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Among the processes most affected by global warming are the hydrological cycle and water resources. Regions where the majority of runoff consists of snowmelt are very sensitive to climate change. It is significant to express the relationship between climate change and snow hydrology and it is imperative to perform climate change impact studies on snow hydrology at global and regional scales. Climate change impacts on the mountainous Upper Euphrates Basin were investigated in this paper. First, historical data trend analysis of significant hydro-meteorological data is presented. Available future climate data are then explained, and, finally, future climate data are used in hydrological models, which are calibrated and validated using historical hydro-meteorological data, and future streamflow is projected for the period 2070–2100. The hydrological model outcomes indicate substantial runoff decreases in summer and spring season runoff, which will have significant consequences on water sectors in the Euphrates Basin.

Citation Yilmaz, A.G. & Imteaz, M.A. (2011) Impact of climate change on runoff in the upper part of the Euphrates basin. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1265–1279.  相似文献   

The present study sets out to investigate the sensitivity of water availability to climate change for a large western Himalayan river (the Satluj River basin with an area of 22 275 km2 and elevation range of 500 to 7000 m), which receives contributions from rain, snow and glacier melt runoff. About 65% of the basin area is covered with snow during winter, which reduces to about 11% after the ablation period. After having calibrated a conceptual hydrological model to provide accurate simulations of observed stream flow, the hydrological response of the basin was simulated using different climatic scenarios over a period of 9 years. Adopted plausible climate scenarios included three temperature scenarios (T + 1, T + 2, T + 3 °C) and four rainfall scenarios (P ? 10, P ? 5, P + 5 and P + 10%). The effect of climate change was studied on snowmelt and rainfall contribution runoff, and total stream flow. Under warmer climate, a typical feature of the study basin was found to be reduction in melt from the lower part of the basin owing to a reduction in snow covered area and shortening of the summer melting season, and, in contrast, an increase in the melt from the glacierized part owing to larger melt and an extended ablation period. Thus, on the basin scale, reduction in melt from the lower part was counteracted by the increase from melt from upper part of the basin, resulting in a decrease in the magnitude of change in annual melt runoff. The impact of climate change was found to be more prominent on seasonal rather than annual water availability. Reduction of water availability during the summer period, which contributes about 60% to the annual flow, may have severe implications on the water resources of the region, because demand of water for irrigation, hydropower and other usage is at its peak at this time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T. Estrela 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(6):1154-1167

Impacts on water resources produced by climate change can be exacerbated when occurring in regions already presenting low water resources levels and frequent droughts, and subject to imbalances between water demands and available resources. Within Europe, according to existing climate change scenarios, water resources will be severely affected in Spain. However, the detection of those effects is not simple, because the natural variability of the water cycle and the effects of water abstractions on flow discharges complicate the establishment of clear trends. Therefore, there is a need to improve the assessment of climate change impacts by using hydrological simulation models. This paper reviews water resources and their variability in Spain, the recent modelling studies on hydrological effects of climate change, expected impacts on water resources, the implications in river basins and the current policy actions.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Estrela, T., Pérez-Martin, M.A., and Vargas, E., 2012. Impacts of climate change on water resources in Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1154–1167.  相似文献   

Hydrological response to expected future changes in land use and climate in the Samin catchment (278 km2) in Java, Indonesia, was simulated using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. We analysed changes between the baseline period 1983–2005 and the future period 2030–2050 under both land-use change and climate change. We used the outputs of a bias-corrected regional climate model and six global climate models to include climate model uncertainty. The results show that land-use change and climate change individually will cause changes in the water balance components, but that more pronounced changes are expected if the drivers are combined, in particular for changes in annual streamflow and surface runoff. The findings of this study will be useful for water resource managers to mitigate future risks associated with land-use and climate changes in the study catchment.  相似文献   

