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为调查长乐—南澳断裂带和滨海断裂带的展布、形态和深部构造背景, 福建省地震局使用大容量气枪震源和海底地震仪将深地震探测拓展到台湾海峡西南部, 配合陆上的水库气枪震源、吨级爆破点和流动地震仪实现了海陆双向激发接收。文章详细介绍了2013—2015年间在台湾海峡西南部采集的6条二维广角地震剖面的观测系统、采集参数和数据预处理方法。对资料的整理分析表明: 震源激发参数和仪器接收点位选择合理, 大部分共接收点道集记录能清晰地识别出Pg、PmP、Pn、Sg、SmS等震相; 通过气枪固定点多次激发进行叠加的方法, 获得了信噪比相当于吨级爆破的共炮点道集记录。陆上台站数据品质较佳, 而海底地震仪数据信噪比较低, 可能是由于海底吸收衰减较为严重。数据处理中针对台湾海峡西南部沉积层速度较低且基底面起伏剧烈的问题, 将共接收点域拾取的走时分选到炮域, 避免了表层改正残差造成深部构造假象的问题。 相似文献
研究海水温盐结构的反射地震方法 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
在物理海洋学的研究中,利用CTD(Conductivity, Temperature and Depth sensors)测量方法研究海水温盐结构存在着获取数据时间长、数据横向精度低的缺点,而利用反射地震记录可以获得剖面上连续的水体温盐结构,弥补了传统方法的不足.反射地震方法研究海水温盐结构是个新的交叉学科方法,称为地震海洋学.由于海水水体的物性变化比地层物性变化小得多,造成海水水体的反射地震资料信噪比很低,各类干扰强烈,因而海水水体的反射地震资料处理也和常规地震资料处理方法有所不同.它处理的重点是振幅补偿,叠前去噪以及叠后处理.笔者通过对十五973项目在南海东北部采集的一条高分辨率多道反射地震测线的海水水体部分的地震数据进行处理,压制了强线性干扰波,获得了水体反射图像.地震叠加速度分析获取的3个CDP (Common Depth Point)的垂向速度从1540 m·s-1单调减小到1478 m·s-1,与CTD测量得到的速度变化趋势一致. 相似文献
海洋区域地质调查中,单道地震勘探以其高分辨率、方便快捷等优点成为揭示浅地层地质构造的重要手段之一.结合前人研究成果并出于保护信号的完整性,对低频部分的噪声采用带通滤波进行滤除,而对高频信号中的随机噪声采用小波阈值去噪方法进行压制处理.在小波阈值去噪过程中,通过比较选用最佳小波基函数sym5对地震剖面进行三层小波分解.结果表明:两种阈值去噪方法在带通滤波的基础上进一步提升了剖面的质量,使得反射层面变得连续可追踪.软阈值去噪滤掉了剖面上的较多信息,去噪效果较为彻底,硬阈值去噪则保留了较多的细节信息. 相似文献
混合过程是海洋中普遍存在的一种形式, 对气候变化、物质分布等起到了重要作用。地震海洋学是近十多年发展起来的一门新兴学科, 被广泛应用到物理海洋学问题的研究中, 具有高空间分辨率的突出优点。文章利用反射地震资料, 通过斜率谱方法, 分别获得了吕宋海峡以东黑潮区湍流段与内波段的耗散率及扩散率。结果显示, 在剖面深度200~800m的平均耗散率为10 -7.0W·kg -1, 平均扩散率为10 -3.3m 2·s -1, 比大洋统计均值10 -5.0m 2·s -1高约1~2个量级, 与前人在吕宋海峡的观测结果相一致。湍流段和内波段的扩散率空间分布差异较大: 湍流段扩散率高值区对应强流区域, 推测这里是中尺度涡边缘, 其次中尺度不稳定过程引起扰动增强, 进而引起湍流混合的加强; 内波段扩散率高值区出现在吕宋岛弧附近, 推测是内波遇到岛弧地形发生破碎, 进而引起强的内波混合。 相似文献
综合地球物理调查表明,北印度洋阿拉伯海马克兰俯冲带海域水合物资源非常丰富。为调查该海域水合物及与其相关的流体活动,采集了高分辨率多道地震数据,分析了原始地震数据的特征,并按照常规水合物地震数据处理流程进行处理,获得了较好的处理效果。基于新采集处理的地震数据,识别出了经典的BSR、非经典的BSR及双BSR现象。双BSR的发现表明该海域的水合物处在一个复杂的动态过程中,对该海域水合物的研究具有重要意义。由于本次地震数据的排列长度较短(最大排列长度1 300 m),对该海域水合物的定量分析以及精细刻画受到了限制。结合此次采集的短排列数据以及理论公式分析了排列长度对水合物勘探的影响,指出在水合物的勘探中,除了震源能量、频率、道间距等参数外,排列长度也是一个需要优化设计的参数。 相似文献
拖缆采集的海上多道地震数据受海水间传播的多次波影响,往往在共炮点道集上发育周期性的强振幅干扰波,这些噪音会掩盖海底以下及强反射层以下地层的面貌,严重影响多道地震数据的成像效果。为了消除海上多道地震数据中存在的海水间传播的多次波对地震数据的干扰,首先分析浅水多次波在海水间多次震荡的产生机制,采用了τ-P域静校正延迟技术对其进行压制,处理的核心是在τ-P域对周期性多次波模型进行预测,再通过自适应相减以去除地震数据中的多次波。实际资料处理结果表明,方法对海水间震荡的浅水多次波具有很好的压制效果,经过浅水多次波去除后的叠加剖面信噪比得到有效提高,剖面的品质得以提升。 相似文献
The U.S. Geological Survey deep crustal studies reflection profile across the Gulf of Maine off southeastern New England was affected by three sources of noise: side-scattered noise, multiples, and 20-Hz whale sounds. The special processing most effective in minimizing this noise consisted of a combination of frequency-wavenumber (F-K) filtering, predictive deconvolution, and spectral whitening, each applied in the shot domain (prestack). Application of the F-K filter to remove side-scatter noise in the poststack domain resulted