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We find that the Chandrasekhar-Kendall functions (A) do not satisfy the identity (A·)A=(×A)×A+1.2A2 and, therefore, the results, in magnetohydrodynamics and other fields, obtained by two independent authors may differ from one another.  相似文献   

Observational data of the solar diameter in Italy during 1876–1937 and in Greenwich during 1851–1937 were analyzed. The Whittaker operator with different smoothing coefficients was used. The average data sets for the analysis of the possible oscillations of the solar diameter during 1876–1937 were obtained. Average values of the solar radius R(t) and absolute values of its time derivative ¦dR(t)/dt¦ were compared with the Wolf number, W(t), and with the integral A(t) = 0 t W(t)dt + constant. A good correlation r(R, W) = ¦dR(t)/dt¦, W(t) and r(R, A) = R(t), A(t) was found. It was shown that the frequency spectra of R(t) and A(t) are similar. It was found that during odd 11-yr cycles, the solar diameter decreases, whereas during even cycles it increases. A hysteresis-like behavior in the variation of R(t) during the 22-yr solar magnetic cycle was demonstrated.  相似文献   

We find that element abundances in energetic ions accelerated by shock waves formed at corotating interaction regions (CIRs) mirror the abundances of the solar wind modified by a decreasing power-law dependence on the mass-to-charge ratio \(A\)/\(Q\) of the ions. This behavior is similar in character to the well-known power-law dependence on \(A\)/\(Q\) of abundances in large gradual solar energetic particles (SEP). The CIR ions reflect the pattern of \(A\)/\(Q\), with \(Q\) values of the source plasma temperature or freezing-in temperature of 1.0?–?1.2 MK typical of the fast solar wind in this case. Thus the relative ion abundances in CIRs are of the form \((A\mbox{/}Q)^{a}\), where \(a\) is nearly always negative and evidently decreases with distance from the shocks, which usually begin beyond 1 AU. For one unusual historic CIR event where \(a \approx 0\), the reverse shock wave of the CIR seems to occur at 1 AU, and these abundances of the energetic ions become a direct proxy for the abundances of the fast solar wind.  相似文献   

Data of geomagnetic indices (aa, Kp, Ap, and Dst) recorded near 1 AU over the period 1967–2016, have been studied based on the asymmetry between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directions above and below of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). Our results led to the following conclusions: (i) Throughout the considered period, 31 random years (62%) showed apparent asymmetries between Toward (\(\mathbf{T}\)) and Away (\(\mathbf{A}\)) polarity days and 19 years (38%) exhibited nearly a symmetrical behavior. The days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity predominated over the \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity days by 4.3% during the positive magnetic polarity epoch (1991–1999). While the days of \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity exceeded the days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity by 5.8% during the negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012). (ii) Considerable yearly North–South (N–S) asymmetries of geomagnetic indices observed throughout the considered period. (iii) The largest toward dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 1995 near to minimum of solar activity. Moreover, the most substantial away dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 2003 (during the descending phase of the solar cycle 23) and in 1991 (near the maximum of solar activity cycle) respectively. (iv) The N–S asymmetry of \(Kp\) index indicated a most significant away dominant peak occurred in 2003. (v) Four of the away dominant peaks of Dst index occurred at the maxima of solar activity in the years 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2013. The largest toward dominant peak occurred in 1991 (at the reversal of IMF polarity). (vi) The geomagnetic indices (aa, Ap, and \(Kp\)) all have northern dominance during positive magnetic polarity epoch (1971–1979), while the asymmetries shifts to the southern solar hemisphere during negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012).  相似文献   

The Mees CCD (MCCD) instrument is an imaging spectroscopy device which uses the 25 cm coronagraph telescope and the 3.0 m Coudé spectrograph at Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) on Haleakala, Maui. The instrument works with resolving power up to R 200 000 with significant throughput from 3934 Å (Caii K) to 10 000 Å. A fast guiding active mirror stabilizes the image during observations. A rapidly writing magnetic tape storage system allows observations to be recorded at 256 kbytes s–1. Currently, the MCCD is used for imaging spectroscopy of solar flares at 6563 Å (H), and velocity measurements of umbral oscillations; future plans include emission line studies of active region coronae, and photospheric studies of solar oscillations.  相似文献   

