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Yukio Isozaki   《Gondwana Research》2009,15(3-4):421-432
The Permian magnetostratigraphic record demonstrates that a remarkable change in geomagnetism occurred in the Late Guadalupian (Middle Permian; ca. 265 Ma) from the long-term stable Kiaman Reverse Superchron (throughout the Late Carboniferous and Early-Middle Permian) to the Permian–Triassic Mixed Superchron with frequent polarity changes (in the Late Permian and Triassic). This unique episode called the Illawarra Reversal probably reflects a significant change in the geodynamo in the outer core of the planet after a 50 million years of stable geomagnetism. The Illawarra Reversal was likely led by the appearance of a thermal instability at the 2900 km-deep core–mantle boundary in connection with mantle superplume activity. The Illawarra Reversal and the Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary event record the significant transition processes from the Paleozoic to Mesozoic–Modern world. One of the major global environmental changes in the Phanerozoic occurred almost simultaneously in the latest Guadalupian, as recorded in 1) mass extinction, 2) ocean redox change, 3) sharp isotopic excursions (C and Sr), 4) sea-level drop, and 5) plume-related volcanism. In addition to the claimed possible links between the above-listed environmental changes and mantle superplume activity, I propose here an extra explanation that a change in the core's geodynamo may have played an important role in determining the course of the Earth's surface climate and biotic extinction/evolution. When a superplume is launched from the core–mantle boundary, the resultant thermal instability makes the geodynamo's dipole of the outer core unstable, and lowers the geomagnetic intensity. Being modulated by the geo- and heliomagnetism, the galactic cosmic ray flux into the Earth's atmosphere changes with time. The more cosmic rays penetrate through the atmosphere, the more clouds develop to increase the albedo, thus enhancing cooling of the Earth's surface. The Illawarra Reversal, the Kamura cooling event, and other unique geologic phenomena in the Late Guadalupian are all concordantly explained as consequences of the superplume activity that initially triggered the breakup of Pangea. The secular change in cosmic radiation may explain not only the extinction-related global climatic changes in the end-Guadalupian but also the long-term global warming/cooling trend in Earth's history in terms of cloud coverage over the planet.  相似文献   

At the end of the Permian, at the Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary (251.0 ± 0.4 Ma ago), 96% of oceanic organisms became extinct. The extinction lasted three million years, but the most intense and abrupt event was 251.4 Ma ago. A series of more or less substantiated hypotheses was suggested to explain this catastrophe: anoxia, higher CO2 and H2S contents, fall of the sea level, volcanism, and impact events confirmed by several impact craters. The synchronous variation in many factors responsible for biodiversity reduction, including those without casual relations, proves the existence of a common cause of primarily cosmic origin.  相似文献   

三叠纪末期生物大灭绝是全球地质历史时期5大生物灭绝事件之一,它致使海洋生态系统中约53%的属和80%的种灭绝。显著灭绝的生物包括菊石亚纲、牙形类、放射虫目和陆地四足动物,发生部分灭绝的生物包括腕足动物门、介形亚纲、双壳纲和珊瑚纲等。中大西洋火成岩省(CAMP)的爆发与三叠纪末期生物大灭绝在时间上具有较高的一致性,其火山的高强度和大面积喷发被认为是导致此次灭绝事件发生的主要原因。CAMP爆发释放出大量的CO2、SO2和CH4等气体,一方面温室效应促使海平面升高,物种栖息地面积减少、海洋酸化和海洋缺氧等事件直接威胁着海洋和陆地生物的生存环境;另一方面温室效应亦会引发全球性森林火灾,造成陆地植物减少,大量植物碳屑注入海洋使其发生富营养化,又因伴随海洋酸化作用(碳酸化和硫酸化),海洋古生产率发生崩溃。不同地质时期生物大灭绝的发生往往伴随着剧烈的环境变化,在三叠纪末生物大灭绝期,这些变化多表现为古大气成分和古气温动荡、古火灾频繁、海洋酸化、海平面升高和海水缺氧等,它们之间的综合作用最终导致三叠纪末期全球生态系统失稳。在全球多个三叠...  相似文献   

