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Rock-magnetic techniques have become a useful tool in environmental issues; in particular, magnetic studies constitute an alternative way to study pollution in different media. The present contribution focuses on magnetic parameters as pollution indicators, especially from their relationship with contents of heavy metals. The work was carried out in two Indian rivers located in Tamil Nadu, southern India. Several sediment samples were collected and studied in the laboratory using magnetic techniques, magnetic susceptibility, anhysteric remanent magnetization, isothermal remanent magnetization, and chemical techniques to determine contents of heavy metals. Magnetic mineralogy indicates the predominance of ferrimagnetic minerals; although magnetite-like minerals are the main magnetic carriers, antiferromagnetic minerals can be present as subordinate carriers. Concentration-dependent magnetic parameters revealed noticeable differences between both rivers, e.g. magnetic susceptibility is four times higher in Cauvery than in Palaru River. Moreover, such increase can be interpreted as “magnetic enhancement” and therefore related to the pollution status. This magnetic enhancement indicated a different pollutant contribution in both rivers, and also, a different spatial distribution along these rivers, where critical (or more polluted) sites were identified. On the other hand, univariate and multivariate statistical analyses—e.g. PCoordA, Multifactorial Analysis of distance, PCA and RDA—were examined, revealing a link between magnetic and chemical variables. Among magnetic parameters, the concentration-dependent magnetic parameters (e.g. magnetic susceptibility) seem to be the most relevant for this study.  相似文献   

The Albian-Danian limestones of Cauvery Basin show a wide range of d13C and d18O values (–13.2 to +1.1% and –9.0 to –2.5%, respectively). The cement samples show negative carbon and oxygen isotope values (–18.9 to –3.9% and –9.0 to –4.3%, respectively). The petrographic study reveals the presence of algae, molluscs, bryozoans, foraminifers and ostracods as major framework constituents. The limestones have microspar and equant sparry calcite cements. The pore spaces and vugs are filled with sparry calcite cement. The bivariate plot of d13C and d18O suggests that most of the samples fall in the freshwater limestone and meteoric field, while few samples fall in the marine limestone and soil calcite fields. The presence of sparry calcite cement, together with negative carbon and oxygen isotope values, indicates that these limestones have undergone meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The rare earth element (REE) geochemical composition of sediments from two cores were used to investigate the provenances of the Late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of Cauvery...  相似文献   

Samples of water and sediments were collected over a three year period from the entire region of Cauvery river basin excluding the estuary. On the basis of our observations, we have calculated the average composition of the Cauvery river at several locations from the catchment to the river mouth, the downstream profile of sediment load, annual erosion rates, solute and sediment fluxes and have predicted on long term changes. The sediment chemistry was determined by x-ray fluorescence (xrf) technique, and calculated mean compositions of the Cauvery and its tributary bed and the suspended sediment were compared to those of world average river sediments. Downstream profiles of some of the elements appear to be controlled by size and mineralogical characteristics besides local factors specific to the location of the samples. Interelemental relationships indicated good correlation among the transition elements indicating their co-genetic behaviour within the drainage basin.  相似文献   

Aeromagnetic anomalies over Bastar craton and Pranhita-Godavari (P-G) basin in the south of central India could be attributed to NW-SE striking mafic intrusives in both the areas at variable depths. Such intrusions can be explained considering the collision of the Bastar and Dharwar cratons by the end of the Archaean and the development of tensile regimes that followed in the Paleoproterozoic, facilitating intrusions of mafic dykes into the continental crust. The P-G basin area, being a zone of crustal weakness along the contact of the Bastar and Dharwar cratons, also experienced extensional tectonics. The inferred remanent magnetization of these dykes dips upwards and it is such that the dykes are oriented towards the east of the magnetic north at the time of their formation compared to their present NW-SE strike. Assuming that there was no imprint of magnetization of a later date, it is concluded that the Indian plate was located in the southern hemisphere, either independently or as part of a supercontinent, for some span of time during Paleoproterozoic and was involved in complex path of movement and rotation subsequently. The paper presents a case study of the utility of aeromagnetic anomalies in qualitatively deducing the palaeopositions of the landmasses from the interpreted remanent magnetism of buried intrusive bodies.  相似文献   

