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The first-order perturbation theory is used for fast 3D computation of quasi-compressional (qP)-wave traveltimes in arbitrarily anisotropic media. For efficiency we implement the perturbation approach using a finite-difference (FD) eikonal solver. Traveltimes in the unperturbed reference medium are computed with an FD eikonal solver, while perturbed traveltimes are obtained by adding a traveltime correction to the traveltimes of the reference medium. The traveltime correction must be computed along the raypath in the reference medium. Since the raypath is not determined in FD eikonal solvers, we approximate rays by linear segments corresponding to the direction of the phase normal of plane wavefronts in each cell. An isotropic medium as a reference medium works well for weak anisotropy. Using a medium with ellipsoidal anisotropy as a background medium in the perturbation approach allows us to consider stronger anisotropy without losing computational speed. The traveltime computation in media with ellipsoidal anisotropy using an FD eikonal solver is fast and accurate. The relative error is below 0.5% for the models investigated in this study. Numerical examples show that the reference model with ellipsoidal anisotropy allows us to compute the traveltime for models with strong anisotropy with an improved accuracy compared with the isotropic reference medium.  相似文献   

王潇  杨锴  杨顺军 《地球物理学报》2024,67(4):1546-1569

致力于研究三维TTI介质下的qP波立体层析反演算法.将射线扰动理论应用于三维具有倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(TTI)介质拟声波程函方程, 导出立体层析所需的三维TTI介质qP波数据空间与三维TTI介质模型空间之间的所有Frechét导数.在通过灵敏度测试验证了相应Frechét导数对于三个各向异性THOMSEN参数的正确性之后, 使用两步法反演策略——即先使用坐标分量和射线参数水平分量(不包括走时)实施初始反演而后再使用所有数据空间分量进行反演, 在三维qP波TTI介质情形下针对三个各向异性THOMSEN参数可以获得理想的反演结果, 为三维qP波TTI介质下透射立体层析的应用做好了理论准备.用一个典型的理论数据算例证实了上述观点.


各向异性TI介质qP反射波走时层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震走时层析成像是反演地层各向异性参数分布的有效方法, 但是关于地震各向异性介质走时层析成像的研究并不多, 其技术远远没有达到成熟的阶段.在野外数据采集时, 地表反射波观测方式相对井间和垂直地震剖面观测方式的成本更低, 利用qP反射波走时反演各向异性参数具有更加广泛的实用价值.本文实现的TI介质地震走时层析成像方法结合了TI介质反射波射线追踪算法、走时扰动方程和非线性共轭梯度算法, 它可以对任意强度的TI介质模型进行反演, 文中尝试利用qP反射波走时重建TI介质模型的参数图像.利用qP反射波对层状介质模型和块状异常体模型进行走时反演, 由于qP波相速度对弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数的偏微分不同, 所以可以分别反演弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数.数值模拟结果表明:利用qP反射波可以反演出TI介质模型的弹性模量参数与Thomsen参数, 不同模型的走时迭代反演达到了较好的收敛效果, 与各向同性介质走时反演结果相比较, 各向异性介质走时反演结果具有较好的识别能力.  相似文献   

王潇  杨锴 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4954-4964



Eikonal solvers often have stability problems if the velocity model is mildly heterogeneous. We derive a stable and compact form of the eikonal equation for P‐wave propagation in vertical transverse isotropic media. The obtained formulation is more compact than other formulations and therefore computationally attractive. We implemented ray shooting for this new equation through a Hamiltonian formalism. Ray tracing based on this new equation is tested on both simple as well as more realistic mildly heterogeneous velocity models. We show through examples that the new equation gives travel times that coincide with the travel time picks from wave equation modelling for anisotropic wave propagation.  相似文献   

