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We give an elementary model for the evolution of dust in galaxies, based on abundance arguments. The model takes account of grain core production in both supernovae and giant stars, and includes mantle growth in the interstellar medium. Destruction of grain cores does not appear to be a dominant effect. We show that a self-consistent picture can be made in which the interstellar dust mass is an approximately constant fraction of the heavy element mass in the interstellar medium. This result is demonstrated to be essentially independent of outflow or inflow of interstellar material.  相似文献   

The large dust masses apparently present in some galaxies at high redshift prompt the question of just how much interstellar dust can be present per unit mass of a galaxy. Under very simple assumptions, we derive an upper limit to this mass — showing both what is possible for a galaxy of given total mass and various gas fractions, and what represents the ultimate upper limit for a given stellar or total mass, if we are free to choose the particular gas fraction. The results hold for a galaxy formed with arbitrary gas outflows, or arbitrary inflows of unenriched gas, and illustrate the difficulty of generating very high dust masses in galaxies.  相似文献   

We investigate the far-infrared (FIR) properties of a sample of blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) observed by AKARI . By utilizing the data at wavelengths of  λ= 65  , 90 and 140 μm, we find that the FIR colours of the BCDs are located at the natural high-temperature extension of those of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. This implies that the optical properties of dust in BCDs are similar to those in the Milky Way. Indeed, we explain the FIR colours by assuming the same grain optical properties, which may be appropriate for amorphous dust grains, and the same size distribution as those adopted for the Milky Way dust. Since both interstellar radiation field and dust optical depth affect the dust temperature, it is difficult to distinguish which of these two physical properties is responsible for the change of FIR colours. Then, in order to examine if the dust optical depth plays an important role in determining the dust temperature, we investigate the correlation between FIR colour (dust temperature) and dust-to-gas ratio. We find that the dust temperature tends to be high as the dust-to-gas ratio decreases but that this trend cannot be explained by the effect of dust optical depth. Rather, it indicates a correlation between dust-to-gas ratio and interstellar radiation field. Although the metallicity may also play a role in this correlation, we suggest that the dust optical depth could regulate the star formation activities, which govern the interstellar radiation field. We also mention the importance of submillimetre data in tracing the emission from highly shielded low-temperature dust.  相似文献   

We present K -band imaging of fields around 30 strong Ca  ii absorption-line systems, at  0.7 < z < 1.2  , three of which are confirmed damped Lyman α systems. A significant excess of galaxies is found within 6.0 arcsec (≃50 kpc) from the absorber line of sight. The excess galaxies are preferentially luminous compared to the population of field galaxies. A model in which field galaxies possess a luminosity-dependent cross-section for Ca  ii absorption of the form  ( L / L *)0.7  reproduces the observations well. The luminosity-dependent cross-section for the Ca  ii absorbers appears to be significantly stronger than the established  ( L / L *)0.4  dependence for Mg  ii absorbers. The associated galaxies lie at large physical distances from the Ca  ii -absorbing gas; we find a mean impact parameter of 24 kpc  ( H 0= 70 km s−1 Mpc−1)  . Combined with the observed number density of Ca  ii absorbers the large physical separations result in an inferred filling factor of only ∼10 per cent. The physical origin of the strong Ca  ii absorption remains unclear, possible explanations vary from very extended discs of the luminous galaxies to associated dwarf galaxy neighbours, remnants of outflows from the luminous galaxies, or tidal debris from cannibalism of smaller galaxies.  相似文献   

Recently, the existence of geometrically thick dust structures in active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been directly proven with the help of interferometric methods in the mid-infrared. The observations are consistent with a two-component model made up of a geometrically thin and warm central disc, surrounded by a colder, fluffy torus component. Within the framework of an exploratory study, we investigate one possible physical mechanism, which could produce such a structure, namely the effect of stellar feedback from a young nuclear star cluster on the interstellar medium in centres of AGN. The model is realized by numerical simulations with the help of the hydrodynamics code tramp . We follow the evolution of the interstellar medium by taking discrete mass-loss and energy ejection due to stellar processes, as well as optically thin radiative cooling into account. In a post-processing step, we calculate observable quantities like spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and surface brightness distributions with the help of the radiative transfer code mc3d . The interplay between injection of mass, supernova explosions and radiative cooling leads to a two-component structure made up of a cold geometrically thin, but optically thick and very turbulent disc residing in the vicinity of the angular momentum barrier, surrounded by a filamentary structure. The latter consists of cold long radial filaments flowing towards the disc and a hot tenuous medium in between, which shows both inwards and outwards directed motions. With the help of this modelling, we are able to reproduce the range of observed neutral hydrogen column densities of a sample of Seyfert galaxies as well as the relation between them and the strength of the silicate 10 μm spectral feature. Despite being quite crude, our mean Seyfert galaxy model is even able to describe the SEDs of two intermediate type Seyfert galaxies observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope .  相似文献   

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