We present multi-element concentrations in the surface sediments from the offshore of Cauvery delta of southeast India to evaluate the impact of coastal pollution on the geochemical behaviour of surface deposits. For this study, 16 surface sediment samples were collected from the offshore of Cauvery delta of southeast India and were analysed using traditional XRF for various major (SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3, MnO, Na2O, K2O, CaO, P2O5, TiO2) and trace elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, Nb, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Th, Pb) after powdering it to ASTM 230 (<63 μm). The main objectives of this study were to understand the geochemical behaviour of the coastal surface sediments and its performance and relation with the pollution indices and statistical analysis. To meet out the objective, pollution indices such as enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (CF) and Geoaccumulation Index (I geo) were calculated and statistical analyses were performed to understand the relationship between the geochemical parameters. Both EF and I geo show the enrichment of Cu, Cr and Zr, whereas CF shows enrichment of Cu and Cr. Statistical analyses exhibit poor correlation between these elements and fine fraction indicating the insignificant role played by both grain size and organic matter. Strong positive association between Cu and Zn with CaCO3 exhibits the role of carbonates in precipitating these metals from the overlying water column possibly related to agricultural pollution. Distribution and association of other elements suggest the influence of mineralogy in geochemical composition of surface sediments. Based on this study, we suggest that environmental indices alone should not be considered for evaluating environmental conditions and a prior geogenic characterisation of the sediments is necessary.  相似文献   

Major ion chemistry of water and elemental geochemistry of suspended and surficial sediments collected from the Cauvery Estuary were studied to understand the geochemical processes in this tropical estuarine system. Specific conductance (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended matter (TSM) increased conservatively with increasing chlorinity. In general, SO4 2?, Na, K, Ca, and Mg showed an increasing trend while H4SiO4 and PO4 3? showed a decreasing trend toward the sea. Additional removal mechanisms operating for these ions in the Cauvery Estuary have been identified based on observed concentrations. Factor analysis pointed out the sources contributing to the observed trends in estuarine water chemistry. POC and PON decreased toward the high chlorinity zone. TSM in the Cauvery Estuary were mostly of inorganic nature. Stable carbon isotope values showed that the carbon was equally of marine and terrestrial origin and helped to delineate the contribution of river water and seawater. The ? mean size (a logarithmic grain size scale commonly used by sedimentologists) indicated that the surficial sediments were primarily comprised of coarse and silt, whereas suspended sediments were principally silt and clay. Suspended sediments were enriched in clays compared to surficial sediments. Quartz and feldspar were abundant among detritals while chlorite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite were dominant among clays. Silicon was the most abundant element in the sediments followed by Al, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Mn, and P. Heavy metals were enriched in the suspended sediments compared to the surficial bottom sediments as follows: Fe = 3.5, Mn = 7.4, Pb = 1.1, Zn = 15.2, Cu = 7.4, and Cr = 4.0. The levels of Cd, Cr, Zn, and Fe increased up the middle reaches and then decreased toward the sea due to urban effluent and fertilizer input. Size fractionation studies indicated that the metal concentration in the finer fraction was 50% higher by mass than the coarse silt and fine silt fractions. Chemical fractionation studies showed that the abundance of metals were in the order of residual > organic/sulfide > carbonate > Fe/Mn oxide > exchangeable fractions.  相似文献   

Heavy metal distribution in sediments of Krishna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suspended and bed sediments collected from the entire region of the Krishna River and its major tributaries were analyzed for heavy metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) by the thin-film energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique. There is considerable variation in the concentration of elements towards downstream, which may be due to the variation in the subbasin geology and various degrees of human impact. Suspended particles are enriched in heavy metals throughout the basin relative to bed sediments. The heavy metals are enriched in coarse size fractions (10–90 µm) throughout the Krishna River except its tributary Bhima, where finer fractions (2 µm) dominate. Transition elements correlate very well with each other. There is a striking similarity between the bed sediments of Krishna River and the Indian average. When the annual heavy metal flux carried by the Krishna River was estimated, and viewed in relation to the other major riverine transport, the Krishna is seen to be a minor contributor of heavy metals to the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Heavy metals distribution in core sediments, different size fractions of bed sediments (>212 urn, 90-212 jam, 63–90 urn, 53–63 urn, < 53 urn), and suspended sediments (>30 urn, 20–30 m, 10–20 urn, 2–10 urn, <2 m) have been discussed. Pb, Zn, and Cr have been accumulating in recent years in the sediments. Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Mg dominate the bed and suspended sediment composition. Metals show increasing concentrations in finer sediments. Applying multivariate analysis to sediment composition, metals have been grouped into different factors depending upon their source of origin. Chemical fractionation studies on suspended and bed sediments show Fe, Zn, Cu, and Pb are associated with the residual fraction and Mn with the exchangeable fraction.  相似文献   