侯海海  张华杰  邵龙义  高莲凤  刘书君 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010017-2023010017
三叠纪末期生物大灭绝是全球地质历史时期五大生物灭绝事件之一,它致使海洋生态系统中约53%的属和80%的种灭绝。显著灭绝的生物包括菊石类、牙形类、放射虫类和陆地四足动物,发生部分灭绝的生物包括腕足类、介形类、双壳类和珊瑚类等。中大西洋火成岩省(CAMP)的爆发与三叠纪末期生物大灭绝在时间上具有较高的一致性,其火山的高强度和大面积喷发被认为是导致此次灭绝事件发生的主要原因。CAMP爆发释放出大量的CO2、SO2和CH4等气体,一方面温室效应促使海平面升高,物种栖息地面积减少、海洋酸化和海洋缺氧等事件直接威胁着海洋和陆地生物的生存环境;另一方面温室效应亦会引发全球性森林火灾,造成陆地植物减少,大量植物碳屑注入海洋使其发生富营养化,又因伴随海洋酸化作用(碳酸化和硫酸化),海洋古生产率发生崩溃。不同地质时期生物大灭绝的发生往往伴随着剧烈的环境变化,在三叠纪末生物大灭绝期,这些变化多表现为古大气成分和古气温动荡、古火灾频繁、海洋酸化、海平面升高和海水缺氧等,它们之间的综合作用最终导致三叠纪末期全球生态系统失稳。在全球多个三叠纪—侏罗纪之交(TJB)剖面均可以识别出3次明显的碳同位素负偏移,最显著的1次发生于瑞替期末,早于TJB。上述情况说明,三叠纪末期生物大灭绝虽然是全球性事件,但并不是1次发生的,具有分阶段性、非同步性、区域性和有选择性等特点。  相似文献   

The end of the Permian was a time of great death and massive upheaval in the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Over the last decades, many causes have been suggested to be responsible for that catastrophe such as global warming, anoxia and acidification. The Gyanyima limestone block was an open ocean seamount in the southern Neotethys at subtropical latitude, and it affords us insight into open-ocean oceanographic changes during the end of the Permian. After careful screening using multiple tests, we reconstructed carbonate/seawater curves from the geochemical data stored in pristine brachiopod shell archives from the shallow water limestone of the Changhsingian Gyanyima Formation of Tibet. The reconstructed strontium isotope curve and data for the late Changhsingian are relatively invariant about 0.707013, but in the upper part of the succession the values become more radiogenic climaxing at about 0.707244. The 87Sr/86Sr curve and trend are similar to those observed for the Upper Permian succession in northern Italy, but dissimilar (less radiogenic) to whole rock results from Austria, Iran, China and Spitsbergen. The Ce/Ce* anomaly results ranging from 0.310 to 0.577 for the brachiopods and from 0.237 to 0.655 for the coeval whole rock before the event, and of 0.276 for whole rock during the extinction event, suggest normal redox conditions. These Ce* values are typical of normal open-ocean oxic water quality conditions observed in modern and other ancient counterparts. The biota and Ce* information clearly discounts global anoxia as a primary cause for the end-Permian biotic crisis. Carbon isotopes from brachiopod shells and whole rock are relatively invariant for most of the latest Permian interval, which is in stark contrast to the distinct negative carbon isotope excursion observed near and about the event. Estimates of seawater temperature at shallow depth fluctuated from 22.2 to 29.0 °C up to unit 8–2, and then gradually rise from 29.7 °C in unit 8–13 to values exceeding 35 °C at a stratigraphic level about 120 ky before the Permian–Triassic boundary, and just before the onset of the extinction interval. This dramatic increase in seawater temperature has been observed in global successions from tropical to mid latitude and from restricted to open ocean localities (e.g., northern Italy, Iran). The brachiopod archive and its geochemical proxies from Tibet support the paradigm that global warming must have been an important factor of the biotic crisis for the terrestrial and marine faunas and floras of the late Paleozoic world.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - One-atmosphere melting experiments are used to assess the role of clinopyroxene in producing the compositional variations observed in mid-ocean-ridge...  相似文献   

