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Canada's post‐mined oil sands will have a higher concentration of salts compared with freshwater peatlands that dominate the landscape. While rare, naturally occurring saline wetlands do exist in Alberta's Boreal Plains and may function as analogues for reclamation, however, little is known about their hydrology. This paper investigates the geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of a natural saline‐spring peatland in Alberta's oil sands region. The fen is located within a saline groundwater discharge area connected to the erosional edge of the Grand Rapids Formation. Na+ (195–25,680 mgl?1) and Cl? (1785–56,249 mg l?1) were the dominant salts, and the fen transitioned sharply to freshwater along its margins because in part of subsurface mineral ridges that restricted shallow groundwater exchange. Salinity decreased from hypersaline to brackish along the local groundwater flow path but no active spring outlets were observed over the two‐year study. Vertical groundwater discharge was minimal because of the very low permeability of the underlying sediments. Subsurface storage was exceeded during periods of high flow, resulting in flooding and surface runoff that was enhanced by the ephemerally connected pond network. These findings have implications for reclamation, as mechanisms such as subsurface mineral ridges may function as effective saline groundwater‐control structures in the post‐mined environment. Incorporating saline wetlands into regional monitoring networks will help to better quantify natural discharge, which has implications for belowground wastewater storage related to in situ bitumen extraction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands are now being integrated into oil sands mining landscape closure design plans. These wetland ecosystems will be constructed within a regional sub‐humid climate where snowfall represents ~25% of annual precipitation. However, few studies focus on the distribution of snow and, hence, the storage of winter precipitation in reclaimed oil sands landscapes. In this study, the distribution, ablation and fate of snowmelt waters are quantified within a constructed watershed in a post‐mining oil sands environment. Basin‐averaged peak SWE was 106 mm, with no significant difference between reclaimed slopes with vegetation and those that were sparsely vegetated or bare. Snow depth was greatest and more variable near the toe of slopes and became progressively shallower towards the crest. Snow ablation started first on the vegetated slope, which also exhibited the maximum observed ablation rates. This enhanced melt was attributed to increased absorption of short‐wave radiation by vegetation stems and branches. Recharge to reclaimed slopes and a constructed aquifer during the snowmelt period was minimal, as the presence of ground frost minimized infiltration. Accordingly, substantial surface run‐off was observed from all reclaimed slopes, despite being designed to reduce run‐off and increase water storage. This could result in increased flashiness of downstream watercourses during the spring freshet that receive run‐off from post‐mining landscapes where large reclaimed slopes are prolific. Run‐off ratios for the reclaimed slopes were between 0.7 and 0.9. Thus, it is essential to consider snow dynamics when designing landscape‐scale constructed ecosystems. This research demonstrates that the snowmelt period hydrology within reclaimed landscapes is fundamentally different from that reported for natural settings and represents one of the first studies on snow dynamics in constructed watershed systems in the post‐mined oil sands landscape. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the importance of the including and appropriately parameterizing peatlands and forestlands for basin‐scale integrated surface–subsurface models in the northern boreal forest, with particular emphasis on the Athabasca River Basin (ARB). With a long‐term water balance approach to the ARB, we investigate reasons why downstream mean annual stream flow rates are consistently higher than upstream, despite the subhumid water deficit conditions in the downstream regimes. A high‐resolution 3D variably saturated subsurface and surface water flow and evapotranspiration model of the ARB is constructed based on the bedrock and surficial geology and the spatial distribution of peatlands and their corresponding eco‐regions. Historical climate data were used to drive the model for calibration against 40‐year long‐term average surface flow and groundwater observations during the historic instrumental period. The simulation results demonstrate that at the basin‐scale, peatlands and forestlands can have a strong influence on the surface–subsurface hydrologic systems. In particular, peatlands in the midstream and downstream regimes of the ARB increase the water availability to the surface–subsurface water systems by reducing water loss through evapotranspiration. Based on the comparison of forestland evapotranspiration between observation and simulation, the overall spatial average evapotranspiration in downstream forestlands is larger than that in peatlands and thus the water contribution to the stream flow in downstream areas is relatively minor. Therefore, appropriate representation of peatlands and forestlands within the basin‐scale hydrologic model is critical to reproduce the water balance of the ARB.  相似文献   

