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Three atomic mass spectrometry (AMS) dates have been obtained for shell material from the bottomset beds of a glaciomarine delta at Spencers Island, Nova Scotia, near the head of the Bay of Fundy. The sediments in the delta are part of the previously undated Five Islands Formation, and are the first direct indictaion of the age of deglaciation in this region. The dates range from 14,300 to 12,600 yr B.P. and record the duration of deposition of a diamicton under the deltaic deposits and of the delta itself. The diamicton may have formed around 14,000 yr B.P. under ice-shelf or calving-bay conditions, or by a readvance of grounded ice. The Spencers Island delta is part of a prominent ice-marginal stand marked by numerous deltas along the Minas Basin. The time of formation of the deltas and the inferred ice margin is between 13,500 and 12,000 yr B.P. based on the Spencers Island dates and palynologically confirmed dates on the base of lake-sediment cores from the delta surface. Ice-marginal glaciomarine deposits near St. John, New Brunswick, record a range of radiocarbon dates similar to the Spencers Island dates. This implies that the Bay of Fundy became virtually ice free about 14,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

The Shubenacadie River basin is the largest watershed in Nova Scotia, Canada, encompassing an area of approximately 2,800 km2 and supporting one of the most rapidly expanding populations in Atlantic Canada. A comprehensive study was carried out to assess the effect of recent development in the basin on the headwater lakes. Information on the environmental status of the lakes can be further used in the development of a management framework for the basin with respect to water quality and quantity objectives.Water and sediment quality were investigated in four of the Shubenacadie River headwater lakes. In addition, trophic status of the lakes was assessed by using dissolved phosphorus and oxygen concentrations. The surface area and mean depth of the lakes ranged from 0.83 to 1.13 km2 and 4.3 to 6.6 m, respectively. Three of the studied lakes were thermally stratified during the summer. The concentration of dissolved oxygen decreased significantly in the hypolimnion during the stratification period, although the lakes were generally classified as oligotrophic. The water quality is typical for lakes of the area. The pH of the water ranged between 6.1 and 7.3 during the study period. Major ions were chloride, sodium, and sulphate. A significant increase of As, Hg, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni and Co was found in surface sediments in all four lakes. However, the concentration of these elements in lake water was lower than recommended guidelines for aquatic life and human consumption.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that mercury (Hg) levels in many fish from remote lakes exceed the recommended guidelines for human consumption. Most of these studies conclude that the source of contamination lies in the atmosphere. Kejimkujik National Park (KNP), Nova Scotia, Canada, is considered to be a pristine ecosystem in which fish and loon Hg levels are anomalously high. Studies in the park have shown that atmospheric Hg concentrations may not be high enough to account for the Hg levels in the biota, indicating that the park may be an unusual system in terms of Hg distribution and migration. In an attempt to summarise and synthesise the numerous Hg data sets which have been produced in the park over the last 5-10 years, a geographic information systems (GIS) approach was used to create a common database using the watersheds in the park as the common parameter. By using a GIS database, new relationships and correlations are established and the spatial distribution of Hg levels is more readily evaluated and quantified. The results indicate that geological sources of Hg, arising from biotite-rich granite rocks, may play a larger role in the contamination of the park than previously thought.  相似文献   

Asymmetric-Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AsFlFFF) coupled to an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used to determine whether colloidal As exists in mine tailings from abandoned Au mine sites in Nova Scotia. Using this technique, the chemical composition and the size of the colloidal material was determined. Tailings samples were collected from the sites and leachates were analyzed. The resulting fractograms showed the presence of colloidal As. Arsenic co-elutes with Fe and Al suggesting that the As is associated with colloids containing these elements. The colloidal material present in the samples has a calculated median size of 7 nm. The leachates were also analyzed for totalAs, Fe and Al using ICP-MS. The colloidal fraction was determined to account for approximately 20% of the total dissolved As present in these samples. Dissolved As concentrations at the selected mine sites are very high and the arbitrary cutoff for dissolved still incorporates colloidal material. Therefore. it is important to distinguish between truly dissolved and colloidal As as the speciation will affect the toxicity and mobility of As at these locations.  相似文献   

