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鄱阳湖是我国重要的淡水和砂石资源提供地,其水下沉积地形现状一直是学术界研究的重点。该文借助浅地层剖面探测手段对鄱阳湖水下地形与沉积特征进行了探测,通过分析32条浅地层剖面测线资料发现,鄱阳湖水深变化幅度为0.16~23.71 m,入江水道与主湖区西北部相对较深;松散沉积物厚度变化范围为0~8.73 m,主湖区中部松散沉积物较厚,估算松散沉积物总体积约3.02 km3。为检验浅地层剖面探测数据的可靠性,2022年9月在主湖区开展了浅钻探测工作。通过与前人的相关研究对比发现,大规模采砂活动能够对鄱阳湖水下地形产生显著影响。该文较全面地揭示了鄱阳湖水下地形现状与沉积特征,得出的结论与建议对相关研究与管理工作具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面仪是目前海洋工程勘察和海洋地质研究应用最为广泛的地球物理调查仪器之一,其地层探测分辨率越来越高,但实际获取的声学地层剖面资料在解释时会存在一些陷阱,值得引起注意.笔者从浅地层剖面仪的工作原理出发,分析了导致解释陷阱的4种情况:声学地层与地质地层的不同导致的陷阱、非自激自收导致的浅水区浅部地层厚度畸变、特殊反射界面在声学剖面上的空间变形和海底地层中声速变化造成的地层厚度失真,并对浅地层剖面资料处理和解释中如何预防和消除这些陷阱的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

曾凡祥  马金凤  徐岩 《江苏地质》2020,44(4):356-361
通过对南海北部海域浅层剖面资料的分析研究,解决了多个数据处理难点。针对SEGY数据中的坐标错误,提出从导航定位原始资料中获取相应位置数据,改写SEGY道头信息,解决了SEGY数据道头坐标错误的问题;对波形进行相应处理,提高了浅地层剖面资料的分辨率;针对浅地层剖面震源位置不准的问题,对震源位置进行了校正;对同一设计测线多次分段作业剖面进行了剖面连接等。旨在为浅地层剖面的后续综合地质解译提供理想的基础资料。  相似文献   

介绍了TOPAS PS18系统设备的基本组成、参量阵技术原理以及在深远海应用中的参数设置。另外选取西太平洋地区一水深超过1 000 m的穿越海山测线,通过对该测线海山山顶及边缘浅地层剖面的层位解释和分析,发现该火山顶部主要经历了T0、T1和T2共3期构造及沉积作用,在T2时期曾爆发过小规模的火山侵入活动。通过对该段资料的分析,展示了TOPAS PS18浅地层剖面仪在深远海的探测效果及浅地层层序结构,分析了研究区的沉积演化规律,为后期进行更深入的地质构造分析及矿产分布调查奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用浅地层剖面测量,对杭州湾北部地区的海底浅层天然气进行了调查与分析。探测结果呈现空白与幕状屏蔽、柱状扰动,顶界面不规则、两侧相位下拉等特征,显示该区域存在大量浅层天然气。分析结果表明:调查区域内的海底天然气整体埋藏较浅,深度通常在15~25m之间,赋存于中全新统砂层中,为甲烷型生物气,气体压力不大,属自生自储类型。圈划出了海域浅层气分布范围。成果可为未来海洋工程建设和浅层气灾害防治提供依据。  相似文献   

在对2005年广东珠江口-东平近海海域实测浅地层声学剖面资料进行地质解释的基础上,划分出八个地震相单元(亚单元),建立了调查区浅地层的沉积格架。对调查区内发育的沙脊、潮沟充填沉积体、浅海沙席和沙波等海底砂质地质体,以及埋藏潮流沙脊、大型充填潮沟和埋藏古河道等地质体的特征有了较深入的了解。对砂矿赋存条件、砂体厚度及物源供给等因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