Gaussian beam is an important complex geometrical optical technology for modeling seismic wave propagation and diffraction in the subsurface with complex geological structure. Current methods for Gaussian beam modeling rely on the dynamic ray tracing and the evanescent wave tracking. However, the dynamic ray tracing method is based on the paraxial ray approximation and the evanescent wave tracking method cannot describe strongly evanescent fields. This leads to inaccuracy of the computed wave fields in the region with a strong inhomogeneous medium. To address this problem, we compute Gaussian beam wave fields using the complex phase by directly solving the complex eikonal equation. In this method, the fast marching method, which is widely used for phase calculation, is combined with Gauss–Newton optimization algorithm to obtain the complex phase at the regular grid points. The main theoretical challenge in combination of this method with Gaussian beam modeling is to address the irregular boundary near the curved central ray. To cope with this challenge, we present the non-uniform finite difference operator and a modified fast marching method. The numerical results confirm the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Despite the complexity of wave propagation in anisotropic media, reflection moveout on conventional common-midpoint (CMP) spreads is usually well described by the normal-moveout (NMO) velocity defined in the zero-offset limit. In their recent work, Grechka and Tsvankin showed that the azimuthal variation of NMO velocity around a fixed CMP location generally has an elliptical form (i.e. plotting the NMO velocity in each azimuthal direction produces an ellipse) and is determined by the spatial derivatives of the slowness vector evaluated at the CMP location. This formalism is used here to develop exact solutions for the NMO velocity in anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry. For the model of a single homogeneous layer above a dipping reflector, we obtain an explicit NMO expression valid for all pure modes and any orientation of the CMP line with respect to the reflector strike. The contribution of anisotropy to NMO velocity is contained in the slowness components of the zero-offset ray (along with the derivatives of the vertical slowness with respect to the horizontal slownesses) — quantities that can be found in a straightforward way from the Christoffel equation. If the medium above a dipping reflector is horizontally stratified, the effective NMO velocity is determined through a Dix-type average of the matrices responsible for the ‘interval’ NMO ellipses in the individual layers. This generalized Dix equation provides an analytic basis for moveout inversion in vertically inhomogeneous, arbitrarily anisotropic media. For models with a throughgoing vertical symmetry plane (i.e. if the dip plane of the reflector coincides with a symmetry plane of the overburden), the semi-axes of the NMO ellipse are found by the more conventional rms averaging of the interval NMO velocities in the dip and strike directions. Modelling of normal moveout in general heterogeneous anisotropic media requires dynamic ray tracing of only one (zero-offset) ray. Remarkably, the expressions for geometrical spreading along the zero-offset ray contain all the components necessary to build the NMO ellipse. This method is orders of magnitude faster than multi-azimuth, multi-offset ray tracing and, therefore, can be used efficiently in traveltime inversion and in devising fast dip-moveout (DMO) processing algorithms for anisotropic media. This technique becomes especially efficient if the model consists of homogeneous layers or blocks separated by smooth interfaces. The high accuracy of our NMO expressions is illustrated by comparison with ray-traced reflection traveltimes in piecewise-homogeneous, azimuthally anisotropic models. We also apply the generalized Dix equation to field data collected over a fractured reservoir and show that P-wave moveout can be used to find the depth-dependent fracture orientation and to evaluate the magnitude of azimuthal anisotropy.  相似文献   

由所建立的三维qP波相速度表示式出发,导出并解析求解各向异性介质中的频散方程,得到三维各向异性介质中的相移算子,进而将以相移算子为基础的对称非平稳相移方法推广到各向异性介质,发展了一个三维各向异性介质的深度偏移方法. 文中使用的各向异性介质的速度模型与现行的各向异性构造的速度估计方法一致,将各向同性、弱各向异性及强各向异性统一在一个模型中. 所建立的各向异性介质对称非平稳相移波场延拓算子可以同时适应速度及各向异性参数横向变化;文中给出的算例虽然是针对二维VTI介质的,但所提出的算法同样适用于三维TI介质.  相似文献   

