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Dam construction alters natural flow regimes which, in turn, cause significant changes in fish communities during and after impoundment. The construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir, from impoundment of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China, may have affected native fish species. Thus, the status of two lotic freshwater fish species, Coreius heterodon and C. guichenoti, were monitored in the Three Gorges Reservoir, including fish abundance, individual composition, growth, condition, and mortality. Data on both species were gathered from upstream, midstream and downstream areas of the reservoir and, where available, from studies published before and after dam construction. Lower abundance, slower growth, a less diversified age structure, poorer fish condition (indicated by hepatosomatic index) and higher mortalities were recorded in sites nearest the dam compared with upstream areas. Furthermore, after final impoundment, individual Coreius species inhabiting the area changed, with young individuals becoming more abundant, while upstream of the reservoir the two Coreius species became smaller at a given age. The results show that the status of the two Coreius species was subject to dramatic changes after impoundment.  相似文献   

本研究以三峡库区小江流域为研究对象,在综合考虑陆域、水体、社会经济对流域水环境影响的基础上,建立了水环境综合区划的指标体系,同时根据DEM划分了流域综合区划的基本单元.在主导因素法和空间叠置法的基础上,通过CIS分析工具,对小江流域的水环境进行了综合区划,分为3个一级区域,分别为北部水源涵养和保育区,南部污染控制区,以...  相似文献   

Since the first impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) in China in 2003, more than 5000 landslides including potential landslides were identified. In this paper, a deep-seated active landslide in TGR area was analyzed. Fourteen years’ monitoring data and field investigations from 2006 to 2020 were used to analyze the deformation characteristics, influencing factors, and meteohydrological thresholds. The landslide showed a none-overall periodic movement pattern featuring acceleration duri...  相似文献   

Soil erosion and bank degradation is a major post-dam concern regarding the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The development and succession of vegetation is a main countermeasure,especially to enhance bank stability and mitigate soil erosion by the root system. In this study, the roots of four prevailing grass species, namely, Cynodon dactylon, Hemarthria altissima, Hemarthria compressa, and Paspalum paspaloides, in the riparian zone were investigated in relation to additional soil cohesion. Roots were sampled using a single root auger. Root length density(RLD) and root area ratio(RAR) were measured by using the Win RHIZO image analysis system. Root tensile strength(TR) was performed using a manualdynamometer, and the soil reinforcement caused by the roots was estimated using the simple Wu's perpendicular model. Results showed that RLD values of the studied species ranged from 0.24 cm/cm3 to20.89 cm/cm3 at different soil layers, and RLD were significantly greater at 0–10 cm depth in comparison to the deeper soil layers(10 cm). RAR measurements revealed that on average 0.21% of the reference soil area was occupied by grass roots for all the investigated species. The measured root tensile strength was the highest for P. paspaloides(62.26MPa) followed by C. dactylon(51.49 MPa), H.compressa(50.66 MPa), and H. altissima(48.81MPa). Nevertheless, the estimated maximum root reinforcement in this investigation was 22.5 k Pa for H.altissima followed by H. compressa(21.1 k Pa), P.paspaloides(19.5 k Pa), and C. dactylon(15.4 k Pa) at0–5 cm depth soil layer. The root cohesion values estimated for all species were generally distributed at the 0–10 cm depth and decreased with the increment of soil depth. The higher root cohesion associated with H. altissima and H. compressa implies their suitability for revegetation purposes to strengthen the shallow soil in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Although the soil reinforcement induced by roots is only assessed from indirect indicators, the present results still useful for species selection in the framework of implementing and future vegetation recovery actions in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir and similar areas in the Yangtze River Basin.  相似文献   

