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Atlanta, Georgia (City of Atlanta, COA), is one of the most rapidly growing urban areas in the US. Beginning in 2003, the US Geological Survey established a long‐term water‐quantity/quality monitoring network for the COA. The results obtained during the first 2 years have provided insights into the requirements needed to determine the extent of urban impacts on water quality, especially in terms of estimating the annual fluxes of suspended sediment, trace/major elements, and nutrients. During 2004/2005, suspended sediment fluxes from the City of Atlanta (COA) amounted to about 150 000 t year?1; ≥ 94% of the transport occurred in conjunction with storm‐flow, which also accounted for ≥ 65% of the annual discharge. Typically, storm‐flow averaged ≤20% of the year. Normally, annual suspended sediment fluxes are determined by summing daily loads based on a single calculation step using mean‐daily discharge and a single rating curve‐derived suspended sediment concentration. Due to the small and ‘flashy’ nature of the COAs streams, this approach could produce underestimates ranging from 25% to 64%. Accurate estimates ( ± 15%) require calculation time‐steps as short as every 2–3 h. Based on annual median base‐flow/storm‐flow chemical concentrations, the annual fluxes of ≥ 75% of trace elements (e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn), major elements (e.g. Fe, Al), and total P occur in association with suspended sediment; in turn, ≥ 90% of the transport of these constituents occur in conjunction with storm‐flow. As such, base‐flow sediment‐associated and dissolved contributions represent relatively insignificant portions of the total annual load. An exception is total N, whose sediment‐associated fluxes range from 50% to 60%; even so, storm‐related transport typically exceeds 80%. Hence, in urban environments, non‐point‐sources appear to be the dominant contributors to the fluxes of these constituents. Published in 2007by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined if riparian land use (forested vs agricultural) affects hydraulic transport in headwater streams located in an agriculturally fragmented watershed. We identified paired 50‐m reaches (one reach in agricultural land use and the other in forested land use) along three headwater streams in the Upper Sugar Creek Watershed in northeast Ohio, USA (40° 51′42″N, 81° 50′29″W). Using breakthrough curves obtained by Rhodamine WT slug injections and the one‐dimensional transport with inflow and storage model (OTIS), hydraulic transport parameters were obtained for each reach on six different occasions (n = 36). Relative transient storage (AS:A) was similar between both reach types (As: A = 0·3 ± 0·1 for both agricultural and forested reaches). Comparing values of Fmed200 to those in the literature indicates that the effect of transient storage was moderately high in the study streams in the Upper Sugar Creek Watershed. Examining travel times revealed that overall residence time (HRT) and residence time in transient storage (TSTO) were both longer in forested reaches (forested HRT = 19·1 ± 11·5 min and TSTO = 4·0 ± 3·8 min; agricultural HRT = 9·3 ± 5·3 min and TSTO = 1·7 ± 1·4 min). We concluded that the effect of transient storage on solute transport was similar between the forested and agricultural reaches but the forested reaches had a greater potential to retain solutes as a result of longer travel times. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Topography influences hydrological processes that in turn affect biogeochemical export to surface water on forested landscapes. The differences in long‐term average annual dissolved organic carbon (DOC), organic and inorganic nitrogen [NO3?‐N, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)], and phosphorus (total dissolved phosphorus, TDP) export from catchments in the Algoma Highlands of Ontario, Canada, with similar climate, geology, forest and soil were established. Topographic indicators were designed to represent topographically regulated hydrological processes that influence nutrient export, including (1) hydrological storage potential (i.e. effects of topographic flats/depressions on water storage) and (2) hydrological flushing potential (i.e. effects of topographic slopes on potential for variable source area to expand and tap into previously untapped areas). Variations in NO3?‐N export among catchments could be explained by indicators representing both hydrological flushing potential (91%, p < 0.001) and hydrological storage potential (65%, p < 0.001), suggesting the importance of hydrological flushing in regulating NO3?‐N export as well as surface saturated areas in intercepting NO3?‐N‐loaded runoff. In contrast, hydrological storage potential explained the majority of variations among catchments in DON (69%, p < 0.001), DOC (94%, p < 0.001) and TDP (82%, p < 0.001) export. The lower explanatory power of DON (about 15% less) compared with that of DOC and TDP suggests another mechanism influencing N export, such as controls related to alternative fates of nitrogen (e.g. as gas). This study shows that simple topographic indicators can be used to track nutrient sources, sinks and their transport and export to surface water from catchments on forest landscapes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Norman E. Peters 《水文研究》2009,23(20):2860-2878