The end-Permian mass extinction devastated most marine communities and the recovery was a protracted event lasting several million years into the Early Triassic. Environmental and biological processes undoubtedly controlled patterns of recovery for marine invertebrates in the aftermath of the extinction, but are often difficult to single-out. The global diversity and distribution of marine lophophorates during the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction indicates that stenolaemate bryozoans, rhynchonelliform brachiopods, and lingulid brachiopods displayed distinct recovery patterns.Bryozoans were the most susceptible of the lophophorates, experiencing relatively high rates of extinction at the end of the Permian, and becoming restricted to the Boreal region during the Early Triassic. The recovery of bryozoans was also delayed until the Late Triassic and characterized by very low diversity and abundance. Following the final disappearance of Permian rhynchonelliform brachiopod survivors, Early Triassic rhynchonelliform brachiopod abundance remained suppressed despite a successful re-diversification and a global distribution, suggesting a decoupling between global taxonomic and ecological processes likely driven by lingering environmental stress.In contrast with bryozoans and rhynchonelliforms, lingulid brachiopods rebounded rapidly, colonizing shallow marine settings left vacant by the extinction. Lingulid dominance, characterized by low diversity but high numerical abundance, was short-lived and they were once again displaced back into marginal settings as environmental stress changed through the marine recovery. The presence in lingulid brachiopods of the respiratory pigment hemerythrin, known to increase the efficacy of oxygen storage and transport, when coupled with other morphological and physiological adaptations, may have given lingulids a survival advantage in environmentally stressed Early Triassic settings.  相似文献   

The end-Permian mass extinction devastated most marine communities and the recovery was a protracted event lasting several million years into the Early Triassic. Environmental and biological processes undoubtedly controlled patterns of recovery for marine invertebrates in the aftermath of the extinction, but are often difficult to single-out. The global diversity and distribution of marine lophophorates during the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction indicates that stenolaemate bryozoans, rhynchonelliform brachiopods, and lingulid brachiopods displayed distinct recovery patterns.Bryozoans were the most susceptible of the lophophorates, experiencing relatively high rates of extinction at the end of the Permian, and becoming restricted to the Boreal region during the Early Triassic. The recovery of bryozoans was also delayed until the Late Triassic and characterized by very low diversity and abundance. Following the final disappearance of Permian rhynchonelliform brachiopod survivors, Early Triassic rhynchonelliform brachiopod abundance remained suppressed despite a successful re-diversification and a global distribution, suggesting a decoupling between global taxonomic and ecological processes likely driven by lingering environmental stress.In contrast with bryozoans and rhynchonelliforms, lingulid brachiopods rebounded rapidly, colonizing shallow marine settings left vacant by the extinction. Lingulid dominance, characterized by low diversity but high numerical abundance, was short-lived and they were once again displaced back into marginal settings as environmental stress changed through the marine recovery. The presence in lingulid brachiopods of the respiratory pigment hemerythrin, known to increase the efficacy of oxygen storage and transport, when coupled with other morphological and physiological adaptations, may have given lingulids a survival advantage in environmentally stressed Early Triassic settings.  相似文献   

在江西修水四都镇东岭村发现了一个连续的、出露完好的二叠纪-三叠纪界线地层剖面。在剖面中有一段厚约2.1m 的地层具有指示海平面下降的岩石组构。这段地层的底部为红色的碳酸盐颗粒岩。红色是颗粒表面的红色铁染,成分为褐铁矿,是出露地表风化形成的。这层红色颗粒岩之上有约2.0 m 的去白云石化灰岩,其中保留了原来粉晶白云石的晶形。去白云石化作用是白云岩受淡水影响而发生的,指示海平面下降事件。这段地层之上是厚1m 的颗粒岩和灰泥岩,代表浅水潮下环境。其上是二叠系-三叠系的界线。这段地层之下的地层中生物丰富多样,并且有复(蜒)、钙藻等大绝灭前的生物。这段地层及其以上的地层中生物种类很少,(蜓)、钙藻等已经消失,表明集群绝灭事件开始于这段地层之下,生物大绝灭的发生与海平面下降事件的发生是基本同时的。由此认为,可能是海平面下降有关的环境剧变事件引发了二叠纪末的集群绝灭事件。  相似文献   

