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今年10月6日,是德国著名地质学家、地理学家斐迪南·保尔·威尔赫姆·弗莱厄尔·冯·李希霍芬(Ferdinand paul Wilhelm Freiherr von Richthofen)逝世100周年纪念日,他在地质地理科学上的辉煌成就,特别是对中国近代地质科学研究的重大贡献,值得人们深深地缅怀和钦敬。1 李希霍芬生平概述李希霍芬于1833年5月5日出生于普鲁士上西里西亚一个商业小镇卡尔斯卢厄(今属波兰)。他在家乡中学毕业后, 于1850年到布列斯劳(今弗罗茨瓦夫)进西里西亚大学。两年后他转到柏林大学学习地质,1856年,他以优异的毕业论文《论斑岩》获博士学位。刚毕业时,在西南提罗尔调查地质,不 相似文献
李希霍芬是19世纪德国著名的地质学家,对欧洲和中国黄土的研究工作,以及后来的黄土研究有着深刻影响,其学术思想在地球系统科学研究的时代依然有重要的现实意义。文章简要回顾了李希霍芬对黄土研究的贡献,并探讨这些贡献与黄土研究在地球系统科学研究中的现实意义。从李希霍芬时代到今天,黄土作为全球宝贵的地球系统演化的历史记录,在揭示地球岩石圈、水圈、大气圈、冰冻圈、生物圈及宇宙事件对地球系统的影响发挥了重要作用,并在未来地球系统科学研究时代有旺盛的生命力。 相似文献
文章原稿系用英文写成,曾载《中国地质学会会志》1933年第3期,以纪念李希霍芬百年诞辰。原文由李海晨汉译刊登于《方志月刊》1933年第6卷第12期,37~38页。今年为李希霍芬逝世100周年,本刊重新刊发李海晨翻译的文章,介绍李希霍芬对中国地质所做出的贡献以及他的科学精神,以激励有志的年轻学者。 相似文献
地球系统科学将是21世纪地球科学的主旋律,它被定义为:“将地球作为一个整体来伯全部知识;对地球的气圈、水圈、生物圈和岩石中的各种作用及各层圈间相互作用时间进行的研究”。此种学术思想可追溯到100多年前,见於文字也有近二十年。它对当代地学的发展起了重要的推动作用,有四个特点:地球现象的远距离相互联系、影响;内动力和外动力研究一体化;地质作用和生物作用研究一体化;一类活动作为地球系统的一部分。当前地球系统科学的发展也提出了一些新问题,主要的是:在学术思路上对与岩石圈有关的地质作用有所忽视;观察研究系统不全面;还未深人到资源形成和小环境的研究中。近年来的观测试验表明,发生在岩石圈的各种地质作用正积极参与垒球各圈层间的物质能量交换。对它们的忽视,可能正是目前一些生物地球化学循环模型无法平衡的原因。 相似文献
近年来,地球系统科学的概念在地球科学界越来越成为最受关注的话题。许多国家的地球科学战略及与地球科学领域的国际研究计划中,都引入了地球系统科学的观念。地球系统科学的出现源自于人类活动对全球变化影响的显著增强和地球监测能力的迅速提高。在地球科学各分支学科研究的基础上,地球系统科学可以使人们更深入地理解控制地球过去、现在和未来状态的物理、化学和生物相互作用。 相似文献
各种自然灾害的发生、发展和时空分布都不是孤立的,而是相互耦合从而形成一个统一的自然灾害系统。自然灾害系统是地球整体系统的一个组成部分。地球系统科学研究的基础和中坚是地质科学,因此地质科学在自然灾害综合研究中有着重要的地位。目前的研究表明:自然灾害系统的形成机制与分布,受到了地壳运动、地质作用和地质构造格局的控制,同时地球下垫面的状况又可以制约自然灾害的孕育、活动和能量释放过程。因此,对和自然灾害的发生有着密切关系的各种地质条件进行深入研究,是自然灾害综合研究的基础,也是进行自然灾害综合预报的基础。 相似文献
德国地质、地理学家李希霍芬(Ferdinandvon Richthofen,1833年5月5日~1905年10月6日)是外国地质学家中,对早期中国地质学有重要贡献的一位学者。他对中国黄土成因的风成学说,不仅广为人知,而且影响深远,直至今天。1933年5月5日在他诞辰100周年的时候,德国举行了“李希霍芬日”;中国地质学会举行了纪念活动,在会上,翁文灏和斯文·赫定 [1,2]根据当时的科学进展,对李希霍芬在中国的地质、地理工作做了总结性的论述。2005年10月6日在他逝世100周年之际,德国将举行以“中亚人与环境”为主题的国际科学讨论会。这是从当代的科学进展出发重新认识李希霍芬的一次具有时代意义的 相似文献
第四纪古气候重建在最近半个世纪的时间里取得了前所未有的进展,这在很大程度上与对陆相黄土地层,特别是中国黄土-古土壤序列的研究,以及对深海沉积氧同位素的研究密不可分。现在我们已经可以在黄土-古土壤序列的基础上,建立起260万年来地球轨道尺度的古气候变化。一个不容否认的事实是,这些进展都是在黄土风成成因的基础上,结合土壤地层学、年代学、磁性地层学、古生物学等方面的进展逐渐发展起来的。只有解决了黄土的风成成因,才可能将堆积于各地的黄土,通过搬运粉尘的风力系统与区域、甚至全球的古气候变化联系起来。文章回忆了黄土的早期研究历史,回顾了黄土风成成因的奠基人李希霍芬教授在黄土成因方面的杰出贡献以及其后黄土成因的完善与发展。 相似文献
人口增长与经济发展使世界面临环境和资源问题的巨大压力,如何建设一个富裕、健康、安全而可持续发展的社会,不仅引起各国政府的密切关注,也是当代自然科学和社会科学交叉的热点,更是地球科学的前沿科学问题。近20年来,国内外地球科学领域众多科学家广泛投入了由国际地圈生物圈计划 相似文献
Engineering geology, in 1996, worldwide, was experiencing considerable turmoil due to the uncertain nature of national economies and the general situation of inadequate funds to meet the demands of failing of the national infrastructures that serve citizens. Aside from the previously war-damaged cities of Western Europe, new public service systems of transportation and utilities elsewhere often lagged well behind growth. It will be some time before international aid and civil engineering contracts are initiated for anything other than humanitarian and basic emergency aid work in these areas. Many countries in the western hemisphere, eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and developing nations in particular are still in need of basic water and sewage services as well as repair and replacement of old existing systems. Continued partisan warfare in the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia forecast the eventual need for redevelopment. Rumblings of broad-scale economic problems in Far-Eastern economies did little to make overseas contract opportunities in these areas very attractive. Large consulting firms were challenged by an increasing