A long‐term stream water quality monitoring network was established in the city of Atlanta, Georgia during 2003 to assess baseline water quality conditions and the effects of urbanization on stream water quality. Routine hydrologically based manual stream sampling, including several concurrent manual point and equal width increment sampling, was conducted ~12 times annually at 21 stations, with drainage areas ranging from 3·7 to 232 km2. Eleven of the stations are real‐time (RT) stations having continuous measures of stream stage/discharge, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, water temperature and turbidity, and automatic samplers for stormwater collection. Samples were analyzed for field parameters, and a broad suite of water quality and sediment‐related constituents. Field parameters and concentrations of major ions, metals, nutrient species and coliform bacteria among stations were evaluated and with respect to watershed characteristics and plausible sources from 2003 through September 2007. Most constituent concentrations are much higher than nearby reference streams. Concentrations are statistically different among stations for several constituents, despite high variability both within and among stations. Routine manual sampling, automatic sampling during stormflows and RT water quality monitoring provided sufficient information about urban stream water quality variability to evaluate causes of water quality differences among streams. Fecal coliform bacteria concentrations of most samples exceeded Georgia's water quality standard for any water‐usage class. High chloride concentrations occur at three stations and are hypothesized to be associated with discharges of chlorinated combined sewer overflows, drainage of swimming pool(s) and dissolution and transport during rainstorms of CaCl2, a deicing salt applied to roads during winter storms. One stream was affected by dissolution and transport of ammonium alum [NH4Al(SO4)2] from an alum‐manufacturing plant; streamwater has low pH (<5), low alkalinity and high metals concentrations. Several trace metals exceed acute and chronic water quality standards and high concentrations are attributed to washoff from impervious surfaces. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream water quality can change substantively during diurnal cycles, discrete flow events, and seasonal time scales. In this study, we assessed event responses in surface water nutrient concentrations and biogeochemical parameters through the deployment of continuous water quality sensors from March to October 2011 in the East Fork Jemez River, located in northern New Mexico, USA. Events included two pre‐fire non‐monsoonal precipitation events in April, four post‐fire precipitation events in August and September (associated with monsoonal thunderstorms), and two post‐fire non‐monsoonal precipitation events in October. The six post‐fire events occurred after the Las Conchas wildfire burned a significant portion of the contributing watershed (36%) beginning in June 2011. Surface water nitrate (NO3? N) concentrations increased by an average of 50% after pre‐fire and post‐fire non‐monsoonal precipitation events and were associated with small increases in turbidity (up to 15 NTU). Beginning 1 month after the start of the large regional wildfire, monsoonal precipitation events resulted in large multi‐day increases in dissolved NO3? N (6 × background levels), dissolved phosphate (100 × background levels), specific conductance (5 × background levels), and turbidity (>100 × background levels). These periods also corresponded with substantial sags in dissolved oxygen (<4 mg l?1) and pH (<6.5). The short duration and rapid rates of change during many of these flow events, particularly following wildfire, highlight the importance of continuous water quality monitoring to quantify the timing and magnitude of event responses in streams and to examine large water quality excursions linked to catchment disturbance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of both aluminium (Al) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in stream waters are likely to be regulated by factors that influence water flowpaths and residence times, and by the nature of the soil horizons through which waters flow. In order to investigate landscape‐scale spatial patterns in streamwater Al and DOC, we sampled seven streams draining the Hubbard Brook valley in central New Hampshire. We observed considerable variation in stream chemistry both within and between headwater watersheds. Across the valley, concentrations of total monomeric aluminium (Alm) ranged from below detection limits (<0·7 µmol l−1) to 22·3 µmol l−1. In