Inundation of the Three Gorges Reservoir has created a 30-m water-level fluctuation zone with seasonal hydrological alternations of submergence and exposure, which may greatly affect soil properties and bank stability. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of soil pore structure to seasonal water-level fluctuation in the reservoir, and particularly, the hydrological change of wetting and drying cycles. Soil pore structure was visualized with industrial X-ray computed tomography and digital image analysis techniques. The results showed that soil total porosity(? 100 ?m), total pore number, total throat number, and mean throat surface area increased significantly under wetting and drying cycles. Soil porosity, pore number and throat numberwithin each size class increased in the course of wetting and drying cycles. The coordination number, degree of anisotropy and fractal dimension were indicating an increase. In contrast, the mean shape factor, pore-throat ratio, and Euler-Poincaré number decreased due to wetting and drying cycles. These illustrated that the wetting and drying cycles made soil pore structure become more porous, continuous, heterogeneous and complex. It can thus be deduced that the water-level fluctuation would modify soil porosity, pore size distribution, and pore morphology in the Three Gorges Reservoir, which may have profound implications for soil processes, soil functions, and bank stability.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges project accelerates economic development in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.This paper aimed to investigate the distribution,changes and features of cultivated land in this area,analyze the forces driving the changes in cultivated land area,and propose the countermeasures for cultivated land management.Transition matrix was used to analyze the features of cultivated land changes,and quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were adopted to research the driving forces according to the features of cultivated land changes.Cultivated land in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area mainly lay to the northwest of the Yangtze River,especially the upper reaches.The areas of cultivated land increased from 1996 to 1999,then decreased from 2000 to 2006,and finally increased again from 2007 to 2009.The important forces driving changes in cultivated land included government policies,employment and food security,increasing construction land,agriculture structure adjustment,land rearrangement,inundation.During cultivated land management,firstly,it is necessary to insist on the principle of cultivated land protection,standardize land exploitation and strictly restrict the transformation of cultivated land into non-farming land.Secondly,land rearrangement must be implemented,which can not only increase the area of the cultivated land,but also improve the quality of the cultivated land.Thirdly,it is feasible to intensify eco-agriculture construction to increase the quantity and quality of cultivated land.Fourthly,it is helpful to improve the traditional agriculture production methods to promote cultivated land quality.Lastly,it is important to propagandize cultivated land protection and realize the enormous pressure of cultivated land shortage,making more people obligated to protect cultivated land.  相似文献   

Ruxi River is a tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir. This study examined the temporal and spatial dynamics in particle size characteristics and the associated nutrients and contaminants of the fluvial suspended and deposited sediments along the Ruxi River. Temporal variations in the particle size distribution of the suspended sediment are controlled mainly by differences in sediment source during different seasons. Total organic carbon(TOC), total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorous(TP) in the 62μm fraction of the suspended sediment exhibit considerably higher concentrations in spring,indicating high probability of algal blooms in the backwater areas. Downstream trends in the nutrient contents of 62 μm deposited sediments imply the greatest potential for eutrophication in the backwater ends, where highest nutrient concentrations were detected. Assessment of metal contamination shows that the sediments deposited in the water-level fluctuation zone were moderately to strongly contaminated by Cadmium(Cd), with a considerably high potential ecological risk. The findings reported have emphasized the impacts of reservoir impoundment on aquatic and/or terrestrial environment in this region. More information on physical, chemical and biological processes of sediment and sediment-associated materials are needed for developing environmentally and ecologically sound policies of water and sediment management.  相似文献   

