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研究海水温盐结构的反射地震方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在物理海洋学的研究中,利用CTD(Conductivity, Temperature and Depth sensors)测量方法研究海水温盐结构存在着获取数据时间长、数据横向精度低的缺点,而利用反射地震记录可以获得剖面上连续的水体温盐结构,弥补了传统方法的不足.反射地震方法研究海水温盐结构是个新的交叉学科方法,称为地震海洋学.由于海水水体的物性变化比地层物性变化小得多,造成海水水体的反射地震资料信噪比很低,各类干扰强烈,因而海水水体的反射地震资料处理也和常规地震资料处理方法有所不同.它处理的重点是振幅补偿,叠前去噪以及叠后处理.笔者通过对十五973项目在南海东北部采集的一条高分辨率多道反射地震测线的海水水体部分的地震数据进行处理,压制了强线性干扰波,获得了水体反射图像.地震叠加速度分析获取的3个CDP (Common Depth Point)的垂向速度从1540 m·s-1单调减小到1478 m·s-1,与CTD测量得到的速度变化趋势一致.  相似文献   

海洋地震勘探中地震波、鬼波综合效应分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼波是影响海洋地震资料采集质量的重要因素之一,经过海水表面反射的鬼波与海底反射波相互叠加。“地震波、鬼波的综合效应”受很多因素的影响,文中从传播路径、传播时间等方面讨论了地震波与鬼波的综合效应。通过计算机模拟了二者的综合效应,与实测资料进行了对比,其幅频特性中陷波点、幅度等特性非常接近。结合水合物勘探的目的,文章探讨了基于识别BSR的勘探频率要求震源和电缆的最佳沉放深度,并通过实际应用验证了理论推算的正确性。  相似文献   

The U.S. Geological Survey deep crustal studies reflection profile across the Gulf of Maine off southeastern New England was affected by three sources of noise: side-scattered noise, multiples, and 20-Hz whale sounds. The special processing most effective in minimizing this noise consisted of a combination of frequency-wavenumber (F-K) filtering, predictive deconvolution, and spectral whitening, each applied in the shot domain (prestack). Application of the F-K filter to remove side-scatter noise in the poststack domain resulted in a much poorer quality profile. The prestack noise suppression processing techniques resulted in a reflection profile with good signal-to-noise ratios and reliable strong reflections, especially at depths equivalent to the lower crust (24–34 km). Certain geologic features, such as a buried rift basin and a crustal fault are resolved much better within the upper crust after this processing. Finite difference migration of these data using realistic velocities produced excellent results. Migration was essential to distinguish between abundant dipping and subhorizontal reflections in the lower crust as well as to show an essentially transparent upper mantle.  相似文献   

CTD资料质量控制浅析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
许建平  苏纪兰 《海洋学报》1999,21(1):126-132
物理海洋学调查自上世纪70年代开始以来,至今已有100余年的历史.调查方法和观测仪器也已有了根本性的变化.就海水温盐度测量而言,由当时的颠倒温度表、南森采水器和BT(深度温度仪)等机械式观测仪器发展到XBT(抛弃式温深计)、AXBT(机载抛弃式深度温度计)和CTD(温盐深仪)等电子仪器设备.  相似文献   

Systematic planning for conservation is highly regarded but relies on spatially explicit data that are lacking in many areas of conservation concern. The decision support tool Marxan is applied to a reef system in the central Philippines where 30 marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established in communities without much use of biophysical data. The intent was to explore how Marxan might assist with the legally required expansion to protect 15% of marine waters, and how existing MPAs might affect that process. Results show that biophysical information alone did not provide much guidance in identifying patterns of conservation importance in areas where the data are poor. Socioeconomic data were needed to distinguish among possible areas for protection; but here, as elsewhere in marine environments, the availability of such data was very limited. In the final analysis, local knowledge and integrated understanding of socioeconomic realities may offer the best spatially explicit information. The 30 existing MPAs, which encompassed a small proportion of the reef system, did not limit future options in developing a suite of MPAs on a broader scale. Rather, they appeared to generate the support for MPAs that is obligatory for any larger zoning effort. In summary, establishing MPAs based on community-driven criteria has biological and social value, but efforts should be made to collect ecological and socioeconomic data to guide the continued creation of MPAs.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the reprocessed seismic reflection data was made for the investigation of the presumed western continuation of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Aegean and mapping geometries of active faults in the Aegean Sea. Seismic data collected and processed by various national and international companies were selected from the data archives and they were reprocessed after stacking to bring them to the same processing and signal-to-noise ratio standards. The total length of the selected lines is 8000 km. We investigated the character of active faulting in the North Aegean Sea using seismic reflection data. Moreover, the relations of active faults with earthquakes were examined using earthquake fault plane solutions (FPS). We show that the active faults are dominantly normal in character in the NNE Aegean where FPS for earthquakes with M>5 indicate strike-slip movements along these faults. We propose a simple mechanism that potentially explains this inconsistency. Active normal faults are oriented in a NE–SW direction in alignment with the SW escape motion of the Anatolian block in this region and this orientation facilitates instantaneously strike-slip movements along these otherwise normal faults.  相似文献   