Perturbation methods are common tools for describing wave propagation in weakly anisotropic media. The anisotropic medium is replaced by an average isotropic medium where wave propagation can be treated analytically and the correction for the effect of anisotropy is computed by perturbation techniques. This works well for anisotropies of up to 10%. Some materials (e.g. shales), however, can exhibit a much stronger anisotropy. In this case a background is required which still can be treated analytically but is applicable to stronger P-wave anisotropy. We present an averaging technique to compute a best-fitting ellipsoidal medium to an arbitrary anisotropic medium. Ellipsoidal media are sufficiently simple for analytical expressions to be available for many applications and allow consideration of strong P-wave anisotropy. The averaging of the arbitrary anisotropic medium can be carried out globally (i.e. for the whole sphere) or sectorially (e.g. for seismic waves propagating predominantly in the vertical direction). We derive linear relationships for the coefficients of the ellipsoid which depend on the elastic coefficients of the anisotropic medium. We also provide specifications for best-fitting elliptical and best-fitting isotropic media. Numerical examples for different rocks demonstrate the improved approximation of the anisotropic model obtained using the formulae derived, compared with the conventionally used average isotropic medium.  相似文献   

Wavefield extrapolation operators for elliptically anisotropic media offer significant cost reduction compared with that for the transversely isotropic case, particularly when the axis of symmetry exhibits tilt (from the vertical). However, elliptical anisotropy does not provide accurate wavefield representation or imaging for transversely isotropic media. Therefore, we propose effective elliptically anisotropic models that correctly capture the kinematic behaviour of wavefields for transversely isotropic media. Specifically, we compute source‐dependent effective velocities for the elliptic medium using kinematic high‐frequency representation of the transversely isotropic wavefield. The effective model allows us to use cheaper elliptic wave extrapolation operators. Despite the fact that the effective models are obtained by matching kinematics using high‐frequency asymptotic, the resulting wavefield contains most of the critical wavefield components, including frequency dependency and caustics, if present, with reasonable accuracy. The methodology developed here offers a much better cost versus accuracy trade‐off for wavefield computations in transversely isotropic media, particularly for media of low to moderate complexity. In addition, the wavefield solution is free from shear‐wave artefacts as opposed to the conventional finite‐difference‐based transversely isotropic wave extrapolation scheme. We demonstrate these assertions through numerical tests on synthetic tilted transversely isotropic models.  相似文献   

横向各向同性介质中地震波走时模拟   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
横向各向同性介质是地球内部广泛分布的一种各向异性介质.针对这种介质,我们对各向同性介质的最小走时树走时模拟方法进行了推广,推广后的方法可适用于非均匀、对称轴任意倾斜的横向各向同性介质模型.为保证计算效率,最小走时树的构建采用了一种子波传播区域随地震波传播动态变化的改进算法.对于弱各向异性介质,我们使用了一种新的地震波群速度近似表示方法,该方法基于用射线角近似表示相角的思想,对3种地震波(qP, qSV和qSH)均有较好的精度.应用本文地震波走时模拟方法对均匀介质、横向非均匀介质模型进行了计算,并将后者结果与弹性波方程有限元方法的模拟结果进行了对比,结果表明两者符合得很好.本文方法可用于横向各向同性介质的深度偏移及地震层析成像的深入研究.  相似文献   

三维起伏地表条件下的地震波走时计算技术是研究三维起伏地表地区很多地震数据处理技术的基础性工具.为了获得适应于任意三维起伏地表且计算精度高的走时算法,提出三维不等距迎风差分法.该方法采用不等距网格剖分三维起伏地表模型,通过在迎风差分格式中引入不等距差分格式、Huygens原理及Fermat原理来建立地表附近的局部走时计算公式,并通过在窄带技术中设定新的网格节点类型来获得三维起伏地表条件下算法的整体实现步骤.精度及算例分析表明:三维不等距迎风差分法具有很高的计算精度且能够适应于任意三维起伏地表模型.  相似文献   

