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Evapotranspiration (ET) and canopy wetness were measured over a 2‐year intensive field campaign at the Chi‐Lan Mountain cloud forest site in Taiwan. Eddy covariance and sap flow methods were applied to measure ET and tree sap flow of the endemic yellow cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). ET was 553 mm yr?1 over the study period with an annual rainfall and fog deposition of 4893 and 288 mm yr–1, respectively. The duration of canopy wetness exceeded actual fog or rain events (mostly in the afternoon), and the intercepted water was evaporated later in the following dry morning. The cumulative wet duration accounted for 52% of time over the study period, which was longer than the duration of rainfall and fog altogether (41%). As it adapted to the extremely moist environment, the yellow cypress behaved in a wet‐enhanced/dry‐reduced water use strategy and was sensitive to short periods of dry atmosphere with high evaporation potential. During dry days, the sap flow rate rose quickly after dawn and led to conservative water use through midday and the afternoon. During periodically wet days, the canopy was mostly wetted in the morning, and the interception evaporation contributed largely to the morning ET. The initiation of morning sap flow was postponed 1–3 h, and the sap flow rate tended to peak later at midday. The midday canopy conductance was higher in the periodically wet days (10.6 mm s–1) as compared with 7.6 mm s?1 in the dry days. Consequently, the dry‐reduced water use strategy led to much lower annual ET with respect to the available energy (~46%) and high precipitation input (~11%). The moist‐adapted ecohydrology we report reveals the vulnerability of montane cloud forests to prolonged fog‐free periods. More research is urgently needed to better understand the resilience of these ecosystems and formulate adaptive management plans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous studies investigated the influence of abiotic (meteorological conditions) and biotic factors (tree characteristics) on stemflow generation. Although these studies identified the variables that influence stemflow volumes in simply structured forests, the combination of tree characteristics that allows a robust prediction of stemflow volumes in species‐rich forests is not well known. Many hydrological applications, however, require at least a rough estimate of stemflow volumes based on the characteristics of a forest stand. The need for robust predictions of stemflow motivated us to investigate the relationships between tree characteristics and stemflow volumes in a species‐rich tropical forest located in central Panama. Based on a sampling setup consisting of ten rainfall collectors, 300 throughfall samplers and 60 stemflow collectors and cumulated data comprising 26 rain events, we derive three main findings. Firstly, stemflow represents a minor hydrological component in the studied 1‐ha forest patch (1.0% of cumulated rainfall). Secondly, in the studied species‐rich forest, single tree characteristics are only weakly related to stemflow volumes. The influence of multiple tree parameters (e.g. crown diameter, presence of large epiphytes and inclination of branches) and the dependencies among these parameters require a multivariate approach to understand the generation of stemflow. Thirdly, predicting stemflow in species‐rich forests based on tree parameters is a difficult task. Although our best model can capture the variation in stemflow to some degree, a critical validation reveals that the model cannot provide robust predictions of stemflow. A reanalysis of data from previous studies in species‐rich forests corroborates this finding. Based on these results and considering that for most hydrological applications, stemflow is only one parameter among others to estimate, we advocate using the base model, i.e. the mean of the stemflow data, to quantify stemflow volumes for a given study area. Studies in species‐rich forests that wish to obtain predictions of stemflow based on tree parameters probably need to conduct a much more extensive sampling than currently implemented by most studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatial variability of species-specific tree transpiration across hillslopes is important for estimating watershed-scale evapotranspiration (ET) and predicting spatial drought effects on vegetation. The objectives of this study are to (1) assess sap flux density (Js) and tree-level transpiration (Ts) across three contrasting zones a (riparian buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, (2) determine how species-specific Js responds to vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and (3) estimate watershed-level transpiration (Tw) using Ts derived from each zone. During 2015 and 2016, we measured Js in eight tree species in the three topographic zones in a small 12-ha forested watershed in the Piedmont region of central North Carolina. In the dry year of 2015, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Js rates were significantly higher in the riparian buffer when compared to the other two zones. In contrast, Js rates in tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) were significantly lower in the buffer than in the mid-hillslope. Daily Ts varied by zone and ranged from 10 to 93 L/day in the dry year and from 9 to 122 L/day in the wet year (2016). Js responded nonlinearly to VPD in all species and zones. Annual Tw was 447, 377 and 340 mm based on scaled-Js data for the buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, respectively. We conclude that large spatial variability in Js and scaled Tw was driven by differences in soil moisture at each zone and forest composition. Consequently, spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil moisture must be considered when accurately quantifying watershed level ET.  相似文献   

