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云南红河流域径流的时空分布变化规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用红河流域32个气象站1960-2000年逐月降水、气温、蒸发等实测资料,元江、李仙江和盘龙河1956-2000年径流量资料,使用GIS技术支持以及Kendall检验法、方差分析法、累积距平法,分析云南红河流域径流的时空变化规律,重点探讨径流时空分布变化与红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用的关联,得出如下结论:(1)在红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用的影响下,降水量和径流深等值线在空间上呈西北-东南向分布,分布模式与河谷/山脉的走向基本一致,并在哀牢山北段和李仙江下游地区形成两个高值区.(2)在多年平均尺度上,红河流域河谷与山脉的"通道-阻隔"作用对径流变化的地域差异影响最大,其次是降雨,对气温则不明显:李仙江的降水量明显大于哀牢山东部的元江和盘龙河区,其降水量变化的相对偏差则小于它们,反映出哀牢山的阻隔效应;三个区的平均气温差别不大,反映出在较大的时间尺度上受该区特殊环境格局的"通道-阻隔"作用不明显;多数降雨、径流和气温特征值及其出现时间的变化,在盘龙河与元江及李仙江都明显不同,反映出红河流域山脉的阻隔作用明显.(3)在区域气候变化及红河流域河谷与山脉"通道-阻隔"作用的叠加影响下,红河流域的径流变化在东西方向上差异明显:沿红河断裂发育的元江流域的径流量表现出上升的趋势,而西部的李仙江和东部的盘龙河径流量呈现出减少的趋势;元江和李仙江的年径流有一个准5年的变化周期,而盘龙河则有一个准8年的变化周期;三个区域的径流量变化表现出不一致的阶段性.  相似文献   

1956-2003年拉萨河流域径流变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Taking the Lhasa River Basin above Lhasa hydrological station in Tibetan Plateau as a study area, the characteristics of the annual and monthly mean runoff during 1956-2003 were analyzed, based on the hydro-data of the two hydrological stations (Lhasa and Tanggya) and the meteorological data of the three meteorological stations (Damxung, Lhasa and Tanggya). The trends and the change points of runoff and climate from 1956 to 2003 were detected using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and Pettitt-Mann-Whitney change-point statistics. The correlations between runoff and climate change were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The major results could be summarized as follows: (1) The annual mean runoff during the last 50 years is characterized by a great fluctuation and a positive trend with two change points (around 1970 and the early 1980s), after which the runoff tended to increase and was increasing intensively in the last 20 years. Besides, the monthly mean runoff with a positive trend is centralized in winter half-year (November to April) and some other months (May, July and September). (2) The trends of the climate change in the study area are generally consistent with the trend of the runoff, but the leading climate factors which aroused the runoff variation are distinct. Precipitation is the dominant factor influencing the annual and monthly mean runoff in summer half year, while temperature is the primary factor in winter season.  相似文献   

基于SPEI和SDI指数的云南红河流域气象水文干旱演变分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于红河流域43个气象站1961-2012年逐月降水、气温数据以及干支流2个水文站1956-2013年逐月流量数据,采用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)和径流干旱指数(SDI)分析流域气象水文干旱的演变特征,并探讨水文干旱对气象干旱的响应。结果表明:①1961-2012年期间,流域总体上表现出干旱化的趋势,季节变化上春季有变湿的趋势,而夏、秋、冬三季有变干的趋势,但趋势并不显著。干旱频率季节空间分布差异较大,春旱和冬旱发生频率较高。从干旱范围来看,春旱范围呈缩小的趋势,夏旱、秋旱和冬旱范围表现出不同程度的增大趋势;②1956-2013年期间,流域水文干旱表现出加剧的趋势,其中1958-1963、1975-1982、1987-1993、2003-2006和2009-2013年为水文干旱多发期,近10年来频率明显增加;③流域水文干旱滞后于气象干旱1~8个月,气象和水文干旱事件的干旱历时、严重程度和强度之间具有紧密的相关性,流域气象干旱是水文干旱的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