in a much poorer quality profile. The prestack noise suppression processing techniques resulted in a reflection profile with good signal-to-noise ratios and reliable strong reflections, especially at depths equivalent to the lower crust (24–34 km). Certain geologic features, such as a buried rift basin and a crustal fault are resolved much better within the upper crust after this processing. Finite difference migration of these data using realistic velocities produced excellent results. Migration was essential to distinguish between abundant dipping and subhorizontal reflections in the lower crust as well as to show an essentially transparent upper mantle. 相似文献
高效利用中国现有的海洋科技能力,针对海洋灾害与捕捞养殖管控现状及局限,以灾害抵御与捕捞管控为重点,探索中国海洋可持续发展新路径,对中国抓住国际海洋发展机遇,积极参与全球海洋生态治理行动具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章结合全球及中国的海洋灾害、捕捞养殖等历史数据,依据全球及中国发布各种海洋资源发展计划、宣言、决议等政策措施,在对全球及中国海洋生态治理进展、海洋灾害抵御与管控现状与背景进行全面论述的基础上,揭示了海洋灾害防御与捕捞管控存在的问题,并从系统研究、科技转化和国际合作等方面提出了科学发展战略和对策建议。 相似文献
Contamination of seismic reflection records at early times by first-order water reverberations can be especially severe during survey operations over hard and flat sea floors on the continental shelf or in lake environments. A new dereverberation scheme based on two classical techniques — predictive deconvolution and velocity filtering — has been developed to address this problem. The techniques are combined spatially to take advantage of their complementary offset- and time-dependent properties. Stage I of the scheme consists of applying predictive deconvolution at short offset. The data are previously conditioned by a normal moveout correction with the water velocity which restores the periodicity of the reverberations in the offset-time plane and enhances the performance of deconvolution. Stage II of the scheme involves velocity filtering in the common-midpoint domain which is particularly effective at long offset where the moveout difference between primary reflections and reverberations is largest. The dereverberation scheme is well suited for the initial processing of large volumes of data due to the general availability of cost-effective deconvolution and velocity filtering algorithms in seismic processing software packages. Practical implementation issues are illustrated by a field example from the GLIMPCE survey in Lake Superior.Lithoprobe Publication No. 475. 相似文献
短排列多道反射地震接收缆较短,无水鸟、磁罗经、尾标等定位定深设备,给常规数据处理带来诸如观测系统定义等棘手问题;另外,无定深设备会造成接收缆不同接收段的沉放深度不同,破坏反射数据理论双曲线时距曲线关系。针对短排列多道反射地震数据,本文充分利用现场导航数据,计算实际激发点轨迹,再通过反距离比线性插值算法计算检波点的轨迹坐标,获得整个排列的实际观测系统参数。对因沉放深度不一致造成的扭曲时距曲线反射波,文中利用理论双曲线先计算共中心点道集的理论反射波位置,再推算排列中各接收道不同沉放深度处的静校正量,通过静校正拟合运算,消除接收排列非一致深度引起的反射波同相轴扭曲现象。将上述处理方法应用于南极海域短排列多道反射地震数据,最终获得了高分辨率叠加剖面,为后续地质解释提供了保障。 相似文献
CTD资料质量控制浅析 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