We investigated, through hydrologic modelling, the impact of the extent and density of canopy cover on streamflow timing and on the magnitude of peak and late summer flows in the upper Tuolumne basin (2600–4000 m) of the Sierra Nevada, California, under current and warmer temperatures. We used the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model for the hydrologic modelling of the basin, assuming four vegetation scenarios: current forest (partial cover, 80% density), all forest (uniform coverage, 80% density), all barren (no forest) and thinned forest (partial cover, 40% density) for a medium‐high emissions scenario causing a 3.9 °C warming over a 100‐year period (2001–2100). Significant advances in streamflow timing, quantified as the centre of mass (COM) of over 1 month were projected for all vegetation scenarios. However, the COM advances faster with increased forest coverage. For example, when forest covered the entire area, the COM occurred on average 12 days earlier compared with the current forest coverage, with the rate of advance higher by about 0.06 days year?1 over 100 years and with peak and late summer flows lower by about 20% and 27%, respectively. Examination of modelled changes in energy balance components at forested and barren sites as temperatures rise indicated that increases in net longwave radiation are higher in the forest case and have a higher contribution to melting earlier in the calendar year when shortwave radiation is a smaller fraction of the energy budget. These increases contributed to increased midwinter melt under the forest at temperatures above freezing, causing decreases in total accumulation and higher winter and early spring melt rates. These results highlight the importance of carefully considering the combined impacts of changing forest cover and climate on downstream water supply and mountain ecosystems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inter‐basin differences in streamflow response to changes in regional hydroclimatology may reflect variations in storage characteristics that control the retention and release of water inputs. These aspects of storage could mediate a basin's sensitivity to climate change. The hypothesis that temporal trends in stream baseflow exhibit a more muted reaction to changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration for basins with greater storage was tested on the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) in Southern Ontario, Canada. Long‐term (>25 years) baseflow trends for 16 basins were compared to corresponding trends in precipitation amount and type and in potential evapotranspiration as well as shorter trends in groundwater levels for monitoring wells on the ORM. Inter‐basin differences in storage properties were characterized using physiographic, hydrogeologic, land use/land cover, and streamflow metrics. The latter included the slope of the basin's flow duration curve and basin dynamic storage. Most basins showed temporal increases in baseflow, consistent with limited evidence of increases and decreases in regional precipitation and snowfall: precipitation ratio, respectively, and recent increases in groundwater recharge along the crest of the ORM. Baseflow trend magnitude was uncorrelated to basin physiographic, hydrogeologic, land use/land cover, or flow duration curve characteristics. However, it was positively related to a basin's dynamic storage, particularly for basins with limited coverage of open water and wetlands. The dynamic storage approach assumes that a basin behaves as a first‐order dynamical system, and extensive open water and wetland areas in a basin may invalidate this assumption. Previous work suggested that smaller dynamic storage was linked to greater damping of temporal variations in water inputs and reduced interannual variability in streamflow regime. Storage and release of water inputs to a basin may assist in mediating baseflow response to temporal changes in regional hydroclimatology and may partly account for inter‐basin differences in that response. Such storage characteristics should be considered when forecasting the impacts of climate change on regional streamflow.  相似文献   