Paraxial ray methods for anisotropic inhomogeneous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new formalism of surface-to-surface paraxial matrices allows a very general and flexible formulation of the paraxial ray theory, equally valid in anisotropic and isotropic inhomogeneous layered media. The formalism is based on conventional dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian coordinates along a reference ray. At any user-selected pair of points of the reference ray, a pair of surfaces may be defined. These surfaces may be arbitrarily curved and oriented, and may represent structural interfaces, data recording surfaces, or merely formal surfaces. A newly obtained factorization of the interface propagator matrix allows to transform the conventional 6 × 6 propagator matrix in Cartesian coordinates into a 6 × 6 surface-to-surface paraxial matrix. This matrix defines the transformation of paraxial ray quantities from one surface to another. The redundant non-eikonal and ray-tangent solutions of the dynamic ray-tracing system in Cartesian coordinates can be easily eliminated from the 6 × 6 surface-to-surface paraxial matrix, and it can be reduced to 4 × 4 form. Both the 6 × 6 and 4 × 4 surface-to-surface paraxial matrices satisfy useful properties, particularly the symplecticity. In their 4 × 4 reduced form, they can be used to solve important boundary-value problems of a four-parametric system of paraxial rays, connecting the two surfaces, similarly as the well-known surface-to-surface matrices in isotropic media in ray-centred coordinates. Applications of such boundary-value problems include the two-point eikonal, relative geometrical spreading, Fresnel zones, the design of migration operators, and more.  相似文献   

各向异性介质弹性波多参数全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



As exploration targets have become deeper, cable lengths have increased accordingly, making the conventional two term hyperbolic traveltime approximation produce increasingly erroneous traveltimes. To overcome this problem, many traveltime formulas were proposed in the literature that provide approximations of different quality. In this paper, we concentrate on simple traveltime approximations that depend on a single anisotropy parameter. We give an overview of a collection of such traveltime approximations found in the literature and compare their quality. Moreover, we propose some new single‐parameter traveltime approximations based on the approximations found in the literature. The main advantage of our approximations is that some of them are rather simple analytic expressions that make them easy to use, while achieving the same quality as the better of the established formulas.  相似文献   

三维起伏地表条件下的地震波走时计算技术是研究三维起伏地表地区很多地震数据处理技术的基础性工具.为了获得适应于任意三维起伏地表且计算精度高的走时算法,提出三维不等距迎风差分法.该方法采用不等距网格剖分三维起伏地表模型,通过在迎风差分格式中引入不等距差分格式、Huygens原理及Fermat原理来建立地表附近的局部走时计算公式,并通过在窄带技术中设定新的网格节点类型来获得三维起伏地表条件下算法的整体实现步骤.精度及算例分析表明:三维不等距迎风差分法具有很高的计算精度且能够适应于任意三维起伏地表模型.  相似文献   

三维任意各向异性介质中海洋可控源电磁法正演研究   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
殷长春  贲放  刘云鹤  黄威  蔡晶 《地球物理学报》2014,57(12):4110-4122
由于海底介质受沉积环境的影响,层理发育呈现明显各向异性特征.对于海洋可控源电磁法各向异性的研究以往主要局限于一维和二维模型,为更深入了解复杂情况下海底各向异性对海洋可控源电磁响应的影响规律,本文开展三维任意各向异性介质中海洋可控源电磁法正演研究.采用交错网格有限差分技术,通过对任意各向异性介质电导率张量实行体积和空间电流密度平均,完成海洋可控源电磁二次散射电场的离散化,成功实现任意各向异性介质中海洋可控源电磁正演模拟.通过对几种典型各向异性电性模型条件下海洋电磁电场多分量响应及分布特征和各向同性情况的对比分析,总结电各向异性对海洋电磁响应的影响规律和识别方法.本文算法研究及算例可为海洋可控源电磁数据精细化处理解释提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

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