在讨论海水高光谱数据波形波峰和波谷产生机理的基础上,通过对高光谱数据波形结构形态的分析,提出了一组描述吸收峰和反射峰的特征参数,并且设计了一种计算这组特征参数的算法,然后基于其中的中心波长、强度和对应中心波长的值提出了3种赤潮识别的方法。试验证明这种方法可以成功地提取出吸收峰和反射峰的特征参数,3种赤潮识别方法可以进行赤潮的识别与预测。  相似文献   

The first multichannel seismic reflection measurements of the north-east Greenland shelf north of 79°N were made as part of the R.V. Polarstern cruise ARK V/1988. This area is perennially covered by sea ice. The sparse seismic data show a very deep rift basin filled with up to 10 km of high velocity rocks interpreted as Carboniferous and Permian sediments. Conspicuous structures interpreted as marginal reefs are associated with the western flank of the rift basin.  相似文献   

歧口凹陷滩海区下第三系地震反射特征及层序划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要利用地震反射同相轴的终止形式和不连续类型 ,对歧口凹陷滩海区下第三系地层进行层序的划分 ,并对不同体系域内部及层序界面的地震反射特征进行较为详尽的描述。研究结果表明 ,歧口凹陷下第三系发育有六个层序 ,每个层序的顶、底界面分别对应于区内七个地震反射界面。不同成因及不同沉积环境的层序内部具有不同的地震反射相。并讨论体系域与油气赋存的关系  相似文献   

李彦  王宇飞  王鑫  朱锐 《海洋通报》2011,30(6):697-701
海洋环境数据是海洋科学研究、应用、发展的重要基础,然而由于获取手段的不同,导致各类数据格式不一,为数据交换带来一定难度.因此,本文主要针对海洋环境数据交换能力差这一问题,利用XML技术统一数据格式定义,并通过对小浮标获取数据的解析处理,说明XML技术在应对跨学科、跨平台的海洋环境数据交换方面具有广泛的应用价值.  相似文献   

Water depth variations in marine reflection seismic profiling cause velocity push-down and, in regions of rapid fluctuations of the water-bottom slope, stack degradation. Static corrections are a very satisfactory and practical solution to these problems under typical survey conditions with water depths not exceeding a few hundred metres and relatively hard water bottoms. Static time shifts are best derived from a refraction analysis of first arrivals rather than from fathometer data, especially over underwater valleys where unconsolidated sediment of velocity close to that of water has been deposited unconformably onto the underlying lithified rocks. These points are illustrated by a field example from the GLIMPCE survey in Lake Superior. The availability of computer-effective algorithms such as the generalized linear inversion method allows the implementation of refraction statics during the initial processing of regional marine crustal surveys.LITHOPROBE Publication No. 263.  相似文献   

走航ADCP数据处理与质量控制方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)测流的基本原理和利用ADCP自带软件进行原始数据处理过程中需要设置的关键参数;着重论述了ADCP数据标准化处理和质量控制方法的研究,并利用实测数据对研究方法进行了验证。结果表明,本文研究的方法针对ADCP底跟踪观测数据处理效果良好,并可为GPS跟踪模式下的ADCP数据处理和质量控制提供可行的技术参考。  相似文献   

