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The genus Assilina is a taxon within the Nummulitacea that appeared early in the Ypresian (Early Eocene) and continued until the end of the Lutetian (Middle Eocene). Thus, this taxon could be useful for the chronostratigraphy of this time interval. Lower Eocene rocks in southern Galala, Egypt are exposed at Bir Dakhl. This section includes marl sediments with debris flow shallow-marine facies deposits laid down during early Eocene times and includes fossils of large foraminifera: Assilina placentula Deshayes, 1838 and Nummulites burdigalensis de la Harpe, 1926. These are systematically treated, described and illustrated. Nummulites burdigalensis belongs to the N. burdigalensis group, and Assilina placentula belongs to the group of Assilina exponens. This assumption is based on qualitative morphology and quantitative measurements. Both species, together with Operculina libyca Schwager, 1883, enable the assignment of the Bir Dakhl (D5-40 Section) to the Early Eocene, Ypresian (SBZ10 of Serra- Kiel et al., 1998) supporting an earlier opinion that Assilina placentula belongs to that zone in the calibrated larger foraminiferal biostratigraphic zonation.  相似文献   

This study presents analysis and interpretation of aeromagnetic data to construct subsurface structure maps and determine the depths to magnetic basement. Subsequent analysis steps are applied to the total magnetic intensity (TMI) data. These steps include Reduction to the Pole (RTP) map that was derived from the TMI map then subjected to spectral frequency analysis to isolate RTP map into high and low frequencies and determine pseudo-depth for each map from power spectrum in which there were two main average levels (interfaces) at depth 1.3 and 0.7 km for the deep-seated and near-surface magnetic structures, respectively. 3D Euler deconvolution technique is applied to calculate the depth to the magnetic contacts; the results show clustering of solutions, the shallow solutions are related to the outcrops less than 80 m from flight level, and the solutions which are related to sedimentary cover locations (Um al-Huweitat, Wasif, and Mohamed Rabah basins) are ranged between 200 and to more than 1100 m. Moreover, anomaly enhancement techniques such as tilt derivative (TD), horizontal tilt derivative (TDX), and source edge detect (SED) are applied to enhance shallow features, and determining structure element boundary for both shallow- and deep-seated anomalies and revealing possible faults such as 2D forward modeling are applied to selected profiles to adjust the interpreted structures and map the boundaries and basement relief of the three basins (Mohammed Rabah, Wasif, and Um al-Huweitat). The analysis shows that the study area is affected with network of dip–slip faults due to high shearing and compression stress which formed grabens and horsts at different depth levels in the study area. The trends of predominant faults related to deep-seated structures are NW–SE with depths ranged between 1 and 1.4 km and in regard to the shallow-seated structure, the predominant fault trends are NW–SE, NNW–SSE, and NNE–SSW with depths ranged between 0.3 and 0.8 km.  相似文献   

The potential field data are considered the main supporting factor in the geophysical exploration process for detecting and evaluating the subsurface structures. Therefore, a detailed land magnetic survey was performed in an area subjected to seismic investigations. The main target of this study was to detect the deeper subsurface structures and to investigate their possible relationships with earthquake activity.The RTP aeromagnetic map was used to detect the regional extension of the structures interpreted from the land magnetic survey. The RTP land and aeromagnetic maps were interpreted by the filtering technique, least-squares separations, tectonic trend analysis, spectral analysis, Werner method, Euler method, and 2D techniques. The results show that the main tectonic trends are 35° N–45° W, 45° N–65° E, E–W, and Aqaba.Moreover, two seismic lines, WQ85-31B and 127, were interpreted, and their location was matched with the deduced tectonic map. The results show great matching between the location of the faults deduced from both the geomagnetic and seismic data. They agree completely with the well logging data.Furthermore, these structures are correlated with the earthquake activities recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN). The correlation implies that the studied area is more stable than other adjacent areas in the northern parts of Egypt close to the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River Delta.  相似文献   