The latest Permian extinction(252 Myr ago)was the most severe in the geologic record.On land,widespread Late Permian gymnosperm/seed-fern dominated forests appear to have suffered rapid and almost complete destruction,as evidenced by increased soil erosion and changes in fluvial style in deforested areas,signs of wildfires,replacement of trees by lower plants,and almost complete loss of peat-forming and fire-susceptible vegetation.Permian-Triassic boundary strata at many sites show two widespread palynological events in the wake of the forest destruction:The fungal event,evidenced by a thin zone with95%fungal cells(Reduviasporonites)and woody debris,found in terrestrial and marine sediments,and the acritarch event,marked by the sudden flood of unusual phytoplankton in the marine realm.These two events represent the global temporary explosive spread of stress-tolerant and opportunistic organisms on land and in the sea just after the latest Permian disaster.They represent unique events,and thus they can provide a time marker in correlating latest Permian marine and terrestrial sequences.  相似文献   

To determine oxygen isotope fractionation between aragonite and water, aragonite was slowly precipitated from Ca(HCO3)2 solution at 0 to 50°C in the presence of Mg2+ or SO42−. The phase compositions and morphologies of synthetic minerals were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The effects of aragonite precipitation rate and excess dissolved CO2 gas in the initial Ca(HCO3)2 solution on oxygen isotope fractionation between aragonite and water were investigated. For the CaCO3 minerals slowly precipitated by the CaCO3 or NaHCO3 dissolution method at 0 to 50°C, the XRD and SEM analyses show that the rate of aragonite precipitation increased with temperature. Correspondingly, oxygen isotope fractionations between aragonite and water deviated progressively farther from equilibrium. Additionally, an excess of dissolved CO2 gas in the initial Ca(HCO3)2 solution results in an increase in apparent oxygen isotope fractionations. As a consequence, the experimentally determined oxygen isotope fractionations at 50°C indicate disequilibrium, whereas the relatively lower fractionation values obtained at 0 and 25°C from the solution with less dissolved CO2 gas and low precipitation rates indicate a closer approach to equilibrium. Combining the lower values at 0 and 25°C with previous data derived from a two-step overgrowth technique at 50 and 70°C, a fractionation equation for the aragonite-water system at 0 to 70°C is obtained as follows:

戎嘉余  黄冰 《地质学报》2019,93(3):509-527
奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与冈瓦纳大陆冰盖的形成与消融密切关联的认识已被广泛接受;同时,赫南特贝腕足动物群(Hirnantia Fauna)常被视作这次大灭绝的肇端标志。本文通过对扬子区-全球环境巨变的一个缩影-相关层段的腕足类的研究,改变了后一认识。上扬子区五峰组(笔石页岩相)与观音桥层(介壳相)之间,以及下扬子区新开岭层之中的"混合相地层"(既产笔石,又产介壳相生物),代表奥陶纪最晚期沉积-生物-环境发生重大变化的过渡阶段,记录了南方大陆冰盖的形成对华南各地影响的开始;只因厚度小、研究少,该段地层及其所含化石群长期未被重视。根据半个世纪积累的材料,本文系统记述了该混合相地层的优势化石腕足类稀少贝(Manosia);根据保存腕螺构造的珍贵标本,证实它是无洞贝目的成员,暂归于无洞贝科;通过识别稀少贝组合(Manosia Assemblage)的基本特征和时空分布,探讨它的群落生态、环境及其标志意义。奥陶纪末的华南板块处于一个相对孤立的古地理位置,且稀少贝幼虫的漂浮能力不强,故未能"飘洋过海"离开华南板块一步;尽管如此,东西向从滇东北到苏南,南北向从陕南到黔北,它成为一个机遇泛滥属种,遍布于整个扬子海域,栖居于深水、低能、贫氧的底域(BA4-5)。稀少贝组合的地层历程从上奥陶统凯迪阶顶部(Diceratograptus mirus亚带)到赫南特阶下部(Normalograptus extraordinarius带中下部);其短暂的历程反映全球气候和海洋环境扰动对扬子海域不同地区造成的影响之开始。这里有一个"先浅水、后深水"的穿时过程:①在上扬子区浅水海域,它仅限于凯迪末期,几乎同时迁移到较深水域并延续到赫南特初期;②侵入到下扬子深水海域则是到赫南特早期并在中期灭绝。因此,华南奥陶纪末大灭绝的起步标志不是赫南特贝动物群本身,而是稀少贝组合的出现;大灭绝的肇端并非始于赫南特初期,而是凯迪末期。同时可能也指示大陆冰盖的形成对世界其他板块不同水深海域的影响也不是等时的。赫南特早中期扬子海域生物群分布状况演变得非常复杂。奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与全球气候和海洋环境的剧变相伴发生,是显生宙唯一一次与冰川活动有密切关联的特大事件。  相似文献   