The combined effect of periodic water impoundment and seasonal natural flood events has created a 30 m high water-level fluctuation zone(WLFZ) around the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR), China, forming a unique eco-landscape. Siltation, eutrophication, enrichment of heavy metals, and methane emissions in the WLFZ have been widely associated with sediment and soil particles generated from the upstream catchment or upland slopes. However, little attention has been paid to the complexity of sediment particle-size distributions in the WLFZ. In the present study, core samples(from a 345 cm thick sediment core from the base of the WLFZ), slope transect surface samples(across/up a WLFZ slope), and along-river/longitudinal surface samples(from the reservoir reaches) were collected. Laser granulometry and a volume-based fractal model were used to reveal the characteristics of sediment particle-size distributions. Results indicate that the alternation of coarse and fine particles in the sedimentary core profile is represented as a fluctuation of low and high values of fractal dimension(D), ranging from 2.59 to 2.77. On the WLFZ slope transect, surface sediment particles coarsen with increasing elevation, sand content increases from 3.3% to 78.5%, and D decreases from 2.76 to 2.53. Longitudinally, surface sediments demonstrate a downstream-fining trend, and D increases gradually downstream. D is significantly positively correlated with the fine particle content. We conclude that D is a useful measure for evaluating sediment particle-size distribution.  相似文献   

Since the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), the riparian zone has been subjected to numerous environmental changes. This study was conducted to recognize the distribution of grass roots and its impacts on soil nutrients in the water level fluctuation zone of TGR. Roots of four predominant herbaceous plants in the study area, specifically, Cynodon dactylon, Hemarthria altissima, Hemarthria compressa, and Paspalum paspaloides, and their corresponding relation with soil nutrient contents were investigated. Root surface area density was determined with WinRHIZO, and the relationships of root distribution with soil depths and soil nutrient contents were studied. The results indicates that most roots are distributed in the top soil layer of 0–10 cm. Estimated root surface area density for the selected grass species ranges from 0.16 to 13.44 cm2/cm3, and decreases exponentially with an increase in soil depth. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen contents are significantly lower on bare control area than the corresponding values on the grasslands. Total nutrient contents on grasslands of C. dactylon and H. compressa are higher than those of other grass areas. Root length density and root surface area density are significantly correlated with soil organic matter and total nitrogen content for the four grasslands. The present results suggests that plant roots have significant effects on the distribution of soil nutrients in soil profiles in the riparian zone along the TGR. Nevertheless, additional investigations are needed to reveal the specific interactions between plant roots distribution, soil nutrients and water level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Many factors can affect the sediment deposition and soil erosion process in riparian zone, including terrain, sediment transport and water level fluctuations. Clarifying the factors influencing sediment deposition process in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoirs is an important problem to determine the key area of sediment deposition and its trend of development in the study area. In order to reveal the influence of these environmental factors on the sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, this study investigated 1) the amount of deposited sediment in different environmental conditions, 2) the potential factors affecting sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, 3) the relationship between the deposited sediment amount and these factors previously mentioned using correlation analysis, and 4) the influence of human activities considered as an additional factor. This study found that 1) slope gradient, elevation, inundating duration and human activities were the main factors influencing sedimentation in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, and 2) the impact of each factor varied with spaces. Specifically, in the upper reach from Jiangjin to Fuling, human activities such as gravel dredging, bank revetment and ports and wharfs constructing disturbed considerable amounts of deposited sediment, as a result, there was no natural law to dictate the distribution. In the middle reach from Fuling to Fengjie, slope gradient and inundating duration were the controlling factors, and the sediment deposition amount was greater in the areas with a gentler slope or lower elevation. Water flow on gentler slopes generally had lower velocity, resulting in more sediment to deposit. Sites with lower elevations would be drowned by sediment-laden flow with a longer duration resulting from hydrologic regime controlled by the operating strategy of the Three Gorges Reservoir, leading to a larger amount of sediment deposition. In the lower reach from Fengjie to Zigui, slope gradient was similar to the middle reach, performing a primary factor, while other factors showed little relationship with sediment amount.  相似文献   