Seven planktic foraminiferal zones are distinguished in the Maastrichtian-Paleocene succession at the north Farafra Oasis. These are the Rugoglobigerina hexacamerata (CF8b), Gansserina gansseri, and Contusotruncana contusa zones in the Maastrichtian topped by a well-known unconformity across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The Danian is subdivided into two biozones: Globanomalina compressa/Praemurica inconstans-Praemurica uncinata Subzone (P1c) and Praemurica uncinata–Morozovella angulata (P2) Zone. The Late Paleocene is divided into two zones: Morozovella angulata-Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P3) and Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P4). A minor hiatus between the Danian/Selandian and Selandian/Thanetian boundaries are also recorded. These time gaps across the stage boundaries may be related to the tectonic events that affected the sedimentation regime throughout the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleogene interval in the Farafra Oasis.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy, sedimentology and syn-depositional tectonic events (SdTEs) of the Upper Cretaceous/Paleogene (K–P) succession at four localities in north Eastern Desert (NED) of Egypt have been studied. These localities are distributed from south-southwest to north-northeast at Gebel Millaha, at North Wadi Qena, at Wadi El Dakhal, and at Saint Paul Monastery. Lithostratigraphically, four rock units have been recorded: Sudr Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian); Dakhla Formation (Danian–Selandian); Tarawan Formation (Selandian–Thanetian) and Esna Formation (Thanetian–Ypresian). These rock units are not completely represented all over the study area because some of them are absent at certain sites and others have variable thicknesses. Biostratigrapgically, 18 planktonic foraminiferal zones have been recorded. These are in stratigraphic order: Globotruncana ventricosa Zone (Campanian); Gansserina gansseri, Contusotruncana contusa, Recimguembelina fructicosa, Pseudohastigerina hariaensis, Pseudohastigerina palpebra and Plummerita hantkenenoides zones (Maastrichtian); Praemurica incostans, Praemurica uncinata, Morozovella angulata and Praemurica carinata/Igorina albeari zones (Danian); Igorina albeari, Globanomanlina pseudomenradii/Parasubbotina variospira, Acarinina subsphaerica, Acarinina soldadoensis/Globanomanlina pseudomenardii and Morozovella velascoensis zones (Selandian/Thantian); and Acarinina sibaiyaensis, Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis/Morozovella velascoensis zones (earliest Ypresian). Sedimentologically, four sedimentary facies belts forming southwest gently-dipping slope to basin transect have been detected. They include tidal flats, outer shelf, slumped continental slope and open marine hemipelagic facies. This transect can be subdivided into a stable basin plain plus outer shelf in the extreme southwestern parts; and an unstable slope shelf platform in the northeastern parts. The unstable slope shelf platform is characterized by open marine hemipelagic, fine-grained limestones and fine siliciclastic shales (Sudr, Dakhla, Tarawan and Esna formations). The northeastern parts are marked by little contents of planktonic foraminifera and dolomitized, slumped carbonates, intercalated with basinal facies. Tectonically, four remarkable syn-depositional tectonic events (SdTEs) controlled the evolution of the studied succession. These events took place strongly within the Campanian–Ypresian time interval and were still active till Late Eocene. These events took place at: the Santonian/Campanian (S/C) boundary; the Campanian/Maastrichtian (C/M) boundary; the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary; and the Middle Paleocene–Early Eocene interval. These tectonic events are four pronounced phases in the tectonic history of the Syrian Arc System (SAS), the collision of the Afro-Arabian and Eurasian plates as well as the closure of the Tethys Sea.  相似文献   

郑全锋  丁奕  曹长群 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3637-3648
本文对湖南慈利江垭剖面二叠系-三叠系界线层序(大隆组顶部9.4m和大冶组底部7.5m)进行了详细的沉积微相分析,划分出八种微相类型,并结合露头和光面上的沉积特征,对每种微相的成因和沉积环境进行了分析和讨论。在此基础上,研究了界线附近的沉积环境和相对海平面变化。大隆组顶部层序沉积于相对海平面持续上升阶段,随着相对海平面的上升,沉积环境逐渐由盆地边缘向盆地内部迁移。在大隆组最顶部,相对海平面有一快速的大幅度下降,沉积环境由深水盆地突然转变为浅水台地。之后自大冶组底部向上,相对海平面又逐渐上升,沉积盆地依次经历了滞流盆地、半循环盆地和循环盆地的转换;在距离大冶组底部约7m处,相对海平面开始下降,气候变得极为干燥,沉积盆地转变为蒸发盆地。值得指出的是,大隆组-大冶组界线处的快速海退面正好对应于二叠纪末生物灭绝面,从而表明大海退很可能是造成二叠纪末生物大灭绝的重要原因。  相似文献   