The watershed hydrologic model TOPMODEL was used to estimate interbasin groundwater flow (IGF) into a small lowland rainforest watershed in Costa Rica. IGF is a common hydrological process but often difficult to quantify. Four‐year simulations (2006–2009) using three different model approaches gave estimates of IGF that were very similar to each other (10.1, 10.2, and 9.8 m/year) and to an earlier estimate (10.0 m/year) based on 1998–2002 data from a budget study that did not use a hydrologic simulation model, providing confidence in the new estimates and suggesting each of the three model approaches is viable. Results show no significant temporal variation in IGF during 2006–2009 (or between this period and the earlier study from 1998–2002). Simulations of the 16 consecutive 3‐month periods in 2006–2009 gave 16 values of IGF rate with a mean (10.1 m/year, standard deviation = 0.6 m/year) very similar to the estimates above from the 4‐year simulations. This suggests the modified version of TOPMODEL can be used to model stream discharge and estimate IGF for sub‐annual time periods during which change in water storage is not necessarily equal to zero. Thus, simple watershed models may be used to estimate IGF based on even relatively short calibration periods, making such models useful tools in the study of this widespread hydrological process that affects water and chemical fluxes and budgets but is often difficult and costly to quantify. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaporation of intercepted rain by a canopy is an important component of evapotranspiration, particularly in the humid boreal forest, which is subject to frequent precipitation and where conifers have a large surface water storage capacity. Unfortunately, our knowledge of interception processes for this type of environment is limited by the many challenges associated with experimental monitoring of the canopy water balance. The objective of this study is to observe and estimate canopy storage capacity and wet canopy evaporation at the sub-daily and seasonal time scales in a humid boreal forest. This study relies on field-based estimates of rainfall interception and evapotranspiration partitioning at the Montmorency Forest, Québec, Canada (mean annual precipitation: 1600 mm, mean annual evapotranspiration: 550 mm), in two balsam fir-white birch forest stands. Evapotranspiration was monitored using eddy covariance sensors and sap flow systems, whereas rainfall interception was measured using 12 sets of throughfall and six stemflow collectors randomly placed inside six 400-m2 plots. Changes in the amount of water stored on the canopy were also directly monitored using the stem compression method. The amount of water intercepted by the forest canopy was 11 ± 5% of the total rainfall during the snow-free (5 July–18 October) measurement periods of 2017 and 2018. The maximum canopy storage estimated from rainfall interception measurements was on average 1.6 ± 0.7 mm, though a higher value was found using the stem compression method (2.2 ± 1.6 mm). Taking the average of the two forest stands studied, evaporation of intercepted water represented 21 ± 8% of evapotranspiration, while the contribution of transpiration and understory evapotranspiration was 36 ± 9% and 18 ± 8%. The observations of each of the evapotranspiration terms underestimated the total evapotranspiration observed, so that 26 ± 12% of it was not attributed. These results highlight the importance to account for the evaporation of rain intercepted by humid boreal forests in hydrological models.  相似文献   

The rainfall received by a small plot of tropical deciduous forest on sand dunes in Veracruz, Mexico, was partitioned into stemflow and throughfall components to determine whether funnelling by stemflow could reduce soil leaching by transmitting large volumes of water through vertical soil pathways beneath each stem. Although soil infiltration capacities were high, only a very small proportion of incoming rainfall was funnelled by canopy stems. This is attributed to the widely-branched morphology of mature trees. Smaller trees and shrubs were more effective funnellers of rainfall, and a crude estimate of the magnitude of stemflow in the understorey stratum in one rain event suggested a contribution approximately ten times that of canopy stemflow. However, even if augmented by the understorey stratum in this way, total stemflow is unlikely to have exceeded 10 per cent of gross precipitation, implying that it does not represent an important leaching-avoidance mechanism in this forest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an investigation of interspecies differences in transpiration of the 2 most common plantation forest tree species in Japan, both in the family Cupressaceae with different northern limits of native distribution, Japanese cypress (Hinoki; Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc.) and