To understand the responses of a freshwater ecosystem to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), phytoplankton was monitored in the tributaries of the TGR area. From August 2010 to July 2011, algal species composition, abundance, chlorophyll a and other environmental parameters were investigated in the Gaolan River, which is a tributary of Xiangxi River. Thirty-one algal genera from seven phyla were identified. Results show that the lowest concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were 0.06 mg/L and 1.08 mg/L, respectively. The values of TP and TN exceeded the threshold concentration of the eutrophic state suggested for freshwater bodies. In the Gaolan River, the succession of phytoplankton showed clear seasonal characteristics. Different dominant species were observed among seasons under the control of environment factors. In spring and summer, the dominant species were Nitzschia sp. and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, the limiting nutrient was NO 3 ? -N, and the key environmental factor for phytoplankton population succession was water temperature (WT). In autumn and winter, the dominant species were A. flos-aquae and Chlorella sp., the limiting nutrient was PO 4 3? -P, and the key environmental factors were transparency and WT. This study illustrates the influence of physical and chemical factors on phytoplankton seasonal succession in a tributary of TGR since the downstream regions of Xiangxi River and Gaolan River became reservoirs after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. We suggest that this activity has significantly affected water quality in the dam area.  相似文献   

Reservoir impoundment changes original fluvial habitats into lentic environments. Fish species adapted to lentic habitats may take the advantage of such habitat changes and show typical life history traits might facilitate the population increase. Siniperca kneri rarely occurred in fishery landing in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) area before its impoundment in 2003, but it is now a dominant species. In this study, a total of 438 females of S. kneri were collected monthly during September 2012 through January2014 using gill nets in the TGR. The age, growth, and reproductive biology were then investigated, and compared with other S. kneri populations. The standard length at age 1 was 149.9 mm in the TGR, which is larger than the three compared populations(i.e., Sandaohe Reservoir, Xinfengjiang Reservoir, and North River), but smaller than one(the Guishi Reservoir). The youngest mature female in the TGR was age 1,which is younger than that of the two compared populations(i.e., Xinfengjiang Reservoir and the North River). The relative fecundity in the TGR was 140 eggs/g, which is higher than that of the only available compared population(Xinfengjiang Reservoir, 96 eggs/g). Our results demonstrated that S. kneri in the TGR tended to have faster growth in the first year, a younger age at first maturation, and higher reproductive ef fort.We suggest that such opportunistic-tended life history traits might facilitate rapid increase of the population.  相似文献   

Changes of cultivated land patterns caused by major water conservation projects are rarely reported. We selected the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China to study the change in area and landscape pattern of the cultivated land in the head,central, and tail areas of the reservoir that took place between 1992 and 2015; we then studied the spatial distribution of the cultivated land in the three parts of the reservoir; finally, we studied the driving forces behind the changes in the cultivated land. The results derived are as follows.(1) During the construction of the Three Gorges Project(TGP, 1992–2015), the area of cultivated land around the reservoir decreased by30.23 million ha. This reduction occurred in phases:the most severe change in cultivated land occurred during the later stage of the project(2002–2010);only 0.62 million ha of cultivated land did not change between 1992 and 2015.(2) Spatial pattern analysis showed that the cultivated land in the three parts of the reservoir changed from a northern distribution to a southern distribution; thus, the area of cultivated land in the north decreased over the time period. The area of cultivated land in the head and tail areas decreased by varying degrees, while it increased in the central area over the 23 years, indicating that the change in cultivated land showed regional differences.(3) The TGP, the policy of reverting farmland to forest,and urbanization were the main driving factors for the change of cultivated land, but there were differences in their impacts at different stages.(4) According to the patch dynamics of the land cover change, the degree of change gradually intensified during the early and later stages of the project and then stabilized during the operational period. Our research provides scientific support for the protection of cultivated land resources and food security in the reservoir area and for the coordination of social and economic development, which is of great significance to sustainable development in the reservoir area.  相似文献   

We describe the phytoplankton dynamics and structure in Xiangxi Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir. Samples were collected monthly in the surface waters between August 2007 and July 2008. We identified 10 principle functional groups. C-strategists and S/R-strategists with a wide range of tolerance dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. Seasonal variation was related to water column stability because of changes in hydraulic operation in October, January, and May. Functional group C (Asterionella formosa) and P (Au...  相似文献   