General circulation model outputs are rarely used directly for quantifying climate change impacts on hydrology, due to their coarse resolution and inherent bias. Bias correction methods are usually applied to correct the statistical deviations of climate model outputs from the observed data. However, the use of bias correction methods for impact studies is often disputable, due to the lack of physical basis and the bias nonstationarity of climate model outputs. With the improvement in model resolution and reliability, it is now possible to investigate the direct use of regional climate model (RCM) outputs for impact studies. This study proposes an approach to use RCM simulations directly for quantifying the hydrological impacts of climate change over North America. With this method, a hydrological model (HSAMI) is specifically calibrated using the RCM simulations at the recent past period. The change in hydrological regimes for a future period (2041–2065) over the reference (1971–1995), simulated using bias‐corrected and nonbias‐corrected simulations, is compared using mean flow, spring high flow, and summer–autumn low flow as indicators. Three RCMs driven by three different general circulation models are used to investigate the uncertainty of hydrological simulations associated with the choice of a bias‐corrected or nonbias‐corrected RCM simulation. The results indicate that the uncertainty envelope is generally watershed and indicator dependent. It is difficult to draw a firm conclusion about whether one method is better than the other. In other words, the bias correction method could bring further uncertainty to future hydrological simulations, in addition to uncertainty related to the choice of a bias correction method. This implies that the nonbias‐corrected results should be provided to end users along with the bias‐corrected ones, along with a detailed explanation of the bias correction procedure. This information would be especially helpful to assist end users in making the most informed decisions.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to increase temperatures and lower rainfall in Mediterranean regions; however, there is a great degree of uncertainty as to the amount of change. This limits the prediction capacity of models to quantify impacts on water resources, vegetation productivity and erosion. This work circumvents this problem by analysing the sensitivity of these variables to varying degrees of temperature change (increased by up to 6·4 °C), rainfall (reduced by up to 40%) and atmospheric CO2 concentrations (increased by up to 100%). The SWAT watershed model was applied to 18 large watersheds in two contrasting regions of Portugal, one humid and one semi‐arid; incremental changes to climate variables were simulated using a stochastic weather generator. The main results indicate that water runoff, particularly subsurface runoff, is highly sensitive to these climate change trends (down by 80%). The biomass growth of most species showed a declining trend (wheat down by 40%), due to the negative impacts of increasing temperatures, dampened by higher CO2 concentrations. Mediterranean species, however, showed a positive response to milder degrees of climate change. Changes to erosion depended on the interactions between the decline in surface runoff (driving erosion rates downward) and biomass growth (driving erosion rates upward). For the milder rainfall changes, soil erosion showed a significant increasing trend in wheat fields (up to 150% in the humid watersheds), well above the recovery capacity of the soil. Overall, the results indicate a shift of the humid watersheds to acquire semi‐arid characteristics, such as more irregular river flows and increasingly marginal conditions for agricultural production. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邢伟  鲍锟山  韩冬雪  王国平 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1391-1402
沼泽湿地是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在维护区域环境稳定中起着重要作用.随着社会经济的发展,人类活动导致湿地大面积退化和消失,严重影响了区域生态安全;恢复退化湿地已成为各国政府和学者关注的焦点.而了解历史时期沼泽湿地发育过程及影响因素则是建立合理湿地恢复目标的重要前提.东北地区是我国最大的沼泽湿地集中分布区,其中70%的湿地面临不同程度的退化威胁;但由于数据的缺乏,东北地区沼泽湿地发育过程及其与气候变化的关系仍不清楚.基于此,本研究系统分析了全新世以来东北地区沼泽湿地形成发育的动态变化过程,并探讨了东北地区不同区域沼泽湿地的发育规律及其对气候变化的响应机理.研究发现东北地区沼泽湿地约从12 ka(1 ka=1000 cal.)开始发育,在距今8.6 ka以后开始广泛形成,约有35%的沼泽湿地形成于全新世暖湿期(8.0-4.0 ka);而沼泽湿地发育的高峰期则集中在全新世晚期.这种发育趋势与全球北方主要区域沼泽湿地大规模发育趋势显著不同.古气候重建表明,全新世早期东北地区气候温暖湿润,处在有利于沼泽发育的时期,促进了沼泽湿地的形成;而在全新世晚期,东北地区呈现冷湿的气候组合特征,冷湿的气候条件不利于有机质的分解,进而促进了沼泽湿地的大规模形成和发育.此外,研究结果也表明全新世以来东北地区不同区域沼泽湿地发育的时间和规模呈现显著的空间差异,而温度和降水则是影响不同区域沼泽湿地发育的最重要因素.本研究将为我国东北地区沼泽湿地的保护和恢复提供一定的理论和数据支持.  相似文献   

As one of the earliest species used in dendrochronological studies, Larix responds sensitively to climate change. In this study, nine larch species and one variety from eleven sites were collected to study the growth characteristics of tree-ring width using dendrochronological methods. Ten residual tree-ring chronologies were developed to analyze their relationships with regional standardized anomaly series by Pearson’s correlation analysis. The results suggest that most of the chronologies had significantl...  相似文献   