泾河流域近50年来的径流时空变化与驱动力分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用近50 a的实测数据,分析了泾河流域的径流时空变化规律和主要驱动因子。研究表明:年降水量和径流深的空间分布均呈现从南到北的明显减少趋势,并在上游山区出现高值区。流域径流总量自20世纪60年代到21世纪初显著减少,由50.1 mm减到22.3 mm,但各区域的变化很不均匀,其中西部、西南和东南的子流域径流大量减少,可达17.5 mm/10 a;北部和东北则减少不明显,最大减少率仅为1.3 mm/10 a。降水量变化曾是径流减少的重要原因,但20世纪90年代后实施的退耕还林等生态工程在2000年后已经成为引起径流减少的最主要原因。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Evaporation is one of the important components in the water and heat balances. The transpiration of vegetation and evaporation from soil are collectively called evapotranspiration. Potential evapotranspiration is not only the theoretical li…  相似文献   

上海城市降雨径流污染时空分布与初始冲刷效应   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
选取上海市中心城区典型功能区监测降雨事件,研究降雨径流污染时空变化及初始冲刷效应。研究表明,上海中心城区路面径流主要污染物为TSS和CODCr,超出国家地表水Ⅴ类标准四倍多;总磷超出Ⅴ类水质标准两倍以上,氮素营养盐也有不同程度的污染。污染物含量在不同功能区之间显示出相似的分布趋势,交通区明显高于其他区域,其次为商业区和工业区,居民区情况较为良好。降雨强度是影响初始冲刷效应的主要因素,强度较大的降雨冲刷效应较为明显;不同功能区之间,商业区初始冲刷效应较强,其次为居民区和工业区,交通区冲刷强度较弱;TSS和CODCr在商业区和工业区冲刷强度要大于氮磷污染物质;而在交通区和居民区分异特征不明显。  相似文献   

1996 ̄1997年冬季,一次针对巩乃斯河流域季节怀积雪化学成分的调查与研究工作和以开展,期间共采集了约100个新、老雪样。经室内分析发现巩乃斯河流域季节性积雪中含有相对丰富的硫酸盐。本文主要分析了该流域季节性积雪的SO4^2-离子以及与之有关的K^++Nz^2+和Ca^2+离子的时间与海拔分布特征,并重点讨论了硫酸酸盐类物质的来源.  相似文献   

1368-1911年苏沪浙地区风暴潮分布的时空特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓辉  王洪波 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2343-2354
搜集到1368-1911年苏沪浙地区风暴潮记录2119条,以此为基础,重建区域历史风暴潮发生的时间序列与空间分布。从年内分布情况看,苏沪浙地区历史风暴潮主要发生在6-10月,其中7-9月占80%,8月为全年最高值,占37%。68.56%的历史风暴潮发生在农历朔望日前后,其中发生在朔日前后(农历二十七至次月初四)的占35.57%,发生在望日前后(农历十三至十九)的占32.99%。小波分析结果显示:风暴潮年际变化时间序列存在54 a、30 a、17 a周期。历史风暴潮引起的海侵多发生在沿海地区,苏北地区历史风暴潮海侵淹没界线达4 m高程,长三角地区历史风暴潮海侵淹没界线达5 m高程,杭州湾沿岸、浙东沿海地区则分别达5 m和6 m高程。  相似文献   

The summer day-by-day precipitation data of 97 meteorological stations on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1961 to 2004 were selected to analyze the temporal-spatial distribution through accumulated variance,correlation analysis,regression analysis,empirical orthogonal function,power spectrum function and spatial analysis tools of GIS.The result showed that summer precipitation occupied a relatively high proportion in the area with less annual precipitation on the Plateau and the correlation between summer precipitation and annual precipitation was strong.The altitude of these stations and summer precipitation tendency presented stronger positive correlation below 2000 m,with correlation value up to 0.604(α=0.01).The subtracting tendency values between 1961-1983 and 1984-2004 at five altitude ranges(2000-2500 m,2500-3000 m,3500-4000 m,4000-4500 m and above 4500 m)were above zero and accounted for 71.4%of the total.Using empirical orthogonal function, summer precipitation could be roughly divided into three precipitation pattern fields:the Southeast Plateau Pattern Field,the Northeast Plateau Pattern field and the Three Rivers' Headstream Regions Pattern Field.The former two ones had a reverse value from the north to the south and opposite line was along 35°N.The potential cycles of the three pattern fields were 5.33a,21.33a and 2.17a respectively,tested by the confidence probability of 90%.The station altitudes and summer precipitation potential cycles presented strong negative correlation in the stations above 4500 m,with correlation value of-0.626(α=0.01).In Three Rivers Headstream Regions summer precipitation cycle decreased as the altitude rose in the stations above 3500 m and increased as the altitude rose in those below 3500 m.The empirical orthogonal function analysis in June precipitation,July precipitation and August precipitation showed that the June precipitation pattern field was similar to the July's,in which southern Plateau was positive and northern Plateau negative.But positive  相似文献   