The start of deglaciation is recorded in the Minas Basin region of Nova Scotia by the deltaic, glaciofluvial and glaciomarine sediments of the Five Islands Formation. Shell dates on bottomset beds of a delta at Spencers Island range from 14,300 to 12,600, 14C yearsB.P. The time of complete deglaciation of Nova Scotia is still unknown; the uncertainty is at least partially due to evidence for a climatic oscillation at the end of the Late Wisconsinan. Peat beds were deposited during the interval between 12,700 and 10,500 B.P. They overlie previous glacial and fluvial deposits and are overlain by deposits of various origins. Pollen in these peat beds records the migration of spruce into the region indicating climatic warming, and a subsequent deterioration of climate is recorded by the return of tundra-like flora. The peat beds are truncated by a variety of deposits, including fluvial gravel and sand, lacustrine sand, silt and clay, and diamictons. Periglacial landforms and structures have been observed in some of these deposits. At Collins Pond, on the shore of Chedabucto Bay, a diamicton overlying a peat bed is characterized by strong fabrics parallel to the trend of other ice-flow landforms in the region. The evidence suggests that at least some of these deposits are glacigenic, indicating that glaciers were active in Nova Scotia until about 10,000 B.P.  相似文献   

Multiple foliar specimens of the Late Pennsylvanian fossil pteridosperm [gymnosperm] Alethopteris zeilleri (Ragot) Wagner were collected from one restricted stratigraphical horizon in the Canadian Sydney Coalfield. Variability of functional-group distribution using FTIR technique was studied in compressions, adaxial versus abaxial cuticles, and in unseparated cuticles as a function of maceration time from 48 to 168 h. The results obtained document spectral variability that could be expected within specimens of one species. For example, CH2/CH3 and Al/ox ratios can differ by as much as 20% of the values. Moreover, the experiments performed confirm that by using a previously established maceration protocol, long maceration periods do not bias FTIR spectra in terms of oxygenation overprinting. The inference that this cuticle is robust, under the given diagenetic level, probably reflects a reassuring degree of chemical fidelity of the Pennsylvanian plant to support Carboniferous chemotaxonomic observations.  相似文献   

The Lower Silurian??Lower Devonian Arisaig Group (Antigonish Highlands) in the Canadian Appalachians is a sequence of shallow marine strata deposited after the accretion of Avalonia to Baltica during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean. Deformation of the strata is widely attributed to the Devonian Acadian orogeny and produced shallowly plunging regional folds and a cleavage of varying penetrativity. Phyllosilicate minerals from the finest-grained rocks exhibit very low-grade (diagenetic-anchizone) metamorphic conditions. X-ray diffraction study reveals that the sampled rocks contain quartz, K-white mica, chlorite, and feldspars; illite?Csmectite and chlorite?Csmectite mixed-layers are common but Na?CK mica and kaolinite occur only in some samples. The identification of illite?Csmectite mixed-layers in diagenetic samples, with Kübler Index >0.50 ??°2?? and the highly heterogeneous b-cell dimension of the K-white micas are in agreement with the variable chemical composition of dioctahedral micas, which present low illitic substitution and variable phengitic content. The spatial variation in the above crystal-chemical parameters was plotted along a NW?CSE composite cross section across the regional folds. No correlation was found between the metamorphic conditions and either the stratigraphic depth or the strain values measured by phyllosilicates orientation analyses, as a function of the penetrativity of the cleavage. However, the metamorphic grade generally increases towards the Hollow Fault, and is highest in samples located within a 1?km corridor from the fault surface. Incipient cleavage is observed in the anchizonal samples located in the vicinity of the Hollow Fault and in some of the diagenetic samples, indicating cleavage development under low temperatures (<200?oC). These relationships, together with regional syntheses, suggest low-grade metamorphism post-dated regional folding and was coeval with Late Carboniferous dextral movement along the Hollow Fault. Fluid circulation associated with movement along this major fault may be the driving mechanism for the increasing metamorphism towards it.  相似文献   