高山湖泊远离人类活动直接影响,通常具有面积小、寡营养、食物网单一等特点,对气候变化和营养输入具有较高的敏感性。我国青藏高原东南缘地区氮沉降通量较高、增温幅度显著,已有研究显示该地区可能受湖泊类型、流域特征等影响存在差异性的湖泊响应模式。本研究选择该区域位于树线以下、具有不同水深的3个小型湖泊(盖公错纳、沃迪错、碧沽天池)开展沉积物调查和对比研究,通过钻孔样品测年、理化特征和藻类(硅藻群落、藻类色素)等多指标分析,结合区域气候定量重建和氮沉降等数据收集,评价了过去300年来藻类演替模式的异同特征及湖泊水深的调节作用。结果显示,3个湖泊中硅藻的优势物种与群落组成差异明显。深水型湖泊盖公错纳(最大水深39.4 m)的硅藻群落以浮游种为主(占比达82%),优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiolla ocellata)、科曼小环藻(Pantocsekiella comensis);深水型湖泊沃迪错(最大水深20.7 m)的硅藻群落中浮游种和底栖种约各占50%,优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiella ocellata)、连结脆杆藻(Saurosira construens);浅水湖...  相似文献   

The HIRHAM regional climate model suggests an increase in temperature in Denmark of about 3 °C and an increase in mean annual precipitation of 6–7%, with a larger increase during winter and a decrease during summer between a control period 1961–1990 and scenario period 2071–2100. This change of climate will affect the suspended sediment transport in rivers, directly through erosion processes and increased river discharges and indirectly through changes in land use and land cover. Climate‐change‐induced changes in suspended sediment transport are modelled for five scenarios on the basis of modelled changes in land use/land cover for two Danish river catchments: the alluvial River Ansager and the non‐alluvial River Odense. Mean annual suspended sediment transport is modelled to increase by 17% in the alluvial river and by 27% in the non‐alluvial for steady‐state scenarios. Increases by about 9% in the alluvial river and 24% in the non‐alluvial river were determined for scenarios incorporating a prolonged growing season for catchment vegetation. Shortening of the growing season is found to have little influence on mean annual sediment transport. Mean monthly changes in suspended sediment transport between ? 26% and + 68% are found for comparable suspended sediment transport scenarios between the control and the scenario periods. The suspended sediment transport increases during winter months as a result of the increase in river discharge caused by the increase in precipitation, and decreases during summer and early autumn months. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streamflow response of Belgian catchments to IPCC climate change scenarios   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The IRMB (Integrated Runoff Model—F. Bultot) daily step conceptual model has been applied to eight Belgian catchments with areas ranging from 100 to 1200 km2. These catchments are characterized by various infiltration rates and ground water storage capacities. The outputs of six GCMs (General Circulation Model) distributed by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and an earlier scenario have been used to perturb time series of hydrometeorological input data relevant to simulate the water cycle. This paper focuses on the impacts on streamflow and its surface and underground components, as well as on the occurrence of flood days and low flow days. Impacts are shown to be catchment and scenario dependent. Due to the scenario diversity, streamflow impacts are found to be either positive or negative. The trends are common to scenarios with the same patterns or to catchments with similar characteristics. For all but two scenarios, all the catchments present an increase of flood frequency. Nevertheless, for all the scenarios, catchments with prevailing surface flow are undergoing an increase in flood frequency during winter months.  相似文献   

基于新疆巴音布鲁克高寒湿地中一碟形洼地沉积岩芯210Pb测年、摇蚊、沉积理化指标分析结果,利用冗余分析,结合气象资料,探讨了近60 a来气候变化对摇蚊演替的影响.摇蚊亚化石组合表明,从1990s开始摇蚊优势种从适应性较强的Chironomus plumosus-type向与水生植物关系密切的Dicrotendips nervosus-type、Paratanytarsus penicillatus-type转变.冗余分析结果表明总有机碳含量和粒度是影响摇蚊组合演替的主要环境因子,两者共同解释了摇蚊组合变化的31%.气候变化通过改变湿地水量平衡影响水生植被、土壤侵蚀和水体扰动,进而影响摇蚊种群演替.  相似文献   