Palynological investigation of the Cretaceous Abu Roash, Bahariya, Kharita, Alamein, Alam El Bueib and Betty formations, encountered in the Gebel Rissu-1 well, north Western Desert, Egypt yielded 27 species of pteridophytic spores, 24 of gymnosperm pollen, 25 of angiosperm pollen and 11 of dinoflagellate cysts in addition to some acritarchs, foraminiferal test linings and freshwater algae. This enabled us to recognize five miospore biozones arranged from youngest to oldest as: Classopollis brasiliensisAfropollis cf. kahramanensisDichastopollenites ghazalataensis Assemblage Zone (Late Cenomanian); Elaterosporites klasziiSofrepites legouxaeAfropollis jardinus Assemblage Zone (Middle/Late Albian–Early Cenomanian); Pennipollis peroreticulatusDuplexisporites generalis-Tricolpates Assemblage Zone (Early Aptian–Early Albian); Tucanopollis crisopolensisAfropollis sp. Assemblage Zone (Barremian) and Appendicisporites cf. tricornitatusEphedripites spp. Assemblage Zone (Late Neocomian).The Early Cretaceous Kharita, Alam El Bueib and the Betty formations encountered in the Gebel Rissu-1 well are interpreted to indicate oxic proximal and distal shelf deposits, characterized by type III/IV, V kerogen, which is gas prone but having little potential to produce hydrocarbons. The Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash and Bahariya formations are characterized by a distal suboxic–anoxic and marginal dysoxic–anoxic environment, and their kerogen type III/II indicates gas/oil prone nature. The Bahariya and Kharita Albian–Cenomanian sediments in the present study witnessed the onset of a semi-arid to arid climate, with local or seasonal humid conditions, based on the continuous high abundance of the elaterates pollen and Afropollis-producing plants that inhabited the paleotropical humid coastal plains.  相似文献   

The Egyptian basement rocks are gathered into three major rock groups, viz. Meatiq Group (oldest), Abu Ziran Group and Hammamat Group (youngest); the last two groups belong to the Pan-African orogenic cycle. The Meatiq Group is an old crystalline basement cropping out in gneiss domes. The Abu Ziran Group comprises the geosynclinal association which is formed of a lower ophiolite unit overlain by metasediments, volcanoclastics and locally intermediate volcanics having clear island arc characters. The Hammamat Group comprises molasse-type clastics, and penecontemporaneous Dokhan Volcanics of andesite to rhyolite composition; syn to late-tectonic calc-alkaline granites are the plutonic equivalents of the Dokhan Volcanics.The studied area lies within the foreland fold and thrust belt of a continental margin orogen. Ophiolites, particularly serpentinites, crop out along the trace of the sole thrust between the Meatiq infrastructure and the imbricated Abu Ziran nappe.Swells, developed along two geanticlines, were centers of marked calc-alkaline magmatic activity associated, at least, with gold mineralization.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteine des ägyptischen Kristallins sind in drei Hauptgruppen unterteilt: Meatiq Group (älteste), Abu Ziran Group und Hammamat Group (jüngste); die letzten zwei Gruppen gehören dem Pan-Afrikanischen Zyklus an. Die Meatiq-Gruppe stellt einen alten Sokkel dar, der in Gneisdomen auftritt. Die Abu-Ziran-Gruppe umfaßt die Geosynklinal-Assoziation, die aus einer unteren ophiolitischen Einheit besteht, überlagert von Sedimenten, volkanoklastischen Sedimenten und lokalen intermediären Vulkaniten mit ausgeprägten Inselbogen-Eigenschaften. Die Hammamat-Gruppe besteht aus Molassetyp klastischen Sedimenten und zeitlich assoziierte Dokhan Volcanics andesitischer bis rhyolitischer Zusammensetzung. Die synbis spät-tektonische Kalkalkaligranite sind die plutonischen Aequivalente der Dokhan Volcanics.Das untersuchte Gebiet liegt im Vorland-Falten- und Decken-Gürtel eines Kontinentalrand-Orogens. Ophiolite, insbesondere die Serpentinite, treten entlang dem Ausbiß der Überschiebungsfläche zwischen dem Meatiq-Sockelstockwerk und der Abu-Ziran-Decke auf.Schwellen in Form zweier Geantiklinalen waren Zentren aktiver kalkalkaliner magmatischer Tätigkeit, begleitet zumindest von Goldvererzungen.

Résumé Les roches du socle égyptien se répartissent en trois groupes majeurs: Meatiq Group (le plus ancien); Abu Ziran Group et Hammamat Group (le plus récent); les deux derniers groupes appartiennent au cycle orogénique Pan-Africain.Le Meatiq Group est un socle cristallin ancien affleurant en dômes gneissiques. Le Abu Ziran Group comprend une association géosynclinale formée d'une unité ophiolitique inférieure suivie par des métasédiments, des volcanoclastites et localement par des roches volcaniques intermédiaires à caractere d'arc insulaire. Le Hammamat Group comprend des roches clastiques du type molassique, et des roches volcaniques pénécontemporaines de composition andésitique à rhyolitique (Dokhan Volcanics); des granites calco-alcalins syntectoniques à tardi-tectoniques sont les équivalents plutoniques des «Dokhan Volcanics».Le terrain étudié se situe dans l'avant-pays plissé et charrié d'un orogène de marge continentale. Des ophiolites, particulièrement des serpentinites, affleurent le long de la surface de charriage entre le massif autochtone de Meatiq et la nappe complexe d'Abu Ziran.Des dômes, développés le long de deux géanticlinaux, ont été les centres d'une forte activité magmatique calco-alcaline associée, au moins, à une minéralisation aurifère.