Wetlands in the coastal catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon play an important role in local hydrological processes and provide important ecological habitats for terrestrial and aquatic species. Although many wetlands have been removed or degraded by agricultural expansion, there is now great interest in their protection and restoration as important aquatic ecosystems and potential filters of pollutant runoff. However, the filtering capacity of tropical wetlands is largely unknown, so the current study was established to quantify the water, sediment and nutrient balance of a natural riverine wetland in tropical north Queensland. Surface and groundwater fluxes of water, sediment and nutrients into and out of the wetland were monitored for a 3‐year period. This paper focuses on the water balance of this natural wetland and a companion paper presents its sediment and nutrient balance and estimates of water quality filtering. Wetland inflows and outflows were dominated by surface flows which varied by 3–4 orders of magnitude through the course of the year, with 90% of the annual flow occurring during the period January to March. Although groundwater inputs to the wetland were only 5% of the annual water balance, they are very important to sustaining the wetland during the dry season, when they can be the largest input of water (up to 90%). Water retention times in this type of wetland are very short, particularly when most of the flow and any associated materials are passing through it (i.e. 1–2 h), so there is little time to filter most of the annual flux of water through this wetland. Longer retention times occur at the end of the dry season (up to 8·5 days); but this is when the lowest fluxes of water pass through the wetland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Harvested sites rarely return to functional ecosystems after abandonment because drainage and peat extraction lower the water table and expose relatively decomposed peat, which is hydrologically unsuitable for Sphagnum moss re‐establishment. Some natural regeneration of Sphagnum has occurred in isolated pockets on traditionally harvested (block‐cut) sites, for reasons that are poorly understood, but are related to natural functions that regulate runoff and evaporation. This study evaluates the water balance of a naturally regenerated cutover bog and compares it with a nearby natural bog of similar size and origin, near Riviere du Loup, Quebec. Water balance results indicated that evapotranspiration was the major water loss from the harvested bog, comprising 92 and 84% of total outputs (2·9 mm day?1) during the 1997 and 1998 seasons, respectively. Despite denser tree cover at the harvested site, evapotranspiration from the natural bog was similar, although less spatially variable. At the harvested site, evaporative losses ranged from 1·9 mm day?1 on raised baulks and roads to 3·6 mm day?1 from moist surfaces with Sphagnum. Although about half of the ditches were inactive or operating at only a fraction of their original efficiency, runoff was still significant at 12 and 24% of precipitation during the 1997 and 1998 study seasons, respectively. This compares with negligible rates of runoff at the natural bog. Thus the cutover bog, although abandoned over 25 years ago, has not regained its hydrological function. This is both a cause and effect of its inability to support renewed Sphagnum regeneration. Without suitable management (e.g. blocking ditches), this site is not likely to improve for a very long time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are being utilized worldwide to effectively reduce excess nutrients in agricultural runoff and wastewater. Despite their frequency, a multi‐dimensional, physically based, spatially distributed modelling approach has rarely been applied for flow and solute transport in treatment wetlands. This article presents a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and solute transport modelling of a large‐scaled, subtropical, free water surface constructed wetland of about 8 km2 in the Everglades of Florida, USA. In this study, MIKE 21 was adopted as the basic model framework. Field monitoring of the time series hydrological and chloride data, as well as spatially distributed data such as bathymetry and vegetation distribution, provided the necessary model input and testing data. Simulated water level profiles were in good agreement with the spatio‐temporal variations of measured ones. On average, the root‐mean‐square error of model calibration on annual water level fluctuations was 0·09 m. Manning's roughness coefficients for the dense emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation areas, which were estimated as a function of vegetation type, ranged from 0·67 to 1·0 and 0·12 to 0·15 s/m1/3, respectively. The solute transport model calibration for four monitoring sites agreed well with the measured annual variations in chloride concentration with an average percent model error of about 15%. The longitudinal dispersivity was estimated to be about 2 m and was more than an order of magnitude higher than the transverse one. This study is expected to play the role of a stepping stone for future modelling efforts on the development and application of more advanced flow and transport models applicable to a variety of constructed wetland systems, as well as to the Everglades stormwater treatment areas in operation or in preparation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multilayer covers are widely accepted reclamation designs in the oil sands region of northern Alberta, Canada, with an ultimate goal of revegetating to species characteristic of predisturbance native plant communities. To determine the optimal depth of reclamation material required to reclaim overburden shale from an oil sands mine, an evaluation was made of the long‐term performance of six