Clay mineral assemblages in alluvial mudrocks are important for paleoclimatic interpretation and for understanding burial diagenetic cementation in sandstones, but it is commonly difficult to unravel the relative importance of source weathering, pedogenesis and diagenesis in their origin. The clay mineral assemblages in fluvial overbank mudrocks from the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation in central Nova Scotia, investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis of the < 2 µm fraction of 45 samples, include kaolinite, illite, vermiculite, and mixed layer kaolinite/expandable clay and mica/vermiculite. The assemblages vary with depositional facies. Wetland organic-rich mudrocks have large amounts of amorphous material and kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral. In the eastern part of the basin, where overbank mudrocks were episodically uplifted by syn-sedimentary strike-slip faulting, cumulate ultisol and alfisol paleosols are common. In the ultisols, hematite is enriched and kaolinite increases at the expense of illite in the B horizon. Alfisols contain more illite and vermiculite and the B horizon is enriched in goethite. In the western part of the basin, where thin sandstones with abundant diagenetic kaolinite cement are interbedded with the mudrocks, the distinctive clay mineral assemblage of mica/vermiculite mixed layer, vermiculite with 15.5 Å peak, and kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 17.7 Å peak is interpreted to result from bacterially-mediated oxidation of organic matter below the paleo-water table during early burial diagenesis. Deeper burial diagenesis may lead to slightly higher kaolinite crystallinity. Volcanic ash appears to alter to kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 7.9 Å peak. Comparison with the continuously subsiding and rapidly accumulated Wessex Formation of southern England, formed at a similar paleolatitude, shows the strong role of pedogenic processes and early diagenesis by meteoric water in development of clay mineral assemblages in the locally tectonically uplifted Chaswood Formation.  相似文献   

Uranium and tin occurrences in the South Mountain Batholith are preferentially found in or near a para-intrusive rock suite which is characterized by strong granophile element enrichments. Furthermore, bodies which show a Th-enrichment trend with increasing differentiation appear to be more favorable exploration targets than spatially associated bodies in which Th is depleted.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen record from Path Lake in Port Joli Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada, provides a paleo-ecological perspective on Holocene climate and vegetation variability within the context of local archaeological research. Pollen assemblages in the early Holocene reflect a post-glacial forest dominated by Pinus, Tsuga, Betula and Quercus. During this time, a lower frequency of radiocarbon dated cultural material suggests lower human settlement intensity. Shallow water aquatic (Isoetes) and wetland (Alnus, Sphagnum) taxa increased after 3400 cal yr BP in response to a transition towards wetter climatic conditions. Culturally significant periods, where settlement intensity increased in the Maritimes and Maine, coincide with maximum values of reconstructed total annual precipitation, suggesting that environmental conditions may have influenced prehistoric human activity. European settlement, after 350 cal yr BP, was marked by a rise in Ambrosia. The impact of anthropogenic fire disturbances on the landscape was evidenced by peak charcoal accumulations after European settlement.  相似文献   

