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Injection of carbon dioxide into coal seams is considered to be a potential method for its sequestration away from the atmosphere. However, water present in coals may retard injection: especially if carbon dioxide does not wet the coal as well as water. Thus contact angles in the coal-water-CO2 system were measured using CO2 bubbles in water/coal systems at 40 °C and pressures up to 15 MPa using five bituminous coals. At low pressures, in this CO2/water/coal system, receding contact angles for the coals ranged between 80° to 100°; except for one coal that had both high ash yield and low rank, with a contact angle of 115°, indicating that it was hydrophilic. With increasing pressure, the receding contact angles for the different coals decreased, indicating that they became more CO2-wetting. The relationship between contact angle and pressure was approximately linear. For low ash or high rank coals, at high pressure the contact angle was reduced to 30-50°, indicating the coals became strongly CO2-wetting; that is CO2 fluids will spontaneously penetrate these wet coals. In the case of the coal that was both high ash and hydrophilic, the contact angle did not drop to 90° even at the highest pressures used. These results suggest that CO2 will not be efficiently adsorbed by all wet coals equally well, even at high pressure. It was found that at high pressures (> 2 MPa) the rate of penetration of carbon dioxide into the coals increased rapidly with decreasing contact angle, independently of pressure. Injecting CO2 into wet coals that have both low rank and high ash will not trap CO2 as well as injecting it into high rank or low ash coals.  相似文献   

Presently many research projects focus on the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. It is intended to apply underground storage techniques such as flue gas injection in unminable coal seams. In this context, an experimental study has been performed on the adsorption of pure CO2 and preferential sorption behavior of flue gas. A coal sample from the Silesian Basin in Poland (0.68% V Rr), measured in the dry and wet state at 353 K has been chosen for this approach. The flue gas used was a custom class industrial flue gas with 10.9% of CO2, 0.01% of CO, 9% of H2, 3.01% of CH4, 3.0% of O2, 0.106% of SO2 and nitrogen as balance.Adsorption isotherms of CO2 and flue gas were measured upto a maximum of 11 MPa using a volumetric method. Total excess sorption capacities for CO2 on dry and wet Silesia coal ranged between 1.9 and 1.3 mmol/g, respectively. Flue gas sorption capacities on dry and wet Silesia coal were much lower and ranged between 0.45 and 0.2 mmol/g, respectively, at pressures of 8 MPa. The low sorption capacity of wet coal has resulted from water occupying some of the more active adsorption sites and hence reducing the heterogeneity of adsorption sites relative to that of dry coal. Desorption tests with flue gas were conducted to study the degree of preferential sorption of the individual components. These experiments indicate that CO2 is by far the prefered sorbing component under both wet and dry conditions. This is followed by CH4. N2 adsorbs very little on the coal in the presence of CO2 and CH4. It is also observed that the adsorption of CO2 onto coal is not significantly hindered by the addition of other gases, other than dilution effect of the pressure.In addition to the sorption experiments, the density of the flue gas mixture has been determined up to 18 MPa at 318 K. A very good precision of these measurements were documented by volumetric methods.  相似文献   

CO2 injected in the reservoir of McElroy Field, TX, for a CO2 flood was in the supercritical state. Supercritical CO2 fluid is capable of extracting light and intermediate hydrocarbons from rocks but is unable to extract heavy hydrocarbons and asphaltics. Therefore, plugging of asphaltics in reservoir rocks and a consequent reduction in injectivity and recovery may result when CO2 only is used in enhanced oil recovery. By adding common solvents as chemical modifiers, the flooding fluid shows marked improvement in solvency for heavy components of crudes due to its increased density and polarity. Numerous supercritical CO2 fluid extractions of dolomite rock from the Grayburg Formation containing known amount of spiked McElroy crude oil have been carried out to evaluate extraction efficiencies of CO2 and CO2 with chemical modifiers at various temperatures and pressures. All experiments show that extraction efficiency increases with increasing CO2 pressure but decreases with increasing temperature. Addition of chemical modifiers to CO2 also shows improved extraction efficiency and reduced asphaltic deposits. Under the pressure and temperature similar to McElroy reservoir conditions; chemically modified CO2 yielded almost 3 times as much oil extracts as those in extractions with CO2 only. It also reduced the asphaltics content in extracted rocks to nearly one half; indicating its potential for mitigating asphaltics plugging of formation rocks  相似文献   

Modelling the sorption properties of coals for carbon dioxide under supercritical conditions is necessary for accurate prediction of the sequestering ability of coals in seams. We present recent data for sorption curves of three dry Argonne Premium coals, for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen at two different temperatures at pressures up to 15 MPa. The sorption capacity of coals tends to decrease with increasing temperature. An investigation into literature values for sorption of nitrogen and methane by charcoal also show sorption capacities that decrease dramatically with increasing temperature. This is inconsistent with expectations from Langmuir models of coal sorption, which predict a sorption capacity that is independent of temperature. We have successfully fitted the isotherms using a modified Dubinin–Radushkevich equation that uses gas density rather than pressure. A simple pore-filling model that assumes there is a maximum pore width that can be filled in supercritical conditions and that this maximum pore width decreases with increasing temperature, can explain this temperature dependence of sorption capacity. It can also explain why different supercritical gases give apparently different surface sorption capacities on the same material. The calculated heat of sorption for these gases on these coals is similar to those found for these gases on activated carbon.  相似文献   

The draw down of CO2 from the atmosphere during mineral weathering plays a major role in the global budget of this greenhouse gas. Silicate minerals remove twice the CO2 of carbonate minerals per mole of calcium in runoff during weathering. Bedrock weathering chemistry was investigated in the White River watershed of northeastern USA to investigate whether there are seasonal differences in carbonate and silicate weathering chemistry. Geographic Information Systems analyses of bedrock geology were combined with major element concentrations in river waters to gain an understanding of the consistency of mineral weathering during three seasons. The percent of carbonate mineralogy comprising the bedrock in tributaries of the White River varied from less than 5% to 45% by area. A mass balance calculation using major element concentrations in waters was applied to estimate the seasonal relationships between bedrock geology and bicarbonate flux. In all tributaries and the main stem of the White River the highest calculated percent of bicarbonate from carbonate mineral weathering was measured in the late fall. The results suggest that carbonate and silicate bedrock weathering processes are seasonally controlled. Thus single season sampling could not accurately represent an entire year's geochemical budget. In the White River, water samples obtained solely during the summer would consistently underestimate the total yearly source of bicarbonate from carbonate bedrock weathering. The same sample set would also provide data that would lead to an underestimation of the yearly atmospheric CO2 draw down by bedrock weathering in the watershed. For example at four of the seven locations studied there was an almost two-fold difference between summer and spring calculated atmospheric CO2 consumption rates.  相似文献   

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