We describe the phytoplankton dynamics and structure in Xiangxi Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir. Samples were collected monthly in the surface waters between August 2007 and July 2008. We identified 10 principle functional groups. C-strategists and S/R-strategists with a wide range of tolerance dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. Seasonal variation was related to water column stability because of changes in hydraulic operation in October, January, and May. Functional group C (Asterionella formosa) and P (Aulacoseria granulata) dominated in August and September, whereas group Lo (Peridiniopsis niei) was the most abundant between February and April, forming a dinoflagellate bloom. Group B (Stephanodiscus hantzschii), X2 (Komma acudata), and Y (Cryptomonas erosa) were present throughout most of the year but were most abundant in late spring. A cyanobacterial bloom occurred from June to July, during which group M (Microcystis aeruginosa, M. wesenbergii) and H1 (Anabaena flos-aquae) were dominant. Green algae, characterized by group G (Eudorina sp., Pandorina sp., Pyramidomonas sp.) and J (Pediastrum spp., Coelastrum spp., Scenedesums spp.), were abundant after the bloom degraded. This sequence was corroborated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The summary sequence of functional groups resulting from CCA was: C/P → Lo → H1/M/J/G. The dynamics of the phytoplankton community may be explained by the stability of water column, irradiance, water temperature, and nutrient structure.  相似文献   

Reservoirs are important artificial ecosystems that modify the hydrological and ecological characteristics of a river.Knowledge of the basic characteristics of fish assemblages in reservoirs is a first step toward the development of effective conservation policies.We used the information collected over a10-year period(2006-2015)to assess the structure of the fish assemblages in the Three Gorge Reservoir(TGR)in a river-dam gradient.Three fish zones were detected in TGR.Species richness was the highest in the upper zone and lowest in the lower zone.The riverine zones were dominated by rheophilic species Coreius guichenoti and Pelteobagrus vachelli.The transitional zones were dominated by Coreius heterodon and Rhinogobio cylindricus.The lacustrine zones were dominated by eurytopic species Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis,Hemiculter bleekeri and Cyprinus carpio.For the functional characteristics,fish assemblages in riverine and transitional zones were dominated by insectivorous species,equilibrium strategists and rheophilic species(e.g.,Coreius heterodon and Coreius guichenoti).In lacustrine zones,the fish assemblage was dominated by habitat generalists common to lakes and reservoirs(e.g.,Hemiculter bleekeri,Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis).Moreover,18 exotic species(e.g.,Protosalanx hyalocranius,Ictalurus punctatus,Megalobrama amblycephala,Tilapia)were collected in TGR,most of which only existed in the lacustrine zone.The results highlight the importance of freely flowing riverine reaches for conserving native fish in the upper Changjiang River and adaptive management strategies for fisheries in TGR.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the global hydrological cycle, and it has a large impact on water resource management as it affects the availability of freshwater resources. It is important to understand the hydrological cycle for the water resources planning and management. This study used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite derived ET, and potential evapotranspiration (PET) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite derived precipitation datasets to assess the spatial and temporal distributions of ET, PET, and precipitation during the study period at Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) region. Based on the topographic variations and land-use/land-cover distributions, the study region which includes five counties of Hubei Province and nineteen counties of Chongqing Municipality was divided into four study zones. The ET and precipitation data were evaluated using in situ observations. The ET, PET, and precipitation data were compared to analyze the spatial and long-term (2001-2016) temporal distributions of average annual ET, PET, and precipitation, and to understand the relationships between them in the study region. The results showed that each selected zone had highest ET at the counties with the Yangtze River passing through whereas lowest at the counties which were located away from the river. Results also showed increasing trends in ET and PET from south-west to north-east in the study region. Analysis showed TGR had a significant impact on spatial and temporal distributions of ET and PET in the study region. Therefore, this study helps to understand the impact of TGR on spatial and temporal distributions of ET and PET during and after the construction.  相似文献   