A challenge of managing data poor fisheries lies in overcoming uncertainties associated with a lack of information on biological and socio-economic conditions. This paper focuses on site prioritisation for marine protected areas, a process that usually imposes moderate to heavy demands on data, time, local expertise, and funds. A fuzzy logic decision support tool for zoning marine areas that is suitable for use in data poor conditions is developed. This tool, the Protected Area Suitability Index (PASI), assesses the suitability of sites for protection based on fishers’ preferences for that site and the site’s conservation value. Only eight input attributes are required to run the PASI, which operates on a series of heuristic rules to estimate a site suitability score that ranges from 0 to 10, where 10 indicates that a site is highly suitable for being protected from fishing. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the PASI is relatively robust, and produces reliable results even as the system is degraded by the loss of data. Eighteen actively fished sites and 11 sites that are closed to fishing are assessed to evaluate how well the PASI is able to distinguish differences between sites. The estimated scores are significantly different (p<0.05), whereby non-fished sites are scored as being more suitable for protection than fished sites. The PASI can be used as a decision support tool to facilitate systematic marine spatial management under data poor conditions, especially in the task of identifying suitable sites for protection.  相似文献   

中国近岸海域高度计JASON-1测量数据的波形重构算法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
卫星雷达高度计的测量数据目前已被广泛应用于各个领域,但高度计在近海的测量数据却一直不可用,一方面是因为高度计在近岸海域的回波波形测量受陆地回波的影响,另一方面是因为一些校正量对近海不准确,如大气湿对流层校正、海洋潮汐校正以及大气高频因数校正等。通过对高度计在近海测量的回波波形进行重构处理,可以缩短近海数据不可用的距离,提高数据的数量和质量。以我国海域及邻近海域(14°~45°N,105°~130°E)为研究区域,采用四种波形重构算法(海洋算法、重力中心偏离算法、冰层算法二和阈值算法)对JASON-1高度计1 a共31个周期的测量波形重新进行了计算,比较了轨道交叉点处升轨和降轨的海面高度异常值以及海面高度值与验潮站的实测水位,结果表明重力中心偏离法比其他三种算法更适合我国近海的测高波形重构:计算结果精度最高,有效数目最多。  相似文献   

海洋环境放射性监测的数据处理中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较海洋环境放射性监测与其他海洋环境监测的异同点,介绍了海洋环境放射性监测数据处理的特点,标准差、仪器与方法探测限的推导方法和计算模式,提出了海洋环境放射性监测数据科学表征和科学判断模式,为准确评价海洋环境放射性污染提供重要依据,为海洋环境放射性监测的数据处理提供借鉴.  相似文献   

浅地层剖面测量是海洋工程勘察、灾害地质调查和大陆架海洋地质科学研究的重要手段,资料解译的准确程度将对地质调查和研究成果的可靠性造成直接影响。由于发收分置型浅地层剖面仪的激发装置与接收装置是分开的,当调查区域的水深过浅时,将其近似为自激自收的单道地震系统会导致地层的畸变,水深越浅地层畸变率越大。根据浅地层剖面仪的基本原理,推导出了浅部地层厚度畸变校正公式,为用C-View软件更准确地解译此类浅地层剖面资料提供了参考。海底沉积物的声速直接影响浅地层剖面地层厚度解译的准确性,利用卢博等建立的适用于中国东南近海的声速经验公式,在某人工岛构造调查中,根据地质钻孔获取的孔隙度参数计算各沉积层的平均声速,建立相应的声速结构剖面,对地层厚度进行校正,取得较好的效果,用孔隙度预测声速的方法参数容易获取,能够提高浅地层剖面资料的解译精度,使地层的厚度更接近于实际,具有一定的实用意义。  相似文献   

胶州湾基岩类型与分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于钻孔岩心、浅层地震剖面和海洋磁力等资料,研究了胶州湾内海底基岩的类型、分布、埋深和工程力学性质等特征.结果表明,胶州湾基岩类型与相邻陆域基本一致,主要包括中生界莱阳群粗粒碎屑岩、青山群火山岩、王氏群细粒碎屑岩以及燕山晚期花岗岩类.各种类型基岩的分布大致是周边陆域基岩向海域的延伸,其中莱阳群分布在湾中西部;青山群分布较为分散,包括红岛以南、大沽河口外以及团岛和薛家岛之间的湾口地区;王氏群主要分布在湾北部和西部;花岗岩类分布在青岛-黄岛渡口一带和黄岛前湾.大部分区域基岩埋深在30 m以上,总体呈现东深西浅、南深北浅的格局.湾内基岩埋深变化特征表现出与陆地基岩的延续性,是构造和岩性等因素共同作用的结果,并影响了现今的湾底地貌形态.基岩的岩性和风化程度是决定其物理力学性质的主要因素.  相似文献   

本文介绍了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在胶州湾中的试验结果,解决了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在实验室中未能解决的几个问题,已成功地应用于整个胶州湾的浅海海洋磁场测量中,首次获得了近岸浅海湾的完整海洋磁场资料。  相似文献   

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