物理海洋学调查自上世纪70年代开始以来,至今已有100余年的历史.调查方法和观测仪器也已有了根本性的变化.就海水温盐度测量而言,由当时的颠倒温度表、南森采水器和BT(深度温度仪)等机械式观测仪器发展到XBT(抛弃式温深计)、AXBT(机载抛弃式深度温度计)和CTD(温盐深仪)等电子仪器设备. 相似文献
大量研究表明南海北部东沙海域的中生界地层具有很好的油气成藏条件, 是油气勘探的有利区域。但中生界地层构造成像不清晰限制了该区域油气资源的准确评价。本文利用在该海域采用单源单缆长排列采集的三维地震数据, 提出了对该类数据的优化处理技术方案, 以期获得中生界地层的清晰成像。处理过程主要包括各种噪音干扰和不同类型多次波的压制, 尤其是比较严重的海洋湍流干扰压制, 提高中深层反射信号信噪比; 通过压制气泡和压缩子波提高地震反射的分辨率; 同时利用高密度速度分析进行各向异性双谱非双曲线动校正, 提高成像质量, 使波组特征、振幅特征更为明显。针对密集二维采集数据特点, 通过合理的面元规则化处理, 使得覆盖次数均匀和横向分辨率提高, 实现高精度三维成像。本研究针对噪音干扰较严重的单源单缆长排列加密地震资料, 按照三维地震资料进行数据处理, 处理后明显突出了浅、中、深各层的有效信息, 特别是针对中生界的成像质量改善更为明显, 形成了一套行之有效的处理流程, 为今后邻近区块的勘探和资料处理提供了技术基础, 也为东沙海域的油气勘探与评价提供了科学依据。 相似文献
番禺4洼新近系NWW—SEE向正断层非常发育,这些断层上升盘的构造圈闭是重要的勘探目标。但由于一次三维地震资料采集方向与断层平行,断层附近阴影现象非常严重,表现为信噪比低、同相轴不合理的“下拉”和扭曲畸变的“假象”,严重影响断层上升盘的精细构造落实。为此,实施了垂直于断层方向的二次三维地震采集,使得断层阴影带成像比一次三维有较大改善。为了更好地解决断层阴影带成像难题,针对方位各向异性,对2次采集的三维资料进行了以双方位各向异性叠前深度偏移(PSDM)为核心的双方位融合处理。2个方位各自处理成果和双方位融合处理结果对比表明:对于断层阴影带成像,垂直断层方向采集的三维明显优于平行断层方向采集的三维;而结合2次采集的双方位融合处理资料效果最好:既能有效的消除断层阴影带成像畸变,又能提高信噪比。经研究区油田评价井在断层阴影带的钻探结果证实了双方位融合处理结果的可靠性,同时,可为类似地区解决断层阴影带成像难题提供采集设计和处理技术等方面的借鉴。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2014
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive, adopted by the EU, and several other initiatives to improve marine environmental management emphasize the need to integrate environmental and social analyses. This article proposes and tests a general Behavior-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (BPSIR) framework for identifying and structuring environmentally relevant social data. The framework is compatible with the widely applied Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, but emphasizes actors and their behavior and defines ‘impact’ more specifically. In particular, it distinguishes between: (i) actors directly involved in activities causing physical, chemical, and biological disturbances, and (ii) actors who indirectly affect marine resource use and the pressures on marine ecosystems. Three case studies of chemical and biological disturbances in the Swedish parts of the North and Baltic seas demonstrate the need to balance current ecosystem monitoring with systematically collected and organized data on social factors, i.e., both direct and indirect actors and stakeholders, their adaptation to policy measures, and the role of general trends in consumption and production. 相似文献
Systematic marine conservation planning in data-poor regions: Socioeconomic data is essential 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Natalie C. Ban Gretchen J.A. Hansen Michael Jones Amanda C.J. Vincent 《Marine Policy》2009,33(5):794-800