Water level is an important index for studying hydrologic processes. Water level rise processes were studied in three catchments (catchment I, II, III in Chen Jiagou watershed in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area) with different areas to provide useful information to inform data extension from a gauged-catchment to an ungauged catchment. The results showed that there are seasonal changes in the dominant driving mode of the rise of the water level. The rise of the water level in March is likely mainly driven by the mode of stored-full runoff, and in September or October, it is mainly driven by Horton-flow. The correlation coefficients of all indexes were significant among the three catchments, suggesting that these catchments have similarities and that water level data extension is likely to be completed successfully between the large catchment (III-Catchment) and the small catchment (I-Catchment). It was confirmed that there is good similarity between the 0.6 km2 and 6 km2 catchments, and the data correlation is good between the catchments with the area differences in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In addition, the rise processes of the water level in the catchments were not only different under the same rain conditions, but this difference could also change with the rain condition.  相似文献   

In order to reach the designated final water level of 175 m, there were three impoundment stages in the Three Gorges Reservoir, with water levels of 135 m, 156 m and 175 m. Baishuihe landslide in the Reservoir was chosen to analyze its displacement characteristics and displacement variability at the different stages. Based on monitoring data, the landslide displacement was mainly influenced by rainfall and drawdown of the reservoir water level. However, the magnitude of the rise and drawdown of the water level after the reservoir water level reached 175 m did not accelerate landslide displacement. The prediction of landslide displacement for active landslides is very important for landslide risk management. The time series of cumulative displacement was divided into a trend term and a periodic term using the Hodrick-Prescott(HP) filter method. The polynomial model was used to predict the trend term. The extreme learning machine(ELM) and least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM) were chosen to predict theperiodic term. In the prediction model for the periodic term, input variables based on the effects of rainfall and reservoir water level in landslide displacement were selected using grey relational analysis. Based on the results, the prediction precision of ELM is better than that of LS-SVM for predicting landslide displacement. The method for predicting landslide displacement could be applied by relevant authorities in making landslide emergency plans in the future.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts(biocrusts) are important landscape components that exist in various climates and habitats. The roles of biocrusts in numerous soil processes have been predominantly recognized in many dryland regions worldwide. However, little is known about their effects on soil detachment process by overland flow, especially in humid climates. This study quantified the effects of moss-dominated biocrusts on soil detachment capacity(Dc) and soil erosion resistance to flowing water in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area which holds a subtropical humid climate. Potential factors driving soil detachment variation and their influencing mechanism were analyzed and elucidated. We designed five levels of coverage treatments(1%–20%, 20%–40%, 40%–60%, 60%–80%, and 80%–100%) and a nearby bare land as control in a mossdominated site. Undisturbed soil samples were taken and subjected to water flow scouring in a hydraulic flume under six shear stresses ranging from 4.89 to 17.99 Pa. The results indicated that mean Dc of mosscovered soil varied from 0.008 to 0.081 kg m~(-2) s~(-1), which was 1.9 to 21.0 times lower than that of bare soil(0.160 kg m~(-2) s~(-1)). Rill erodibility(Kr) of mosscovered soil ranged from 0.0095 to 0.0009 s m~(-1), which was 2 to 20 times lower than that of bare soil(0.0187 s m~(-1)). Both relative soil detachment rate and Kr showed an exponential decay with increasing moss coverage, whereas the critical shear stress(τc) for different moss coverage levels did not differ significantly. Moss coverage, soil cohesion, and sand content were key factors affecting Dc, while moss coverage and soil bulk density were key factors affecting Kr. A power function of flow shear stress, soil cohesion, and moss coverage fitted well to estimate Dc(NSE=0.947). Our findings implied that biocrusts prevented soil detachment directly by their physical cover and indirectly by soil properties modification. Biocrusts could be rehabilitated as a promising soil conservation measure during ecological recovery to enhance soil erosion resistance in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

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