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Summary In this study day by day synoptic conditions are classified over the Attica peninsula for a period of sixteen years. Eight synoptic categories which are demonstrated to be statistically distinct are selected with respect to the atmospheric circulation in the lower troposphere. Furthermore, a methodology is proposed to classify the mesoscale patterns for the same period on the basis of surface wind measurements, and this distinguishes eleven distinct mesoscale categories. In general, the frequency analysis reveals that the anticyclonic circulation dominates while the weak mesoscale flows prevail, with preference in May and June. A day by day cross tabulation of the synoptic flow patterns with the mesoscale categories is then performed in order to identify the association of the synoptic conditions with the mesoscale flow regime. It was found that the synoptic conditions at the level of 850 hPa are closely related to the observed surface local flows and therefore it is suggested that the synoptic categories can be used for the identification of the most favourable mesoscale atmospheric circulation. Received February 28, 1997 Revised May 22, 1997  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes an attempt to define mesoscale daily precipitation and temperature regimes over Sardinia and their relation to different synoptic patterns. In order to address this task an extensive Cluster Analysis was performed on the whole data set using a number of methods, each including several distance measures. Thirty years of daily data, for the period ranging from 1951 to 1980 for the 114 stations with precipitation and 20 with temperature, were used in the study. In order to retrieve homogeneous clusters, non-hierarchical methods were found to be more effective and the use of a correlation-like distance was more effective for precipitation. To discriminate between the different clusters, the corresponding mean mass fields for the 500 hPa height and sea level pressure were used and an analysis of synoptic situations linked to mesoscale regimes was performed. The results show that at least two mean surface patterns exist corresponding to clearly different synoptic situations. Nevertheless, physical considerations led us to consider three distinct clusters, two of which correspond to specific synoptic circulations with slight, but meteorologically significant, differences. Received November 28, 1997 Revised October 1, 1998  相似文献   

Summary In this paper an attempt is made to detect prolonged (of more than 24 hours duration) temperature inversions in the planetary boundary layer over Athens, to study their main characteristics and to find out the synoptic situations with which the inversions are associated. Given the close relationship between the synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation and the occurrence, maintainance and decay of temperature inversions, a simultaneous three category classification of presented inversions and their respective synoptic situations is presented. The classification relies mainly on the similarities and differences in the formation and the maintenance of prolonged temperature inversions. To provide a record of the structure of the lower troposphere and the synoptic conditions favourable to the formation of inversions, mean ascents of temperature and dew-point temperature and mean wind profiles for the years 1980–1994 were calculated for each category into which a total of 297 cases fell. The main element of this structure which strongly affects the pollution of the lower troposphere is the prolonged temperature inversion. Also, for each category, mean 500 and 850 hPa heights and temperature charts, 500 hPa height anomaly charts, mean sea level (MSL) pressure charts and MSL pressure anomaly charts were drawn. Received March 11, 1997 Revised October 6, 1997  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have shown that regional orography and synoptic patterns greatly affect ozone concentrations. The orography of certain locations is unfavorable for pollutant dispersion, and specific synoptic patterns in these locations lead to serious air pollution episodes. Frequent ozone episodes (defined as hourly ozone ≥ 120 ppbv) in west-central Taiwan during recent years have generated much concern. High ozone days (defined as hourly ozone ≥ 80 ppbv) are also occurring more frequently. High ozone days occur mainly during autumn, but there has been no clear linear relationship demonstrated between any single meteorological variable and pollutant concentration. In this study, statistical data from 1997–1999 has shown that high ozone levels occur with two types of synoptic patterns. The first type consists of a continental anticyclone emanating from mainland China which is swept towards Taiwan. The second is a tropical low pressure system moving northwards closer to Taiwan. West-central Taiwan is located in the lee of the Central Ranges (altitude of 2500 ∼ 3500 m). These synoptic patterns are unfavorable for pollutant dispersion and cause high ozone days. Received October 14, 2000/Revised January 5, 2001  相似文献   

A one-layer mesoscale model based on the shallow water equations has been developed to examine atmospheric flow patterns within a well mixed planetary boundary layer over the Swiss Middleland. The model incorporates frictional and synoptic forcing effects and has a realistic meso- scale representation of the Alpine and surrounding orography. Some model results are shown for one particular Case Study and also for several situations corresponding to different synoptic scale forcing.  相似文献   