general, concentrations of Alm decreased as pH increased downslope. There was a strong relationship between organic monomeric aluminium (Alo) and DOC concentrations (R2 = 0·92). We observed the highest Alm concentrations in: (i) a watershed characterized by a steep narrow drainage basin and shallow soils and (ii) a watershed characterized by exceptionally deep forest floor soils and high concentrations of DOC. Forest floor depth and drainage area together explained much of the variation in ln Alm (R2 = 0·79; N = 45) and ln DOC (R2 = 0·87; N = 45). Linear regression models were moderately successful in predicting ln Alm and ln DOC in streams that were not included in model building. However, when back‐transformed, predicted DOC concentrations were as much as 72% adrift from observed DOC concentrations and Alm concentrations were up to 51% off. This geographic approach to modelling Al and DOC is useful for general prediction, but for more detailed predictions, process‐level biogeochemical models are required. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream‐tracer injections were used to examine the effect of channel morphology and changing stream discharge on hyporheic exchange flows. Direct observations were made from well networks to follow tracer movement through the hyporheic zone. The reach‐integrated influence of hyporheic exchange was evaluated using the transient storage model (TSM) OTIS‐P. Transient storage modelling results were compared with direct observations to evaluate the reliability of the TSM. Results from the tracer injection in the bedrock reach supported the assumption that most transient storage in headwater mountain streams results from hyporheic exchange. Direct observations from the well networks in colluvial reaches showed that subsurface flow paths tended to parallel the valley axis. Cross‐valley gradients were weak except near steps, where vertical and cross‐valley hydraulic gradients indicated a strong potential for stream water to downwell into the hyporheic zone. The TSM parameters showed that both size and residence time of transient storage were greater in reaches with a few large log‐jam‐formed steps than in reaches with more frequent, but smaller steps. Direct observations showed that residence times in the unconstrained stream were longer than in the constrained stream and that little change occurred in the location and extent of the hyporheic zone between low‐ and high‐baseflow discharges in any of the colluvial reaches. The transient storage modelling results did not agree with these observations, suggesting that the TSM was insensitive to long residence‐time exchange flows and was very sensitive to changes in discharge. Disagreements between direct observations and the transient storage modelling results highlight fundamental problems with the TSM that confound comparisons between the transient storage modelling results for tracer injections conducted under differing flow conditions. Overall, the results showed that hyporheic exchange was little affected by stream discharge (at least over the range of baseflow discharges examined in this study). The results did show that channel morphology controlled development of the hyporheic zone in these steep mountain stream channels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streamwater quality can be affected by climate-related variability in hydrologic state, which controls flow paths and affects biogeochemical processes. Thirty-one years of input/output solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, a small, forested, seasonally water-limited watershed near Atlanta, Georgia, were used to quantify the effects of climatic-related variability in storage on streamwater solute concentrations and fluxes. Streamwater fluxes were estimated for ten solutes from weekly and event sample concentrations using regression-based methods. The most pertinent storage attribute (current or antecedent watershed, shallow, and deep storage) for each solute was determined by fitting separate concentration relationships. The concentration-discharge relationships varied more for reactive solutes such as potassium, sulfate, and DOC and less for weathering products (base cations and dissolved silica) and conservative chloride. Many solutes exhibited higher concentrations when storage levels were lower or wetting up, which was likely the result of the concentrating effects of evapotranspiration and/or the buildup and flushing of weathering products associated with longer residence times. The impacts of storage modeling on annual fluxes varied by solute, ranging from about 5% (magnesium) to 52% (nitrate) as relative standard deviations, and sufficiently removed climate-related patterns observed in streamwater concentrations. Sulfate was particularly mobilized following growing season droughts but only if deep storage was sufficiently recharged, possibly indicating that sulfides in the deep storage pool were oxidized to sulfate during droughts and mobilized when re-wetted. The lack of streamwater sulfate response to 61% declines in atmospheric deposition indicates the importance of watershed biogeochemical processes on controls of streamwater export of sulfate. The approach of explicitly incorporating storage in the streamwater concentration modeling elucidated the effects of climate on streamwater water-quality and may provide insight into the effects of climatic change on future fluxes.  相似文献   

Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) transports nutrients from a catchment to a lake, which may fuel eutrophication, one of the major threats to our fresh waters. Unfortunately, LGD has often been disregarded in lake nutrient studies. Most measurement techniques are based on separate determinations of volume and nutrient concentration of LGD: Loads are calculated by multiplying seepage volumes by concentrations of exfiltrating water. Typically low phosphorus (P) concentrations of pristine groundwater often are increased due to anthropogenic sources such as fertilizer, manure or sewage. Mineralization of naturally present organic matter might also increase groundwater P. Reducing redox conditions favour P transport through the aquifer to the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. In some cases, large decreases of P concentrations may occur at the interface, for example, due to increased oxygen availability, while in other cases, there is nearly no decrease in P. The high reactivity of the interface complicates quantification of groundwater‐borne P loads to the lake, making difficult clear differentiation of internal and external P loads to surface water. Anthropogenic sources of nitrogen (N) in groundwater are similar to those of phosphate. However, the environmental fate of N differs fundamentally from P because N occurs in several different redox states, each with different mobility. While nitrate behaves essentially conservatively in most oxic aquifers, ammonium's mobility is similar to that of phosphate. Nitrate may be transformed to gaseous N2 in reducing conditions and permanently removed from the system. Biogeochemical turnover of N is common at the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. Nutrient loads from LGD were compiled from the literature. Groundwater‐borne P loads vary from 0.74 to 2900 mg PO4‐P m?2 year?1; for N, these loads vary from 0.001 to 640 g m?2 year?1. Even small amounts of seepage can carry large nutrient loads due to often high nutrient concentrations in groundwater. Large spatial heterogeneity, uncertain areal extent of the interface and difficult accessibility make every determination of LGD a challenge. However, determinations of LGD are essential to effective lake management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quantitative evaluation of the effects of bedrock groundwater discharge on spatial variability of stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) concentrations has still been insufficient. We examined the relationships between stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations and bedrock groundwater contribution to stream water in forest headwater catchments in warm-humid climate zones. We sampled stream water and bedrock springs at multiple points in September and December 2013 in a 5 km2 forest headwater catchment in Japan and sampled groundwater in soil layer in small hillslopes. We assumed that stream water consisted of four end members, groundwater in soil layer and three types of bedrock groundwater, and calculated the contributions of each end member to stream water from mineral-derived solute concentrations. DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations in stream water were compared with the calculated bedrock groundwater contribution. The bedrock groundwater contribution had significant negative linear correlation with stream DOC concentration, no significant correlation with stream DIN concentration, and significant positive linear correlation with stream DIP concentration. These results highlighted the importance of bedrock groundwater discharge in establishing stream DOC and DIP concentrations. In addition, stream DOC and DIP concentrations were higher and lower, respectively, than those expected from end member mixing of groundwater in soil layer and bedrock springs. Spatial heterogeneity of DOC and DIP concentrations in groundwater and/or in-stream DOC production and DIP uptake were the probable reasons for these discrepancies. Our results indicate that the relationships between spatial variability of stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations and bedrock groundwater contribution are useful for comparing the processes that affect stream DOC, DIN and DIP concentrations among catchments beyond the spatial heterogeneity of hydrological and biogeochemical processes within a catchment.  相似文献   

