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可控源音频大地电磁数据的反演方法   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18  
从反演方程、构造目标函数和求解三方面对用于可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)的实用反演方法中的四种进行了描述.水平层状地层CSAMT法资料的直接反演法首次尝试了一维空间的全资料CSAMT反演,效果较好,但该方法尚难应用于2D、3D复杂介质中;奥克姆反演方法既考虑了横向的光滑函数,又考虑了纵向的光滑函数,得到比较光滑的横向、纵向变化的背景电性结果,但有可能把一些小构造光滑掉.快速松驰反演算法和共轭梯度算法由于计算速度快,占内存少而被用于三维反演中,二者相比,快速松驰算法在求解雅可比矩阵时只做一次正演计算,在更新模型时解小型方程组,所以在速度上更胜一筹.在后三种算法中,由于复杂电性结构无解析解,正演计算都采用数值计算.数值计算的可靠性、速度影响着反演算法的有效性,这方面的研究也将是2D、3D复杂电性结构反演的研究方向之一.  相似文献   

音频大地电磁法强干扰压制试验研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
压制非相关噪声已经有多种比较成熟的技术方法,如多次叠加、远参考、Robust阻抗估计等,但这些方法对压制矿集区存在的强电磁噪声(通常属于相关噪声)基本没有效果.本文在前期提出的针对矿集区大地电磁强噪声压制的数学形态滤波基础上,开展了音频大地电磁法强干扰压制的试验研究.在四川西昌某AMT测点附近,布置了大功率电磁发送站,通过接地导线向地下供20A的方波电流,同时在供电期和间歇期用凤凰公司MTU-5A仪器观测4个水平分量的电磁场.在室内采用数学形态滤波和阈值法相结合的手段在时间域对含有人工源强干扰的电磁场数据进行处理,以视电阻率对比、频谱和极化方向等参数对处理效果进行评价.结果表明:结构元素恰当的数学形态滤波可以对人工源强干扰进行识别、去除,阈值法则可以消除形态滤波后的脉冲干扰,二者结合可以有效地压制AMT中的强干扰噪声,提高数据可靠性.本文结果对AMT实际资料处理具有重要的实用和参考价值.  相似文献   

The processing of magnetotelluric data involves concepts from electromagnetic theory, time series analysis and linear systems theory for reducing natural electric and magnetic field variations recorded at the earth's surface to forms suitable for studying the electrical properties of the earth's interior.The electromagnetic field relations lead to either a scalar transfer impedance which couples an electric component to an orthogonal magnetic component at the surface of a plane-layered earth, or a tensor transfer impedance which couples each electric component to both magnetic components in the vicinity of a lateral inhomogeneity.A number of time series spectral analysis methods can be used for estimating the complex spectral coefficients of the various field quantities. These in turn are used for estimating the nature of the transfer function or tensor impedance. For two dimensional situations, the tensor impedance can be rotated to determine the principal directions of the electrical structure.In general for real data, estimates of the apparent resistivity are more stable when calculated from the tensor elements rather than from simple orthogonal field ratios (Cagniard estimates), even when the fields are measured in the principal coordinates.  相似文献   

Introduction Since the middle of the century, gravitational isostasy has been a fundamental hypothesis for inverting the gravity data to find the crust thickness. Geophysicists have done a lot of researches on using gravity data to investigate the depth of Moho discontinuity. Since 1980, the International Lithosphere Program emphasized the importance of investigating the Moho depth variation. Thereafter a lot of results have been published in the world (Braitenberg et al, 2000; Kaban et al,…  相似文献   


It is preferable to use the three-dimensional (3D) magnetotelluric inversion, which provides volumetric geoelectric models, to handle the array input data. However, the soundings are frequently conducted on the single profiles or on the profiles that are considerably spaced apart from each other. We explore the possibilities of the 3D inversion of such data by the example of a three-layer model containing three local inhomogeneities. We previously showed that the simple processing of the data and their 1D or 2D inversion enable reconstructing the background cross section and locating all the three inhomogeneities. In the present paper, we use this information for constructing several versions of the starting model and carrying out the smoothing 3D inversion of the data. The experiments show that if the background cross section is incorporated into the starting model, the final model provided by the inversion closely reproduces the real distribution of all geoelectric parameters. At the same time, if the starting model that hosts the inhomogeneities has the form of a homogeneous half-space, the inversion is not able to reconstruct an adequate final model.