The early Permian Karharbari and Barakar formations of East Bokaro basin comprise the following lithofacies:Lithofacies A, consisting of monomictic cobble- and pebble-conglomerate including pebbly sandstone, with faint crossbeds; deposited mainly by high-velocity aqueous currents as channel-lag deposit or longitudinal bars.Lithofacies B, coarse to medium sandstone, profusely crossbedded; interpreted as channel facies formed by downcurrent migration of sand bars in low-sinuosity streams.Lithofacies C, mainly fine sandstone with interbedded siltstone, characterised by small-scale ripple-lamination; formed in a low-energy environment such as swale-fill and/or overbank deposits.Lithofacies D, including carbonaceous shale and coal, with lack-of-current structures, indicating quiet-water deposition; interpreted as backswamp and lacustrine deposits.The overall context of the Karharbari and Barakar assemblage with relative abundance of pebbly coarse sandstone in the former and fine clastics in the latter, the presence of fining-upward cycles, widespread development of tabular and trough crossbedding and sample to sample variation of foreset azimuths, all suggest a generally alluvial environment. Analysis of crossbedding dip azimuth and dimensional fabric suggest that the sediment milieu in either case consisted of streams flowing persistently from the south-southeast to north-northwest direction. It is inferred that the unidirectional system of streams flowing across the East Bokaro basin changes systematically in channel sinuosity through time.  相似文献   

River sinuosity in a humid tropical river basin,south west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The variability in ground water potential at different regions of the Meenachil River basin and the remarkable distribution of palaeodeposit of sand at its middle to lower reaches have led to interpret the sinuosity indexes of the main channel as well as the tributaries of the River for elucidating the relationship between mathematical expressions and filed observations. The measurement of digital elevation model-derived river sinuosity was carried out for 846 km2 of the basin area of Meenachil River. The drainage networks of 10 major sub-watersheds and four mini-watersheds were delineated using remote sensing data—geocoded false colour composite of Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS)-1D (LISS III) data with a spatial resolution of 23.5 m—coupled with the Survey of India toposheets (1:50,000). The calculation of the sinuosity indexes were carried out using Arc GIS (8.3 version) software. Hydraulic sinuosity indexes, topographic sinuosity index and standard sinuosity index were calculated. The study depicts the remarkable correlation between theoretical data sets with field observations and the influence of tectonic control on river planforms. Three structurally controlled regions of Meenachil River basin were established using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System.  相似文献   

Sediment and heavy metal accumulation in the Cauvery basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven cores were collected from the Cauvery basin. Radiometric dates were used to determine modern sediment accumulation rates. Sediment accumulation rates ranged from 0.4 to 4 mm yr. Heavy metal concentration decreases with the increase of depth. The heavy metal concentrations at certain depths are attributed to the irregular input of metals and their remobilization. Heavy metal accumulations have been computed using sediment accumulation rates, and accumulation rates show an additional anthropogenic input of metals and sediments in the recent past. Factor analysis and correlation analysis show the diverse source and accumulation mechanism influencing the metal distribution in the basin.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of 181 samples from the Chelmsford Formation, the Onaping Formation and the norite of the Sudbury Basin has been measured. Magnetic foliation planes are almost exactly parallel to the planar structural elements (slaty cleavage and foliation) that are axial planar to the Basin. Magnetic lineations, where present, are parallel to linear structural elements (mineral elongation lineations). The shapes of the susceptibility ellipsoids of individual samples and the grouping of their principal axes are used to classify each site according to one of nine possible anisotropy types. In the Chelmsford Formation there is dominantly one anisotropy type, but several are present in the norite. At each site there is a variation in shape of the anisotropy ellipsoids, which can be interpreted using magnetic susceptibility axial ratio plots analogous to the deformation plots used by structural geologists. Using this technique the measured anisotropy patterns are interpreted in terms of progressive modification of original predeformation magnetic fabrics by various types of strain. In the norite the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid and the anisotropy type vary systematically with distance from the Grenville Front.  相似文献   