number of individual and small practices who are prepared to operate on 1970's rates and prices for services and government and industry was taking advantage of that situation. More and more individuals were offering services in engineering geology and associated engineering fields and there was a sense of not having enough work to go around. Hence, price competition was again being promoted. Consequently in both Europe and the Americas, the variability of competence was enlarging and a significant amount of so-called ‘professional ’ work was lacking in overall quality. This was especially evident in ‘Environmental’ areas of work. This begs the question: ‘Is not engineering geology, or any other aspect of applied geosciences, not environmental in nature and essence, fundamentally and in entirety?’ Environmental restoration demands were still being made by governments, but the pressure to complete such work was being relaxed on account of economics. Our clients were asking for more service at lower fees. Clients were still largely unwilling to openly acknowledge that less money spent on competent engineering geologic consultation means that more risk should be accepted by the owner or operator of projects. 相似文献
在对中亚阿尔泰山系及邻区的构造格架研究中, 在西伯利亚前寒武纪陆壳板块和东欧—塔里木—中朝前寒武纪陆壳板块之间,划分出一个重要的一级构造单元,本文将其称为古亚洲古生代洋壳板块,进而划分出北古亚洲早古生代多岛洋壳板块、中古亚洲晚古生代多岛洋壳板块、南古亚洲早古生代多岛洋壳板块。另外,还对次级构造单元进行了划分。中生代以后,这一板块就成为统一的欧亚大陆板块的一部分。与构造单元的划分相对应,对成矿单元进行了划分。在古亚洲古生代成矿域的基础上,划分了北古亚洲洋早古生代成矿省、中古亚洲洋晚古生代成矿省、南古亚洲洋早古生代成矿省。还对其次级成矿单元进行了详细划分,较好的解决了成矿系列和成矿预测等有关问题。研究成果还提出:前陆盆地和山间盆地是能源矿产聚集的有利场所;俯冲带和火山岛弧带是层控火山岩型黑色—有色—贵金属矿产的赋矿空间;陆岛和变质混合岩地体是花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属和工业用白云母矿床的富集地段;构造裂解的喷发岩和斑岩则是斑岩銅(鉬)矿床的集中产地。新陆壳的应力松弛区的碱性岩带是稀有矿床产生的优良场所。据此优选了70多处各类矿床的预测区。他们会对丝绸之路经济带阿尔泰次经济区的进一步找矿和开发提供帮助。 相似文献
In the context of global climate change, geosciences provide an important geological solution to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, China’s geosciences and geological technologies can play an important role in solving the problem of carbon neutrality. This paper discusses the main problems, opportunities, and challenges that can be solved by the participation of geosciences in carbon neutrality, as well as China’s response to them. The main scientific problems involved and the geological work carried out mainly fall into three categories: (1) Carbon emission reduction technology (natural gas hydrate, geothermal, hot dry rock, nuclear energy, hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy); (2) carbon sequestration technology (carbon capture and storage, underground space utilization); (3) key minerals needed to support carbon neutralization (raw materials for energy transformation, carbon reduction technology). Therefore, geosciences and geological technologies are needed: First, actively participate in the development of green energy such as natural gas, geothermal energy, hydropower, hot dry rock, and key energy minerals, and develop exploration and exploitation technologies such as geothermal energy and natural gas; the second is to do a good job in geological support for new energy site selection, carry out an in-depth study on geotechnical feasibility and mitigation measures, and form the basis of relevant economic decisions to reduce costs and prevent geological disasters; the third is to develop and coordinate relevant departments of geosciences, organize and carry out strategic research on natural resources, carry out theoretical system research on global climate change and other issues under the guidance of earth system science theory, and coordinate frontier scientific information and advanced technological tools of various disciplines. The goal of carbon neutrality provides new opportunities and challenges for geosciences research. In the future, it is necessary to provide theoretical and technical support from various aspects, enhance the ability of climate adaptation, and support the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. 