Japanese cedar (Sugi; Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). The stem sap flow rate was measured in 2 nearby stands of similar leaf area index in a 42‐year‐old plantation. Single‐tree and stand‐scale transpiration rates (Etre and Esta, respectively) were observed during an ideal autumn environment. At the stand scale, mean sap flux density of Hinoki was greater than that of Sugi, whereas total sapwood area per ground area was smaller in Hinoki than Sugi. Because the 2 variables had counterbalancing effects on transpiration, Esta of Hinoki was similar to (94% of) that of Sugi. This offset was also found between the mean Etre of the 2 species. Esta was similar between the stands from May to October, whereas Esta of Sugi was notably greater than that of Hinoki from February to April. During these 3 months, the difference in cumulative Esta was 21.7 mm, which accounted for 79% of the difference in annual Esta between Hinoki and Sugi (192 and 219 mm/year, respectively). We found that canopy conductance (Gc) and its sensitivity to the mean vapour pressure deficit during daylight hours in Sugi were particularly high in early spring, whereas those in Hinoki shifted gradually throughout the growing season. This difference was related to the optimal temperature of Gc in Sugi, which was approximately 10 °C lower than that in Hinoki. Our results suggest that plantations of water‐conserving species such as Hinoki produce timber slowly but yield water resources generously. Moreover, for plantations of trees sensitive to high temperature, such as Sugi, managers should be concerned about possible future decline caused by anticipated global warming.  相似文献   

Studies of evapotranspiration (ET) processes in forests often only measure one component of total ET, most commonly interception. This study examined all three components of annual ET (interception, evaporation from the forest floor and transpiration) and the correlations between them at 18 plantation forest sites in two species. All plantations had closed canopies, and sparse or no understorey. Single‐sided leaf area index averaged 3.5 (standard deviation ±0.5) in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and 6.1 (±0.8) in Pinus radiata D.Don. Measurements included annual totals of rainfall in the open and under the canopy, stem flow (four sites only), evaporation from the forest floor and transpiration by the overstorey. Interception (I) averaged 19% (±4.9) of annual rainfall in E. globulus compared with 31% (±11.1) in P. radiata. However, higher annual interception in P. radiata did not result in higher total ET because annual evaporation from the forest floor (E) averaged 29% (±4.9) of rainfall in E. globulus but only 15% (±3.5) in P. radiata. Hence, the relative contribution of annual I plus E to ET did not differ significantly between the two species, averaging 48% (±7.3) of annual rainfall in E. globulus compared with 46% (±11.8) in P. radiata. As reported previously, transpiration did not differ significantly between the two species either, but was strongly related to depth‐to‐groundwater. In closed canopy plantations, mean annual ET did not differ between the two species. We conclude that when grown in plantations under similar soil and climatic conditions, conifer and broad‐leaved tree species can have similar annual ET, once the canopy of the plantation has closed. Lower average annual interception in broad‐leaved trees was offset by higher soil evaporation. These results highlight the importance of measuring all components of ET in studies of vegetation water use. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water is one of the major environmental factors limiting plant growth and survival in the Mediterranean region. Quercus suber L. woodlands occupy vast areas in the Iberian Peninsula, frequently under shallow water table conditions. The relative magnitude of soil and groundwater uptake to supply transpiration is not easy to evaluate under these circumstances. We recently developed a conceptual framework for the functioning of the root system in Q. suber that simulates well tree transpiration, based on two types of root behaviour: shallow connected and deep connected. Although this significantly improved knowledge on the functional traits of Mediterranean Q. suber, the approach has the limitation of requiring root sap flow data, which are seldom available. In this work, we present alternative methodologies to assess if trees are connected to groundwater and to estimate the soil and groundwater contributions to tree transpiration. We provide evidence on the tree unrestricted access to groundwater solely based on meteorological, stem sap flow and leaf water potential data. Using a soil mass balance approach, we estimated the yearly soil and groundwater contributions to tree transpiration: 69.7% and 30.3%, respectively. Groundwater uptake became dominant in the dry summer: 73.2% of tree transpiration. Results reproduce extremely well those derived from root modelling. Because of its simplicity both in formulation and data requirements, our approach is potentially liable to be adapted to other groundwater‐dependent Mediterranean oak sites, where interactions between land use and water resources may be relevant. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study emphasizes the importance of canopy drying time (CDT) after rainfall in a lowland tropical rain forest. In this study, we estimate CDT using sap flow velocities measured by a heat‐pulse method in an emergent tree in a lowland mixed‐dipterocarp forest. Estimated CDT (ECDT) for each rain event has been defined as the time from rainfall cessation to the specific time derived from the difference between diurnal courses of sap flow velocities on a rainy day versus bright days. ECDT could be derived for 22 rain events that were grouped into two types, depending on whether rainfall ceased before or after noon. The ECDTs were distributed more widely and with greater values when rainfall ceased before noon (Type 1) than after noon (Type 2). The ECDTs of both Type 1 and Type 2 decreased with increases in net radiation (Rn) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) after rainfall. This result shows that ECDT is determined mainly by post‐rainfall evaporation rates. The sap flow velocity as a detector of canopy wetness worked out well because of the specific rainfall characteristics at this site. The practical limitations of the method using sap flow velocities are discussed in relation to rainfall characteristics and time lags between transpirations and sap flow velocities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transpirations of three dominated tree species, namely Mongol Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litvin), White elm (Ulmus pumila) and Gansu Poplar (Populus gansuensis Wang et Yang) in oasis shelter forest (Linze site) and of two dominated tree species,namely Euphrates Poplar (Populus euphratica Oliv.) and Russia olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia Linn.) in lowland desert (Erjinaqi site) have been estimated using measured sapflow in summer,autumn and winter, 2002 and in spring, 2003. An ENVIS System was used for each site to measure microclimate variables, soil moisture and sapflow every half an hour, and the study time scale is one day. In the 104 days of observation during the growing season at the Linze site, the average daily sapflow of Gansu Poplar is 9.93L·d-1,and the average transpiration per unit leaf area is 1.99mm·d-1.For White elm tree,the daily average sapflow is 4.08L·d-1,while the daily average transpiration per unit leaf area is 0.49mm·d-1.The values for Mongol Scotch Pine are 3.91L·d-1 and 0.25mm·d-1,respectively.In the total 73 days of observation during the growing season at the Erjinaqi site, the daily average sapflows of Russia olive and Euphrates Poplar are 12.1 and 20.97L·d-1,respectively,and the average transpirations per unit leaf area are 0.22 amd 0.31mm·d-1,respectively.In the observation period of the growing season,tree conductances of Mongol Scotch Pine, White elm, Gansu Poplar or Russia olive show an exponential relationship with the daily average air temperature or vapour pressure deficit, but the relationship is not so obvious between tree conductance and global radiation. The transpiration process of each tree species is affected by all the observed four environmental variables. The response of tree conductance to different climatic factors changes with tree species. The effect of the same factor to the same tree species is also variable in different growing stages. The sapflow of every tree species is relatively large in later spring to early summer, and low in summer, and then reaches its largest value in later September. In the mid-November, the sapflow is relatively large, especially the deciduous tree species. This may be characteristic of the tree species in Arid Regions of Northwest China.  相似文献   

Rainfall interception in forests is influenced by properties of the canopy that tend to vary over small distances. Our objectives were: (i) to determine the variables needed to model the interception loss of the canopy of a lower montane forest in south Ecuador, i.e. the storage capacity of the leaves S and of the trunks and branches St, and the fractions of direct throughfall p and stemflow pt; (ii) to assess the influence of canopy density and epiphyte coverage of trees on the interception of rainfall and subsequent evaporation losses. The study site was located on the eastern slope of the eastern cordillera in the south Ecuadorian Andes at 1900–2000 m above sea level. We monitored incident rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow between April 1998 and April 2001. In 2001, the leaf area index (LAI), inferred from light transmission, and epiphyte coverage was determined. The mean annual incident rainfall at three gauging stations ranged between 2319 and 2561 mm. The mean annual interception loss at five study transects in the forest varied between 591 and 1321 mm, i.e. between 25 and 52% of the incident rainfall. Mean S was estimated at 1·91 mm for relatively dry weeks with a regression model and at 2·46 mm for all weeks with the analytical Gash model; the respective estimates of mean St were 0·04 mm and 0·09 mm, of mean p were 0·42 and 0·63, and of mean pt were 0·003 and 0·012. The LAI ranged from 5·19 to 9·32. Epiphytes, mostly bryophytes, covered up to 80% of the trunk and branch surfaces. The fraction of direct throughfall p and the LAI correlated significantly with interception loss (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = −0·77 and 0·35 respectively, n = 40). Bryophyte and lichen coverage tended to decrease St and vascular epiphytes tended to increase it, although there was no significant correlation between epiphyte coverage and interception loss. Our results demonstrate that canopy density influences interception loss but only explains part of the total variation in interception loss. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Leaf litter interception of water is an integral component of the water budget for some vegetated ecosystems. However, loss of rainfall to litter receives considerably less attention than canopy interception due to lack of suitable sensors to measure changes in litter water content. In this study, a commercially available leaf wetness sensor was calibrated to the gravimetric water content of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana ) litter and used to estimate litter interception in a subhumid eastern redcedar woodland in north‐central Oklahoma. Under controlled laboratory conditions, a strong positive correlation between the leaf wetness sensor output voltage (mV) and measured gravimetric litter water content (? g) was determined: ? g = (.0009 × mV2) ? (0.14 × mV) ? 11.41 (R 2 = .94, p  < .0001). This relationship was validated with field sampling and the output voltage (mV) accounted for 48% of the observed variance in the measured water content. The maximum and minimum interception storage capacity ranged between 1.16 and 12.04 and 1.12 and 9.62 mm, respectively. The maximum and minimum amount of intercepted rain was positively correlated to rainfall amount and intensity. The continuous field measurements demonstrated that eastern redcedar litter intercepted approximately 8% of the gross rainfall that fell between December 16, 2014 and May 31, 2015. Therefore, rainfall loss to litter can constitute a substantial component of the annual water budget. Long‐term in situ measurement of litter interception loss is necessary to gain a better estimate of water availability for streamflow and recharge. This is critical to manage water resources in the south‐central Great Plains, USA where grasslands are rapidly being transformed to woodland or woody dominated savanna.  相似文献   

Understanding transpiration and plant physiological responses to environmental conditions is crucial for the design and management of vegetated engineered covers. Engineered covers rely on sustained transpiration to reduce the risk of deep drainage into potentially hazardous wastes, thereby minimizing contamination of water resources. This study quantified temporal trends of plant water potential (ψp), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration in a 4‐year‐old evergreen woody vegetation growing on an artificial sandy substrate at a mine waste disposal facility. Transpiration averaged 0.7 mm day?1 in winter, when rainfall was frequent, but declined to 0.2 mm day?1 in the dry summer, when the plants were quite stressed. In winter, the mean ψp was ?0.6 MPa at predawn and ?1.5 MPa at midday, which were much higher than the corresponding summer values of ?2.0 MPa and ?4.8 MPa, respectively. The gs was also higher in winter (72.1–95.0 mmol m?2 s?1) than in summer (<30 mmol m?2 s?1), and negatively correlated with ψp (p < 0.05, r2 = 0.71–0.75), indicating strong stomatal control of transpiration in response to moisture stress. Total annual transpiration (147.2 mm) accounted for only 22% of the annual rainfall (673 mm), compared with 77% to 99% for woody vegetation in Western Australia. The low annual transpiration was attributed to the collective effects of a sparse and young vegetation, low moisture retention of the sandy substrate, and a superficial root system constrained by high subsoil pH. Amending the substrate with fine‐textured materials should improve water storage of the substrate and enhance canopy growth and deep rooting, while further reducing the risk of deep drainage during the early stages of vegetation establishment and in the long term. Overall, this study highlights the need to understand substrate properties, vegetation characteristics, and rainfall patterns when designing artificial ecosystems to achieve specific hydrological functions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Canopy conductance (gc) is a crucial parameter in simulating evapotranspiration and modulating water exchange, but its variation mechanism has regional uncertainties and complex environmental co-controls. In addition, the effect of extreme rainfall on gc cannot be ignored under the changing climate. Here, we investigated the variation and environmental controls on gc and the effect of extreme rainfall events in a Cunninghamia lanceolata forest across the subtropical area of Southern China. In July 2020, an extreme rainstorm hit the source area of the Xin'an River, with the cumulative rainfall on July 7 and 8 reaching 216.6 mm. The thermal diffusion probe method was used to measure the density of sap flow, and the environmental factors such as air temperature (Ta), net solar radiation (Rn) and soil water content (SWC) were monitored during the growing seasons of 2020 and 2021. Ultimately, gc obtained by the Penman-Monteith equation was adopted since the result from the Köstner equation was overestimated. gc showed a unimodal curve on the diurnal scale, and this characteristic was more obvious after the extreme rainfall. Daily gc appeared a fluctuating pattern with a maximum in summer. gc was simultaneously affected by Ta, Rn, water vapour pressure difference (VPD), SWC, among which Ta was the most significant driving factor at both the diurnal and daily timescales. The regulation of Ta, VPD and SWC on gc had obvious thresholds, and the most definite response mode was VPD (2020: 1.25 kPa; 2021: 0.95 kPa). SWC and Ta were the dominant factors after the rainfall period, and the promotion effect of VPD on post-rainy days turned to inhibition effect on typical sunny days. These findings will further reveal the water exchange mechanism between atmosphere and vegetation and impacts of environmental factors in subtropical coniferous forests, especially after the extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