Mountain regions throughout the world face intense development pressures associated with recreational and tourism uses. Despite these pressures, much of the research on bio‐geophysical impacts of humans in mountain regions has focused on the effects of natural resource extraction. This paper describes findings from the first 3 years of a study examining high elevation watershed processes in a region undergoing alpine resort development. Our study is designed as a paired‐watershed experiment. The Ranch Brook watershed (9·6 km2) is a relatively pristine, forested watershed and serves as the undeveloped ‘control’ basin. West Branch (11·7 km2) encompasses an existing alpine ski resort, with approximately 17% of the basin occupied by ski trails and impervious surfaces, and an additional 7% slated for clearing and development. Here, we report results for water years 2001–2003 of streamflow and water quality dynamics for these watersheds. Precipitation increases significantly with elevation in the watersheds, and winter precipitation represents 36–46% of annual precipitation. Artificial snowmaking from water within West Branch watershed currently augments annual precipitation by only 3–4%. Water yield in the developed basin exceeded that in the control by 18–36%. Suspended sediment yield was more than two and a half times greater and fluxes of all major solutes were higher in the developed basin. Our study is the first to document the effects of existing ski area development on hydrology and water quality in the northeastern US and will serve as an important baseline for evaluating the effects of planned resort expansion activities in this area. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

换水率和营养水平对太湖流域横山水库硅藻水华的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨水文过程对水库硅藻异常增殖的影响,对江苏宜兴横山水库的硅藻生消过程中浮游植物、水质、降水、水位、气温等指标进行观测研究.结果表明,横山水库硅藻年际生物量波动很大,9月出现明显的异常增殖,总生物量达到14.27 mg/L,硅藻的优势属为针杆藻(Synedra)、小环藻(Cyclotella)、曲壳藻(Achnanthes)和直链藻(Melosira),以针杆藻的优势度最高;浮游植物生物量与营养盐浓度关系不明显,与总氮浓度甚至呈负相关,但小环藻生物量与水体溶解性磷浓度呈正相关;水库的换水率与浮游植物生物量、硅藻的异常增殖过程和营养盐浓度水平均密切关联,总氮、溶解性磷浓度与水库换水率呈正相关,而硅藻生物量与水库换水率呈指数负相关.数值拟合分析显示硅藻生物量可以用换水率和磷浓度推算而得.研究表明,对于中营养水平的水库,硅藻生物量变化可能受水文过程与水质条件共同控制,在水库的硅藻水华防控中,既要加强营养盐水平的严格控制,也需考虑水文过程的调控手段.  相似文献   

淀山湖氮磷营养物20年变化及其藻类增长响应   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
程曦  李小平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(4):409-419
从淀山湖20年的监测数据和AGP试验结果人手,结合20年的遥感影像资料,分析淀山湖氮磷营养物的长期变化规律及其对藻类演替和增长的影响.从1985年第一次大规模藻类水华暴发,经过15年的营养物积累,在1999-2000年之间,淀山湖由中度富营养化湖泊逐渐转化为重度富营养化湖泊,1999年之后淀山湖水体氮磷营养物大量聚集.叶绿素a水平迅速提高.分别以1999年前的2.25倍、6.67倍和3.40倍的速率上升,其中以磷的上升速率为最快;透明度则以平均每年递减5cm的速度下降.藻类群落转化为以绿藻和蓝藻为主,藻类水华的频率为1999年前的2-3倍.当水体TN浓度超过3.5mg/L时,AGP试验不再有任何显著性反应.2002年的现场试验和藻类水华频次与高浓度TN出现概率的相关分析表明,夏秋季当水体TN浓度在3.5mg/L时,可以引起藻类大量增长;高浓度TN出现概率越高,藻类水华的次数越多.研究证明淀山溯已经具备暴发大规模、大面积蓝藻水华的条件,水体TN浓度超过临界值(>3.5mg/L)的频次越多,淀山湖爆发蓝藻水华的可能性越大.  相似文献   

Lake eutrophication is a large and growing problem in many parts of the world, commonly due to anthropogenic sources of nutrients. Improved quantification of nutrient inputs is required to address this problem, including better determination of exchanges between groundwater and lakes. This first of a two‐part review provides a brief history of the evolution of the study of groundwater exchange with lakes, followed by a listing of the most commonly used methods for quantifying this exchange. Rates of exchange between lakes and groundwater compiled from the literature are statistically summarized for both exfiltration (flow from groundwater to a lake) and infiltration (flow from a lake to groundwater), including per cent contribution of groundwater to lake‐water budgets. Reported rates of exchange between groundwater and lakes span more than five orders of magnitude. Median exfiltration is 0.74 cm/day, and median infiltration is 0.60 cm/day. Exfiltration ranges from near 0% to 94% of input terms in lake‐water budgets, and infiltration ranges from near 0% to 91% of loss terms. Median values for exfiltration and infiltration as percentages of input and loss terms of lake‐water budgets are 25% and 35%, respectively. Quantification of the groundwater term is somewhat method dependent, indicating that calculating the groundwater component with multiple methods can provide a better understanding of the accuracy of estimates. The importance of exfiltration to a lake budget ranges widely for lakes less than about 100 ha in area but generally decreases with increasing lake area, particularly for lakes that exceed 100 ha in area. No such relation is evident for lakes where infiltration occurs, perhaps because of the smaller sample size. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A comprehensive hydro-ecological investigation was conducted to determine the ecological response of increased groundwater withdrawals from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, an important source of water supply in southern New Jersey, USA. Collocated observations were made of aquatic-macroinvertebrate assemblages and stream hydrologic attributes to develop flow–ecology response relations. A sub-regional transient groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was used to simulate three plausible high-stress groundwater-withdrawal scenarios which resulted in stream baseflow reductions of approximately 0.12, 0.20, and 0.26 m3 s-1. These reduction scenarios were used to construct flow-alteration ecological response models to evaluate aquatic-macroinvertebrate response to streamflow reduction. For example, flow-alteration ecological response models indicate that if groundwater withdrawals diminish mean annual streamflow from 1.1 to 0.6 m3 s-1, the abundance of intolerant taxa could be reduced by as much as 20%. These flow-alteration ecological response modelling results could be used by resource professionals to evaluate alternative water management strategies to determine maximum basin withdrawal rates that meet ongoing human water demand while protecting biological integrity.