Summary The evolution of synoptic scale atmospheric circulation at least two days before the occurrence of thunderstorm or shower activity with high precipitation amounts is examined for the months of July and August for the area surrounding the city of Thessaloniki in Northern Greece. In a period of sixteen years (1985–2000), seventeen cases with precipitation amounts greater than 10 mm were found in these two months. The most important factor for the occurrence of the above activities was the approach of cold air, usually of mP origin, into Northern Greece. The advection of cold air was examined at the 700 hPa level. This cold air was advected toward the southern Balkans either from Northwestern Europe, or more directly from higher latitudes. In a few cases cold air that had initially been advected into the Central Mediterranean region finally moved eastward affecting Northern Greece. From these seventeen cases, the first four with the highest precipitation amounts (all exceeding 20 mm) were analysed in detail with the help of weather maps and radiosonde data available for the station at Micra. For these four cases, apart from the detailed analysis of the cold air advection, an attempt was made to investigate whether in the lowest part of the troposphere, the area of Northern Greece and the interior of the Balkan Peninsula to the north, was dominated by warm and humid air in the twenty four hour period that preceded each thunderstorm outbreak. For this purpose the evolution of the spatial distribution of the equivalent potential temperature (Θe) at the 850 hPa level was determined for the two or three preceding days. Finally, the presence of mesoscale disturbances, that could be considered responsible for triggering the ascending motions that are necessary for the initiation of the thunderstorm development, was investigated for each case.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of the main features of large-scale synoptic patterns over Europe and the adjacent areas for extreme winter periods during 1980–1995 over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) is performed. The NASA reanalysis data set is used to investigate composite sea level pressure (SLP), geopotential height of the 500 hPa surface (H-500) and precipitation–wet, normal and dry patterns for each month during the period October–March. It is found that the wet and dry cool seasons in the EM are associated with distinct SLP and H-500 anomaly patterns over Europe and the adjacent regions. During the dry spells large-scale positive SLP/H-500 anomaly areas prevail over Eastern Europe. A negative SLP anomaly is normally found during these periods over southwestern and Western Europe. During the wet cool seasons in the EM there are mainly negative SLP/H-500 anomaly areas over Eastern Europe to the north east of the EM. Positive SLP/H-500 anomalies are found over Western Europe. During wet months a trough zone between the Siberian and the Azorean Highs is positioned over the eastern part of the Mediterranean. During dry months the Siberian anticyclone is more intensive and the zone with low surface pressure is displaced to the central part of the northern Mediterranean. Received May 26, 1999 Revised August 26, 1999  相似文献   

Summary  A large number of atmospheric circulation classification techniques have been developed in the investigation of synoptic controls on regional rainfall. Often the rationale is to aid efforts to downscale GCM output for the purpose of producing more confident climate change impact scenarios. Discrete weather typing techniques, although proven to be successful do not capture weather type intensity and within-type variability can often be high. In this study an objective indexing method, developed for Egypt and the British Isles area is applied to the Iberian peninsula. Air flow index values are then used as predictor variables in simple linear regression models to estimate monthly mean grid point rainfall amounts. Separate models are evaluated for the winter and summer halves of the year and also for surface and mid-tropospheric flow (500 hPa). The models are evaluated and compared indicating that the index values provide good estimation of rainfall but variability in performance between season and site is noted. Received February 10, 2000  相似文献   

