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Geomorphological models are useful tools for assessing the impacts of changing environmental conditions on earth surface processes and landforms. Here we evaluate the feasibility of predicting the abundance (spatial coverage) of geomorphological features using presence–absence data. To achieve the study goals, generalized linear models (GLMs), spatial predictors and geomorphological data from a thoroughly inventoried area of 600 km2 in sub‐Arctic Finland at a resolution of 25 ha were utilized in the exercise. The key finding was that the GLMs derived from presence–absence data performed as consistently, as a relative index of abundance, as models derived directly from the abundance data. Thus, predictions based on presence–absence data may serve as a reasonable surrogate for abundance of geomorphological features. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current paper deals with the evaluation of the BANCS erosion prediction model and its two componentsethe Bank Erosion Hazard Index(BEHI)and Near-Bank Stress(NBS)indices.To construct the erosion prediction curves,18 experimental sections were established on the Kubrica Stream,district of Trencín,Slovakia.Each section was assessed through the NBS index and BEHI index and real annual bank erosion was measured using erosion toe pins.Subsequently,the relations between the BEHI and real annual bank erosion was assessed through regression and correlation analyses.The relation proved to be moderately strong,with the correlation coefficient(R)reaching 0.47.Further,the relation between the NBS index and real annual bank erosion was evaluated,which was also moderately strong,with R=0.65.Based on the measured data,two erosion prediction curves were constructed,the first for moderate BEHI,with R=0.69 and coefficient of determination(R2)of 0.47 and the second for high BEHI with R=0.74 and R2=0.55.The prediction curves were based on data from one year of measurements and can,therefore,be used only for discharges that occurred within that year and in the region where the model was developed.In the current case,according to runoff Curve Numbers(CN),the real culmination discharge was Q=1.88 m3/s,which is roughly equivalent to 1.5-year recurrence interval flow(Q1.5).  相似文献   

The current paper deals with the evaluation of the BANCS erosion prediction model and its two componentsethe Bank Erosion Hazard Index(BEHI) and Near-Bank Stress(NBS) indices. To construct the erosion prediction curves, 18 experimental sections were established on the Kubrica Stream, district of Trencín, Slovakia. Each section was assessed through the NBS index and BEHI index and real annual bank erosion was measured using erosion toe pins. Subsequently, the relations between the BEHI and real annual bank erosion was assessed through regression and correlation analyses. The relation proved to be moderately strong, with the correlation coefficient(R) reaching 0.47. Further, the relation between the NBS index and real annual bank erosion was evaluated, which was also moderately strong, with R= 0.65.Based on the measured data, two erosion prediction curves were constructed, the first for moderate BEHI, with R= 0.69 and coefficient of determination(R~2) of 0.47 and the second for high BEHI with R=0.74 and R~2= 0.55. The prediction curves were based on data from one year of measurements and can, therefore, be used only for discharges that occurred within that year and in the region where the model was developed. In the current case, according to runoff Curve Numbers(CN), the real culmination discharge was Q ? 1.88 m~3/s, which is roughly equivalent to 1.5-year recurrence interval flow(Q_1.5).  相似文献   

In September 2011, variations of the total abundance of bacteria were studied, including, for the first time, the abundance of bacteria with intact membranes and active electron transport chains, as well as chlorophyll a concentrations and some hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of water in Yenisei estuary and the zone of Ob–Yenisei river discharge. The study found abundant, viable, and actively functioning bacterioplankton to exist in the region. The absolute values of all microbiological characteristics were found to decrease with the distance from the freshened waters of Yenisei estuary toward the seawater of the Ob–Yenisei river discharge, while the percentage of bacteria with intact membranes and actively functioning microorganisms in bacterioplankton increased in the same direction. Positive correlations were found to exist between the values of all examined microbiological characteristics and the concentration in water of chlorophyll a, silicium, organic nitrogen, and oxygen, as well as water temperature. The same biological characteristics showed negative correlations with water salinity and phosphates. The spatial distribution of bacteria in the examined water body was supposed to be due mostly to the intensity of hydrodynamic processes, rather than the biogenic matter content of water.  相似文献   