跨流域引水工程对祖厉河流域径流的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄维东 《干旱区地理》2008,31(5):743-749
祖厉河流域在黄土高原干旱半干旱区是一个十分典型的流域,河流径流量的变化主要受降水、下垫面、人类活动等因素的影响.引黄灌溉回归水的加入,增大了河流天然径流量,并且回归水对枯期径流的影响更为显著.考虑未来引洮工程的影响,对祖厉河流域的径流变化趋势进行了分析预测,表明各阶段年径流呈丰枯交替变化,在2005年以前总体上呈衰减趋势,20世纪90年代衰减趋势加剧,到2000年后,特别是2010年以后,受引洮一期工程回归水的影响,径流又呈稳定回升趋势.  相似文献   

This paper studies the variation of runoff of Red River Basin and discusses the influence of “corridor-barrier” functions of valleys and mountains on variation of runoff by using GIS and statistic methods based on the monthly precipitation, temperature and evaporation data from 1960 to 2000 at 32 meteorological stations in Red River Basin, and the annual runoff data of Yuanjiang River, Lixian River and Panlong River from 1956 to 2000. The results show out: (1) Under the effect of “corridor-barrier” functions of valleys and mountains in Red River Basin, the patterns of annual precipitation and runoff depth distribution in spatial change a NW–SE direction, which is similar with the trend of the Red River valley and Ailao mountains. (2) In the long temporal scale averaged over years, the most obvious effects of the “corridor-barrier” functions is on runoff variation, and the second is on the precipitation, but not obvious on the temperature. (3) Under the superposed effect of climate changes and the “corridor-barrier” functions of valleys and mountains in Red River Basin, the difference of runoff variation is obvious in the east–west direction: the runoff variation of Yuanjiang River along the Red River Fault present an ascending trend, but the Lixian River on the west side of the Fault and the Panlong River on the east present a descending trend; the annual runoff in Yuanjiang River and Panlong River had a quasi-5a periods, and Panlong River had a quasi-8a periods; the runoff variation are quite inconsistent in different periods among the three river basins.  相似文献   

河川径流还现计算是准确反映区域水资源状况的基础,同时也是水资源规划和决策的重要依据.选取甘肃省洮河流域李家村、红旗2个代表水文站长系列径流资料作为基础数据,在还原计算的础上,对洮河流域径流进行还现计算,同时对径流变化特征进行研究.结果 表明:1956—2016年洮河流域李家村、红旗多年平均实测径流量分别为39.52×1...  相似文献   

气候变化对河北省海河流域径流量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵爱军  左丽琼  王丽君 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1502-1509
利用河北省境内海河流域51个气象站、68个水文站1956~2000年近50年的气象、径流量数据,分析了气象要素和径流量的变化规律。河北省境内海河流域多年平均地表径流量为67.0×108m3,从20世纪 50 年代至 90 年代地表径流量呈逐渐减小的趋势,50年代为105.3×108m3,90年代为54.7×108m3。地表径流量随降水量的减少而减小,随气温的升高而下降,用回归方法建立的径流量与气象要素之间的模型为对数模型。根据未来气候变化情景对河北省海河流域径流量的预测:2030年为70.0~76.8×108m3,2050年为69.8~76.9×108m3。  相似文献   

滇西南山地纵向排列着老别山、邦马山、无量山、哀牢山,其对气候因子及植被生态的影响一直是我国山地生态学的主要研究内容之一.采用moran 系数(MC)度量了植被主要气假因子的空间自相关程度,通过构建半变异数研究了EVI各向异性及其气候因子的空间变异特征.结果显示:4山地气候因子的空间分异特征与地形走向吻合,表现出南-北方向的自相关程度较大,东-西方向自相关程度最小,表明山地延伸方向上"通道"作用明显而山地排列方向上"阻隔"作用显著;哀牢山和老别山的"阻隔"作用较大、影观异质性复杂,邦马山和无量山的"阻隔"作用较小、景观变化方向性不鲜明,各纵向山地的"通道-阻隔"作用与各山地走向、规模大小密切  相似文献   