Summary In Canada, the average annual area of burned forest has increased from around 1 million ha in the 1970’s to over 2.5 million ha in the 1990’s. A previous study has identified the link between anomalous mid-tropospheric circulation at 500 hPa over northern North America and wildland fire severity activity in various large regions of Canada over the entire May to August fire season. In this study, a northern North American study region of the hemispheric gridded 5° latitude by 10° longitude 500 hPa dataset is identified and analysed from 1959 to 1996 for a sequence of six monthly periods through the fire season, beginning in April and ending in September. Synoptic types, or modes of upper air behavior, are determined objectively by the eigenvector method employing K-means cluster analysis. Monthly burned areas from the Canadian Large Fire Database (LFDB) for the same period, 1959 to 1996, are analysed in conjunction with the classified monthly 500 hPa synoptic types. Relationships between common monthly patterns of anomalous upper flow and spatial patterns of large fire occurrence are examined at the ecozone level. Average occurrence of a monthly synoptic type associated with very large area burned is approximately 18% of the years from 1959 to 1996. The largest areas burned during the main fire (May to August) season occur in the western Boreal and Taiga ecozones – the Taiga Plains, Taiga Shield, Boreal West Shield and Boreal Plains. Monthly burned areas are also analysed temporally in conjunction with a calculated monthly zonal index (Zim) for two separate areas defined to cover western and eastern Canada. In both western and eastern Canada, high area burned is associated with synoptic types with mid-tropospheric ridging in the proximity of the affected region and low Zim with weak westerlies and strong meridional flow over western Canada. Received April 3, 2001 Revised July 13, 2001  相似文献   

边界层内的气压场直接影响区域性的大气环境质量,天气系统的变化与边界层气压场形势直接相关。根据2000~2006年大气环境监测资料的日均值和日增(减)量分布图,同时对夏秋季节主要的天气系统,副热带高压和台风进行耦合诊断分析,得出西太平洋高压和台风的时空演变对我国环境质量有十分重要的影响,这种影响主要是形成的高压均压场对污染物有累积效应,也出现污染物的汇聚,而其周边流场对区域污染物有输送作用。此外,天气系统的降水分布又对大气污染物有清除的作用。而且天气形势演变的空间和周期性形成了大气环境的区域性和过程性等复杂的特征。本文选择典型个例,进行剖析研究。在地面高压或500 hPa高度上5880 gpm等高线控制区内,造成大范围的静稳型区域性污染物的增量过程。在副高周边地区的雨区内经常是PM10的谷值期。夏秋季节台风近周边和远周边的影响区,经常是PM10峰值或较重污染物浓度出现区域。  相似文献   

本文对造成2000年5月10日茂名地区特大暴雨的天气形势、大气物理量场和数值产品应用等特征进行了分析,得出的主要结论为:①500hPa东亚槽加深,形成“北槽南涡”形势,在广西与粤西之间发展成中尺度系统“T”型的辐合切变,是有利的天气背景条件。②地面锋面低槽的南压,强烈的降压,是大气层不稳定能量释放、特大暴雨爆发的触发因子。③200hPa辐散,850hPa辐合的垂直配置,有利于低层水汽能源源不断上送;④特大暴雨发生在正涡度中心附近和上升运动中心的南侧。  相似文献   

海陆风环流在天津2009年9月26日局地暴雨过程中的作用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用常规天气资料、地面加密自动站资料、天津中尺度模式产品资料以及卫星云图和多普勒雷达等资料,对2009年9月26日出现在天津地区的局地暴雨过程进行天气学、动力学诊断分析和中尺度分析.结果表明,本次暴雨的天气尺度主要的影响系统是500 hPa高空槽,中尺度系统是由海陆风环流形成的地面中尺度辐合线.降水前天津市具有较好的热力不稳定条件,较好的能量储备,有利的动力条件,一定量级的水汽辐合,边界层的东风将渤海的水汽输送至天津市,是本次过程的主要水汽来源.天气尺度的积云对流与海风锋的碰撞触发不稳定能量的释放,引发第一阶段的强降水,边界层东风急流再度加强所产生的抬升效应引发第二阶段的降水.中尺度切变线通过提供带状辐合上升运动起着胚胎和组织积云对流的作用,使得降水回波和对流云团沿中尺度切变线发展、加强和移动,产生了明显的列车效应,导致了这场历史罕见的秋季局部暴雨过程,也充分凸显出海陆风环流对本次暴雨的重要作用.  相似文献   