The severe mass extinction of marine and terrestrial organisms at the end of the Permian Period (c. 251 Ma) was accompanied by a rapid (<100 000 years and possibly <10 000 years) negative excursion of c. 3‰ in the δ13C of the global surface oceans and atmosphere that persisted for some 500 000 years into the Early Triassic. Simulations with an ocean–atmosphere/carbon-cycle model suggest that the isotope excursion can be explained by collapse of ocean primary productivity, and changes in the delivery and cycling of carbon in the oceans and on land. Model results suggest that severe reduction of marine productivity led to an increase in surface-ocean dissolved inorganic carbon and a rapid, short-term increase in atmospheric pCO2 (from a Late Permian base of 850 ppm to c. 2500 ppm). Increase in surface ocean alkalinity may have stimulated the widespread microbial and abiotic shallow-water carbonate deposition seen in the earliest Triassic. The model is also consistent with a long-term (>1 Ma) decrease in sedimentary burial of organic carbon in the early Triassic.  相似文献   

Xenoliths of coarse-grained spinel-clinopyroxenite up to 15 cm in size occur in tuff in an isolated Permian vent on the Caithness coast at Duncansby Ness. Highly altered fragments of chrome-spinel lherzolite and wehrlite are also found in the tuff and in a body of monchiquite within the vent. The spinel-clinopyroxenites consist of aluminous augite and aluminous pleonaste spinel (FeO/MgO = 0.9) and their texture suggests the spinel to have exsolved from the augite. Experiments on representative natural xenolith compositions at 18 kb (dry) indicate that all the spinel in the estimated average bulk composition (Sp4.9Px95.1) could have exsolved from an original homogeneous pyroxene. Initial fractionation of such a pyroxene from an alkali basaltic magma at P≥18 kb, 1450-1350 °C, would be followed by spinel exsolution at T< 1290 ° C. A similar origin by fractionation of a highly aluminous augite (± aluminous spinel) at high pressure, with subsequent spinel exsolution is proposed for spinel-clinopyroxenites from alkali basalts elsewhere in the world. The similarity of these xenoliths suggests that such a process may form an important stage in the evolution of some undersaturated basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

节理分布位置影响岩体综合抗剪强度,并控制“锁固段”型岩质边坡启动和破裂演化。通过模型试件剪切试验,分析了节理分布位置对岩体综合抗剪强度和破裂特征的影响程度。试件模型以水泥砂浆为材料,在剪切面不同位置预制封闭节理,使其成为四周密封、内部节理贯通的模型。在不同法向应力下进行剪切试验,测定综合抗剪强度变化规律和剪切破裂特征。试验结果表明:试样破裂面可分为翼部拉张区、翼部压剪区、端部拉张区三部分,各区面积所占比例随节理位置变化而波动。剪切强度参数也随节理位置变化而规律性波动,且法向应力越大,变化幅度越大。  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope composition of carbonate-associated sulfate (δ34SCAS) and carbon isotope composition of carbonate (δ13Ccarb) were jointly investigated on the Late Permian rocks at Shangsi Section, Guanyuan, Northeast Sichuan, South China. Both δ34SCAS and δ13Ccarb show gradual decline trends in Late Permian strata, inferring the occurrence of the long-term variation of marine environmental conditions. Associated with the long-term variation are the two coincident negative shifts in δ34SCAS and δ13Ccarb, with one occurring at the boundary between Middle Permian Maokou Formation and Late Permian Wujiaping Formation and another at Middle Dalong Formation. Of significance is the second shift which clearly predates the regression and the biotic crisis at the end of Permian at Shangsi Section, providing evidence that a catastrophic event occurred prior to the biotic crisis. The frequent volcanisms indicated by the volcanic rocks or fragments, and the upwelling are proposed to cause the second negative excursion. An abrupt extreme negative δ34SCAS (ca. −20‰) associated with a low relative concentration of CAS and total organic carbon without large change in δ13Ccarb is found at the end of the second shift, which might arise from the short-term oxygenation of bottom waters and sediments that resulted from the abrupt sea level drop.  相似文献   

