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Testing infiltrometer techniques to determine soil hydraulic properties is necessary for specific soils. For a loam soil, the water retention and hydraulic conductivity predicted by the BEST (Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters) procedure of soil hydraulic characterization was compared with data collected by more standard laboratory and field techniques. Six infiltrometer techniques were also compared in terms of saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks. BEST yielded water retention values statistically similar to those obtained in the laboratory and Ks values practically coinciding with those determined in the field with the pressure infiltrometer (PI). The unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity measured with the tension infiltrometer (TI) was reproduced satisfactorily by BEST only close to saturation. BEST, the PI, one‐potential experiments with both the TI and the mini disk infiltrometer (MDI), the simplified falling head (SFH) technique and the bottomless bucket (BB) method yielded statistically similar estimates of Ks, differing at the most by a factor of three. Smaller values were obtained with longer and more soil‐disturbing infiltration runs. Any of the tested infiltration techniques appears usable to obtain the order of magnitude of Ks at the field site, but the BEST, BB and PI data appear more appropriate to characterize the soil at some stage during a rainfall event. Additional investigations on both similar and different soils would allow development of more general procedures to apply infiltrometer techniques for soil hydraulic characterization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The repellency index (RI) defined as the adjusted ratio between soil‐ethanol, Se, and soil‐water, Sw, sorptivities estimated from minidisk infiltrometer experiments has been used instead of the widely used water drop penetration time and molarity of ethanol drop tests to assess soil water repellency. However, sorptivity calculated by the usual early‐time infiltration equation may be overestimated as the effects of gravity and lateral capillary are neglected. With the aim to establish the best applicative procedure to assess RI, different approaches to estimate Se and Sw were compared that make use of both the early‐time infiltration equation (namely, the 1 min, S1, and the short‐time linearization approaches), and the two‐term axisymmetric infiltration equation, valid for early to intermediate times (namely, the cumulative linearization and differentiated linearization approaches). The dataset included 85 minidisk infiltrometer tests conducted in three sites in Italy and Spain under different vegetation habitats (forest of Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis, burned pine forest, and annual grasses), soil horizons (organic and mineral), postfire treatments, and initial soil water contents. The S1 approach was inapplicable in 42% of experiments as water infiltration did not start in the first minute. The short‐time linearization approach yielded a systematic overestimation of Se and Sw that resulted in an overestimation of RI by a factor of 1.57 and 1.23 as compared with the cumulative linearization and differentiated linearization approaches. A new repellency index, RIs, was proposed as the ratio between the slopes of the linearized data for the wettable and hydrophobic stages obtained by a single water infiltration test. For the experimental conditions considered, RIs was significantly correlated with RI and WDPT. Compared with RI, RIs includes information on both soil sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity and, therefore, it can be considered more physically linked to the hydrological processes affected by soil water repellency.  相似文献   

Little is known about the processes of infiltration and water movement in the upper layers of blanket peat. A tension infiltrometer was used to measure hydraulic conductivity in a blanket peat in the North Pennines, England. Measurements were taken from the surface down to 20 cm in depth for peat under four different vegetation covers. It was found that macropore flow is a significant pathway for water in the upper layers of this soil type. It was also found that peat depth and surface vegetation cover were associated with macroporosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The proportion of macropore flow was found to be greater at 5 cm depth than at 0, 10 and 20 cm depth. Peat beneath a Sphagnum cover tends to be more permeable and a greater proportion of macropore flow can occur beneath this vegetation type. Functional macroporosity and matrix flow in the near‐surface layers of bare peat appear to have been affected by weathering processes. Comparision of results with rainfall records demonstrates that infiltration‐excess overland flow is unlikely to be a common runoff‐generating mechanism on blanket peat; rather, a saturation‐excess mechanism combined with percolation‐excess above much less permeable layers dominates the runoff response. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mualem and the Burdine hydraulic conductivity prediction models are considered in combination with the van Genuchten analytical retention curve, as well as the Brooks and Corey prediction model. An equivalence is presented between the retention curves of these models. A comparative study follows between hydraulic conductivities that are based on equivalent retention curves. A unified presentation of prediction models provides a framework for the whole analysis. The treatment of the equivalence problem consists in a minimization procedure characterized by uncoupling of the parameters and analytical evaluation of the objective function. Exact analytical equivalence relations are given for significant parts of the parameter ranges, and, for the remaining parts, analytical approximations are proposed. The comparisons between hydraulic conductivities are carried out via an inequality analysis. It is shown that the hydraulic conductivity of the Burdine model is less than that of the other models for extended ranges of equivalent parameters.  相似文献   