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Kennen, J.G., Riskin, M.L., and Charles, E.G., 2014. Effects of streamflow reductions on aquatic macroinvertebrates: linking groundwater withdrawals and assemblage response in southern New Jersey streams, USA. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 545–561.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of storm events on nitrate (NO3?) dynamics is important for efficiently managing NO3? pollution. In this study, five sites representing a downstream progression of forested uplands underlain by resistant sandstone to karst lowlands with agricultural, urban and mixed land‐use were established in Spring Creek, a 201 km2 mixed land‐use watershed in central Pennsylvania, USA. At each site, stream water was monitored during six storm events in 2005 to assess changes in stable isotopes of NO3?15N‐NO3? and δ18O‐NO3?) and water (δ18O‐H2O) from baseflow to peakflow. Peakflow fractions of event NO3? and event water were then computed using two‐component mixing models to elucidate NO3? flow pathway differences among the five sites. For the forested upland site, storm size appeared to affect NO3? sources and flow pathways. During small storms (<35 mm rainfall), greater event NO3? fractions than event water fractions indicated the prevalence of atmospheric NO3? source contributions at peakflow. During larger storms (>35 mm rainfall), event NO3? fractions were less than event water fractions at peakflow suggesting that NO3? was flushed from stored sources via shallow subsurface flow pathways. For the urbanized site, wash‐off of atmospheric NO3? was an important NO3? source at peakflow, especially during short‐duration storms where event water contributions indicated the prevalence of overland flow. In the karst lowlands, very low fractions of event water and even lower fractions of event NO3? at peakflow suggested the dominance of ground water flow pathways during storms. These ground water flow pathways likely flushed stored NO3? sources into the stream, while deep soils in the karst lowlands also may have promoted NO3? assimilation. The results of this study illustrated how NO3? isotopes and δ18O‐H2O could be combined to show key differences in water and NO3? delivery between forested uplands, karst valleys and fully urbanized watersheds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying the effects of anthropogenic processes on groundwater in arid regions can be complicated by thick unsaturated zones with long transit times. Human activities can alter water and nutrient fluxes, but their impact on groundwater is not always clear. This study of basins in the Trans‐Pecos region of Texas links anthropogenic land use and vegetation change with alterations to unsaturated zone fluxes and regional increases in basin groundwater NO3? concentrations. Median increases in groundwater NO3? (by 0.7–0.9 mg‐N/l over periods ranging from 10 to 50+ years) occurred despite low precipitation (220–360 mm/year), high potential evapotranspiration (~1570 mm/year), and thick unsaturated zones (10–150+ m). Recent model simulations indicate net infiltration and groundwater recharge can occur beneath Trans‐Pecos basin floors, and may have increased due to irrigation and vegetation change. These processes were investigated further with chemical and isotopic data from groundwater and unsaturated zone cores. Some unsaturated zone solute profiles indicate flushing of natural salt accumulations has occurred. Results are consistent with human‐influenced flushing of naturally accumulated unsaturated zone nitrogen as an important source of NO3? to the groundwater. Regional mass balance calculations indicate the mass of natural unsaturated zone NO3? (122–910 kg‐N/ha) was sufficient to cause the observed groundwater NO3? increases, especially if augmented locally with the addition of fertilizer N. Groundwater NO3? trends can be explained by small volumes of high NO3? modern recharge mixed with larger volumes of older groundwater in wells. This study illustrates the importance of combining long‐term monitoring and targeted process studies to improve understanding of human impacts on recharge and nutrient cycling in arid regions, which are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and increasing human reliance on dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Recently, evapotranspiration has been hypothesized