M. C. Tate  D. B. Clarke 《Lithos》1997,39(3-4):179-194
Late Devonian (385−370 Ma) granitoid intrusions in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia represent two geographically separate magmatic suites that show subtly different lithological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics. “Central intrusions” crop out with satellite mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from granodiorite to leucogranite, contain two micas, have exclusively peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 1.1-1.3), variably high values for FeOT (0.4–6.0 wt.%), Ba (5–980 ppm), Y (6–50 ppm), Pb (2–50 ppm), Ga (11–53 ppm), 87Sr/86Sri (0.7081-0.7130), δ18O (9.8–13.0) and δ34S (4.5–11.9), in conjunction with low values for εNd (−1 to −6.5). In contrast, “peripheral plutons” crop out with synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from tonalite to leucogranite, may contain minor hornblende, have dominantly peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 0.9-1.3), variably high concentrations of TiO2 (0.1-1.1 wt.%), Al2O3 (12.0–19.7 wt.%), CaO (0.2–4.9 wt.%), Sr (7–720 ppm), Cr (3–111 ppm) and V (1–136 ppm), higher εNd values (−2.0 to 3.2), and lower values for 87Sr/86Sri (0.7040-0.7079), δ188O (7.6–10.5) and δ34S (0–4.6). Such regional diversity is explained by inferring that upper crustal contamination dominated the central granitoid compositions and mixing with mantle-derived mafic-intermediate magmas dominated peripheral granitoid compositions. However, additional contributions from heterogeneous lower crust cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The East Kemptville Sn deposit in southwestern Nova Scotia was discovered in 1978 by Shell Canada Resources, Limited using regional till exploration procedures. In 1977 and 1978, southern Nova Scotia was covered by a government-funded regional centre-lake bottom sediment survey (1 site per 5 km2) for Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Ni-Co-Fe-Mn-Ca-Mg-Mo-Hg-As-U-LOI. Detailed lithogeochemical studies on drill core from East Kemptville have demonstrated significant roles for the elements Zn-Cu-Th-Li-F-Sn-Cl-Rb in the hydrothermal mineralization event. Most of these significant mineralizing elements were not analyzed as part of the original lake sediment survey.Later, in 1985, a subset of 55 lake sediment samples from the deposit area was analyzed for Sn, Rb, F and Cl. The pilot study was aimed to test the applicability of these lithophile elements to regional centre-lake bottom sediment geochemical programs. Anomalous values of F, Rb and Sn form a distinct halo of elevated levels southwest, southeast and northeast of the East Kemptville deposit, which appears to lie in an area of background values. The detailed till sampling undertaken by Shell Canada at East Kemptville provides a check, especially for Sn as to probable sources for these elements found in the centre-lake bottom sediments.Cassiterite is the main economic mineral at East Kemptville. Trace wolframite is found along with subsidiary chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Zn and Cu are recovered as by-products at the mine. Heavy minerals were separated from a bulk lake sediment sample from Moosefly Lake (the site of the highest Sn value from the regional survey subset). Spot analysis by scanning electron microscope indicates the presence of angular and discrete grains of cassiterite in the centre-lake bottom sediment, in addition to numerous grains of zircon, monazite and magnetite.The Sn anomaly in the centre-lake bottom sediment is due, at least in part, to the presence of discrete cassiterite grains. Their lack of abrasion would seem to indicate derivation from the nearby known cassiterite-rich tills. The lack of correlation of Sn data with organic material (as LOI) and the other elements probably indicates the dominance of mechanical over chemical dispersion processes in Sn distribution from the tills to the lakes.A common dispersion model for centre-bottom lake sediment surveys is one of initial glacial clastic dispersion, followed by subsequent hydromorphic dispersion into the lake basins. Although the dominance of hydromorphic processes is recognized, it is clear that clastic dispersion models must also be considered. Centre-lake bottom surveys appear to have greater application than previously presumed in the search for lithophile elements commonly dispersed as refractory grains.  相似文献   

Investigation of gold metallogeny in the Paleozoic Meguma terrane (Canada) is conducted through LA-ICP-MS analysis of arsenopyrite collected from eight slate-belt style vein gold deposits using a novel approach integrating elemental distribution maps and their derived elemental paragenesis with multi-element binary plots. The data reveal two distinct gold events: 1) an early event characterized by a Co-Ni-Mo-Sb-Se elemental association related to initial growth of arsenopyrite that reflects the presence of invisible gold (>10 ppm); and 2) a second event, spatially associated with late fracture sets, that is characterized by an Al-Ti-V-Mn element association and reflects either remobilization or upgrading of primary invisible gold and is manifest as visible gold.The results of this study indicate a complex and protracted history of gold mineralization which has important ramifications for the Meguma gold deposits, as well as other orogenic gold districts globally. In the case of the Meguma Terrane, it involves an initial gold event that is followed by element mobilization and, in the case of precious metals (Au, Ag), an upgrading through a zone refining process. In addition, the variable coupling and decoupling of elements is only revealed using in-situ derived LA-ICP-MS data.  相似文献   