舟山海域海砂资源声地层剖面探测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对研究区实测声地层剖面资料进行分析解释的基础上,对比地质浅钻资料,将浅部地层划分为四个地震相单元,对研究区浅地层的沉积格架有了进一步的认识。对区内海底潮流沙脊、沙席、埋藏潮流沙脊、海底沙波等砂质地质体的地质特征有了较深入的了解,并对砂矿的物质来源、成因进行了讨论,揭示出本区砂体近源沉积、快速堆积的特点。  相似文献   

参量阵浅地层剖面测量技术 在近岸海洋工程的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了海底浅地层声学探测技术的发展情况, 简述了新型参量阵声纳探测的原理和特点, 通过SES-96参量阵测深或浅地层剖面系统在山东半岛海区的应用实例, 对此新型参量阵声纳技术的应用效果进行了分析评价。  相似文献   

2004年12月使用浅地层剖面仪GeoChirpⅡ在长江口南港进行了浅地层剖面观测,采集的原始数据反映了声波记录在海底表面存在着振幅的极大值及该记录的信噪比较低.根据声波记录在海底表面的反射特征,首先在剖面图像中确定海底表面所在的采样点范围,然后采用最大振幅法实现海底反射信号的识别及海底地形的自动提取,并对提取出的海底地形进行平滑处理.采用该方法从长江口南港的浅地层剖面原始数据文件中识别了海底反射信号,实现了海底地形的自动提取并把提取出的海底地形和原海底地形进行了比较.结果表明,提取出的海底地形能够较精确地反映原海底表面韵律性的起伏形态,证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

在深入研究SEGY地震数据文件结构及其在PC机与IBM工作站平台的编码的基础上,追踪了SEGY格式地震数据从PC机到IBM工作站编码互换的全过程,发现并解决了转化过程的精度损失,从而保证了地震数据转化的精确性,为后续地震数据处理解释的准确性做好铺垫。  相似文献   

Summary The Finnish Ore Data File has already provided valuable experience on building, maintaining, and using an extensive data file with a great diversity of data. The file attempts to accommodate all relevant data on ore deposits in metamorphosed and strongly deformed Precambrian terrain. Because the deposits dealt with are generally well-studied and documented, they provide a great deal of precise information on ore deposits. The question arises as to how the system could be used internationally, especially bearing in mind developing countries. The two problems which should be solved for this purpose are: first, the forms, codes, and programs should be translated from Finnish into English; second, the structure of the file should be simplified to meet the demands of less studied areas and deposits. However, both problems could be resolved relatively easily without changing the basic principles involved.This paper was presented at the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) Project 98 entitled Standards for Computer Applications in Resource Studies held at Loen, Norway, September 27–October 1, 1976.  相似文献   

FIX号是深水浅剖资料与钻井、多波束以及其他地质资料对比的标志号。野外采集的SEGY格式的浅剖数据没有记录导航FIX号信息,未记录FIX号信息的SEGY数据无法为实际目标区域其他数据相对应,不便于为后续资料解释提供可对比的地理位置,从而降低识别天然气水合物层、天然气渗漏或扩散引起的沉积物声学异常特征的精度。这里提出了利用时间信息在浅剖中定位FIX号的方法,根据导航数据中FIX号、时间信息和浅剖数据中炮号、时间信息,通过二者时间信息进行匹配来标定FIX号。在linux系统下,利用awk编程语言编写模块程序与Focus 5.4地震资料处理系统模块结合使用,用于提取每条剖面的每道道头时间和相对应的导航数据时间;再用awk编程语言编写特殊处理模块程序,将地震道头时间与导航FIX号时间进行匹配处理,将匹配好的FIX信息依次植入浅剖道头数据中。该方法为资料的综合解释提供了准确的FIX号信息和可对比的地理位置。  相似文献   