It is preferable to use the three-dimensional (3D) magnetotelluric inversion, which provides volumetric geoelectric models, to handle the array input data. However, the soundings are frequently conducted on the single profiles or on the profiles that are considerably spaced apart from each other. We explore the possibilities of the 3D inversion of such data by the example of a three-layer model containing three local inhomogeneities. We previously showed that the simple processing of the data and their 1D or 2D inversion enable reconstructing the background cross section and locating all the three inhomogeneities. In the present paper, we use this information for constructing several versions of the starting model and carrying out the smoothing 3D inversion of the data. The experiments show that if the background cross section is incorporated into the starting model, the final model provided by the inversion closely reproduces the real distribution of all geoelectric parameters. At the same time, if the starting model that hosts the inhomogeneities has the form of a homogeneous half-space, the inversion is not able to reconstruct an adequate final model.  相似文献   

带地形高频大地电磁法有限元数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中深度地球物理勘探的迫切需要,以美国EH-4电导率成像系统为代表的高频大地电磁法在我国地球物理勘探行业应用越来越广泛,其勘探深度在地下1000 m以浅,频率范围10 Hz~100 KHz.本文研究了带地形的高频率大地电磁法有限元高精度、快速数值模拟.首先利用广义变分原理推导出电磁场的有限元方程,编制了双线性和双二次插值有限元程序,对典型山谷和山脊地形的数值模拟结果进行了分析,得出了一些有意义的结论.  相似文献   

如何通过改进大地电磁测深(MT)反演方法来提高数据解释的精确度一直都是大地电磁测深研究领域的重要课题.本文以作者所在研究组从事的科研项目为依托,介绍了国内外主要的大地电磁反演方法.通过总结将反演方法分为定性近似反演方法、基于目标函数的线性或非线性选代反演方法和全局搜索最优反演方法三大类,并从目标函数构建、灵敏度矩阵计算...  相似文献   

研究了基于矢量有限元方法的大地电磁带地形三维反演算法并开发了三维反演计算程序代码.在大地电磁场正演数值模拟方面,采用并行直接稀疏求解器PARDISO且无需进行散度校正的快速正演方案,对典型地形模型,在中等规模计算条件下,与双共轭梯度法(BICG)计算结果比较,发现PARDISO比BICG快10倍以上;通过理论模型试算,并与前人的有限元法计算结果对比,验证了带地形三维正演计算程序的正确性.在反演方面,本研究基于共轭梯度方法编写了大地电磁带地形三维反演代码,为了避免直接求取雅可比矩阵,将反演中的雅可比矩阵计算问题转为求解两次"拟正演"问题,进而将PARDISO的快速正演方案应用于"拟正演"问题的求解,以提高反演计算效率.利用开发的反演算法对多个带地形地电模型的合成数据进行了三维反演,反演结果能很好地重现理论模型的电性结构,验证了本文开发的三维反演算法的正确性和可靠性.最后,利用该算法反演了某矿区大地电磁实测数据,反演得到的三维电性结构清晰地反映了研究区的地电特征,将反演结果与该区已有地质资料结合进行解释,应用效果明显,进一步验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本研究实现了一套基于有限差分(FD)方法的大地电磁测深数据带地形三维反演算法及代码.其中,在大地电磁场正演数值模拟方面,开发了起伏地形条件下基于交错网格剖分、有限差分方法的大地电磁测深三维正演代码;在满足平面波场假设的前提下,使用长方体网格剖分模拟三维起伏地形,实现了带地形三维正演计算;并设计理论模型进行试算,经试算结果与前人的有限元法计算结果对比,验证了所研发的带地形三维正演计算的正确性与可靠性.在反演方面,本研究基于非线性共轭梯度方法编写了大地电磁测深带地形三维反演代码,试验了不同的共轭梯度搜索因子β,避免了目标函数对海森矩阵(参数二次导数矩阵)的显式计算和存储,初步实现了大地电磁资料的带地形三维反演.最后,对一系列理论模型进行正演计算,利用其生成的合成数据模拟实测数据进行反演,并与现有的不带地形大地电磁测深三维反演结果比较,检验了所研发的带地形三维反演计算的可靠性与稳定性.  相似文献   