reclamation soil cover depths all placed over overburden. The measured soil water contents from different cover thicknesses at South Bison Hills located at the Syncrude Mine site north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, were used to calibrate and validate a dual‐porosity model in HYDRUS‐1D. The calibrated and validated model was then used to evaluate the influence of cover thickness and climatic variability on plant available water for forest growth. The frequency distributions of actual transpiration (Tr) for six cover treatments with a range of leaf area index (LAI) cases were developed. These Tr frequency distributions were then modified by coupling Tr and LAI. The modified frequency distributions for annual Tr for the six simulated cover thickness highlight the strong nonlinearity between the distributions of Tr over a long‐term (60 years) climate cycle in that incremental increases in cover thickness do not produce proportional increases in Tr. The results indicated that, once the cover thickness exceeds 100 cm, there is little incremental increase in the median value of Tr over the 60‐year climate cycle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the water balance of a forested ombrotrophic peatland and adjacent burned peatland in the boreal plain of western Canada over a 3‐year period. Complete combustion of foliage and fine branches dramatically increased shortwave radiation inputs to the peat surface while halting all tree transpiration at the burned site. End‐of‐winter snowpack was 7–25% higher at the burned site likely due to decreased ablation from the tree canopy at the unburned site. Shrub regrowth at the burned site was rapid post‐fire, and shading by the shrub canopy in the burned site approached that of the unburned site within 3 years after fire. Site‐averaged surface resistance to evaporation was not different between sites, though surface resistance in hollows was lower in the burned site. Water loss at both burned and unburned sites is largely driven by surface evaporative losses. Evaporation at the burned site marginally exceeded the sum of pre‐fire transpiration and interception at the unburned site, suggesting that evapotranspiration during the growing season was 20–40 mm greater at the burned peatland. Although the net change in water storage during the growing season was largely unchanged by fire, the lack of low‐density surface peat in the burned site appears to have decreased specific yield, leading to greater water table decline at the burned site despite similar net change in storage. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Water balance studies with stable water isotopes have rarely been conducted in remote and tropical wetland areas. As such, little is known regarding the water balance and groundwater–surface water interaction in the Pantanal, one of the largest and most pristine wetlands in the world. We applied MINA TrêS, a water balance model utilizing stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) and chloride (Cl-) to assess the dry-season hydrological processes controlling groundwater–surface water interactions and the water balance of six floodplain lakes in the northern Pantanal, Brazil. Qualitatively, all lakes exhibited similarity in hydrological controls. Quantitatively, they differed significantly due to morphological differences in controlling groundwater inflow and lake volume. Our approach is readily transferable to other remote and tropical wetland systems with minimal data input requirements, which is useful in regions with sparse hydrometric monitoring.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

A terrestrial hydrological model, developed to simulate the high‐latitude water cycle, is described, along with comparisons with observed data across the pan‐Arctic drainage basin. Gridded fields of plant rooting depth, soil characteristics (texture, organic content), vegetation, and daily time series of precipitation and air temperature provide the primary inputs used to derive simulated runoff at a grid resolution of 25 km across the pan‐Arctic. The pan‐Arctic water balance model (P/WBM) includes a simple scheme for simulating daily changes in soil frozen and liquid water amounts, with the thaw–freeze model (TFM) driven by air temperature, modelled soil moisture content, and physiographic data. Climate time series (precipitation and air temperature) are from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis project for the period 1980–2001. P/WBM‐generated maximum summer active‐layer thickness estimates differ from a set of observed data by an average of 12 cm at 27 sites in Alaska, with many of the differences within the variability (1σ) seen in field samples. Simulated long‐term annual runoffs are in the range 100 to 400 mm year?1. The highest runoffs are found across northeastern Canada, southern Alaska, and Norway, and lower estimates are noted along the highest latitudes of the terrestrial Arctic in North America and Asia. Good agreement exists between simulated and observed long‐term seasonal (winter, spring, summer–fall) runoff to the ten Arctic sea basins (r = 0·84). Model water budgets are most sensitive to changes in precipitation and air temperature, whereas less affect is noted when other model parameters are altered. Increasing daily precipitation by 25% amplifies annual runoff by 50 to 80% for the largest Arctic drainage basins. Ignoring soil ice by eliminating the TFM sub‐model leads to runoffs that are 7 to 27% lower than the control run. The results of these model sensitivity experiments, along with other uncertainties in both observed validation data and model inputs, emphasize the need to develop improved spatial data sets of key geophysical quantities (particularly climate time series) to estimate terrestrial Arctic hydrological budgets better. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pantanal wetland is one of the least explored regions of South America. It is characterized by an outstanding flora and fauna adapted to a seasonal flood pulse controlled by a dry and a wet season within each year. The resulting inundation covers in average an area of approximately 150 000 km2 and is seen as the most important driver for ecological integrity. Evaporation from the large floodplain is supposed to influence the climate of the whole continent. The regional groundwater is connected to the surface water and plays an important role for the characteristic flooding regime by regulating the wetland's water table. The water balance assessment of the wetland and the internal water exchange between surface and groundwater is therefore of high relevance for the conservation of the Pantanal biodiversity. Despite of its importance, water balance studies including groundwater–surface water interactions based on field data are rarely undertaken. This is mainly due to the remoteness and difficulty in accessing this area, which results in lack of data. In our study, we developed a new tracer‐based model to simulate the spatio–temporal surface and subsurface fluxes for a range of water bodies. The model was able to simulate these fluxes considering a dynamic simulation of inflow and outflow using a newly collected 2‐year dataset of water levels, stable water isotopes and chloride collected from several water bodies in the northern Pantanal region. Quantitative differences between water bodies according to their location in the floodplain were determined by the flooding regime and connectivity as well as site‐specific characteristics, such as hydraulic conductivity and water depth. Our model simulated water balance fluxes with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.61, whereas it simulated stable water isotopic compositions better than chloride. We present the first study based on field data for the Pantanal, which is able to quantify water balances fluxes. Because their representation in global climate and land cover products is insufficient, our simulation results are valuable for validating large‐scale models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify components of the water balance related to root‐water uptake in the soil below a hedgerow. At this local scale, a two‐dimensional (2D) flow domain in the xz plane 6 m long and 1·55 m deep was considered. An attempt was made to estimate transpiration using a simulation model. The SWMS‐2D model was modified and used to simulate temporally and spatially heterogeneous boundary conditions. A function with a variable spatial distribution of root‐water uptake was considered, and model calibration was performed by adjusting this root‐water uptake distribution. Observed data from a previous field study were compared against model predictions. During the validation step, satisfactory agreement was obtained, as the difference between observed and modelled pressure head values was less than 50 cm for 80% of the study data. Hedge transpiration capacity is a significant component of soil‐water balance in the summer, when predicted transpiration reaches about 5·6 mm day?1. One of the most important findings is that hedge transpiration is nearly twice that of a forest canopy. In addition, soil‐water content is significantly different whether downslope or upslope depending on the root‐water uptake. The high transpiration rate was mainly due to the presence of a shallow water table below the hedgerow trees. Soil‐water content was not a limiting factor for transpiration in this context, as it could be in one with a much deeper water table. Hedgerow tree transpiration exerts a strong impact not only on water content within the vadose zone but also on the water‐table profile along the transect. Results obtained at the local scale reveal that the global impact of hedges at the catchment scale has been underestimated in the past. Transpiration rate exerts a major influence on water balance at both the seasonal and annual scales for watersheds with a dense network of hedgerows. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以污水厂尾水为处理对象,研究垂直流人工湿地在4种水力负荷(125、250、375和500 mm/d)条件下的周年净化效果,结果表明:秋季时系统的总氮去除率最高,冬季则显著降低;温度为10℃、溶解氧浓度为1.1 mg/L是反硝化强度显著降低的关键拐点;总磷在冬季较其他季节净化效果高;125 mm/d水力负荷下CODCr去除率显著高于其他水力负荷,冬季CODCr去除率显著降低,而其他水力负荷及季节下的去除效果没有显著差异;当湿地以高去除率为目标时,最佳水力负荷为125 mm/d;当湿地以地表水水环境质量Ⅴ类标准为目标时,最佳水力负荷为375 mm/d;当湿地以污染物去除量为目标时,最佳水力负荷为500 mm/d.综合推荐375 mm/d为最佳水力负荷.  相似文献   

Mountains and highlands are typically areas that provide considerable quantities of water, the latter being an important resource for the lowlands. These run‐off quantities remain discernible in the superior‐scale river systems and significantly contribute to the global water resources. Therefore, mountain regions ought to be given specific consideration with regard to management endeavours. Although well known in principle, details of water resources originating from mountains remain under discussion. A new approach has been introduced, which depicts the water balance of Switzerland in a spatially distributed manner, based on catchments of about 150 km2. The main feature of this approach is the areal precipitation, which is calculated using run‐off, evaporation and storage change of glaciers, instead of being derived from gauged precipitation values. This methodology was selected because measurement and regionalization of precipitation remain subject to large uncertainties in mountainous areas. Subsequently, the view is widened to the European Alps, which, as compared with the surrounding lowlands, contribute considerably higher annual discharge, especially in the summer months. Finally, the focus is put on the hydrological significance of mountains in general. In dry regions, mountains, in particular, are indispensable contributors to the water resources downstream. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the past centuries, the agricultural use of wetlands in Central Europe has required interference with the natural wetland water balance. Often this has consisted of drainage measures alone. In low‐precipitation areas, it has also involved the operation of combined drainage and sub‐irrigation systems. Model studies conducted as part of planning processes, or with a view to finding out the impact of changing climate conditions on the water balance of wetlands, must take these facts into account. For this reason, a water balance model has been devised for wetlands whose water balance is governed by water resources management systems. It is based on the WBalMo model system. Special modules were integrated into WBalMo to calculate the water balance of wetland areas (WABI module) and to regulate inflow partitioning within the wetland (REGINF module). When calculating the water balance, the WABI module takes into account precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, groundwater levels below surface, soil types, land‐use classes, inflows via the running water system, and data for target water levels. It provides actual evapotranspiration, discharge into the running water system, and groundwater levels in the area. The example of the Spreewald, a major wetland area in north‐eastern Germany, was used to design and test the WBalMo Spreewald model. The comparison of measured and calculated water balance parameters of the wetland area confirms the suitability of the model for water balance studies in wetlands with complex water resources management systems. The results reveal the strong influence of water management on the water balance of such areas. The model system has proved to be excellently suited for planning and carrying out water management measures aimed at the sustainable development of wetlands. Furthermore, scenario analyses can be used to assess the impact of global change on the water balance of wetlands. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

旁路多级人工湿地对巢湖流域南淝河水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了削减南淝河输入巢湖的污染物,建成南淝河旁路多级人工湿地水质净化示范工程,包括预处理系统、垂直潜流湿地系统和水平潜流湿地系统3个工艺单元.2014年3月至2015年2月对人工湿地各净化单元出水进行周年监测,分析各净化单元对污染物的去除效果,并探讨季节变化对去除效果的影响.结果显示,旁路多级人工湿地体现较高的去除效果.对高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))、总氮(TN)、铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)和总磷(TP)的总去除率分别为70.9%、43.7%、43.5%和76.6%.COD_(Mn)和TP的平均出水浓度均优于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)中的Ⅳ类水标准,而NH_4~+-N的平均出水浓度优于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A类标准.各净化单元对污染物的去除差异显著,COD_(Mn)的去除主要发生在预处理单元,其对COD_(Mn)削减的净化率为65.1%;TN、NH_4~+-N和TP的去除主要发生在垂直潜流湿地单元,其对TN、NH_4~+-N和TP削减的净化率分别为23.2%、27.1%和51.1%.不同季节,旁路多级人工湿地对污染物去除具有一定差异,对COD_(Mn)和TP的去除率均表现为夏季秋季春季冬季,对TN的去除率表现为秋季春季夏季冬季,对NH_4~+-N的去除率表现为秋季夏季春季冬季.最后,建议通过增加碳源和增大水力停留时间来进一步优化该工艺,以有效提高脱氮效果.  相似文献   

A suite of instruments was deployed in a coastal wetland ecosystem in the Albemarle estuarine system, North Carolina (USA), to characterize wind‐driven transport of saltwater through a constructed (man‐made) channel. Flow velocity, electrical conductivity, and stage were measured in a representative channel over a 2‐month period from May to July 2014, during which 4 wind tides were observed. Collected data show that thousands of metric tons of salt were advected through the channel into coastal wetlands during each event, which lasted up to 4 days. The results reveal that as much as 36% of advected salts accumulated in the wetlands, suggesting that the cumulative effects of these events on the health of coastal wetlands in the Albemarle system may be substantial due to the abundance of constructed channels and the frequency of wind‐driven tidal events. This study is the first to quantify wind‐driven salt fluxes through constructed channels in coastal wetland settings.  相似文献   

Short‐circuiting flow, commonly experienced in many constructed wetlands, reduces hydraulic retention times in unit wetland cells and decreases the treatment efficiency. A two‐dimensional (2‐D), physically based, distributed modelling approach was used to systematically address the effects of bathymetry and vegetation on short‐circuiting flow, which previously have been neglected or lumped in one‐dimensional wetland flow models. In this study, a 2‐D transient hydrodynamics with advection‐dispersion model was developed using MIKE 21 and calibrated with bromide tracer data collected at the Orlando Easterly Wetland Cell 7. The estimated topographic difference between short‐circuiting flow zone and adjacent area ranged from 0·3 to 0·8 m. A range of the Manning roughness coefficient at the short‐circuiting flow zone was estimated (0·022–0·045 s m?1/3). Sensitivity analysis of topographical and vegetative heterogeneity deduced during model calibration shows that relic ditches or other ditch‐shaped landforms and the associated sparse vegetation along the main flow direction intensify the short‐circuiting pattern, considerably affecting 2‐D solute transport simulation. In terms of hydraulic efficiency, this study indicates that the bathymetry effect on short‐circuiting flow is more important than the vegetation effect. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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