The uncertainties associated with atmosphere‐ocean General Circulation Models (GCMs) and hydrologic models are assessed by means of multi‐modelling and using the statistically downscaled outputs from eight GCM simulations and two emission scenarios. The statistically downscaled atmospheric forcing is used to drive four hydrologic models, three lumped and one distributed, of differing complexity: the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC‐SMA) model, Conceptual HYdrologic MODel (HYMOD), Thornthwaite‐Mather model (TM) and the Precipitation Runoff Modelling System (PRMS). The models are calibrated based on three objective functions to create more plausible models for the study. The hydrologic model simulations are then combined using the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) method according to the performance of each models in the observed period, and the total variance of the models. The study is conducted over the rainfall‐dominated Tualatin River Basin (TRB) in Oregon, USA. This study shows that the hydrologic model uncertainty is considerably smaller than GCM uncertainty, except during the dry season, suggesting that the hydrologic model selection‐combination is critical when assessing the hydrologic climate change impact. The implementation of the BMA in analysing the ensemble results is found to be useful in integrating the projected runoff estimations from different models, while enabling to assess the model structural uncertainty. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孔令阳  羊向东  王倩 《湖泊科学》2017,29(3):730-739
高山湖泊吉仁错位于川西高原树线以上,受现代冰川融水补给影响.通过吉仁错沉积钻孔~(210)Pb/~(137)Cs定年和沉积枝角类和多环境代用指标分析,结合主成分分析和冗余分析等方法,高分辨率重建了近200 a来吉仁错枝角类组合和环境变化的过程.结果表明,尽管过去200 a来吉仁错枝角类组合一直以沿岸种为主,但仍经历了3个明显的变化阶段.1850 AD后,枝角类组合中Alonella nana、Chydorus sphaericus和Pleuroxus sp.的增加、以及Alona rustica和Alona guttata丰度的下降指示了水温和水体pH值的上升.1900 AD后枝角类通量的增高并不同步于组合的变化,指示了湖泊营养开始增加,这种不一致的变化分别代表了大气氮沉降和区域气候变暖的影响结果.多指标综合分析得出,过去150 a来,气候变暖和大气污染沉降通过直接和间接作用(流域冰川融水过程和植被土壤过程),较深刻地影响了湖泊物理过程(水温升高和无冰期加长)、营养过程(氮、磷营养升高)和酸碱平衡过程(碱性增强),改变了湖泊生物的生长季节,并通过促进藻类发育,最终引起了湖泊枝角类群落组合的变化和生物量的增加.1945 AD前后吉仁错枝角类与藻类群落结构和湖泊环境的同步变化,响应于持续增温背景下多环境过程的相互作用.  相似文献   