This study developed and evaluated a hybrid approach to remote measurement of river morphology that combines LiDAR topography with spectrally based bathymetry. Comparison of filtered LiDAR point clouds with surveyed cross‐sections indicated that subtle features on low‐relief floodplains were accurately resolved by LiDAR but that submerged areas could not be detected due to strong absorption of near‐infrared laser pulses by water. The reduced number of returns made the active channel evident in a LiDAR point density map. A second dataset suggested that pulse intensity also could be used to discriminate land from water via a threshold‐based masking procedure. Fusion of LiDAR and optical data required accurate co‐registration of images to the LiDAR, and we developed an object‐oriented procedure for achieving this alignment. Information on flow depths was derived by correlating pixel values with field measurements of depth. Highly turbid conditions dictated a positive relation between green band radiance and flow depth and contributed to under‐prediction of pool depths. Water surface elevations extracted from the LiDAR along the water's edge were used to produce a continuous water surface that preserved along‐channel variations in slope. Subtracting local flow depths from this surface yielded estimates of the bed elevation that were then combined with LiDAR topography for exposed areas to create a composite representation of the riverine terrain. The accuracy of this terrain model was assessed via comparison with detailed field surveys. A map of elevation residuals showed that the greatest errors were associated with underestimation of pool depths and failure to capture cross‐stream differences in water surface elevation. Nevertheless, fusion of LiDAR and passive optical image data provided an efficient means of characterizing river morphology that would not have been possible if either dataset had been used in isolation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大地电磁测深资料数据采集过程中,由于温度、湿度等对仪器的影响或GPS搜星不正常,采集到的数据有时会出现时间序列跳帧或缺失现象.针对这一问题,本文将基于无激励AR(p)模型预测数据的原理引入大地电磁测深数据处理中.根据已知序列确定AR(p)模型阶数以及模型参数,建立正确的预测模型对缺失数据进行预测,并对比经过预测后的数据与实际样本数据的频谱,表明AR(p)预测模型可以解决原始资料的不连续性问题,提高了大地电磁测深野外资料的利用率.  相似文献   

The response of tidal and residual currents to small-scale morphological differences over abrupt deep-sea topography (Seine Seamount) was estimated for bathymetry grids of different spatial resolution. Local barotropic tidal model solutions were obtained for three popular and publicly available bathymetry grids (Smith and Sandwell TOPO8.2, ETOPO1, and GEBCO08) to calculate residual currents from vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (VM-ADCP) measurements. Currents from each tidal solution were interpolated to match the VM-ADCP ensemble times and locations. Root mean square (RMS) differences of tidal and residual current speeds largely follow topographic deviations and were largest for TOPO8.2-based solutions (up to 2.8 cm?s?1) in seamount areas shallower than 1,000 m. Maximum RMS differences of currents obtained from higher resolution bathymetry did not exceed 1.7 cm?s?1. Single depth-dependent maximum residual flow speed differences were up to 8 cm?s?1 in all cases. Seine Seamount is located within a strong mean flow environment, and RMS residual current speed differences varied between 5 % and 20 % of observed peak velocities of the ambient flow. Residual flow estimates from shipboard ADCP data might be even more sensitive to the choice of bathymetry grids if barotropic tidal models are used to remove tides over deep oceanic topographic features where the mean flow is weak compared to the magnitude of barotropic tidal, or baroclinic currents. Realistic topography and associated flow complexity are also important factors for understanding sedimentary and ecological processes driven and maintained by flow–topography interaction.  相似文献   