The present paper records eight Rhodophycean taxa from the Kallakudi limestone of the Uttatur Group (Lower Cretaceous) exposed in the quarries at Kallakudi and Olaipadi near Govindarajapatnam of the Cauvery Basin, south India. Of these, four species (Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 1, Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 2, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) belong to corallinaceae family, one species (Polystrata alba) is assigned to Peyssonneliaceae family, two species (Solenopora urgoniana and Parachaetetes asvapatii) are placed under Solenoporaceae; and one species (Sporolithon sp.) is referable to Sporolithaceae family. Among these, three taxa (Solenopora urgoniana, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) are recorded for the first time from India. The study also includes observations on ultrastructural morphological features of Parachaetetes asvapatii. The observations reveal absence of cell fusions, which confirms its affinities with Solenoporaceae. Palaeoecological data indicate that the assemblage from the sequence at the Kallakudi quarry is characteristic of lagoonal to reefal environment, whereas the Olaipadi quarry sequence near Govindarajapatnam points to 20 m to 30 m deep environment characterized by high- to moderate energy conditions.  相似文献   

The marine magnetic data acquired from offshore Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin, eastern continental margin of India (ECMI), brought out a prominent NE-SW trending feature, which could be explained by a buried structural high formed by volcanic activity. The magnetic anomaly feature is also associated with a distinct negative gravity anomaly similar to the one associated with 85°E Ridge. The gravity low could be attributed to a flexure at the Moho boundary, which could in turn be filled with the volcanic material. Inversion of the magnetic and gravity anomalies was also carried out to establish the similarity of anomalies of the two geological features (structural high on the margin and the 85°E Ridge) and their interpretations. In both cases, the magnetic anomalies were caused dominantly by the magnetization contrast between the volcanic material and the surrounding oceanic crust, whereas the low gravity anomalies are by the flexures of the order of 3–4 km at Moho boundary beneath them. The analysis suggests that both structural high present in offshore Krishna-Godavari basin and the 85°E Ridge have been emplaced on relatively older oceanic crust by a common volcanic process, but at discrete times, and that several of the gravity lows in the Bay of Bengal can be attributed to flexures on the Moho, each created due to the load of volcanic material.  相似文献   