Summary Daily circulation patterns responsible for heavy snowfalls in the Polish – German lowlands were analysed. Composite maps of sea level pressure (SLP) and 500 hPa geopotential height means and anomalies were constructed for the days with an increase in snow cover depth by ≥5 cm. Contour maps show negative anomalies of SLP and 500 hPa level over central Europe, indicating a low pressure system. Strong positive anomalies of SLP appear over Scandinavia and the northern Atlantic with the centre of positive anomalies located over Iceland. Weaker negative anomalies are observed in the Azores region. This confirms the strong negative correlation between snow cover appearance and the North Atlantic Oscillation index in Europe. The days with heavy snowfalls were clustered using the Ward’s method. Three types of circulation patterns were distinguished, each of them characterised by a low pressure system over central Europe. Type 3 represents the northern position of the low with its centre over the Baltic Sea, Type 2 shows the southern position of the low with its centre over the Adriatic and the Ionic Sea and Type 1 represents the low location between the two previous patterns with a wide meridional trough over the Atlantic. Author’s address: Ewa Bednorz, Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań, Poland.  相似文献   

本文利用1975—1984年12—2月北太平洋爆发性温带气旋资料以及500 hPa天气图,概括出气旋爆发式加强前12小时五种环流型,即北美高压型(NAH)、东太平洋高压型(EPH)、中太平洋高压型(MPH)、白令海阻高型(BBH)、太平洋低压型(PL)。以NAH型和EPH型出现的机会最多,稳定时间最长,并且在这两种天气形势下气旋最易发展。另外本文还分析了气旋爆发后的路径趋势,指出在形势稳定期,气旋爆发后的路径亦稳定;在形势调整期,气旋后期路径随太平洋长波系统的演变而变化。  相似文献   

Synoptic classification is a methodology that represents diverse atmospheric variables and allows researchers to relate large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns to regional- and small-scale terrestrial processes. Synoptic classification has often been applied to questions concerning the surface environment. However, full applicability has been under-utilized to date, especially in disciplines such as hydroclimatology, which are intimately linked to atmospheric inputs. This paper aims to (1) outline the development of a daily synoptic calendar for the Mid-Atlantic (USA), (2) define seasonal synoptic patterns occurring in the region, and (3) provide hydroclimatological examples whereby the cascading response of precipitation characteristics, soil moisture, and streamflow are explained by synoptic classification. Together, achievement of these objectives serves as a guide for development and use of a synoptic calendar for hydroclimatological studies. In total 22 unique synoptic types were identified, derived from a combination of 12 types occurring in the winter (DJF), 13 in spring (MAM), 9 in summer (JJA), and 11 in autumn (SON). This includes six low pressure systems, four high pressure systems, one cold front, three north/northwest flow regimes, three south/southwest flow regimes, and five weakly defined regimes. Pairwise comparisons indicated that 84.3 % had significantly different rainfall magnitudes, 86.4 % had different rainfall durations, and 84.7 % had different rainfall intensities. The largest precipitation-producing classifications were not restricted to low pressure systems, but rather to patterns with access to moisture sources from the Atlantic Ocean and easterly (on-shore) winds, which transport moisture inland. These same classifications resulted in comparable rates of soil moisture recharge and streamflow discharge, illustrating the applicability of synoptic classification for a range of hydroclimatological research objectives.  相似文献   

Summary  The Mediterranean basin experiences considerable cyclone activity mostly during fall, winter and spring and diminished activity during summer. In this study we present results of synoptic disturbance track analysis for two contrasting winter months and two, near average, summer months over the eastern Mediterranean. The surface and 500 hPa disturbance tracks were subjectively analyzed from two points of view. First, looking at tracks of conventionally defined cyclone centers (eddies) based on actual pressure and height distribution and second, looking at tracks of transient cyclonic disturbances (TRADs), defined as centers of negative deviations from the time mean. The second type of analysis demonstrated a considerable increase in the number of detectable tracks. Over the Mediterranean and vicinity the ratio between the number of surface TRAD tracks to cyclone tracks is, about 2, whereas at 500 hPa the ratio is much higher, about 5. However, the average life span of transient disturbances was only slightly longer than that of conventional cyclones (mainly at 500 hPa). At the surface and at 500 hPa about 50% of the cyclone tracks coincided to a certain extent with TRAD tracks. In summer, when conventional analysis over the eastern Mediterranean yields mostly quasi‐stationary low pressure centers associated with the Persian Gulf Trough, we detected clear signs of transient disturbances. Some interpretations of the differences between cyclones and TRADs in terms of weather in the eastern Mediterranean are also made. Received January 19, 1999Revised June 23, 1999  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of marine cold air outbreaks (MCAOs) over the northern North Atlantic have been investigated using re-analysis data for the period from 1958 to 2007. MCAOs are large-scale outbreaks of cold air over a relatively warm ocean surface. Such conditions are known to increase the severity of particular types of hazardous mesoscale weather phenomena. We used a simple index for identifying MCAOs: the vertical potential temperature gradient between the sea surface and 700 hPa. It was found that atmospheric temperature variability is considerably more important than the sea surface temperature variability in governing both the seasonal and the inter-annual variability of MCAOs. Furthermore, a composite analysis revealed that a few well-defined and robust synoptic patterns are evident during MCAOs in winter. Over the Labrador and Irminger Seas the MCAO index was found to have a correlation of 0.70 with the North Atlantic Oscillation index, while over the Barents Sea a negative correlation of 0.42 was found.  相似文献   