The Sydney Coalfield is the largest in Atlantic Canada in which about 100 coal mines with varied lifespan have been opened since 1720. In the Glace Bay sub-basin, coal seams subcrop close to the Atlantic coast and dip seaward. Coal has been mined at 〉1200 m depth and 11 km from the coastline. Deposited possibly under a marine influence, the coals are enriched in pyrite. During mining abundant acidic sulfates such as melanterite, rozenite, copiapite and halotrichite have accumulated in the underground workings due to pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of these efflorescent salts upon mine flooding at closure gives rise to acidic mine pools wherever insufficient acid-neutralizing materials are present. A major challenge of mine decommissioning in the area is to prevent the discharge of this acidic water into the open ocean. Water monitoring in the 1B Hydraulic System, which consists of ten mines connected at various depths by natural or man-made conduits, shows that the mine pool chemistry varies with the mining practice employed. Although coal has invariably been mined by the room and pillar method, the extent of pillar removal varies from mine to mine. In mines with minimal pillar removal, coal extraction could be as low as 45%, leaving much pyrite for oxidation prior to eventual flooding and an acidic mine pool occurs. In contrast, in mines with extensive pillar removal, coal extraction could amount to 85%, leaving much less pyrite for oxidation. Moreover, the extensive pillar removal caused the collapse of the overlying strata which in some areas include limestone. The infilling of mine workings with carbonate-rich material offsets the effects of acidic effiorescent salts and a mine pool with near-neutral pH results. Geochemical modeling has affirmed the control of local water chemistry by the prevalent mineral assemblage.  相似文献   

Devonian, spessartite dykes, known as the Weekend dykes, onthe Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia contain panidiomorphic texturesand mineral (amphibole, clinopyroxene, and biotite) compositionstypical of shoshonitic lamprophyres. The major element and traceelement geochemistry of the Weekend dykes is also representativeof shoshonitic lamprophyres with high large ion lithophile elementconcentrations (LILE, e.g., Rb, K, and Ba) relative to the lightrare earth elements (LREE, e.g., La) and very low Nb and Ti.Only Ta concentrations are uncharacteristically high relativeto Nb and Ti. The dykes are variably evolved but many samplesshow primitive compositions with high mgnumber [>0.70, wheremg-number=Mg/(Mg+09total Fe) atomic] high MgO and Ni concentrations(>10 wt.% and 150 ppm, respectively), and low heavy REE concentrations.All noble metal concentrations (Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, and Ir)tend to be lower in evolved samples than in primitive rocks,suggesting that evolved magmas were efficiently scavenged byimmiscible sulphide globules and that shoshonitic lamprophyreplutons may hold economic promise for the platinum-group elements(PGE). Noble metal abundances in even the most primitive rocksare low compared with many basaltic rocks excepting mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB). This makes doubtful the idea that Megumagroup mesothermal gold deposits, which are spatially and temporallyassociated with the dykes, derived their gold from the lamprophyres.Models that explain PGE concentrations and Pd/Ir ratios in awide variety of mafic rocks suggest that the low noble metalabundances probably reflect metal retention in mantle sulphides,olivine, and PGE alloys at low percentages of melting. However,noble metal abundances are higher than expected if the oceanicslab was involved in the melting process or if the source regionresembled that for most MORB, which appears to have low PGE.Mantle metasomatism represents an unlikely explanation for thePGE abundances, which are equivalent to those expected in alkalinehot-spot magmas. The high PGE abundances of hot-spot magmas(compared with MORB) may be related to the incorporation ofcore materials in deep mantle plumes. Presumably the hot-spotlikemantle became part of the subcontinental lithospheric mantlebefore the subduction and transpressional event that producedthe shoshonitic magmas.  相似文献   