Alpine ponds are shallow waterbodies formed in alpine zones characterized by usual pristine conditions, however subject to harsh conditions that enable the emergence of unique communities with high conservational value. Therefore, it is important to gather information about these ecosystems and understand the changes in the biota. This work aimed to use Portugal’s alpine ponds as a case of study in assessed the macroinvertebrates communities in the Mediterranean ecozone. To fulfill this goal, we aimed to understand the alterations on macroinvertebrates community and how are they modulated by environmental variables. Five alpine ponds in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) were studied for one year. Macroinvertebrate communities and physical and chemical water parameters were determined in June/16, October/16, and April/17. Water chemistry values were similar to other studied lentic waterbodies in alpine zones in Europe, with slightly acidic water and low conductivity. Although accentuated macroinvertebrates differences between ponds, no significant differences in diversity were recorded, indeed the main differences recorded were influenced by ponds habitat types and environmental variables. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed differences in the communities between ponds, namely the high influence of several physical and chemical parameters (conductivity, phosphate content, and pH) in the macroinvertebrates community composition. Indeed, Spearman’s correlation revealed significant interaction in diversity, abundance and richness of macroinvertebrates and several physical and chemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen and nitrates concentration).  相似文献   

Changing high‐mountain environments are characterized by destabilizing ice, rock or debris slopes connected to evolving glacial lakes. Such configurations may lead to potentially devastating sequences of mass movements (process chains or cascades). Computer simulations are supposed to assist in anticipating the possible consequences of such phenomena in order to reduce the losses. The present study explores the potential of the novel computational tool r.avaflow for simulating complex process chains. r.avaflow employs an enhanced version of the Pudasaini ( 2012 ) general two‐phase mass flow model, allowing consideration of the interactions between solid and fluid components of the flow. We back‐calculate an event that occurred in 2012 when a landslide from a moraine slope triggered a multi‐lake outburst flood in the Artizón and Santa Cruz valleys, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, involving four lakes and a substantial amount of entrained debris along the path. The documented and reconstructed flow patterns are reproduced in a largely satisfactory way in the sense of empirical adequacy. However, small variations in the uncertain parameters can fundamentally influence the behaviour of the process chain through threshold effects and positive feedbacks. Forward simulations of possible future cascading events will rely on more comprehensive case and parameter studies, but particularly on the development of appropriate strategies for decision‐making based on uncertain simulation results. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Extremely low water level events have frequently occurred in the middle–lower Yangtze River (MLYR) in recent years (2006–2011). Most of these drought events coincided with the initial operation of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). The TGD was therefore the focus of controversy about the causes of the hydrological droughts of the rivers and lakes of the region. We quantified the effects of the TGD's operation on water levels from 2006 to 2011 using a newly developed hydrodynamic model. The operation of the TGD significantly exacerbated the severe hydrological droughts that occurred in late September to November because of water impoundment, but it increased water levels from April to early June in the MLYR because of the drawdown of TGD water levels. Evidence suggests that the recent extremely low water levels were mainly because of the remarkable decline in inflows to the MLYR resulting from precipitation changes and possible human activities. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the effects of the TGD on downstream rivers and lakes will be intensified in the foreseeable future. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cultivated fields have been shown to be the dominant sources of sediment in almost all investigated UK catchments, typically contributing 85 to 95% of sediment inputs. As a result, most catchment management strategies are directed towards mitigating these sediment inputs. However, in many regions of the UK such as the Nene basin there is a paucity of sediment provenance data. This study used the caesium‐137 (137Cs) inventories of lake and floodplain cores as well as the 137Cs activities of present day sediment to determine sediment provenance. Sediment yields were also reconstructed in a small lake catchment. Low 137Cs inventories were present in the lake and floodplain cores in comparison to the reference inventory and inventories in cores from other UK catchments. Caesium‐137 activities in the present day sediments were low; falling close to those found in the channel bank catchment samples. It was estimated that 60 to 100% of the sediment in the Nene originated from channel banks. Pre‐1963 sediment yields were approximately 11.2 t km?2 yr?1 and post‐1963 was approximately 11.9 t km?2 yr?1. The lack of increased sediment yield post‐1963 and low sediment yield is unusual for a UK catchment (where a yield of 28 to 51 t km?2 yr?1 is typical for a lowland agricultural catchment), but is explained by the low predicted contribution of sediment from agricultural topsoils. The high channel bank contribution is likely caused by the river being starved of sediment from topsoils, increasing its capacity to entrain bank material. The good agreement between the results derived using cores and recently transported sediments, highlight the reliability of 137Cs when tracing sediment sources. However, care should be taken to assess the potential impacts of sediment particle size, sediment focusing in lakes and the possible remobilization of 137Cs from sedimentary deposits. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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