Résumé Il existe une certaine symétrie dans l'évolution des Centres Actifs (C.A.) simples nés à l'est (p) ou à l'ouest (f) d'un centre ancien.Dans l'un et l'autre cas, les taches directement exposées à la polarité inverse du C.A. ancien deviennent les taches de plus grande surface du groupe: tache de tête Tt des p, tache de queue Tq des f.Dans le même temps leur mouvement propre tend à les rapprocher du centre ancien. Les déplacements en longitude sont supérieurs, en valeur absolue, aux déplacements moyens des taches homologues d'un C.A. isolé. Les différences ainsi mesurées sont les mêmes pour les Tt ou les Tq et égales à environ 1°.5 en 3 jours pour les groupes de l'échantillon choisi, les déplacements mesurés étant en moyenne de l'ordre de 3°.
Following the study of anomalies in spot groups correlated to the existence of an older active center (A.C.) in the same region, we compared the evolution of 50 A.C. of simple magnetic configuration or .We associated the growth and the proper motion of their spots to the absence or the presence of an A.C. in the vicinity, and in that eventuality to the relative disposition of the two A.C. in presence.We find that a group situated to the west of an older one evolves to the type f and shows an eastward motion of the following spot greater than in the case of an isolated group.Symmetrically, the evolution to p of a group situated to the east of the original formation is associated with a westward motion of the leading spot greater than in the case of an undisturbed group.The difference between those displacements and the average ones corresponding to an isolated A.C. is the same in both cases and is equal to about 1°.5 in three days for the groups of the sample chosen.

The investigation of supernova remnants (SNRs) across the electromagnetic spectrum from radio up to very high energy gamma-rays can serve as a test of the particle acceleration and touches on one of the unresolved problems of modern astrophysics, namely the origin of cosmic rays and the Galaxy's contribution to the overall cosmic ray spectrum. The multiwavelength observations of Cas A SNR demonstrated that structure and spectral features have clear signs of young SNRs and its overall properties make this object the best target to test a hypothesis of cosmic ray origin in SNRs. Studies of Cas A at very high energies by SHALON telescope showed the location of TeV gamma-ray emission region relative to the position of reveres shock. Also, the spectral energy distribution was obtained at high and very high energies. To describe the spectral and structural features of this SNR viewed in non-thermal emission, two approaches involving reverse and also both reverse and forward shocks to the mechanism of diffusive shock acceleration of cosmic rays in Cas A were applied. It is demonstrated that the observational properties of Cas A are well reproduced by the hadronic model with significant contribution of both the forward and reverse shocks in the generation of broadband emission. Calculation results suggest that the very high efficiency of particle acceleration in Cas A, which value is up to 25% of the supernova explosion energy with energy of accelerated particles not exceeding of eV. Whereas, the forward shock model predicts the spectral characteristics of the TeV-gamma-emission corresponding to ones detected at 800 GeV–40 TeV that are the evidence of acceleration of the hadronic cosmic rays in shells of SNRs up to eV  相似文献   