To deeply understand the micro-/mesoscale dynamic characteristics of the torrential rain process in Urumqi and improve the levels of torrential rain monitoring, forecasting and early warning, this paper analyzed the wind profile features and related scientific problems of three typical torrential rain events seen in 2013–2015 in this region. The research results suggested that: (1) Radar wind profiler can record in detail the movement condition of the atmosphere during the process of torrential rains. Carrying out detailed analyses on the wind profile data is conductive to the improvement in monitoring, forecasting and warning to torrential rain event at a single observation station. (2) When Urumqi experiences heavy rain weather, noticeable wind shear is usually observed above the observation station. In the upper air, it is southwest wind, while in the lower air it is northwest wind, which is the typical wind profile pattern for heavy rain events in the Urumqi region. (3) Obvious northwest low-level jet stream is found to go together with precipitation, and the jet is positively correlated with precipitation intensity. The velocity of low-level jet stream greatly impacts the amount and intensity of precipitation. (4) The rainstorm weather phenomena are clearly presented by the time–height chart of radar reflectivity factors. The high reflectivity values correspond positively to the height range of cloud–rain particles as well as the duration and intensity of precipitation, so it can be used as a reference index of precipitation monitoring and early warning. In a word, this research deepens on the recognition to the micro-/mesoscale weather systems during the process of heavy rains in Urumqi. Moreover, it would contribute to the application improvement of wind profiler data in analyzing the heavy rainfalls in this region.  相似文献   

Three units, correlatable with recent Lake Champlain, late-glacial marine Champlain Sea, and proglacial Lake Vermont sediments, have been identified from about 200 km of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and eight piston cores collected in southern Lake Champlain. Lake Vermont deposits are nonfossiliferous and range from thin to absent nearshore and on bedrock highs to more than 126 m thick near Split Rock Point. Champlain Sea sediments contain marine foraminifers and ostracodes and are fairly uniform in thickness (20–30 m). Recent Lake Champlain sediments range in thickness from 0 to 25 m. Average sedimentation rates for Lake Vermont are considerably higher (4–8 cm/yr) than those for the Champlain Sea (0.8–1.2 cm/yr) and Lake Champlain (0.14–0.15 cm/yr). Bedrock, till, and deltaic and alluvial deposits were also identified on the acoustic records but were not sampled. An unconformity separating Champlain Sea deposits from Lake Champlain deposits is associated with numerous benches at water depths of 20–30 m. These benches, the alluvial deposits, and the onset of deltaic deposition are probably associated with a low water level stillstand at the close of the Champlain Sea episode.  相似文献   

针对油田局域网的特点,利用网络存储技术中的SOCKET编程方法,结合Linux或Unix系统中的常驻进程及输入输出控制技术解决海量地震数据交换的问题,这个方法可以实现远程磁带或磁盘数据的读取。对常用的地震数据SEGY格式及其存储特点进行分析,在SEG-Y格式的地震数据的读写技术中,采用位运算的方式解决移位及浮点数的读写操作。网络存储技术的应用实现了远程海量地震数据的存取,位运算方法提高了地震数据输入输出的速度。  相似文献   

GDP系列大地电磁系统是美国zonge公司的产品,自上世纪八十年代进入我国后,该系统在很多部门得到了应用和推广,在资源勘探、工程地质、灾害探测等领域发挥了巨大作用。由于zonge公司随仪器配套的软件有限,在实际应用中,需要根据实际情况要求进行一些特定的数据处理。人们在后期数据处理中涉及最多的是AVG数据文件,为了更好地进行二次开发,有必要对AVG文件格式进行研究。鉴于此,这里先对AVG文件的数据格式作了详细的解释,再提出在读取过程中所要解决的问题及其解决方法,然后给出了读取其数据格式的主要程序代码,最后给出了读取文件的实例,说明了程序的正确性。  相似文献   

正Da Qaidam salt lake is known for its both liquid and solid boron resource.Data from previous investigation of the Da Qaidam salt lake provided a comparable framework for this study that focused on investigating the section beneath the bottom of the perennial salt lake,including the timing,  相似文献   

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