A physically based distributed hydrological model developed at the University of Yamanashi based on block‐wise use of TOPMODEL and the Muskingum–Cunge method (YHyM/BTOPMC), integrated with a simple degree‐day–based snow accumulation/melt sub‐model, was applied to evaluate hydrological responses under changing climatic conditions in the snow‐fed Kali Gandaki River Basin (KGRB) in Western Nepal. Rainy season precipitation (June to September) in the basin takes up about 80% of the annual precipitation, and dry season runoff is largely contributed by snowmelt. Climate change is likely to increase the probability of extreme events and problems related to water availability. Therefore, the study aimed to simulate runoff pattern under changing climatic conditions, which will be helpful in the management of water resources in the basin. Public domain global data were widely used in this study. The model was calibrated and validated with an acceptable degree of accuracy. The results predicted that the annual average discharge will increase by 2.4%, 3.7%, and 5.7% when temperature increases by 1, 2, and 3 °C compared with the reference scenario. Similarly, maximum, minimum, and seasonal discharges in the monsoon and pre‐monsoon seasons will also increase with rising temperature. Snowmelt runoff is found sensitive to temperature changes in the KGRB. Increasing temperature will cause a faster snowmelt, but precipitation will increase the snowpack and also shed a positive effect on the total annual and monsoonal discharge. For the combined scenarios of increasing temperature and precipitation, the annual average discharge will increase. In contrast, discharge during the increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation will tend to decrease. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate models project warmer temperatures for the north‐west USA, which will result in reduced snowpacks and decreased summer streamflow. This paper examines how groundwater, snowmelt, and regional climate patterns control discharge at multiple time scales, using historical records from two watersheds with contrasting geological properties and drainage efficiencies. In the groundwater‐dominated watershed, aquifer storage and the associated slow summer recession are responsible for sustaining discharge even when the seasonal or annual water balance is negative, while in the runoff‐dominated watershed subsurface storage is exhausted every summer. There is a significant 1 year cross‐correlation between precipitation and discharge in the groundwater‐dominated watershed (r = 0·52), but climatic factors override geology in controlling the inter‐annual variability of streamflow. Warmer winters and earlier snowmelt over the past 60 years have shifted the hydrograph, resulting in summer recessions lasting 17 days longer, August discharges declining 15%, and autumn minimum discharges declining 11%. The slow recession of groundwater‐dominated streams makes them more sensitive than runoff‐dominated streams to changes in snowmelt amount and timing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research investigates the potential impacts of climate change on stormwater quantity and quality generated by urban residential areas on an event basis in the rainy season. An urban residential stormwater drainage area in southeast Calgary, Alberta, Canada is the focus of future climate projections from general circulation models (GCMs). A regression‐based statistical downscaling tool was employed to conduct spatial downscaling of daily precipitation and daily mean temperature using projection outputs from the coupled GCM. Projected changes in precipitation and temperature were applied to current climate scenarios to generate future climate scenarios. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) developed for modelling stormwater runoff quantity and quality used projected climate scenarios as network inputs. The hydrological response to climate change was investigated through stormwater runoff volume and peak flow, while the water quality responses were investigated through the event mean value (EMV) of five parameters: turbidity, conductivity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH. First flush (FF) effects were also noted. Under future climate scenarios, the EMVs of turbidity increased in all storms except for three events of short duration. The EMVs of conductivity were found to decline in small and frequent storms (return period < 5 years); but conductivity EMVs were observed to increase in intensive events (return period ≥ 5 years). In general, an increasing EMV was observed for water temperature, whereas a decreasing trend was found for DO EMV. No clear trend was found in the EMV of pH. In addition, projected future climate scenarios do not produce a stronger FF effect on dissolved solids and suspended solids compared to that produced by the current climate scenario. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic modelling has been applied to assess the impacts of projected climate change within three study areas in the Peace, Campbell and Columbia River watersheds of British Columbia, Canada. These study areas include interior nival (two sites) and coastal hybrid nival–pluvial (one site) hydro‐climatic regimes. Projections were based on a suite of eight global climate models driven by three emission scenarios to project potential climate responses for the 2050s period (2041–2070). Climate projections were statistically downscaled and used to drive a macro‐scale hydrology model at high spatial resolution. This methodology covers a large range of potential future climates for British Columbia and explicitly addresses both emissions and global climate model uncertainty in the final hydrologic projections. Snow water equivalent is projected to decline throughout the Peace and Campbell and at low elevations within the Columbia. At high elevations within the Columbia, snow water equivalent is projected to increase with increased winter precipitation. Streamflow projections indicate timing shifts in all three watersheds, predominantly because of changes in the dynamics of snow accumulation and melt. The coastal hybrid site shows the largest sensitivity, shifting to more rainfall‐dominated system by mid‐century. The two interior sites are projected to retain the characteristics of a nival regime by mid‐century, although streamflow‐timing shifts result from increased mid‐winter rainfall and snowmelt, and earlier freshet onset. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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