Light-element abundances are compiled for six peculiar A stars (3 CenA, 2 CVn, HR 1732,v For, Cnc, and 112 Her) with Heilines very weak for their colours. The abundances are interpreted on the theory that peculiar A stars were once secondaries in binary systems in which the primaries exploded as type II supernovae. During the explosions of the primaries, protons were accelerated to high energies (>20 MeV) in shock waves at the secondaries, and spallation of He, C, N, and O occurred. This was followed by the arrival of heavier elements from the primaries. Abundances on 2 CVn, HR 1732, andv For were subsequently modified by surface nuclear reactions involving protons and -particles accelerated to lower energies (10 MeV), probably by magnetic fields. Successive (, ) reactions formed Si28 from Ne20, and (p, ) reactions acting on A40 and Ca40 may have contributed to the excesses of Cl observed on 2 CVn and HR 1732. These proposals have interesting implications with regard to the relative abundances of the iron-peak elements found on peculiar A stars and in the Solar System.  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation (MK < ?21 . m 5) and early-type galaxies (fracE) of the “red sequence” along the projected radius in six galaxy clusters:Coma (A1656), A1139, and A1314 in the Leo supercluster region (z ≈ 0.037) and A2040, A2052, A2107 in the Hercules supercluster region (z ≈ 0.036). According to SDSS (DR10) data, fracE is the highest in the central regions of galaxy clusters and it is, on the average, equal to 0.62 ± 0.03, whereas in the 2–3R/R200c interval and beyond the Rsp ≈ 0.95 ± 0.04 R200m radius that we inferred from the observed profile fracE is minimal and equal to 0.25 ± 0.02. This value coincides with the estimate fracE = 0.24 ± 0.01 that we inferred for field galaxies located between the Hercules and Leo superclusters at the same redshifts. We show that the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation decreases continuously with cluster radius from 0.87 ± 0.02 in central regions down to 0.43 ± 0.03 in the 2–3 R/R200c interval and beyond Rsp, but remains, on the average, higher than 26% than the corresponding fraction for field objects. This decrease is especially conspicuous in the galaxy mass interval log M* [M] = 9.5–10. We found that galaxies with ongoing star formation have average clustercentric distances 1.5–2.5 R/R200c and that their radial-velocity dispersions are higher than those of galaxies with suppressed star formation.  相似文献   

We analyze the structure of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1775 (α = 13 h 42 m , δ = +26°22′, cz ≈ 21000 km/s), which exhibits a bimodal distribution of radial velocities of the containing galaxies. The difference of the subcluster radial velocities is ΔV ≈ 2900 km/s. We use the results of our photometric observations made with the 1-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the spectroscopic and photometric data from the SDSS DR6 catalog to determine independent distances to the subclusters via three different methods: the Kormendy relation, photometric plane, and fundamental plane. We find that the A1775 cluster consists of two independent clusters, A1775A (cz = 19664 km/s) and A1775B (cz = 22576 km/s), each located at its own Hubble distance and having small peculiar velocities. Given the velocity dispersions of 324 km/s and 581 km/s and the dynamic masses within the R 200 radius equal to 0.6 × 1014 and 3.3 × 1014 M , the A1775A and A1775B clusters have the K-band luminosity-to-mass ratios of 29 and 61, respectively. A radio galaxy with an extended tail belongs to the A1775B cluster.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between coronal hole (CH) areas and solar wind speeds during 1995?–?2011 using the potential field (PF) model analysis of magnetograph observations and interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations by the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (formerly Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory) of Nagoya University. We obtained a significant positive correlation between the CH areas (\(A\)) derived from the PF model calculations and solar wind speeds (\(V\)) derived from the IPS observations. The correlation coefficients between them are usually high, but they drop significantly in solar maxima. The slopes of the \(A\)?–?\(V\) relation are roughly constant except for the period around solar maximum, when flatter or steeper slopes are observed. The excursion of the correlation coefficients and slopes at solar maxima is ascribed partly to the effect of rapid structural changes in the coronal magnetic field and solar wind, and partly to the predominance of small CHs. It is also demonstrated that \(V\) is inversely related to the flux expansion factor (\(f\)) and that \(f\) is closely related to \(A^{-1/2}\); hence, \(V \propto A^{1/2}\). A better correlation coefficient is obtained from the \(A^{1/2}\)?–?\(V\) relation, and this fact is useful for improving space weather predictions. We compare the CH areas derived from the PF model calculations with He i 1083 nm observations and show that the PF model calculations provide reliable estimates of the CH area, particularly for large \(A\).  相似文献   

Non-linear effects on the stability of the Screw Pinch in cylindrical system surrounded by a uniform pitch magnetic field in an incompressible pressureless plasma have been studied. A linear dispersion relation governing the stability of interface has been obtained with the help of normal mode analysis. Perturbation technique has been used to obtain the non-linear Schrödinger equation for the time variation of amplitudeA(t) which evolves according to . This can lead to non-linear stabilization, explosive instability or eventual decay, depending on the sign of . The whole calculations have been made form=1, kink modes in a sharp boundary plasma pinch. Non-linear analysis for -pinch (0) andz-pinch () have also been discussed in detail. It has been found that non-linear theory have a destabilizing influence on both - andz-pinches.  相似文献   

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