The driving factors of runoff changes can be divided into precipitation factor and non-precipitation factor, and they can also be divided into natural factor and human activity factor. In this paper, the ways and methods of these driving factors impacting on runoff changes are analyzed at first, and then according to the relationship between precipitation and runoff, the analytical method about impacts of precipitation and non-precipitation factors on basin's natural runoff is derived. The amount and contribution rates of the two factors impacting on natural runoff between every two adjacent decades during 1956-1998 are calculated in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). The results show that the amount and contribution rate of the two factors impacting on natural runoff are different in different periods and regions. For the YRB, the non-precipitation impact is preponderant for natural runoff reduction after the 1970s. Finally, by choosing main factors impacting on the natural runoff, one error back-propagation (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) model has been set up, and the impact of human activities on natural runoff reduction in the YRB is simulated. The result shows that the human activities could cause a 77×108 m3·a-1 reduction of runoff during 1980-1998 according to the climate background of 1956-1979.  相似文献   

Natural runoff changes in the Yellow River Basin   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1IntroductionThe driving factors of runoff changes can be divided into precipitation factor and non-precipitation factor, and they can also be divided into natural factor and human activity factor. The influence of the natural factor includes precipitation reduction, precipitation features (for example, spatio-temporal distribution and intensity), landuse natural changes and so forth. All of these can cause runoff changes. Temperature, evaporation, topography, soil and geological environment i…  相似文献   

The driving factors of runoff changes can be divided into precipitation factor and non-precipitation factor, and they can also be divided into natural factor and human activity factor. In this paper, the ways and methods of these driving factors impacting on runoff changes are analyzed at first, and then according to the relationship between precipitation and runoff, the analytical method about impacts of precipitation and non-precipitation factors on basin's natural runoff is derived. The amount and contribution rates of the two factors impacting on natural runoff between every two adjacent decades during 1956-1998 are calculated in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). The results show that the amount and contribution rate of the two factors impacting on natural runoff are different in different periods and regions. For the YRB, the non-precipitation impact is preponderant for natural runoff reduction after the 1970s. Finally, by choosing main factors impacting on the natural runoff, one error back-propagation (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) model has been set up, and the impact of human activities on natural runoff reduction in the YRB is simulated. The result shows that the human background of 1956-1979.  相似文献   

土地利用变化的径流效应是水循环研究中的重点内容之一。长江流域是中国最大的流域,土地利用变化及其径流效应分析是研究该流域径流演变、水旱灾害的基础。本文利用1980、1990、1995、2000、2005年五期土地利用数据,采用土地利用转移矩阵计算土地利用动态度、交换变量等指标,评价了长江流域土地利用的时空变化特征,识别关键变化区域及其变化原因。在此基础上,利用SCS模型的降水—径流方程,分析了土地利用变化的径流效应。研究结果表明:1980-2005年时期,长江流域土地转移活跃程度在第一(1980-1990年)和第四(2001-2005年)时期内明显高于1991-1995年和1996-2000年,中上游四川及其北部地区的活跃程度最大。1980-2005年期间水田、旱地、林地和草地面积变化幅度都在8%以内。但受不同时期环境保护和经济发展因素影响,耕地(水田和旱地)和林地、草地呈现相反的变化,而水域、未利用地和城镇用地相对变化较大;其中快速的城镇化导致城镇用地增幅最高,可达196.58%。土地利用变化直接导致流域的平均径流系数变大,变幅从-0.67%到0.80%,平均增幅0.05%,变化最显著的地区在城市化水平较高的长三角一带。径流系数的增加导致洪水发生的可能性增大。  相似文献   

祖厉河流域位于年降水量200~400 mm之间过渡带,是气候变化最敏感和最为复杂的区域之一。运用祖厉河流域1955-2013年径流量、输沙量与年降雨量的变化趋势、时段特征进行了分析。结果表明:祖厉河流域降雨量、径流量和输沙量存在年际变化大、逐年减小的变化趋势;年降雨量在1995年出现突变点,降雨量存在明显的丰水和枯水变化,丰水时段(1955-1989年)年降水量为376.2 mm,枯水时段(1990-2013年)年降水量为224.9 mm;径流量和泥沙量的突变点分别出现在1995年和2000年;依据UFk值信度变化趋势,将径流量、输沙量变化分为非显著减少(1955-1971年)、显著减少(1972-1985年)、较显著减少(1986-2000年)和极显著减少(2001-2013年)四个时期。  相似文献   

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