to promote the secondary formation of calcium carbonate year‐round on tree islands in the Everglades by influencing groundwater ions concentrations. However, the role of recharge and evapotranspiration as drivers of shallow groundwater ion accumulation has not been investigated. The goal of this study is to develop a hydrologic model that predicts the chloride concentrations of shallow tree island groundwater and to determine the influence of overlying biomass and underlying geologic material on these concentrations. Groundwater and surface water levels and chloride concentrations were monitored on eight constructed tree islands at the Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA) from 2007 to 2010. The tree islands at LILA were constructed predominately of peat, or of peat and limestone, and were planted with saplings of native tree species in 2006 and 2007. The model predicted low shallow groundwater chloride concentrations when inputs of regional groundwater and evapotranspiration‐to‐recharge rates were elevated, while low evapotranspiration‐to‐recharge rates resulted in a substantial increase of the chloride concentrations of the shallow groundwater. Modeling results indicated that evapotranspiration typically exceeded recharge on the older tree islands and those with a limestone lithology, which resulted in greater inputs of regional groundwater. A sensitivity analysis indicated the shallow groundwater chloride concentrations were most sensitive to alterations in specific yield during the wet season and hydraulic conductivity in the dry season. In conclusion, the inputs of rainfall, underlying hydrologic properties of tree islands sediments and forest structure may explain the variation in ion concentration seen across Everglades tree islands. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The pore water pressure head that builds in the soil during storms is a critical factor for the prediction of potential slope instability. We report findings from a 3‐year study of pressure head in 83 piezometers distributed within a 13‐ha forested catchment on the northern coast of California. The study's primary objective was to observe the seasonal and storm‐based dynamics of pressure head at a catchment scale in relation to observed rainfall characteristics and in situ topography to better understand landscape patterns of pressure head. An additional goal was to determine the influence of the interaction between rainfall and forest canopy in altering delivery of water and pressure head during the large storms necessary to induce landsliding. We found that pressure head was highly variable in space and time at the catchment scale. Pore pressures peaked close to maximum rainfall intensity during the largest storms measured. The difference between rainfall and throughfall delivered through the canopy was negligible during the critical landslide‐producing peak rainfall periods. Pore pressure was spatially variable within the catchment and did not strongly correlate with surficial topographic features. Only 23% of the piezometers located in a variety of slope positions were found to be highly responsive to rainfall. Topographic index statistically explained peak pressure head at responsive locations during common storms, but not during the larger storms with potential to produce landslides. Drainage efficiency throughout the catchment increased significantly in storms exceeding 2 to 7 months peak pressure head return period indicated by slowing or cessation of the rate of increase of pressure head with increasing storm magnitude. This asymptotic piezometric pattern persisted through the largest storm measured during the study. Faster soil drainage suppressed pressure head response in larger storms with important process implications for pore pressure development and landslide hazard modelling. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tuolumne Meadows is a groundwater dependent ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada of California, USA, that is threatened by hydrologic impacts that may lead to a substantial loss of organic matter in the soil. In order to provide a scientific basis for management of this type of ecosystem, this paper quantifies the effect of soil organic content on soil water retention and water use by plants. First, we show a substantial dependence of soil water retention on soil organic content by correlating Van Genuchten soil water retention parameters with soil organic content, independent of soil texture. Then, we demonstrate the impact of organic content on plants by simulating the degree to which root water uptake is affected by soil water retention with the use of a physically based numerical model of variably saturated groundwater flow. Our results indicate that the increased water retention by soil organic matter contributes as much as 8.8 cm to transpiration, or 35 additional water‐stress free days, during the dry summer when plants experience increased water stress.  相似文献   

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