相似文献
黄土地质灾害防治是一个刚起步的学科,其学科基础理论的建立有赖于黄土科学的进步和自身的逐步完善。与黄土地质灾害相关的黄土科学研究问题,大的方面至少包括黄土地质灾害本身、黄土科学基础理论和黄土高原环境三大方面。黄土覆盖区社会经济的飞速发展,对黄土科学技术的发展提出了严峻的挑战和更为深广的需求。结合多年工作经验总结,在查阅文献资料的基础上,探讨性的推荐出关于黄土、黄土高原、黄土地质灾害的32个研究专题,亟待多学科、多专业的联合攻关,提出指导性强的综合创新成果。 相似文献
The platforms on both sides of the Malangou River (a lateral ditch of the Qingshui River that is a tributary of the Yongding River) where Malan Village in Zhaitang Town of Mentougou District of Beijing is located are the place of China's typical section of the Quaternary Malan loess. During the investigation in the eastern suburbs of Beijing City, the authors not only clarified 5 grades of terraces on the Pinggu piedmont plain, but also found a clayey silt section mixed with a small amount of alluvial-diluvial gravel layers at a height of 15-25 m above the river level near a Fishpond in Xinli Village of Nandule Town. Results of the study of grain size of the section document that the loess mostly is silty soil (0.05--0.005 mm), and that the grain size probability cumulative curves of the section are dominated by single-peak, coarse-grained segment I and coarse-grained segment II types, reflecting that its depositional environment is similar to eolian phase. Identification results of heavy minerals from the section show that their contents account for 0.01%-0.11%, averaging 0.04%. There are 24 kinds of heavy minerals, most of which are stable heavy minerals, and the clay minerals mostly are illite, which is consistent with the Malan loess on the Loess Plateau. The chemical composition data reflect that the source area of the loess is relatively arid. The six grade classification of sporopollen in the section further shows the subdivision of the history of alternating warm and humid phases in this geological period. The thermoluminescence dating results range from 21.0 ka to 59.2 ka, convincingly demonstrating that the section indeed consists of Malan loess. The above studies provide a new basis for overall understanding of the distribution of the Malan loess at the northeast margin of the North China Plain and its environment change in the Late Pleistocene. 相似文献
The integration of farmers and nomads in northwestern China during the Han Dynasty(206 BCE ~ 220 CE) provides a crucial opportunity to reconstruct the material exchanges, formation and development of the Silk Road in antiquity. The subsistence strategy is arguably an effective proxy for the integration of various groups of people(e.g. farmers and nomads). In this paper, we have reported new stable isotope data from the Huangwan tombs dated to the Han dynasty in middle Gansu, which was the key juncture between the Han and Xiongnu empire, in order to fill the gap and further understand the substance strategies employed by the local people. According to the results of plant remains and stable isotopic data, millet farming, the typical agricultural activities for the Han Chinese in the Central Plains, was also the primary