Systematic planning for conservation is highly regarded but relies on spatially explicit data that are lacking in many areas of conservation concern. The decision support tool Marxan is applied to a reef system in the central Philippines where 30 marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established in communities without much use of biophysical data. The intent was to explore how Marxan might assist with the legally required expansion to protect 15% of marine waters, and how existing MPAs might affect that process. Results show that biophysical information alone did not provide much guidance in identifying patterns of conservation importance in areas where the data are poor. Socioeconomic data were needed to distinguish among possible areas for protection; but here, as elsewhere in marine environments, the availability of such data was very limited. In the final analysis, local knowledge and integrated understanding of socioeconomic realities may offer the best spatially explicit information. The 30 existing MPAs, which encompassed a small proportion of the reef system, did not limit future options in developing a suite of MPAs on a broader scale. Rather, they appeared to generate the support for MPAs that is obligatory for any larger zoning effort. In summary, establishing MPAs based on community-driven criteria has biological and social value, but efforts should be made to collect ecological and socioeconomic data to guide the continued creation of MPAs. 相似文献
A re-evaluation of the reprocessed seismic reflection data was made for the investigation of the presumed western continuation of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Aegean and mapping geometries of active faults in the Aegean Sea. Seismic data collected and processed by various national and international companies were selected from the data archives and they were reprocessed after stacking to bring them to the same processing and signal-to-noise ratio standards. The total length of the selected lines is 8000 km. We investigated the character of active faulting in the North Aegean Sea using seismic reflection data. Moreover, the relations of active faults with earthquakes were examined using earthquake fault plane solutions (FPS). We show that the active faults are dominantly normal in character in the NNE Aegean where FPS for earthquakes with M>5 indicate strike-slip movements along these faults. We propose a simple mechanism that potentially explains this inconsistency. Active normal faults are oriented in a NE–SW direction in alignment with the SW escape motion of the Anatolian block in this region and this orientation facilitates instantaneously strike-slip movements along these otherwise normal faults. 相似文献
在讨论海水高光谱数据波形波峰和波谷产生机理的基础上,通过对高光谱数据波形结构形态的分析,提出了一组描述吸收峰和反射峰的特征参数,并且设计了一种计算这组特征参数的算法,然后基于其中的中心波长、强度和对应中心波长的值提出了3种赤潮识别的方法。试验证明这种方法可以成功地提取出吸收峰和反射峰的特征参数,3种赤潮识别方法可以进行赤潮的识别与预测。 相似文献