: Meatiq Group ( ), Abu Ziran Group Hammamat Group ( ); - . , . , , , , , , . , Dokhan . Dokhan - - . . , , Meatiq Abu-Ziran.

Early stages in the geologic evolution of the central eastern desert of Egypt (CED) reflect an intense episode of ensimatic volcanic activity similar to modern magmatism of the ocean floors and island arcs. This paper reports results from studies of the petrology and petrogenesis, and interprets the significance of these Late Precambrian volcanic rocks.A three-fold stratigraphy is preserved in the basement of the CED. A basal section of oceanic crust includes ultramafics, gabbros and pillowed basalts. These older metavolcanics (OMV) are conformably succeeded by dominantly volcanogenic metasediments, which are in turn succeeded by a dominantly andesitic, calc-alkaline sequence of younger metavolcanics (YMV). The OMV and YMV are largely restricted to the CED in Egypt, but analogous terranes are found in northern Arabia. (40–400 ppm) and Ni (30–260 ppm). They are poor in K2O (0.05–0.92%), Rb (0.3–5.0 ppm) and Ba (11–89 ppm). On Ti-Zr-Cr-V-Ni-P discriminant diagrams, the OMV plot in the field of modern abyssal tholeiites. High K/Rb (450–1800) and light REE depletions support this inference, although K/Ba (25–45) is lower than modern mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). The sum of OMV geochemical characteristics requires that these magmas were derived by the fractional fusion of the mantle. It is suggested that the OMV were generated by 20–25% fractional melting of previously depleted mantle at depths of less than 60 km. Relatively little fractionation accompanied ascent to the surface, where the OMV were erupted in a primitive crustal environment, either a small oceanic rift or a back-arc basin.Metamorphism of the YMV resulted in little elemental redistribution. These andesites have sub-alkaline clinopyroxenes and major-element geochemical characteristics indistinguishable from modern calc-alkaline andesites. YMV andesites in the central and western CED have K/Rb = 400–600, K/Ba = 20–40 and are light REE-enriched and heavy REE depleted. High concentrations of Cr (50–150 ppm) and Ni (20–100 ppm) and low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7028–0.7030) indicate that these magmas were generated by melting in the mantle. Modelling studies and consideration of experimental data indicate that these andesites were formed by 2–10% fractional fusion of hydrous, undepleted, garnet therzolite at depths of 65 km or more in the mantle.The data show that an intense episode of instability, convection, and widespread melting occurred in the mantle beneath Afro-Arabia at the end of the Precambrian.  相似文献   

