainfall is continuous in time and uniform over the watershed. Mohammad and Adamowski (2015) paper apparently used the SCS method to estimate the annual runoff using the annual rainfall as one cumulative rainfall input value, which is a violation of the event-based principle of the method and of the assumption of the continuity of the rainfall event.To re-estimate the average annual runoff more realistically for the Asir region, Saudi Arabia, daily rainfall data from 14 rainfall stations are used for calculating the resulting runoff depths, on a daily event-by-event rainfall basis, throughout the whole simulation period. The resulting runoff depths are added for each year, and the total cumulative annual runoff values for each year are averaged to get the average annual runoff. The runoff values based on the previously mentioned procedure are an upper limit of the actual average annual runoff as the underlying SCS equations discard evaporation and similar long-term losses. Nevertheless, the average runoff values obtained in the discussion paper are an order of magnitude (at least five to tenfold) lower than the ones of the original paper. An equation is proposed to obtain a more realistic estimate of the average annual runoff, to be used with the average annual rainfall as an input, if the annual value is the only available rainfall information.  相似文献   

Due to the existence of several pollution hazards in the area and its surroundings, groundwater protection in the Viñales National Park has been defined as a priority task in its management plan for 5 years (2009–2013). Those hazards affect directly the surface waters and the karst nature of the territory allowing the contaminants to enter directly into the aquifers without any or at least small self-depuration processes. In turn, those processes can affect very large areas in a short time. In this paper several results of precedent studies related to the vulnerability, hazards, risk, and the mapping of the spatial variability of natural recharge are integrated in a GIS analysis. The methodology is based on the method of Jimenez-Madrid et al. which is slightly modified in this contribution. The analysis of hydrographs, chemographs, mathematical models and tracer tests is necessary for the definition of a response plan against any contamination events and for model validation, together with the incorporation of data related to the energetic responses from the aquifer systems to external forcing.  相似文献   

Channel sediment and alluvial aquifer hydraulic properties exert a major control on river–groundwater interactions. Channels and floodplains are often asymmetrical, resulting in differences in sediment hydraulic properties across the river. Floodplain asymmetry is common along Coastal Plain rivers in South Carolina and North Carolina, USA. The Tar River, North Carolina, has an asymmetrical valley. The study objective was to characterize the effects of floodplain asymmetry and geological controls on river–groundwater interactions. Floodplain and river channel sediments adjacent to the river were characterized with split spoon cores and hand auger samples along a 22-km reach. Hydrogeology was characterized with 38 piezometers and water level recorders in and adjacent to the river. Ground penetrating radar was used to define the shallow stratigraphy. Channel sediments were significantly different between the north and south sides of the river. Hydraulic conductivity and groundwater inputs were greater on the side of the river (north) that contained more permeable fluvial deposits. Groundwater chemistry (δ18O, specific conductance) data also suggested greater exchange between surface water and groundwater on the north side of the river channel. A conceptual hydrogeological model illustrates that groundwater movement and contaminant transport to the river differs across the channel due to asymmetrical geology.  相似文献   

<正>We have been pleased that our paper Geological mapping and mining prospecting in the Aouli inlier(Eastern Meseta,Morocco) based on remote sensing and geographic information systems(GIS) was of interest to our colleagues who commented it in China Geology 5(2022) 1–4; doi:10.31035/cg2022065. However, the use in the comment of expressions such as —bibliographic synthesis poorly constructed; missing points;  相似文献   

Wadi Baba–Wadi Shalal area locates in the westcentral part of Sinai, Egypt. It is covered by a Precambrian basement rocks comprise the northern part of the Precambrian Arabo-Nubian crystalline massive. The lithologic and structural setting of the investigated area was interpreted from the digital Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. The structural lineament analyses for the lithologic units and their relationships to the high-radioactivity zones (HRZ) and the characterizations of HRZ of the study area are the main tasks of this article. Extraction algorithm was applied using Geomatica PCI package under the user defined parameters. The extracted structural lineaments have been evaluated and chicked using the visual interpretation and published works. The short-wave infrared spectral ETM+ band-7 was selected as an optimum data for automatic lineaments extraction since it scored the highest lineament frequency (1856) compared to the other visible and near infrared bands. The aeroradiometric color raster total count equivalent thorium (eTh) and equivalent uranium (eU) maps were used to delineate the highest radioactivity zones of the study area. A selective image processing technique (SIPT) is a new approach in Geomatica (9.1), which gives rise to valuable results in this work. The SIPT was carried out for the subset of the ETM+ data of the highest radioactivity zones. The spatial distribution of the structural lineament pattern maps for some low-radioactivity zones (LRZ) and for the highest radioactivity zones of the study area are prepared with their frequency rose diagrams. The NE–SW trend is the predominant structural lineaments trend in the investigated area. The NE–SW to the ENE–WSW directions are the predominant structural lineament trends in both the LRZ and the HRZ. These high-radioactivity zones of the investigated area are characterized by high lineaments density and lineaments-intersection density, restricted to Um Bogma Formation and younger granitic rocks and are not controlled by structural lineament trends.  相似文献   

Two significant airborne gamma ray spectrometic (AGRS) statistical parameters, i.e., the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation, were computed for all lithologic units and formations of the Bahariya Oases area, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. The results ascertain that the maximum AGRS values are associated with sabkha sediments, Bahariya Formation, basalt flows and sand dunes. The intermediate values are correlated with El-Heiz, El-Hefhuf, Qazzun and Naqb formations. The minimum values are connected with Khoman Chalk and El-Hamra formations. The AGRS records were found to vary from one type of rock to another and to some extent between units of the same rock type too. On the aerial total-count (TC) radiometric maps, the records change from 6.2 to 69.36 μR/h. On the potassium map, the values range from 0.05% to 4.35%. On the equivalent uranium (eU) and equivalent thorium (eTh) maps, the records oscillate from 0.12 to 7.4 ppm and from 0.28 to 8.4 ppm, respectively. Concerning the Bahariya Oases area, the calculated arithmetic mean natural dose rate values originating from the terrestrial gamma radiation were found to range from 0.14 to 0.26 mSv/year and where the maximum value attains 0.62 mSv/year. These values remain on the safe side and within the maximum permissible safe radiation dose without harm to individuals, with continuous external irradiation of the whole body.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, agriculture plays a major role in the national economy. In the drought prone Barind area in NW Bangladesh, cropping intensity has increased almost double since late eighties of last century (from 1985) because of the introduction of groundwater irrigation. Long-term behavior of groundwater table (GWT) in the drought prone Barind area has been studied using MAKESENS model in the wake of massive installation of tube-wells. The study reveals that the maximum and minimum depths to GWT during 1991-2010 show on average declining trend of 4.51 m and 4.73 m. The long-term prediction for the period of 2020-50 assuming the current rate of groundwater withdrawal is that the declining trend will be 1.16 to 1.59 and 1.07 to 1.82 times more for maximum and minimum groundwater depths respectively in comparison to the present. The rigorous exploitation of groundwater for irrigation, decreasing rainfall and surface geological attributes lead towards declining trend of GWT. This will hamper the country’s food security and ultimately threaten its socio-economic sustainability. So the appropriate strategies for the management of groundwater resource on a sustainable basis should be the priority for maintaining agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

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