An early Holocene lake sediment record from central Nova Scotia contains a minerogenic oscillation that is closely correlative with the 8.2 kyr event (ca. 8200 cal. yr BP), an event that has not been reported elsewhere in Atlantic Canada. A variety of biological and sedimentological indicators have been examined to characterise autochthonous and allochthonous changes that occurred during this time. The minerogenic upper oscillation (UO, ca. 8400 cal. yr BP) is marked by an increase in the chrysophyte:diatom ratio. Following the oscillation, the diatom community reflects a shift to more productive, less acidic conditions. The pollen record shows no major response to this short‐lived event. Lithostratigraphic analyses indicates that the UO is characterised by an increase in clastic content, magnetic susceptibility and mean sediment grain size, all indicators of changing environmental conditions, most likely the result of regional cooling. The Taylor Lake record adds to a growing body of evidence for a widespread, hemispheric climate oscillation at 8.2 kyr. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two felsic plutons of Late Devonian (385–370 Ma) age in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia contain three circa 376 Ma synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions that collectively record progressive stages of in situ hybridisation. A 5 m wide spessartite dyke in the Port Mouton Pluton probably underwent rapid cooling and crystallisation immediately after intrusion, which heated and coarsened the adjacent tonalite. An 85 m long sheet of pillowed kersantite (also in tonalite of the Port Mouton Pluton) presumably contained residual magma after quenching and obtained K, P, Ba, Rb, more radiogenic Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE from the tonalite during magma mingling. The third synplutonic body, a >100 m wide diorite sheet, intrudes granodiorite of the adjacent Shelburne Pluton and has a circa 45 m wide gradational contact of metaluminous hornblende-tonalite. This tonalite dominantly records magma mixing by the transfer of Ti, Mg, Fe, Ca, and V in hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, and (at least in part) apatite xenocrysts derived from dioritic pillows that were originally disaggregated in the granodiorite, probably in response to convection. Scattered data points, unusual “concave-down” variation trends for Al2O3, P2O5, and Sr, and non-hyperbolic Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics in the tonalite, apparently reflect syn- or post-mixing fractionation and accumulation of xenocrysts from residual magma. Phosphorus may have assisted diffusion of Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE, and caused premature quenching of the hybrids at Mcleods Cove and Birchtown, during magma mingling and mixing. Received: 1 January 1996 / Accepted: 3 August 1996  相似文献   

Mesoproterozoic metaplutonic rocks in northern Cape Breton Island,Nova Scotia, occur in a tectonic inlier within the Appalachianorogen. Although they have been multiply metamorphosed and variablydeformed, the petrology and geochemistry of these rocks provideinsight into the tectonomagmatic evolution of easternmost Laurentia.Anorthosite, syenite, and granitoid plutons (1100–980Ma) intruded the Sailor Brook and Polletts Cove River gneisses.New Nd isotopic data are presented from a biotite-rich partof the Sailor Brook gneiss (  相似文献   

Big Dam West, located in Kejimkujik Park, Nova Scotia, Canada, is a remote lake with elevated Hg concentrations in fish due in part to low pH and high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. These features reflect the poor buffering capacity of peat lands in the flat drainage basin. To address the multiple species of Hg, a model was developed by coupling the “multiplier method” for multi-species chemicals with average concentration ratios to the Quantitative Water Air Sediment Interaction (QWASI) model. Elemental Hg was the “key species” modeled. Total Hg fluxes and concentrations were computed using concentration ratios. Many of the concentrations and Hg flux processes within the Big Dam West catchment had been previously measured with concentration ratios that were either computed or taken from the literature when measured data were not available. Measured values for total Hg concentration in each compartment (air, water, sediment) and Hg fluxes (e.g., precipitation, sediment deposition) enable verification of model concentration and flux estimates for total Hg in each environmental compartment. The model was also run with and without the inclusion of upward Hg fluxes from the underlying sediment to determine the significance of this controversial flux. The Hg QWASI model presented in this paper could be a valuable screening tool, especially for remote lakes, due to its ability to provide reasonable Hg estimates with a limited amount of data (water inflow rate, suspended particulate matter, sediment deposition velocity, and concentration of Hg in atmosphere and inflow water).  相似文献   

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