Summary Monazites from high-grade metapelitic paragneisses from the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt (Abu Swayel area) were analysed with the electron microprobe mainly in an attempt to broadly constrain the metamorphic ages of the rocks by means of chemical Th(U)-Pb dating. Two samples were investigated, one showed weak signs of a greenschist facies overprint, the other one did not. For each sample, weighted average ages were calculated from long-time analyses of 18 (16) individual grains with a 5 m beam placed in the grain centres. The average ages were almost the same (636± 10 Ma, 633±10 Ma). The monazites appeared chemically fairly uniform and homogeneous in both samples with ThO2 contents of ca. 3.3-4.5 wt.%, UO2 0.4-1.2 wt.%, La2O3 12–13 wt.%, Nd2O3 11-13 wt.%, Y2O3 1.8-2.6 wt.%. Some larger grains displayed a weak concentric zoning in the BSE image with increasing brightness near the rims. A microprobe traverse was laid across a zoned monazite from the slightly retrogressed sample. It was found that the U and Y contents were somewhat higher in the outer growth shell. The high Y contents at the rims argue for crystal growth under prograde temperature conditions and against a retrograde overgrowth. There appeared to be a tendency that the model ages become slightly younger towards the crystals rim (645±15 Ma in the core section versus 633±16 Ma in the rim section of the profile). However, the observed differences are interpreted as equivocal due to the limited resolution of EMP monazite dating. Clearly, the results do not support previous hypotheses, according to which Abu Swayel gneisses should belong to pre-Panafrican, mid-Proterozoic metamorphic sequences. Instead, the data accord with other 600-650 Ma metamorphic ages recently recognized near the contact of the East Sahara Craton and the Arabian Nubian Shield. The best interpretation is that high-grade metamorphism at that time occurred in connection with collisional crustal thickening, when a Panafrican terrane assembly was attached to the east Sahara Craton from the (present day) east. This event appears to be distinct from an earlier phase of high-grade regional metamorphism between ca. 700 and 750 Ma, which has been documented in other parts of the Arabian Nubian Shield.
Zusammensetzung und gesamtblei-Modellalter von Monazit aus hochgradig metamorphen Paragneisen der Abu swayel Region, südliche Ostwüste, Ägypten
Zusammenfassung Monazite aus amphibolitfaziellen metapelitischen Paragneisen der Abu Swayel Region in Südägypten (SW Eastern Desert) wurden mit der Mikrosonde analysiert, unter anderem um die Metamorphosealter der Gesteine auf dem Weg einer chemischen Th(U)-Pb Datierung annäherungsweise zu bestimmen.Zwei Proben wurden untersucht, eine davon wies eine lei Überprägung unter grünschieferfaziellen Bedingungen auf. In jeder Probe wurden 18 bzw. 16 Monazite, jeweils in den Kornzentren, mit langer Zählzeit und mit auf 5 gm defokussiertem Strahl analysiert. Die aus den Analysen errechneten mittleren Th(U)-Pb Alter waren in beiden Proben praktisch gleich (636 10 Ma, 633 ± 10 Ma). Auch die Chemismen der Monazite erwiesen sich in beiden Proben als sehr ähnlich und ziemlich homogen (ThO2 3.3-4.5 wt.%, UO2 0.4-1.2 wt.%, La2O3 12-13 wt.%, Nd2O3 11–13 wt.%, Y2O3 1.8-2.6 wt.%). Nur einzelne größere Körner ließen im BSE-Bild einen ganz schwachen konzentrischen Zonarbau mit größerer Helligkeit am Rand erkennen. Durch ein solches Korn aus der leicht retrograden Probe wurde ein chemisches Profil gelegt urn den Zonarbau zu quantifizieren bzw. die Altershomogenität zu testen. Die Randzone wies dabei leicht erhöhte Gehalte an U and Y auf. Die hohen Y Werte sprechen für eine Kristallisation unter hohen Temperaturen und gegen ein retrogrades Weiterwachsen. Die chemischen Modellalter waren im Kornzentrum im Schnitt etwas höher als am Kornrand (645±15, 633±16 Ma). Allfällige Zeitdifferenzen im Wachstum oder Bleiverlusteffekte waren allerdings innerhalb des methodischen Fehlers nicht sicher auflösbar. Die untersuchten Paragneise wurden bisher meist als Reste eines mittelproterozoischen, prä-panafrikanischen Kristallins angesehen. Die chemischen Modellalter für die Monazite bestätigen diese Ansicht aber nicht, sondern passen vielmehr gut zu anderen Metamorphosealtern von etwa 600 bis 650 Ma, welche in der letzten Zeit mehrfach entlang der Grenzzone zwischen dem Ostsahara-Kraton und dem ArabischNubischen Schild dokumentiert wurden. Die wahrscheinlichste Erklärung ist, daß diese Regionalmetamorphose durch das Andocken panafrikanischer Terrane an den Kraton verursacht wurde.

In this paper, we present an integrated study of the macrofauna (Cephalopoda), microfauna (Ostracoda and Foraminifera), microflora (Pithonella, Dinoflagellata, Acritarcha and Prasinophyta) and geochemical signals (carbon δ13C and oxygen δ18O stable isotopes) of the upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian succession in Puentedey, Iberian Trough, Spain. This palaeontological and geochemical study has enabled us to identify numerous species of cephalopods (29), ostracods (19), benthic foraminifers (31), planktonic foraminifers (15), dinoflagellates (63), and acritarchs and prasinophytes (11), and to recognise two positive excursions of the δ13C signal related to the OAE2 (in the Metoicoceras geslinianum and the Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) subconciliatus zones, respectively). Variations of these macrofaunal, microfaunal, microfloral and geochemical signals have been interpreted to identify important events of the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the inner platform of the Iberian Trough during the studied interval of the Late Cretaceous. Benthic ecosystems were severely affected by the establishment of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) at the end of the late Cenomanian. This event is evidenced by the depletion of calcareous microfauna (benthic calcareous free intervals, BCFI) and the survival of opportunistic microfauna (platycopic ostracods and textulariid foraminifers). The response was different for microflora (dinoflagellates and acritarchs), which were less affected by the anoxic event.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

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