Pathways of further development of the dynamic correction technique suggested by E. Fainberg are discussed. This technique allows the correction of magnetotelluric (MT) and magnetovariational (MV) data distorted by subsurface irregularities within a broad range of frequencies beyond the static shift interval. This paper addresses new algorithms for the dynamic correction of tensor MT and MV response functions. Moreover, experiments on the dynamic correction of MT and MV data calculated for models containing heterogeneities in sedimentary cover and infinite or half-infinite conductive crustal prism are described. Model experiments show that the dynamic correction can ensure sufficient accuracy of the input data for the reliable solution of the inverse problem of magnetotellurics.  相似文献   

大地电磁场成像方法综述与新进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对电磁场成像技术进行了系统总结,分析阐述了大地电磁场成像技术的研究现状与存在问题,并对各种方法的特点进行了比较和归纳,进而在Zhdanov等对偏移电磁场的研究和成像技术基础上提出了改进的有限差分法大地电磁场偏移成像技术,该方法提高了差分方程的精度和成像分辨率,并对客观选取背景电导率、两种极化模式联合成像、多参数和再次成像以及全频段成像和成像结合反演技术进行了研究。  相似文献   

Sharp boundary inversion of 2D magnetotelluric data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We consider 2D earth models consisting of laterally variable layers. Boundaries between layers are described by their depths at a set of nodes and interpolated laterally between nodes. Conductivity within each layer is described by values at a set of nodes fixed within each layer, and is interpolated laterally within each layer. Within the set of possible models of this sort, we iteratively invert magnetotelluric data for models minimizing the lateral roughness of the layer boundaries, and the lateral roughness of conductivities within layers, for a given level of data misfit. This stabilizes the inverse problem and avoids superfluous detail. This approach allows the determination of boundary positions between geological units with sharp discontinuities in properties across boundaries, while sharing the stability features of recent smooth conductivity distribution inversions.
We compare sharp boundary inversion results with smooth conductivity distribution inversion results on a numerical example, and on inversion of field data from the Columbia River flood basalts of Washington State. In the synthetic example, where true positions and resistivities are known, sharp boundary inversion results determine both layer boundary locations and layer resistivities accurately. In inversion of Columbia flood basalt data, sharp boundary inversion recovers a model with substantially less internal variation within units, and less ambiguity in both the depth to base of the basalts and depth to resistive basement.  相似文献   

大地电磁法三维共轭梯度反演研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
Based on the analysis of the conjugate gradient algorithm, we implement a threedimensional (3D) conjugate gradient inversion algorithm with magnetotelluric impedance data. During the inversion process, the 3D conjugate gradient inversion algorithm doesn' t need to compute and store the Jacobian matrix but directly updates the model from the computation of the Jacobian matrix. Requiring only one forward and four pseudo-forward modeling applications per frequency to produce the model update at each iteration, this algorithm efficiently reduces the computation of the inversion. From a trial inversion with synthetic magnetotelluric data, the validity and stability of the 3D conjugate gradient inversion algorithm is verified.  相似文献   

The problem of quantitative three-dimensional interpretation of the magnetotelluric (MT) data ranks among the most difficult problems in electromagnetic (EM) geophysics. Our paper presents a new rigorous numerical method for MT inversion, based on the integral equations technique. An important feature of the proposed method is the calculation of the Frechet derivative with the aid of a quasi-analytical approximation with an inhomogeneous background. This approach simplifies the algorithm of inversion and requires only a single forward modeling on each iteration. We have also developed a method for a joint inversion of MT and magnetovariational (MV) data. We show in the present paper that the joint inversion of MT impedances and the Wiese-Parkinson vectors can automatically allow for the static shift in the observed data, which is caused by the geoelectric inhomogeneities contained in the near-surface layer.  相似文献   

Based on Generalized Seismic Ray Theory (Helmberger, 1968), a new quickly linear inversion method from the data of seismic waveform to seismic moment tensor and source mechanism for domestic earthquake is studied in this paper. Six moderately strong earthquakes which occurred in Chinese mainland in the past few years are studied. The seismic source parameters of these earthquakes, seismic moment tensors, scalar seismic moments, fault plane solutions and source time functionsetc, are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 261–268, 1993.  相似文献   

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