Snow temperature is a major component of many physical processes in a snowpack. The temperature and the change in temperature across a layer have a dominant effect on physical properties of snow grains as well as its hardness, strength, and failure resistance. In this study, temperature and snow cover thickness were measured during the snow season of 2007–2008 in 11 elevation classes and in three different sampling locations, one in an open area and two under different forest canopy covers for each class along Kartalkaya road, Bolu. Each sampling site was visited 44 times to collect data including snow depth, snow surface temperature, ground temperature, and temperature within snowpack at 20‐cm intervals. Seven different models are developed to determine snowpack temperature variations under forest canopy covers and in an open area with different leaf area index values. All models were performed using a multilayer perceptron (MP) method for the Bolu–Kartalkaya area, Turkey. MP approach constitutes a standard form of neural network modeling and can modify two‐layer linear perceptron methods using three and more layers. The ability of MP is to handle complex nonlinear interactions, which ease the natural process of modeling. This method can overcome complex computations using neuron networks, and they can easily nonlinearly link input and output variables. The predictive errors are determined on the basis of mean absolute error and mean square error criteria. The Nash–Sutcliffe sufficiency score showing compliance between observed and predicted values is also calculated. According to the mean absolute error, the mean square error, and the Nash–Sutcliffe sufficiency score criteria, the predictive errors are within reasonable error intervals, justifying the use of the developed MP models for engineering applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined how the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 and concomitant shifts in air temperature and precipitation affect water and carbon fluxes in an Asian tropical rainforest, using a combination of field measurements, simplified hydrological and carbon models, and Global Climate Model (GCM) projections. The model links the canopy photosynthetic flux with transpiration via a bulk canopy conductance and semi-empirical models of intercellular CO2 concentration, with the transpiration rate determined from a hydrologic balance model. The primary forcing to the hydrologic model are current and projected rainfall statistics. A main novelty in this analysis is that the effect of increased air temperature on vapor pressure deficit (D) and the effects of shifts in precipitation statistics on net radiation are explicitly considered. The model is validated against field measurements conducted in a tropical rainforest in Sarawak, Malaysia under current climate conditions. On the basis of this model and projected shifts in climatic statistics by GCM, we compute the probability distribution of soil moisture and other hydrologic fluxes. Regardless of projected and computed shifts in soil moisture, radiation and mean air temperature, transpiration was not appreciably altered. Despite increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) and unchanged transpiration, canopy photosynthesis does not significantly increase if Ci/Ca is assumed constant independent of D (where Ci is the bulk canopy intercellular CO2 concentration). However, photosynthesis increased by a factor of 1.5 if Ci/Ca decreased linearly with D as derived from Leuning stomatal conductance formulation [R. Leuning. Plant Cell Environ 1995;18:339–55]. How elevated atmospheric CO2 alters the relationship between Ci/Ca and D needs to be further investigated under elevated atmospheric CO2 given its consequence on photosynthesis (and concomitant carbon sink) projections.  相似文献   

The canopy storage capacity of a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest was determined. This required destructive sampling of three major species of trees and development of a water soakage method for the measurement of water holding capacity of all above ground components. The influence of antecedent weather conditions on canopy storage capacity was assessed. It was shown that the interactive effects of leaf area and water holding capacity of all tree components were such that the estimated canopy storage capacity (0-39 mm) was likely to change little except under extreme conditions of drought and rainfall. The effect of species composition on forest canopy storage capacity is also presented. The wetting processes are described and compared with those discussed in other studies. They are shown to be relevant to the estimation of canopy storage capacity in almost any forest.  相似文献   

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