lifestyle for the Huangwan people in the mid Gansu. More importantly, this shows fundamentally remarkable difference from the agricultural practices in the Bronze Age Gansu Corridor, which were based on a variety of crops, including wheat, barley and millet. This major shift in the subsistence production at Huangwan can be correlated to a wider historical background in which the Han empire showed increasing political and military presence in the Gansu Corridor, indicating that local indigenous nomads followed the lifestyle of Han Chinese(e.g., millet farming), and/or the Han immigrates maintained millet farming. 相似文献
作者在简要回顾近两年国内土及土体研究及会议的基础上,详细论述了本次大会在土与土体工程地质研究的进展,最后指出了5个有待加强研究的问题。 相似文献
The fluctuation pattern of China's civilization can be ascribed to climate change and historical geopolitical variations. The ancient Silk Road served as the most prosperous route connecting East Asia and Europe during Han Dynasty(206 BC–220 AD) and Sui-Tang Dynasties(581–907 AD), but was deserted in Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties(220–580 AD), of which the Tarim Basin was a key area. However, our understanding about the decline of the route during this period remains limited. Here, we present an ~7-year resolution record based on optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) age-depth model(ca. 120 BC–750 AD) from Luntai(LT) profile, about 5 km from the modern Tarim River, which fed the ancient oases, to assess the potential causes on the documented decline of the ancient Silk Road between Late Han and Sui dynasties. In this study, five episodes of hydrological change were identified by combining grain size, magnetic susceptibility, geochemistry and TOC/TN contents. Our reconstruction reveals that cold and wet climate dominated at 120 BC–50 AD and 550–750 AD, respectively, indicated by strong hydrodynamic conditions. Relatively warm and humid climate occurred at 120–550 AD, between Eastern Han and Sui-Tang dynasties, indicating a better and more suitable local environment. A comparison between the studied region and other areas of China demonstrates that the paleoclimatic variations in eastern and western China exhibit rough discrepancies, and the hydrological conditions in arid region is inconsistent with the decline of ancient Silk Road in the northern Tarim Basin. We suggest that political and societal factors are the key issues that caused the interruption of Silk Road during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties, such as the co-occurrence of societal crises, turmoil and division in eastern China, rather than the deteriorating climatic condition in the northern Tarim basin. 相似文献
“丝绸之路经济带”的实施将西北重要的生态屏障区——甘肃转变为向西开放的前沿阵地,提出了对外开放、突出地方特色、着重绿色发展的新发展思路。处于丝绸之路关键段的河西走廊是甘肃省生态屏障建设水平最高的地区,集历史、民族和全样自然景观等多元旅游资源于一身,是我国最早发展入境旅游的地区,具有较好的知名度和开发经验。随着大众旅游的常态化,包括中国在内的亚太地区愈加被世界旅游所关注,而露营旅游成为时下旅游市场的刚需和新的增长点,将入境旅游和露营旅游相结合已成为大势所趋。因此,通过回顾露营旅游的发展态势和建设情况,以入境旅游为视角,对河西走廊露营旅游的资源、政策、区位、交通、经济、文化、环境、人才、客源地和露营地进行了剖析,从定位、方略及对策等方面提出合理化建议。分析表明:河西走廊可通过露营旅游将多元旅游资源融合、串接,进一步凸显地方特色。河西走廊露营旅游应面向国际,定位高端旅游开发和建设。中长期瞄准国际高端市场,近期可借助政府引导培育河西走廊的周边和发达地区。另外,将现代发达的交通方式与地方、历史的交通体验相结合,在不同时期,设立不同主题的营销系列,将目前的观光旅游向增强体验感和参与度进行转变。同时,借势“丝绸之路经济带”建设,拓展国际市场,提升河西走廊旅游业。 相似文献
根据显微结构鉴定,有机质分析,颗粒分析,CaCO 3测定和野外观察、统计等资料,研究了黄土的本质和形成模式。资料表明,黄土具有土壤的各种结构,具有指示草原和森林草原土壤发生特征的CaCO 3和CaSO 4淀积成分,含有土壤的有机质;黄土的本质是土壤,是在相对冷干气候条件下发育的多种灰黄色狭义土壤,而且是在当时当地气候条件下处于稳定状态的发育成熟的古土壤;黄土形成模式是风尘经草原、森林草原和荒漠草原区的成壤作用形成土壤的模式。黄土高原是世界上土壤资源最深厚、最富集的地区,黄土的工程地质性质和水文地质性质在很大程度上取决于成壤作用的强弱。 相似文献