Evaluation of flow and transport processes in a watershed‐scale requires that the watershed be divided into homogenous spatial units referred to as hydrologically similar units (HSUs). Although a few discretization schemes are already in use, a universally acceptable method of obtaining HSUs is yet to emerge. In this study, we developed a fuzzy inference system (FIS) to classify the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and two water‐retention parameters α and n into fuzzy logic‐based soil hydrologic classes (FSHCs). Analysis of these classes showed that soil properties within an FSHC have less variability and those between two FSHCs have large variability. This result suggested that soils belonging to a specific FSHC may be more similar than those across different FSHCs and may be grouped together to represent an HSU. Soils within a specific hydrologic class were aggregated to delineate HSUs within the watershed. For the Dengei Pahad micro‐watershed (DPW), this approach showed five distinct regions representing a discretized zone having similar soil hydraulic properties. Application of this approach on a larger international database of soil hydraulic properties revealed that the developed hydrologic classes are quite comparable across different databases. The delineated HSUs based on these FSHCs were also better than the soil series map of the watershed in maintaining the soil heterogeneity of the watershed. Moreover, this new discretization scheme using the SWAT modelling environment showed better performance than the soil series‐based discretization approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The correct use of the tension disc infiltrometer requires the membrane of the disc base to be completely in contact with the soil surface. To achieve this contact, a thick layer of sand is commonly placed between the soil surface and the disc base. This paper presents an alternative disc (MDB), which, by incorporating a malleable membrane, allows direct infiltration measurements without using a contact sand layer. Infiltration curves obtained with this new design in a soil under three different tillage management treatments were compared with the corresponding curves obtained with a conventional disc (CDB) that uses a contact sand layer. The cumulative infiltration curves measured with CDB were analysed by the differentiated linearization (DL) method, and the corresponding curves obtained with MDB were analysed using both the DL and the cumulative linearization (CL) models. The values of hydraulic conductivity (K0) and sorptivity (S0) estimated with CDB were also compared with those obtained with MDB. Finally, the cumulative infiltration curves measured with CDB and MDB were compared with the corresponding modelled function for the respective K0 and S0 values calculated with the CL and DL models. The results show that, compared with CDB without a contact sand layer, MDB allows complete soil surface wetting even when non‐smoothed soil surfaces are used. The CDB, which yielded average K0 values 18% lower than those estimated with MDB, gave the highest values of standard error for the hydraulic parameters calculated. Furthermore, the subjective method employed in the CDB‐DL technique, which requires the first points of the differential infiltration line corresponding to the sand layer to be manually removed, introduces additional uncertainties in estimating S0 and K0. Comparison between the modelled and measured infiltration curves demonstrates that the DL or CL methods applied to MDB gave excellent estimates of S0 and K0. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydraulic properties of soil include the soil-water characteristic function [h(θ), in which θ is water content and h is pressure head (suction)], and the hydraulic conductivity function [K(θ) or K(h)]. These functions are essential to the solution of unsaturated groundwater flow problems. A number of empirical and semiempirical forms have been proposed in the literature to estimate these functions. The present paper employs a nonlinear least-square analysis for comparison between some of the available forms, using a large number of experimental measurements of h(θ) for different classes of soil. Suitability of the forms for predicting the hydraulic conductivity function is examined. In the absence of accurate measurements, the paper facilitates modeling by providing estimates for the parameters of the soil-water characteristic function.  相似文献   

Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have become a topic drawing increasing interest within the field of soil and environmental research because they can provide important soil physical data at relatively low cost. Few studies, however, explore which contributions PTFs can make to land‐use planning, in terms of examining the expected outcome of certain changes in soil and water management practices. This paper describes three scenario studies that show some aspects of how PTFs may help improve decision making about land management practices. We use an exploratory research approach using simulation modelling to explore the potential effect of alternative solutions in land management. We: (i) evaluate benefits and risks when irrigating a field, and the impact of soil heterogeneity; (ii) examine which changes can be expected (in terms of soil water balance and supply) if organic matter content is changed as a result of an alternative management system; (iii) evaluate the risk of leaching to deeper horizons in some soils of Hungary. Using this research approach, quantitative answers are provided to ‘what if?’ type questions, allowing the distinction of trends and potential problems, which may contribute to the development of sustainable management systems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An automated disc infiltrometer was developed to improve the measurements of soil hydraulic properties (saturated hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity) of soils affected by wildfire. Guidelines are given for interpreting curves showing cumulative infiltration as a function of time measured by the autodisc. The autodisc was used to measure the variability of these soil hydraulic properties in three different sample sets: (a) a reference soil consisting of a nonrepellent, uniform, fine sand; (b) soils with the same soil textural classification derived from the same bedrock geology but having different initial burn severities; and (c) soils from different bedrock geology but having the same burn severity. The autodisc infiltrometer had greater sampling rates and volume resolution when compared with the visual minidisc infiltrometer from previous studies. There was no statistical difference in the mean values measured using the autodisc and visual minidisc, but the variability of the autodisc measurements was significantly less than the visual minidisc for a given set of samples. The greatest variability of soil hydraulic properties in reference samples with uniform particle size was attributed to different pore geometries (coefficient of variation [COV] = 0.28–0.34). Unburned field samples (same soil type) with heterogeneous particle sizes had greater variability (COV = 0.57–0.78) than the reference samples. However, this basic variability decreased or remained constant in these field samples as burn severity increased. Additional sources of variability (COV = 0.53–1.99) were attributed to multiple layers resulting from ash or sediment deposition. Results indicate that resolving differences in soil hydraulic properties from different sites requires more than the common 10 random samples because of the multiple sources of variability.  相似文献   

Water infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity in vegetated soil are two vital hydrological parameters for agriculturists to determine availability of soil moisture for assessing crop growths and yields, and also for engineers to carry out stability calculations of vegetated slopes. However, any effects of roots on these two parameters are not well‐understood. This study aims to quantify the effects of a grass species, Cynodon dactylon, and a tree species, Schefflera heptaphylla, on infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity in relation to their root characteristics and suction responses. The two selected species are commonly used for ecological restoration and rehabilitation in many parts of the world and South China, respectively. A series of in‐situ double‐ring infiltration tests was conducted during a wet summer, while the responses of soil suction were monitored by tensiometers. When compared to bare soil, the vegetated soil has lower infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity. This results in at least 50% higher suction retained in the vegetated soil. It is revealed that the effects of root‐water uptake by the selected species on suction were insignificant because of the small evapotranspiration (<0.2 mm) when the tests were conducted under the wet climate. There appears to have no significant difference (less than 10%) of infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and suction retained between the grass‐covered and the tree‐covered soil. However, the grass and tree species having deeper root depth and greater Root Area Index (RAI) retained higher suction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Consistent parameter constraints for soil hydraulic functions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parameters of functions to describe soil hydraulic properties are derived from measurements by means of parameter estimation. Of crucial importance here is the choice of correct constraints in the parameter space. Often, the parameters are mere shape parameters without physical meaning, giving flexibility to the model. A fundamental requirement is that the hydraulic functions are monotonic: the retention function and the conductivity function can only decrease as the capillary suction increases. A stricter physical requirement for the conductivity function is that its decrease with respect to saturation is at least linear. This linear decrease would occur if all pores of a capillary bundle had an equal radius. In the first part of this contribution, we derive constraints for the so-called tortuosity parameter of the Mualem conductivity model, which allow highest possible flexibility on one hand and guarantee physical consistency on the other hand. In combination with the retention functions of Brooks and Corey, van Genuchten, or Durner, such a constraint can be expressed as a function of the pore-size distribution parameters. In the second part, we show that a common modification of retention models, which is applied to reach zero water content at finite suction, can lead to the physically unrealistic case of increasing water content with increasing suction. We propose a solution for this problem by slightly modifying these models and introducing a correct parameter constraint.  相似文献   

A field test and analysis method has been developed to estimate the vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity in shallow unconsolidated aquifers. The field method uses fluid injection ports and pressure transducers in a hollow auger that measure the hydraulic head outside the auger at several distances from the injection point. A constant injection rate is maintained for a duration time sufficient for the system to become steady state. Exploiting the analogy between electrical resistivity in geophysics and hydraulic flow two methods are used to estimate conductivity with depth: a half-space model based on spherical flow from a point injection at each measurement site, and a one-dimensional inversion of an entire dataset.