In this study, results of GPR profiling related to mapping of subsurface sedimentary layers at tsunami affected Karaikal beach are presented . A 400 MHz antenna was used for profiling along 262 m stretch of transect from beach to backshore areas with penetration of about 2.0 m depth (50 ns two-way travel time). The velocity analysis was carried out to estimate the depth information along the GPR profile. Based on the significant changes in the reflection amplitude, three different zones are marked and the upper zone is noticed with less moisture compared to other two (saturated) zones. The water table is noticed to vary from 0.5 to 0.75 m depth (12–15 ns) as moving away from the coastline. Buried erosional surface is observed at 1.5 m depth (40–42 ns), which represents the limit up to which the extreme event acted upon. In other words, it is the depth to which the tsunami sediments have been piled up to about 1.5 m thickness. Three field test pits were made along the transect and sedimentary sequences were recorded. The sand layers, especially, heavy mineral layers, recorded in the test pits indicate a positive correlation with the amplitude and velocity changes in the GPR profile. Such interpretation seems to be difficult in the middle zone due to its water saturation condition. But it is fairly clear in the lower zone located just below the erosional surface where the strata is comparatively more compact. The inferences from the GPR profile thus provide a lucid insight to the subsurface sediment sequences of the tsunami sediments in the Karaikal beach.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological and climatic effect on chemical behavior of groundwater along a climatic gradient is studied along a river basin. ‘Semi-arid’ (500–800 mm of mean annual rainfall), ‘sub-humid’ (800–1,200 mm/year) and ‘humid’ (1,200–1,500 mm/year) are the climatic zones chosen along the granito-gneissic plains of Kabini basin in South India for the present analysis. Data on groundwater chemistry is initially checked for its quality using NICB ratio (<±5 %), EC versus TZ+ (~0.85 correlation), EC versus TDS and EC versus TH analysis. Groundwater in the three climatic zones is ‘hard’ to ‘very hard’ in terms of Ca–Mg hardness. Polluted wells are identified (>40 % of pollution) and eliminated for the characterization. Piper’s diagram with mean concentrations indicates the evolution of CaNaHCO3 (semi-arid) from CaHCO3 (humid zone) along the climatic gradient. Carbonates dominate other anions and strong acids exceeded weak acids in the region. Mule Hole SEW, an experimental watershed in sub-humid zone, is characterized initially using hydrogeochemistry and is observed to be a replica of entire sub-humid zone (with 25 wells). Extension of the studies for the entire basin (120 wells) showed a chemical gradient along the climatic gradient with sub-humid zone bridging semi-arid and humid zones. Ca/Na molar ratio varies by more than 100 times from semi-arid to humid zones. Semi-arid zone is more silicaceous than sub-humid while humid zone is more carbonaceous (Ca/Cl ~14). Along the climatic gradient, groundwater is undersaturated (humid), saturated (sub-humid) and slightly supersaturated (semi-arid) with calcite and dolomite. Concentration–depth profiles are in support of the geological stratification i.e., ~18 m of saprolite and ~25 m of fracture rock with parent gneiss beneath. All the wells are classified into four groups based on groundwater fluctuations and further into ‘deep’ and ‘shallow’ based on the depth to groundwater. Higher the fluctuations, larger is its impact on groundwater chemistry. Actual seasonal patterns are identified using ‘recharge–discharge’ concept based on rainfall intensity instead of traditional monsoon–non-monsoon concept. Non-pumped wells have low Na/Cl and Ca/Cl ratios in recharge period than in discharge period (Dilution). Few other wells, which are subjected to pumping, still exhibit dilution chemistry though water level fluctuations are high due to annual recharge. Other wells which do not receive sufficient rainfall and are constantly pumped showed high concentrations in recharge period rather than in discharge period (Anti-dilution). In summary, recharge–discharge concept demarcates the pumped wells from natural deep wells thus, characterizing the basin.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of Late Miocene sediments from the southern Pannonian basin was studied on oriented samples collected from 19 geographically distributed localities. All of them are characterized by near-horizontal magnetic foliation plane after tilt correction, indicating weak deformation. Well-developed lineations were observed for 16 localities, which are interpreted as due to compressional/transpressional deformation, except from three localities, where the fabric must have been formed in an extensional setting. Comparison between the orientation of the map-scale folds and faults and magnetic lineation directions shows that magnetic lineation is either related to NNE-SSW directed compression, leading to the formation of folds or it can be connected to NW–SE or NNE-SSW trending dextral faults.  相似文献   

This contribution constitutes a new study using magnetic parameters and trace element determinations of pollutants in river sediments from the Tamil Nadu state. The Vellar River covers a total length of about 200 km and flows into the Bay of Bengal. Sediment samples were collected at different sediment depths (up to 90 cm) from 12 sites to investigate their magnetic properties (27 samples) and the contents of trace elements (21 out of 27 samples) along the river; as well as to perform magnetic studies for various grain size fractions (16 sub samples). The magnetic results of magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetizations suggest that the magnetic signal of these sediments is controlled by ferrimagnetic minerals magnetite-like minerals and a minor contribution of antiferromagnetic carriers (such as hematite minerals). Detailed studies of selected samples showed a higher magnetic concentration in finer grain-sized fractions and a slightly different magnetic mineralogy. Magnetic concentration-dependent parameters evidenced high values, which, together with the background values, allowed us to identify magnetic enhancement at some sites. The Pearson correlation and multivariate statistical studies (Principal Component Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis) supported the relationship between the magnetic and chemical variables; in particular, magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetization are closely correlated to Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, V, Zn, and the pollution load index. In addition, Principal Coordinate Analysis and fuzzy C-means cluster analysis allowed us to make a classification and to perform a magnetic-chemical characterization of the data into four groups, thereby identifying critical (possibly polluted) sites from the Vellar River.  相似文献   

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