祁连山区夏季降水过程天气分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以500hPa盛行气流为主,参考FY-2D卫星云图云型特征,将2007年7~8月祁连山区的31次降水过程作天气分型。取30°~45°N范围500hPa110°E的格点平均位势高度与90°E平均位势高度之差值为分类标准。分成3个主型,西南气流型、西北气流型和平直西风气流型。西南气流型又分移动型和阻塞型两个副型。西北气流型分西北气流冷平流型和河套冷涡两个副型。用试验区中尺度自动站网的降水资料,探讨降水量与海拔高度和坡向的关系,分析产生降水过程各天气类型的环流特征及其降水强度,发现在不同的大尺度流型下,地形的动力和热力作用会造成迥然不同的地形强迫中尺度系统。  相似文献   

In a warming climate, atmospheric wave activity and associated weather patterns may change, although conflicting results have been reported on this topic. Additionally, atmospheric wave changes in a future climate have mainly focused on waves of a specified spatial scale, rather than a particular spatiotemporal scale. Here, changes in the variability of Rossby waves of multiple spatiotemporal scales are analyzed using the wavenumber-frequency power spectrum, a tool commonly applied to analyze atmospheric equatorial waves. Daily 500 hPa geopotential height data over 40°–60°N from historical (1950–2005) and future (2006–2099) simulations from 20 models in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) under the RCP8.5 scenario were analyzed. When compared to the historical period, the late 21st century climate projections showed a decline in spectral power for both eastward and westward propagating waves with wavenumbers greater than 8 that spanned over all frequencies in all seasons, but an increase in mean power for eastward propagating waves with wavenumbers 1–7 over all frequencies was shown in winter and spring. This increase in power was accompanied by increased variance, i.e., an increased meridional extent of 500 hPa ridges and troughs, and was the result of increases in the mean number of high amplitude events and duration of activity within this wave band. These results indicate that large-scale (~ 104 km) eastward propagating weather systems may intensify with higher amplitudes for ridges and troughs, while short-scale (102–103 km) weather systems may decrease in their intensity due to reduced variability in the late 21st century under the high emissions scenario. Potential mechanisms for these changes are discussed, including enhanced Arctic warming and midlatitude-tropical interactions.  相似文献   

A circulation classification scheme applicable in GCM studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary  The goal of the paper is to present and examine the method of classification of daily circulation patterns that allows (i) a fair comparison of groupings among different datasets (typically representing the observed climate and that simulated by a general circulation model, GCM) and (ii) huge datasets, common in GCM studies based on daily values, to be classified. The circulation classification method is shown to be a useful tool in GCM validation and analysis of climate change response, particularly in comparisons of (i) shapes of the mean type patterns, (ii) the frequency and persistence of the types, (iii) the probability of transitions from one type to another, and (iv) conditional surface temperature distributions. It is also shown that a simultaneous examination of multiple classifications is beneficial in eliminating subjectivity of any single classification and allowing a detailed inspection of differences between climates. The classification method is a modification of the T-mode principal component analysis (PCA). The T-mode refers to the input data matrix where gridpoint values are arranged in rows and daily patterns in columns. The classification procedure is applied to observed daily 500 hPa geopotential height patterns and those simulated by the control and ECHAM3 GCM runs. Received November 1, 1999/Revised May 8, 2000  相似文献   

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