The injection methodology, conducted in three separate drilling operations, was investigated for repeatability, reproducibility, linearity, and for different injection sources. Repeatability tests, conducted at 10 levels, demonstrated standard deviations of generally less than 10%. Reproducibility tests conducted in three, closely spaced drilling operations generally showed a standard deviation of less than 20%, which is probably due to lateral variations in hydraulic conductivity. Linearity tests, made to determine dependency on flow rates, showed no indication of a flow rate bias. In order to obtain estimates of the hydraulic conductivity by an independent means, a series of measurements were made by injecting water through screens installed at two separate depths in a monitoring pipe near the measurement site. These estimates differed from the corresponding estimates obtained by injection in the hollow auger by a factor of less than 3.5, which can be attributed to variations in geology and the inaccurate estimates of the distance between the measurement and the injection sites at depth.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are ubiquitous living covers that have been allowed to grow on abandoned farmlands over the Loess Plateau because the “Grain for Green” project was implemented in 1999 to control serious soil erosion. However, few studies have been conducted to quantify the effects of BSC coverage on soil hydraulic properties. This study was performed to assess the effects of BSC coverage on soil hydraulic properties, which are reflected by the soil sorptivity under an applied pressure of 0 (S 0 ) and ?3 (S 3 ) cm, saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s ), wetting front depth (WFD ), and mean pore radius (λ m ), for the Loess Plateau of China. Five classes of BSC coverage (i.e., 1–20%, 20–40%, 40–60%, 60–80%, and 80–100%) and a bare control were selected at both cyanobacteria‐ and moss‐covered sites to measure soil hydraulic properties using a disc infiltrometer under 2 consecutive pressure heads of 0 and ?3 cm, allowing the direct calculation of S 0 , S 3 , K s , and λ m . The WFD was measured onsite using a ruler immediately after the experiments of infiltration. The results indicated that both cyanobacteria and moss crusts were effective in changing the soil properties and impeding soil infiltration. The effects of moss were greater than those of cyanobacteria. Compared to those of the control, the S 0 , S 3 , K s , WFD , and λ m values of cyanobacteria‐covered soils were reduced by 13.7%, 11.0%, 13.3%, 10.6%, and 12.6% on average, and those of moss‐covered soils were reduced by 27.6%, 22.1%, 29.5%, 22.2%, and 25.9%, respectively. The relative soil sorptivity under pressures of 0 (RS 0 ) and ?3 (RS 3 ) cm, the relative saturated hydraulic conductivity (RK s ), the relative wetting front depth (RWFD ), and the relative mean pore radius (m ) decreased exponentially with coverage for both cyanobacteria‐ and moss‐covered soils. The rates of decrease in RS 0 , RS 3 , RK s , RWFD , and m of cyanobacteria were significantly slower than those of moss, especially for the coverage of 0–40%, with smaller ranges. The variations of soil hydraulic properties with BSC coverage were closely related to the change in soil clay content driven by the BSC coverage on the Loess Plateau. The results are useful for simulating the hydraulic parameters of BSC‐covered soils in arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

Biocrust effects on soil infiltration have attracted increasing attention in dryland ecosystems, but their seasonal variations in infiltrability have not yet been well understood. On the Chinese Loess Plateau, soil infiltrability indicated by saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of biocrusts and bare soil, both on aeolian sand and loess soil, was determined by disc infiltrometer in late spring (SPR), midsummer (SUM), and early fall (FAL). Then their correlations with soil biological and physiochemical properties and water repellency index (RI) were analysed. The results showed that the biocrusts significantly decreased Ks both on sand during SPR, SUM, and FAL (by 43%, 66%, and 35%, respectively; P < .05) and on loess (by 42%, 92%, and 10%, respectively; P <.05). As compared with the bare soil, the decreased Ks in the biocrusted surfaces was mostly attributed to the microorganism biomass and also to the increasing content of fine particles and organic matter. Most importantly, both the biocrusts and bare soil exhibited significant (F ≥ 11.89, P ≤ .003) seasonal variations in Ks, but their patterns were quite different. Specifically, the Ks of bare soil gradually decreased from SPR to SUM (32% and 42% for sand and loess, respectively) and FAL (29% and 39%); the Ks of biocrusts also decreased from SPR to SUM (59% and 92%) but then increased in FAL (36% and 588%). Whereas the seasonal variations in Ks of the biocrusts were closely correlated with the seasonal variations in RI, the RI values were not high enough to point at hydrophobicity. Instead of that, the seasonal variations of Ks were principally explained by the changes in the crust biomass and possibly by the microbial exopolysaccharides. We conclude that the biocrusts significantly decreased soil infiltrability and exhibited a different seasonal variation pattern, which should be carefully considered in future analyses of hydropedological processes.  相似文献   

Chronosequences provide suitable sources for the study of changes in soil hydraulic behaviour as a result of long-term pedogenesis. For a podsol chronosequence in the Scottish Highlands, data are presented to indicate the changes that have occurred over 13000 years in the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) in each horizon. As the soil profile has evolved into a differentiated sequence of three horizons, the resulting hydrological changes can be both measured and quantified by relating Ksat to textural properties and bulk density. The results are significant for interpretation of changing runoff processes and slope stability.  相似文献   