二叠纪末期发生的显生宙以来最大的生物绝灭事件,使海洋生态系统和陆地生态系统均受到重创之后,微生物岩广泛分布于全球正常浅海地区。研究认为,扬子地台在二叠纪末期存在一次海平面降低的事件,造成研究区二叠纪地层与早三叠世微生物岩之间存在沉积间断或剥蚀,并使三叠纪牙形石混入二叠纪末期的沉积物中。二叠-三叠系界线位于微生物岩层的底界;微生物岩形成于早三叠世最早期,相当于Hindeodus parvus带,是早三叠世最早期开始的海侵事件为其提供生长所需的可容纳空间。在Isarcicella staeschei带-I. isarcica带早期再次发生相对海平面降低事件,之后海平面开始快速上升。研究区早三叠世早期的微生物岩以凝块构造发育为特征,具有斑状、层状、枝状和网状凝块构造4种典型中型构造。结合前人的工作,认为微生物群落通过生物沉积和物理沉积作用形成球状体,球状体汇聚形成不同的中型凝块构造。研究扬子地台早三叠世凝块石的确切时代和结构、构造类型特征,为准确恢复生物大灭绝事件前后的环境变迁以及生物演化事件与环境变化的相互作用关系提供重要的证据。  相似文献   

Quartz c axis fabrics and microstructures have been investigated within a suite of quartzites collected from the Loch Eriboll area of the Moine Thrust zone and are used to interpret the detailed processes involved in fabric evolution. The intensity of quartz c axis fabrics is directly proportional to the calculated strain magnitude. A correlation is also established between the pattern of c axis fabrics and the calculated strain symmetry.Two kinematic domains are recognized within one of the studied thrust sheets which outcrops immediately beneath the Moine Thrust. Within the upper and central levels of the thrust sheet coaxial deformation is indicated by conjugate, mutually interfering shear bands, globular low strain detrital quartz grains whose c axes are aligned sub-parallel to the principal finite shortening direction (Z) and quartz c axis fabrics which are symmetric (both in terms of skeletal outline and intensity distribution) with respect to mylonitic foliation and lineation. Non-coaxial deformation is indicated within the more intensely deformed and recrystallized quartzites located near the base of the thrust sheet by single sets of shear bands and c axis fabrics which are asymmetric with respect to foliation and lineation.Tectonic models offering possible explanations for the presence of kinematic (strain path) domains within thrust sheets are considered.  相似文献   

1998—2004年间在西藏聂拉木、林周、墨竹工卡和洛扎等地进行的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层研究表明,西藏隆子县和洛扎县尚未发现具有连续菊石层序的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层剖面。拉萨以北地区广泛分布的火山岩时代确定为晚三叠世—早侏罗世早期,这有助于解释晚三叠世末期生物绝灭与晚三叠世岩浆侵入和大规模的火山活动有关,但T/J界线尚待精确限定。聂拉木县格米格剖面是特提斯地区唯一未曾“压缩”的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层剖面,具有瑞替阶MARSHI菊石带、赫塘阶Tibeticum、Callyphyllum和Pleuro-notum菊石带。格米格剖面三叠系/侏罗系界线碳稳定同位素曲线记录了晚三叠世瑞替阶末期(Marshi菊石带)突然的负偏移,它很有可能和晚三叠世末期的由超级温室效应所产生的生物绝灭事件相对应。  相似文献   

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