Temporal stability of soil water content (TS SWC) is an often‐observed phenomenon, which characterization finds multiple applications. Climate and variability in soil properties are usually mentioned as factors of TS SWC, but their effects are far from clear. The objective of this work was to use SWC modeling to evaluate the effects of climate and soil hydraulic properties on the TS of soil water at different measurement schedules. We selected four representative climates found in USA and simulated the multiyear SWC dynamics for sandy loam, loam, and silty clay loam soils, all having the lognormal spatial distribution of the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The CLIMGEN and the HYDRUS6 codes were used to generate weather patterns and to simulate SWC, respectively. Four different methods were applied to select the representative location (RL). The low probability of having the same variability of mean relative differences of soil water under different climates was found in most of the cases. The probability that the variance of mean relative differences depended on sampling frequency was generally higher than 91% for the three soils. The interannual difference in mean relative differences variation from short and intensive summer campaigns was highly probable for all climates and soils. The RLs changed as climate and measurement scheduling changed, and they were less pronounced for coarse‐textured soils. The RL selection methods based solely on bias provided more consistency as compared with other methods. The TS appears to be the result of the interplay between climate, soil properties, and survey protocols. One implication of this factor interaction effect on TS SWC is that a simulation study can be useful to decide on the feasibility of including a search for TS‐based RLs for a specific site. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new empirical equation to estimate hydraulic conductivity is proposed, based on a large set of measured data for hydraulic properties of soil. The equation is simpler and more accurate than the series-parallel model. Under conditions of insufficient data, the new equation provides a good estimation of hydraulic conductivity for sands. For the same class of soils, another empirical equation is proposed to estimate the power N in the Averjanov-Irmay function.  相似文献   

Previous experimental studies of capillary barriers have identified highly hysteretic soil moisture retention characteristics in the materials used. In this study, numerical modelling is used to analyse the role of soil moisture hysteresis in capillary barrier functioning. Comparisons between published experimental results and model simulations indicate that soil moisture hysteresis was a necessary inclusion in the modelling approach to adequately reproduce pore water pressure distributions and the timing of breakthrough occurrences. Under hypothetical intermittent infiltration and evaporation conditions, the predicted volumetric water content in the moisture retention layer was significantly different for hysteretic and non‐hysteretic models. The hysteresis effect was found to be dependent on the nature of infiltration–evaporation cycling, although the predicted volume of flow through the hysteretic barrier was lower than that of the non‐hysteretic case, regardless of the nature of the cyclic upper boundary conditions. For practical engineering designs, where the water leakage through the barrier is the primary concern, the inclusion of soil moisture hysteresis in numerical modelling is needed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, K s , data collected by ponding infiltrometer methods and usual experimental procedures could be unusable for interpreting field hydrological processes and particularly rainfall infiltration. The K s values determined by an infiltrometer experiment carried out by applying water at a relatively large distance from the soil surface could however be more appropriate to explain surface runoff generation phenomena during intense rainfall events. In this study, a link between rainfall simulation and ponding infiltrometer experiments was established for a sandy‐loam soil. The height of water pouring for the infiltrometer run was chosen, establishing a similarity between the gravitational potential energy of the applied water, E p , and the rainfall kinetic energy, E k . To test the soundness of this procedure, the soil was sampled with the Beerkan estimation of soil transfer parameters procedure of soil hydraulic characterization and two heights of water pouring (0.03 m, i.e., usual procedure, and 0.34 m, yielding E p  = E k ). Then, a comparison between experimental steady‐state infiltration rates, i sR , measured with rainfall simulation experiments determining runoff production and K s values for the two water pouring heights was carried out in order to discriminate between theoretically possible (i sR  ≥ K s ) and impossible (i sR  < K s ) situations. Physically possible K s values were only obtained by applying water at a relatively large distance from the soil surface, because i sR was equal to 20.0 mm h?1 and K s values were 146.2–163.9 and 15.2–18.7 mm h?1 for a height of water pouring of 0.03 and 0.34 m, respectively. This result suggested the consistency between Beerkan runs with a high height of water pouring and rainfall simulator experiments. Soil compaction and mechanical aggregate breakdown were the most plausible physical mechanisms determining reduction of K s with height. This study demonstrated that the height from which water is poured onto the soil surface is a key parameter in infiltrometer experiments and can be adapted to mimic the effect of high intensity rain on soil hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

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